The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, July 17, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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A Strike in the Lone Star
in Poverty Gulch Worth
$ioo,ooo a Ton.
Ore That It Almost Solid Mhanlte a
Llttlf Mure Tb 1K) left IUlew
the Siirfarv.
"When or It found that runs better
than $100,000 per too la (fold It it
worthy of more than pawing notice,
even in the Cripple Creek district,
ays the Cripple Creek Timet of the
15th Inst. Any place elte on earth
people would be wild, but when one
inoettthe average cltlten of the Crip
ple Creek dlttrlct, who of course bat
mined moro or lest himself, and axkt
If be baa teen that 1100,000 stuff they
are dlfglng out just up Myertaenue
here, three or four blockt from the
heart of town, In Poverty gulch", little
surprise it manifested. The man who
It informed that there it rock in Pov
erty guloh worth from 1100,000 to 1200,
000 pvr ton in gold, limply responds:
"Well, that it pretty good," and goet
on thinking about what he'll have to
how them when be gett a little further
along with hit tunnel in Squaw gulch
or alnkt bit thaft a little deeper in
Cow mountain.
The Lone Star, the property of the
Arcadia company in Poverty gulch
at the head of Myert avenue that It in
full the nan e and location of the rich
est strike ever made in the district.
Ia the tame gulch a little further up it
the oldott mine in tht district, discov
ered about five year. And it it even
aid that this same locality, bearing at
it doet to-day the Ignominiout title of
"Poverty gulch," was vltited by the
adventurert who first came to Plke't
Peak In search for gold in 1859. The
gold wat there in quantities in excess
of the wildest dreamt of either the
original or latter day prospectors.
They have been finding It for a few
years past, but not till yesterday wat
made the crowning discovery of con
turles the fabulous rlcbet of the Ar
cadia. Mining was conducted in a dotultory
sort of way in the immediate vicinity
Of this ttrlke during a part of last year
and it wat on the Abe Lincoln, an ad
joining and overlapping claim, that the
first indication of a possibly future
great mine was given. Lessees wore
working the block of ground close to
the Lone Star side line and opened the
vein. This lease is still worked by
De'Wltt, Tutt and Penrose, and is pro
ducing the same general character of
tylvanlte ore from a shaft now In ex
cess of 100 feet and scarcely 100 foot
distant from the Lone Star works.
The Marinett company is working fur
ther east and north on the same veto
and sinking a shaft rapidly to catch
the same chute.
To describe more minutely the big
find of yesterday, it should be stated
that the streak of tylvanlte that runs
Into the hundreds of thousands in value
wat opened in the drift from the 130-
f foot level, a distance of about fifty feet
from the shaft. The specimens taken
out yesterday, and seen at the mine by
' the Times reporter, thowed an average
Of an inch or more of stuff that is pure
ylvanjte. There is a little rock to be
sure in this rloh part of the vein, but
not enough to discourage the tender
foot miner who once complained of
there being more rock than gold in the
ore. One assay made yesterday ran
ver 1200,000.;
Hon. Thomas D. Crane has been
looking after legal business in Lincoln
and Seward this weec.
Judge G. W. Covell is attending
legal business in DeKalb, Mo. Be will
return about the 20th Inst.
Hon. I. R. Andrews expects to leave
the city on the 18th for a short vaca
tion which be will spend In Wisconsin
and Minnesota.
Phil E. Winter, assistant county at
torney, is spending a brief holiday in
Blue Rapids, Kan., where he is the
guest of relatives and friends,
Congressman D. H. Mercer left for
Washington Tuesday evening to re
Bume bis duties as secretary of the na
tional congressional campaign commit
The Modern Woodmen will hold
their annual picnic at Blair next Tues'
day. The excursion train will leave in
in the early morning from the Webster
street depot.
Things around the office of Saunders
& Macfarland are on the move. They
are busy closing up many old cases and
preparing new ones. They announce
that they will have no time for vaca
tlon this year.
Senator Thurston has returned home
from the East, where be attended a
meeting of the national Republican
committee. He expects to take the
stump in the interest of the Republi
can ticket in a short time.
A number of the members of Ameri
can L.O.L. of tblt city visited their
Council Bluffs brethren Thursday
evening, whore thy were royaly enter
tained by L. O. L. No. 3.12, which It
one of the most prosperous lodges in
U. P. Lodge No. 17, A. O. U. W.,
fives an excursion anl picnic to Blair
on the 26th inst. All the members
can lie supplied with tickets by attend
ing lodge next Friday night or apply
ing to Brother McCoy, financial secre
tary of the lodge.
About twenty-five citizens of Omaha
visited Hastings this week in the in
terest of the Trans-Mississippi Exposi
tion. They expect to visit many or
the surrounding towns and thereby
work up the interest of every place
west of the Mississippi river.
Herbert S. Crime, tho attorney, la re
ceiving considerable recognition at the
Douglas county bar. Since bis reloca
tion in tblt city many of hit old clients
have again placed thoir business in hit
bandt, and he hut added many new
ones to the list. He offices with his
brother, Senator Thomas D. Crane.
The John L. Webster Republican
Club bat about perfected plans for
grand ratification meeting whioh
will be held the evening of July 30.
Speeches will be delivered by
Hon. John L. Webster, Hon. A. 8.
Churchill, Hon. J. II. MacColl and
other promlnont Republicans. Of this
fact let every member of the club take
due notice and govern himself accord
There It necessity for ut to more
than mention the fact that an accident
occurred last Saturday to the excursion
train which carried the U. P. Pioneers
to Logsn, la , on a picnic, which
caused the death of twenty-nine citi
zens of Omaha, Council Blufft and Mis
souri Valley, and woundod probably
twice that number. The dally papers
were all filled with accounts at the
time. Since that time the conductor
and engineer of the excursion train
have been adjudged guilty of disobey
ing orders and have been held to the
district court.
The Young Men's Republican Thurs
ton Club gave a reception to J. H. Mao-
Coll in the rotunda of the city hall
Thursday from 8:30 to 10. Quite a
large crowd was In attendance. Sen
ator Thurston delivered one of his
characteristic speeches, which was
loudly applauded, after which Mr.
Mao Coll addressed the gathering,
shook the hand of each one present,
and told tbom he was pleased to meet
them. The hall was beautifully deco
rated with the national colors and
those of the Ak-Sar-Ben. And orches
tra under the direction of Julius
Thiols rendered several fine selections.
The Chicago & Northwestern officials
have been In the city the most of the
week looking after affairs pertaining
to the wreck last Saturday evening at
Logan. Tho company has announced
that it will pay the entire funeral ex
pense of those killed and pay tor the
medloal attendance of those Injured.
The wreck at Logan was the most se
rious that has ever occurred on the
Northwestern system, and the com
pany itself is not to blame, for, had
the engineer and conductor obeyed the
rules regulating the running of trains,
it would not have occurred. The com'
pany will have to pay the cost Inciden
tal to the negligence of its employes.
Rev. J. H. O'Brien, formerly vicar
general of the Roman Catholic diocese
of Fort Wayne, Ind., tells In the July
number of the Converted Catholic how
the saeerdos vagabundis,or tramp priest,
evolved. The observant and thought
ful American Protestant has doubtless
often wondered why an Italian, Bel
gian or French priest should so often
in this country be put over parishes
composed of Americanized Irish. Why
should Rome give this alien priests
from the darkest corners of southern
Europe charge of English speaking
congregations in the cities, while she
sends the American priest to minister
to the wants of some little, out-of-the-
way parish composed of mixed nation
According to Mr. O'Brien, "no priest
has ever freely left Europe and resigned
his charge there to become a mission
ary to the United States. They have
all been suspended and expelled from
their own countries; the contrary idea
is ridiculous, and they themselves
would laugh at it. Having been dis
missed by their own bishops, they
come here, and our bishops receive
them with open arms; and though
they can scarcely make themselves in
telligible In our language, they are
provided with a very good living to
the detriment of our own clergy."
This love of Romish bishops In Amer
ica for foreigners is "because they are
so humble, so willing to do any dirty
piece of business for them without ask'
ing questions. "
The self-respecting American priest
who has too much manhood about him
to play the part of Uriah Heap to his
ecclesiastical superior, soon finds him'
self either summarily suspended with
out even the show of a trial, or ap
pointed to some poor country parish of
rough, uneducated people. How he
will conduct himself under the latter
circumstances dependt on the amount
of grit and grace he possesses. He
may be that rare avis, a devout, spirit-ually-mlnded
prleat who has volun
tarily chosen his sacred calling Instead
of being forced Into it by parental am
bition or any other extraneous cause.
In this case, hefwlll toll on, making the
best of the discouraging features of hit
lot, and trying to be a faithful shep
herd over hit few tbeep in the wilder
ness. If he has a preponderance o
grit be will rebel and demand bis
rights. If he has neither grit nor
grace, he will probably take to drink.
The priest who presumes to tell hit
bishop that he it unjust it lure of sus
pension; the one who drowns his feel
ings of discouragement in drink and
unworthy pleasures will be suspended
as soon as his conduct becomes too
open a scandal not before. From
these two classes comes the tramp
So oio times he is sacrificed to the
jealousy of hit superior pastor, in which
caso the latter seeks an opportunity for
his removal, which he generally finds,
perhaps through bis housekeeper, who
he engages at special detective. What
she hears, and sees, and suspects, she
retails to her master, and though It
may be all one huge He, the bishop
soon hears enough to give the young
man hit marching orders, without tak
ing the time or trouble to inquire
whether the accusations made against
him are true or false. He is not al
lowed to defend himself or call any
witnesses, utterly unconscious though
he may be of having done anything
wrong. He is presumed guilty, and if
he has Incurred for any special reason
the displeasure of his bishop, woe to
the unfortunate man. He is set adrift,
ruined and disgraced. Never having
been taught a trade or profession, he
is forced to beg, and becomes that most
miserable of objects a tramp priest,
reduced to the position by a tyranny
even more absolute and terrible than
that of the unspeakable Turk.
The supreme council is reported to
have decided to keep its hands out of
the presidential contest.
Dick Bland will now be a candidate
for congress.
We will send this paper to your ad
dress until Jan. 1, 1897, for 50a
Attorneys, 1404 Farnam Street.
To the defendants. Harah O. Lyons
Lyons, first name unknown, her husband,
Moses Hossernian, and Mrs. Hossernian, Brut
name unknown, his wife and J. U. EldrUlge,
flrat name unknown, non-resident de
fendant: You will hike notice that on the 15th day of
July, 1HM, James L. rliowne.platnttff herein,
filed his petition In the district court of
Douglas county, Nebraska, against Victor U.
Laniry, Harah O. Lyons and Mr. Lyons, flrat
nameninknown, her hushandt Moses Homer
man, Mrs. Hosnernian, flrat name unknown.
bin wife, and J. U. hlrirulge, first nitme un
known, and others, the object and prayer of
which are to foreclose certain tax certifi
cates dated November 1Mb, 18112, and tuxes
Said thereunder, and covering the following
escribed real estate, situated In Douglas
county, Nebraska, to-wlt: Lots five IS) and
twenty (20) In block ninety-seven (97), lots
nve (6) and six () in block one Hundred ana
thirteen (113) and lot seven (7) In block eighty
(SO), all In the town of Florence, upon wMch
there Is now due the sums of 17. HI, fill. 71. t.97,
Wand tutu, with Interest f rem July 15th,
1816 at the rate of ten (10) per cent per an
num, attorney's fees amounting to tsn (10)
per cent of the decree and all costs, l'laln
tirr uravs that the defendants may be re-
qalrsd to pay the same or that said prem
ises may be sold to satisfy the amount found
due. and that the said defendants be de
barred of all right, title or Interest In said
You are reoulred to answer said petition
on or befere the 24th day of August, 1MI6.
uateo, uuiaua, weuraaua, juiy i.. mwi.
By launders A Macfarland, his attorneys.
uoo. Di; no. so. i-n-
Legal Notice.
In the district court of Douglas county,
Nebraska, J. J. Bertha Harms vs. Harm
Johnson Harms.
The defendant. Harm Johnson Harms, will
take notice that on the 9th day of July A. I).
1km, J. J. Bertha Harms, the plaintiff, filed
ber petition In the district court of Douglas
county, Nebraska, against Harm Johnson
Harms, me ooject ana prayer oi wmcn are
to secure a divorce from the defendant, on
the charge of desertion, failure to support
and cruelty, The plaintiff prays that tne
marriage relation existing Between ner ana
the defendant be annulled and set aside, and
that her maiden name be restored to her,
You are hereby reoulred to answer said pe
tition on or before the 24th day of August,
7-10-4 Attorney tor Plaintiff.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Mads Toft.
deceased :
Notice Is hereby given that the creditors
of said deceased will meet the administrator
of said estate before me. County Judge of
Douglas county, Nebraska, at the county
court room, In said county, on the Uth day of
pepieniDer, itftm; on tne inn aayoi novem.
wi mm, nnu uii biio 1 1 11 unj , ' . fuu.ij, 10,1 ,
at 9 o'clock A . m. each day, f 3T the purpose of
presenting their claims for examination, ad
justment and allowance. Six months are
allowed for the creditors to present their
claims and one year for the administrator to
settle said estate, from the lltb day of
July, lata; this notice will be published in
Th American for four weeks successively,
prior to tne urn aay or peptemoer, iswi.
County Judge,
l'robate Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Henry C
Oole. deceased :
Notice Is hereby given, that the creditors
of said deceased will meet the administratrix
of said estate before me. County Judge of
Douglas county, Nebraska, at the county
court room in said county, on the 7th day of
September, 18t6, on the 7th day of November,
1MW, and on the 7th day of January, ml.
at 8 o'clock A. at. each day, for the purpose of
presenting their claims for examination,
adjustment and allowance. Six months are
allowed for the creditors to pressnt their
claims and one year for the administratrix to
settle said estate, from the 7th day of
July, 18WI; this notice will be published In
TbiAhsricah for four weeks successively,
prior to the 7th day of September. 16.
7-17-4 County J edge.
Legal Notice.
To John D. Jones, non-resident defendant:
You are hereby notlfi.d that on the 9th day
of July, 1896, Anna B. Jones filed a petition
against you In the district court of Douglas
county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of
which are to obtain a divorce from you on
the ground that you have wilfully aban
doned the plaintiff without Just cause for
the term of two years last past, and that
plaintiff be given the custody and care of
the child of the marriage, Russell Jones,
born Angust 26, 193.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before Monday, the 34th day of August
1891. .
By H. L. Day. her attorney. 7-17-4
Attorney, Sot New York Life Building.
tueuf aa order of sale on decree of fore
closure of tuortKM issued out of the Dis
trict Court for Douglas county, state of Ne
braska, and tome aim-tea. 1 will, on the lata
day of August. A. D. 1KJS at tea o'clock A. M.
of said day. at the EAr T front door of the
county court house, la (he city of Omaha,
lKiuglas county Nebraska, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for rath, the
property described In said order of sale, all
being situated In the county of Douglas and
iia'e of Nebraska, as follows, to-wlt:
tiiocx number nineteen tl In Halcyon
Heights, a aub-dlvutton of the southeast
quarter of section twelve (12l. township flf
ten, (Ui, range twelve (12i. of thesth prin
cipal meridian, aa surveyed, platted and
riald lirowrl V t4 lie wild tn satlafv Oenrve
R. Avery, plaint! If herein, the sum of two
thousand nine hundred aad Sfty-nlne and
sj-lm dollars iS2.MMi.H3t. with Interest thereon
at the rale of seven (7) percent per annum
from the 4th day of May. I "US.
To sat 1st the further sum of tw nt y-seven
and as-luO dollars cunts herein to
gether with accruing costs, according to a
judgment rendered by the district court of
said Douglas county, at Its May term. A. D.
ims. in an action men ana tnere penning,
wherein tieorge E. Avery Is plaintiff, and
Howard Butcher, Marv L. K. Butcher, Wil
liam H. Crarv. The Bee FublUhlng Couiuanr.
Oeurge W. Lex. Assignee for the benefit of
me creditors or Howard Hutrher and w. M.
Harvey, trading aa Washington Butcher
Rons, are defendants.
ated at Omaha. Nebraska. Jul 17th.
A. D. lritt.
JoiiNW. Mcdonald.
Sheriff nf Iktuilurnuiilv. NJehrsjika.
V. O. f trickier, attorney for plaintiff.
ueo. r Avery vs. Howard Butcher, et ai.
Doc. Ui No. 111. 7-17-5
Attorneys, 1404 Karnam Street.
tue of an order of sale on decree of fore
closure of mortgage Issued out of t he district
court for Douglas county, tat of Nebraska.
ana to nieairected, 1 will, on the 18th day of
August, A. I). ism. at 10 o'clock A. u of aald
day, at the EAST front door of the county
court house, In the city of Omaha, Douglas
county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to
m uiKuesi uiuuur tor casn, tne property ao
scrlbed In said order of sale, all being
sltuatad In Douglas county and state of Ne-
uraaa. aaiminws. to-Wlt:
Lot fifteen 1151. block four (4). of Mathew'a
sub-dlvlslon of blocks nineteen (ID), twenty
(20). twenty-one (2D. twenty-two 22, twenty-
inree ts.ii. twenty-eignt (at) ana twenty-nine
(20) In Albrliht's Choice, an addition to the
city of toulh Omaha. Douglas county. Ne-
uraaaa, as surveyed, putttea ana recorded.
ald property to be sold to satisfy Charles
L. Roberta, plaintiff herein, the sum of one
hundred and fifty-three and 42-100 dollars
(llAa.42). with Interest thereon at the rate of
eight (K) per cent per annum from Hay 4th,
lMrt, which amount Is a second valid and ex
isting lien upon said described real estate
ana subject only to the lien oi the defendant,
f blllp L. Johnson.
Also to satisfy PMHp L. Johnson, defend
ant herein, the sum of sine and 75-100 dollars
ita 75, with Inter st thereon at the rate of
ten (10) per cent per annum from May 4th.
IHtfti, together with an attorney's fee of 97
cents and costs, which Is a first valid and ex
isting Hen upon said above described real
To satisfy the further sum of thlrtv and
03-100 dollars (10.03) cost herein, together
with accruing costs, according to a Judg
ment rendered bv the district court of
said Douglas county, at Its May term.
mo, in a certain action then ana there
pending, wherein Charles L. Roberts Is
plaintiff and Thomas II. Bowen, Carrie B.
Itowen his wife, and Phllln L. Johnson are
Dated at Omaha. Nebraska. July 17. 1H06.
john w. Mcdonald,
Sheriff of Dounlus Count v. Nebraska.
Saunders & Macfarland, attorneys for plain-
Chas. L. Roberts vs. Tbos II. Bowen. et al.
Doc. 62. No. 14. 7-17-5
Attorneys, 1404 Farnam Street.
To the defendants. Mamie L. Hunter and
M. Hunter, first and real name un
known, her husband, non-resident de
fendants: You will taka notice that on the 15th dav
of July. 1KM, Harry J. Twlnting, plaintiff
herein, filed his petition In the district court
of Douglas county. Nebraska, against you,
the said defendants, the object and prayer
of which are to foreclose a cert ain tax cer
tificate dated November 7th, IWX). and taxes
paid thereunder, covering the following de
scribed real estate, situated In Douglas
county, Nebraska, to-wlt: Lota thirteen (la)
ana fourteen (14) In block two (2), Ames
I'liice. upon which there Is now due the sums
of 1215.55 and 112 79 respectively, with Intereat
from July 15, 1W, at the rate of ten (10) per
cent per anaum, attorney's fees amounting
to ten no) per cent oi t ne decree ana an costs.
I'lalntlff prays that the defendant may be
required to pay the same or ttat said prem
ises may be sold to satisfy the amount found
due and that the said defendants lie debarred
of all right, title or Interest in said premises.
You are reoulred to answer said petition
on or before the 24th day of August. lH'.tt.
Dated Omaha, Nebraska, July 17th, 181.
By Saunders & Macfarland, his attorneys.
Doc. 57; No. 37. - 7-17-4
of Nebraska. Douelas county, as. In
the county court of Douglas county, Ne-
In the matter of the estate of WlUett H.
Bobbins, deceased:
Mrs. Km ma Bobbins. Grace A. Snbhlns and
Lotta Bobbins, and all other persons In
terested In sld matter are hereby notified
that on the 11th day of July, 11)6, Emma
hoodies niea in tue county court a petition
alleging among other things that Wlllett H.
Kobblns died on the 2nd day of December.
1893. leavlmr a last will and teat.sment. and
possessed of real and personal estate valued
at, and that the above named con
stitute the persons interested In the estate of
said deceased, and praying for the probate
oi sum wui anu ior aaministratun oi saia
You are hereby notified that If you fall to
appear at said court on the 14th dav of b'eu-
tember. 18IM. at 9 o'clock A. M. to contest the
proDate or said will, the court may allow and
probate said will and erant administration
of said estate to Emma Bobbins or some
other suitable person, and proceed to a
settlement tnereoi,
7-17-4 County Judge.
Hot Springs,
South Dakota.
A health resort that Is a
health resort. A place where
ynu can pass the summer
witn more satisfaction than
you would think p:sslble.
A pretty spot where every
one feels at home. Plenty
to do and see. Easy to reach
-If you take the Burllnirton.
No dust, no hot winds, no
sudden changes In temper
ature. Elegant hotels, the
nnest cetween unicago and
Denver. Largest plunge
bath In the west. Thermal
waters of Inestimable value
to sufferers from rheumat
ism, kidney troubles, etc.
Altitude lust right far con
sumptives. Endorsed by the
leading physicians and
medical journals of Iowa
and Nebraska as the peer
oi any neaitn resort on the
continent. Write for nretty
booklet giving full infor
J. Feahcib, Gen'l PauV Agent,Omaha, Neb.
f atctnater and Jeweler,
Fink Watch Repairing a Specialty
612 South 16 Street.
You can save from 15 to 25 per cent, on all cash purchases for
the next thirty days.'
You get $5.00 Shoes for $3.50 I You get $4.00 Shoes for $2.76
You get $3.00 Shoes for $2.25 You get $2.00 Shoes for $1.50
Youths' $2.00 Shoes for $1.50.
Ladies' Shoes in the same proportionate prices.
718 So.. Sixteenth St.
5?&s(mble Bargain;
To buy Jewelry, silverware or Watches at
the right price you must visit Bennett's;
but be careful to get In the right door and
not somewhere else, under the Impression
you are In our store. Get In the right door.
New Shirt Waist Sets at 10, 15 and 24c.
Sterling Silver Waist Sets, 4Kc.
Stiver Flats Teaspoons, 8 and 5c.
Stem Wind Nickel Watches, !8c and fl.25.
Gold Plate Case, warranted five years,
Stem Wind Watch, only R.98.
Lead Pencils, good quality, with rubber
tips, per dozen, 5c.
White Envelopes, 25 for 2c
White Envelopes, 75 for 5c.
Note Paper, 24 sheets for 3c.
Shelf t aper, 24 sheets for Sc.
White Card Board, 22x28, each Sc.
Tablets a great bargain Id Note, Packet
or Letter Tablets at 3; each.
Letter Files, see bargain at 28c.
Bottle Ink, 8c ; Mucilage, 3c.
1 502-1 2 Capitol Avnue,
.... .- a 1. --it. ill ill iIt fli
Jeweler and Optician
; 115 S. 16th STREET, f
: Fine Watch Repairing
t ? French Clocks.
Exclusive Watch Examiner for F., E.
and M. V. R. R. Co.
Store Prices
Best describes
the rates at
Is doing all kinds of Dental
Set Teeth 5 00
Best Set Teeth 7 50
Gold Fillings. 11.00 and up
Silver Fillings 1 00
Geld Crowns 5 00
Teeth Extracted 25
Teeth out in the morning-
Sew Ones Same Day.
All work at about Half what
other Dentists Charge.
16 Years' Experience 16
Dr. WITHERS, Dentist,
Fourth Floor Brown Blk.,
Sixteenth and Douglas Streets.
Merchant Tailor
Suits Made to Order.
Guarantees a perfect fit In all eases. Cloth
ing cleaned dyed and remodeled.
504 H. 16th St., : OMAHA, REB.
D.I. Hay den
Shop, 809 S. 16th St. . Omaht
At Special Prices.
White Granite Pint Bowls, 8c.
" Quart Bowls, 8c.
" " Steak Dishes, 15c.
' ' Roast Beef Dishes, 19j.
" " Vegetable Dishes, 14c.
Glassware, Sugar Bowls, Creamers,
Spoonholders, or Butter Dishes, each 5c.
Special Plates Dinner, Breakfait, Tea or
Soup Plates, each 4c.
Nine-Inch Glass Fruit Bowls, 10c.
Set of 6 Glats Fruit Saucers, 10c.
At Special Prices.
Celery Sauce, per bottle, 8c.
Breakfast Flakes, 2 lbs., 5c
Castile Soap, 2 cakes, 5c.
Bar good Laundry Soap, 3c.
Worcester Sauce, bottle, 8c.
Potted Beef Tongue or Hani, H lb. cans, 8c.
Sliced Pineapple, 2 lb. can, 1 Jc.
Haccaroni, 1 lb. pkg., 9c.
Corn Starch, 1 lb. pkg., 3'iC.
of my
Mv Creat
Month of
Read the following convinc
ing testimonial from two
orominent Omaha Citizens:
Judge Isaac 8. Uascall and R. F. Williams
hare this to say. We consider Dr. O. Gee Wo
of 519 North 16th St.. Omaha, Neb., one of the
best physicians In the city for the following
reasons: Four years aiio our daughter be
came very nervous and at times sick and
unable to control herself. We doctored with
and consulted nine of theleadlng physicians
of this city, but she gradually grew worse,
until on the 7th of October, 1896, she was at
tacked with spasms. She was unconclous
and delirious for weeks following the attack,
and at a consultation of physicians they
agreed that she could not get well. We then
employed Dr. C. Oee Wo, and the patient be
gan to improve at once, ana in a remarkaDly
short time was up. She Is feeling better
than she has for a longtime. She Is Improv
ing every day and bids fair to get entirely
well. R. V. Williams. Father,
Isaac 8. Hascall, a near Relative.
2105 S. 13th 8U
Ex-Cohstabli S. B.Clark, office 318 8.14th
Is ..says: I can't say too much for Dr. O.
O. Wo. My little boy and girl bad dyptherla
and other physicians said they could not re
cover. I then called In Dr. U. Oee Wo, and
in less than 24 hours they were out of danger.
He also cured myself of Lagrlpp and gen
eral debility, and my wife of inflammation of
the Dowels and female weakness, from which
she had suffered many years. I can't thank
him enough for what be has done In my
family. 8. B. Clark and Wife.
Mm. H. A. Dvoat, 1812 Clark St. Heart
trouble and nervous diblllty of many year
Johh Brooks, KM N. 18th St. Of sprained
back, liver and kidney trouble of three year
standing. Is now a wall man.
Mrs. Ahha Park. 109 8. 13th 8t. Cured of
spasms and female weakness of seven years
Frank Holfb. Schuyler, Neb. Cured of
rheumatism of one year's standing, and was
given up s Incurable.
Consultation Frii. Dr. C. Gee Wo
guarantees a cure In every case or the
money will be refunded.
Send I-cent stamp for book and question
blank. Anyone wanting advice can write to
above addresses or call upon DU. C. GEE
WO, 119 N. 16th St. Omaha. Neh.
of the
. . . RECORD
Containing the debate on the Indian
Schools Appropriation and Linton's
Remarks on Marquette Statue, in
pamphlet form, now ready to mail.
One copy 5c, ten copies 40c, fifty
copies tz.uv, one nunarea copies
631 P Street N. W.,
Washington, D. C
1302 Farnam Street is the Union Pa
cific City Ticket Office.
Thk American to Jan. 1, 1897, 50c.