The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, August 14, 1896, Image 1

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THE Aftf
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BOo to Jan. 1. 1897.
Cheapest Paper in Asein
A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. "AMERICA FUR AM Elt 1CANS" We hold that til men are Americans who Swear Allegiance to the I'niu-d State without a mcnUl reservation. PKlt'K FIVE CENTS
Parochial Schools Fail To
Do What They Are
Said To Do-To
All the Countries of the Old World (iave
Them a Fair Trial, Found Them
Worthless and Discarded
Rev. N. S. Albright, D. D., writing
for the Chicago Sentinel recently, said
The criminal atatUtlca are against
the parochial schools in every land,
The Cutholic Times of April 17, 1885,
said: "Our people, though one-third
the population of Liverpool, constitute
nearly one-half of the total number of
nrisnnfirs." In Scotland the Roman
Catholics are one-twelfth of the popu
lation; yet on July 23, 1877, one-third
of all the prisoners in Scotland were
Roman Catholics. In Australia, In
1885, three-tenths of Roman Catholics
contributed as many criminals as seven'
tenths Protestant. The parliamentary
report for 1881 showed that "while the
Roman Catholics form only three'
fourths of the population of Ireland,
they furnish six-sevenths of the crlm
Inals. Especially is this disparity seen
in the case of children, whose acts 11
lustrate the value of parochial schools.
of juveniles, committed to county and
borough prisons. Inlreland, in 188J 4,
there were 116 Protestant Episco
pallans, t forty-two Presbyterians, and
777 Hnman Catholics." At one time
there were in the state prison at Con'
cord, Massachusetts, 660 convicts, of
whom 400 were Roman Catholics-
more than five times their proportion
according to population. The papal
hierarchy denounce our free public
schools as godless and Immoral; well
may we pray, may God long save us
from the criminal percentages of their
parochial schools! f
.Go to Sadowa. On that field Prussia
and Austria met Si arms in 1866, PruS'
sia two and one-half per cent illiter
ate, Austria 17' per cent Illiterate.
"Knowledge is power;" ignorance
failed at Sadowa. Go to Sedan. PruS'
Bian, two and one-half per cent illiter
ate; French, thirty-six per cent illiter
ate. Fiench valor, pride or renown,
love of glory all went down In the
terrible defeat of French ignorance.
The proud emperor of the French fled
awav to die in exile, while the better
educated Germans invaded his gay
capital, and dictated peace at Ver-
saillea.nAnd not only In war, but in
peace, the parochial school fails to edu
cate men to manliness. Fifty millions
of Protestants to-day rule two hundred
millions of RomanoCatholics and more
than half the world besides.
So I brand the parochial school a
failure.Q It fails to educate the people
It fails to make men good citizens. It
fails to make men brave In war or great
in peace.
Let the Bible be kept in the public
schools and held tacrtd, not as the or
gan of a sect or the soil of a creed, but
as the nobleBt literature, the truest
. hlstorv. thenoarest ethics, the best
piety, rjthe 'broadest philanthropy
Stand, bv the public school. Make It
better and hetter.D Enlarge its equips
ment 'and' elevate -its standards. Put
it injeharge of its friends. Let Ameri
cans and graduates of the system carry
on its work forever. Stand by the pub
lic school. C Never divide it, never cut
down itsjsfunds, lor release any man or
an acre of ilacd frcm proportionate ob
ligation to support it.
Romish teaching and rule produces
about the samel percentage of pauper
ism as Ignorance and crime.
The parochial school is a failure, as
Dr. Sidney. String f justly says. The
parochial ;school fails to do the very
first and most vital thing required of a
school it fails' toj.educate. The pa
rochial! school ils not a new thing; it
has been tried,' for aUong time, over a
great part of theiworld, and it has al-
ways and everywhere failed to do the
first thing in education, to teach the
people to readr.acdowrite. Parochial
schools fail to give the people "reading
and 'rlting." OnLthis charge there Is
no room for a doubt or an apology. Go
anywhere in thej world, and find, my
challengejtrue.c Parochial schools fail
to teach the people to read. Go to
Italy. See whatjthe parochial schools
did under thevery eyejof the pope and
his cardinals. For fourteen long cen
turies the pope had his way in the
land; yet when'Victor Emmanuel over
threw the temporal power of the pope
in 1S70, and united Italy into a nation,
he found eighty per cent of the people
wholly illiterate, and less than five per
cent able to readjand write. That is to
say, when Victor Emmanuel set the
Italian people free from papal rule in
1870, be found them more illiterate
than were the negroes of any southern
state lr480. Victor Hugo salt?: "Italy,
which taught mankind to read, yet now
knows not how to rei." "Italy," says
one, "is the home of the parochial
school. Leave Italy; go far away to
Ecuador. Ecuador has an area of 2T0,
000 square miles, more than six times
the area of Ohio; yet in all Ecuador
there are but forty-one postofficee.
What does that say for the Intelligence
and intercourse of the people? There
Is not a stage coac nor a railroad in
Ecuador. There is not a newspaper
printed outsldd the city of Guyaqull.
The people know nothing but what the
priests tell them." All the people are
Roman Catholics, and they cling to the
parochial school still, after all the
other Sauth American republics have
taken education out of the hands of the
priests and established public schools.
Every state in South America has long
tried the parochial school, tried it ex
clusively until within twenty years;
and now every one, save Ecuador, has
established free public schools; some of
them fine parents for sending children
to parochial schools, others prohibit
parochial schools altogether. Mexico
has tried the parochial schools and has
prohibited them, after establishing
free public schools. The republics of
Central America have likewise tried
the parochial schools, and they have
also repudiated them. These repub
lics south of us are not Protestant;
they are still intensely Roman Catho
lic. The Bible is prohibited in many
of them. One of our Methodist preach
ers has within a year suffered months
of imprisonment in a South African
capital for selling Bibles to the people.
These states, Roman (Jatnollc still, re
pudiate the parochial school because it
fails to educate the people, and even
Roman Catholics are demanding the
education which their clergy deny
them. ,
William Wheeler has made a tabular
comparison of eight Roman Catholic
countries with eight Protestant coun
tries. The eight Roman Catholic
countries: Venezuala, Austro-Hun
gary, France, Brazil, Spain, Portugal
Belgium,. Italy, with an area of 4,0u0,
000 square miles, and a population of
148,000,000, of which the average is 91
per cent Roman Catholic, show an il
literacy of 60 per cent The eight
Protestant countries: Victoria, Swe
den, Switzerland, Netherlands, iGer-
many, Denmark, Great Britain, United
States, with an area of 4,000,000 fquare
miles, and a population of 194,000,000,
of which the average is 80 per cent
Protestant, show an illiteracy of fou
percent. c Why do the eight Roman
Catholic states have fifteen times as
many illiterates as the eight Protes'
tant states? The parochial school falls
In education; it does not teach poople
to read. This failure in education is
not a vice peculiar to Roman Catholic
parochial schools. The parochial
school fails in Russia, under the au
thority of the "Holy, Catholic, Ortho
dox and Apostolic Church," as slg
nally as it falls anywhere in the world
The parochial school was tried In Eng
land, down to 1870, under the auspices
of the Church of England; but even
the Protestant parochial school failed
to cure Illiteracy; and England, slow to
yield, late adopted the public school
with good results. The vice is In the
system. No ecclesiastical school will
do for general elementary education
Public schools do educate. In France
and Italy, Roman Catholic countries,
public schools are steadily reducing II
literacy one per cent a year. With
this indisputable record of failure,
failure wherever and whenever tried,
failure at the hands of ecclesiastics of
every sect, among people oi every re-
llgion, in every land, the parochial
school is still the favorite educational
system of the popo and his minions
Why? Because that system will fur
nish more dupes for papal schemes.
The Catholic World says: "We are op
posed to the common schools as they
are, because our school condemns them.
The best-ordered and administered
state is that in which the few are well
educated, and many are trained to be
obedient and willing to be directed, are
content to follow, and do not aspire to
leaders." "We believe the
peasantry in old Catholic countries
two centuries ago were better edu
cated, although, for the most part un
able to read and write, than are the
great body of the American people to
day, "o The secret of the papal zeal for
the parochial school is exactly this:
The parochial school fails to educate
the people. "The uneducated ballot is
the winding-sheet of liberty," and that
the pope' knows as well as Wendell
Phillips, who said It. Free education.
like free speech and free press, is
death to popery and all this bigotry,
intolerance and tyranny. Roman
Catholicism and modern civilization
are absolutely antagonistic
and Irreconcilable What is
life to the one is death to the other.
Disaster to I'ulltlcal ItomanUm.
Thus far this baa been a disastrous
year for the Roman Catholic church in
politics. In Washington, congress has
patted a resolution that hereafter no
appropriation of publlo money shall be
made for sectarian purposes. That cuts
off the large turns that were voted
every year for the Roman Catholic
schools among the Indians, their asy
lums, hospitals, etc Henceforth the
government appropriations . will be
used for non-sectarian purposes. To
the patriotic members of congress, led
by Mr. Linton of Michigan, the thanks
of the whole American people are due
for the final disposition of this ques
tion. The nomination of Major McKinley
as a presidential candidat9 by the Re
publican party does not please the hier
archy, who see in him a praying Metho
dist and a sound Protestant. Mr.
Bryan, the Democratic-Populist and
Silverlte candidate, is also a Protes
tant, a member of the Presbyterian
church In Lincoln, Nebraska, and
though nine-tenths of the Roman Cath
olics will vote the. Democratic ticket,
they would prefer Mr. Bland of Mis
souri, whose wife is a Roman Catholic,
as their candidate. Mr. Bland would
have been nominated at the conven
tion in Chicago if his wife had been a
Protestant. But the fates were against
him. It is remarkable that Mr. James
G. Blaine's Roman Catholic mother
lost him the presidency In 1884. Gen
eral Sherman's Roman Catholic wife
and Jesuit son prevented his nomina
tion and now Mr. Bland's Roman
Catholic family have likewise blasted
his hopes. Romanism is not good for
this world or the world to come. It
does not pay for a politician to be al
lied to Rome. When the political
power of Rome is broken, the people
will be no longer deluded into believ
ing what the pope or priests tell them,
and the door will be open wide for the
Gospel of the Son of God to reach them
in loving kindness. Converted Catholic.
The Turks.
It becomes more apparent now, to
everyone, that those who stated the
fact that the Roman Catholics had a
hand in the Turks killing the Protes
tant Christians were correct. I some
times think if everything were as easy
to determine as it is to put your finger
on the spot where the Romanist is
found, when there is any difficulty be
tween nations, there would be many
difficult problems easily eolvec. Ac
cording to the statements of the Amer
ican minister, he is no friend of the
Romanists, and it would be strange if
they did not try to have some one else
sent there. The papists will use any
means to accomplish anything which
will benefit their church, although
they continually sing the little song,
"We do not teach that the end justifies
the means." If they do not teach it
they live it. A drunkard does not
teach intemperance, but he lives it.
X. X.
Why Tliev Come.
The following information from Mgr.
O'Brien, late vlcar-general of the dio
cese of Fort Wayne (Romanist), cer
tainly explains why there is so much
criminality among Roman Catholic
"No priest has ever freely left Europe
ana resigned bis charge there to be
come a missionary to the United States.
They have all been suspended and ex
pelled irom their own countries: the
contrary idea is ridiculous, and they
themselves would laugh at It. Having
been dismissed by their own bishops,
they come here, and our own bishops
receive them with open arms; and
though they can scarcely make them
selves intelligible in our language, thev
are provided with a good living, to the
detriment of our own clergy. This love
of Romish bishops in America for for
eigners is 'because they are so humble,
so willing to do any dirty piece of busi
ness for them without asking Ques
Lawrier's Cabinet.
The new Canadian cabinet is a vast
improvement on the old one, which was
greatly Romanized. The present cab
inet contains but four Roman Catholics
to twelve Protestants. Says the Cutholic
"There are in the new cabinet four
French Canadians, of whom one (Mr.
Joly) is a Protestant. There are two
Eng-lish-speaklug ministers from Que
bec, both Protestants, namely, Messrs.
Fisher and Dobell. Of the six Ontario
ministers one is Roman Catholic.
namely, Senator Scott. Of the four
ministers from the Maritime Provinces
all are Protestant. Of the sixteen min
isters four are Roman Catholic. Mr.
Fitzpatrick, solicitor-general, is a Ro
man Catholic, but he has not a seat' in
the cabinet. There Is but one English-
peaking Roman Catholic in the cabi
net, namely, Senator Scott."
It is Confessedly the Most Re
markable Political Docu
ment Ever Written
Hy Man.
Tbe Nation That Lives I'mler It ltene
flrlent I'roUiilun the Man el of all
History Fitly-live Dele
gate Framed II.
The Constitution of
Stated reads aa follows:
the United
We, the people of the United States,
in order to form a more perfect union
establish justice, insure domestic tran
Qulllty. provide for the common de
fense, proraoto the general welfare
and secure the blessings of liberty to
ourselves and our posterity, to ordain
and establish this Constitution for the
United States of America.
Sec. 1. All legislative powers here'
In granted shall be vested In a Con
gress of the United States, which shall
consist of a senate and house of reprc
Sec. 2 The house of representatives
shall be composed of members chosen
every second year by the people of the
several states, and the electors In each
state shall have the qualifications
requisite for electors of the most num
erous branch of the state legislature.
No person shall be a representative
who shall not have attained the age of
twenty-five years, and been seven
years a citizen of the United States,
and who shall not, when elected, be an
inhabitant of that state in which he
shall be chosen.
Representatives and direct taxes
shall be apportioned among the sev
eral states which may be included
within this union, according to their
respective numbers, which shall be do
termlned by adding to the whole num
bef of free persons, includfng those
b" ai to service for a term of years
and excluding Indians i.ot taxed, three
fifths of all other persons. The actual
enumeration shall be made withl
three years a'ter the first meeting of
the Congress of the United States, an
within every subsequent term of ten
years, in such manner aa they shall by
law direct. The number of represen
tatlves shall not exceed one for every
thirty thousand, but each state shall
have at least one representative; and
until such enumeration shall be made
the state of New Hampshire shall be
entitled to choose three, Massachusetts
eight, Rhode Island and Providence
Plantations one, Connecticut five, New
York six, New Jersey four, Pennsvlva'
nia eight, Deleware one, Maryland
six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five
South Carolina five, aad Georgia three
wnen vacancies Happen in tbe rep
resentation from any state, the execu
tive authority thereof shall Issue writs
of election to fill such vacancies.
The house of representatives Bhall
choose their speaker and other officers,
and shall have the sole power of im
peach ment.
Sec. 3. The Senate of the United
States shall be composed of two eena
tors from each state, chosen by th
legislature thereof for 6ix years; and
each senator shall have one vote.
Immediately after they shall be as
sembled in consequence of the first
election, they shall be divided as
equally as may be into three classes,
I he seats of the senators of the first
class shall bo vacated at tke expira
tion of the second year; of the sesond
class, at the expiration of the fourth
year, and of the third class, at the ex
plration of of the sixth year, so that
one-third may be chosen every second
year; and if vacancies happen by resig
nauon or otnerwise during toe recess
of the legislature of any state, the ex
ecutive thereof may make temporary
appointments until the next meeting
of the legislature, which shall then fill
such vacancies.
No person shall be a senator who
shall not have attained the age of
thirty years, and be nine years a citi
zen of the United States, and who shall
not, when elected, be an inhabitant of
that state for which he shall be chosen
The Vice-President of the United
States shall be president of the senate,
but shall have no vote, unless they be
equally divided.
IPL. . . .1 -I! 1 - .
iiic benaie snaa cnoose ineir otner
officers, and also a president pro tem
pore in the absence of the vice-president,
or when he shall exercise the
office of Presidentof the United States.
The senate shall have the sole power
to try all impeachments. When sit
ting for that purpose, they shall be on
oath or affirmation. When the Presi
dent of the United States I tried, the
chief justice shall preside; and no per
son shall be convicted without the
concurrence of two-thirds of the mem
bers prenent.
Judgment In cam of Impeachment
shall not extend further than to re
moval from office, and disqualification
to hold and enjoy any office of honor,
trust, or profit under the I'niU-d
States; but the party convicted shall,
nevertheless, be liable and subject to
Indictment, trial, judgment, and pun
ishment, according to law.
Sec. 4. The times places, and man
ner of holding elections for senators
and representatives shall be preset lbed
in each state by the lcgUlature thereof;
but the congress may at any time by
law make or altar such regulations,
except as to tbe places of choosing sen
ators. The congress shall assemble at least
once In every year, and such meeting
shall be on the first Monday In Decem
ber, unless they shall by law appoint a
different day.
Sec. 5. Each house shall be the
judge of the elections, returns, and
qualifications of its own members, and
a majority of each shall constitute a
quorum to do business; but a smaller
number may adjourn from day to day,
and may be authorized to compel tbo
attendance of absent members, In such
manner, and under such penalties, as
each bouse may provide.
Each bouse may determine the rules
of Its proceedings, punish Its members
for disorderly behavior, and with the
concurrence of two-thirds, expel
Each house shall keep a journal of
Its proceedings, and from time to time
publish the same, excepting such parts
as may in their judgment require
secrecy, and the yeas and nays of the
members of either bouse on any ques
tlon shall, at tbe desire of one-fifth of
those present, be entered on the jour
Neither house, during the Bcsslon of
congress, Bhall, without the consent of
the other, adjourn fos more than three
days, nor to any other place than that
in which the two bouses shall be sit
Sec. 6. The senators and represent
atives Bhall receive a compensation for
their services, to be ascertained by
law and paid out of the treasury of the
United States. They Bhall, in all cases
except tresson, felony, and breach of
tbe peace, be privileged from arrest
during their attendance at the session
of their respective houses, and in go
ing to and returning from the same
and for any speech or debate in eithe
house tbey shall not be questioned in
any other place.
No senator or representative shall
during tbe lime lor wblcb he was
elected, be appointed to any civil office
under the authority of the United
States, which shall have been created
or the emoluments whereof shall have
been Increased during such time; and
no person holding any office under the
United States shall be a member of
either house during his continuance in
Sec. 7. All bills for raising revenue
shall originate in the house of repre
sentatives; but the senate may propose
or concur with amendments as on
other bills.
Every bill which shall have passed
the house of representatives and the
senate shall, before it becomes a law
be presented to the President of the
United States; if be approve, he shall
sign It, but if not he shall return it
with his objections, to that house in
which it shall have originated, who
shall enter the objections at large on
their journal and proceed to reconsider
It. If after such reconsideration two-
thirds of that house shall agree to pass
the bill, It shall be sent, together with
the objections, to the other house, by
which It shall likewise be reconsidered
ana if approved by two-thirds of that
bouse it shall become a law. But in
all such cases the votes of both houses
shall be determined by yeas and nays,
ana the names of the persons voting
for and against the bill shall be en
tered on the journal of each house re
spectively, if any bill shall not be
returned by the president within ten
days (Sundays excepted) after It shall
have been presented to him, the same
shall be a law, in like manner as if he
had signed it, unless the congress by
their adjournment prevents its returni
in which case it shall not be a law.
Every order, resolution, or vote to
which the concurrence of the senate
and house of representatives mav he
necessary (exeept on a question of ad
journment stiall be presented to the
President of the United Slates; and
before the same shall take effect, shall
be approved by him, or being disap-
proved by him, shall be repassed by
two-thirds of the senate and house of
representatives, according to the rules
and limitations pretcribed In the care
of a bill.
Sec.tS. Tke crngrers si all hare
fiower to lay and collect taxes, duties,
Imposts, and excett,to -py the debt
and provide for the common defense
and general welfare of the United
States; but all duties, impost a, and ex
ceses shall bo uniform throughout tbe
United States;
To borrow money on the credit of
the United States;
To regulate commerce with foreign
nations and among the several states,
and with the Indian tribes;
To establish an uniform rule of nat
uralization, and uniform law on tbe
subject of bankruptcies throughout the
United Slates;
To coin money, regulate the value
thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the
standard of weights and measures;
To provide for the punishment of
counterfeiting the securities and cur
rent coin of the United States;
To establish post-offices and post
roads; To promote the progress of science
and usoful arts by iccurlng for lim
ited times to authors and Inventors the
exclusive right to their respective
writings and discoveries;
To constitute tribunals Inferior to
the supremo court;
To define and punish piracies and
felonies committed on tbo high seas
and offenses against the law of nations;
To declare war, grant letters of
marque' and reprisal, and make rules
concerning captures on land and water;
To raise and support armies, but no
appropriation of money to that use
shall bo for a longer term than two
To provide and maintain a navy:
To make rules for the government
and regulations of the land and naval
To provide for calling forth tbe
militia to execute the laws of the
Union, suppress Insurrections, and re
pel invasions;
To provide for organizing, arming,
and disciplining the Militia, and for
governing such part of them as may
be employed in the service of the
United States, reserving to the states
respectively the appointment of tbo
officers, and the authority of training
the militia axordioK to tho discipline
prescribed by congress.
To exercise exclusive legislation In
all cases whatsoever over such district
(not exceeding ten miles square) aa
may, by cession of particular states
and the acceptance of congress, become
the seat of the government of the
United States, and to exercise like
authority over all places purchased by
the consent of the legislature of the
state in which the tame shall be, for
the erection of forts, magazines, arsen
als, dockyards, and other needful build
ings; and
To make all laws which shall be
necessary and pioper for carrying into
execution the foregoing powers, and
all other powers vested by this Consti
tution in the Government of the
United States, or in any department or
officer thereof.
Sec. 9. The migration or importa
tion of such persons as any of tho
states now existing shall think proper
to admit shall not be prohibited by
the congress prior to tho year one
thousand eight hundred and eight, but
a tax or a duty may be imposed on
such Importation, not exceeding ten
dollars for each person.
The privilege of the writ of habeas
corpus shall not be suspended, unless
when In cases of rebellion or invasion
the public safety may require it.
No bill of attainder or ex post facto
law shall be passed. ,
No capitation or other direct tax
shall be laid, unless in proportion to
the census or enumeration hereinbe
fore directed to be taken.
No tax or duty shall be laid on arti
cles exported from any state.
No preference shall be given by any
regulation of commerce or revenue to
the ports of one state over those of
another; nor shall vessels bound to or'
from one state be obliged to enter,
clear, or pay duties In another.
No money shall be drawn from the
treasury but In consequence of appro
priations made by law; and a regular
statement and account of the receipts
and expenditures of all public money
shall be published from time to time.
No tiile of nobility shall be granted
by the United States; and no person
holding any office of prcfit or trust
under them shall, without tte consent
of the congress, accept of any present,
emolument, office, or title, of anv kind
whatever, from any king, prince, or
foreign state.
Sec. 10. No state shall enter into
any treaty, alliance, or confederation;
grant letters of marque and reprisal;
coin money; emit bills of credit; make
anything but gold and silver coin a
(Continued on page 5.)