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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1896)
THE AMERICAN. Kansas Citv Advertisements I. O. HIGISIS, DEALER IN lew ana seDcna-Hana Goods. All klud of Houixhiiltl Hxl bought. ' ' ' loll ud enclmuiied. FURNITURE REPAIRING Fquare dealing guaranteed to all buying and sellifg. f ISO Fast Klchtwnth Stiwt, W. S. WOODS. Pkesidcnt. National Bank KANSAS Capital 8urplui Demand Deposits. DIRECTORS: "Win. Akew, W. A. Wilton, Wm. Huttl. J. J. Swofford, J. C. Ejwlhoff, H. C. Arnold, H. C. Ward, W. P. Voorheea O. M. Cole, J. II Arnold, Cheater A. Snider, D T. Morton, Joe. Cabn, W. 8. Wood, - W. A. Itule. ACCOUNTS BURT MEEK, Licensed Embaliner. BURT MEEfc & CO., Undertakers and Funeral Directors. Carriages furnished at reasonable rates. 1813 Main Street ..... KANSAS CITY, Mo OLDEST CHIMNEY SWEEPS IN THS UNITED 8TATES-60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TalaptajMie D. Eawarfls, Son & Steam and hot air furnaces Grates and Mantel Orroo upafafre, in rront 80S WALNUT ST. Dr Whit-tier J tw wt w su kmm atj, m. HI lrj J ' foideat and original. HoatiucrenfuliDeclal 111 KaV 57. Nervou lability, Umt Vitality, Organic Weaknere, Karl Decay, Lark of Energy. Self Dl.lru.t, Weak Memory, Dyapepala, KihaustlnK Loeses, Plinples on Face. Aversion to"-orlety. Loaaof Ambition, UnflUMa to Marry. Stunted Development. Loat Manhood, Milky trine, effect of abuae or exceaa CURED TO STAY CURED. My lite r.urrirmp, lyivi.l .VUWJ Ul CKl'Il rWB, IUTO IlinU 1(1 IU.. IDBUre KlVJUili UUXVJIm UW tloa Hut No 1 free In plain enTtloua. Charge reasonable. Terms easv. Call. BLOOD AND 8KIN diseases, all forma SCROFULA, RHEUMATISM, CATARRH, ECZEMA, (Itchy or scaly tetter), and ALL BLOOD DISEASES, cured for life, aafely and sure. Avoid patent medicine or Inexperienced band. Call or write for queatlon lint No. torn blond rilrar GONORRHOEA, GtJEEL, STRICTURE, ino. a tree. Medical Dictionary and Advieer uaday 10 to 11 AN UP-TO-DATE ABSOLUTELY CORRECT, BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED Especially prepared to meet the wants of Farmers, Mer chants, Mechanics, Clerks, Students, Women, and all who desire a complete work at the minimum cost. Nearly 70 Comprehensive Maps. 140 New and Superb Illustrations. A Whole Library of It3elf, of vital and absorb ing interest to every member of the household. Population of each State and Territory, of all Counties of the United States, and of American Cities with over 5,000 Inhabitants. IT CONTAINS much tpeolal Information regarding any Nation, Province Bute, City, Town or Village desired. The knowledge is rarely obtainable from a school geography, which necessarily baa only a few general facta and the location of Important cities. Railroad maps are notoriously Incorrect and misleading, hence the puialed truth-seeker, where large libraries are Inaccessible, Is without relief unless he la the happy owner of a knowledge-satisfying, pleasure-giving People's Atlas. All Countries on the face of the earth are shown. Rivers and Lakes are accurately located. All the large Cities of the World, the important Towns and most of the Villages of the United States are given on the Maps. It gives a classified List of all Nations, with Forms of Government, Geo graphic! Location, Size and Population. Thla beautiful Atlas la bound In heavy paper cover, and wUl be aent to Cfl PCUTC any addreaa upon receipt of ..... . . . - Ull ULfilOi AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO. The Croatoot Bools Ever Written On Romanism and Jesuitism IS REV. O. E. MURRAY'S Black Pope. Contains 300 Pages, 1 t Profusely Illustrated, t Printed From New Type, Price in Paper, 60 Cents. ADDRESS: AMERICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. KANSAS CITV, MO. w. A. RULE. Cashier of Commerce, CITY, MO. 11,000,000 00 300,000.00 5,000,000.00 SOLICITED. TELEPHONE 264 2 -tea. Co. Chimney Sweeps & Brickmasons. act and repaired. Chimneys, built and repaired. of W. D, Crmlg'm Tin Shop. KANSAS CITY, MO. cured without Instrument or pain. Llat fret at offce, by mall Sc. Hour 9 to , 7 toll. SUCCESSOR OP THE MAHDI, Aafal rraeliy, aaa.aallty, La af Laa ry, lLil.y aaa) Flattery. A native of southweat larfur, the lining individuality and resoluteness af hla character developed with the ?ierrlne of unlimited power Into the worst tralta of the despot, says the Na tional Review. I'rlde degenerated into t blind belief n bis own infallibility nl be did not scruple to adopt the "irressea of others-w het her It were the architecture of the mahdt's tomb or the victories of Zekl as the results if Inspirations given to himself from heaven. An Innate cruelty grew to pro portions unrivaled even by the late em perors of Rome. He gloated over the massacre of whole tribes, in the death. by lingering tortures or starvation, of his most able and most deserving gen rrals and advisers. His degeneration of character was. of course, accompa nied by an Inordinate sensuality and love of luxury, display and flattery. His harem consisted of 400 women, his wwyguard of 12.000 warriors, clad In armor, with horses decked In quilted caparisons. His policy was. In brief, to exterminate the Nile valley tribes nd to Introduce the western tribes In ihelr place, so that the C.ezlra and other formerly populous districts became de populated, while he crushed the Ashraf (mahdi's relative) and took all power from his brother caliphs. The coinage was debased by successive stages till It became a fifth of Its normal value. Mock Justice was administered by the cadis, who were hla creatures, whose duty it became to carry out his de cisions, however grossly unjust, and to make them appear so far as possible to accord with the moslem law and the mahdi's "Instructions." Religion be came a mockery and his wretched sub' Jects ceased to believe In Us travesty. Pilgrimages to Mecca were forbidden and replaced by visits to the mahdi's tomb; commentaries on the koran were suppressed and the religion of Islam was made the vehicle of all that was evil. Education ceased and trade except the trade In slaves, which assumed vast proportions and was conducted with unspeakable cruelties and Incalculable loss of life became practically non existent. A veto was placed on trade In feathers, that In gums was taxed prohibitively, tobacco was contraband and Ivory coming only from the south lwlndled as those provinces lapsed from the caliph's control. A small and de sultory trade continued with Egypt, but a rigid prohibition of the export of tlaves left but little for merchants to convey out of the country. Industry luffered In like proportion and became limited to a little weaving of common cloths and some leather work, while the Immorality bred of chaos, of the wholesale depopulation of vast dis tricts by the slave trade and by the rupture nf all social organization, be came fearful In Its extent and was ac companied by the Increase of the dis eases which usually accompany it. Lord Palmerstoa ed lha Tarka. "In regard to the Turks themselves, may I venture to observe that the gen ius of their manners and conversation Is that of yielding everything at first? They begin by saying, 'Good, yes!' But when you come to the matter In ques tion and to Its details you will find all those fine expressions mean nothing. Like all people In a weak position, they respect you according to their opinion it your force. If, however, you wish that force to have a permanent Influ ence and to be unaccompanied by dis like, you must blend Its exercise with justice; end If yon wish to arrive at a quick result through all that ambus cade of intrigues and doubts and fears ind prejudices which will be sure to be ecretly formed against It you must tell the Turk what he Is to do, why he is to do it. when he Is to do It, and show him that you only ask quietly and rea sonably what you have a right to de mand. In this way, and this way alone, you will do business with him. If he sees you act thus he will not only agree with you but rely upon you." Lord Palmerston's Letters. A Reconciling Thought. "Arthur, dear," she said, "I do wish rou would not use cigarettes." "Why?" "Because you do not know what Is In them." "Oh, yes, I do. Why, for the trifling urn that a cigarette costs you get nicotine, valerian, posslbily a little morphia and any quantity of carbon." She looked up Into his eyes and mur mured: "Arthur, dear, It does seem like a bargain, doesn't it?" Kohraaka "Ttda Well. Out In Polk county. Neb., and In some of the adjoining counties they have a queer lot of wells. They are called "tide wells," because of a pe culiar habit their waters have of ebb ing and flowing, Just as If they were connected with a great underground ocean. Polk county alone has between twelve and twenty of these queer roar ing wells. Mea.areuneate. 'He is very gifted," said Mrs. Gush- Ington. "Why. he can sit down and write poetry by the yard." "Yes," replied the envious rival, "the only difficulty Is that the public reads It by the Inch." Washington Star. Pnnlahmant. We must reap as we sow. If we vio late natural law we must suffer. It we violate God s law we will be pun ished. He is a God of Justice. As such he must punish the guilty. Rev. Dr. Bachman. Perfectly Happy. Mrs. Fret If I had money snoueh to go abroad and stay a year I would be perfectly happy. Mr. Fret So would I. Detroit Free Press, A MIGHTY DRINK. 0r Thraa Qaarta at Uaa UraagBt a. the Taw a. But of all the attractive features of this charming spot. Rothenburg, the annual Kestsplel, celebrating the cap ture of the town by Tilly during the thirty years' war, ranks first, says the Chambers' Journal. At that time, and Indeed until 1803, Rohenburg was a free city, taking an active part In the peasants' war of 1525. and In the thirty years' war of the following century It was In the course of the latter. In 1631. that the celebrated Tilly appeared before Rothenburg and demanded Its capitulation. This the citizens refused, with the result that the gallant little town was besieged and taken. Tilly and his generals proceeded to the Rath haus and demanded the municipal keys of the burgomaster. At the same time Tilly Imposed a fine of 30,000 thalers and garrisoned the town with his sol diers. The burgomaster pleaded In vain for some mitigation of the penalty until the victorious general, after re malnlng for some time unmoved by his entreaties, conceived the extraordinary notion of offering to restore the free dom of the town on condition that one of the inhabitants should come forward snd empty at one draught an Immense neaker of wine, containing about three and a half liters (over three quarts). This was an unheard-of feat, even in those hard-drinking days, and for some lime bis offer remained unaccepted. The opportunity of freeing the town from a foreign yoke seemed, however, too important to be lost, and accord ingly a patriotic citizen named Nusch resolved to attempt the difficult task Imposed by the conqueror. As a mat ter of fact, he drained the beaker at one draught, and, although tradition relates that a severe Illness followed the feat, still he saved the town, for Tilly kept hla word and restored the Independence of Rothenburg. Prlaoa afallagarlag. A case showing great cunning and perseverance, as well as tolerance of much self-inflicted pain continued for many months, Is worth telling. The convict was most determined and re sourceful In his efforts at malingering. He began by running a piece of copper wire Into his knee, by which he nearly lost his leg. He then produced a num ber of sores round the knee Joint and kept up a great degree of swelling and inflammation by means of rag and thread pushed Into the wounds. Upon the discovery of this he took to intro ducing lime below the skin. On an other occasion a bandage was found flrmlf tound round the man's thigh, the result being, in medical phrase ology, 'extensive swelling and Uvidlty of the thigh." The doctor ordered his limb to be enveloped with a large piece of gutta-percba so as to checkmate the prisoner's malpractices. The latter, however, by means of a strip of sheet ing and the skewer to which part of his dinner was attached formed a tourniquet and by It compressed his leg so much during the night as to quite neutralize the medical treatment It had received during the day. The imposture was at length detected by an order of the doctor to expose the limb outside the bedclothes to the view of the officer by day and night and from that hour progress was toward complete recovery. Chambers' Jour nal. Another Gold Brick Bold. A Frenchman named Martin who keeps a saloon In FiBhklll Landing, N. Y was robbed of $400 a few days ago by two men and a woman, who represented that they had been com missioned to secure the adoption of a child by persons who were willing to pay $2,000 for Its care and mainten ance. The money was placed In a tin box, and the Martins Induced to put $400 with it as an evidence of good faith. They were to keep the box, and the $2.00 was to be theirs If the child was not produced by Sunday. Of course the child was not produced. Monday the Martins opened the box and found It filled with old news papers. How Ild Ha Get InT A bass viol player In distress and unable to pay his rent crawled Into his big fiddle to die In Paris recently. He was missed after a day and discovered on the landlady seizing the viol for rent. It was found difficult to get him out, even after the back of the viol had been removed, and as the man Is In sane, no explanation of how he got In to his Instrument has been found. Ex. He Wn Drunk. 'Mr. Moalin," said that gentleman's wife in a horrified tone, "you are drunk." 'Guess I mush be," assented Modlin, cheerfully, "or else I wouldn't (hie) let your shee me in this c'ndishun." Springfield (Mo.) Leader-Democrat. Not Any Cheaper. Vlsltinx Acquaintance "Don't you find it a great deal cheaDer to live out here in the country than it was In the city?" Mr. Suburbs "M no, it's about the same. My wife brought her chafing dish along with her. Milwaukee Journal. ChrUt. The personality of Jesus is still the power of the church. If we drift away from His teachings we can have little power with the multitude. A church without Christ is a church only in name, and Is ready for burial. Rev. J. M. Durrell. rour'i Happy Family. C. O. Barnes has a cat at his home In Goldendale, N. J., which Is suckling three young squirrels, which were caught near town. She also suckles one kitten, the others having been killed to make room for the squirrels. KANSAS CITY STATE BANK Capital .I3U0.0O9 00 Surplus So.uutlW W. O. COX. F. C. ADAMS. President. Aat't Cannier. KANSAS CITY Steam Carpet Cleaning AND MOTH DESTROYING CO. RrflMliif and Sewing a Specialty. M. E. ptain Mkia a vu . uccetttor u i. m. letter. 1220 E.18th it., Kansas City, Mo DOUTJAT'S HARNESS SHOP AND SECOND-HAND STORE. 22 204East 16th St. w and Second-hand Gooda of mil tcintlm. NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY 1032 Main Street. The underlined baa been In the Phntv (rapbbualneasalnce Idtil. Thla nailery haa one oi mo ant non y Latest improved Cam era' for making Fine I'houiKrapha Hie Srat out of the factory. In fact, thla nailery keepa up with all the latest style and Im provement In One Photography. Give me a trial oraer. T. D. SANDERS, 1032 Main St.. KANSAS CITY. JAMES BERRY, Looking GlassPlates BEVELED GLASS. Damaged Mirror Rc-Silvered at Short Notice. oana tor rricea. Otoe, 1429 Walnut 8t., I1KSA8 CITT, MO MCCRYSTLE The Hatter. Bate cleaned, colored and retrlmmed. Alao ladle' and Gents' straw bats cleaned. I East Eighth Street. Karsas Citv, Mo Kansas City Tent and Awning Co,, Awnings, Tents, Tarpaulins, Covers, c 100 WIST EIGHTH STREET. TtUphon 1I4. KANSAS CITY. MO, Caney fugs pine oi in iigime mfl Brussels carpet. We take vour Carnet and cut and make a Rue from three to eleven feet wide, for 80 cents per tquare yard; fringe extra. Hive pounu oi carpet to tne yara oi Kug. O. n. SAPPENFIELD, 607 Eitt Eighteenth St., KANSAS CITY, MO Troost Parlj On Troost Ave. Cable Ry. Brass Band Concerts Sundays. Zoological Garden, Merro-go- round, Boating and other at tractions. Watch for the opening next week of 'Shooting the Chates." Missouri, Kansas & Teias Trust Co. KANSAS CITT, M0. 36 Wall Street, New York, too Orestnut Street, Philadelphia. 1M Washington Street. BoBtim. Single No. 18, Amsterdam. Holland. DorotheenntratiHse No. M, Berlin, Oe -many. 31 Lombard Street, London, E.O., England. Capital - 1,450, OOO. Sarplna and Undivided Profit, SI, OOO.OOO. ARTHUR E. STILWKLL, President. Vice President: J. McD. Trimble, E. L. Martin, W. S. Taylor, Jacques T. Nolthe nlua. Arthur 0. Robinson, secretary; William 8. Taylor, treasurer; Krana B. Wilcox, assistant treasurer; J. J. Cairnes, assistant secretary; E. 8. Wostaer, second asslstantsec retary, Trimble A Braley, general attorney. Executes a General Trust Business. Acts aa Trustee, Transfer Agent or Regis trar for Corporation. Act a Executor, Admlnlatrator, Guard. Ian or Trustee of Estates. Collects Western Mortgages. Takes Charge of Properties, llectlng Rent, raying Taxe, etc., for Eastern In vestor. Kiu Citv Directors A. E. StUwell. E. L. Martin, Frank Cooper. F. A. Faxon. J. McD. Trimble, Robert Ollhaiu, Jacques T. Noltheniu. C. A. Braley. H. NEVINS, Practical Horse Shoer. Horses Entrusted to Mr Car will not ba Abused. 307 Grand Ave., Kansas CITY, MO. Jewelry 50tesek,y also optician. EYES TESTED FREE. East Uth St., Kansas Citv. mo. 18 Universal Repair Co. CM AS. H. WARD, Propr. Carpenter ex falieera. Brick aS Tla Mora, flattariai e Paintlne. Kalaomlnlnr Paper Hanginr. CWterne built and ri aired. r c-wmwtlon put la. Estimate ctirerfully furuUned. All work guaranteed aalUf auiory. 704 W)r)ett It, Kiiii Citv. Mo 6. BOCK, Brush Factorj, 0 EAST 18th SL. All aorta of bruatea uiada to order promptly at reaa in able price tta pair Ins bruahee, carpet sweepers, etc.. etc. Serah I rath Freak c Uaaars. MRS. M. M. SMITH, Manicure Chiropodist and Facial Electrician. REMOVES Corn. Bunion and Ingrowing al im WllUl'Ue pain V tain uoo - Alno Pacini Mauumge, (Superfluous Unlr. manently removed by electricity. 444-445 NEW RIDGE BLD'G. Entrance. 912 walnut St. srSti Mala St. J. P. BUTLCR. O. D. ROWS. BUTLER & ROWE, Cotractors and Builders. Office Fixtures a Specialty. All older Will receive our pereonal atten tion, eatlalactton guarantees. call TeieeMON tie. IIHIm and Bhnnl 115 c-1 3vh BvasaT. Kansas City, Mo. How It Is Done! . . . We use only the choicest raw material, and five it a slow, mild cure, which develops all the natural sweetness of the meat without making it too salt. AND . . . Br?&frfas4r Bacon Represent the best work of the packers' art every piece guar anteed. All butchers and gro cers have them. Armour Packing Co., KANSAS CITY, MO. Reduction oi Prices! In order to be up to date I have con cluded to reduce prices to regular customers in a way that will not lower tne standard oi my shop. A Scientific and Positively Becoming nair vut tor ZOO COMMUTATION TICKETS. Four Shavea for Rfln Or Ten for $ Baths, tn large por-elaln tuba, fine rooms, Z3 cents eacn or t tor au cents at GRAND JUNCTION BARBER SHOP and ATH ROOMS'. . . HENRY A. MAYOR. 821 Delaware Street, First Shop north of Junction. ty Mention thla paper A-l City Reference. Private and Hospital Experience. BEJT POTTER, Male Nurse. Surgical cases preferred. Terms, S10.00 to tl5.uu per week and expense. Telephone 1661' 801 f. 8th St., KANSAS CITY, M0. CHARLES WITTENBERG, Boots :S Sho?$ MADE AND REPAIRED, 1302 Main St., Kansas City, Mo. DR. HENDERSON 101 W. f th SU Kansas City, Ho. A Regular Graduate in Medicine. Over J Years' Practice -t J in Chicago. The Oldest la Age and Longest Located. Authorized by the State to treat Chronic, Ntrooui and Prt catt Dlaeast: Cures guaran teed or money refunded. Over 80,(HK caaes cured. Cbarees low. Ho mercury or In J urioug med id ne used. ho time loot f mm business, l'artlesata distance treated by mail and express. Medicines sent everywhere free from iraxe or breakage. State your case and Bend for terms. Consultation free and confidential, personally or by letter. I permanently cuie 8emiaal Weakaess and Sexaal Debility (Spermatorrhea and Impotency)pToiuelna pimples, nervousness, rushea of blood to toe head, pains In the back, forgetful ii ess, bashf uiness and aversion to socie ty : stop night losses restore lost sex ual power enlarge ud strengthen weak parts and make you fit for marriage. Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, and all private diseases enred for life. Cl-infiirfk cured without cutting. LIICIUIC caustic, sounds or bou. grtes. No pain or exposure. Patient can rise trout mental home. Rnm? for both sexes-flO pages, 27 AiVSVXW pictures, with full descrip tion of above diseases the effect and cure sent sealed In plain wrapper for 60. stamps, fiare fare for Hheomatlhm. Send stampfor circular, i BekMlblum or Anatomt. $500 for ebov dints. that I cinnot cur. V7 pa nf