THE AMERICAN THb N Oct Vsur Frtanaa t ubaonb For THE AMERICAN. BOo to Jan. I. 1897. Cheapest Paper in Amtsnja. "AMERICA FOR AMERICANS" We hold that-all men are Americans who Swear Allegiance to the UniU-d Stale without a mental reservation. THICK FIVE CKNT3 Volume VI. OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FKIDAY. JULY 24, 1S0G. NOMBKB 30 INI 1 The Capital Patriotic Press Bureau Looks Up His Record. We Hire It to You as We Rewired It, and Utter No Word of Censure or En dorsement at This Time. Capital Patbiotic Press Bureau Washington, D. C, July 13. Now that Hon. W. J. Bryan, the "Bov Orator of the Platte " Is the presidential standard-bearer of the "New Democracy," It may interest the readers of the patriotic press of the country to know how he conducted himself as to the Issues in which the American patriots were specially In terested In during his congressional career, and particularly how he voted upon the American measures which were Introduced during the Fifty-third of which Mr. Bryan was a member from Nebraska. . It will be rembered that It was dur- g that session of congress when Hon 'vV. S. Linton flung into the congres sional arena the first ire-brand of op position to the appropriation of gor ernment funds to sectarian institutions, delivering his famous speech against the long-continued outrage on the 7th Of June, 1894, during the debate upon the Indian appropriation bill for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1893. . will also be recalled that the Satollians were In control of the house, and that durinir the discussion of the bill in committee of the whole house, John H O'Neill was la the speaker's chair After Mr. Linton delivered his speech Mr. Gear (now in the senate) moved to recommit the bill, with Instructions, whereupon the question of order was raised, Mr. Cannon urging that the motion to recommit was in order, but O'Neill decided it was out of order, An appeal from the decision of the chair was made. "Papal Zouave" Tracy of New York (since retired by the American vote), Crain of Texas faince deceased), Springer of Illinois (Also retired), and other papist and jack-papist members, moved to lay the appeal on the table. Upon this ques tlon the vote stood, yeas 158, nays 68, not voting 135. Mr. Bryan voting yea, I want to note here that while Joe Cannon voted against tabling the ap peal, and so seemingly supported the minority in the house, who opposed the pending-measure to continue these Catholic appropriations, and which In a measure saved him from defeat at the subsequent elections when Hoi man and Weadock and O'Neill and Springer and McEttrlck and Lynch and McGann and Tim Campbell, and Bryan himself, and dozens of other Romanists and Roman sympathizers were left at home, his conduct in the present congress more than undoes all he ever done heretofore, and he is de serving of defeat hereafter. OPPOSED TO THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. On the 28th of June following the New Mexico admission bill was con sldered in the house. Mr. Smith of Illinois moved to amend by inserting "And in. 5 all of which public schools the English language shall be taught." This was opposed by the Catholics and their sympathizers, because Spanish is the prevailing language and in this tongue! thecCatholic priests of New Mexico could best manipulate the schools to the advantage of their re ligion. Mr. Smith, in presenting the amendment, made a brilliant argument in its favor, closing by asking: "Where Is the American citizen who will ob ject to this reasonable provision? Turning to Mr. Antonio Joseph, the papist delegate from New Mexico. Do you decline to accept this amend ment?" "I decline to accept it," promptly re' plied Mr. Joseph. I copy from the Record: Mr. Hopkins of Illinois Does the gentleman, upon reflection, still insist upon bis objection? Mr. Joseph I do, most emphatically. Mr. Hopldns of Illinois Well, I trust there is patriotism enough in this house to decline to admit New Mexico into the Union as a state un less so just and proper an amendment as this be adopted. Mr. Gear It is a well-known lact that 70 per cent of the population of New Mexico are either Spanish or of Indian descent. It is only a proper precaution when these people come here and ask for statehood in the American Union to require that their children shall be taught the language of the United States the language that we have been taught. Mr. Smith If we admit New Mex ico I hope it will be with the under 'tandlng that, although you may now iach the English language, hereafter m must teach it as well as any other iguage.which you may care to teach. rp I have great respect for Spanish, Ger man, French, and all other languages, but above them all I have a greater and higher respect for the English language the language of the Amerl can people and of all our coun :ry . ( A p plause on the floor and in the galler ies Mr. Bingham The sections which appeal to me are the paragraphs di rectlng the benefactions or gifts of the general government to the territory coming la to the statehood for educa tional purposes. This vast acreage is the gift of the people to the new state, 1 assert It Is the function of congress in donating this vast amount of land to incorporate in this bill a direction that the language of the United States, of our people, our nation, shall be a part ol the instruction of all the young me who in the future are to dominate and control that state. Therefore 1 Bay to the gentlemen, the great future all hope for his people can be best aide J and secured by an early instruction of tne youth in the language oi our re public. Mr. Barrows I call for the yeas and navs. The amendment was again read. The question was taken, and there were yeas 84, nays 119. answered "present 3, not voting 148. So the amendment was reiected. Upon this roll appears the name of Mr. Bryan as voting against the intro duction of the English language In our public shools. Subsequently, Mr. Wilson of Ohio offered an amendment providing for the teaching of the English language, as a branch of study, in the schools of New Mexico, but not to the exclusion of other languages; and even thla most reasonable and conservative propoji tlon was defeated by this Romanized oongress br a vote of 115 to 81 (152 not voting), Mr. Bryan again voting with the Catholio majority against it, al though many of the Democrats and all the Populists voted for It. Viewed from the standpoint of the present congress and the advanced Americanism of to-day, it hardly seems possible that there could have been found, two '.ehori years ago, a body of American legislators who would legis late against the introduction of the English language the language of the people of the United States into the publio schools of the country, and yet such is a fact, and with them voted the now Democratic candidate for presi- dent of the republican. A. J. B, ERKLSU PRIEST IS 1THISIIED. Michigan Prelate Sentenced to the Monastery In Kentucky. Grand Rapids, Mich., July 16. Rev. Father Turski, the Polish priest who had been the cause of the recent church rows at Bay City and who de fled the authority of Bishop Rlchter to reinstate Father Matoski, has confessed his error and has been sentenced by the bishop to the Trappist monastery at Gethsemene, Ky., for an indefinite period and permanent banishment from the diocese. The confession was made to the bishop in the presence of several cathedral priests, and the next morn ing he started for the monastery to enter upon his penance. The Trappist order is one of the most severe and rigid in the Roman Catholic church Inmates rise at midnight and until day light chant their prayers and then work in the fields or shops with fre quent intervals of prayer. The diet is limned to vegetables ana water, no meat of any kind being allowed, and the only communication allowed is the salutation, "Memento mores" (Uemem ber death). They are never allowed to see women. When they die they are buried in their cowles and hassocks, without coffin or box of any kind. How to Kill Off the A. r. A.'s. The Tyler has no member of its 6tafT or employes in membership in this SO' ciety, and would be glad to see it dis banded. So would Rev. Dr. Neander Woods, of the Presbyterian church Memphis, Term., and the Tyler most thoroughly agrees with him when be says, when addressing a large meeting in that city: "I want to see the order disbanded Such is my desire. I believe It is yours. Also, l want to tell you just four things, which, if done, would kill this order in less than ninety days. "1. Let the leaders of the Roman Catholic church in America give the plain assurance that they pledge them selves to accept In good faith the doc trine of the complete separation of church and state, and promise' not to ask another dollar of public money for the support of their sectarian inelitu' tlons, and to abstain from meddling in politics; everywhere their priests dabble in politics, and the mission of Mgr. Satolll to this country was as clearly political as that of any lobbyist that ever went to Washington to put through a bill. Every bishop and priest is solemnly pledged under oath to belief that church and state ought to be united; that the pope Is the lord of every civil government, and that no state can pass laws that the Roman pontiff does not approve, Let the priests and prelates of the Romish church in America give such assurance, without any equivocating phrase, and this A. P. A. order would hardly care tihold another meeting. "2. Let there be a disbanding of secret societies of the Roman Catholio church, especially those that are armed. It is stated ia Cincinnati there are not less than fifty separate and distinct armed and drilled companies of these societies, viz: Twelve div slons of the Ancient Order of Hiber nians, seven branches of the Catholic Knights of America, nineteen branches of the Catholio Knlgbtsof Ohio, and brides these there are many others. "3. Let there be a radical change in the way the dally press of the coun try treats the meetings and principle of the A. P. A. Some editors regard them as a pack of half-crazy block beads. Some are so devoted to their party that they foar any organization that may affect their party's success but in all we see a subserviency to the Roman Catholic element as strong as If Cardinal Gibbons was edltor-ln chief. They devote ample space to th consecration of a bishop, though he takes the usual oath to persecute her etics unto death, and to obey the orders of the pope in preference to those of the nation; yet, when two or three thousand people, law-abiding citizens and taxpayers, gather under the au spices of the A. P. A., you will not find a word in our papers. 4. Let good-natured Protestants cease saying that the pope of Rome is only a very ancient and harmless scarecrow, and that all this excitement about papal aggression In America sheer nonsense. They assure us that this is a Protestant country; that no Roman Catholio ever was president, and that Roman Catholics are in a helpless minority except in a few sec tions. There are 70,000,000 people of all ages In this republic, of whom 10, 000,000 are avowed Roman Catholics. Then there are 15,000,000 belonging to the vicious and illiterate class, who could easily be used by any corrupt power. Of the remaining 45,000,000, not 25,000,000 can be regarded as Pro testant except in name. Many know nothing of the history of popery or the trickery of Rome or of Romish inter meddling with our American InstitU' tions. Many for the sake of custom many for the sake of temporary popu larity, and very many for the sake of office, will never be found opposing the encroachments of Rome. In some of our grert cities to-day 75 per cent of the money paid in salaries goes into Roman Catholic pockets, and in many of these cities millions of dollars in public property have been given to Roman Catholic hospitals, churches, schools and monkeries, as the price of votes and political scheming. Hence we claim that one-third of the popula tion can be called Protestant. From 1800 to 1880 the Romish church has in creased twice as fast as the Protestant churches. The immigration to this country for ten years, ending in 1890, was 5,250,000, and at least two-thirds were itomanlsts, many of them igno rant. Let this thing go on for twenty' five years longer, and you will see this country in the same condition, as far as the rights of Protestants are con cerned, as Roman Catholic Spain and Austria and South American republics are. Remedy the above evils, and there will be no work for the A. P. A American Tyler. Romish Persecution. The United States supreme court having ordered the release of the editor of the A. r. A. Magazine from the Cal ifornia state prison, where he had been railroaded by the Roman Catholic combine of San Francisco, the publica tion will be resumed at once. The thirteenth number will be Issued about July 15th and will in nowise be inferior to the earlier issues in fact, the editor aims to load it with the hottest shot ever fired into the camp of "our friends, the enemy." The "crime" for which Editor Price has been unjustly con fined for three months was the sending throughthe mails an English transla tion of Den's Theology, a Roman Cath olic work. It was declared by the San Francisco Romish officials to be ob scene, but the work is still sold and cir culated by the Romanists. But the editor of the A.T. A. Maaazint had to be silenced, therefore this charge was trumped up and Mr. Price put to con siderable expense and deprived of his liberty for about three months before the supreme court of the United States could right this outrageous wrong. Every American should express his disapproval of such proceedings and his sympathy for Edward Price by at once becoming a subscriber to his mag azine. We shall be pleased to forward all subscriptions sent to us. We will send this paper to your ad dress until Jan. 1, 1897, for 50c An Iowa Business Man Airs His Views on the Cur rency Question. loet Nut igree With Either the (Jold Bugs or the Free Mlverites Wants a Patriot For l'rekldeat. As so many intelligent people are muddled and misled as totnelr best in tereston this great financial problem, and as to how a revival of business might be wrought, I have herein pen ned and compiled a few statistics and clippings which may furnish acceptable food for the honest thinker. In the bitter struggle -between gold and silver between two phases of thought, each of which terms its own dollar honest and the other's dishonest both with equal reason the effect of this conflict upon another and much more Important branch of our currency seems almost to have been forgotten. The paper currency of the United States consists of, first, legal tender treasury notes, of which in March, 1896, there were about $540,000,000 in existence. Of these something more thaa 1100,000,000 were supposed to be In the possession of the treasury; second, treasury notes of lHito not legal tender, 1140,000,000; third, silver cer tificates, $342,000,000; fourth, national bank issues, $214,000,000; making all told a grand total of one billion dollars of paper money, the value of which de pends entirely upon the credit of the government. It is generally supposed that there are two exceptions to this statement, to-wlt: The national bank notes, which are supposed to depend In some degree upon the solvency and credit of the individual banks and the silver certificates which are in like manner supposed to rest for their credit as cur rency upon the deposits of silver in the treasury. Both of these notions are fallacious. As we have recently had occasion to demonstrate, not a single dollar or cent of credit or stability is given to any national bank note by the credit or solvency of the bank by which it is put in circulation. Its stability depends entirely on the credit of the government on whose bonds it rests, Not only are the issues of a broken na tional bank worth just as much and pass just as readily, but the business of the banks themselves is conducted en tirely upon this hypothesis, and their other liabilities are fully equal to their ability to meet in case of any general demand upon them. The government's credit in the form of our present boBds deposited with the treasury as security for such circulation, is the sole and only guaranty of its stability. In like manner, the silver certificates are not a whit improved in quality by the silver hold against them by the treasury. No certificate constitutes a lien upon any specific amount of silver, The silver is merely a tangible asset of the government, and at the present time is rather a detriment than an ad vantage to these certificates considered as currency, from the fear that exists that only depreciated silver may be given in payment of them. It is easy to be seen, therefore, that the effect of the pending controversy in regard to the complete demonetiza tion of silver, leaving gold the sole legal tender paper, is of even greater interest as concerns our paper cur rency, than because of its effects upon our coinage. Its first effect is to destroy all legal tender paper. In the heat of the con troversy that Is being waged, it seems to have been forgotten that the one great lesson of modern financial ex perience is that no great commercial nation can do without a paper legal tender. Great Britain, which has been the leader in the crusade for a single gold standard, was the first nation to make his principle a distinct and permanent place in her currency. In 1833 the notes of the Bank of England were made legal tender throughout the United Kingdom. Of these $60,000,000 are a permanent issue, and his is sometimes increased to $200,000,000 and more, under the scope of the bank's authority. She h as a gold currency of $550,(00.000, and a silver currency, which is legal tender up to forty shil lings, about $10, amounting to 9112,- 000,000. Her currency for small amounts is silver, which is thus made "the money of the poor." For large amounts gold nd Bank of England notes are legal tender. Fully one-fourth of her un limited legal tender consists of paper the notes of the Bank of England. Of this $fi0,l0,0ti0 Is covered by "securl ties," mottly British consuls; the re mainder represents coin dcponlU. I effect, the credit of the government maintain a paper lop I tender amount ing, on an average, to about one-fifth Its entire gold currency. This is all the mora significant , m the fact that the Bank of Knglanb lrantacU all the business of the government and Is in effect aa Adam Smith declared, great engine of state." She is only a bank, because she dis counts bills and makes exchange's; so far as the currency is concerned, she Is the government, just as much as our treasury department. The experience of France is a still more striking lesson of tho necessity of a paper legal tender ci rrency. France occupies substantially the tame position as regards gold and silt it as the United States. Her silver is full legal tender at a ratio of 151 to 1 o d, the coin age being; at present si ...ended. She has a population of 38,000,000; a gold currency of i82o,lxKMHKl; a full legal tender silver currency of $134,000,000, andapaer legal tender constating of the notes of the Hank of France of 3,200,0O0,H)o francs, over Moo.ooO.OoO. The Bank of France ias a monopoly of the right to issue demand notes, and these notes are legal tender. It is the financial agent of the government, and holds $270,000,000 of the bonds of the government. Thus it will be seen that substantially one-third of the entire currency of France is legal tender paper, as is from 1-5 to 1-3 that of Eng land. To neglect this distinct and positive lesson taught by the two old est and most successful currency sys tems of Europe and tie the American peopie down to a mere gold legal ten der of leas than $000,000,000, when we have a population double that of France or the United Kingdom, is something worse than folly it is a crime unpre cedented in the annals of financial rob bery. American business needs a larger proportion of legal tender money than either of these countries because of its large extent and the time required to make exchangee, yet it actually has at this time less than either France or England. Because of the unphllosophl- cat and pernicious practice of permit ting gold contracts, our whole stock of $000,000,000 of gold has been practically withdrawn from circulation and is now held for speculative purposes or to meet gold contracts. This is natural and reasonable. At the same time, a considerable propor tion of the paper legal tender has been withdrawn from circulation by the foolish policy of the government in substituting bonds for non-interest- bearing notes. So that really, the only legal tender currency we have is the $559,000,000 of silver which every In fluence seems conspiring to discredit. Should these influences succeed, there is no doubt that when the "green backs" are retired by being unlawfully held in the treasury, and silver dis carded, it will supervene a contraction of the currency as fatal to business as the sudden, unyielding contraction of the heart Is to life. If the Republican party goes into power with theee two ideas, gold as the only legal tender coin and the paper legal tender obliter ated, it will be just as impossible for It to carry out its pledge of a commercial and industrial revival as It would be to turn a wheel without applying some competent force. A revival and ex' panslon of business is an absolute lm possibility without an abundant and efficient currency. It is no doubt true that unlimited coinage and certification of silver at this time would be as ruinous as the restriction of our legal tender to gold alone; it could sot be worse. The real question is not to be solved by such re striction. The problem Is not how we shall rid ourselves of all legal tender currency but the gold now hoarded for speculation, but how the country shall supply itself with an abundant currency as good as gold In all parts. This is not to be done by yielding to the English suggestion which is based on the relation of British interest to American finance. An American cur rency with only a gold legal tender would be almost as great a boon to England as a continuance of the Demo cratic tariff. The paralyzing effects upon business would be very nearly equal to it and far more permanent. To-day we are feeling the force of currency restriction through the gold option contract. Demonetize silver and retire the greenbacks and we shall have no choice but gold at a perpetual premium and Bhln-plasters at a dis count. Then England will sell her gJld, increase her legal tender paper currency aa she did in 1844, and laugh at us for adopting counsel intended for her advantage, not ours. The road to "honest" money, of hlch we bear so much blatherskite nonsense, is not to reject all other forms of currency, but to provide a currency just as good and so abundant that it shall not be necetaary nor profitable to board it up or save It for speculation. Neither will the Republican party bring prosperity or a "revival of busi ness" by seeking to work over that old and purblind Democratlo theory that a legal tender must be "at all times re deemable In gold." The bonds of the United States are always worth more than gold, though they are "redeema ble in gold" only at certain times. What are the plain and evident les sons to be drawn from tliwe potviit facts. They are, first, that a piper legal tender ii an essential of modern commercial conditions; second, such a currency would put gold Into circula tion and give opNrtunlty for a wise, deliberate and unforced adjuntmont of the silver question; third, that both tho demonetization of sliver demanded by the "gold-bugs," and the "free coinage" of silver demanded by the "sllverltes," are equally dangerous ex- edlents. The assumption br certain financial theorists thut the only "honest money Is gold or a paper money redeemable in gold," is one of those curious popular delusions that result from misuse of terms and misconceptions of facts in the course of a heated controversy. That "honest" money should always be worth as much as gold, might be ac cepted a i a correct statement of a fi nancial truth; but a currency may be composed wholly of gold and yet be of the most dishonest character ever known. There Is not gold enough in the world to pay off the accruing in terest of national and individual obli gations, lot alone the principal. Be cause of this, a currency having only a gold legal tender is essentially dishon est, and a legal tender that professes to be "always" redeemable in gold is a lie. There never was a time when all the legal tender notes of the Bank of England, for instance, would be re deemed if presented at one time. Tho whole theory of constant redeemabllity depends on the hypothesis that it is a moral and physical impossibility for them all to be presented at once. The Bame is true of our national bank notes. No bank in the country could meet its Issues in gold If all were presented simultaneously. Probably very few of them could pay a third, or even a fourth, perhaps hardly a fi'th of Jn ! - sue In gold. Whut makes them gouu, stable and honest? Simply the fact that the bondB of the government paya ble in gold are behind them. The bolder knows that If the bank docs not redeem them the government will. But they are not always redeemable in gold. The bank must fall before the government will redeem them. Six months or a year must elapse before a bolder in the usual routine would get at the gold. Bat every one knows they are good for It in the end, and that suf fices. It is not instant interchangeablllty with gold that gives stability to a cur rency, but universal confidence, that when the end Is reached it will be gold or something equivalent with gold. A bond of the United States bearing two per cent Interest, in gold, is equal with gold. A bond of the United States, having a very much less rate of inter est, payable or renewable )n classes of $50,000,000 annually, which should be a legal tender, would always be equal with gold. Why not have such a cur rency? Is it possible that those who are clamoring for "honest" money want a dishonest money? Do they want to reduce the currency so as to make a gold dollar worth twice as much to-morrow as it is to-day? That is just what the demand for gold as the sole legal tender means. It is evident, In my mind, that all honest, well posted men realize that we want more money, that the circulating medium is inadequate to the volume of business done, that a s'ngle standard in easilv manipulated cornered is of real use to only a few. "Honest" money is like an honest note or other obligation, it must be equivalent to gold or any other form of currency in acceptability. That is, It must be of such a character that peo ple will be just as willing to receive it in exchange for their debts or products as gold. Ji we make a paper legal tender interest-bearing and payable in classes at fixed intervals, the amounts being such that there will be no trouble about the country being able to pay each class In gold, with accrued inter est, when it becomes due or exchangea ble, such a currency will always be as good as gold, and gold, instead of being hoarded and held for speculation, will come into actual circulation. The assumption that all are dishon est who oppose the restriction of our currency by making gold the only legal tender, is a most glaring and un justifiable one. There are very few, Continued on pK 4.