The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, July 24, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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Tfce tlttla Thing Waa MMklH la Thai
IHb(t MimI t mr.
On on of lh rolj. rainy ! of th
pail a Waahlwtton Star rporK-r
u on a car on th IVnnsjrlvanU -Bu
tin coming Jon Capitol bill.
Thir a jimty giJ loa.l of pawn
gen. It col J, -t anl um-omforl-bl
InalJ of lh- car. an.l t! rain beat
tattoo on the aluloas without that
brought anything but pca.nt r"flc
tlona to thr piawiigcm who woulJ have
to fc It. At th IVao nionunint
ther a big rwnforci-ment of p
cngcra. They pilcil In very unfr
nionlously, bringing with them a rush
of coM air and a-altering showra of
pray from their oaktsl garments. In
th crowd which got aboard wa a
woman with a baby In her anna. The
woman waa rather poorly and thluly
clad nd had no umbrella. There waa
onu delay In her getting a 't and
he looked decidedly forlorn and help
ha trying to maintain her balance and
t the same time look out for her child.
Hut with all the environment calcu
lated to make men moan and aurly
eome one had enough gallantry in spite
of the weather to offer her a acnt. Hut
mother and child got many a reproving
look from the other panaengera. Those
who were In an ugly mood on account
of their unpleasant surroundings found
it very soothing to their ruffled feeling
to think. "Well, there's a bigger fool
than I am." and one lady whispered
to her neighbor loud enough to reach
the ear of the writer- "The very Idea of
taking a baby out In such a storm,"
and finished her sentence with a shrug
of her shoulders which meant more
than she said. Hut baby was wrapped
up snug and warm In a blanket and
Ua mother, heedless of what her neighbors-might
think, began to unroll
the quaint covering to see how hi
diminutive majesty was getting on.
Everybody In the car was watching
ber with looka of mingled disapproval
and curiosity. Bhe finally got the roll
undone so that Mr. Ilaby's face became
vlalble. And such a face as It was!
There waa probably never a more com
plotely surprlaed set of people In that
etreet car before. Ruby was a real
beauty of the sort that Is apparent to
omebody eU besides the mother. Such
eyes, such dimples and, withal, such a
bright, healthy, smiling face In all
probability will never light up a simi
lar occasion. Ilaby's appearance
worked like a magic charm on the rest
of the passengers. As soon as his face
was uncovered he took a survey of the
passengers about him with owlish
gravity. Then, as If struck by some
highly ludicrous Idea In the contem
plation of the scene, he burst Into a
great fit of bHby laughter. He chir
ruped and chuckled and kicked up his
heels In such glee that Inside of a
minute he had the entire car on his
aide. The scowling looks had all dis
appeared as If by magic and people for
got all about tho disagreeable weather
outside and their uncomfortable sur
roundings within and Joined with baby
In a broad smile at the novel situation.
Somehow that baby's genuine, healthy
and spontaneous good spirits had for
the time put an entirely now phase on
life for all who saw hi in.
1'aHlng of the Carpet.
"When I came out of the sanita
rium," said the woman w ho had been
taking a rest cure, "my first act was
to order all the carpets in my house
taken up. After I had been a dally
Witness of the exquisite neatness of
wooden floors, wiped up every twenty-four
hours with a damp cloth, car
pets seemed unspeakably dirty. And
I believe my family baa been the better
for the change."
Carpets have long been the target
of hyglentsts, both because of their
dust and germ collecting facilities
and their disease-dispensing ones
when sweeping day arrives. The
wise and progressive woman reso
lutely banishes from her floors woolen
coverings too large to be shaken,
aired and sunned at least once a week.
New York World.
WaaMng Flue Handkerchief
Few laundresses wash One embroid-l
ered handkerchiefs properly. Too
often thy go to pieces In the wringer
or are rubbed Into holes on the wash
board. The dainty bit of cambric that Is
carried more for show than for use
may bo washed by the owner in her
own bowl. This done, all dust should
be wiped from a large window pane,
and the handkerchief, while it is still
wet, spread smoothly over the glass,
all creases pressed out and the corners
kept flat. When the handkerchief Is
dry It will be crisp and new In appear
ance. A Fol.onou. Frog-.
People in general look upon all
species of the frog as perfectly harm
less. Should you be traveling in New
Granada (United States of Colombia),
however, you would do well to let a
certain little tree croaker severely1
alone. He secretes a poison equally as
deadly as that of a rattlesnake. It ex
udes from his skin in the shape of a
milky liquid and is used by the natives
as a poison for their arrows.
Ad Acrobatic Doom.
A gray goose has built a nest far
out on the forked limb of an apple tree,
near Smyrna, Del. The Intelligent
bird is now engaged in hatching seven
eggs, and when she leaves the tree for
food she walks along a limb with all
the skill of a tight-rope performer.
It "Happen,
"Matrimony happened to Mr.
and Miss " is the way a Maine cor
respondent starts his report of a June
wedding at high noon.
Ha la Small, Indeed.
When a man br.s of bis power, ask
him to make a blade of grass or Bpla
pider'e web.
The nuaf ti4-Kalare4. I-aif
Caarglea la m .aaral FarH.
The Armenian, w ith his ahlny broad
cloth and Jewish type of countenance,
adda little to the attraction of the
place, though It must be coufeased
that from the traveler's point of view.
If from no other, be Is niotU useful.
ayt the National Review. Nearly all
the bank and moat of the shops are
In hla bands, from hi rank spring
the guide and Interpreter, and go
where one will one finds him a ready
llnguiitt and polite ao long a be I
paid. Hut from the artistic point of
view the buy, good natured Georgian
la charming a he swaggers about with
his handsome looka and becoming cos
tume and 'tcherka' or long, tlght
nttlng coat, from beneath which only
the fwt of hla top boots appear. True,
he Is a laiy, pleasure-seeking creature,
about whose moral the less said the
better, but his appearance of good
looks and good nature and his duudy
air seem to render him a favorite
everywhere. No one seem to realite
better than he that he has the reputa
tion of coming from the purest slock
In the world and of being a member of
the handsomest race. Nor 1 this repu
tation belled as he is seen In his long
white coat, with its silver or gold car
tridge or powder tubes sewn across his
chest, with bis cap of white lamb's
wool perched Jauntily on one side of
his head, to say nothing of his per
sonal charm of countenance, which is
often of the greatest beauty. Round
his waNt Is a sliver or gold girdle,
from which hang a handsome sword
and straight dagger, both Incased in
the same precious metals.
Of the 1'ersluiis one sees but little
In the European quarters. One must
seek the narrow, dirty bazaars near the
river bank to obtain a glimpse of these
scowling, sallow fanatics, In their dark
clothes and tall black lambskin caps.
As a matter of fact, though Persian
subjects, they are not of Iranian blood
but belong to the wild Turkman tribes
which overran Persia and whose de
scendants, now known as Turkls, to
day hold almost the entire northern
part of the dominions of the shah.
Hut to the traveler It Is the Tartar,
after the Georgian, who proves of the
greatest Interest. True he has little
beauty cither in feature, figure or cos
tume to recommend him, but never
theless there Is a peculiar attraction,
humorous rather than ornamental, per
haps, about the squat, narrow-eyed
tribesman In his ragged clothes and
absurd "papak" or enormous hat of
ragged wool.
Franca'i Ntw MlnUtar to Harlln.
The Marquis de Noallles is to go as
ambassador to Merlin. It is rather
courageous to appoint a De Noallles to
any great post. The name was in the
eighteenth century synonymous with
private good luck and public bad luck.
The Marquis de Noallles has the pliant
temper of the family. His nephew, the
Due d'Ayen, married a few winters ago
Mdlle. oe Luynes, sister of the Duo
d'Orleans' most devoted partisan.
The Marquis de Noallles was born in
lS30,a year that set its mark on French
history. He is a son of that Duo de
Noallles who was a member of the
academy and kept out of it all writers
hostile to Mme. de Maintenon, from
whose niece he was descended. The
marquis lost his wife when he was am
bassador to Constantinople. She was
one of two very beautiful Polls'- sisters
who were a good deal noticed for their
beauty at Biarritz during the empire.
The marquis flattered Gambetta by
his attentions and succeeded in secur
ing his warm friendship. He would
have been transferred from Rome to
London by Gambetta If Lord Lyons had
not been against the proposed appoint
ment when consulted. M. de Noallles
was then sent to Constantinople. He
asked in 1S66 to be allowed to resign
and has lived ever since a retired life.
He wears the rosette of grand officer of
the legion of honor. The marquis en
tered into his wife's Polish sentiments.
It was the fashion In France from the
time Henri of Valols was elected king
of Poland until the Russian alliance
waa brought about to avow warm sym
pathy for Poland. M. de Noallles was in
the fashion. He Is the author of three
books on Poland and has written an
agreeable criticism on Polish poetry.
Paris Dispatch to London News.
Tha Way to Iron Lac Frills.
Washington Evening Star: In Iron
ing the lace frills on underwear or
lawn dresses you can make the lace
look almost like new after this fash
ion: Iron all the rest of the garment,
then have a clean, wet cloth t hand,
with which spat the lace till it is pretty
damp, then rub it over with a moder
ately warm iron. Do the smoothing
of the lace rapidly and leave it quite
damp. As soon as you have finished
a ruffle or a sleeve lay down and gen
tly pull the lace out to it fullest width,
smoothing and patting every fine
stitch at the edge into shape. When
you once get used to it you will not
have to spend much time, and it im
proves lace wonderfully to Ueat it that
A Locomotive's Ufa.
Some careful experiments which
have been made in England prove that
the life of a locomotive is about 500,
000 "train miles." In other words,
that a locomotive of the latest ap
proved pattern will run 600,000 miles
before wearing out so as to be useless.
In making this run of 500,000 miles the
fire box will have to be renewed three
times, the wheel tires five or six times
and the crank axles from three to five
VIII Challenge HI.
Brown "I'm going to challenge that
man who ran off with my wife." Jones
"Why, that waa six months ago."
Brown "I know it, but he has sent her
back." New York World.
Haw Ik Aaalrallaaa iMal
ha tha
Kabbll -al.
Then the New South Wales govern
ment. It may be remembered, offered
a reward of f25.0oO to any person or
persons w ho could suggest a really effi
cient method of getting rid of the peat,
but, although tbl liberal offer led to
the receipt of no fewer than 2,tM)
hemes from all parts of the world,
none of them wa regarded as satis
factory, and the offer wa withdrawn,
aay the London Times. The domestic
cat wag Introduced and In certain lim
ited area did much service. Poisons
were largely resorted to, and ferrets,
stoat and weasels have been Imported
In thousands Into some of the colonics
and hava Increased fast. But hitherto
the rabbits, owing to the rate at which
they multiply, have managed not only
to hold their own, but to constantly
spread over new ground, carrying de
struction with them wherever they go.
In South Australia, for Instance, the
direct loss from the rabbits has been
put down at 200,000 per annum and
the indirect loss at a similar amount.
In Victoria the active operations for
the destruction of rabbits on crown
lands have been carried on by the gov
ernment since 1880, and from that date
to the middle of 181)4 a total of nearly
300,000 had been spent by the state
on that object. As for the money spent
by private individuals for the same
purpose, that is almost incalculable,
but it may be mentioned that on one
estate alone upward of 15,000 has been
expended by the owner with the view
of clearing his land of the pest. In
the seventeen years ending with 1H93
nearly 68,000,000 rabbit skins, valued at
402,000, were exported from Victoria,
without counting the large quantities
used by hat manufacturers In the col
ony, one establishment alone using
374,000 every year; yet, notwithstand
ing all thlB slaughter, the present in
fested area throughout the colony Is
estimated by the chief Inspector at no
less than 37,750.000 acres. Adding to the
direct expenditure tho depreciation of
the grazing values of the land, the
losses to the colonies concerned amount
to millions of pounds sterling.
The final outcome of royal commis
sions, of Intercolonial conferences and
of the testing of every practical meth
od of extermination Is that the most
effectual method of dealing with the
evil is found to be the construction of
rabbit-proof netting by means of which
the animals can be kept from areas
not yet infested, can be shut off from
food supplies, and can be more effec
tually dealt with locally. The length of
some of these fences Is enormous.
There Is one starting at Barringun, on
the Queensland border, and following
the main trunk line from Bourke to
Corowa, a distance of 407 miles, and
there Is another along the entire west
ern boundary of New South Wales, a
distance of 346 miles. The Queensland
government, too, has erected a Bimilar
fence along a considerable portion of
the northern boundary of New South
Wales, but the surveyor-general bf
Queensland, in the report already re
ferred to, says that "the rabbits must
have come through the fence in mobs
and droves of Innumerable multitudes
at some time," and thus have establish
ed themselves in Queensland as well.
Two of a Kind.
"I was walking along 23d street last
night," remarked an old man in a
Broadway cable car, with a smile,
"when a nicely dressed, clean-looking
young man approached me and com
menced to beg. I gave him a good lect
ure In a few words. He slunk away
and walked slowly down the street.
"I went on half a block farther, when
another young man, quite as neat and
well dressed, gave me a 'ghost story'
I think that's what they call it
and wanted to 'touch me for a quarter
He failed, of course, and moved off.
"I discovered that my cigar was out
and looked for a place to strike a
"Remembering a convenient doorway
a little way back, I retraced my steps
Beggar No. 1 had turned and the two
had met Each took the other for a
solid citizen and each started in 'to
" 'A poor man, sirr 'A night's lodg
ing!' 'Can't get any work In New
York!' These were the disjointed,
phrases I heard and then deep, voluble
expressions -of disgust from both. 'This
your lay well, he! he!' 'Get off the
block yourself! I started workln' it
first!' 'You're a "beaut, ain't yer,
tryln' to cut me t'roat In dls way!' "
New York Herald.
An Ohio Girl'. Strange Faculty.
Miss Harriet Morgan died recently
in Plketon, O., from quick consump
tion contracted last winter while going'
to watch at the bedside of a sick
friend. She possessed one peculiarity,
which had given her considerable no
torlety in the region adjacent to her
home and which entitled her to rank
as a curiosity.
Her right hand was a trifle larger
than her left, but It was so perfectly
formed that a casual observer would
not notice the difference in them. She
also had the power to increase the
size of the larger hand by a simple ef
fort of her will. She could not ex-
plain how she did it, but without an
effort she could lengthen the fingers
and make the flesh swell considerably.
She was a talented musician and a pop
ular girl socially.
Cp on Polities.
Mrs. Plunkett "George, you know
the children missed the circus pro
cession, and I really think you ought
to take them down town Saturday
Mr. Plunkett "What for?"
Mrs. Plunkett "Why, to see the Mc
Kinley band wagon. Every paper that
I pick up has something to say about
It." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
FaaaaflTaala rhratrlaa Waa Kalalaa
Spaarfc Oeaplte tha la w mt Katara.
Philadelphia Record: A remarkable
case of special Interest to the medU-al
world exists at Bradford, Pa. The
rase Is that of Dr. IS. A. Williams, who,
although he recently bad his tongue
removed, la able to talk. He is un
able to tell the nature of bis disease,
which, he say, was undoubtedly malig
nant. It was a sort of cancerous
growth, and In order to save bis life
he went to Buffalo, N. Y and enter
ed a hospital, where he had his entire
tongue, left tonsil. left submaxillary and
sublingual glands hia some cervical
lymphatic glands removed. With these
gone, according to general belief,
speech would be Impossible. Yet Dr.
Williams can speak and speak quite
well. He began to study out the sub
ject of speech and discovered that per
sons were "right" and "left" in the
use of the organs of their throat, just
as they are "right" and "left" in the
use of their hands.
In this case he was "left" In the
use of his mouth and throat muscles,
a circumstance that made his condi
tion still more desperate, because some
of the organs of the left side had been
removed with the tongue. He Is in
clined to the theory that, while the
preferred use of the right Instead of
the left band is generally a case of
education or choice, the Involuntary
discrimination that leads one to use
a set of mouth or throat muscles or re
frain from using both sets Is. in most
cases, the result of heredity. Examina
tion of peculiarities in their pronuncia
tion of certain letters, wherein Dr.
Williams and several of his descend
ants apreed, but were at variance with
most other people, and which peculi
arities were In no wise due to defects
of vocal organs, led him to form the
conclusions above stated. He has
finally succeeded In being able to talk.
In conversation he never resorts to the
pencil. He has been out of the hospital
five weks, and can speak so as to be
fairly well understood. The doctor is
confident that within a short time his
speech will greatly Improve.
Built by a Chinese Flabarman Slant
Vran Ago.
Old habitations are to be found nil
over California, says the San Francisco
Call. Sometimes there is good reason
for th?i being odd, but often it Is the
result of some crank Idea. On the
beach near Cypress Point, In Monterey
eounty, there Is one that cannot come
under the first head and hardly under
the last. The residence belongs to a
Chinese fisherman and Is part natural
and part the work of his own hands.
The natural portion of the house Is a
small cave In one of the many rocks
that stick up all over the beach. The
other part Is a sort of wooden shed
which has been built in front of this
opening. The lumber used is of the
roughest kind but the esthetic China
man overcame this objection by cover
ing the whole outside with abalone
shells, the hollow side being turned
out. The Chinaman evidently did that
many years ago, when the shells were
plentiful and had scarcely any market
velue. Every shell used has been de
stroyed as one or more nails have been
driven through them according to thylr
size. Some of the shells are magnifi
cent In color and enormous In size.
There Is one at least fifteen Inches
In diameter, and a duplicate in
good condition could not be bought in
San Francisco for any price. Most of
the larger shells, if they were not
punctured with nallholes, would read
ily sell for from $3 to 5 apiece. But
that size cannot be had in the market
now, and would be difficult to find on
the rocks of any part of the coast. The
general effect of the house, when the
sun strikes it at the proper angle, Is
dazzling. The polished, pearly sur
faces sparkle with astounding bril
liancy and flash with all the colors of
the rainbow. It is a pleasing and sur
prising sight and the only pity Is that
so many beautiful shells were de
stroyed to produce It.
Wrapt (or Hammer Driving.
The wraps which are designed td
protect airy and delicate summer
frocks from the dust which blows on
even aristocratic roadways are strik-
ingly pretty. Some of them are of
pongee, trimmed with coffee-colored
lace and galloon. These, however, are
of the merely useful variety. Those,
which have claims to be considered
real works of art are of the dull blues
and reds, with a silvery sheen upon,
them. This "bloom" is not only at
tractive in Itself, but is particularly
desirable in a dust garment.
The most elaborate of these wraps
fall in rather loose lines from the
shoulders to the feet, but they have
lace-jlmmed capes with fluffy collar
ettes which give them a chic appear
ance. Those of deep claret color,'
trimmed with black lace, are partic
ularly pretty.
Lively French Town.
The record for quickly increasing
population, as shown by the recent
census, says a Paris correspondent,
certanly belongs to Roubalx. In 1800
the population of this town was 8,302;
at the taking of the last census it was
114,917, of which 53,075 were Belgians.
Of this Increase 61,600 were immi
grants, while the remaining 53,075 were
due to the excess of births over deaths.
There is certainly no other town in
France where the population has in
creased so rapidly. The rate of in
crease is ten times that of the rest of
France and three times that of Paris.
Toongest School Teacher.
The youngest school teacher in the
United States is 11 years old. At the
examination be secured a first-grade
certificate and finished his papers be
fore many of the older teachers. His
name is Marlon Glasgow, and Of course
he lives in Ohio.
The Safe and Swift Nerve Nourisher and Blood Builder.
1$ UOTTLUS for $2.Xl,,T
What KOLA Is and What It Does
KONGO KOLA KURE is both a wonder and a wonder worker. As a
tonlo for mind and body, brain, heart, nerves and muscles, it is the latest and
highest triumph of medical and chemical science. It is the GREATEST
TONIC the world baa ever known. It is endorsed and prescribed bv the most
eminent physicians, and the medical
marvelous results oi in use.
It is prepared from the African Kola Nut, which the natives prize more
than cold, and in some regions worship as a god on account of the strength and
courage it give them. They have used
been introduced In civilized lands.
FECTS. It is an energizing nerve food. It acts swiftly and surelv on heart.
stomach, liver and kidneys. It gives strength for the highest mental and phy
sical exertion and prevents any sense of fatigue afterwards.
It gives restful and refreshing sleep at night; bright and fruitful activity
throughout the day.
To teachers, editors, clergymen, lawyers and other brain workers, under
any unusual pressure of labor, it is a heaven-sent boon.
It is a valuable remedy for Nerve Weakness and Exhaustion, Neuralgia,
Heart Failure and Irregularity, "Tobacco Heart," Kidney and Bladder Ail
ments Liver Trouble, Billiousness, Malaria, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Headache,
Asthma. Bronchitis, Constipation, Rheumatism, and it completely removes the
depressing and distressing effects of the Grippe.
For the tired, overworked women whose nerves are unstrung by the thou
sand annoying worries of the household this wonderful tonic will prove a price
less boon.
It i carefully compounded with Celery, the great nervine, and is a true
nerve nourisher and blood builder.
It is especially adapted to run-down nervous systems. It feeds the nerves.
enriches the blood, beautifies the skin,
tite and drives out disease oy toning up ine enure system.
As a guarantee, we return the money paid by the person who uses Kongo
Kala Kure and is not benefited thereby.
Put up in large bottles. Price 81.00 per bottle.
For the next 30 days we make a special offer of 85 cents per bottle, or 3 bot
tles for 82.00 pre paid. Three bottles
all ordinary cases, and one bottle gives
This Is a stronger preparation of
to quit the use of tobacco. KOLA-BAC gradually displaces tobacco by destroy
ing a desire for it, and in time creating a distaste for it. It counteracts the
deadly poison of nicotine, and cures the dread desire known as the "Tobacco
YTaavt 'I Tn Knvaa fl itanta oarri Vol" triA npvt 3A fava 3 Knvna fo ftl HO
We will give tMO.OO to anyone who will sell within the next
three months 200 copies of "Talks to Children About Jesus." One of
the most popular books ever published. Over 1SO,OUO copies already
sold. A cen Is sell from 10 to la conies a day. Beautlfullv HluslratAif.
Freight pnld and credit given.
Information Hftoenta.
to anyone who will .ell 75 copies In two months. We will give an I
KSTEY OHtiAK, retail price fc!70.00, to anyone who will sell 110
copies in uiree mourns, spu-nam opportunity lor a unurch or Society
to secure an organ. A GOLD WATCH, retail nrice HO.O0 elven to
anyone who will sell SO copies
tion to the regular commission.
me, are given iioerut commission tor any nunioer sola, l.ftst I
mil, we paiu to agents over rco.uuu id commissions. A large number
tnadeovrr 9100.00 irr month. Writ us immediately and secure
an agency, it will nay you. No time to lose, someone will get ahead
of you. We also offer most liberal Inducements on other books and
Mlbles for Kail and Holiday Trade. A new book, " Forty t ear. In
China," sells rapidly. Agent often average 10 orders a dav. Home J
terms and premiums as on "Talks to Children." We give eitraordin-1
ary terms tor selling Marion Harland's new book, " Home of (he
tinir." vjxj-w given lor selling micopK'S In 3 months, or JIIW.00 bicy
cle for selling 00 copies In one month. Send 75c. for outfit. Write at once.
Lake View Consolidated
Gold and Silver flining Co.,
Located in Beaver Head County, Montana, offers
a portion of its
Treasury Stock at a Low Price
to secure money todevelop its property and put
in a mill.
This company owns FOURTEEN CLAIMS
of twenty acres each, all well prospected,
and have been examined by competent experts
and practical miners. The Ore assays from $12
to $300 in gold per ton. It offers the
Best Chance for a
Paying Investment
in the West. The Stock is non-assessable, and
its development will greatly enhance it value.
This Company has all of the preliminary
work done, and is supplied with tools, tool
houses, blacksmith shops, and stables, all com
pleted, and is only twenty-eight miles from a
Railway station. There is also plenty of Timber,
Water and Free milling Gold Ore. For partic
ulars, address the undersigned for circulars
and other information.
M. L, ZOOK, Agent,
1615 Howard Street,
Omaha, Neb.
The Americae
50c From Now Until January '1897
journals are filled with the reports of the
it for ages, but it has only recently
regulates the bowels, increases the appe
are sufficient to give permanent relief In
decided benefit.
Kolo, in tablet form, for those who wish
Complete canvassing outfit and full 0
lu 30 days. This premium is in addi
Agents who do not secure any o l