THE AMERICAN. a THE MAYOR'S MASCOT. HIS HONOR PALLS IN LOVE FIRST SIGHT. AT Lm lalaad City's Calel Eseretl the Oalact HI AffarttM oa a Mat way Tralav Caabby, Hlae-Erad. 1 MwilafOM Baby la a Caaqaartag Hm A TOR Patrick Jerome Gleason, of Long Island City in In love, announce the New York Her- aid. Hi heart was captured on a Long Inland train the other day by a chub by, Wue-eyea, flaxen-haired you n f ter, who kicked and crowed In his mother' arm. In consequence, another member may be added to the great man's household. This new tickle the mayor's little daughter, Jessie Gleason, 12 years old, who says she would lust doU on a baby brother and give him half her pin money. It was a case of love at first sight, although the youngster made the first advances, but the big man was not slow to respond. Occupied with thoughts of his candidacy for governor, be bad en tered the train, scarcely looking about bim, and throwing himself In a seat. gave his fancy free reign. His reverie was short. A soft, chubby hand coyly pulling at his Iron-gray hair roused him, and he turned to see who the offender was. He found himself con fronted by a pair of the brightest blue eyes he ever looked Into. And the owner of those eyes danced with de light when he saw he had attracted at tention. Dreams of future greatness fled, and the big mayor was a boy again. The mischievous urchin lost no time In following up his conquest. First, the mayor's bristling mustache took his fancy, and he plunged Into it with both chubby fists. This tickled the mayor more than if he had been elected president. Next the youngster tried to poke out the pair of keen gray eyes that sparkled beneath shaggy eyebrows and that have sent terror to many hearts. Then the tall hat caught the todler's eyes, and he wanted It, and he got It, finding lots of fun to hide in it. Then he returned to pulling the mayor's hair and mustache. And the big man enjoyed It, and soon was on friendly with babe and mother. "That's the finest boy I ever saw," aid the mayor. "And he's only 18 months old," the mother said proudly. The mayor learned that the child's name was Edward Bradley, and that his mother was returning from Stony Brook, where she had been working for Mr. Darling. While telling her story the woman's voice trembled, and t once or twice there was a guspiclon of tears In her eyes. "Give that boy to me," the mayor said, "and I'll make a man of him. I'll not feed him on clams and boiled eggs, like you Yankees, but I'll give him good oatmeal and buttermilk. That's what I was brought up on, and I tell you it's the fare to make men." When no one was watching the big man poked several crisp bills into the youngster's hand, but the little fellow liked the bright green paper and the pretty pictures, and spread them out, and this was the only Incident that didn't please the captive, for, as every body looked, a suspicion of a scowl crossed the mayor's face. All the while the young mother was chatting away, telling her troubles to the big man, without knowing who he was un til a friend entered the car, and, catch lng sight of the burly form, walked up to the seat and shouted: "Hello, there. Mayor Gleason, how are you?" For an Instant the young mother was somewhat startled. Not so the baby. He Just played away with the mayor's mustache and hair, unconcern ed, and as if he had a perfect right to, On leaving the train at Long Island CIty the mayor took the young woman .j his office and agreed that if his lit tie daughter consented, and every thing was satisfactory, he would adopt the child. The young mother left for the city with a light heart, and this follow ing note of Introduction to the mayor's little daughter: "Long Island City, April 22, 1S96. My Dear Jessie: This will introduce to you one of the brightest ba'y boys I ever saw. I know you will think so too, when you see him. He likes me, and, do you know, I've fallen in love with him? I met him on the train this morning, and we at once Decame fast friends. He pulled my hair, got his little hands in my moustache, and finally insisted on trying to wear my hat. What do you say If we adopt him ? I know you will not feel jealous. Just think, when he grows up he could take you out riding behind Parnell and Gladstone, and besides that you would have a good brother to care for you. Hastily, "PAPA." And the pair met a most cordial re ception at the hands of Miss Gleason, who was captivated by the little fel low. She declared that if her father would only adopt him he should share her pin money and be her little brother. When the mayor visited his little girl later in the day he found her overjoyed with the prospect of having a brother. She is very fond of her father, who Is exceedingly proud of her. He consults her on perplexing problems, and says her judgment is never at fault, save when her tender heart interposes in be half of some one. She has already solved this problem, and nothing is wanting now but the consent of the mother to change the name of the urchin to Patrick Jerome Gleason, Jr. i 1 BURNS' LOVE FOR HIS WIFE, A ted Waal a at r avatar Staaawta far -Hlbla4 Mar. "Burn ha hern hotly assailed be cause of hi alleged Indifference to hi if (Jean Armour), but the fact I he waa ardently fond of her. Jean was true to him, and hi true affection never really turned from her. Jean wor shiped him literally worshiped him. And when we tudy her devoted life we must agree that there must have been much that wa admirable In the char acter of a man who wa adored by o true a woman. Burn' biographer have paid too scanty attention to all this. There 1 no use In apologizing or the defect of Bobbie' life, but there 1 such a thing as Insisting too heavily upon them. Too much ha been made in the thousand storle of Burns' life of the 'Highland Mary' epi sode, and too little of what he really felt for Jean Armour, and of Jean's In tense loyalty to him and devoted care of him. The real facta about Highland Mary will never be known. They com prise the one episode of Burns' life which Is veiled In mystery. But one can study the poet's life closely enough to see that the persecution which In the early days seemed to hopelessly separ ate him from love drove him to High land Mary for solace, and that Mary' sudden death Idealized that Highland lassie In hi memory. There was not much more to it, and Jean never trou bled herself about It. There has been a sad waste of popular sympathy over Highland Mary. It Is to loyal Jean our thoughts should turn. Burns' love for her and for her children was very great. That Is a pleasing picture of him handed down by one who saw him 'sitting in the summer evening at his door with his little daughter In his arms, dangling her, and singing to her, and trying to elicit her mental facul ties.' The little girl died in the autumn of 1795, when her father's health was failing." Arthur Warren, in Ladies' Home Journal. A QUEER MITE Three-Yrar-Old Son of Aced rarrnta Weight Tat Pound. care of an Interesting specimen of hu manity, a three-year-old boy, who weighs only ten and one-half pounds, and who was born when his mother was 71 years old and his father 78. The lit tie fellow enjoys-the romantic name of Jesse James Long. His parents eked out an existence on a miserable farm In an Isolated section of Union town ship until forced to give up work on account of old age. Five children were born to them, the first four of normal size, and grew up naturally to healthy maturity. Jesse, at the time of his birth, was 13 inches in height and weighed one and one-half pounds. When the child reached the age of two years his father died, and his mother followed six months later. On the in fant's sister, Rosabella, devolved the care of the child, but not having any employment, she walked to the city and asked for help. The baby is unable to walk, but creeps about the floor in a lively manner. His head Is not much larger than an ordinary baseball and a quarter of a dollar would cover one hand. New York Herald. Great Tula Wave. Those who see the rise and fall of the tides in our Atlantic harbors sel dom think of the wonderful career of the moon-raised ocean-waves which cause the tidal flux and reflux. Such billows not only cross the sea, but flow from ocean to ocean, and In this way complicated movements are set going. Thus, as Mr. vaughan Cornish has re cently reminded English readers, once In every twelve hours the moon raiser a tide billow in the southern Indian Ocean. When this billow passes the Cape of Good Hope, at noon, its succes' sor is already born, and by the time the first billow has reached the Azores Islands, at midnight, the second is rounding the Cape, and a third has come into existence in the southern ocean. By 4 o'clock in the morning following its pas'- e of the Cape the tide billow reaches the English Chan nel and there the shallow water de lays it so much that it does not arrive at the Straits of Dover until 10 a. m Here the narrowing Channel causes the tide to rise very high and almost putt an end to the wave. In the meantime an6ther branch of the billow runs around the western side of the British Islands, rounds the north point of Scot land, and moves slowly down the east ern coast of England, until it finally flows un the Thames and laps the wharves of London. Chant' of the Timet. "Yes. indeed, said the old man thoughtfully, after his wife had deliv ered a dissertation upon the progress of the sex, "the new woman is vastly different from the old." "I thought you would realize that in time," she returned rather sharply. "I have Just been reading," he went on, "how girls used to be sold by theii parents, and some of them brought fancy prices." "But there is none of that now, thank heaven! Woman has asserted herself. and " "No, there's none of that now," in terrupted the old man. "A man does not buy his wife in theee days. Now he has to be paid to take her, and her poor old father has to wreck his bank ac count to provide the dowry." St Louis Republic. Cu Their Track. "Ha! ha!" -quoth Romeo GrufTvoice, the tragedian, as he wearily stepped from tie to tie on the way In from Frostville,' " 'tis the first time, for sooth, I have played the role of detec tive. The directors of this road know me not, but I am on their track." Just then a train turned the curve and the way it used him made him feel very much cut up. -New York World. ROQUEFORT CHEESE. Haw It la Made reralter ftavar Daa Is Malaad at Carta. It I supposed that hundred of year ago the south of France waa disturbed by volcanic eruptions, which split up the ancient granite rock, causing stream of lava to flow from them, say the Mercury. The new surface) con sisted of basaltic rock, which In turn were Manured by eruption and thrown up onto a mountain range. The whole of the Interior of mountain was tbu formed Into cavern and cave, which belch forth hot. sulphurou spring. It I here that the celebrated Roquefort cheese are made. The village of Roque fort I situated on the mountain Lar tac, which I about twenty-live mile In length and nearly 3.000 feet high. It consist chiefly of limestone, covered with sufficient pasture to feed the 300. 900 heep kept for their milk. The caves, being formed by the displace ment of rock, consist of an Intricate labyrinth of open space and passuge. connected with each other and with subterranean outlet. A cool current of air, therefore, always of the same de gree of humidity and temperature, flow In a never-Interrupted stream through the caves. There is nothing in the milk or In the preparation of the cheeses that give them that peculiar flavor and delicious mellowness for which they are so renowned. Thl Is entirely effected by the method by which they are cured. When the cheeses are ready for treatment they are taken to the caves and after beiug allowed to cool are carried to the salting room. They are rubbed with salt on one face and then plied on top of each other jn Ul the cave Is full. After standing for twenty-four hours or bo the reverse side is salted and once more they are piled up as before. The cheeses have to be frequently reversed in order that the moisture may be even throughout and to develop the fungus which has previously been sown in the curd. In forty-eight hours the cheeses become viscous and are rubbed with a coarse cloth. In the course of another two days the fungus will appear on the out Bide in the form of a sticky paste. This Is carefully scraped off with knives, to gether with a thin stratum of crust, and set aside for food. The cheeses are now sorted out, the .most solid ones being placed on the floor. In eight days' time they become covered with a yellowish-red mold, to gether with other minute vegetation, which is removed and given to the pigs. The scraping is continued until the character of tho mold changes, show ing that the curd has altered Its condi tion and announcing the completion of the curd. Then they are again care fully scraped and wiped and wrapped in tinfoil and are ready for the market Roquefort cheeses have been cured for centuries by this process and stand as a triumph of uneducated art The Paper Kxtnroed. 'I'll tell you the queerest story you ever heard," said Chief Dickinson of the department of fire the other day, "and It is a true story at that. In 1864, toward the end of the war, I wae at Fort Lincoln, at Washington, the lead er of a band of the One Hundred and Fiftieth Ohio Regiment The war was hot, and of course we were all Intense ly interested in the very latest we could get about It. Newspapers were scarce, and when we managed to get hold of one we regarded it as a treas ure. One day I was fortunate enough to get hold of a copy of the Philadel phia Inquirer, which contained a lot of war news. After I had read It I handed it around among the boys. ana nnany loaned it to a man named Breymeler. Yester day who should walk Into the office but Breymeler, who returned the paper with thanks. He was looking over his old papers to get information to assist the widow of an old comrade In getting a pension, and he ran across the Inquirer. What do you think of the conscience of a man who would re turn a paper after all that time?" Cleveland Leader. Boraeleal Carriage for a Locomotive. The gentleman who has amused him self of late by uelng a motor car In Westminster has been a little "too previous," as he found to his cost at Bow street, although we notice that he stated that he had driven his vehicle for five years. It came upon him with a shock of pained surprise that his harmless vehl cle could be called a locomotive, but the law, though possibly a "hass," is clear. So the motor carmrfn found he had committed three offenses: (1) In allowlre a locomotive out betwen the prohibited hours of 10 and 6; (2) In not being preceded by a man with a red flag, and (3) in driving the locomotive at a greater speed than two miles an hour, A promise, however, not to offend again, but patiently to await the prom ised legislation, got him off with quite a email fine. Westminster Gazette. Game Law la Central Africa. Game is to be preserved In Central Africa. Major von Wlssman has set aside a portion of German East Africa, within which no shooting will be al lowed without a license from the gov ernor of the colony. A license to shoot elephant or rhinoceros costs 500 rupees a year for a native; females and young elephants with tusks weighing less than six pounds must not be shot at all. White men will pay 100 rupees for the first elephant shot and 250 rupees for every other, 50 rupee? for the first two rhinoceroses, and 130 rupees for all af ter them. Monkey, beasts of prey, boars and birds, except ostriches and secre tary birds, may be killed without license. Population of Japan. Japan now ranks fifh in population among the nations of the earth, only China, India, Russia aad Germany be- lng ahead of it. Cripple Creek Advertisements HARRIS BROS., 224 Bennett Avenue, WE WANT our "Friends" ami the Public to know that we are compelled to remove from our old stand. We shall sell our . . . . , Entire Stock of Clothing, Shoes and Famishing Gcods ACTUAL COST! As we have always kept faith with the people, you can rely upon this statement. We will sell the best bargains ever ottered in this city. Do not fail to give us a call. OFFICIAL or Midland Terminal FtTWtive March lot, 1MMI. AUKIVE DAILY. DEPART DAILY. KRAKLT. 1CKAI) IHIWN. oi .33 Suburban 17 15 :'. M A : Ti si B 13 7 P. U. io in lu oi P. M I'. M A. M Ar. Lv. .Cr. Creek. .Anaconda . ...Klkton... a 45 a JU 1 in 1 in.' M 56 12 ai IS 11 12 05 7 00 6 52 6 40 V M A. M II 52 II 42 II 37 4A 9 87 9 K II 27 8 11 6 1 1. 1 5 Ml 5 M 3 3 12 4 3 III t 12 M 35 25 0 20 15 Ml 8 on 5 M 5 25 5 00 4 45 ....Victor ...,1'ortlund . Independence., ... Hull Hill UMiNHjr . .. Hylvaufte Olllelt Tunnell.'... ...Midland.. . Murphy.... . 3 115 12 M 3 mi 2 5ft 2 47 2 33 2 24 2 114 1 55 12 30 ill 33 !ll 2 II 211 il m ilO 57 illl 3N 10 30 Lv. Ar. ... Divide.. 1 45 A. M 10 20 4 30 11 15 I 00 II 30 Oil. Hus., ..Denver.., ..I'ueblo... 8 35 8 00 8 40 4 28 r. u A. -M Ar. Lv. ...Divide... Lv. Ar. .Leadvllle.. 4 52 2 10 P. M 12 20 9 55 8 20 8 02 Aspen.., .. Olenaood. 525 .Grand 7 40 6 35 .Bait Lake.. ...Ogduo.... LEAVE DAILY. Throush Pullman Cara and dav cnache rado Hprlng, and Denver, on Train 7 and 8. npring nieeper until y:uu a. m. connection I maue at inviae witn t.oioraao mioianu iinn land Railroad for all point In the Went, and at Colorado Hprlng, Denver and I'ueblo, with all line for the Kaat, went. North and Houlh. The Midland Terminal I the only broad-guge railroad Into the Cripple Creek district, and 1 slxty-nv (05) miles the ihorteHt, anu several hour the qnlckeHt time to all point rat ana went. a. COLLBKAN, President. AMERICAN GOLD MININGZEpMILLING COMPANY 1615 Howard Street, Omaha Neb. Capital Stock $2,000,000 CLAIMS LOCATED ON NIPPLE MOUNTAIN .... AND IN HIGH PARK IN THE GREAT Cripple Creek Our claims are surrounded by eome and are undoubtedly as rich as any In the a practical miner, one In whom the Denver mint people had so much confidence that they hired him to locate several claims for them, from which rich ore has been lateen. Surface Rock on our Nipple Mountain and High Park claims assays J2 00 per ton; down eight feet it advances In value to more than $7.00 per ton and the indications are that these claims will be as rich a the richest claims in the Cripple Creek district. Here Is an opportunity seldom met with for the Investment of money In a mining enterprise near at home, where any who choose may visit the mines and see for themselves just what Is being done. The mines are located within 200 feet of a railroad. II you want to MAKE MONEY and sure investment, and WILL PAY DIVIDENDS TO EVERY STOCK HOLDER, If the mines pan out as rich as present Indications warrant us In believing them to be. We court the fullest investigation. Full Information will be sent by mall upon application from those who cannot call at office. Fill nut tha nnnnnn found below, Riving: the number of shares wim a kj. money uraer, or an express iciiwr, auu wan id wj u, malting au money oraers payaoie to JOHN C. THOHPSON, President Enclosed please for shares of stock in the American Gold Mining and Milling Co., at 5c per share. I I t . ! NAME TOWN. Hot good after Juno 30, Now is the Time I to Subscribe for;' JOHN HARRIS. Manager. TIME-CARD - THE Railway Company, Is if 3 M 3 CO 1 Suburban 2 12 6 14 I 16 8 A. M A. M P M P M P. M P. M. 8 on 8 12 8 IN II 40 II 4H II 51 : 40 S 4.1 i 50 5 on 5 OH 5 14 8 30 8 30 8 45 11 80 II 45 II 52 P. II A. II. 8 25 8 37 8 42 8 47 8 52 9 00 9 10 9 22 37 V 47 12 04 a in 3 IH 3 24 3 211 3 M 3 42 3 53 4 04 4 III 4 28 5 24 5 32 5 ;ih 5 43 8 55 0 (13 9 OH 9 12 12 05 12 14 12 20 12 25 12 31 12 40 12 Ml 1 nr 1 211 1 33 2 12 12 17 20 A. M 10 00 p. II 12 01 4 40 1 50 A 35 9 15 8 07 4 15 7 00 5 15 s an 1 20 1 59 6 05 7 OS e no V 52 10 40 A. M 12 45 Jet.. 12 05 1 15 ARRIVE DAILY. are run between Crlonle Creek. Victor. Colo Passenger can occupy berth In Colorado j. u. w Air. us, superintendent Par Value of Shares SI each Miniing District of the rlcheBt strikes of recent years, whole district. Thev were located bv buy stock In this comDanv. It is a safe you desire to purchase, and inclose it order, or witn money In registered find to pay STATE. 'OO. The A mencan Flounce & ripple nek Hail wa. KIO GKANUK. atiCTH aoi'MD. bonth OCSD. Head Duwn. 11a ad Dp. No. 8 No. lo December 15, 1x96. No. 7 So. I I t ai pn ait 4U p:M, 50 M 47 a 10 Ml 9 lla 12 35a 11:25a ! 1:30 III 4a 1 .ia I-' :ip 4 (i7 a 9p 7 15a 5 20 No t -Nci. 4 1:1111 4 27p 1:02 a 12:;) 9 22 p : 7 !p :.' a 7 55 a J 40 p 7 tOa :35p Lv Crlppla O. . Anaconda.. Klkbia .. Vlrlor Ar nirnra.., Lv ..Klnrcnre .... Ar . . I'ubIiIo Cultt Hurlnaa. Ar 7;a A OA p 4 5A p 4 44 p 4 as p t oo p Lv Ar'lMa Lfjl! !? ... ilO fnio 5:011 p rj Mm ll.l.'.a !H ju a .......... I n vr.., W KHT. Lv. KlorKara... Leadvlllw.. Olf nwimd .. Aapan .... Hall Laka. (Kdeo... no. Ar 12 50a tin. 1 1:55 a 8:115 a ..... It una n:5A p 10 Mp I 45 a I 20 D .... 18 u kp ill 4ftp 12:4&a: 1:30 p Train No. lo. 8 30 a. in. dlract for Puablo, Colorado HurlniiH and lionvrr, connactlng with throuicb taxttralna fur all points aaat and aoulh. At r'lorvnca with through train oa tha Klo Urandi) for ladvllla. Anpan, Olenwooil. (irand Jum-tloa, Haft Lain, (itdn. California and north wwituro polo la without rhaiigH of cara. i'ullinao Talaca BiiTi-t and Tourlut !vpra. Train No. 8, 9:30 p. in.. Ilia handanmeat train In tha mounlalua, t'ullmaa alnapor and Parlor cara. avala f rue, without, clianiia to I'ukIiIo, Colorado Hprlnga and Danvcr, con nwtliiK with through faat tralna for all uolnlapaat. At Klornr with Klo Uranda Trmu-Contlncntal limited and Can Juan anil all Houilmra Colorado point. Tli-ki'ta throiiuh to all foreign point at lownal ratoa. Aienta for tha lxat auianiahlp llnra. Tlrknta furnlnlied by tolagraph with out ritra rharvn from any part of thti world. Lowxat frHirht rata namrdUiall polnta. I'rom il handling of ore a apra-lalt p. Dully rrfrlgi'ralor arrvlce halwrnn Ik-nvrr and In-t-riiii'dlale point to Crlppla Crank and Victor. Huhurlian tralna for Victor lrave at 7-45 a. ni., II a. in. and 3 p. ui. II. K. Kiel' Hunt, W. K. Johnhon, (iKti l Agt. l'riwt. and Mgr. Cripple truck, Colo. D)uvur, Oolo. RHEUMATISM, KIDNEY AND CATARRHAL TROUBLES. Refer by Permission to Rev. Scott F. Hershey, of Boston. HEAD TUBS! I.RTTE1I9. Fin: I have ud the Onydonor throe tmintha, and aonm of my ailment have wholly dlHappt'iirxd, othr nni :h lnmivnd. I fi-nlllki- a uw man. Cannot any enough la prala. You can refer anyone to me. lOUr. HI I.IIJIMII.I11, Mechanic Ht.. Hoxbury, Man. Dear Hiii: II v advice of Mood I bought an Oiydimor; within a month ' fult better linn for year. It ha ixri ma tree irum coliia anil my family well. You uru at liberty to refer other to tmi. L t IT . I 223 l'leanant Ht., Boton. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. Aiihrkhh: Sanche's Oxydonor Victory, 165 Tremont St., BOSTON. AGENTS WANTED. Go to California In a Tourist Sleeper. It is the RIGHT way. Pay more aad you are ex travagant. Pay less and you are uncomfortable. The newest, brightest, cleanest and easiest rid ing Tourist Sleepers are used for our 1 Personally Conducted Excursions to California, which leave Omaha every Thursday morning reach ing San Francisco Sunday evening, and Los Angeles Monday noon. You can join tbem at any intermediate point. Ask nearest ticket agent for full information, or write to J. Francis, O. P. A Omaha. Neb. THC POPULAR LINE TO leadville. glenwood springs aspen, grand junction cripple" creek Reaches all tha principal town and min ing oamps In Colorado, Utah and New Mexico. PASSES THROUGH SALT LAKtZ CITY EN ROUTE TO AND FROM PACIFIC COAST, THE TOURIST'S FAVORITE LINE TO ALL MOUNTAIN RESORTS. AU through traim equipped with Pullman ralaoe and Tourist Slwjilng Car. For elegantly illustrated descriptiTe books free of cost, address E.T.JEFFERY. A.S.HUGHES. S. K. HOOPER, fmtuiiGfsilrr. TnScIuwar. Gw'l P. ft T. Agt DENVER. COLORADO. D MIX'S Celebrated Female Towder nyvrr fail. I... i L.JU.J mff trwl nr arW ffclli if fX- 9 A flA, IMC IHhJ, JKWO) UN. "ScenicLins of meworm $75 a Month rgS