The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, July 24, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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A. J. Lunl It aojournlne- Id Hot
Don't forjet the !UpublIcan rally at
Boyd's opera house Thurtlaj night.
July 80th, lS'.W.
Th?urifi"cfflee ha ben unutuallj
buty thla week In clewing up bu.tnoM
finiiiU'toJ durlne the last trm of
The lew firm of Thoroa D. and II
S. Crane I reported to bare taken e f
eral of the rate growing out of the re
cent terrible railroad accident.
There arc a large number of newcaact
being filed with the clork of thedlotrlet
court thla work which will oome up for
hearing at the September term.
Joseph K. Clark of Hutte, Mont,
pent leveral daya in Omaha the first
of thla week and waa In attendance at
the Bryan reception Tuefday evening,
Hon. I. R Andrew and ton are on a
Tint to eautorn Iowa and western Wl
conitln. Mr. Acdrewi combine busl-
net with pleasure and will probably
return home In a week or ten daya.
Tbomaa II. McCague waa appointed
receiver of the German Saving! Bank
by Judge Kcynor last Thursday. Ill"
bond I fixod at ffiO.000, and there la
upward of 1100,000 to pans through hi
handt In the tettlemc-nt of the bank'
E. E. Zimmerman, deputy county
clerk, received the tad Intelligence
Tuesday evening that his father had
died at his home in Wilmington, Dol.
Mr. Zimmerman, accompanied by his
brother, loft Wednesday evening to at
tend the funeral.
The German Republican Club has
Arranged for a number of debates on
the financial question. The first de
bate occurs Sunday aftornoon in Ger-
manla hall, and will be carried oa in
German. All citizens conversant with
the German language are invited.
The American Is the newspaper
that reachos the people, and all attor
Beys who have tried It as a legal adver
tising modlum are satisfied with the
results. A circulation of over 19,000
Is something that but few weekly
newspapers In the Wont can boast of.
Everybody reads It, and that Is what
establishes Its value as an advertising
medium. Its circulation Is bona fide.
The Woodward Theatre Company
which filled Boyd's Theatre to over
flowing every night for two weeks last
winter, will open their season at the
Crelghton Sunday afternoon, Aug. 2
The company has been enforced by two
- new specialties, which will make it
better than ever, and it was one of the
most popular troupes that visited our
city last year. Woodward's popular
prices will prevail.
There are no law firms in Omaha
which have a greater practice than
Saunders & Macfarland. By close ap
plication they have built up a business
that Is the envy of many older firms.
At the last term of district court of
Douglas county they were Interested
In nearly one-fifth of the cases on the
docket, and their success may be fairly
Indicated by the large number of ad
vertisements appearing in these col
umns from time to time. Their prac
tice in the state supreme court has
also been of the most successful char
acter. Politics appears to have been en
tirely forgotten by the attorneys of
Omaha this week through the Influence
Of the national convention of commer
cial attorneys, which has been in ses
sion the greater pait of this week.
The old adage that "lawyers are the
biggest liars," does not seem to fit
those who are in attendance. If
one is to judge by appearances, they
are an honest and intelligent lot of fel
lows, and they know how to combine
business with enjoyment. The Omaha
attorneys left nothing undone that
would cause the visitors to have a good
Impression of Omaha and her business
interests, and we believe their visit
has been one of pleasure as well as profit.
Our attention has been called to a
little piece of sarcasm that a young at
torney got off at an old practitioner
(who, by the way, has not made much
of a showing in his profession before
the courts) the other day. It seems
that the senior practitioner wanted
one of his ewn cases continued did
not want it tried but had neglected to
make the proper showing (as it is
termed in law) in his affidavit for same.
The young attorney instantly noticed
the error after hearing the affidavit
read, and slowly rising from his chair,
addressed the court as follows: "You r
honor, my brother attorney has not
made much of a showing in this court,
but I want him to have an opportunity
10 do se I consent to the adjournment
of the case." All the attorneys pres
ent had to smile, and the senior practi
tioner had to smile himself.
When down town drop In at John
Rudd's and leave your watch, if it is
out of repair, to be fixed, 115 So. 18 St
Go to Edward Baumley for Livery,
17th and St.- Mary's Avenue.
What you need is something to cure
you. Get Dr. Kay's Renovator. See ad.
Tat American to Jan. 1, 1897, 50c
r Whlla hiatal rrtj- Coav.atl
ailwlf Atl.a4.4- K.wlaad IpMkt
Hr. Loi i. Mix, June Si The dele-
fate of the National Nllver org's nil
lion were slow In amcmblinif In the
music hall of the KiositiiQ building,
and there were not near enough viol
lor to fill the gallerie when J. J,
Molt, chairman of tha national com
mittee, called the courention to order
at o'clock.
Prayer u offered, after which Mia
f.lllle K Tierce of this city read (he
I)eclaration of Inileiteotleuce. This
eau&ed another outburst of applautta.
When th call had Iwrn read. ( omfrmn
f. G. Sew and. of Nevada, waa iiitr-xlu iwl
by Dr. Moll a. tinpftr chairman am! pro. to maka liii .ltiaaa Iqo'iiid( b ra-
frradt tlia It lililicio deel iralion for Tir-
tual sM monouH-talisin ami to tlis l. do
ratio animation la faor of frai ailvxroom
If Than lia Uuili-I Mr. llrran Id Hriu
wurtlt Haying-1 Tha Itainorrary Una nomiustad
a4ii!lUli f uuimiienrlithl. character, of
ialt-il ability, of InltotiM. iuieirrit jr of liih
pnriHiam, who liaa nev.r faltevd fur
timatit In his dev.tMim to tha
auaa of tiiiiiniallmm. r'iriu. tat not h'.'l
HniO(, routMmit but nut If-dittlrlMit, umir
to tha p.wpla, but not demagogici deiermin d
for rxfortn, rat without a inula luoeudinry
liaach or ianUmat4 utteranr to mar hit
laeonl, toaalu a bnppr cimihtniuou of
lb ornturi -al ami logic it qualilist. young,
tonraui and anlhiuiantia. jet ilol b rntn
and wia. Ha atands aa Ilia 1iIhI eaudidutoof
nmvom.nt which, though trml mov
sent fur reform, really mwina ratura to tiia
wia ton, vati-raof our falli.ra
Th. apeak r ilion dwelt on l'rmiilnnt I'lnv
land'a tlimnrlal iiiiliry, whii-h tha lHim ir ratio
tottvwutlxn had riulinUkl, and ei.reaiivi es
parial pleasure '. tli. Democrat lo declaration
agalu-t further tantf agitation. 11a r forma
briefly lo tha other liies in tha llwnorratio
platform at nun-easnuliat. Ha then denied
that it wat tntemle.1 to pay dapta with fifty
ttnt ilullara or dliaa tha currwnry, but da
tlarad thai It ws tha purpose to raits tilvxr't
talua tud dimlnUh tha itrain on gold and r-
tnra tha old blinatiUlic unit of value Ua ds-
famlail ilia proMiod ratio of IS to 1.
Mr. NnwlaniU iiioia in favor of bliunUUUra,
Itackad Kiiglaud'a gol l Miliey and want on:
"nt hT at itakalhn inter U of tlia greatast
(btor nation of the world; of tha g ait it
tllvar prodnolng nnll m of tha world; of na
tion ylulillng lha greatMt amount of farm pro
taota lu tha world -(arm vroilueU on wliloh
wa ralr for tha iayn"iitot our furaign dabta,
tn I tha price of whloh hava btun driTan down
Infold tllrar hat fallnn. Our opponanU,
taatlaman, exagirarata tha difllculUti of tha
auk bafora na. In orler to reatoni tiWar, it it
only naoaaaary to atiaorb th enrrant prodnot
f tha mini Tlia aooumulatal atock it in
tha ibap of Ootn, boaring tha itamp of va
rloai gor arum on (, nd It it abturd to auum
that tli ownara ot tnob coin will
and It bar limply to rood Ira thi American
Itamp. Bilrar ooin It It ud alWar ooln it
wonld remain. Thar It no turplna ny wbar
In tha thp of bullion tor tlia bullion In the
traaanry vnulta la oonttruollraly oiuad, and it
repraaeuted by tilvar serttrlratet and treatury
total now in circulation. The current product
f the mlnaa it now all litorbd In current
UN-tn tli art, in coinage, and for other
pnrpote. Any tlumnnd that we or would
b new demand and would ha a tndney
to innreaae th value ot'he current product"
Mr. Newlamti eomhntted th claim that fre
anlntg would unduly incrnaia allver produc
tion and tuggoiU'd royaltin l a nieani of
checking txi great outputs. II declnrod that
tha manufacturer ot tile country now opposed
to fre lilver would toon tee that bimotnlliam
wat to their intereat, and olotedi "And with th
thing will come bemticient reiulta.not only to
the producer, biittothebnuklng.mercantileand
railroad intnnta which are now to tieadily
tPlKMing ua. Thtr will realit that their pro,
parity I baaed upon th general prosperity
th entire country and tnat th proa-
parity ot th la country cannot continue
long debtor and producing nation!
coguia ril l a the on r money metiil and by
their action build up ita value and inornate it
tontrol ovhr th product of labor. Tbli cam
paign it to oien up tn era of eduoation and in
Ihli work the illver party enter, animate I by
to fictional tpirlt, controlled by no feel
ing of envy agnimt th mora pro par
ent, but inspired by th deilre to
avtlntaln a broad American policy which
hall protect the intereattof American product
Uon, whether in the mining esc f th
mountain', thi wheat fielda of the Wet tr..
totton heldi of the South or tha factortet cf
tw England Hut li t n rememhr always im
thlt con teat that union it atrength, and that
the motto of our opponnta ia now. at it hat
tlwtyi been, 'Divide and Conquer.' "
1302 Farnam Street Is the Union Pa-
clflo City Ticket Office.
How's This!
W offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any rate of Catarrh that can not be cured
by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
r. j. i tw imps., Toledo, u.
We, the underaltcned, have known K. J.
Cheney for the liwt IS years, and believe him
perrecuy nonoraoie in all Dumlneaa transac
tion! and tlniinclallv able to carry out an v
obllgattona made by their tlrin.
WrxT&THcax, Wholesale 1) rug g lata, To
ledo. O.
wai.ihno. kimnau & Marvin, Wholesale
DruKKisw, Toledo, O.
liall'i Catarrh Cur It taken Internallv.
acting dlns-tly upon the blood and mucout
nurtai-ea of the lyslem. Price ',hc. per bottle.
Sold by all druggieu. Teatlmcntata free.
It needed by poor, tired mothers, over
worked and burdened with care, debili
tated and run down because of poor, thin
and Impoverished blood. Help it needed
by the nervous sufferer, the men and
women tortured with rheumatism, neu
ralgia, dyspepsia, scrofula, catarrh. Help
Comes Quickly
When Hood's Sarsaparllla begins to en
rich, purify and vitalize th blood, and
aends it in a healing, nourishing, invig
orating stream to the nerves, mueclea and
organs of th body. Hood's Barta par ilia
build up the weak and broken down sys
tem, and cures all blood diseases, because
It the On True Blood Purifier. AH drag-frlsts. L
Fre pared only by CI. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
mm f-Blft an uiv umr jmia w h
rlOOU 5 F1115 withHood't Sarsaparilla.
t Jeweler and Optician
J 115 S. 16th STREET,
Fins Watch Repairing
1 w-S? French Clocks.
t Exclusive Watch Examiner for F..E. '
and M. V. B. B. Ce.
tatittitaawi J
ft tt.U .MlKllH M ACKAKLAM). J
w vJkttorneya, lto4 Faraatn tttraet. l
OtirHIFPtt HA I.K -By virtue of an order
ii of eale laaued out of the dlnlrlrt court
fur IMiuulaa county. Nehraaka. and to Ui
dlrtvled. I will, on the i'nh day of Autu.t, A
It. lia. at ton o clock A. H. of aald day. at
in aasr mint omir oi tne county court
hound, la tor city orOinaua. DouKlaacoun
Netiranaa, aril at public auction to th hlKh
eat bidder for caah, the property described
la taia ornnrnr tale aa loiiowa. u-wit:
U ta three '.), four . all ifli, arven (71, ten
me. nri-rn ilAi, K-railwi i Hi. elifht-en (IH
rlnelren ilVi and twenty Oil In block one
hundred and nflrra tll&'i ala lot two (21 In
block one hunitrvd and nineteen illui. lot
three (i In lilock one hurdrrd and thirty
inree 1 1. in. aim mi nine in id iiiim i one nun
dred and tlftv-elnht il.Vo. all In the town lor
city i of Florence, aa turveyed, platted and
recorded, all In IKjuxlaa county, atale of .e-
Held urourrt to be to'd to tatUfv Pbllln L.
jonnaiin. uiatntitr Herein, 'iietum or ninety
one and 7u UV dollara iful iUi judirnient, with
liileret thereon at rale of ten ilili per cent
per annum troiu May tin. twm. woicn auioun
la a Hrat valid and eilhtluf lien upon tald
aiHive aeacrlliea property.
Alto to aatlafy the num of twenty four and
4S-IIIU dullara it tHl coatt herein, lugelher
with accruing coeta accordliix to a judgment
renuereu uy tne oiairict court or aaiu ikiuk
lat county, at lu May term, A. I. InUu,
In a certain ai l Ion then and there oendlnir
wherein I'hlllp I. Jolnmon In ulaintlff. and
VtcUir li. l.aiiittry, Mary M. Lanirtrv. hi
wife, Alfred K. VVollT. Mary A. White and
r rank K. Moore a. Clerk of the IHaUlct Court
of Douiila County, Nebratka. ar de
Omaha, Nebraska. July 34th. IWM.
joiin w. Mcdonald
t herlff of llouvln County. Nubraaka.
eaunderi A Mitcrarlund. atturneya.
Jnlina in va. i.anittry et at.
Doc. Mi No. til. 1-2 S
SAl NDKllS Ai M At' FA I tli AM).
Attorney, iit Farnam 8 1 reel.
Hale. Under and bv virtue of an order
of tale on decree of foreclosure of inortiraite
laaued out of the dlatrlct court forOouKlat
county, elate or nmuraaka. ana to me dl-
t-d. I will, on the 31x1 dav of Ausust. A.
H IhiiH at one o'clock P. af . of aald day. at the
r.An r iront amir or tne county court limine
In the cllv of Omaha. Iloilirlaa eonnt Na.
braaka, eell at uu'illc auction to the huheat
Uiuuer for caah, the urouertv deacrtbed In
aaiu orner or aaie aa rouowa, to-w t:
lAt two block one 111. Mavne Place
an addition to the cllv of Omaha. Douirlua
con nly, Nebraaka.
nam property to be sold to aatlKfy p. L,
Johnaon, plaintiff herein, the turn of throe
nu nil red HUy-eeven and 73-101) dol art
iH.ii Til), and an ittmrnev'a fee amountlnit to
mirty-n ve and , i-nw doiiart i;.77i. toiiHther
Willi Interest on both of tald amount at
the rate of aeven 17) per cent per annum from
IV lite in be r 17th, IMM.
To eattaf V coata of aald raae tuned at one
hundred twenty-five and tlVliiO dollar
aiza.oft), toilet her with accru nil coeta. accord
lui to a Judirnient rendered bv the district
court or aaiu iMiiiKiat county, at Ita Wepteiu-
uer term, a. ii. imh. in a certain actum then
and there pcndlnir. wherein P. L. Johnaon
waa plaintiff, and Jimnuh V. Tbouiuaon and
Iteuben W. Koas, execulortof tbe estate of
lteuben Koas, deceased, Krancet I. Thotnaa
Dexter L. Tbomaa. Andrew Mi lea. enenutorof
tne eat ate of John L. Ml lea. deceased, and
janiet i noiiipton. were derendiinta.
latd at Omaha, Nebraska, Jul 24th, A,
BlHM-lal Maatr ComnilaHlonep.
Baunilert & Macfarland, attorney for plain-
Johnaon va. Thnmpson.
Doc. 44; No. 374. 7-34-6
Attornevt, 14U4 Farnam Street.
NOTICE -To the defendunU William L.
Mathewa. Adam UctMelland and Hunan
McClelland, hit wife, non-resident de
Vou will take not lot that on the 20th dnv
of July, lHim. Walter E. Keeler. plalnilft
herein. Hied hit petition In the dlatrlct court
of DouKlat county, Nebraska, airalntt you
tbe aald defendants, the object and prayer
of which are to foreclote a certain tax cer
tificate anted November 151 h. Wt. and taxet
paid thereuuder covering the following de-
crlbed real ettate tituatrd In DouKlat
county, Nnbraaka. to-wlt: hot elitht (8) In
diock tony two (ai, city ot Florence, upon
wnicn mere la now uue inn turn or
with lnterett from July SUth. lHKu. at the rate
of ten 10) per rent per annum, attornev t
feet amounting to ten (10) Der cent of tha de
cree and all coata. Plaintiff praya that the
defendant may be reoutred to na the eame
or that taid premlem may be told totatlafy
tne amount touna aue. and mat the aald de
fendant! be debarred ot all right, title or In
tereat In laid premises.
You are reoutred to anawer aald notltlon
on or before the 81st day of August. ISM),
liatea, umana, inenrasKa, July 24. imin.
7-24-4 Plaintiff.
By Saunders & Macfarland, his attorney.
Attorney. 1404 Farnam Street.
SHKKIFF'B SALE. By virtue of an order
of sale laaued out of the district court
for Pouglat county. Nebraaka. and to me di
rected, I will, on theSSth day of August. A. D.
lH'.Hi. at ten o'clock a. m. of aald day, at the
K AST front door of the county court houte.
In the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Ne
braaka, tell at public auction to the hlgheat
bidder for caah, the property described In
tald order of tale at follows, to-wlt:
Lot seven (7) In block tlxteen (In), all In the
town (or city) of FUvence. aa turveyed,
platted and recorded, all In Douglas county,
state of Nebraska.
Said Drooertv to be told to satisfy Walter
K. Keeler. plaintiff herein, theium of twelve
and 25-100 dollars ($12.20) Judgment, with In
terest thereon at rate of ten (10) per cent per
annum from May 4th, 1800, which amount is a
first valid and existing lien upon tald above
described property.
To tatlsfv the sum of twelve and 43-100
dollars (f 12 4,1) costs herein, together with ac
cruing cost according to a judgment ren
dered by the district court of said Doutla
county, at Ha May term, A. D. 18W, In a
certain action then and there pending,
wherein Walter E. Keeler Is plaintiff, and
Elizabeth Stalon Is defendant.
Omaha, Nebraska. July 24th. m.
john w. Mcdonald.
Sheriff of Douglas County. Nebraska.
Saunders A Macfarland, attorneys.
Keeler vs. Malon.
Doc. 58; No. 75. 7-24-8
Attorney. 1404 Farnam Street.
To Tbomaa F. Boyd, the owner, and all
persons In actual possession or occupancy of
he real estate a escribed oetow, all others
whom It may concern:
Tou are hereby notified that on the 8th
day of November, li4, P, L. Johnson pur
chased at public tax sale of the treasurer of
Douglas county, Nebraska, for the delin
quent county and city taxes of the year 18t)3,
the following deecrlbed real ettate situated
In Douglas county, Nebraaka. to-wlt:
Lot eleven (11) In block four (4), Improve
ment Association Addition to Omaha.
That said real estate was taxed for the
year 18D3. and wa sold for the delinquent
county and city taxes of the said year 18H3;
that said real estate was taxed In the name
of Tho. F. Boyd for the year of 1890.
You are rurtner nounea mat inetimaoi
redemption of the above deecrlbed real
estate from tald tax tale will expire on th
Vth day of November.
Dated j uiy Z4in, ism.
7-24-3 P. L. JOHNSON.
Attorneys, 1404 Farnam Street.
To Wlllam H. Detweller. th owner
and alt pertont In actual puaaeailoa or oc
cupancy of the real estate described below,
all other whom It may concern :
You are hereby notified that oa theSth
day of November, 1S94. W. E. Keeler pur
chased at public tax sal of th treasurer of
Djuglas county, Nebraska, for the delin
quent taxet of the year 1893. the following
a escribed real estate, altuated la Douglas
county. Nebraska, to-wlt:
8ub-l'3 of lot 31, lection 27, towmhlp 15,
rang 13. That aaia real estate waa taxed
for the year 1803, and wa told for th delin
quent taxes of tne tald year 1803. That iatd
real ettate wai taxed In the name of W. H.
Detweller for the year 1896. You an further
notified that the time of redemption of th
above deecrlbed real estate from said tax talc
will expire on the 8 & day of November, ltRio.
Dated July 24th. 189S, 7-24-3
We will tend this paper to your ad
dress until Jan. 1, 1897, for 60c.
Attorney. 1404 Faraaa Htreat.
w ti r.Ki rr BALK y nrtue of aa order
of aale laaued out of the district court for
IMUglaa county, Nebraska, and to uie di
rected. I will, on the 2Mh da of Auiuil. A
Ii Ik at ten o'clock A. a. of aald day. at the
r. am rront door or lb countycourt bouae.
In the city of Omaha. Douglas Ne
braska, sell at public auction to the hlgheat
uidder lor rash, lb property described In
aald order of sale aa follow. ti-wlt:
The south one-half IS' of lha west seven
snd M !Hl iTM-IKll aires of the south eighteen
and S-100 1 18 1001 acre of the south one-half
l'i or the northwest quarter of section
twenty on, township Brtern ink, range thir
teen 1 13), east of the CI nth principal eierldlan
which real eatate la more deflultel 1.
scrllird aa follows: Commencing at a point
ttirty-lhree i.Ui feet east of the southwest
corner of the northwest quarter () of sec
tion iweuiv (uui, vownsnip nrteen (in. range
thirteen illli. thence north one hundred and
forty eight and 1-10 (US l-IOi feet, thence east
eleven hundred and thlrty-ous (1131) feeu
parallel to the one-half ('-.I section line.
thence south i.n hundred and fortv-elirht
and 1-10 ilt8 1-10) feet, to the one-half (S'
section line, tnence weeteieven Hundred and
thirty-one ill.lli feet along th one-half (H)
section line Ul the place of beginning, as sur
veyed, platted and recorded, all In Douglas
County, state of Nebraska.
To satlsry WlllUm U. Haunder. plaintiff
herein, the sum of three thousand and
thirty-five and UK-IK) dollar () 0H 3m Judg
ment, wini interest tnereon si rate or seven
(ii percent per annum from September 23rd.
lo satisfy the sum of thlrt v-elirht and
78-100 dollars i38 781 Costa herein, together
wit h accruing coals, according to a judgment
reniiereu uy the district court of said Doug
las county, at Its September term, A. D. !.'&,
In an a lion then and there Dending. wherein
Wlllllaiii (i. Saunders It plaintiff, and Kd-
iii ii n u i: auen airs. Alien wrst and
tl name unknown), his wife. John T.
Kog rs. Frances Rogers, his wife, and The
Mutual Investment Company of Omaha, Ne
braska, and Omaha Belt Liue Hallway Com
pany are defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska. July 24th. 1806
Sheriff of Douglas Count v. Nebraska.
Saunders A Macfarland. attorneys.
eaunuers vs nen, et ii.
Doc. 50; No. 330. 7-21-6
Attorneys, 1404 Farnam Street.
SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of
tale laaued out of the dlatrlct court for
Ilouitla county. Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will, on the 25tb day of August, A.
I). lHMt, at ten o'clock A. M. of aald day, at
the hAKT front uoor of tbe county court
house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county,
Nebraxka. sell at public auction to the high
est bidder for cash, the property described In
said order of aale as follows to-wlt:
All of block one hundred and nlnety-slx
ltmi In the lown (or cltylof Florence, aaiur-
veyed. platted and recorded, all In Douglas
county, atale of Nebraska.
said property to ne aold to tatlsry Philip
I.. Johnaon, plaintiff hereln.the aumof alxty-
oneand M-lotl dollars (Hl.fW) judgment, with
Intereat thereon at rate of ten (l'i) per cent
per annum from February 3rd, IKlHi, which
amount It a first valid and existing lien
upon tald aliove deecrlbed property
To satisfy the sum of twetny-aeven and
U8-IU0 dollars il7.U3) coat herein, together
with accruing cos's, according to a judgment
rendered by tbe district court of aald Doug
las county, at Us May term. A. D. 1MM,
Id a certain action then and there pend
ing, wherein Phlllo L. Johnson It plaintiff.
and Omaha & Florence Laud & Trust Com
pany, Victor O Langtry and Mary M. Lang-
iry, his wife. Alfred F. Woltf, Mary A. Whit.
Kachel A. Orever. The Nebraska National
Hank of Omaha. Nebraska. Oeorge W.
Loonila, Administrator of the estate of
August Kandow. deceased. Walter O. Clark,
Administrator of the estate of Hugh O.
Clark, deceased, and Frank K. Uooret. Clerk
of the District Court of Douglas County, Ne
braska, are aerenuants.
Ouiaba, Nebraska, July 24th. I
john w. Mcdonald,
FherltTof Douglas Oountv. Nebraska.
aundert A Macfarland. attorney!.
Johnson vs. Omaha & Florence Land & Trust
Company. Doc. 51 ; No. 248. 7-24-6
Attorney!, 1404 Karnam Street.
SHEKIKK'S SALE. By virtue of an order
of aale Issued out of the district court
for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will, on the 26th day of Auguat, A,
H. mm. at ten o ciocg A. M. oi aald day, attb
EAST front door of the county court house,
In the city of Omaha. Douglas county. Ne
braska, sell at public au tlon to tha highest
bidder for cash, the property described In
laid order of aale as folic wt. to-wlt:
Lot fifteen (151, block one bnndred tnd
fty-elght il!W. and all of blocks two hun
dred and fifty-eight (258) and two hundred
and sixty-three (303), all in the town (or city)
of Florence, as surveyed, platted and re
corded, all In Douglas county, state of Ne
Said property to be aold to satisfy Philip L.
Johnson plaintiff herein, the sum of ninety
one and 40-100 dollars (101.40) judgment, wlih
Intereat thereon at the rate of len (10) per
cent per annum from May 4th, 1806, which
amount la a first valid and existing Hen upon
taid above described property.
Totatlsfythe sum of thirty-two and 43-100
dollars (2 43) costs herein, together wtth ac-
ruing costs, according to a Judgment ren
dered by the district couitof said Douglas
county, at Its May term, A. D. IHW, In acer-
lain action tnen and there pending, woerein
I'hlllp L. Jehnson Is plaintiff, and Omaha &
Florence Land A Trust Company. August
Kandow, Nebraska Saving! & Exchange
Bank, George A. Hoagland Frank E. Moorei,
Clerk of the District Court, Kachel A.Orever,
Nebraska National Bank of Omaha, Ne
braska, Oeorge W. Loom Is. Administrator of
the estate of August Kandow, deceased,
Mary Harzard and Walter O. Clark, Admin
istrator of tbe estate of Hugh O. Clark, de
ceased, defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska. July Z4th, mm.
john w. Mcdonald.
Sheriff of Douglas County. Nebraska.
Saunders A Macfarland, attorney!.
oknson vs. Omaha & Florence Land A Trust
Company. Doc. 51; No. 277. 7-24-5
Attorney!. 1404 Farnam Street.
Hale. Under and bv virtue of an order
of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage
Issued out of the district court for Douglas
county. Nebraska, and to me directed, I will,
on the 31st day of August, A. D. 1800. at one
i clock p. si. of said day, at tne cast rront
oorof the county court house. In the city of
Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder for cash,
the property described In tald order of sale
as follows, to wit:
Lot seven (71 In block three nunoreo and
eight (303) of the original plat of the city of
Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska,
Said property to tie aoia to sausiy r-nuip
.Johnson, plaintiff herein, the sum of five
undred and eleven and 83-100 dollars
(1511.83). with Interest thereon at the rate of
seven (7) per cent per annum from Septem
ber 17th, 1804.
To satisfy costs In tald case taxed at forty-
three and 38-100 dollars (H3 38), together
with accruing costs, according to a judgment
rendered by the district court ot tald Doug
las county, at its Kptemo?r term, it. v. iwt,
In a certain action then and there pending,
wherein Philip L. Johnson wat plaintiff, and
Charles H. Brown and Mrs. Brown,
rst name unknown, his wire, were de
fendant. .....
Dated at omana, neorasaa, juiy in, a.
Srjeclal Master Commissioner.
Saundert A Macfarland, attorney for plain
Johnson T. Brown. Doc. 43: No. 361. 7-24-5
Attorneys, 1404 Farnam Street
o.m Tt Tnnmu r . novu. idb owner hu ii
persons In actual possession or occupancy of
thereat estate described below, allot ..era
whom It may concern: ,.
You are nereoy nouueu .an. uu .uo ivui
.. November. 1804. P. L. Johnson pur
chased at public sale of th treasurer of
DOUgla COUniy, iwu, lur vu uoua-
........t. mnnw and city taxes ef tbe year
1S03. the f allowing descrlbd rsal estate, lt
uated In Douglas county. Nebraska, to-wlt:
West 46 feet iota, oioca 4. ruriiM auuui
nfCanltal Addition to Omaha. That
said real estate wat taxed for th year 1803,
and waa sold for the delinquent county and
city taxes of the said year lew. That said real
estate was taxed In the nam of Thomas F.
Boyd for the year of 1806 You are further no
tified that the time of red-mptlon of the
above described real estate from said tax
sale will expire oa th 10th day ot November,
im' P. L. JOHNSON.
Dated July 24th, 1896.. 7-34-3
Thh American, 60o to Jan. 1, 97.
0. 3L,JQ-,
You can save from 15 to 25 per cent, on all cash purchases for
the next thirty days.
You get $5.00 Shoes for $3.50 j You get $4.00 Shoes for $2.75
You get $3.00 Shoes for $2.25
Youths' $2.00 Shoes for $1.50.
Ladies' Shoes in the same proportionate prices.
718 So. Sixteen th St.
To buy Jewelry, Silverware or Watches at
the right price you must visit Bennett's;
but be careful to get In the right door and
not somewhere else, under the Impression
you are In our store. Get In the right door.
New Shirt Waist Sets at 10, 15 and 24c.
Sterling Silver Waist Sett, 48C.
Silver 1'latt Teaspoons, 3 and 5c.
Stem Wind Nickel Watches, 08c and f 1.25.
Gold Plate Case, warranted five yean,
Stem Wind Watch, only $2.08.
Lead Pencils, goad quality, with rubber
tips, per dozen, 5c.
White Envelopes, 15 for 2c.
White Envelopes, 75 for 5c.
Note Paper, 24 sheets for 3c.
Shelf raper, 24 sheets for Sc.
Whit Card Board, 22x28, each 5:.
Tablets a great bargain In Note, Packet
or Letter Tablets at 8: etch.
Letter Flies, see bargain at 28c.
Bottle Ink, 3c; Mucilage, 3c.
I502.I2 Capitol Avnue. OMAHA, NEB. .
Store Prices
describes the rates at
Is doing all kinds of Dental
Set Teeth $5 00
Best Set Teeth 7 50
Gold Fllllnirs 11.00 and up
Silver Fillings 1 00
Gold Crowns 5 00
Teeth Extracted 25
Teeth out iu the morning--Hew
Ones Same Day.
All work at about Half what
other Dentists Charge.
16 Years' Experience 16
Dr. WITHERS, Dentist,
Fourth Floor Brown Blk.,
Sixteenth and Douglas Streets.
Shop, 809 8. 16th St. . Omaha
Hot Springs
South Dakota.
A health retort that li a
health resort. A place where
you can pass toe summer
with more latlif action than
you would think possible.
A pretty spot where every
one feels at home. Plenty
to do and see. Easy to reach
-If you take the Burlington.
No dust, no hot winds, no
sudden changes In temper
ature. Elegant hotels, the
finest between Chicago and
Denver. Largest plunge
bath In the wett. Thermal
waters of Inestimable value
to sufferers from rheumat
ism, kidney troubles, etc.
Altitude just right for con
sumptives. Endorsed by the
leading physicians and
medical journals of Iowa
and Nebraska a the peer
of any health resort on the
continent. Write for pretty
booklet giving full Infor
mation. I. Fas acta, Gen'l Pane AgentOmaha. Neb.
You get $2.00 Shoes for $1.50
At Special Prices.
White Granite Pint Bowls, 6c.
" " Quart Bowls, 8c.
" " Steak Dishes, 15c.
Roast Beef Dishes, 19z.
" Vegetable Dishes, 14c.
Glassware, Sugar Bowls, Creamers.
Spoonholders, or Butter Dishes, each 5c.
Special Plates Dinner, Breakfait, Tea or
Soup Plates, each 4c.
Nine-Inch Glass Fruit Bowls, 10c.
Set of 6 Glais Fruit Saucers, 10c.
At Special Prices.
Celery Sauce, per bottle, 8c.
Breakfast Flakes, 2 lbs., 5c.
Castile Soap, 2 cakes, 5c.
Bar good Laundry Soap, 3c.
Worcester Sauce, bottle, 8c.
Potted Beef Tongue or Ham, H lb. cans, 8c.
Sliced Pineapple, 2 lb. can, Uc.
Maccaronl, 1 lb. pkg., 9c.
Corn Starch, 1 lb. pkg., 3'jc.
Merchant Tailor
Suits Made to Order.
Guarantees a perfect fit In all cases. Cloth
ing cleaned dyed and remodeled.
504 N. 16th St, : OMAIIA, NEB.
Watcbmaker and Jeweler,
Fink Watch Repairing a Specia lty
612 South 16 Street
of my
Mv Creat
Month of
Read the following convinc
ing testimonial from two
orominent Omaha Citizens:
Judge Isaac 8. Bascall and R. F. William
have this to say. We consider Dr. 0. Gee Wa
of S19 North 16th St.. Omaha, Neb., one of the
best physicians In the city for tbe following
reasons: Four years ago our daughter be
came very nervous and at times sick and
unable to control herself. We doctored with
and consulted nine of the leading physician
of this city, but she gradually grew worse,
until on the 7th of October, 1895, she was at
tacked with spasms. She was unconclous
and delirious for weeks following the attack,
and at a consultation of physicians they
agreed that she could not get well. We then
employed Dr. C. Gee Wo, and the patient be
gan to Improve at once, and In a remarkably
thort time wat up. Bhe It feeling better
than the hat for a long time. She Is improv
ing every day and bids fair to get entirely
well. R. F. Williams. Father,
IRAAO S. Rascall, a near Relative.
2105 S. 13th St.
EX-CON8TABLa S. B. Clark, office 318 S..14th.
s ,,says: I can't say too much for Dr. O.
G. Wo. My little boy and girl had dyptherta
and other physicians said they could not re
cover. I then called In Dr. O. Gee Wo, and
In less than 84 hours they were out of danger.
He also cured myself of Lagrlpp and gen
eral debility, and my wife of Inflammation of
the Dowels and female weakness, from whlcb
she had suffered many years. I can't thank
him enough tor what he has done In my
family. 8. B. Clark and Wirt.
Mrs. H. A. Dcoat, 1812 Clark Pt. Heart
trouble and nervous dlblllty of many years
standing. Johb Brooks, 534 N. 18th Pt.-Of sprained
back, liver and kidney trouble of three years
standing. Is now a wall man.
Mag. Ahha Park. 2109 S. 13th St. Cured of
spasms and female weakness of seven year
Frank Holvb, Schuyler, Neb. Cured of
rheumatism of one year' atandlng, and waa
given up at Incurable.
Oonsni.TATiON Faaa. Dr. C. Gee Wo
guarantees a cure In every case or tha
money will be refunded.
Send l-cent stamp for book and question
blank. Anyon wanting advice can write to
abov addretset or call upon DR. C. OKK.
WO. 519 N. 16th St. Omaha. Nth.