7 AMERICAN BICYCLE CIRC ALL NIGHT. fcaasrs Hmd Mar M Iblags ThM Ml mhm nm'i Hi J. The girl bo thinks that ih great est Joy In tif l a mH"P o't th iro n roaU of th park 1(1 th- early uiortilnf whrn the trcr ar trl. klmg lth dia mond tlowilropn, h . blriU twitter lng aer thi-lr roffr and roll, and lb qtilrrl rotlli'kltiit abotit on the dew dronrhcd rnirraM ar.l. ha aba.ilutely 1.0 tiiN4lhy with the mal.lr'u who 1 content to rltlo along the boulevard astride a wherl, hr nrtru-r thubi in caiu'd In I'liKMium and It'KgiiiK. hr chin uVclilf dly "sot" and hrl fagt flxl on om obJct l-fir hT, with a drtot initiation to III or die. All the same the bicycle maid In hap py. She know ah It only one of many, and that her stoed l rhr-an and thwrful, ralhor than coMly, ami slly tamed; that ah does not have black smith' bill and other proofs of aristo cratic Indebtedness, and that ahi hat to do all Ihe work If ah la to net th frcla; but nevertheleaa ah la happy. The bicycle girl know a great di'al more about the country than doe th ordin ary city girl who doe not rlR She knows bow green the grass Is, and how pretty the aky looks as iwn through veil of Interlacing leaves and branches. She becomes acquainted with the feathery little people who Itve In cojy nests and who have very well trained voices, although they don't eem to think It necessary to ruin nil ImprcRstirlo In order to let the world hear them. She knows that the green velvet sward Is brocaded with white star flowers In day, and that after that come the pink hawthorn and the fra grant trailing arbutus and the hooded violets. She can tell you If It Is going to be a fine day by merely looking at the clouds in the west, and she can guide you home In the evening by look ing at the stars. She learns a good deal bexlde the proper sort of gnrtcrs to wear, and the right make of wheel to rldo; but, then, some girls prefer horses. rlll "Tltanlani." In his book on "The Study of Celtic Literature," Arnold showed that one of the qualities which the English peo ple admire moat In some of their poets is the very quality which, above all others, is the distinguishing character latlo of the Celtic bards, and that Oa Ian in particular la saturated and per vaded with the quintessence of this trait. To denote this characteristic trait of Celtic poetry Arnold used the word Titanium. No one has defined Titan Ism, but it hns been caricatured In the saying, "The Celtic mind seems always sailing now here under full sail." Those who wished to know the full meaning of the word were recommend ed to discover It by devout study of Byron and Keats. "And where did they get it?" asks Arnold. "The Celts," he answers, "are the prime authors of thia vein of piercing regret and pa.i alon, of this Titanlsm in poetry. A famous book, Macpherson's 'Osslan,' carried In the Inst century this vein like a flood of lava through Europe. Make the part of what is forged, modern, tawdry, spurious, in the book as large as you like, there will still be left a residue of the very soul of the Celtic genius In it. and which has the proud distinction of having brought this soul of the Celtic genius Into contact with the genius of the nations of modern Europe by it. Woody Morven, and cohering Lora, and Selma, with its silent hnlls, we all owe them a debt of gratitude, and, when we are un just enough to forget It, may the Muse forget us," Mncmillan's Magazine. Why th Was Vacant. In a crowded Hroadway theater as the overture was closing every seat In the orchestra circle was taken except one. That one was "115," third from the aisle. A young man in immaculate evening dress and his companion, a young woman faultlessly arrayed, had the first two Beats. The vacant seat was next. "Charlie took luncheon at the club to-day," said a young man who sat in the front row of the balcony to a frien J In the next seat. "He is In a terrible way and drank entirely too much. He confided to me that his fiancee had de clared their engagement off last night. By Jove! There he goes now down the center aisle." The young man referred to as "Charlie" walked down the center aisle with an air that showed he was killing time rather than seeking pleas ure. The usher stood at row "H" and then pointed to the vacant Beat. "Charlie" started to enter. The young lady rose to allow him to pass. Their eyes met, and quickly turning he walked from the theater. The seat re mained vacant during the perform ance. New York Herald. A Young Girl an t a tittle Bur. A few days ago Miss Grace Duckett had quite an adventure. While return turning in the evening from one of her neighbor's Miss Grace met a bear. In stead of fcreaming and running, she, with the help of her dog, forced bruin up a tree, where she left him till she could go to one of the neighbor's for help. A. D .McDougall went with her to the place where the bear was treed. Miss Duckett herself cut the tree dow n and when it fell they succeeded in cap turing the bear alive. It proved to be a fine cub, ond is very lively. Colvllla (Wash.) Index. Easy. Jones (observing Smith passing) I'll bet I know where Smith is going." Brown Is he sober? Jones Yes. Brown Oh that's dead easy. The Capital, Washington. 10,000 Worth of Religion. A resolute Christian lady if Indian arjolis who has been expelled from the Garden Street Baptist church, has brought suit against the pastor and the official board of the churcn tor nu.uuu Tbp Only Via; to go to California without delays or anoyance, and In comfort, it via THE UNION PACIFIC You coo'l have to change cart, and you get there several hour ahead of all other Hoe. For time tab'.et or other Information, call on A. C. Dunn, City Tat. & Tlcaet Agent, 1.102 Farnam ST. Meaxtert. Tbe enormou engine! that haul "Tna Northwestern Line" OMAHA CIUCAGO SPECIAL eat at 6:30, evening, (17. P. depot) and Into Chi cago at 9:30 next morning Well worth taking a Utile time tote them nothing Id this country like them nearly at high at the Union Depot, but not quite at long. City office, 1401 Farnam street. ol tea Smooth. The track of the UNION PACIFIC are to smooth and the cart furnUhed to complete that you can Imagine your elfin your own luxurious apartment at home. Inspect the Buffet Library and Smok ing Cart at they past through Omaha every morning. THE LITTLE HED SCHOOL HOUSE A beautiful quartet or chorut for mixed voice, In theet music, for use in concert or campaign work. Word by Uov. Jamet L. Elderdloe Mutlo by J. C. Herbert. Fillmore Hro., publisher, 119 W. 6 lb. St., Cin cinnati, O., or 49 Bible House, New York. Price 35 cent. Dr. Kay's Renovator It purifies and en riches th blood and Is the best nkrvi tonic yet discovered. KIDUtYKURA A sperltic lor Rheumatlua and Kidney Disease. W. It. DK KItANCK, Attorney. 61 New York Life Building. CllKKIFK'B 8ALR. By virtue of an order of " aala Issued out of the district court for IHitiKlas county, Nebraska, and to me di rected, 1 will, i n the 1st day uf September, A. I. lttl. at ten o'clock A. u. of said day at the KAT front door of the county court home, In tie city of Omnlia, I lunulas county, Ne braska, null at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described In aald order of sals aa follows, to-wlt: Lot number twou In block number twolre (12) In Improvement Aamx'tHtloa Addition, an addition ui tne city or umana, aa ur veved. Dialled and recorded, all In Douula county, Mute of Nebraska Mild property to tie aoiu to atlHTY Home Kir Insurant's Company of Omaha, Ne hraaka, plaintiff herein, the aum of eleven hundred and aeentv-He dollars illlTJ.um Judifient, with Interna thereon Ht rate of ten iim per cent per annum trout Bentember it.lnt, IMS. To ant wry the further aum or twsnty-flre and Hi KM dollara itJS.SKl coata herein, to gether with accruing coata. according to a judgment rendered by the dlxtrlct court of Mild Itounlaa county, at It September term, A. 1). I MIS. In a ci rln'n action then and there pendlnit. wherein The Home Klre Insurance Com puny of Omaha, Nebraakn, la plaintiff, and Samuel Mortenaen. Maria Moriersen. Christian V. Maxtharaen and Mra. Maxtban en. hla wife (first and real mime unknown). Halthua Kramer and Joseph Kavan are de fendant. Omaha, Nebraska, July 31st, iwm John vv. Mcdonald, Sheriff of Uoiinlus County, Nobraaka. W. H. I)e France, attorney. Home Klre Ins Co. vs. Mortenscn, et al. Doc. 41), No. M. 1 31-5 W. M. 1U BSKIX, Attorneys. tin New York Life Building. SHKUIFK'S SALE By virtue of an order of aale laaued out of the district court for IkiuKlaa county, Nebraska and to me di rected, 1 will, on the 1st day of September. A. 1. ISM. at ten o'clock a. M. of said day, at the KAST front door of the county court house, In the city ot Omaha, Douilas county. Ne braska, aell at public auction to the hlxheat bidder for canh. the properly deacrlbod In ald order of tale a follows, to-wlt: Lot number elitht (H) In bloc number three (3i In Boyd's Addition to the cityot Omiiha, aa surveyed, platted and recorded, all In Kouiflim county, state of Nebraska. Said property to lie sold to satisfy The Michlftan Mutual Life Insurance Company , plaintiff herein, the aum of one thousand four hundred and atxty and tU-lOu dollara (I.Wn.HD) Judgment with Interest therror at rate of ten (10) per cent per aunum from May 4th. m. To satisfy the further aum of twenty and S8-100 dollars iKl) &8 costs herein, lonether with accruing costs, accordlcjt to a Judgment rendered by the district court ot said Doug las county, at Its May term, A. 1), lH'.Hl, In a certain action then anu there pending, wherein The Michigan Mutual Lire Insur ance Company la plaintiff and Kllas Gllmore, Martha A. Ollmore. The Mutual Investment Company, Ueorie A. Hoaglnnd, Wlllard F. Cadogan, Charles F. Harrison. Kecelver of Dime Saving! Bank. D. It B nil ill at real name unknown), and John L. Pierce, Ke celver of The Mutual Investment Company, are defend anta. Omaha, Nebraska. July 31st. 18M. johN w. Mcdonald. Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska. Wm. H. Russell, attorney. Mich. Mut. Lire Ins. Co. vs. Gllmore. et al. Doc. Mi No. 2S. 7-31 V. It. TIFFANY, Attorney, 627 New York Life Building, SPECIAL MASTEK COMMISSIONER'S Sale. Under and by virtue ot an order of aale on decree of foreclosure of mort gage. Issued out of the district court for Douglas county. Nebraska, and to me direct ed. 1 will, on the 1st day of September, A. D. 1XM, at ten o'clock A. u. of aald day at the nor h front door of the county court bouse, In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne braska, aell at public auction to the highest tldder for cash, the property described In aid order of aale as follows, to-wlt: Lot num'er forty-nine 4. ratrmont Place, an addition to the city of Omaha, as surveyed platted and recorded, all situated In Douglas county, state of Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Company, plaintiff herein, the aum ot one thousand live hundred and 28-100 dollars (l,6O0.2S), with Interest thereon at the rate of ten (10) per cent per ant um from September 2ird, ISAa. To satisfy the further aum of twenty-two and 03 100 dollara (i2 .03) costs herein, to- ? ether with accruing costs, according to a udgment rendered by the district court of SalU IKHlRia COUOiy. nnwrfuwuiucr wnu, A. D. IK'S. In a certain Action then and there pending, wherein Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Company la plaintiff, and Thomas J. Lund, Christine Lund. James W. White and White, his wife (tlret and real name unknown), tharles Malander, Hans Peterson and J. Hanson ttirst and real name unknown) are de-endanu. Omahaebraskau,. Soecial Master Commissioner. F. B. Tiffany, attorney for plaintiffs. Mich. Mut. Lire. ins. CO. vs. luuu, ' i at. Doc. 50; No. 33. 7 31 5 Probate Notice. In the matter ot the estate ot Mads Toft, Notice It hereby given that the creditor of said deceased will meet the administrator of said estate bitore me. County Judge of Douglas county, neorasaa, at toe coumj court room, In said county, on the llth day of September, 189tS; on the llth day of Novem ber m. and on the llth day of January, im, at o'clock A. at. each day, f jr the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, ad justment and allowance. Six months are allowed for the creditors to present their ftuima and nnn vear for the administrator to settle said estate, from the llth day of July, 1SIM; this notice wiu ne puousnea in Tub AmkriCah for four weeks successively, prior to the llth day of September. ISvW. prior t to faviN& F. BAXTER. T-1T-4 County Judge. V. O.RTKICatLEH, Atfairwey.tu? New York Llfs Bldf. Ctl CH I rr A LK -By virtue of aa order of sale laauml out of lti district court for IhHiglas r iuatf, .Nebraska, and to uie dl rwted. I will, no the utdarof Fwutvnibsr. A. at Irm o'chx-k a at, of aald day. at the KAai front door it the county court house. In the rltv of Oniafea. Douglas county hrassa. cell al puhl e auction to tttc highest oio.irr tor raan. ine oripvriy uetcrtoea la aald order ot sale a follows, to-wlt: The east twenty 1JU1 fert of lot eleven i III. and the weat twenty 3u fertof lot twrlve 1 1.'., all In block "U," la Milan's Second addi tion to the city 't Omaha, as surveyed platted and rwcordod, all la Douglas couuty state ot Nebraska. Said urooerty tub sold to satisfy Annie B Kees, defendant herein, th sum ot one thousand Blue hund'ed and slsly-een and as-lm dollars ifl.Wl? IMi (udguient, with inter est thereon at rat of seven (7i per rent per annum from May 4th. lu. being a Brat lira upon above dew-rlbed property. To satisfy Decatur City Hank, a corpora tion, plaintiff herein, the autn of eight hun dred and twelve collars iteitUOi judgment. with Interest thereon at rale of ten i lw per cent per annum from May 4 h, Ismi, being a second lien upon alio described property. To tatlafy lb Gate Olty Hat Company, de fendant herein, the sum of tor hundred a- d eighteen and S-liu dollara it.iltitt.ti. with Interest I hereon at the rat of seven (7) per cent per annum from November 'tb. I4. whtca I a third Ilea upon above described property. To satisfy Hulskamn Brothers Company. defendant herein, the aum of five hundred and ninety-eight and IM 1U0 dollar ttjtst 11 lib lute rent thereon at seven (7i per cent per annum from November 2'th, 1MH. which amount Is a fourth Ilea upon said above de s Tilled urooerlT. To satisfy lh Kllpatrlck-Knch Dry Goods Company, defendant herein, the sum of two hundred and Mfiy-four and 3S-1UU dollars itijt.Jr)). with Interest thereon at the rale of seven (7) per cent per annum from November mm, imh, wmcn amount is a arm lien upon aid abov descrllied Property. To satisfy the further sum ot eighty-one and U-lou dollars itnl 13) costs herein, until paid, together with accruing costs, accord in to a Judgment rendered by the district court 01 sum ifuugias county, at it may term, A, D, lxta), In a certain action thennd there pending, wherein Decatur City Hank, a e rporatlon. Is plaintiff, and David K. Smith. Mary A. Smith (his wlfsi, Mary K. Dutcber. Annie B. Ueea. L. M. Smith. Walter N. Cassell, The Gate City Hat Company. The C. Shenkby Company, liulskamp Brothers uon'pany, James renter and Charlea Kotiin son, James Korifster & Company, Joha T. Plrln, George Scott, Hubert Scott. Andrew M. Lelah, John A. Sweet, James Unwse, Samuel C. Plrle, John O. Scott, John J. Wood and Henry Gnatse, partners. Lout Wyler, Isaac Wyler, Win. Ackerland, Max Ai'ker land and A. E. Wyler, partners a Wyler, Ackerland & Company, Hsnry G. Schwab and Alfred Schwab, partners as Schwab Brothers, Leonard Atkinson Company, J. W. 1'eregoy and W. E. Moore, partners as Pere goy Sl Moore, Kllpatrlck-Koch Dry Goods Company, Friedman Brothers & Schafer The Trojan Shirt A Collar Company, C. E. Hradt, M. I). Shlpman and G. K. Bradt. partners as Bradt ft Shlpman. Tullerton & Stetson Com fiauy.The li unman Trunk Company. Brld ng Brothers Company, Joel J. Bailey & Com pany, C. M. Henderson A Company, Palmer A Company. 1. W. Wells and Thomas A Brock were defendants. . Omaha, Nebraska. July3lst. lWkt. joh.m w. Mcdonald Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska. V. O. Strlckler, attorney. Decatur Olty Bank vs. Smith, et at. Doc. M); No. 201. 7 31-5 8AUNDEHS M ACFA HIjAND. Attorneys, 1404 Farnam Street. SPECIAL MASTER COMMISSIONEK'S Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale os decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the district court for Douglas county, stat of Nebraska, and to me di rected, 1 will, on the 31st day of August. A. D. IriMI. at on o clock P. M. or said day, at the north front door of the county court house, In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at nubile auction to the high est bidder for cash, tbe property described In said order of sale as follows, to-wlt: Lot thirty (30) In Heed's Second Addition to the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne braska. Said property to be sold to satisfy Harry J. Twlntlng. defendant herein. the tutu of three hundred thirty-two and 4S-1U0 dollars (1338.49), with Interest thereon from tbe tlth day of May, 18M. at the rate of ten (10) per cent per annum, and attorneys fees amounting to thirty-three and 24-100 dollars (K3.24). to- f other with accruing costs, according to a udgment rendered by the district court of said Douglas county, at its May term, A. D. 1KVA. in a certain action then and mere pend ing wherein George Jeffrey Is plaintiff, and H. J. Twlntlng. 11 H. lrey, County Treasurer, Douglas County, Nebraska. Saunders. Mac farland & Dickey and F.leanor P. Bid ley are defendants. Dated at Omaha. Nebraska. July 31st, A D. 1SD0. GEOKUBW. HOLUKOOK, Sueclal Master Commissioner. Saunders A Macfarlitnd, attorneys for de fendants. Jeffrey vi, Twlntlng, et al. Doc. 42; No. 180. I-31-D W.T. NELSON, Attorney, 1015 N. Y. Life Bldg. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale Issued out of the district court for lHiuglas county. Nebraska, and to me di rected, I will, on the llth day of August. A. 1). 1MM. al ten o clock A. at. or saia day, at tne EAST frontdoor of the county courthouse. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne braska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the property described In said order of sale aa follows to-wlt: Li t nine (8) In b ock two (2) In Cherry 11111 addition to the city of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded, all in Douglas county, state of Nebraska. Said nrouertv to be sold to satisfy David w. Anderson, defendant herein, the gum of seven hundred and eltghv-seven and 50-100 dollars (1787.50), with Interest thereon at rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from May 4th, 1MM. To satisfy the sum of thirty-one and iW-100 dollars (131.63) costs herein, together with ac cruing costs according to a Judgment ren dered by the district co.rt of said Douglas county, at Its May term. A. D. lMttf, In a cer tain action then and there pending, wnerein waiter U. Keeier is piaintitr, ana fciizaoet.n A. Moore Christopher Moore, her husband. D. W. Anderson (first and real name un known) and VV. L. Irian ibrst and real name unknown) are defendants. v Omaha, Nebraska. July lOtb. 1886. john w. Mcdonald, Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska. W. T, Nelson, attorney. neeier vs. moo re, et ai. uoc. si; no. 30s 7-10-5 Notice of Probate of Will. STATE OF NEBRASKA, l DOUGLAS UOUHTV, t In the county court of Douglas county, Nebraska: In the matter of tne estate ot Souble Moehle, deceased: Fred Moehle, Henrlette Buhrlch, Herman J. Moehle. Amanda Moehle, Clara Moeble, tdtuund Moehle. and all other persons Inter ested In said matter are hereby notified that on the 2.1th day ot July, 1MW. Herman J. Moehle tied In the county court a petition alleging among other things that Sophie Moekle died on the 12th day of April, ItsM, leaving a last will and testament, and pos sessed of real and nersonal estate valued at tl.WO.DOard that the above named constitute the persons Interested in the estate of said deceased, and praying for the probate of said will, and lor administration or saia estate. You are hereby notified mat it you ran to appear at aald court on the ItRb day of Sep tember 1W, at 9 o'clock A. M. to contest the probata of said will, the court may allow aud probate said will and grant administration of said estate to Herman J. Moehle or some other suitable person, and proceed to a set tlement thereof. Witness my hand and omclal seal tms 2am day f July, im. t n IHVUtUr.DAAlEill, 7-31-8 County Judge. Probate Notice. In the matter of the estate of Henry C. Colo dc8us?di Notice is hereby given, that the creditors ot said deceased will meet tbe administratrix of said estate before me. County Judge of Douglaa county, Nebraska, at the county court room In said county, on the 7th day of September, 18U6. on the "th day of November, 196, and on tbe 7th day of January, 18S7. at t o'clock a. at. each day, tor the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for tbe creditors to present their claims and one year for the administratrix to settle said estate, from tbe 7th day of July, lwi; this notice will be published in The American for four weeks successively, prior to the "th day of Sept ember, l(Hi. IRVING F. BAXTER. 7-1T-4 County Judge. V. O. HTIUCKI.KIt. Attorney. U6 New Yora Life Building. SHSk.ll rs SALE--l: NHr.lt AND BY VIR lueof a order ot sal oa decree ot fore closure of tuortgag Issued out of th Dis trict Court for iHiug las county, state of Ne braska, and torn dim-ted. I will, on the 1Mb. day of August. A. D l- at tea o'clock A. at. of raid day. at th LAST front door of the roust y court house. In te city of Omaha. Douglas county Nebraska. sell al pumic auction to tii highest bidder tor rash, the urouerir described In said order of sale, all being situated In the county of Douglas and (' of Nabtk.sk, as follows, to-wn: Hl.-k number nineteen ilU la Halcyon Height, a sub-dl vision of th southeast quarter of section twelve illi. township tf leen.ilH range twelv il2, of thesth prin cipal meridian, as surveyed, platted aud recorded. Said property to be sold to satisfy George E. Avery, plaintiff hrrel. tbe sum of two thousand nine hundred and Bfty-nln and ae-loy dollars .UK Mi. with Interest thereon at th rate of seven 7i per cent per annum from th 4th day of May. I"U4. Tosatlsy the further sum of tw nty -seven and as-liu dollar i27 .Mi coat here n U- J ether with accruing cost, according to a udgment rendered by th district court of said Douglas county, at It May term. A. u. Isua. la an action then and there pending. wherein George E. A very I plaintiff, and Howard Butcher. Mary L. R. Butcher. Wil liam U. Crary, Th Be Publishing Company, George W. Lex. Assignee for the benefit of th creditor of Howard Butcher and W. S. Harvey, trading as Washington Butcher Sons, are defendants. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, July 17th, A. u. lava. john w. Mcdonald. Sheriff of Douglas County. Nebraska. V. O. Strlckler, attorney for plaintiff. Geo. E. Avery ve. Howard Butcher, et al. Doc. 55; No. IV. 7-17-5 Kperlal Matter Commissioner' Kale Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of tbe district court for Douglas county. Ne braska, and to rue directed, I wiy. on the 25th day of August. A. D. lmri. at 1 o'clock V. u. of said day. at the north front door of the county court bouse. In the city of Omaha, Douglaa county, Nebraska sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described In said order of sale as Follows to-wn: The undivided on half ('-) of lot seven 7, alto the undivided one-haif 041 of lot eight )i). all In block a r teen (15), Isaac and Selden's Addition to the city ot Omaha. Douglas county, neuraska. Said orouert to be sold to satisfy Phlllo L Johnson, plaintiff herein, from tbe proceeds of aale of said undivided one-half i',i of lot seven (i In block fifteen i In In Isaac A Sel den's Addition to the city of Omaha, above described, tne sum or two Hundred nrty eight and 10-100 dollars ($258. Id) with Interest thereon at the rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from February 4tb, lb'.'.V togetner with the sum or twenty-ova and 8 -loo dol lars (25.N1I attorney's fee. To satisfy PhlllpL. Johnson, plaintiff here in, from the proceeds of sale of said undi vided one-halt Ci) of lot e'glit (Ml In block fif teen (15) In Isaac & Selden's Addition. In tbe city of Omaha, above described, the sum of two hundred fifty-two aud 01-100 dollars 1152.01). with Interest thereon at rate of ten (loi per cent per annum from February 4th, 1"U". together with tne sum of twenty-rive and 20-100 dollars ((25 20) attorney's fee To satisfy from the proceeds of sale of all property, as hrretn ordered, Ihe sum of twenty-nine and 1.1-100 dollars ilitf.liti costs, with Interest thereon from February 4, 1S05, together with accruing costs according to a Judgment rendered by the district court of said Douglas county, at it February term A. D. INK). In a certain action then and there pending, wherein Philip L Johnson wa plaintiff, and Cbarlos C, ii ousel and Maria llousel were defendants. Omaha, Nebraska. July24th, im. JOHN W. MCDONALD. SHKRirr, Special Master Commissioner. Saunders, Macfarlaud & Dickey, a torneyr. Philip L.Johnson vs. Charles C. llousel. et al. uoc. 40; 27. i-24-o Legal Notice. To John D. Jones, non-resident defendant; You are hereby notified that on the Wlh day ot July, 1H0H, Anna B. Jones Hied a petition against you in the district court of Douglas county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from you on the ground that you have wilfully aban doned tbe plaintiff without Just cause for the term or two years last past, and that plaintiff be given the cus.ody and care of the child of he marriage, Kuaseil Jones, born Angust 2X. 18'i You are reoulred to answrrsald petition on or before Monday, tue24thdayof August, law. ANNA B. JONES. Plaintiff. By H. L. Day. ber attorney. 7-17-4 NOTICE FOR PROBATE OK WILL.-State of Nebraska, Douglas county, s. In the county court of Douglaa county, Ne braska. In the matter of the estate of Willett H. Bobbins, deceased: Mrs. Emma Bobbins, Grace A. Sobblns and Lot ( a Kobblns. and all other persons In terested in s Id matter are hereby notified that on the llth day of July, WJ6. Emma Robbltt filed In the count y court a petition alleging among other things that Wfllett H. Robblus died on the 2nd day of December, lHVi, leaving a last will and testament, and possessed of real and pnrsor al estate valued atfH.OOO.'O. and that the above named con stitute the persons interested In the estate of said deceased, and praying for tbe probate of aald will and for administration of laid estate. You are hereby notified that If you fall to appear at said court on the 14th day of Sep tember, 1HW, at 9 o'clock a. si. to contest the probate of said will, the court may allow and probate said will and grant administration of said estate to Kmma Kobblns or some other suitable person, and proceed to a settlement tnereoi. IRVING F. BAXTER. 7-17-4 County Judge. "Save My Child!" is the cry of many an1 agonized mother who set little one writhes in croup or whoop ing cough. In such cases, Dr. Acker's English Rem edy proves a blessing and a godsend. Mrs. M. A. Burke, of 309 E. 105th St., New York, writes : " Dr. Acker's English Remedy cured my baby of bronchi tis, and also gave instant relief in a severe case of I croup. ' 3 rlre, 25c.i 50c.i $1. All Dmgfjst. f Acs Kg Ukdicink Co.. 16-18 ClianiOtls Nl.. Ji .T GOING! GOING!! GOING!!! And still thev go like hot cakes. Every dav the publishers of the "Singing Patriot" are filling orders for the latest and best patriotic songster on the marset. It Is now in tne renui euiuun and twentieth thousand. ARE YOU WITH US ? Send us 25c. in silver, stamps, post office or express order, and by return mail we will send vou a copv of "The Sing ISO Patriot."" All the latest Patriotic Songs with a good sprinkling of the old ones. This is the acknowledged "up- to-date" songster. KEEP THE BOYS SINGING! And thev'll be hannv. Stir uo love tat Native Land and the OLD FLAG bv getting them once more singing tm; OLD bONOS. interest your incous. Want agents. Send 25c. for sample and ontnt. I no fainov wirapony 308 Dearborn tet.. Chicago GREAT SPECIAL OFFER KONGO KOLA KURE The Safe and Swift Nerue Nourisher and Blood Builder. 3 BOTTLBS for a.-Sr What KOLA Is KONGO KOLA KURE 1 both a wonder and a wonder worker. Ai a tonic for mind and body, brain, heart, ner?ea and muscles, it is the latest and biirhest triumph of medical and chemical science. It la the GREATEST TONIC the world ha ever known. It la endorsed and prescribed by the most eminent physician, and tbe medical journal are filled with the reports of tba marvelous results of It use. It Is prepared from tbe African Kola Nut, which the natives prize mora than gold, and in some regions worship as a god oa account of the strength and courage it (rive them. They have used it for ages, but it has only recently been introduced In civilized land. It is a POWERFUL STIMULANT WITH NO REACTIONARY EF FECTS. It is an energizing nerve food. It acts swiftly and surely on bear stomach, liver and kidneys. It gives strength for the highest mental and phy sical exertion and prevents any sense of fatigue afterwards. It gives restful and refreshing sleep at night; bright and fruitful activity throughout the day. To teachers, editors, clergymen, lawyers and other brain workers, under any unusual pressure of labor, It is a heaven-sent boon. It is a valuable remedy for Nerve Weakness and Exhaustion, Neuralgia, Heart Failure and Irregularity, "Tobacco Heart," Kidney and Bladder Ail ments Liver Trouble, Bllllousness, Malaria, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Headache, Asthma, Bronchitis, Constipation, Rheumatism, and It completely removes the depressing and distressing effects of the Grippe. For tbe tired, overworked women whose nerves are unstrung by the thou sand annoying worries of the household this wonderful tonic will prove a price less boon. It is carefully csmpounded with Celery, the great nervine, and is a true nerve nourisher and blood builder. It 1 especially adapted to run-down nervous systems. It feeds the nerves, enriches the blood, beautifies the skin, regulates the bowels, increases the appe tite and drives out disease by toning up the entire system. As a guarantee, we return the money paid by the person who uses Kongo Kala Kure and is not benefited thereby. Put up in large bottles. Price $1.00 per bottle. For the next 30 days we make a special offer of 85 cents per bottle, or 3 bot tles for $2.0(1 pre paid. Three bottles are sufficient to give permanent relief in all ordinary cases, and one bottle gives decided benefit. KOLABAC. This is a stronger preparation of Kolo, in tablet form, for those who wish to quit the use of tobacco. KOLA-B AC gradually displaces tobacco by destroy ing a desire for it, and in time creating a distaste for it. It counteracts the deadly poison of nicotine, and cures the dread desire known as the "Tobacco Heart." In boxes, 50 cents eacn. for Address, JCOlA MONADNOCK BLOCK, WORK FOR FALL AND W will eive f200.00 to anyone who wilt tell within the next I three months 21X1 copies of "Talks to Children About Jesus." One of the most popular hooks ever putiusiiea. uver i.tu.uu copies already ; sold. AtnsnU sell from 10 to 15 copies a day. Beautifully Illustrated. I Freight paid and credit given. Complete canvassing outfit and full information no cents. $100.00 BICYCLE GIVEN to anvone who will sell 76 copies In two months. We will elvean I KSTKY UKGAN, retail price copies In three moniua, splendid opportunity lor a unurcri ortsociety to secure an oriian. A CiOLU WATCH, retail price m00 given to ( anyone who will sell B0 copies In 30 days. 1'bls premium Is In addl- j tion to the regular commission. Agents who do not secure any o I j tbe prizes, are given liberal commission for any number sold. Last j fall, we paid to agents over (25.000 In commissions. A large number ! made over (100.00 prr month. Write us Immediately and secure ; an agency, it win pay you. Io tune to lose, someone win get ahead of you. We also otter most liberal Inducements on other books and lllbles for Fall and Holiday Trade. A new book, " Forty Years in ! China," sells rapidly. Agents often average 10 orders a day. Same; terms and premiums as on "Talks to Children." Wegtveextraordin- j arv terras tor selling Marlon Harland's new book, " Home of the ! Bible." fi00.00 given forselling 140 copies In g months, or 100.00b Icy-1 cle for selling 60 copies in one month. Send 75c. for outfit. Write at once, i R. H. WOODWARD COMPANY, BALTIMORE, MD. Lake View Consolidated Gold and Silver flining Co., Located in Beaver Head County, Montana, offers a portion of its Treasury Stock at a Low Price to secure money todevelop its property and put in a mill. This company owns FOURTEEN CLAIMS of twenty acres each, all well prospected, and have been examined by competent experts and practical miners. The Ore assays from $12 to $300 in gold per ton. It offers the Best Chance for a Paying Investment in the West. The Stock is non-assessable, and its development will greatly enhance it value. This Company has all of the preliminary work done, and is supplied with tools, tool houses, blacksmith shops, and stables, all com pleted, aud is only twenty-eight miles from a Railway station. There is also plenty of Timber, Water and Free milling Gold Ore. For partic ulars, address the undersigned for circulars and other information. M.-L. ZOOK, Agent, 1615 Howard Street, Omaha, Neb The American TICBest Patriotic Paosr in the West, and What It Does tne next au a ays d Doxes lor si.uu. SUPPLY CO. CHICACO, ILL. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. W70.00, to anyone who will sell 110 j