The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, July 17, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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frt. LosbroM Thlaks 11 Wat ftabjaet
! ITptUptle Attarks.
And now Prof. Lombroo has stirred
a hornets' nest about bis ears. They
jire vigorous and vindicative hornets,
for they have boiling in their veins
the proud hot blood of the latin race,
quirk to resent an insult that Is di
rected against themselves or against
any object of their affection and es
teem. Lombroso says tt Dante was mere
ly a crank, a lunatic, an epileptic,
whose visions arose not from an ar
dent and piercing imagination but
from a disordered brain.
If Dante were indeed an epileptic he
Is only one of many of the master
minds of the world similarly afflicted.
we neea go no rartner man Miaaes
peare to find that Julius Caesar had
the "falling sickness." So, according
to excellent authority, had Napoleon
and Mahomet And If Dante was
insane Is It not a general
Idea that genius and Insanity
are closely akin? There Is hard
ly any couplet In literature so
hackneyed as Dryden's
"Great wit Is sure to madness near
And thin partitions do their bounds
I asked Dr. Cyrus Edson what he
thought of this theory. He agreed with
It In substance, though he objected to
the phraseology. He thought that
Maudsley's dictum confused cause and
"On this subject." he said, "I have
thought and written a good deal. The
overstimulation of the brain, brought
about by our high pressure civilization
of today. Is a frulul source of ner
vous disorder of insomnia, neuralgia
and hysteria. The development of
brain and nerves goes on at the ex
pense of the body. Especially Is this
true of children. Their bodies are
overtaxed In order to develop their
brains. The nourishment which
should be distributed over bodily and
mental organs alike Is all diverted
to the brain.
"Children become abnormally pre
cocious. They burn with an over
bright fire that soon consumes them.
My advice has always been, build up
the body first and foremost; let the
building of the brain be a secondary
consideration. Then body and brain
will be developed on normal and healthy
lines. There may be less hectic
brilliancy, less of what we call genius,
but there will more of the robust and
dominating force which makes a man
a power for good, an Instrument to
achieve solid happiness and substantial
progress both for himself and for his
Ill Dog's Name.
John S. Lane of Lenox avenue, is
one of the most enthusiastic dog fan
ciers of Harlem, and prides himself not
only on the blood and cleverness of his
pets, but on their unique names. He
never owned a "Jack" or a "Tray" or a
"RtfVeY," buf gives his doga appefllai
tions that he believes were never be
fore applied to canines.
He bought a brindle bull terrier pup
last week and at once set his wits at
work to evolve a unique name for him.
Mr. Lane called on his minister, who
also has a weakness for dogs, and took
his new pet with him.
"Isn't he a beauty?" said Mr. Lane.
"I have a daisy name for him, too
one that you have never known applied
to a dog. I call him 'Crab.'"
His ministerial friend said nothing
but going to the book case took down
a copy of Shakespeare and, turning to
the first speech of T,aunce, In scene 3,
act II. of the "Two Gentlemen of
Verona," laid It before Mr. Lane.
"I think Crab, my dog, be the sourest
natured dog that lives," were the words
he read. New York Herald.
Untcycle Roller-Skate.
A very curious roller-skate has been
patented recently. It is a sort of uni
cycle for each foot and is warranted to
carry a man over any kind of smooth
ground at the rate of twenty miles an
hour or more. For each foot there is one
large wheel, twelve Inches in diam
eter. The wheels have pneumatic tires,
of course. A strap passes around the
ankle and another over the Instep.
Considerable practice must surely be
required to travel on euch a pair of
wheels, but think how one could spin
along on them! Though Shanks' mare,
under ordinary conditions, Is an unde
sirable means of getting anywhere, in
this form it is poetry of locomotion.
New York World.
Sued for a Gold-Capped Toe-NalL
Dentist W. J. Leeds, of New York, is
suing Mile. Selma, a music hall singer,
to recover $5 for fitting a gold cap on
the big toe nail of her right foot. The
girl had suffered with an ingrowing
nail, , and asked Leeds to cap it with
gold, as he would cap a tooth. He did
so, and charged $5 for the job. Her
foot was not cured, she says, so she
refused to pay the bill.
In a dreamy rapture he kissed her
golden tresses. "The future," he ex
claimed, joyously, "with Its castles In
the air!" She turned with sudden
earnestness. "Reginald," she said, de
cisively, "don't deceive yourself. I tell
you once for all I shan't live above the
second story under any circumstan
ces." Pick-Me-Up.
Armi and the Han.
Ethel "Tom says that that new
young man who comes to see you is a
stock broker. What Is he a bull or a
bear?" Maud "Well, I don't just
know, but he has some of the bear's
proclivities." Somerville (Mass.) Jour
nal. Lima Ileana In California.
Ventura county, California, is the
largest producer of Lima beans In the
world. One ranch alone produced
flff-lxoar loads In one season.
Way the Toilst, Travrlrr m4MuubI
ShauM Tllt I'Uh.
There are two re anon a, either one of
which ought to be conclusive, with
every American citizen.
iVrf; The trip from Denver to L tah
tla Rio Grande Western, "Great Salt
Lake Route," is the grandest to be
found anywhere on the continent. No
European trip of equal lengtn can com
pare with it in variety and grandeur of
scenery and wealth of novel interest.
StcoiuL You should go because, when
you have made this wonderful trip, you
will find Utah at the end of It Utah,
one of the world's famous spots, and a
land of gold, silver, copper, iron and
coal; of lofty mountains and fertile val
leys; of vineyards, frulU and flowers.
Salt Lake City, the capital, is of great
Interest on account of its historical and
religious associations. Here are Hot
Thermal Springs, Warm Springs, Sul
phur Springs, Sanitarium, i'arks,
Drives, Canyons and the most health
ful climate on earth. G reat Salt Lake,
with the new and beautiful Saltair
Beach Resort, of Moorish design, hat
no equal in America. Write to F. A.
Wadleigh, Salt Lake City, for copies of
pamphlets, etc.
200.00 IX tiOLD GIVEN.
Of Special Interest to Students and
R. H. Woodward Company, of Balti
more, Md., are making a most liberal
offer of $200.00 to anyone who will sell
200 copies of "Gems of Religious
Thought," a new book by Talmage.
This is one of the most popular books
ever published. Throe editions sold In
60 days. Agents sell 10 to 15 copies a
day. An Estey organ, retail price 1270,
given for selling 110 copies In 3 months.
A 1100 bicycle given for selling 80
copies in 2 months. A gold watch for
selling 60 copies in one month. Thie
premium in addition to commission.
Complete outfit 35 cents. Freight paid.
Credit jrlven. Agents wanted also for
"Talks to Children About Jesus." One
hundred and fifty thousand copies sold,
and it is now selling faster than ever.
Same terms and conditions as on
"Gems of Religious Thought." Other
popular books and Bibles also. They
offer special and most liberal rates to
students and teachers for summer va
cation. During last summer a large
number of students and teachers can
vassed for their books. Among the
list there .were 23 who made over $200,
57 who won the $200 premium, and 76
made over $150 for their summer work.
Write them immediately. tf
The'llouieseeker'g Promised Land.
The territory of Utah entered the
Union of States on January 4th, 1896,
with a population of about 200,000 peo
ple and a climate unsurpassed in the
wide world. It la richer in agricul
tural resources than any other state.
It has within its borders nearly all of
the known minerals and metals gold,
silver, copper, iron, tin, etc., in abun
dant quantities. It has, best of all, a
health-giving climate, always temper
ate in summer and in winter. It has
hot sulphur springs, and is in fact one
large sanitarium. Utah is the ideal
place to build a home In which to
spend the balance of your days, sur
rounded by farm and orchard which
guarantee all the necessities and most
of the comforts of life. There are mil
lions of such homes now awaiting set
tlement. Send to F. A. Wadleigh,
Salt Lake City, for copies of Utah
pamphlets. It will pay you to post
yourself on the merits of the new state,
which has been amply termed "The
Promised Land."
For Selling a Book of Great Interest and
Popularity "Story or Turkey and
Armenia," With a Full and Graphic
Account or the Massacres.
R. H. Woodward Company, Balti
more, Md., are offering $200.00 to any
one selling 200 copies of their new
book, "Story of Turkey and Armenia."
This is a work of great Interest and
popularity. Many agents sell 15 copies
a day. A graphic and thrilling ac
count is given of the massacres of the
Armenians which have aroused the
civilized world. Agents are offered
the most liberal terms and premiums.
Freight paid and credit given. Write
them immediately. tf
What C. A. Potter Says.
Omaha, Neb., Aug. 31, 1895. The
Howard Medicine Company. Gentle
men: I desire to say to all who feel the
strength of their manhood slowly slip
ping away, whose ambition is at its
lowest ebb, whose mind is beclouded,
and the senses dulled, when you feel
dyspeptic, and lose your self-respect,
that your blood Is out of order, and all
you need is some of Howard's Vegetone
Blood Powder to tone up your system.
It will act almost instantly upon the
blood; you will feel the renewed life
and vigor coursing through your sys
tem; you will feel the old-time grip in
your hands; your mind will be as active
as ever; your friends will observe the
flag of health flying in your face, and
you will feel like a new being. I have
not felt so well for five years as I do
since taking one package of your Blood
Powder, and I feel as strong .and active
as ever. I weigh 13 pound more man
ever In my life. The change is w
marked that it la the subject of com
ment when nieetln? mi friend. I
recommend Howard's Vegetone Blood
Powder to be, as I believe, the greatest
blood-purifier on earth.
C. A. Potter.
Dr. Kay's lung Balm
ft cough, colds,
aud lluoal disease
The Onlj Way
to go to California without delays or
annoyances, and In comfort, U via THE
You don't have to change cars, and
you get there several hours ahead of
all other lines.
For time tables or other information,
call on A. C. Dunn, City IW & Ticket
Agent, 1302 Farnam St.
The enormous engines that baul
"The Northwestern Line" OMAHA
CHICAGO SPECIAL east at 6:30,
evening, (U. P. depot) and into Chi
cago at 9:30 next morning Well
worth taking a little time to tee them
nothing in this country like them
nearly as high as the Union Depot, but
not quite as long.
City office, 1401 Farnam street.
Low Rates Via. the Iturlingten Route.
Salt Lake City, August 8 and 9.
Hot Springs, S. D., June 12, July 8
and 24.
Yellowstone Park, June 1st to Sep
tember 30.
Call at Ticket Office, 1502 Farnam
street and get full Information. Or,
write to J. Francis, Gen'l. Pass'r. Agt.,
Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb.
CheaD Traveling.
Chicago $ 7 25. .July 4, 5, ,6
Chicago and return 12. 75.. July 4, 5, 6
Wash'n,D.C.,& re. 30 25. .July 3, 4, 5, 6
Buffalo and return 26.75. .July 4, 5
Hot Springs & re. lfl.3..July 3 & 24
Denver and re J9 00. .July 5, 6
Colorado & Utah. . 4 ratet-July 7 & 21
Call at ticket office, 1502 Farnam St.,
and arrange about sleeping car berthB.
From 10 to 1000
feet down, gold is found in abundance;
the deeper you go the richer the ore.
These are facts concerning Mercur,
only all-rail line to Mercur.
For Mercur leaflet, giving full par
ticulars, call at City Ticket Office,
1302 Farnam St.
Mot too Smooth.
The tracks of the UNION PACIFIC
are so smooth and the cars furnished
so complete that you can imagine your
self in your own luxurious apartments
at home.
Inspect the Buffet Library and Smok
ing Cars as they pass through Omaha
every morning.
A Cool Reception
Awaits the wise purchaser of a Spirit
Lake ticket, vis the Northwestern line.
Accommodations there better and
more reasonable than ever. Ther
mometers not allowed to go above
68 1-20.
City office, 1401 Farnam street.
Summer Resorts.
There are many of them on the line
of THE UNION PACIFIC, and before
arranging for your summer outing you
should make Inquiry as to rates and
routes. For full information, call at
City Ticket Office,
1302 Farnam St.
A Fish Story
With elements of truth, easily possi
ble by using the Northwestern line to
some of the many lakes north. Cost
you $2.00 to $10 00. Depends on the
"Financial Question."
1401 Farnam street.
Goes the Price.
The Best Patriotic Paper
in the Country.
Only 50o to
Jan. 1, 1897.
Send your name to us with 50c.
and get this
Paper the
rest of
HOUSE A beautiful quartet or chorus
for mixed voices, in sheet music, for
use in concerts or campaign work.
Words by Rev. JameB L. Elderdice
Music by J. C. Herbert. Fillmore
Bros., publishers, 119 W. 6th St., Cin
cinnati, O., or 49 Bible House, New
York. Price 35 cents.
In every town In the United States to
sell a sure cure for Cancer, Fever Sore
and Milk-Leg. Address
C. A. C. Medical Co.,
C. A. Crum, Mgr.
1703 Wabash Ave. Chicago, 111.
Subscribe for The American now.
The best and cheapest patriotio paper
in America.
We will send this paper to your ad
dress until Jan. 1, 1897, for 50c.
1302 FARNAM ST. is the UNION
PACIFIC City Ticket Office. 4J7J
is n Tt nurifiea ami en
ur. rav s nenovaior riches ... Mood
and is the best nervb tonic yet discovered.
A specific lor Rheumatism
and Kidney Diseases.
Omaha Advertisements
Aitoroeya. lkS r'aruaiu flreel.
O tue of an or lrr of ate ut tlvr" of fore
cloaure of lax liu laaued oul of the dlalrlcl
court for liouglaa county, atate cf Nebraska.
auU to mr directed. I will, on the lh day of
July. A. II. Inwi. at I.-a oYl.aa a at. of 1I
day. at Die r AM' front door of III rouuly
Court bou. In the city of Omaha. lamgla
ceuuty. Nebraska, well at public auction to
lb lntilirai bidder for caali. Ill property de
scribed la ) order of aale a folio, lo
an: Lot eight iM In block three ai. also lot
nineteen iIKi, twenty iJU and twenty-one t -1
In I.I.n k three tai. aud lot eight tai and atao
Iota olni'twi iIKi and twenty iJi In Mock all
ini of raundera aud lltiiiebaugta Highland
I'ark. au addulou to Hie illy of tiwalia.
Kouxlaa couuty. aud stale of Nebraska, a
surveyed, plaited and recorded.
Said property to lie aold to aatlafy Waller
K Heeler, plaiultfT herein, the auni of al&ty
live and 24-liu dollar (.' 24, with luureat
lliereon at I lie rata of tea ilu per ceut per
anuuui from February Urd. A. I. I. In uia
maimer furl lie amount found due against
each lot, and aa directed lu the decree.
Also to satisfy the further aulu of I went y
nlns and 3H liw dollar ia-"v Ji cla herein,
together aim accrutun cota according" to a
Judgment rendered by the dtalrljl court of
aaid I i..uiiliu county, at Ita rehruaty term,
A. I. IMi. lu a certain actlou tbau aud I lie re
pending, a Herein Walter K . kee er I plain
tiff, and Kraatu A. Ilenaon, Lot lie Iteaaon,
hla wife, Alouio I'. Tukey. Trualee, and The
Omaha Heal halale and Trust Company, a
Corporation, are defendant.
Dated at uuiaha, faebraaka, Juneiiih, A.
1). lmj.
JOIIN W. McltNAl.l,
Sheriff of Douglas County, (tehraaka
Baunder Si Mucfarland, attorney for plain
tiff. Keelcr vs. al. Doc. 52; No. 14.
Attorney, IM Farnam Htreet.
SHKKIFr"'! SAI.K By virtue of an order
of aale Issued out of tue dlalrict court
lor llouglaa couuty, Nebraska, and to me
directed. 1 will, on the -Ut day of July, A.
1). ln.l, at ten o clock a. av of nulil day. at
the KAS1' front door of the county court
hoime, In the city of Omaha, Itougla county,
Nebraaka. ncII at public aucllou to the high
est bidder for, the pniperly dovcrlbed
In anld order of ante a follow, to-wit.
Loiauveutocntliilu block tciMluiof Krlgga'
Place, an addition to Ue city of Otiiahn. as
surveyed, platted and recorded, all lu lloug
lus county, mate of Nebraaaa.
tald property to be sold to satisfy I'blllp L.
Johnson, plaluillf herein, the rum of one
hundred and ten and 5U-1HU dollars iIH!..'xli
judgment, with Interest thereon at rate of
teuiiui percent per annum from February
dm, is1.), together with an attorney's fee of
eleveu and uVIUU dollars iJil.HX, taxed aa
part of the coals, which amount are a Drat,
valid and existing Hen upon said real estate.
To aatlsfy Allium Rogers At eons, a co
partnership, defendants herein, the sum of
one huiidrrd aud sixty-one and ri-MI dollars
litnl.W:; Judgment, wub Interest thereon at
rate of seven (Jl per cent per annum from
February llln, Mil, which said amount Is a
aecund valid aud existing lien upon said
above described real estate, and the residue
thereof, If any, to be paid to the Olerk of the
District Court, subject to the further order
of the court.
And also to satisfy the further sum of
forty-four and S-HJU dollars (4I &ei costs
herein, together with accruing cost accord
ing to a Judgment rendered by the district
court of said Douglas county, at Its Feb
ruary term, A. It. lst, In a certain anion
then and there pending, wherein Philip b.
Johnson Is plalutliT, aud The llrlggs 1'lac.e
Building Association, a corporation, alary K.
Free, Milton K. Free, F.ntnlUH A. Itenson,
!arah (i. Finite, Benjamin V. Knight, Her
man U. F'echhelmer, Milton Rogers at Hons, a
co-purtnershlp, The American Matlonal
Bank, a corporation, Frank Thompson,
Kiecutor, and Joe U. Lnue, Administrator of
the estate of J nines Tbompsou, deceased. and
Lysander W. Tuliejw. Trustee for F.mlly T.
Barry, are defendants.
Uuiaha. Nebraska. June lHlh, ISM).
John w. Mcdonald.
Sheriff of Douglas County. Nebraska.
Saunders & Macfarlaud, attorneys.
1'. L. Johnson va. llrlggs' 1'laje Building
Association, et al. Doc. li; No. S2. B-1U-J
AV. 11. IttHSKLL,
Attorney, 618 New York Life Building.
hale. Under and by virtue of an order
of aale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage
Issued out of tbe district court for Dougiaa
county, Nebraska, and to me utrected, 1 will,
on the 21st day of July, A. D. IrWtt. at one
o'clock P. u. of said day. at tbe north front
door of the county court house In tbe city
of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell
at public auction to tbe higheat bidder for
cash, the properly described in aald order of
aale aa follows, to-wlt:
Lot three ( block nine (), Park Forest, an
addition to the city of Omaha, as surveyed,
platted and recorded, and lot two vil In biojk
two (I) In Vanderook's Terrace, an addi
tion to the city of Omaha, as surveyed,
ulatted and recorded, all in Douglas county,
state of Nebraska.
Said lot three (J) in mock nine oo, rars
Forest addition to the clly of Omaha, to be
aold tosatis y The Mutual Investment Com
pany, plaluillf herein, the sum of seven and
34-lull dollars (i7.M) Judgment, wlih Interest
thereon at rate of teuiiui per cent per annum
from February 4th. lsar.
To satisfy John Woodford, defendant
herein, the sum of three hundred forty-one
and 71-luu dollars ($1141. 71) Judgment, with In
terest thereon at rate of eight (Si per cent
per annum from February 4, lsli.i.
Kuiii Int. two i2iln bliH'.g twoCiiln Vander-
cook's Terrace Addition to the city of
Omaha, to be sold to atlsry i lie mutual tn
ve.o ment (loiimanv. ulaiulilf herein, the sum
of twenty-eight aud W 10U dollars il.u.l)
Judgment, with Interest thereon at rate of
ten (10) per cent per annum iroiu reuruai
4, IH'.iS. , , . ,
To satisfy John fc. oxnaro. aerennani
herein, the sum of six huudred elghty-hve
and 41-100 dollars iH5.4D Judgment, with In
terest thereon at rate of eight oo per cent
per annum from February 4. Isw5.
Hoth of said lots to be sold to satisfy Julia
Vandercook, defendant herein, tne sum of
thirty-one and 62-luu dollars iMl.ttiii Judg
ment, with Interest thereon at rate of eight
(Hi per cent per annum from February 4, ln'.i'i.
To satisfy the sum of forty-seven and 4K-IUU
dollars (474S; costs herein, together with ac
cruing costs according to a judgment ren
dered by the district court of said Douglas
county, at its February term, A. D. 1H5, in a
certain action then and there pending
wherein The Mutual Investment Company
was plaintiff, and Jacob Myera and othera
were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska, June 18. 181)8. ... .
Special Master Commissioner.
W. H. Kussell, a torney.
Mutual Ic estment Company va. Myers.
Doc. V, No. 1JU. o-lD-S
Attorneys, 1404 Farnam Street.
Sale. Under and by virtue of an order
of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage,
issued out of tbe district court for Douglas
county, state of Nebraska, and to nie direct
ed, 1 will, on tbe Btfth day of July, A. D. 1SW,
at one o'clock p. n. of said day at the nonh
front door of tbe county court house, in the
city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska,
sell at public auction to the highest tidder
for cash, the property described in aald order
of sale as follows, to-wlt :
The north thirty-six (38) feet of lot 6 ve (51,
block twelve ill2), Improvement Association
addition to the city of Uuiaha, Dougiaa
county. Nebraska.
Said property to be sold to satisfy first P.
L. Johnson, plaintiff herein, the sum of one
hundred and ninety-seven dollars ($ ID7.0U),
witn Interest thereon from May 6th, 1.5. at
the rate of seven (7) per cent per anium.
To satisfy lrwen Levlston, de endant
herein, the auni of eleven hundred ninety
four and 52-100 dollars if UD4 Mi, with Interest
thereon from May 0th, ls, at tbe rate of tun
(1U) per cent per annum.
To satisfy costs herein Id the sum of
twenty-nve and 3-100 dollars t25.KI), to
gether with accruing costs according to a
Judgment rendered by the district court of
said Dougiaa county, at Its May term, A. D.
1HU5, In a certain action then and there
pending wherein P. L. Johnson was plaintiff,
and Frances I.Thomas, Dexter L. Thomas,
her husband, lrwen Levlston and Charles
Ladd Tbomaa were defendants.
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, June Mi, A.
D. 1VK.
Special Master Commissioner.
Saunders & Mactarland, attorneys for plain
tiff. Johnson vs. Thomas, et al. Doc. 44; No. 34.
V. . SI IIU kl.Ut.
Attorney. W7 New York I. If Hulldlne.
urJer of aaiw laaued out of the diatrlcl
court for liouala county. Nebraaaa. and to
in directed, 1 will, on the iu day of July.
A. 1). I- al IK o'clock a at of aald day.
at tli KA-T frout dr of the cuiity court
houae. lu lb city of Omaha, iMugl county,
vuraska. ell at puollc auclloa unit blgh
at bidder for caah, Hi properly deacribed In
aald order of aaie aa foiiowa, to-wlt:
1 he ihuI twenty Jtn feet of lot eleven. IH.
and the weal twenty lA'i feel of lot twel
I-', all In blia'k II." In MiIpu's Micoud addi
tion to the city of Omaha, a surveyed,
platted and recorded, all In Doufla county,
late of Nqpraaka.
(aid property lo lien. Id to satisfy Annie It.
Keea. defeudaut herein, the aum of on
thousand Blue hundred aud slaty een aud
va-luu dollar ill, ii urn judgment, with Inter
val thereon al rat of seven i7i per cent per
aiiLUiu from May 4ih, la.i. Iwiun a ttrat Ilea
upon atajve deat-rlta-d properly.
To aatlafy Decatur I lly liauk, a corpora
lion, plaintiff herein, the aum of eight hun
dred aud twelve dollar ilslXun Judgment,
with Interval thereon at rale of ten i Ini per
cent per annum from May 4ih. lawn, helug a
vecond lieu Uatn alaive dearribed property.
To aatlafy me Hale I lly Hat
feudant herein, the aum of thre huudred
and eighteen aud tli, with
luiereal tuereou al the rale of aeveu u) per
cent per annum from November -Hit. Is.4,
which la a third lieu upon abovv describe.!
To satisfy llulakamp Brothers Company,
defeudaut herein, thu aum of five hundred
aud ulnety-elght aud m-lot) dollar tlim wo,
with luiereal thereon al aeveu in per ceut
per anuuui from November Alth, si4. whlcn
amount it a fourth lieu upon aald alaive de
scribed property
Taaiiafy the Kllpalrlck-hia'h Dry thaida
Company, defeudaut herein, li turn of two
hundred aud II ft y-four aud 38 luu dollars
ii4 .XI). With Interest thereon at the rale of
even (7) per ceut per auuuiu from November
lAith, l(W4. which amount 1 a fifth Hen upon
said above described property.
To sallafy Ilia further aum of eighty-one
and 13-100 dollar il coals herein, until
paid, together wllu accruing Costa, accord
ing to a Judgmeut rendered by the dlalrict
court of aald Hougla county, al It May
term, A. D. Iswl, In a certalu action then aud
there pending, wherein Dncaiur City Bauk,
a corporation, Is plaintiff, and David K.
Smith. Mary A. Smith this wire), Mary K.
Dutcher, Annie 11. Roes, I. M. Smith, Waller
N. Casaell, Tue tiale City Hal Company, The
C. Hhoukuy Company, llulskamp Brothers
Couipauy, James I i nier and Chui lea Kohln
aon, James Forrester & Company, John T.
Plrle, tieorge scoti, Robert bcoii, Andrew
M. Lelsh, John A. Sweet. James Uroaae,
Samuel C. F'lrln, JolinC. Scott, John J. Wood,
aud Henry Orosse, parluera, Louis Wyler,
Isaac Wyler, Win. Ackerlaud, Max Acker
laud aud A. K. Wyler. partners aa Wyler,
Ackerlaud A )ompuy, Henry C. Schwab
aud Alfred Hchwab, parluera aa Schwab
Brothers, Leonard Atkinson Company, J. W.
Peregoy and W. V,. Moore, partners aa Pere
goy Moore, kllpalrick-Kia-h Dry liooda
Company, Friedman Brothers & Schitfer. The
Trojan Shirt A Collar Company, C. K. Bradt,
M. I). Shlpman and 11. F.. Bradt, partners as
Bradt A Shlpman, Tollerlon A Stetson Com
pauy.The Hartman Trunk Con. puny. Hold
ing Brothers Company, Joel J. Bailey A Com
pany, C. M. Henderson A Company, Palmer
A Company, 1. W. Wells aud Tbomaa A.
Brock were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska, June 28, lNliA.
john w Mcdonald,
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
V. O. Sirlckler, attorney.
Decatur City Bunk vs. Smith, et al.
Doc. 60; No. ail. II 31-5
Attorneys, 141)4 Farnam Street.
SHERIFF'S SALK By vlnue of an order
of sale Issued out of the District Court
for Douglas county. Nebraska, and to me di
rected, 1 will, on the 11th day of August, A.
D 1MI. at ten o'clock A. H of said day, at the
EAST frontdoor of the county court house,
In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne
braska, sell at public auction, to tbe highest
bidder for cash, the property described In
said order of sale as follows, to-wlt:
Lot four 14) In block "K." and lot six (Hi In
block "K," lu Saunders A Hlmehatigh's aildl
tlLlilo the city of Omaha, Douglas county,
Nebraska, as surveyed, plstted aud recorded;
also lots ten 111)) and eleven (111 In block one
il' In Saunders A lllmebaugh'a addition to
Walnut Hill, an addition to the city of
Oiuaba, as surveyed, plaited and recorded,
all In Douglas county, stale of Nebraska.
Said proerty to be sold to eatlsfy Arthur
M. Cowie, plaintiff herein, the sum of three
hundred and ninety-nine and 70 100 dollars
(l&W.iU) Judgment, with Interest thereon at
rate of ten I III) per cent per annum from May
4th, ls'.tl. which said amount Is a Urst valid
and existing lien upon said lot four (4) In
block ' F." and lotslx (8i in block "K."
To aatlsfy Arthur M. Cowie, plaintiff
herein, the sum of three hi nil red and forty
two and (III 1L dollars ..'. tun. with Interest
thereon at the rale of ten (Bit per cent per
annum from the4ih day of Miy, IMim. which
said amount Is a first valid ami existing lien
upon said low ten (10) and eleven (11) in block
one (I).
To satisfy Ben II Wood and Daisy B,
Wood, his wife, defendants herein, the sum
of two thousand aud aeventy-seven and
:0 Ion dollars $J.077.Sl Judgment, with In
terest tbf reon at rate of ten (ID) per cent per
annum from May 4th, Is'.ai. which said
amount Isaaecond valid and existing Hen
upon said above described property.
To satisfy the sum of twenty-one and
!:i-HK) dollars (&I.53) costs herein, together
witli accruing cost, according to a judgment
rendered by the district courtof aald Doug
las county, at lis May term, A. D. lh(. In a
certain action then and there pending,
wherein Arthur M. Cowie Is plaintiff, and
Davis Skalnakowsky. Rachel Skalnakowsky.
Bfn li. Wood, and Mrs. Daisy b. Wood, bis
vlfe. were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska, July 10th, 1K'.i8.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
Saunders A Macfarland, attorneys.
Arthur M. Cowie vs. Davis Skalnakowsky.
Doc. W; No m 7-U) 5
AV.ll. UL SSKI.Ii,
Attorney, 616 New York Life Building.
SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an execu
tion on transcrlut Issued out of the dis
trict court of Douglas county, Nebraska, and
to me directed, 1 have levied upon the fol
lowing described properly of Martin W.
Kasti and Mary Kastl, to-wit :
The north one-half ('-fciof lot three (3) In
block Hfty-Uve (.V, city of South Omaha, aa
surveyed, platted and recorded, ail In Doug
las county, state of Nebraska.
And 1 will, on theZlst day of July, A. I).
1SU6. at 10 o'clock A. H. of said day, at the
KaST front door of the county court house,
in the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne
braska, sell at public auction the properly
above described, to satisfy Linda W. Payne.
plaintiff herein, the sum of seventy-three
and al looootiars nil uamages ana nrteen
and 35-luu dollars iii;..i5i costs of suit, which
bv the ludgmentof Eben K. Long, a Justice
of the Peace In and for said county, on the
14th day of January, 1S'J, (a transcript or
which Judgment was on the lftih day of
January, lwl. duly tiled and docketed In the
district court within and for said county)
recovered against the said Martin W. Kastl
and Mary Kastl, with inlei eat lliereon at the
rate of ten (lu per cent per annum from the
14th, day of January. until paid; and
also the further sum of ninety- live cenw(6c).
the costs of Increase on said Judgment, and
the accruing costs.
Omaha, Nebraska. June lSUli, A. D. 1W.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
W. H. Rutsell. attorney.
Payne va. Martin al.
Ex. Doc. V ; No. 23b 8-19-S
Attorney. Eighth Floor N. Y. Life Bldg,
QHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of an order
a- of sale Issued by tbe clerk or tne district
court of Douglas county. Nebraska, on a de
cree of foreclosure, wherein John F'. Flack
Company is plaintiff, and Andrew Miles.
Executor of the estate of John L. Miles, et
al. are defendants, 1 will sell at public auc
tion to the highest bidder for cash, at the
EAST front door of the court house in said
. a. ........ A It t.ut
COUUlJf. OU me i I lu uaj i,i numni. n . ... 11.
at one o'clock P. M. the following described
landa and tenements to satisfy the judg
ment and costs in said action, to-wlt: Lots
seventeen tl7i. eighteen tiro aud nineteen tli))
in block tifteentl.""1. Orchard Hill, an addition
to the city of Omaha, as surveyed, platted
and recorded, allaltuated in nouguis county
ami state of Nebraska.
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, this 10th day of
July, ISM).
john v. Mcdonald
Sheriff of Dougiaa Couniy, Nebraska.
Hyron li. Burbank, attorney.
DjC. 53; No. .".'1. T-10-5
Attorney. 1'ilJ N Y. Lit llldg.
StlPRItr HALE.-By virtu, of , a ordsr
of sale laaued out of th dlatrli l oourt
for Dous la county. Nehraaka. and Ut ma dl
reeled, I will, on th lltlt day of August, A
D M4. at teo o i liN k a. M. of aald day, at la,,
FAsl' front dia,r of the county court bouav.
In the city of Omaha, Itouglaa county. N.
brsaka, il at public auction lo th high
bidder forcaah the properl y described lo aaid.
order of al a followa U-wlt :
Lot nine i. In bl.a k two iii la Cherry Hill
addition lo lb city of Omaha, aa aurvy4t
plat led and recorded, all la Itouglaa couuty,
alate of Newraak.
Said property lu be sold lo aatlafy David W.
Audera.m. defendant herelu.theaiiinof
hundred and eltghy-aeven aud M-luudollar
it. al fan, with Interest Iheraou al rat of tan
i lii. per cent per annum from May 4th, laua.
To aatlsfy the aum of tblrly-one and lU-KXk
dollars it.ll H3i coat a herein, together with, ac
crulng ciait according lo a judgment rea
dered by the dlslrk-t court of aald Douglas
county, at Ita May lenu, A. D Iswl. la a cer
talu action then aud there peudlng, wharelai
Walter E. heeler la plaintiff, and r'.llcabalii
A V. a ire. Christopher Moor, her husband,
I) W. Anders, in ill rat and real nam) ua
known) and W I. Irlaa utr.t aud real Daw,
unknowui are defendant.
Omaha, Nebraska. July liilh, .
Sheriff of Hougla County, Nebraska.
W.T. Nelson, attorney.
heeler v. Moore, el al. Doc. HI; No. VA.
l.cfc-al Notice.
la Jualtre Court before Horace K. Power
Juatlce of the Peace In aud for Dougiaa
counly, Nehraaka.
J. F. and T 11. Lindsay, trading a J. I.
Lladaay A Co., plalulltls. . Adelbert Beach,
Adalbert llaach will taka notice thai on
the 3.11)1 day of June, IH'.m, Hora -e K. Power,
a Justice of th Peace In and for llouglaa
couniy. Nehraaka, laaued an order of attach
me t for the sum of f75 oil and coat. In an
action pending before lilm, wherein J, F.
Lindsay aud T. H. Lindsay, trading aa J. K.
L'ndaay A Co., are plaluillf, and Adalbert
Beach Is defendant ; thai property of toe da
fendunt consisting of One Hoi of Hooka has
been all in lied under aald order. Said causa
was continued until the Mill day of August,
Iswl at V n'clis'k A. M.
Dated, Ou,aha, Nebraska, July In. lsiat
By Cavanagh A Thomas, attorney. 7 1M-I
Iirtfal Notice.
In the district court of Dougiaa county,
Nehraaia. J. J. Bertha llanu va. Uann
Johnaon Hanna,
The defendant, llann Juh'aon Hanna, will
lake notice that on the Ulh day of July. A. I),
IMJ. J.. I. Bertha Hiinnx, the plaintiff. Sled
her petition lu the dlalrict court of Dougiaa
county, Nehraaka, against I! ami Johnson
Hanna, the object and prayer of whlcb ara
lo secure a divorce from the defendant, on
Hie charge of desertion, failure lu support
and cruelty. The plaintiff prays thai th
marriage rulittloii existing between her and
the defendant be annulled aud set aside, and
I hat her maiden name be restored toiler,
You are hereby required to answer said pe
tition on ur before tbs .lib day of August,
7-10-4 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice of Aiiicntleil Article of lnoor
To Whom It may Concern:
Notice la hereby given that Article IV. of
the Arlli'lea cf Incorporation of the Ameri
can Publishing Company of Omaha, N.
braaka, ha been amended to read aa fol
lowa, to-wlt.:
The capital stock of this corporation alia.ll
be t wen l y live thousand dollars (fiA.UIiuOU),
divided lulo shares of ton dollarsilll) oui each,
which shall be fully paid and non-asessahl
when Issued.
Omaha, Nebraska, Jul v 1st, Is06.
M. L. Zook. President,
Secretary. 7-4-4
To Frank M. Lahman, non-resident de
fundant: . .
You are hereby notified that on the 26th
day of June, imK), Lavlna M. Lahman Hied a
relit Inn against you In the district court of
louglaa county, Ne irn.kii, the object and
prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from
you on the grounda of extreme cruelty, and
being of aurtle out ability to provide suitable,
iniilnteniince for her, you have grossly, wan
tonly and cruelly rt fined and neglected to
do so. and for non-support. You are re
quired to answer suld pjlltlon on or before,
Monday, the Hah day of A ugust, lHDtl.
Oman :t, Nebraska, July 3. KH.
By Byron (J. Burbank, her attorney, 7-J-4
Notice of Indcbteiliien.
To Whom It May Concern:
We hereby certlfv that the total Indebted"
nets of tha Apollo tin') does not exceed Uv
hundred and II fly dollars.
Omaha, Nebraska, June sin. isvn
Anoi rii Mkyer, I
Chah. Fi. AHiioi-r, Board of Directors.
W, W. Fikhkb, )
Cruel Record.
More than two-fifths of
all deaths in this country
are caused by consumj
tion and pneumonia. This
diagram tells the story:
PDtnola ftfld
Caaa mptlca .... WtKOKtUKU
Bright dUeaM
Reart dli
IHpt atria
By the timely use of
Dr. Acker's hnplish Kern
edy, consumption and
pneumonia are quickly
and absolutely cured.
Take it at the first sign
of sore throat and lungs.
3 Sizes : 25c.. 50c.. $1. All Drarriits.
Aciaa WKDICO.S Co. lft-18 Chambers. St. N.T.
If No Cure all Money Hefunded,
Defer by Permission to Rev. Scott
F. Hershey, of Boston.
Pib: I have used the Oxydonor three,
months, and some of my ailments have,
wholly disappeared, others much Improved.
1 feelltke anew man. Cannot say enough In
praise. You can refer anyone to nie.
Yours. James McLAroHLts.
7 Mechanic St., v Koxbury, Maaa.
IIear Sih: By advice of friends I bought
an Oiydonor: within a month t felt better
than for years. It lias left nie free from
colus and my family well. You are at
liberty to refer others to me.
T. W. Paok,
223 lHeasanl St., Boston,.
Sanche's Oxydonor Victory,
165 Tremont St., BOSTON.