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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1896)
AN ENCLISH PAPER. Crgae the British la He relr Teatard the HMn. The Dutch stock t. we know, sturdy tad enduring so sturdy and so endur ing that to tbla hour the descendants of the Dutch who wttW In New York ire conscious of shade of difference between them and New Englanders and regard that difference with certain self esteem, says the Spectator. They are. they think, not only more solid but better principled than the families around them. Nevertheless, the eitraordinary, to us we will frank ly confess unaccountable, absorbing force of the English has given them the tontrolling power in New York, as In ill America north of Mexico, and In ipite of the vastness of modern emigra tions that power will probably always emaln In their hands. A new type of man arises, dlstlntively American, but It is as aln to say that he Is not In til essentials English as to say that tha Baxon at home has not prevailed over every other element In the population. We expect to see the process repeated In South Africa, but we can see no reason why It should not be peaceful or Vhy, when the united dominion Is formed, as it will be formed, the differ ent states should all enter It on exactly the same conditions. Scotland does not live under our laws nor in Germany have Bavaria and Wurtemberg precise ly the same position. What the British" people have to do is to see that the history of the new people which Is be ing born and which Is already tainted by the presence of a black race and the Oerceness which is generated in the dominant caste by black resistance, should not be further tainted either by militarism or by pecuniary corrup tion. There has been too much vlo ISJjce, sometimes Just, sometimes un ust, in the history of South Africa; and if the British people is to extend Its sovereign protection over the whole region as It did virtually when it re solved to forbid German troops to land In Delagoa bay it must extend also ths Pax Britannlca, the regime of law, Instead of willfulness, under which na tions grow serenely up to their destined height. The Boers must be persuaded pr compelled to accept that regime Just as much as the English and the natives but they do not seem unwilling; they have behaved during the recent occur rences in a more than civilised manner,1 and If they are willing there Is no rea son why, within the regions given them by treaty, they should be prematurely or roughly deprived of their ascend ency. It will depart in good time, as the ascendency of the ten-pounders within these islands did. Eiiw Not Whan Bti Torn Would Coma "Dear one," he whispered. The young wife looked up into her husband's face tremulously but expect ant. "What la It?" she asked, as her white arms stole around his turndown collar. "Tell me," he answered, straining her to his breast and forgetting for the mo ment two imported perfectos in his pocket. "Tell me that you will think of me sometimes when I am gone!" Once more the pale, sweet face was upturned toward him. "You are always, and ever will be, la my thoughts," she said, simply. "Then swear you will be true to me while I am away from your side," he continued, with a tone of almost com mand In hla voice. "I swear It!" she repeated, solemnly. With one more pasionate, frenzied kiss upon the parted, trembling lips he wrenched himself away. He was not quite happy but he was comforted by the assurance of her love. He felt that neither time nor absence could kill it. With unfaltering step he turned his back upon hla home and went to get his Sunday shave. New York World. An Eaatarn Woman's Club Affair. The Colonial Dames of New Haven, Conn., have Just closed a most inter esting colonial exhibit. The three days of exhibition had each their distinct ive "afternoon tea." On Wednesday the table and service were distinctly puritan In decoration and dress. On Thursday the revolutionary period, with Its colors of old blue and white, was honored, and on Friday the table and attendants were gorgeous in the colonial colors of red, blue, and buff. Many interesting articles were exhibit ed, representing not only the old fam ilies of Connecticut, but of other New England states and of New York, Delaware and Virginia, No article shown represented a later date than 1783. There were several autograph letters of Washington, handsome old silver and china, some of It once used at Mount Vernon, and miniatures, laces, fans and gowns. A goodly sum was realized, which will be used in founding a "genealogical corner" In the Connecticut Historical library. Famous Hermit's Death. Dr. Lazarus, the famous hermit, who has for years lived on the top of Sand mountain, in Marshall county, Ala., died the other day. Twenty years ago he was a prosperous physician In New York, and his father was a wealthy merchant. In Wilmington, N. C. Be coming imbued with socialistic teach ings, he Joined several communistic as sociations, which failed, and this made him morbid. He adopted peculiar views, banished himself from society, and for years lived like a hermit, with goats as his only companions. Animal That Buries Itself. The only animal known in the world which, on the approach of dissolution, eeeks out the general burying ground of Its species, and there digs Us own grr.e and lies down to die, is the fuanaco, of wild llama. It is peculiar in other respects, too. These ani.nals, In fact, have a regular sanitary sys tem, which they respect like human beings. AFRICA. ENGLAND. GERMANY. Latter Waete the t'arvat In tha Itaala r tha I nper Conga. The object of Germany at the present moment is to connect her eastern and outhwetern African possessions, save the Quarterly Review. To do this she desires to possess (he forest in the basin of the Tpper Congoa region which is rich in copper. If she could obtain this territory from the Congo itate and a narrow strip of land from Portugal she would realize her aim; nl If ghe gets possession of the forest on the Lualaba and the Katanga cop per mines ber colonies may become to her a great source of wealth. England should definitely make up her mind as to the attitude she will assume toward this policy. If she opposes It Germany will become a persitrtent enemy. On the other hand, if she supports it Ger many should agree not in any way to Interfere with England south of the Zambesi and support her heartily In Egypt. The increase of German pros perity at home is also an advantage to ua. As Germany becomes richer she will become a better customer and less (ealous of the political position. The wages of German artisans must go up and consequently Germany will be less able to undersell us in the open mar kets of the world. We have now come to a state of things as regards the German empire when we must either come to terms with it or drift Into a position which will certainly lead to danger. The Germans, If they are to maintain their possesions beyond the sea. must either be sure of the friend ship and good will of England or else Ihey will endeavor to break down her power on the ocean. Since the begin ning of this year every corner of the empire has rung with the most violent denunciation of this country. The newspapers, with the almost solUary exception of the Weser Zeltung, have given expression to feelings of bitter hostility. Organs of opinion usually the most opposed have vied with each other in their violence of lan guage. This ill feeling to Great Brit ain, as we have said, has not been a growth of recent times. It is now strengthened by a growing conviction that the position of England in tha world Is undeserved, artificial and cannot be maintained If it is a-rlously menacefl. This view has been fostered by distinguished historians and men of letters, who exercise a powerful influ ence on the youth of the country, on the guides of public opinion, on writers in the principal periodicals and Jour nals who indirectly shape the policy of the cheap newspaper, which Is the gos pel of the village Inn. Tha Carman Emperor's Children. How the German emperor will bring up his only daughter is no subject of wonderment to the Berliners. They know that, princess as she Is, she will be taught to be a good housewife, to sew, to cook perhaps, and to order din ner certainly. For the sovereign's ideal woman Is a strictly domestic person, as his Ideal man Is a stout soldier. His little boys haven't much fun in their dally lives. Concerning these lives the Sketch says: In the Spartan upbring ing of Ms children the kalstr rivals his tncestor, Frledrlch Wilhelm of Prussia. According to Klausmann's "Leben in Kalserhaus," the life of the royal cl Udren of Berlin Is not sweet ened by hours of Inactivity. In their years of infancy the kaiserln ministers to almost all their wants, spends a good pp.rt of the day with them and enters Into all their amusements, When the princes arrive at the age of 9 things are all changed and it is all work. They are then a' lowed about an hour and a half out of their waking hours to themselves; all the rest of their day Is spent In study and physical training. Even in holiday time their tutors ac company them to superintend their studies. Philadelphia Ledger. Afraid to Wear Their Jewel. A curious fact concerning the festiv ities over the coronation of the czar is the enormous Impetus given to the manufacture of paste gems. Russians, It appears, even of rank and status, are prone to the weakness known as kleptonrnla, and wise women prepared for possible loss by substituting sham Jewels for real. A pageant and display such as has been described must in evitably call for the wearing of such gems as are seldom seen. It Is rather amusing to learn that much of the splendor Is pretense and that, too, be cause the grand dames do not dare trust their treasures in a crush, even though the crowd be composed of their own kind. Among the Muscovites, how ever, the sin is said to be held a trifling one, and the story is told that one lady of high rank was caught appropriating her cousin's emeralds, and that the vic tim declined to prosecute, mcrMy say ing: "Poor Sophie! It is a very pain ul and nervous disorder." New York Journal. A Speaking Gown. A well-known club woman the jther day went to her dressmaker to order a gown. The woman asked at once: "Shall you wear It to the club meet ings?" The reply was in the affirma tive. "And to make speeches in?" was the next question. Again she said yes. "Then I must have it trimmed accordingly," said the dress maker. "It will be eyed closely and for long periods of time at once by women at leisure to observe. Such a gown must be absolutely perfect." In That Day. Shade of the Period "In your day, as I understand it, there was no glori ous death except in battle." Shade of Achilles "That is substantially cor rect. They did not operate for appen- dicitis then." Detroit Tribune. If the armies of Europe should march at an eight-mile gait, Ave abreast, fifteen inches apart, it would require nine and one-half days for them to pass a given point. THE AMERICAN. THIS GIRL WANTrO A WHEEL. Bat Colored frewee Saggeelod Matching a hall. She was a pretty girl and when h entered the bicycle store she wore a plcmaed. Inuocent expression a she gated round at the machine with the gentle air of one who has found a new chamber of horrors or curiosities, says the New York Herald. The salesman was unsuspecting and smiled his best. "I want to buy a bicycle, please." she said casually, in the mime lone- the would have used to buy a spool of thread. This unbusinesslike method of hers left him gaspinn If he had been wise he would have dragged out his pencil and order book and said: "Yea'ni. What number, please? It will be put up tomorrow," and llnlshed the sale on the spot. Hut he was not wise. He scrambled to get back on the beaten path of sales methods. "Do you ride?" he asked, as she waited sweetly. "Oh, no." she answered, "I Just thought today It would be nice, so I came after the wheel. "Do you want a drop frame or a dia mond?" be ventured, mildly. The pretty girl looked punled. "I didn't say anything about diamonds." she corrected, a trifle severely. "And I should think a frame that dropped would be convenient can't you fasten them up?" The salesman coughed softly and scowled at the man In the gallery who was sympathizing dramatically with him. "We can fix It for you," he mur mured. "No," as he observed her eye light on a dark-blue wheel, "that wouldn't do for you. The gear Is too high." "Why don't you let it down, then?" she asked. Interestedly. "Where Is ItT I don't see It." the salesman retired behind a pile of sheltering machines and had It out with himself. When he emerged he led two wheels and talked black In the face, explaining their excellencies and differences. She had sat looking politely at him all this time, and when he stopped to recover breath she smiled courteously. "How there's no use of your telling" me any more, because it might Just aa well be Sanscrit. I can't see a bit of difference in wheels they all look alike to me as do boats. Why do they have so many different names? The salesman looked Into her deep-! blue eyes and calmed bis turbulent mind. "I really don't know," he said. "It seems to be a fad of the manufac turers." "And I suppose It gives some onef employment, thinking up names, she put In charitably. The salesman grew desperate and fingered his pencil. "Which one shall I send up?" be asked, as a gentle re minder. She was plunged In thought "I had no Idea they painted them in so many different colors," she said, half to herself. "I'll have to think it over. You see. I haven't decided what I'll get for a bicycle suit, and, of course the wheel must match it. I'll let you know." She floated out Dn Manrler and Clara Hoichele In 1858 my father came on a visit to Antwerp with my mother and my youngest sister, Clara. Wherever my father took up his abode, even tem porarily, a grand piano In the natural course of events would gravitate to ward him and a select circle of art lov ers would soon be grouped around it. Among the friends In the Antwerp circle were Van Lerlus, Tadema, Baron Leys, Huysmans and Bource. My sis ter at that time was a bright and hap py creature, not long out of her teens, full of hopes, alas! never to be real ized and of talents never to be ma tured. The large dark eyes they seemed the gift of her godmother, the the famous Malibran reflected the ar tist's soul and a grand soprano voice spoke Its wonderful language. Du Maurler and she were soon on a broth er and sisterly footing, and they ever remained so. Felix Moscheles In Cen tury. Queen Victoria'! Tact. On quitting the Riviera Queen Vic toria was studious, as usual, to Ieavi an agreeable personal Impression bo hind her. She decorated with her ne. order, the "Royal Victoria," the mayoi of Nice and gave him 3,000 franci (about $750) to be distributed among the poor. At the same time he re, ceived a letter addressed to him in tht queen's name by her equerry express lng her deep regret at having to quit so charming a country and thanking the various local functionaries for the attention and consideration which they had shown her. It was due to them, he added, that she had enjoyed the re pose and calm of which she was great; ly in need In view of her recent afflic tion, the death of Prince Henry of Bat tenberg. Exchange. Causa of tha Delay. "Hello, central! Please connect me with the imperial palace at Moscow." "You have it." "I wish to speak with the czar." "This Is he." "Good morning, your majesty." "Good morning, sir." x "If It Is no secret, your majesty, per-' haps you would not mind telling why your coronation was postponed so long?" "It Is no secret at all. Richard Hard ing Davis could not arrange to attend at an earlier date. That is all. Good by." "Good-by, your majesty." World. Prayer. The praying man is the man, who wins; prayer is mightier than battering rams; prayer conquers armies; pray er holds back the arm of God; prayer melts away the blindness of men. Rev. J. K. Dixon. Cripple Creek Advertisements HARRIS BROS., 224 Bennett Avenue. WE WANT our "Friends" and tho Public to know that wo nre compi'lled to remove from our old stand. We shall sell our , Entire Stock of Clothing, Shoes and Furnishing Gcods ACTUAL COST! As we have always kejt faith with tho people, you can rely upon this statement. We will sell the best bargains ever oilered in this city. Do not fail to give us a call. OFFICIAL -or Midland Terminal Railway Company. Eflrrth March lut, 1 Kim. AKKIVE DAILY. DEPART DAILY. HEAD VV. KRAI) DOWN. I I I J l i Tm i ; 1 i X i ft 5 Hi Suburban U 17 p. u to in 10 ce M IB 5 13 I 7 p. u P. M P. M P. M 12 20 12 II 12 06 A. at Ar. Lt. .Or. Creek. .Anaronda . ...Klktoo... t as a ct I 21 8 4S 1 M i JU 1 10 1 ID! 7 00 52 40 12 50 A. M M 87 9 83 9 27 11 s ua 5 ! 6 55 1 SO a 10 3 05 1 HO 2 8ft 2 47 2 itt 2 24 2 M 1 56 12 49 12 12 84 It 52 35 6 25 8 20 8 15 8 00 8 Oil 5 50 6 25 5 00 4 45 ....Victor ....Portland .Independence., ... Bull Hill Uraiwy ... Hvlvanlle.... Olllett Tunnell.'... ... Midland.. . Murphy II 42 II 87 12 80 II 8.1 II 2M 11 20 11 00 10 57 10 M 10 80 Lw. Ar. ...Divide... 1 45 A. al 10 20 4 30 P. M ii 15 8 00 11 30 8 40 . .Col. K., ...Denver.., ...Pueblo... Ar. Lt, ...Divide.... Lt. Ar. .Leadvllle.. 8 85 00 P. II A. .M 4 52 2 10 P. M 12 80 9 55 A. at 8 10 Anpen . , Olenwood. 5 25 .Grand P. M 7 40 8 35 .Salt Lake.. . ..Ogllt'D LEAVE DAILY. Through Pullman tiara and day coachea are rado Bprlnxa. and Denver, on Trains 7 and 8. "(jriuH oioeiicr uulii t .w a. m. uunnecuon IB maue at mviae wim uoiorauo nnuianu iimii land Railroad for all points In the Went, and at Colorado Surlnga, Denver and Pueblo, with it tines i,ir tUO niuii,, vreni,. icinn anu nouiri. The Midland Terminal U the only broad-Rnite railroad Into the Cripple Creek dlHtrlct. and la alxty-Hv (05) miles the shortest, ana Bevernl hourn the qtilrkcHt time to all point East and Weat. J. 11. WATKItS, Superintendent U. COLLBItAN. President. AMERICAN GOLD MINING IE? MILLING COMPANY 1615 Howard Street, Omaha Neb. Capital Stock $2,000,000 CLAIMS LOCATED ON AND IN HIGH PARK . IN THE GREAT Gr-ijojole; Creek Our claims are surrounded by some of the richest strikes of recent years, and are undoubtedly as rich as any in the whole district. They were located by a practical miner, one in whom the Denver mint people had so much confidence that they hired him to locate several claims for them, from which rich ore has been taken. Surface Rock on our Nipple Mountain and High Park claims assays 12.00 per ton; down eight feet it advances In value to more than 17.00 per ton and the indications are that these claims will be as rich as the richest claims in the Cripple Creek district. Here is an opportunity seldom met with for the investment of money in a mining enterprise near at home, where any who choose may visit the mines and see for themselves just what is being done. Tho mines are located within 200 feet of a railroad. If you want to MAKE MONEY buy stock In this company. It is a safe ?ir8Tr ?Ve8t,ment' and WILL pAY DIVIDENDS TO EVERY STOCK HOLDER, If the mines pan out as rich as present Indications warrant us in believing them to be. We court the fullest investigation. Full Information will be sent by mall upon application from those who r.annnt null at nffiru Pill ,,t v. t found below, giving the number of shares i t. " j UJ"UJ' ruer, or an express order, or with money in registered letter, and mail it to us, making all money orders payable to JOHN C. THOHPSON, President. Enclosed please find to pay for. shares Gold Mining and Milling NAME TOWN. Not good after June 30, Now is the Time to Subscribe for JOHN HARRIS. Manager. TIME - CARD THI ?5 I a h Suburban a 12 e 14 la 8 A M A. H P. H P. II P. M P. M. 8 00 II 40 1 40 8 00 8 30 11 80 8 12 II 4 1 4.1 IW tt II 45 8 18 II 54 I Ml 8 14 8 45 11 5i! P. H A. U. 8 25 12 04 3 10 S 24 8 55 12 05 8 87 12 12 3 IH 5 82 V 08 12 14 8 42 12 17 3 24 5 8H V IM 12 20 8 47 12 20 3 20 5 43 9 12 12 25 8 52 8 84 12 31 00 8 42 12 40 9 10 8 58 12 Ml 9 22 4 04 1 05 9 87 4 10 1 l 9 47 4 28 1 33 a. m !!!!! ...... 10 oo 4 '.'.'.v.'. 1 w P. M 12 01 I) 35 4 15 5 15 V 15 7 00 5 30 8 07 1 20 1 56 8 05 7 05 9 50 10 40 9 52 A. M '. 12 45 "'.'.v. v.'.'..'. P. M ...... '. 12 05 1 15 Jet.. ARRIVE DAILY. run between I'rliiule Creek. Victor. Colo PauenKi-ri can occupy berth In Colorado Par Value of shares tl each NIPPLE MOUNTAIN Mining District you desire to purchase, and inclose it of stock in the American X Co., at 5c per share. f STATE.. 'OO. $ The A mencan r Florence & Cripple Creek Railway. UUJ l.UASIiK IMI'TII ROI'KII. Itvad mn. IMTH aoCR-D. Itaad Up. INftrnilM-rM. iKltt. 'No. 1 No. I Lv .I'rippln ('. Ar 7:Wa 5 im p A tiNi'i mla I vi p HkU.fl 4:48 p . . V trior. ... lap Ar ... r'lmvnrn.... Lv !;UU p KAi-T. I f Ar I Hi .Vim p Ar 1'ui'lilii . I.v n !Ta 12 M'p Colo Hprlnna 10 Mip II f, Invfr 7 44p ti au a kHT. No. I Nn. 1 Lv l li.rrnrx. Ar 12 Mi I M p ladvlllx. 8 ifta H M p (.Ii iiw.hkI A:iira lu .Vlp Aap'n lis ip I'M a .... Hall. Lake Ill 4Ap I 20 p Oft-dea 13:2m i. u K ill p x : a 4(1 111 i 47 a in in v illa 11 A'.a 11 r l:IO a J .t a 4 11 a 7 15 a Ni2 Vina I iri a ; -p 1 ip TTAa 7 Mi II 4iin 12 !p : A Jli p N.i 4 4 ?7p IJ::iU H :U 1 .! 4l p iR.-ttp Train Nil. III. 8 M) a. ni. ill root for I'tlfliln. Oolurailii HprlnitH and IKuivor. mnnacllnic wttt) lliniuiili fat trains for all point aaai and aouth. Al r lorrnro with Ihroucti tralna on lha Kto Oraniln for l'adrlllft, Aapnn. tilrnwiNxl. I. rand Junction, Halt Laka, Oitrixu. California and nortliwratnrn pnlnla without I'linnii" of car. Cullman Pala.: HufTf-t and Tourlt almpura. Train No. a. U Jo p. in . tha handaouiaat train In tha mountains. 1'iillmaa alrwpnr and I'arlor rant, aoal frt. without cliania to I'unhlo, Colorado Hprlnga and llenvxr. con-iKx-tliiK with throuiih faat tralna for all polutiait. At Klonnre with Kin Urandrt Trana-Contlnontal llmllKd and Han Juan and all Hoiithxra Colorado point. Tli kcia throuiih lo all foreign point at lowest ratra. Aiiaot for tha boat stxainahlp llnva. Tlckat furnlahad by lolrjrraph with out xitra rharva from any part of tha world. Lownat f rrlKht rat fa nauiad to all polnta. Prompt handlliiK of or a apnrlalty. Dally rrfrlKi'rator anrvli's bntwaon llnvr and In trrmrdlaU) polnta to Cripple Creik and Victor. Huburliao tralna for Victor lcav at 7-5 a, in., II a. in. and 8 p. in. II. P. kHi'rotn. W. K. Johhuow. Unn'l Ait. I'ntat. and Mir. Cripple (Jrei'k, Colo. IHinver, Oolo. Oat Veur Frlende to ubecribe For THE AMERICAN. BOO to Jan. I. 1897. Go to California in a Tourist Sleeper. It is the RIGHT way. Pay more aid you are et travagant. Pay leu and you are uncomfortable. The newest, brightest, cleanest and easiest rid ing Tourist Sleeper are nied for our Personally Conducted Excuralons to California, U'JIH' wbicb leave Omaha every Thursday morning reach ing San Francisco Sunday evening, and Los Angeles Monday noon. You can join them at any intermediate point. Ask nearest ticket agent for full information, or write to J, Francis, O. P. Omaha, Neb. GOING! GOING II GOING! 1 1 And still Ihry (to like hot rnkfi. Hvery day thf pulilinhrrs of the "Sinoiwo Patiot" are filling; ordrrs (or the latnt and Ik-sI patriotic songster on the niarkrt. It is now In the tenth edition and twentieth thousand. ARE YOU WITH US ? Send us ZSc. In silver, stamps, post office or rzprriM order, and by return mail we will send you a copy of "Tim Bino, mo Patiot." All the latent Patriotic hongs with a (rood sprinkling of the old onea. This is the atknuwlcdged "up to-date" songster. KEEP THE BOYS SINGING! And they'll be happy. Stir up love for Native Land and the old Flao by grlting them once more singing trie Old Sonus, Interest your friends. Want ayents. Send 2Sc. for sample and outfit. Tho Pntrlot Oompony, 30rt Dearborn t.. Chlr.nfto. THE POPULAR LI N C TO LEADVILLE, GLENW000 SPRINGS ASPEN, GRAND JUNCTION CRIPPLE? CREEK Reaches all the principal towns and mln lng oampe In Colorado, Utah and New Mexico. PASSES THROUGH SALT LAKE CITY EN ROUTE TO AND FROM PACIFIC COAST. THE TOURIST'S FAVORITE LINE TO ALL MOUNTAIN RESORTS. All tlirout:h trains miuipped with Pullman Palaco and Tourist Sleeping Car. For elrirantly Illustrated descriptive books free Otcost, address E.T.JEFFERY. A S.HUGHES, S. K. HOOPER, FmtisdOg'lXrT. Trafficlu?ar. tail P. 1. 1ft DENVER, COLORADO. 0 R.DIX'SB nrn never fmL LaVti.M JavlsVTB Laftia tft? ftTMl nn (tftar tavUtng inthTmnfeVud Puuttt1 Pi.UKmrtiCaaAnioUslsV 1. & T-BacJlBsV. attUh $75AM0NTHr,SiK mM vilkMa laaar aiim,i "Scenic Liae or tiB worm