The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, August 14, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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Great llrltaia It I all lata
Napoleon rfTe.tii.ilIy pieventej SL
Helena frim rwr amain lnt. obscur
ity, mi the Afrtian fiitsc. N-riu"
Im, fur some t the l!a;nl hi
been Ki tting li r mi l )"'ir Into
(Inan. atiail, ',.) the ipiil.ilion
ha Ix t'ii stoadily dim luMntiit H. He
lm I only mini I ui miics ttiaiitnt
from .. Town uti.l i-t the li
coiiiparuiiwly utiUnovin ui .miih Af
rican colonists, as the outur,l unl
I)onie,u .( mramira to an.l from Cape
Town t'iiil thero only once in llinn
wk nnd make a very brief stoppage.
Ami t t It lis historic ielaiu! Ix ll
worthy of a visit, not only from its an
pollution lih llie jsre:it Corsicao but
alno because It lOKsctKca probably, till'
finest rlliimt In llie orbl. A con
atanl souihraster ly trail lnl. atralght
from Hie pole, blows oer the Ixlim.l
and awcrpit away thou genua of (lis
MM lilch He latent In lei favored
anota. Aa a eoimequene. the longev
Ity of the Inhabitant l probnhly much
preater than In any other portion of
the Klohe. In aplte of all thla and the
proximity of the Inland to the Cape,
hardly a solitary Africander finds his
way there from one year's end to the
So much In reference to St. Helena
as a h resort. Now let me In Icily
refer to a matter that la of more vital
Importance. The strategical advan
tages of the Inland have been fully
reeoRnlted hy both military and naval
experts and the royal com mission
which was presided over by the Into
Lord Carnarvon recommended that It
should bo strongly fortified and roiiHtl
tuted an Important naval 'and fouling
station for the vessels of the squadron
within the Cape command. These rec
ommendations have, however, not been
carried into effect. Certainly some
thing was doue to Improve the forti
fications ten or twelve years ago, bill
the guns are now of an obsolete type
and the diminutive garrison maintain
ed In the Island is utterly Inadequate
to defend It. Moreover, though St.
Helena Is supposed to he a naval coal
ing station, the admiralty maintained
no coal supply there, the coal for the
ships on the Cape and west roast of
Africa stations being kept at Ascen
sion, which does not possess even a
solitary gun but Is a cinder heap upon
which many thousands are annually
The defenseless condition of St. Hel
ena Is a matter that Intltnntely con
cerns the South African colonies and
should engage their attention. The Is
land Is utterly unable to help itself.
The opening of the Suez cannl ruined
Ita prosperity and ever since It has
been drifting nearer and nenrer to
bankruptcy. The greater portion of Its
adult mule population has migrated to
the Cape and the w hole revenue of the
Island U now only some 6,000. There
re only half a donn officials and the
Kovernnr fills Innumerable other offices,
Including that of chief (nnd only) Jus
tice. It la deplorable that Great
ilrltaln should allow ono of Its pos
sessions to sink Into such a condition
of decrepitude, and especially an Is
land which, lying In the direct route to
tho Cap", must ever be of considerable
Iuped by a Irliiri....
One of the stallholders at a charity
bazaar was the Trlncess de M , the
widow of the late ambassador of Aus
tria In Paris under tho empire. Anx
ious to realize a good round sum by
her sales and finding as the day wore
on that her receipts fell far below her
expectations she turned in her per
plexity to Baron X , a well-known
financier, and eaid: "Give rue 1,000
franca and I will give you something
that I have never yet given to any
one." "What Is It, princess?" inquired our
money bags, highly flattered, yet with
his habitual caution.
"Lea that to me, but pny first,"
said the ambassadress, as she held out
her slender hand, w hich closed at once
on the crisp note offered to her.
Then stepping behind the baron she
kicked him, saying: "Thero I have
never given that before!"
Struck dumb with amazement for a
few seconds, the baron presently burst
out Into a loud guffaw: "So wonder
fully clever, you know!"
At the same bazaar Mme. de M
laid her own hair under contribution.
"A lock of my hair for 500 francs!"
she exclaimed. Five or six were at
once disposed of to as many young
fashionable swells eager to possess
themselves of a souvenir of the ' ador
able" princess, little suspecting that
the sal'' locks were false and had cost
her ladyship In all about 30 fraucs.
She afterward confessed the trick and
enjoyed a good laugh at the expense of
the silly victims who had secured the
precious relics in their lockete. Le
Tba Roentcon Raya.
The electrical ether waves, which
Her and others have experimented
with, are, as a rule, too large to de
compose the salts of a photographic
plate, but they can traverse opaque
substances, such as the human body,
without causing sensation, as Tesla'e
experiments showed. If they are too
large to affect the sensitive plate and
the eye, they are also too large to irri
tate the nerves. Roentgen and others
have demonstrated, however, that cer
tain of these electric rays or wave mo
tions can affect the sensitive film indi
rectly by exciting phosphorescence in
bodies on which they fall. Hence the
Roentten silhouettes and the crypto
scope of Salvlonl are already familiar
to the readers of this column. London
Coold'ot Hurt Them.
Jinks Brown-Jones boasts that he
can trace his ancestry back to the Pil
grims. Binks Well, the Pilgrims are
dead and they won t ieei it .ew iorB
n hr III Wlf rl.4 It Out Alaaa
Tavra Ha Hllrb.
Tlitimday was the annlvcnury of Mr. Mi. Cuttle' marriage, and Mr
Cuttle f.tid 10 a ntlghkir that he
t!i npjlit It would be awfully cute to get
up a 'tpri-e party for her tiiu-hatnl and
ce!i the event, m the New York
"H would lie Jut too lovely for any" the inljihlM.r drcUied. with an
toii'liatic ohake f the head.
So Mrs. Cuttle went about the neigh
borhood with great secrecy, and ho
! Invited several of her luii-baiui'
ti'ilm-so friends, and the program ehe
1-1.1 out for refie.-,li.nents wa. one well
calculated to plena. Everybody was
to iiii t t at lh house at 9 o'clock sharp
and give Mr. Cuttle such a surprise
when he arrived home from the atore
at this, his Invariable hour, aa would
stay in hl recollection forever.
Iluh" said Mrs. Cuttle to herself,
noticing that It wa 7 o'clock, and (the
went softly out Into the ehed to con
coct the cooling Ice-cream.
It appears that the only headache
Mr, Cuttle remember Indulging in in
eighteen years visited him on this par
ticular day, and thin wa the reason,
he now ay, that he left the store at
7 o'clock in defiance to all precedent
and went heavily homeward. Entering
the house and not nndlng hi wife, Mr.
Cuttle went directly upstairu, and, get
ting Into bed, laid his mlltting head on
the pillow and presently was locked In
sleep. Two hours later, when the
gueats arrived, he was scheduled tor an
all-night run, with no etop at way
All Innocently the merry, merry
guests filed In.
"Hush!" cried everybody In hoarso
whispers, stepping on each other and
letting off little, subdued screams, while
Mrs. Cuttle (inhered them Into the
darkened parlor, where they were to
He in ambush till Mr. Cuttle should
And there they stayed and stayed and
stayed fo two never-ending hours,
while Mrs. Cuttle kept wondering
where her husband could be, and run
ning frequently to the door and crying
finally till a little gentleman In a red
necktie, who was tired of having two
fat ladles stand on his feet, wanted to
know In a sarcastic voice If It wouldn't
be a good Idea, Junt by way of variety,
to play something else.
"Oh, dear." walled Mrs. Cuttle, wring
ing her hands, "you don't suppose
there's an accident, do you?"
Whereat the little man In the red
necktie said that It seemed to him as
though thero was a hitch somewhere,
but he supposed he could stand It if the
others could, and at thla Mrs. Cuttle
broke out crying afresh and went up to
the bedroom for a new handkerchief
to weep Into, and w hen she turned on
the gas and saw "her husband sleeping
there so sweetly, with anything but an
expression of surprise depicted on his
countenance, she went softly back to
where the gueets were waiting and
pointed out to them In a calm and dis
passionate way how much better It
would bo for them to go quietly home
at once and say nothing about It.
And this they did, walking over each
other's dresses In a dull and spiritless
way, while the little man In the red
necktie took occasion to add that for
his part he wan as fond of surprise
parties aa anybody In the world, he
thought, but so far as his observation
went and he believed it extended a
considerable distance It seemed to
him that In such cases it was apt to
make something of a difference who
was the party surprised.
Cut M"- Cuttle cried It out alone.
$200.00 IN (JOLl) GIVES
For Selling a Book of Great Interest anil
Popularity "Story of Turkey anil
Armenia," With a Full and Graphic
Account of the Massacres.
R. H. Woodward Company, Balti
more, Md., are offering 1200.00 to any
one selling 200 copies of their new
book, "Story of Turkey and Armenia."
This is a work of great interest and
popularity. Many agents sell 15 copies
a day. A graphic and thrilling ac
count is given of the massacres of the
Armenians which have aroused the
civilized world. Agents are offered
the most liberal terms and premiums.
Freight paid and credit given. Write
them immediately. tf
The Unli M ay
to go to California without delays or
annoyances, and in comfort, Is via THE
You don't have to change cars, and
you get there several hours ahead of
all other lines.
For time tables or other Information,
call on A. C. Dunn, City Pass. & Ticicet
Agent, 1302 r ARNAM oT. ,
The enormous engines that haul
The Northwestern Line" OMAHA-
CHICAGO SPECIAL east at 6:30,
evening, (U. P. depot) and into Chi
cago at 9.30 next morning Well
worth taking a little time to see them
nothing in this country like them
nearly as high as the Union Depot, but
not quite as long.
City office, 1401 Farnam street.
HOUSE A beautiful quartet or chorus
for mixed voices, in sheet music, for
use in concerts or campaign work.
Words by Rev. James L. Elderdice
Music by J. C. Herbert. Fillmore
Bros.. Dubllshers. 119 W. 6th St.. CI
cinnatl, lO., or 49 Bible House, New
York. Price 35 cents.
Dr. Kav's Renovator
It nurihes and en
riches the blood
and is the best nerve tonic yet discovered,
VinilCVVIIDR A specific for Rheumatism
MM M ItUllH and MJney ui!
JOHN T. t'ATIir.ltH.
Allornry. V? PalU-a iilix-li.
IHiAL NkIIlK In l.i Uiairii-t court of
- Ihinifiaa counir Nliraka:
I II A lit I-s vit V A ITF.
1 1. drtViiiUaM brirt W Waltr. t.ikf
Biti. ilii u tho -ann ly of July. I-'I
I rank Mil. hWI. Ibr pUmntT. ttlrd lux peti
tion In h Ul-i rlct court of )"iil count r airalnal barlr W. Wallr. Il.e
ot'jrrt iiml praVT f ndirh ne u rnforc
Hi rollfciion or ava urouiiMorr ttotraexi-
i' u rl I y llir nil nt Ui I'uvl.l kufn ;m
l-ourorMlU nott fr aiitfoit'ntf y aoiu
anil traiifttVrrxtl (or a alu)i onlilii ati-n
In tit? lu coiir f liu!ur u J . H Oftty
ly aiiti ImviU Kaufman- aixi tint of bate
holra a aolU. aauii-tl ai-il !ranfrr-tl lo
Joi n I.. Mlloa I . r aatu liawil haufu an for a
vatuab.e coioluVraliou In lite ilua court of
lniitia. who iult iucutly aoid iheaaine
lo J. I;, lirlly, alii aolii. atlined anil
IrauatVrrvil each and all of aalii nolra lo
tun plalulIlT fur a talualile coualilerallon.
ami hf la Hip oancr thi rt-of.
IIihI ail of aaut doIihi wrre lt-d the .11)
day of March, Itw-;. for Ilia ouiu of thirty drl
lararafh al iwr cenl lutciw.1. due anil paa
bir wi, tin ami ill day and t and i mouth re
peclltrHy. from dale.
A ucrauii naa imen inane tn iiip payment
i if all of aald uulcg. mill ail arc noa duo and
unpaid In thn aum of one hundred and tifij
dollar and InUTfM. fur which aum and In
Utrrit from dnl. the plaintiff pray that he
may have Juduiriil.
Id m an rrdrrof attachment waa Uaui'd
tint of the dlalrlct court of HoiiKlit Couniy.
Nebraska, and lot 2. hha k ,. Orchard Hill,
an addition to the ell y uf Omaha. Douulaa
county, ha beo attached and will lie aoid
in eailary the Judgment to he obtained in
thla null
lou are r out red to annwer aald uetltlon
on ur be ore iue 21l duy of epteiuher, A. D
Omaba, Nebraska, AiikuhI 7 !',m.
By John T. Cuthir, attorney.
iik 7i no. ns a-i-
Attorney. Ml New York Life Hulldlna.
SIIKKIKK's KALK.-Hy virtue of an order of
atM lKMiied out of lite dluUlcL court, for
Douglas county, Nchrauku, and to me d 1
roctcd, I will, 1 n the ltd day of t-iMitnuiber, A.
I). at ten o'clock A. M. of aald day ut the
EAT front door of the county court house.
In tie city of Omaha, louiflaa county, fit -braakit,
well at public auction to the hiKhrnl
bidder for caafi. the properly dew.rlled In
.mid order of aale aa follow, to-'wlt:
Lot number two 1-1 in block number twelve
il-'i In Improvement Aaaoctatloa Addition,
an addition to the city uf Omaha, aa aur-
veved. platted and recorded, all In llouulas
county, atate of Neliraaka
uld property to be eold to latlNTy Homo
Fire Insurance i'otupauv of Omulia. Ne
liraaka, plalntift hereiu, tbe aum uf eleven
hundred and Hcventy-Hve dollara i$II73(HIi
JuilKtvcnt, with Intert'Ht thereon at rate of
tin tlin tier cent per aunuut from heutember
Slrd, Ih'.O.
Toallry the further sum of twrnty-Mve
and rt Km dollara ifio.N) costs herein, to
tieiher with nccruliiK cimU. according to a
udirment rendered by the dlHtrlet court of
said lkuiKlaa county, at lt (September term.
A. II. Imi.'i. In a 0 rtain action then and there
petidinK, wherein The Home Fire Insurance
('ompanyof Omaha. Nebraaka, la plaint I If,
and Samuel Mortenaen, Maria Morieanen,
Clirlstlan K. Maxtliausen and Mra. Muxthiui
aen. hla wlfedlrst and real mime unknown),
llalthua Kramer and Joarph
fendanla. Omaha, Nebraska, July :tl st , IH'.m.
Hherlff of DotiKlait Couniy. Nebraaka.
V. II. lieh'rance, attorney.
Home Hre Ina. Co. va. Mortensen. et al.
Hoc. 411, No. m. r ai-5
Attorneya. 1401 Kurnam Street.
auta To Charles H. Kreed anil
Hroi'il, hla wlfo, non-reNtdent defendanta:
You are hereby rolltled that on the 7th
dny of AuKuat, 1 "'.!. Harry J. TwIntlnK.
plalntitr hen-ln, tiled hla petition In the
alMivu entitled cause, In tbe district, court
of 1 lunulas county, Nebraska. analnal. Charlea
11. Mreed and Mrs tireeo (tirst and
real name unknown), hla wife, the object and
prayer of which are to foreclose two certain
county treasurer's tax certllicaU's. executed
tin thu Ulh day of November, XWS. utonthe
property described as follows, situated In
the county of Douglas, and slate of Ne
braska, to-wll:
Lota live (A) and six (fl) In block fourteen (14)
of Carthage, an addition to the city of
Omaha; which certificates were Issued to J.
D. Smith and Win. Hchllep. respectively, and
by them sold and assigned to the plalntllT.
There Is due upon said lot live i5 the sum
nf twelve and 23-100 dollars ($!',; 2.M. and upon
lot six it)) the sum or twelve and z; inu dollars and Interest on each of said amounts
ut tbe rate of ten (10) per cent per annum
from August 7. 1!M, and an attorney's fee
amounting to ten (10) per cent of the decree,
for which sums. Willi Interest and costs.
plalntllT prays for a decree that the defend
ants be rt qui red to pay the same, and that
In default of such p-iyment said premises
may be sold to satisfy the amount found
due, and that defendants be debarred of all
Interest in said estate.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 14th day of September, 18M.
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, August 7, WW.
By Ftiundcrs & Macfarland, attorneys for
plalntllT. 8 7-4
W. II. ltl'SSKLIj,
Attorney. 616 New York Life Building.
SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order
nf sale Issued out of the district court
for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will, on the 8th day of September,
A. D. I8W. at ten o'clock A. u. of said day. at
tbe EAST front door of tbe county court
house In the city of Omaha, Douglas county,
Nebraska, sell at public auction to the high
eat, bidder for cash, the orouerty described In
said order of sale as follows, to-wit:
Lot number ten (10) In block number forty
eight 4M) In the city of Si ulh Omaha. Douglas
county. Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and
Said property tn bo sold to satisfy C, J.
Camp, plaintiff herein, the sum of eight
hundred and seventy-eight and 44-100 dollars
is78 44) Judgment, with Interest thereon at
rale of ten (10) percent per annum from May
4 th. 18M.
Also to satisfy the further sum 01 nineteen
and 48-1(1) dol ars (I1W48) costs herein, to-
? ether with accruing costs, according to a
udgment rendered by the district court of
said uougiat couni y. at 11 may u-nu, u.
IstW, tn a certain action then and there pend
ing, wherein (J. J. Camp is plalntllT, and The
Mutual Investment Company, John L.
Pierce, Receiver of The Mutual Investment
Company, Jesse Freeland, C. ohnson (tlrst
and real name unknown), and Charles F.
Harrison. Receiver of tbe Dime Savings liank
are de endanta.
Omaha, Nebraska, August 7. lswi.
John vv. Mcdonald,
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
Wm. H. Russell, attorney.
Camp vs. Mui. my. Co., et ai.
Doc. No. 127. 8 7-5
Attorney, 906 New York Llfo Building.
tueof an order of sale on decree of fore
closure of mortgage Issued out of the Dis
trict Court for Douglas county, state of Ne
braska, and to me directed, I will, on thel8tb
day of August, A. D. 1896. at ten o'clock A. M.
of said day, at tbe KAST front door of the
county court house. In the city of Omaha,
Douglas county Nebraska, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash, tbe
properly described In said order of sale, all
being situated in the county of Douglas and
stale of Nebraska, as follows, to-wlt:
Block number nineteen (ltn in naicyon
Heiirhta. a sub-division of the southeast
quarter of section t welve (12), township fif
teen, (15), range twelve (12), of the th prin
cipal meridian, aa surveyed, platted and
recorded. . , . .
Said property to be sold to satisfy George
K. Avery, plaintiff herein, the sum of two
thousand nine hundred and fifty-nine and
83-100 dollara i$2,W.83. with interest thereon
at the rate of seven (7) percent per annum
from the 4th day of May. 1806.
Tosatlsy the further sum of twrnty-seren
and 83-100 dollara (S27.83) costs herein to
gether with accruing costs, according to a
judgment rendered by the district court of
said Douglas county, at Its May term, A. D.
18D6. in an action then and there pending,
wherein George E. Avery is plaintiff, and
Howard Butcher, Mary L. R. Butcher, Wil
liam H. Crary, The Bee Publishing Company,
George W. Lex. Assignee for the benefit of
he creditors of Howard Butcher and W. S.
Harvey, trading as Washington Butcher
Sons, are aetenaants.
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, July lith
A. D. 1896. john w McD0N AU)
Sheriff of Douglas County. Nebraska,
V. O. Strlckler, attorney for plaintiff.
Geo. E. Avery vs. Howard Butcher, et al.
Doc. 55; No.W. MM
w. 11. iti ssi-xi '
Atuirtx y. 14 New Vo.k Life Building.
SHKRIKF'S SAI.F, -My v Irtur of ao order
of aale laaui-d vol of Ilia diai rlct court
fur Ikiugia county, Netiranaa and to me di-n-cted,
I Ul.oa me ll day of September. A
i !- al tea 1)1 link a M of aaid duy. at I tie
r A-T front door uf llie county court hotix.
In the cliy of Oiunha, Duuilm cnunty. r
liraka. aril at public auction to the lii.'hxt
bidder fur cmIi. the ir p-ny dewnbed In
Id order of al a fulloa. to-wlt:
I jil number eight i In bloca nuniWr
three 'ii In Kurd's Addition to (he city of
tiinuh. aa aunryrd, p alird and recorded,
ail In lou.-tis 1-1 iiniv. atate of Ni lira-aa
Mid ri-rty to tie aold toaatfy The
Michigan aiulual Lf Itmurance Company ,
itlaln:ltf hereto, the rum of one thouhand
four hundred and slily and itt-lmi dollara
.41.401 6n judgment wiiu lutenst ttier o at
rata of ten 1IU1 per cent per annum from May
lb. Iswl
1 o sailafy the further sum of twenty and
AH-Mi dollars 'tJii.Vii r sla hereiu, together
with accruing cwts, ai-cordlt g to a Judgment
rendered by the district court of said iNiug
laa county, at lis May term. A. D. l"'i. In a
certain action then anu there pending,
wherein The Michigan Mutual Life Insur
ance! ompany la plalnim and Kllit Gilmore.
Martha A. Ulimore. The Mutual Investment
lontpany, (ieore A. tloaglaud. Vvliiard F.
Cadogau. Charlea F. Harrison. Receiver uf
Dime Savlnga Hank. D. R. Hrntt ill at real
name unknown), and John L. Fierce, Re
ceiver of The Mutual Iavelmnt Company,
are defendants.
Omaba. Nebraska. July 8Wt. I'M.
john w. Mcdonald.
Sheriff of Douglas County , Nebraska.
Wm. II. Ktisaell, attorney.
Mich. Mut. Llie Ina. Co. vs Cillmore. et al.
Doc. 43; No. 2ti. 7-Ilt 5
Special Master Coiiiinlaaloner'a hale.
Under and by virtue of an order of aale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out
of the district court for Douglas county. Ne
braska, and to iue directed. I will, on the rub
day of August, A. D. lN'.tl. at 1 o'clock P. H.
of aald day. at the north front door of the
couniy court huuse. In the city of Omaha.
Douglaa county, Nebraska sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash, the
property described in said order of sale as
follows 10-wit:
The undivided one half Ci) of lot seven 17 ,
also the undivided one-haif Ci) of lot eight
IS), ail in block lilteen (15). Isaac and Selden's
Addltloa to the city of Omaba. Douglas
county. Nebraska.
Said properly 10 be sold to satisfy Philip L.
Johnson, pialnlilf herein, from Hit' proceeds
of sale of said undivided one-half ('! of lot
seven i7 In block fifteen il.'n In Isaac & Sel
den's Addition to tbe city uf Omaha, above
described, llie sum of two hundred tifty
elgiit and ltt-IOU dollars (fi'iM. Kb with Interest
thereon at the rate of ten do) per cent per
annum from February 4tli, lhi5. together
with the sum of twenty-five and 8M00 dol
lars li-Sl) attorney's fee.
To satisfy I'lilllpL. Johnson, plaintiff here
in, from the proceeds of sale of said undi
vided one-half i'i) of lot e'glit(8i in block fif
teen I I'd in Isaac & Selden's Addition, in tbe
city of Omaha, above described, the sum of
two hundred tlfty-two and 01-IUO dollars
if 152 01). with Interest thereon at rate of ten
din per cent per annum from February 4th.
lsn'i. together with the sum of twenty-live
and 20-100 dollars iS25 20) attorney's foe
To satisfy from the proceeds of sale of all
property, as htretn ordered. I be aum of
iwt'iny-nlne and l.t-Kni dollars liJll.lll) custs,
wllh Interf st thereon from February 4, 1'J5,
together with act ruing costs according to a
judgment rendered by tbe district court of
aald Douglas county, at Its February term
A. D. IHKi. In a cert a' n action then and there
pending, wherein I'lilllp L Johnson was
plaintiff, and Charles C. House! and Maria
lluusel were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska. .Iuly24th, 1S96.
Special Master Commissioner.
Saunders, Macfarland & Dickey, a torneyp.
Philip L.Joliiison vs. Chailes C. ilousel. etal.
Doc. 4tl; No. 279. 7-24-5
Notice of l'roliate of Will.
Douglas Couu'V. f
In the county court of Douglas county.
In the matter of the estate of Sophie
Moehle, deceased:
Fred Moehle. llenrlette Buhrlch. Herman
J. Moehle. Amanda Moehle, Clara Moeble,
Edmund Moehle. and all other persons Inter
ested In said matter are hereby notified that
on the 25th day of July, 1M6. Herman J.
Atoetue Died in tne county court a petition
alleging among other things that Sophie
Moehle died on the 12th day of April, 18W1,
leaving a last will and testament, and pos
sessed of real and personal estate valued at
il, HOO. 00 ard that the above named constitute
the persons interested In tbe estate of said
deceased, and praying for the probate of
said will, and for administration of said
You are hereby notified that If you fail to
appear at said court on the liith day of Sep
tember 18!NJ, at i) o'clock A. M. to contest the
probate of said will, the court may allow and
urobate said will and grant administration
of said (slate to Herman J. Moehle or some
ot her suitable person, and proceed to a set
tlement inereor.
Witness my hand and ollicial seal this zoth
day tf July, 18'.W.
IKH.XU r . II A A l f.B.
7-31-3 County Judge,
"Save My Child !"
is the cry of
many an1
little one
writhes in croup or whoop
ing cough. In such cases,
Dr. Acker's English Rem-!
edy proves a blessing and
a godsend. Mrs. M. A.1
Burke, of 309 E. 105th St.,
New York, writes: " Dr.
Acker's English Remedy
cured my baby of bronchi
tis, and also gave instant
, relief in a severe case of
1 (lies, 25c.; S0C.S $1. All Dm r fists.
ACKftS MKlUCIMfc Co., IS-18 CtlHIlllMTS SL, N.T
And still thev go like hot cakes. Every
day the publishers of the "Sinoino
Patriot" are filling orders for the
latest aud best patriotic songster on the
market. It is now m tne leuin edition
and twentieth thousand.
Send us 25c. in silver, stamps, post office
or express order, and by return mail
we will send you a copy of "Tun Sino.
ino Patriot." All the latest Patriotic
Songs with a grood sprinkling of the old
ones. This is the acknowledged "up-
to-date" songster,
And Ihev'll tv tinnnv. Stir HD love For
Native Land and the Old Flag by
getting them once more ainging tire
Old Sonus. Interest vour friends.
Want agents. Send Zc. for sample and
outht. The Patriot Oompony,
308 Dearborn St.. Ghlce&o.
of the
. . . RECORD
Con Ui nine the debate on the Indian
Schools Appropriation and Linton's
Remarks on Marquette Statue, lo
pamphlet form, now ready to mail.
One copy 5c, ten copies 40c, fifty
cop lea K.iK', one Hundred copies 3.cU
Ad dress
631 P Street N. W.,
Washington, D. C
The Safe and Swift Nerue Nourisher and Blood Builder,
il UOTTLUS for $2.&;
What KOLA Is and What It Does
KONGO KOLA KURE is both a wonder and a wonder worker. As a
Ionic (or mind and body, brain, heart, nerves and mm-cles, it Is the latest and
highest triumph of medical and chemical science. It is the GREATEST
TONIC the world has ever knon. It is endorsed and prescribed by the most
eminent physician?, and tbe mtdical journals are filled with the reports of the
marvelous results of its use.
It is prepared from the African Kola Ndt, which the natives prize more
than eold, and in some regions worship as a god oa account of the strength and
courage it gives them. They have ued it for age, but it has only recently
been Introduced in civilized lands.
FECTS. It is an energizing nerve food. It acts swiftly and surely on heart,
stomach, liver and kidneys. It gives strength for the highest mental and phy
sical exertion and prevents any sense of fatigue afterwards.
It gives restful and refreshing sleep at night; bright and fruitful activity
throughout the day.
To teachers, editors, clergymen, lawyers and other brain workers, under
any unusual pressure of labor, it is a heaven-sent boon.
It Is a valuable remedy for Nerve Weakness and Exhaustion. Neuralgia,
Heart Failure and Irregularity, "Tobacco Heart," Kidney and Bladder Ailment-,
Liver Trouble, fiilliousness, Malaria, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Headache,
Asthma, Bronchitis, Constipation, Rheumatism, and it completely removes the
depressing and distressing effects of the Grippe.
For the tired, overworked women whose nerves are unstrung by the thou
sand annoying worries of the household this wonderful tonic will prove a price
Icbs boon
It is carefully compounded with Celery, the great nervine, and Is a true
nerve nourisher and blood builder.
It is especially adapted to run-down nervous systems. It feeds tbe nerves,
enriches the blood, beautifies the tkin, regulates the bowels, increases the appe
tite and drives out disease by toning up the entire system.
As a guarantee, we return the money paid by the person who uses Kongo
Kala Kure and is not benefited thereby.
Put up in large bottles. Price $1.00 per bottle.
For the next 30 days we make a special offer of 85 cents per bottle, or 3 bot
tles for $2.00 pre paid. Three bottles are sufficient to give permanent relief in
all ordinary cases, and one bottle gives decldfd benefit.
This Is a stronger preparation of
to quit the use of tobacco. KOLA-B AC gradually displaces tobacco by destroy
ing a desire for it, and in time creating a distaste for it. It counteracts the
deadly poison of nicotine, and cures the dread desire known as the "Tobacco
Heart." In boxes, 50 cents eacn. ror
We will eive S200.00 to anyone who will sell within the next i
three months 1200 copies of "Talks to Children About Jesus." One of i
the most popular oooks ever puoiisoeu. uver uu, copies already i
sold. Asents sell from 10 to la copies a day. Beautifully illustrated. I
Freiirlit paid and credit given. Complete canvassing outfit and full
luiuruiatiuu oowiiia,
to nnvone who will sell 75 copies In twomonthR. We will jrlvean i
KSTKV OKU AN, retail price P-TO-dO, to anyone who will ell 110 '
copies In three montlis, splendid opportunity for a Church or Hoclety
to secure an oa-an. A UOLU WATCH, retail price !W.00 plven to j
anyone who will sell tK conies In 30 days. This premium Is in add!-
tlon to the reiruhir com mission.
the prizes, are Kiven liberal commission ror any numner sola. i.ast j
fall, we paid to n units over (Wi.OUO in commissions. A large number !
tnadeovrr $100,110 per month. Write us immediately and secure j
an aseucy. It will pay you. No time to lose, someone will get ahead
of you. We also offer most liberal Inducements on other books and j
llihles for Kali and Holiday Trade. A new book, " Forty I ran In j
China," sells rapidly. At-ents often average 10 orders a day. Kame j
terms and premiums as on "Talks toC'hll lren." We give extraordin- j
arv terms for sellimr Marlon Harland's new liook. "Home of the i
lMbl. r-lK).0n given for selling
eie for sewing w copies in one
Lake View Consolidated
Gold and Silver flining Co.,
Located in Beaver Head County, Montana, offers
a portion of its
Treasury Stock at a Low Price
to secure money todevelop its property and put
in a mill.
This company owns FOURTEEN CLAIMS
of twenty acres each, all well prospected,
and have been examined by competent experts
and practical miners. The Ore assays from $12
to $300 in gold per ton. It offers the
Best Chance for a
Paying Investment
in the West. The Stock is non-assessable, and
its development will greatly enhance it value.
This Company has all of the preliminary
work done, and is supplied with tools, tool
houses, blacksmith shops, and stables, all com
pleted, and is only twenty-eight miles from a
Railway station. There is also plenty of Timber,
Water and Free milling Gold Ore. For partic
ulars, address the undersigned for circulars
and other information.
M. L. ZOOK, Asrent,
1615 Howard Street)
Omaha, Neb.
The American
The Best Patriotic Paoer in the West.
Kolo, In tablet form, for those who wish
tne next, bo aays d Doxes ior i.uu.
AeenU who do not secure any o Ig
140 copies in 3 months, or f 100.00 liicy-1
momn. send 7S0. ior ouuu. vi rue ai once, i