The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, August 14, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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Omaha Advertisements
V. O. STRICkl.F.R.
AtU rocy. C New York Life Bllg.
SHEKlr F'S SALE Hy vlrtueof aa order of
sale luwl out of Uie district Court fur
Douglaa eiunty. Nebr ska, ami lu me di
rected. 1 iu the 1st day of rs-ptembrr. A.
Ji. I'M. t to o cl'H'li at. of said day a the
KAM front dimr .f the f unly ciurl h.iuw,
In the city of Oman. Douglas county. N -hra-ka.
sell at puhl . auction to the highest
bidder for cash, the or iperiy described in
said order ot atie a follows, to-wlt :
The east twenty cjm feet ot lot eleven ill',
and the twcntv (2o feet of lot tw Ivo
ill', all In hk-k "It," In Hilnn's Second addi
tion to the city . f Omaha. surveyed,
platted ad recorded, all lu Douglas county,
state of Nebraska
Said property tot sold to aatls'y Annie B.
Rees, defendant herein, the sum of ou
thousand niue hund'ed and atxty-een aud
Ssvluu dollar tilMi' W judgment, with Inter
eat thereon at rate of seven (?i per cent per
annum from Way 4th. lrisl. etug a Ural lit n
upon above descril?d property.
To satisfy iN-catur t'lty Hank . a corpora
tion, plaintiff herein, the turn of eight hun
dred and twi-lve ollara i8'2 out judtrment.
with lutcrest thereon at rnte of teuileiper
Cent per annum f rou May 4 b. I rim. being a
second Hen upue above described property.
To satisfy the Gate Olty Hut Company, de
fendant herein, the sum of thr hundred
ard eighteen atd tlS-I'm dollar tills ttti. with
Interest I hereon at the rale of seven ("I per
cent per annun from November 26th. Isn4.
which la a third lien upon above described
To satisfy Hulskamp Brothers Compmy.
defendants herein, the sum of five hundred
and ninety-eight and 98 loo dollars
with Interest thereon at seven 7i per cent
per annuvi from November 2 t la. 14. which
amount Is a fourth lien upon said above de
scribed property.
Tosatisfy the Kllpatrlck-Knch Pry Goods
Company, defendant herein, the sum of two
hundred and Hfty-four and 36-ltai dollars
i2,'t4.3Hi. with Interest thereon at the rate of
seven (7i per cent per annum from November
Jtilh, 1I4. which amount Is a fifth lien upon
said above descrltied property.
To tatlsfy the further sum ot eighty-one
and 13-100 dollars isl 13) costs herein, udiII
paid, together with accruing costs, accord
ing to a Judgment rendered by the district
court of said Douglas county, at Its May
term, A. 1). 1896, In a certain action then and
there pending, wherein lecatur City Hauk,
a rporatlon. Is plainiltT, and Iiavld K.
Suilth. Mary A. Smith (his wife). Mary K.
Dutcber. Annie H. Kees, L. M. Smith. WaDer
N. Cassell. The Gate City Hat (Ximpauy. The
C. Shenkby Company, Hulskamp Brnlhers
Con pany, James r enter and Charles Robln
son, James Fomster A Company, John T.
Plrle, George Scott, Robert Scott, Andrew
M. Lelsh, John A. Sweet, James Grosse,
Samuel C. I'lrle, John C. Scott, John J. Wood
and Henry Grosse, partners. Louis Wyler,
Isaac Wyler, Win. Ackerland, Max Acker
land and A. E. Wyler, partners as Wyler,
Ackerland & Company. Henry C. Schwab
Hnd Alfred Schwab, partners as Schwab
Brothers. Leonard Atkinson Company..!. W.
Peregoy and W. K. Moore, partners us Pere
goy Sc. Moore, Kilpalrlck-Kech Dry Goods
Company, Friedman Brothers St Schafer.The
Trojan Shirt Collar Company, C. E. Hradt,
M. D. Shipman and G. E. Hradt. partners as
Bradt .V Shipman. Toll rton & Stetson Com
pany. The Hartman Trunk Company, field
ing Brothers Company, Joel J. Bailey .V Com
pany. C. M. Henderson & Company, Palmer
& Company, 1. W. Wells and Thomas A.
Brock were defendant.
Unialia, Nebraska. July Ill-it. 1896.
John w. Mcdonald
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska,
V. O. Strickler. attorney.
Decatur City Hank vs. Smith, et al.
Doc. 00; No, 301. 7 31-5
Attorneys, 1404 Farnam Street.
Sale. Under and hy virtue of an order
of Bale oi decree of foreclosure of mortgage
Issued out of the dtslrlct court for Douglas
county, state of Nebraska, and to me di
rected. I will, on the 31st day of August,
A. D. 1896. at one o'clock P. ft. of said day, at
the north front door of the cirunty court
house, in the city of Omaha. Douglas county,
Nebraska, sell at public auction to the high
est bidder for cash, the property described in
said order of 'ale as follows, to-wlt:
Lot till i ty CM) In Reed' s Second Addition
to the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne
braska.' Said property to be sold to satisfy Harry J.
Twlntlng defendaut herein. the sum of three
hundred thirty-t wo and 4.')-100 dollars(:i32.45),
with Interest thereon from the 6th day of
May, lslio, at the rale of ten (10) per cent per
annum, and attorneys fees amounting to
thirty-three and 24 -lot) dollars (533.24), to
gether with accruing costs, according to a
judgment rendered by the district court of
salt! Douglas county, at. Its May term, A. D.
18H5. In a certain aciion then and there pend
ing, wherein George Jeffrey Is plaintiff, and
H. J. Twlntlng. H. H. I roy. County Treasurer,
Douglas County, Nebraska. Saunders. Mac
farland & Dickey aad Eleanor P. Sidley are
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, July 31st, A
D. lt(l.
Special Master Commissioner.
Saunders & Macfarlaud, attorneys for de
fendants. Jeffrey vs. Twlntlng, et al. Doc. 42; No. 190.
Attorney, 627 New York Life Building,
Sale. Under and by virtue ot an order
of sale on decree of foreclosure of niort-
fage. Issued out. of the district court for
louglas county. Nebraska, and to me direct
ed. 1 will, on the 1st day of September, A. D.
1896, at ten o'clock A. M. of said day at the
norh front door of the county court house,
In the city of Omaha. Douglas county, Ne
braska, sell at public auction to the highest
Udder for cash, the property described In
said order of sale as follows, to-wlt:
Lot number forty-nine (4!l). Fairmont
Place, an addition to the city of Omaha, ss
surveyed platted and recorded, all situated
In Douglas county, state of Nebraska.
Said property to be sold to satisfy Michigan
Mutual Life Insurance Company, plaintiff
herein, the sum of onethousand live hundred
sind 28 HO dollars (Jl.5u0.2H), with Interest
thereon at the rate of ten (101 per cent per from September 2 rd, 1895.
To satisfy the further sum of twenty-two
Bnd 03 100 dollars 122.03) cost herein, to
gether with accruing costs, according to a
judgment rendered by the district court of
said Douglas county, at Its September term,
A. D. 1WI5, In a certain action then and
there pending, wherein Michigan Mutual
Life Insurance Company Is plaintiff, and
Thomas J. Lund, Christine Lund, James W.
Whit and White, his wife (first and
real name unknown), I harles Malander,
Hans Peterson and J. Hanson inrst
and real name unknown) are defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska. July Jllst. 1800.
Special Master Commissioner.
F. B. Tiffany, attorney for plalrtlffs.
MIch.Mut. Life. Ins. Co. vs. Lund, 't al.
Doc. 50; No. 3119. 7 31-5
Attorneys, 1404 Farnam Street.
To the defendants, Sarah O. Lyons.
Lvons. first name unknown, her husband.
Moses Hosserman, and Mrs. Hosser t an, Brst
name unknown, his wife and J. G. Hldrltfge,
first name unknown, non-resident de
fendants: You will take notice that on the 15th day of
July, lhWl, James L. Browne. plaintiff herein,
filed his petition In the district court of
Douglas county, Nebraska, against Victor G.
Lantry. Sarah O. Lyons and Mr. Lyons, first
name unknown, her husband; Moses Hosser
man. Mrs Hosserman, first name unknown,
tils wife, and J. G. Kldrldge, first name un
known, and others, the object and prayer of
which are to foreclose certain tax certifi
cates dated November 15th, 1KD2, and taxes
paid thereunder, and covering the following
described real estate, situated In Douglas
county, Nebraska, to-wlt: Lots five (5) and
twenty (20) In block ninety-seven (97), lots
five i5i and six ((1) la b.ock one hundred and
thirteen (113) and lot seven (7i In block eighty
(0), all in the town of Florence, upon which
there Is now due the sums of 7.81. f 10.71. J8.97,
jw.Miand tfl.93. with interest from July 15th,
lm at the rate of ten (10) per cent per an
num, attorney's fees amounting to ten (10)
per cent of the decree and all costs. Plain
tiff prays that the defendants may be re
quired to pay the same or that said prem
ises may be sold tosatisfy the ainoui t found
due. and that the said defendants be de
barred of all right, title or Interest In said
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 24th day of August, lHMtj.
Dated, Omaha, Nebraska, July 17. 1MU.
By Saunders & Micfarland, his attorneys.
Doc. 57; No. 3. 7-17-4
Attorneys, 14il Farnaui Street.
LMlF.klr'F'S SALE. Hy virtue of an order
O of sale 1-nued out of tne dlktrtcl court
for lhmgla couutv. Nebraska, and to me
directed. I will, on the iuh day of Augut. A.
It is 6. al ten o clock . M of said day. at
the LAST front door of the county court j
house. In the cliy or Omaha. IKiugiascouniy,
Nebraka. wll at puhl'c auction to the high
est bidder for cn-h. the piMperty described
In said order "f ale a follows, to-wit:
L ts three 3', four 4. six ni, seven i7l. ten
(m. fifteen ilii. seventeen 'I7 etghlee n (ll.
rlneteen i'" and twenty - In block one
hundred aud hfl.-en .IIS: also lot two (Mo
block one hun red and mnel"eti ill'", lot
three In block oi e hui dred and thlrly
threl 'l sod lot nln iVi in block one hun
dred and nfty-elght 1i. ail In the town lor
cltyiof Flor-nee. as surveyed, plalwd and
reco ded. all lu Douglas county, slate of Ne
braska. Said property to be o!d to satify Philip L.
Johnson. plaleniT herein. he sum of ninety
one and 70 IH) dollars .'1.7oi judgment, with
Interest thereon ai rste of ten ilth per ceut
per annum from May 4th. which amount
Is a tint valid aud existing lien upon said
above described property.
Also to satisfy the sum of t wenty four and
4-IO0 dollars if.'4 4i costs herein, together
with accruing costs according to a judgment
rendered by the district court of said Doug
las county, at Its May term. A. D. ls'.i.
in a certain action then and tberv pending,
wherein Philip L.Johnson is plaintiff, and
Victor G. Langtry. Mary M. Langlry, his
wife. Alfred F. Wolff. Mary A. White and
Frank K. Moorea, Clerk of the District Court
of Douglas county, Nebraska, ara de
fendants. Omaha, Nebraska. July 24th. I!n.
john w Mcdonald.
herlff of Douglu County. Nebraska.
Saunders & Mac farland. attorneys.
Johns in vs. Langlry, et al.
Doc. 51; No. 252. 7-24-5
Attorneys, 1401 Farnam Street.
Sale. Under and by virtue of an order
of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage
Issued out of the district court for Douglas
county, state of Nebraska, and to me di
rected. I will, on the 31st day of August, A.
D Ixoo at one o'clock P. M. of said day. at the
EAST front door of the county court house.
In the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Ne
braska, sell at pu'dlc auction to the highest
hidd r for cash, the property described In
said order of sale as follows, to-w t:
Lot two(2), In block one ill, Mayne Place,
an addition to the city of Omaha, Douglas
county, Nebraska.
Said property to be sold to satisfy P. L.
Johnson, plaintiff herein, the mm of three
hundred Hfty-seven and 73-KiO dollars
(&I57 73). and an attorney's fee amounting to
thirty-five and 77-100 dollars .!.. 77 1, together
with Interest on both of said amounts at
the rate of seven (7) per cent per annum from
Bepti aiber 17lh. 1W4.
Tosatisfy costs of said case taxed at one
hundred iwenty-Mve and 05-100 dollars
(I125.ti5i. together wllh accruing costs, accord
ing to a judgment rendered by the district
court of said Douglas county, at lis Septem
ber term. A. D. Ism, In a certain action then
and there pending, wherein P. L. Johnson
was plaintiff, and Joseph P.Thompson aud
Reuben W. Ross, executors of the estate of
Reuben Ross, deceased. Frances I. Thomas
Dexter L. Thomas. Andrew MIIes.exe Ml tor or
he estate of John L. Miles, deceased, and
James Thompson, were defendants.
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska July 24th, A.
D. ld'.H.
Special Master Commissioner,
Saunders & Macfarland, attorneys for plain
tiff. Johnson vs. Thompson.
Dec. 44; No. 374. 7-21-5
Attorneys, 14(4 Farnam Street.
SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order
of sale Issued out of the district court
for Douglas county. Nebraska, and to me di
rected. 1 will, on the 25th day of August. A.
D. IHon at ten o'clock A. M. of said day. at the
EAST frontdoor of the county court house,
in the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Ne
braska, sell at public au tlon to the h ghest
bidder for casn. the property described In
said order of sale as folb w, to-wlt:
Lot fifteen il5), block one hnndred snd
flfty-elgl (15M, and till of blocks two hun
dred and fifty-eight (258) and two hundred
and sixty-three (203), all In the town (or city)
of Florence, as surveyed, platted and re
corded, all In Douglas couuty, state of Ne
braska. Said property to be sold to sat'sfy Philip L.
Johnson plaintiff herein, the sum of ninety
one and 40 100 dollars (S'.U. 40) Judgment, with
Interest, thereon at the rate of ten (10) per
cent per annum from May 4lh. 1S!I. which
amount Is t first valid and existing Hen upon
said above described property.
To satisfy the sum of thirty-two and 43-100
dollars S32 43) costs herein, together with ac
cruing costs, according to a judgment ren
dered by the district couitofsaid Douglas
county, at Its May term, A. I). IK!, In acer
taln action then and there pending, wherein
Philip L. Johnson is plaintiff, and Omaha &
Florence Land & Trust Company. August
Randow, Nebraska Savings Ac Exchange
Bank, George A. Hoagland Frank E. Moores,
Clerk of the Dlstrlctcourt, Rachel A.Crever,
Nebraska National Bank of Omaha, Ne
braska. George W. Loomls. Administrator of
the estate of August Randow. deceased,
Mary Huzzard and Walter G. Clark, Admin
istrator of the estate of Hugh G. Clark, de
ceased, defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska. July 24th, IB!).
Sheriff of Douglas County. Nebraska.
Saunders & Macfarland, attorneys.
Johnson vs. Omaha & Florence Land & Trust
Company. Doc. 51; No. 277. 7-24-5
Attorneys, 1404 Farnam Street.
SHERIFF'S SA LK. By vlrt ueof an order of
sale Issued out of the district court for
Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, 1 will, on the 25th day of August, A.
I), lsiw. at ten o'clock A. m. of said day. at
the EAST front uoor of the county court
house, in the city of Omaha, Douglas county,
Nebraska, sell at public auction to the high
est bidder for cash, the property described In
said order of sale as follows, to-wlt:
All of block one hundred and ninety-six
(11)0) In the lown (or city) of Florence, as sur
veyed, patted and recorded, all In Douglas
county, stats of Nebraska.
Said property to be sold to satisfy Philip
L. Johnson, plaintiff hereln.the sum of sixty
one and 58-100 dollars (101.58) Judgment, with
Interest thereon at rate of ten (li) per cent
per annum from February 3rd, isuti. which
amount Is a tlrst valid and existing Hen
upon said above described property
To satisfy the sum of twetny-seven and
93-100 dollars (S27.U3) costs herein, together
with accruing costs, according to a Judgment
rendered by the district court of said Doug
las county, at Its May term. A. D. I81W,
In a certain action then and there pend
ing, wherein Philip L. Johnson Is plaintiff,
and Omaha & Florence Land & Trust Com
pany, Victor O Langtry and Mary M. Lang
try, his wife, Alfred F. Wolff, Mary A. White.
Rachel A. Crever. The Nebraska National
Bank of Omaha, Nebraska, George W.
Loomls. Administrator of the estate ot
August Randow, deceased, Walter O. Clark,
Administrator of the estate of Hugh G.
Clark, deceased, and Frank K. Moores, Clerk
of the District Court of Douglas County, Ne
braska, are defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska, July 24th, 18W.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
Saunders & Macfarland, attorneys.
Johnson vs. Omiha & Florence Land & Trust
Company. Doc.5l; No. 248. 7-24-5
Attorneys, 1404 Farnam Street '
To Thomas F. Boyd, the owner, and all
persons In actual posiess'on or occupancy of
the real estate des:rlbsd below, all otaers
whom It may concern:
You are hereby notified that on the 10th
day of November, 1804, P. L. Johnson pur
chased at public sale of the treasurer of
Douglas county, Nebraska, for the delin
quent county and city taxes of the year
1893. the f allowing describe rsal estate, sit
uated In Douglas county, Nebraska, to wit:
West 40 feet los 4. block 2. Perkins subdi
vision of Capital Addition to Omaha. That
said real estate was taxed for the year 1893,
and was sold for the delinquent county and
city taxes of the said year 193. That said real
estate was taxed In the name of Thomas F.
Boyu for the year of ls9t You are further no
tified that the time of redemption of the
above described real es'ate from said tax
sale will expire on the loth day of November,
Dated July 24th, 1896. 7-24-3
Attorneys. H -4 Faroaw Street.
Sule. -Under and by virtue of aa order
of sale on fleers of foreclure of nmrtgige
lued out of the district court for UiugUs
county. Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will
on the 3Nt d of lurfust A 1. I al one
o'clock r m. of said day. at the north front
door of the couuty court boo'. In the city of
Omaha. lHuglas county. Nebraska, sell al
public auct ion to the highest bidder for cash,
the property described til said order of sale
as folium., to wit :
Lot srv, n r.i In block three hundred and
eight i.ti" ot the original putt of the city of
Omaha, D.iugUs county. Netiraxka.
Suld property to (e sold to satisry i ninp
L Johnou. plaintiff herein, tneuiu of live
hundred and eleven and SI hw dollars
i'dl Ml. Willi Interest thereon at the rate of
seven 7i per ceut per auuuui from Septem
ber 17lh. lv-4.
To satisfy cos's In :ild case taxed at rorty-
three and 3N-PU dollars together
Willi accruing cosla. according to a Judgment
reudered by Uie district court of said Doug
la county, at Its Scpiemb r term. A. D. Is.4.
In a certain act Inn then and there pendtug.
wlo-reln Philip L. Johnon was plaintiff aud
Charles H. Brown and Mrs. Brown,
tir-a name uukuowu. bis wife, were de
Dai.-d at Omat a. Nebraska. July 21th. A.
D is..
Sueelal Master Comnilioner.
Saunders & M tcfarland, attorney for plain
Johnson vs. Brown. Ioc. 43; No. 301. .-"4-5
Attorneys. 1401 Farnam Street.
SlIFRIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order
of tale issued out of the district court
for Douglas county. Nebraska and to me di
rected. 1 will. on tne 3.5th dayof August. A. II.
IfM. at ten o clock A. u. of said uay, al the
FAST frcinl door of the county court house.
In the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Ne
braska sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, the property described In
said order of s-le as follows, to-wit :
Lot seven i7i In h ock sixteen iltii. all In the
town (or cliyl of Flo ence. as surveyed,
platted and recorded all in Douglas county,
state of Nebraska.
Said property to be ao'd to sa'lsfy Walter
E. Keeler plalut Iff herein. t e -uiu of t welve
and 25 lot) dollars 112 25i Judgment, with lu
te rest the reun at rale of len (101 per cent per
annum from May 4th. I" i. which amount Isa
first valid and existing lien upon said above
described property.
To satisfy the sum of twelve anu i-iou
dollars iil2 4.1) costs herein, together wltu ac
cruing costs according to a Judgmt" t ren
dered by the district court of said Don las
county, at It M y term. A. D. is H In a
certain action then and there pending.
wherein Walter K heeler is plaiutl.r, anu
Elizabeth stalon Is defendant.
Omaha, Nebraska. July 2l'h. Hl.
John w. Mcdonald.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska
Saunders ,V Macfarlaud. attorneys.
Keeler vs St al 'n.
Doc. 50; No. 75. 7-24 5
Attorneys. 1401 Farnam Street.
NOTICE -To the defendants William L.
Mathews. Adam MuClell Hid and Susan
McCb Hand, his wife nou-resldeut de
fendants: You will take nolle that on the 20th day
of July, lk'.)(i. Walter E Keeler. plain iff
herein tiled his petition In the district court
of Douglns ci unly. Nebraska. agiliit you
He said defendants, the object and prayer
of which are to foreclose a e.-rtain tax cer
tificate dated November 15 h, IsOJ. and tax-s
paid I hereunder covering the following de
scribed real estate sltuatd In Douglas
county, Nehru, ka. f-wlt: Lot eight (8i lu
block 'forty two42), city of Florence, upon
which there Is now due the sum of 110.30
with Interest from July 20th, 1890. at. the rate
of ten (101 per cent per annu.n, attorney's
fees amounting to ten (1(0 percent of the de
cree and all costs. PUinilff pinys that the
defendants may be requ red to p;ty the same
or that sad premises may be sold tosatisfy
the amount found due. and that the said de
fendants be debarred of all right, title or In
terest In said premises.
You are ri quired to answer suld petition
on or before ti.e 31st day of August.. 1).
Dated, umaba, Nebraska. July 24. 190
7-24 4 Plaintiff.
By Saunders & Macfarland. his attorneys.
Attorneys, 1404 Farnam Street.
SHERIFF'S SALE y vlrtueof an rrdcr
of sale Issued out of the dtslrlct court for
Douglas county, Nehru ika, and to me di
rected. I will, on the 25tb diiy of August. A.
I). luisj at ten o'clock A. M. of said day, at the
EAST front door of the county court house.
In the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Ne
braska, sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, the pmperty described In
said order of sale as follows, to-wlt:
The south one-half (4) of the west seven
and 5ti-lin) (756-10(1) acresof the south elgnteen
and 6-1(10 (IH 0-10(11 acres of the south one-half
(Hi of the northwest quarter of section
twenty (2(1), township fifteen di), range thir
teen (13), east of IheSlxth principal meridian,
which real estate is more definitely df
scrlhed as follows: Commencing at a point
tfclrty-three (33) feet east of the southwest
corner of the northwest quarter I1) of sec
tion twenty (2()i, township fifteen (l.. range
thirteen (13). thence north one hundred and
forty eight and 1-10(148 1-10) feet, thence east
eleven hundred and thirty-one (1131) feet,
parallel to the one-half (',) section line
thence south c.n hundred and forty-eight
and 1-10 (118 1-10) feet, to the one-half (',)
section line, thence westeleven hundred and
thirty-one (1131) feet along the one-half (Hi
section line to the place of beginning, as sur
veyed, platted and recorded, all In Douglas
county, state of Nebraska.
To satisfy William G. Saunders, plaintiff
herein, the sum of three thotissnd and
thirty-five and 38-100 dollars (S3 0)5 38i Judg
ment, with Interest thereon at rate of seven
(7) per cent per annum from September 23rd,
To satisfy the sum of thirty-eight and
78-1(10 dollars 158.78) costs herein, together
with accruing costs, according to a judgment
rendered by thedistrict court of said Doug
las county, at Its September term, A. D. 1C,
in an action then and there pending, wherein
Willllam G. Saunders Is plaintiff, and Ed
mund T. Allen. Mrs. Allen (first and
real name unknown), his wife, John T.
Rog' rs, Frances Rogers, his wife, and The
Mutual Investment Company of Omaha, Ne
braska, and Omaha Belt Line Railway Com
pany are defondanls.
Omaha, Nebraska. July 24lh. 1890.
Sheriff of Douglas County. Nebraska.
Saunders & Macfarland, attorneys.
Saunders vs. Allen, et si.
Doc. 50; No. 330. 7-24-5
Attorneys, 1404 Farnam Street.
tue of an order of sale on decree of fore
closure of mortgage Issued out of the district
court for Douglas county, state of Nebrsska.
and to me directed, I will, on the lstb day of
August, A. u. lKm, at to o clock a. m of said
day. at the EAST front door of the county
court house, In the city of Omaha, Douglas
county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to
the highest bidder lor casn, the property de
scribed In said order of sale, all being
situated In Douglas county and state of Ne
braska, ss follows, to-wlt:
Lot fifteen (15), block four (4), of Mathew's
suu-dlvlslon of blocks nineteen (19), twenty
(20), twenty-one (21), twenty-two (22), twenty
three (23), twenty-eight (28) and twenty-nine
(2 In Albright's Choice, an addition to the
city cf South Omaha, Douglas county. Ne
braska, as surveyed, platted and recorded.
Said property to be sold to satisfy Charles
L. Roberts, plaintiff herein, the sum of one
hundred and fifty-three and 42-100 dollars
(1153.42), with Interest thereon at the rate of
eight(8) per cent per annum from May 4th,
1890. which amount Is a second valid and ex
isting lien upon said described real estate
and subject only to the uen or the defendant,
Philip L, Johnson.
Also to satisfy PMIId L. Johnson, defend
ant herein, the sum of vine and 75-100 dollars
($9 75), with Inter st thereon at the rate of
ten (10) per cent per annum from May 4th.
1890, together with an attorney's fee of 97
Cents and costs, which Is a first valid and ex
isting lien upon said above described real
To satisfy the further sum of thirty and
03-100 dollars ($30.03) costs herein, together
with accruing costs, according to a Judg
ment rendered by the district court of
said Douglas county, at Its May term,
18M0, In a certain action then and there
pending, wherein Charles L. Roberts Is
plaintiff and Thomas H. Bowen, Carrie B.
Bowen. his wife and Philip L. Johnson are
Dated at Omaha. Nebraska. July 17. 1896.
john w. Mcdonald.
Sheriff of Douglas Couaty. Nebraska.
Saunders & Macfarland, attorneys for plain
tiff. Chas. L. Roberts vs. Thos H. Bowen. et al.
Doc. 52. No. Id. 7-17-5
Attorneys. 1M Farnaoi Ftret.
SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of an alias
order of sale isucd jtut of the district
court for iNuiglas county, Nebraska, and t
me directed. I will on thr lh day of AiuU.I,
A. I I -I at ten o'clitck A M of said day, al
the FAsI' front dr of the county court
hoiiM. In the city of Omaha, lsugla county,
Nebraska, sell al puitllc auctlou t.itlie high
est bidder fur C4h. the proHrty described la
aid , rder of sale as folio, fet-wli:
The undivided one-ha f cS of lots seven (Tl
and eight In Mo. k fifteen l.v in l.asc
Seldrn'a Addition to the city of Omaha, aa
surveyed, plaited and recorded, all lu Duug
las County. iat oi Nebraska.
Said priqieriy to Is wild to satisfy Philip L.
Johnnon. plaintiff herein, the rum of two
hundred and u met y and .St-l'W dollars (l- ll Jnl
Judgment, with Interest therwou at rat of
ten iitn s r l ent per annum from May 4th,
ll.l. which an ouul la a tirsl valid and rotat
ing lieo upon atd undivided one- half tV of
lot four i4i. b ock fifteen d.u. als'vr dcacrllied.
Also to ratiaiy mid plaintiff the sum of two
hundred aud el. biy four and Jo liw dollars
if4 JI" Judgment, with Interest thereon al
rate of len ibti per cent tier annum from
May St ti. 1S:1. which said amount Is a tlrst
valid and existing Ilea uuon said undivided
l ne-haK i V of lot eight (Kiln block fifteen
tl.'. descrtlied.
To sstlsfy the further sum of on hundred
and fifty thres and 02 HO dollars iHvllifl
coats herein, together wllu accruing coals,
according to a judgment rendered by the
dlatrlcl court of said Douglas county, at Its
May term, A. D. Isift. In a certain action
then and there pending, wherein Philip -Johnson
Is plaintiff, aud Cbarlea ('. Ilouaal
and M.irla llousel, his wife, are defendants,
Omaha, Nebraska. July 24th. 18 n.
John w. Mcdonald.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
Saunders & Mscfarluiid, attorney.
Johnson va llouael, et al.
Due. 4tl; No. 111
Attorneys, 1404 Farnam Street.
SflEKlFF'S SALE -By virtue of an ordes
of sale Issued out of tne district court
for Douglas county. Nebraska, and to me
directed, 1 will, on the 25th day of August. A.
D. lHiti, at ten o'clock A. at of said day. at
the F.AM' front door of the county court
house. In the city of Omaha. Douglas county,
Nebraska, sell at public auction to the high
est bidder for cash, the property described
In said order of sale a follows, to-wli:
The north fifty (5ui feet cf the west one
hair (V of lot thirteen in block lldecli il.M
In Improvement Association Addition to the
clly of Omaha, aa surveyed, platted and re
corded, all lu Douglas county, state of Ne
brasi. a.
Said property to be sold to satisfy Albion
W. Flye. plHlntlff herein, the sum of ten
hundred and for'y four and 59-lnu dollars
($104 4 501 Judgu eni, with Intt rtsl thereon at
rate of seven (7) per cent p r annum from
September 2lrd, 1.5. which amount Is a
tlrst valid and existing Hen upon said
above descrltied proper! y
To satisfy George W. Scott, defend Art
herein, t tio sum i f four hundred and no
0-luO dollars 1400 00) Judgment, with Interes.
thereon at rale of ten (Id) per ceut per
annni. i from September 17ih, 189 wh'ch
amount Is a second valid aud existing lien
upon ald above described property
Also to satisfy the sum of t enty four and
03-1(10 Uollars (124.03) costs herein, together
with accruing costs according to a Judgment
reudered by the district court of said Doug
las county, at Its September term. A. D. I soft.
In a certain action then and there pending,
wherein Albion W. Flye Is tlalnllff, and
Theodore B. Forgy. Anna Forgy, his wife,
Mary C. Dudley and George W. eoott are de
fendants. Omaha, Nebraska. July 24th. Ival.
John w mclmnald,
f herlff of Doiiu u dim,! t V,,iiriiii
Saunders & Macfsrlanu. attorneys,
A. W. F lye vs. T. II. Forgy, tl al.
Doe. 49; No. 204 7-24 5
Attorneys, 1404 Farnam Street.
SHERIFF'S SALE -By vlrtueof an order
J of sale issued out of the district court for
Douglas county, Nebraska, aud to me di
rected, I will, on the 25th day of August A.
D. is!, at 10 o'clock A. u. of said day, at the
EAST froi t door of the county cour. house.
In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne
braska, sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, the property described In
said order of Bale, as follows, to-wlt :
Lot four4) In block llfty-ihree (53), and lot
thirteen C3 In b ock one hundred and thirty
threellM), all situated in the town or city of
Florence, as surveyed, plat led and recorded,
all in Douglas county, stale of Nebraska
Said property to be sold tosatisfy Philip
L. Juhnson. plaintiff herein, ti.a aum nf
slxtfin and 2-100 dollars (Jin 03) Judg
ment," with Interest thereon at rate of ten (10)
percent per annum from May 4th, Is'.io. which
amount Is a first valid and existing Hen upon
laid above described proper y.
Tosatisfy the sum of forty six and 38100
dollars (116 38) costs lit rein, together with ac
cruing costs, accord tig to a Judgment ren
dered by the district court of said Douglas
county, at Its May term. A. D. IhwI In acer
taln action then and there pending, wherein
Philip L. Johnson Is plitlttlff a .d Hannah E.
Healey (formerly Hannah E. Dupuis), Han
nah K. Kllboiirn. Victor O. Langtry and
Mary M. Langtry, his wife, Nebraska Hav
ings and Exchange Bank, Omaha & Florence
Land Trust Company, John J. O'Connor,
Nebraska Natloral Hank of Omaha, Ne
braska, Rachel A Crever, Mary Halliard.
Thomas Officer and Julia Officer, his wife,
and Walter O.Clark, Administrator of the
estate of Hugh G.Clark, deceased, are de
fendai ts.
Omaha, Nebraska, July 24th, 1896.
John w. Mcdonald,
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska,
Saunders & Macfarland, attorneys.
P. L. Johnson vs. Hannah E. Healey, et al.
Doc. 52; No. 130, 7-24 5
A'torneys, 1401 Farnam Street.
a- order of sale Issued out of the district
court for Douglas coun'y. Nebraska, and to
me directed, I will, on the 25th day of August,
A. D. 1890 at 10 o'clock A. H. of said day
at the EAST front door of the county court
house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county,
Nebraska, sell at public auction tothe high
est bidder for cash, the property described In
said order of sale as follows, to-wlt :
LotB five (5) and six (6i. block one(l). and lot
even (7) In b ock two (2) In Mayne Place an
addition to the city of Omaha, as surveyed,
platted and recorded, all In Douglas county,
state of Nebraska.
Said property to be sold to satisfy Philip L.
Johnson, plaintiff herein, the sum of nine
hundred and seventy and 70-100 dollars
(1970.70) Judgment, with Interest thereon at
rate of ten (it)) per cent per anr um from May
4tb, 1896. which amount Is a first valid and
existing lien upon said above described prop
erty. " r
To satisfy the sum of one hundred and
twenty-five and 84-100 dollars (1125.84) costs
herein, together wlto accruing cosis. accord
ing to a judgment rendered by the district
court of said Douglas county, at lis May
term, A. 1) 1896. In a certain action then and
there pending, wherein Philip L. Johnson Is
plaintiff, and Joseph Thomson atd Keu en
W Ross, executor of the estate of Reuben
Ross, deceased, Joseph Thomson and Mrs.
Thomson, his wife, and Reuben W. Ross and
Mrs. Ross, his wife, are defendants.
Omaha. Nebraska, July 241 b. I8'.m.
john w Mcdonald.
Sheriff o' Douglas County, Nebraska.
Saunders A Macfarland. attorney.
Johnson vs. Ross, etal.
Doc. 66; No.luo, 7-24-5
Attorney, 617 New York Life Bldg.
SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order
of sale issued out of the district court for
Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will, on the 25th day of August A.
D. 18M6, at ten o'clock a. at. of said day, at the
EAST front door of the county court house,
In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne
braska, sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, the property described In
aid order of sale as follows, to-wlt:
The south one-half (8. H of lot eight (8) In
block eight (8. in Bowery Hill Addition to the
City of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and re
corded, all In Douglas county, state of Ne
braska. Bald property to be sold to satisfy James F.
Bhattuck. plaintiff herein, the sum of eight
hundred and sixty-three and (9-100 dollars
(1863.69) judgment, with Interest thereon at
rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from May
4th, 1896.
To satisfy the sum of fourteen and 03-100
dollars (114.03) costs herein, together with ac
cruing costs according to a judgment ren
dered by thedistrict court ot said Douglas
County, at Its May term, A. D. 1896. In a
certain action then and there pendlns
whereln James F. Shattuck Is plaintiff, and
Domlnlck Cogan and Kate Cogan are de
fendants. Omaha, Nebraska. July 24th. 1896
John w. mcuonald.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
B. K. Burnam. attorney.
Shattuck vs. Cogan, et al.
Doc. 56: No. U. T-S4-0
Altornays. 1404 Farnam St rest.
M order of sal Isaurd out of the district
court for Douglas county. Nebraska sad
to me directed will, on the Vth day r.f
August. A. D stt at ten o'clock A at. of said
duy, at lbs FAST front d..r of ll.a county
court house. In th city of Omaha. Douglas
county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to
the huhrat ntdder for caah, lh property de
scribed la said order of sale as follows, to
wn t
Uitsnne .I and three In Mock thirty
seven 1 37 u lot two ill In bhs'k rlgtily (Mil. lots
three ui. and six i la Mock rig My -I lire Mi,
I t seven ill In l. k rtghly-rlgftt C. lots
re i.V, nine iW) aud fourtix-n iltl la block
one hundred and thirty-two il.C. Ursonoili.
bve i5i and fourwen i!4' In liha-k one hundred
and tlilrt y-fmir il.m. lot one. 1 1 In b isk one
biin 'red and thirty seven ii;i.". lot one ill la
bio, k one hundred and thlrt y eight it " and
all of block two hundred and twenty CIM. all
if listed in the town (or cltyiof rlnreiicn.
Ihiuglas county, Nebraaka. as surveyed,
planed and recorded, all In iHugls couniy,
slate of Nebraska.
S.ild property lo lie sold to satisfy James
L Browne, plaintiff herein, the sum of two
hundred and seven and !l 10 dollars (Ml? 24)
Ju Igmeiit, with Inn real thereon at rw of
tentlOi per rent per annum from May 4th, which amount Is a Drat valid and rilat
lug Hen upon aald aliova descitticd properly.
Tosallafy the sum of sixty-f, ur and 6 liaj
dollars 4 ASi coal herein, together wllh ac
cruing coals according to a judgment ren
dered hy the district court of aad Douglas
county, at lis May term. A. D. Irnsl. In a cer
tain action than and there pending, wherein
James L. Browne Is plaintiff, and The
Omaha and Florence Land Truat Com
par y, Victor G. Langlry. Mary M I angtry,
Samuel Cols. Frank Muriihy.John A.Horbach,
G. W. A G L. Lovell. William II Cook, Mrs.
Cook (first and real nam unknown) his wife,
Alfred K. Wolff. Mrs. Wolff ill rl and real name
unknown) his wife, Helen H.Clark. Walter
U.Clark, Jacob B. Young, Mrs. Voting (tlrst
and real name unknown) Ha wife. Mary A.
White, Rachel A.Crever. The Nebraaka Na
tional Hank of Omaha, Nebraaka. Mary Has
raed, Georgs W. Loomls, administrator of
the estate of August Handow. deceased,
Walter U. Clark, administrator of the estate
of Hugh U. Clark, deceased, and Hannah K.
Healey (furmuily Hannah K. Dupuis) are de
fendants. umaha, Nebraska. July 24th. 1896.
Sheriff of Douglas County. Nebraska,
Saunders A Macfarland. attorneys,
Browne vs. Omaha Ic Florence Land 4k
TrustCo. Doc. 52; No. 1-H. 7 24 4
Attorneys. 1404 Farnam Street.
Sale. Under and by virtue of an alias
order of sale on decree of foreclosure of
mortgage. Issued out of the district court for
Douglas county, Nebraska, and lo me direct
ed 1 will, on the 2.11b day of August, A. I).
189(1, at ten o'clock A. M. of aald day at the
nor h from door of the county courthouse.
In the city of Omaha. Douglas county, Ne
braska, sell at public auction to Hot highest
i Idder for cash, the property described In
aid order of sale as follows, to-wit:
Lot ten (10). block twenty seven (271, of Wil
cox Si cond addll Ion to the city of Omaha,
surveyed platted and recorded, all In Doug
las county, state of Nebraska.
Said properly to he sold lo satisfy James
W. Dvorsky, plaintiff herein, the sum of two
hundred and fifty-seven and .-0 ino dollars
ili57.30) ludginent, with Interest at the rale
of ten (10) percent per from February
5th. mil, and attorney's fees amounting to
-'ft 73.
To satisfy the dn'endant, the Kennard
Paint A GhiHi Company, the sum of thirty
elghl and 92-100 dollars J8 !) judgment.
wn n interest inrreon al rate or seven (7) per
cent per annum from rebruary fit h. 1894 '
To satisfy the sum of seventy-one and
56- ino dollars (71 .50) coats herein, together
wit h accruing costs, according to a Judgment
rendered by the district court of said Doug
las county, at lis September term. A. D.
1U5, In a certain action then and there
pending wherein James W. Dvorsky Is
jilalntlff, sad Grace o. Edwards, Kennard
Paint & Glass Company, and Frank Rosen
baiitii and Jessie K, Edwards are delendauta,
Omaha, Nebraska, Ji iy 24th, tsml,
Special Master Commissioner.
Saunders St Macfarland, attorneys.
Dvorsky vs. Edwards,
Doc. 38; No. 152, 7-24 5
Attorneys, 1404 Farnam Street.
SHERIFF'S HA I.E. Hy virtue of an order
of sale Issued out of the district court
for Douglas county, Nebraaka, and to me di
rected, I will, on the 251 li day of August, A.
D. 189H, at ten o'clock A. at. of said day, at the
EAST frontdoor of the county court house,
in the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Ne
braska, sell at public an tlon to the h ghest
bidder for casn, the properly described In
aid order of sale as foil, ws, to-wlt:
Tie undivided one-seventh (1-7) of lot
seven (7i in block nine (9) In Reed's First Ad
dition to the city of Omaha, as aurvnyed,
plaited anil recorded, all In Douglas county,
slate of Nebraska.
Said property to be sold to satisfy Walter
E. Keeler, plaintiff herein, the sum of thirty
six and 35-100 dollars (:! 35) Judgment,, with
Interest thereon at. rate often (10) per cent
per annum from May 4th Is'.ifl.
To satisfy the sum of twenty-five and 01-100
dollars ($25 01) costs herein, together with ac
cruing costs, according to a Judgment ren
dered by the district com t of said Douglas
county, at Its May term. A. D. iH'nt, In acer
tsln action then and there pending, wherein
Walter E. Keeler Is plaintiff, and Joslah T.
Drake and Mrs. Drake (li st and
real name unknown), his wife, are de
fendants. Omaha, Nebraska. July 2l'h. 1896.
john w. Mcdonald,
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
Saunders ic Macfarland. attorneys.
Keeler vs. Drake, et al.
Doc. 55; No. 294. 7-24-5
Attorney. 606 New York Life Building.
CUERIFF'S SALE.-By vlrtueof an order of
" sale Issued out of the district court for
Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will, in the 25th day of August, A.
I). 1-90. at ten o'clock A. M. of said day at the
EAST front door of the county court house,
In tie city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne
braska, sell at public suction U) the highest
bidder for cash, the property described In
aid order of sale as follows, to-wlt:
Lot number fourteen (14), block number
one (l).of Saunders & Illinebatign's Addition
to Walnut Hill, an addition to the city of
Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded,
all In Douglas county, stale of Nebraska
Said property to be sold tosatisfy Helen A.
Mackay, plaintiff herein, tie sum of three
thousand six hundred and eighty-four and
20-100 dollars ($3,881 K Judgn cut, with Inter
est thereon at rate of ten (10) per cent per
annum from May 4th, 1
Tosatisfy the sum of fifty-six and 78 100
dollars (iV1.78) costs herein, together with ac
cruing costs, according to a Judgment ren
dered by the district court of sti'd Douglas
county, at Its May term, A. D. 1896, In a Ci r
tatn action then and there pending, wherein
Helen A. Mackay is plaintiff, and William B.
Cowles, Jennie Cowles. The Omaha National
Bank, Elof N'lllson and Edwin Hutchinson
are defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska, July 24th, 196.
john w. Mcdonald,
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska
I. R. Andrews, attorney.
Mackay vs. Cowles, et aL
Doc. 50, No. 72. 7-24-5
W. ti.RUSSEIiL.,
Attorney, 816 New York Life Building.
SHERIFF'B 8ALE. By virtue of an order
of sale Issued out of the district court
for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will, on tne 25th day of August, A.
I). 1896. at ten o'clock a. m. of said day. at
the EAST front door of the county court
house In the city of Omaha, Douglas county,
Nebraska, sell at public auction to tktBitgh
est bidder for cash, the property described In
aid order of sale as follows, to-wlt:
Lot number one (li In block number thir
teen (13) In Orchard Hill, an addition to tl
city of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and re
corded, all in Douglas county, state ot Ne
braska. Said property to be sold to satisfy Emma
P. Davis, plaintiff herein, the sum of three
hundred and sixty-six and 39-100 dollars
11306 39) Judgment, with Interest thereon at
rate of ten (10) percent per annum from May
4th. 1896.
To satisfy the sum of twenty-nine and
43-100 dol ars (120 44) costs herein, together
with accruing costs, according to a Judg
ment rendered by the dlstrl 't court of said
Douglas county, at lu May term. A. D. lavtt.
In a certain action then and there pending,
wherein Emma P. Davis Is plaintiff, aad
Catharine Smith and Christopher E. Smith
are defendant.
Omaha, Nebraska, July 24tb. 1896.
john w. Mcdonald,
Sheriff of Dourlaa County, Nebraska,
Km, H. Russell, attorney.
Davis vs. Smith, et al.
Doc. 53; No. 194. T U-i
Attorney. 401 lts Building.
CflEKHTflSAI K-ily virtue of an order ef
sale Issued out of the diatrlct court ff
Douglaa e muty, Nebr aka, and lo m 411
rxcied. I will, tin the 2.5th day of Auguat, aV.
D. I-t al tea o'ebs k a. m. of aald day. atlas)
ft As I front dooruf the c tint r court house.
In tharllv of Oman. Douglas count y. Ns
tiraaka, sell at putd c auction ui the highest
u.ddrr for cash, the on perl y deacribawl la
said order of sale aa follows, lo-wit ;
lit nun her twenty-one i2li In 1disk Bum
lier etghl ihi, aiol lot nuieber tweuty-twtKZH
In i lock eight (Si In It. oford Place Addition
tothe city of Omaha, aa surveyed. plstt4
and recorded, all lu Douglas rouiuy, stale of
said property In be sold to satisfy Irwee,
l-viatoa, plaintiff herein the sum of eight
hum! rd and auty-ae eu dollars c 46 1 oat
Judgment, wllh lulereat thereon at rale oi
ten ihi) per cent per allium from May 41a,
Mat will, h la a drat valid and aublatlng Us
uponaa'd lot twenty-one ul), block eight At,
alsive dcecrlttt-d.
And to satisfy said plaintiff the furthei
sum of elgbt hundred a d slxty-aevrn dot
lara (Ihi; udi. wlib liileirat i hereon at the ratal
of len HOi per cenl per annuo, from May 41a,
la'.at. whicii amount It a tlrst velid anu aut
slating lien upon said lot twi hly-lwo OOJk
bbH'k eight 8i. atsivedcaerllied.
To satisfy Sarah J. Barrows, defendant
herein, the sum of nine Hundred and ninety
dollars trVMIUti) Judgment, with Interest
thereon at rale of ten (lm per cent per aa
nu in from May 4th. lsuo. which amount la a
second valid and subalstlug linn upon lot
twenty-one (21), blocs eight (), above de
acrlbed. To satisfy the sura of twenty-Ore an&
M-HO dollars it2t6.ll costs herein, together
with accruing coals, according to a Judgmeat
rendered by the district court of said lioug
laa couniy, at lu May term, A. D. 1896, In a
certain action then and there pending,
wherein Irw.n Levlaloii Is plaintiff, and An
drew J Stanley, John R MacKenile, Del let
L Thomas, Samuel Kilmer, Katharine Kla
ner and Barah J. Harrows, are defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska. July 24. 18WI.
joii.x w. McDonald,
Sheriff of Douglaa County, Nebraska.
Dexter L. Thomas, attorney , .
Levlalon va. Stanley, el al.
Doc. Mj No. 313. I 24-1
Attorneys, 1401 Farnam Street.
SHKRIFF'S S A I.E. II y virtue of an order
of sale issued out of the district court
for Douglas county, Nebraaka. and to me di
rected. I will, on the 2.ilh dayof August. A. D.
IsiM. at ten o'clock A. M. of said day, at the
EAS T front door of the county court house.
In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne
braaka, sell at public auction to the highest
blildi r for cash, the property described la
said order of sale as follows, to-wlt:
Lota four 14). tWe l.'il, alx CI, nine (in, ten (10),
fourteen (11), fifteen (I5i, sixteen (IHI. seven
teen (17), nineteen (191, twenty (201 ana
Iwenly-four (24i In block two (2)ln Harris 4a
Pittlcraon'a Auuex Addition to the city ol
south Omaha, as surveyed platted and re
corded, all lu Douglas county, stale ef Ne
braska. Said property to be sold tosatisfy William
II. Hrevoort, plaintiff herein, the sum of two
hundred and forty-four and HO KJ dollars
li '44 Ml) judgment, with Interest at rate of
teu (101 percent per annum from May 4th,
Ihim which amounts are a tlrst valid and ax
Isilng lien upon said above described prop
er! y.
To satisfy the sum of II ft y-two and 26-10
dollars ($.i2 26) costs herein, together wllh ac
cruing costs ai riling to a judgment ren
dered by the diatrlct court of said Douglaa
couniy, at Its M y term. A 1). 181(6, In a
certain action then and there pending,
wherein William II. Hrevoort Is pliilnlllT. ana
Jonas R. Harris and Rosa L. Harris, hi wife,
are defendants.
Omaha. Nubraska. July 24th, 1896, i
John w. mudonald,
Sheriff cf Douglas County, Nebraska,
ruitinuers siacrarianu. auorueys, ,
Hrevoort vs. Harris, el ai.
Doc. tV; No. 280. 7-24-1
Attorneys, 1404 Farnam Street.
SHERIFF'S SALE By vlrt tie of an order of
O sale tsuied old of the district court foi
Douglas county, Nebraska, and to ma dl
reeled, I will, on the 251 h day of August, A.
D. I ski, at ten o'clock A. at. of said day, at
the KAsT front door of the county court
house. III the clly of Omaha, Douglaa county,
Nebraska, sell al uubllc auction tothe high
est bidder for cash, the properly described la
aid order of sale as follows to-wlt:
Lois one (I), two (2), three Lit, four (4), Ave
(5). six (0), seven (7). eight imi. nine tV) and tea
(Kill block eight 8i in Boyd's Addition to
the ci t-y of Omaha, assurveyed, plat ted ana
recorded, all In Douglas county, stale of Ne
braska. Said property to bn sold to satisfy James
W. Dvorsky, plaintiff 1 ereln. the sum of twa
hum' red and Iiluet)-llve and 1)11-II 0 dollars
1( 95 69) Judgment, with Interest thereon at
rate of ten (10) per tent per anrum from
May 4( h , MX), which amounts are a Brst vall4
and existing lien upon suld above described
To sailsfy the sum of fifty-six and 22-10t
dollars (150.22) costs herein, together with ac
cruing cosls, according to a Judgment ren
dered by the district court ot said Douglaa
county. Nebraska, at Its May term. A. D. Iskt,
o a certain action men anu mere pending,
herein James W. Dvoraky ts plaintiff, anil
VJsry E. Realty and William A, Bsatty, net
saliand, are defendants.
umaha, Nebraska, July 21th. IK'
john w. mudonald,
Sheriff of Douglas Couniy, Nebraska
.launders A M acf artaud. attorney s.
Dvorsky v. Beatty et al.
Doc. 65; No. lift 7-24-5
Attorneys, 611 New York Life Building,
SHERIFF'S BALK By virtue of an ordet
of sale Issued out of the district court
for Douglas county, Nebraska and to me di
rected, I will, on the 24ihday of August, A.
D. 1X90. at ten o'clock A. u or aald day, at the
EAST front door of the county court house.
In the city of Omaha, Don. las county, Ne
braska, sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, the pr p ty described la
aid order of sale as follows, to-wlt:
Lot I welve (I2).ln block tin e(;-)in Saundera
& Hliuebaugh's Addition ui Walnut Hill, aa
addition to the city of Omaha, as surveyed,
platted and recorded, all In Douglas county,
stale of Nebraska.
Sa d property to be sold to sailsfy Lucliu
K. Eastman, J tin.or. T'Uatee.platmiff herein,
thetum of nine I. mid red and tweniy-nlaa
and 59-100 dollars ti .1.9.59) judgment with In
terest ther. o. at rate of ten (10) per cent pef
annum from Sept. tuber 2 id lsH5. wblca
amuunt Is a first vadd and existing Hun upua
said aliove descrltied proper' y.
To satisfy Omaha Heal Estate and Trust
Conipany, defendant herein, tbe aum ot
three bundled and scvenl -five collar!
if, 75 Ml judgment, with Interest thereon at
eight (8) per cent per annum fron. September
23rd, D95, which amount is a second valid
and existing Hen upon said above described
Tosatisfy the sum of thirty and 23-100 dol
lars ($10 23) costs herein, together with ac
cruing costs, accunlug to a Judgment ren
dered by the d strict court of said Douglaa
county, at Its Septeiub, r term A. D.lKi5.Tn a
certain action hen anu there pending,
wherein Lucius R. Eastman, Junior, Trustee,
Is plaintiff, and John P. Davis, Julia Davis,
The Omaha Real rstate and Trust Company,
The Omaha Mattress Company and Georga
W. Marks, are defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska. July 24th. 190.
john w. Mcdonald,
Sheriff of Douglas Couniy , Nebraska.
Wm. H. Russell, at orney.
Eastman vs. Davis.
Doc. 49; No. 329. 7-24 5
Attorney. 116 New York Life Building,
SHERIFF'S SALE.-By vlrtueof an order of
sale Issued out of the diatrlct court for
Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will, on the 25lh day of August, A.
D. 1896. at ten o'clock A. at. of said day. at ifaa
EASi' front door of tbe county court bouse.
In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne
braska, sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, the property described la
ssld order of sale as foil ws, to-wlt:
The east efly-Hve ('5i feet of lot one (1) la
Kountze's Second Addition, an addition to
the city of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and
recorded, all lo Douglas county, state of Ne
braska. Said property to be sold to satisfy Georga
M. Lane. Executor, plaintiff herein, the aunt
of two thousand six hundred and thirty
three and 70-100 dollars ($2 633.70) Judgment,
with Interest thereon at rate of seven " per
Cent per annum from September 23rd, 18H.Y
To satisfy the sum of nineteen and 63-100
dollars 119.63) costs herein, together with ac
cruing costs, according to a judgment ren
dered by the district court of said Douglas
county, at its September term. A. D. I'i'5, In a
certain action then and there pending,
wherein George M. Lane. excutor, is plalo
t'ff and John R. Cox and Lottie Cox are.
Omaha. Nebraska. Jti'y 24'h. 1896.
john w. Mcdonald.
Sheriff of Douglas County. Nebraska.
Wm. II. Kuxsell. attorney.
Lane v Cox. et al. Do;. 49; No. 340.