The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, July 17, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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Apt l M. LaK immm I, !.
The Kepuiillcan of lha lnlll Si!",
MwmblMt by tholr rirw-nlttirM In na
tional convention, appealing for the
popular end historical Justification
of tholr claim to Ilia ntatcbtm)
achievements of 80 year of 1U-uhlU-an
rule, earnestly and contldntlv
eJdrM themsclvre to the awakrnml lu
sHUcne. iMTlinoe and ooucince of
their countrymen In to following declar
ation of fact anil prlnrlploe:
Kit tba first Urn slue tba civil war th
American people bT wtlnod tb
calamitous consequences of full and tin
Mstrtoted lVmooratlo control of tba gov
ernment. It bat been a record of un
paralellcd dishonesty, dishonor and dis
aster. In the administrative manairenwnt
It hat ruthlcsly sacrttkvd Indispensable
revenue, curtailed an unerasing lUtlolt,
k4 out ordinary current eiponse
with borrowed numcy, plied up th
public Uol.t by f-XU.iX'O.uu) In time
of peace, forced an adverse balance
of trade, kept a perpetual lueuaoe hanir
tng over tha redemption fund, pawuod
American credit to alien yndloato and
rtTormvl all tba measure ami rotult of
noocasful Itopublloan ruin. In tba broad
affect of Ita policy It haa precipitated
panto, blighted Industry and trade with
prolonged dcprewlon, olosed factories, re
dunod work and wagat, baited enterprUa
and orlpplcd American production, while
tlmulatlng foreign production for tba
American market. Kvery consideration
of pttbllo aafety and private lnterel
demands that tha government ahn.ll be
rateued from tha bandt of tboM who have
hown tbenutolvot Incapable of conduct
ing It without dlsatr at home and dts
bonor abroad, and tball be rettored to tha
party which for 80 yeart admlnUtored It
with nnaqualod success and prosperity.
And In thlt we heartily endorse the wis
dom, patriotism and the uooiss of the ad
ministration of I'retldunt Harrlsou.
ltevoted ta 1'roteetloa.
We renew and cuipliiuUo our adhesion
to tha policy of protection a tha bulwark
of A morion n Independence and tha founda
tion of American Industrial develop
mtnt and prosicrlty, Thlt true Amor
loan policy taie forulgu product
and onoouraget hotna tuduntry and
It putt tha burden of revenue on
foreign good; It aoourea tha Amortcnu
market for tha American produoori; It up
hold! the American standard of wafn for
the American worklngman; It puta the
faotory by the aide of the farm aud make'
the American farmer lost dependuut on
foreign demand and price; It diffuses gen
eral thrift and foundt tha atrength of all
on the ttrength of eaoh. In Ita responsi
ble application It It Just, fair aud Im
partial, equally opposed to torelgu oou
trol and domestic monoply to icolloiml
discrimination and Individ ual favoritism.
AVe denounce the present Dtmiooratlo
tariff at sectional, Injurious to the
Eubllo credit and dt motive to
lulno.M cntorprlso. We demand tmh
an equitable tariff on foreign Im
port which come Into competi
tion with AtuericAU product, at will not
only furnish adequate revenue for the
necessary expense of tho government but
will protect American labor from degrv
dation to the watre level of other land.
We are not pledged to any particular
aohedule. The question of rate it a prac
tical question to be governed by the con
dition of the time and of production.
The ruling and uuooniproiiiUlug princi
ple 1 th roteoi ion and development of
Amcrlotui labor and induttry. The coun
try demand a right toltleuient and then It
wantt rest.
W believe the repeal of tho rcolproolty
arrangement negotiated by the last Re
publican administration was a national
oalnmlty, aud wo demand tholr renewal and
extension on tueh term as will equalize
our trade with other nation, remove
the restriction that now obstruct tho sale
of American product in the ports of Eu
rope and secure now markets for tho pro
ducts of our farm, forests and footoi'lc.
Protection, and reciprocity are twin
measures of Republican policy and go
band in hnnd. Democrat to rule has reck
lessly struck down both, and both must
be re established. Protection for what we
produce; free admission for tho necessaries
of life which we do not produce; reciprocal
agreements of mutual interests which
gain open markets for us in return for our
open market toothers, Protection builds
up donn-stlo Industry aud trade and se
cures our own market for ourselves; reci
procity build up foreign trade and finds
an outlet for our surplus.
To all our those of the mine
and the field, as well as tho-e of the shop
and tho factory to hemp, to wool, the
product of the great ludustry, hoep hus
bandry, as well as to the finished woolen
of the mill we promise the most ample
We favor restoring the early American
policy of discriminating duties for the up
building of our merchaut marina aud the
protection of our shipping Interest in the
foreign carrying trade, so American ships
the product of A merican labor, employed
In American shipyards tailing under the
tar and stripes and manned, officered
and owned by Americans may regain the
carrying of our foreign commerce.
Tha Financial lMank.
The Republican party Is unreservedly
for (ound money. It caused the enact
ment of the law providing for the resump
tion of specie payment in 1879, since then
very dollar has been as good as gold.
We are unalterably opposed to every
measure calculated to debase our cur
rency or impair the credit of our country.
We are, therefore, opposed to the free coin
age of silver, exocpt by international agree
ment with t he leading commercial nations
of the world, which we pledge ourselves to
promote, and until uch agreement can be
obtained, the existing gold standard mutt
be preserved. All our silver and paper
currency must be maintained at a parity
With gold, and we favor all measures de
signed to maintain Inviolably the obliga
tion of the United State and all our
money, whether coin or paper, at the pres
ent standard, the itandard of the most
enlightened nation of the earth.
We oondemn the present administration
for not keeping faith with sugar produc
ers of tola oountry; the Republican party
favor such protection at will lead to pro
duction on American aoil of all the ugar
which American people use, and for which
they pay to other oountrle more than
1100,000,000 annually.
The veteran of the Union army deserve
land should reoeive fair treatment and gen
rout recognition. Whenever practicable,
they should be given the preference In the
matter of employment, and they are en
titled to the enactment of such law a are
best calculated to secure the fulfillment of
he pledge made to them In the dark day
tM the country' peril. We denounce the
practice In the pension bureau, o rook
lesily and unjustly carried on br the pres
ent administration of reducing pentdoae
Slid arbitrarily dropping namee from the
Mils, aa dew lug of tba teverrat condem
nation of the American pw-pla.
F lUtalloaa.
Oor foreign policy should ! at all time
Vigorous aud dignified, and all our Inter- ;
est In the western lnnnUptifre carefully i
watched and guarded. The Hawaiian lal- !
and should be controlled by the United i
Hate, ami no foreign power sbould be j
permitted to Interfere with them; the Nlo- i
aragua canal should be built, owned and
operated by the I'nlted Stat, and by the
purchaM of the Danish Islands we tdiould
secure the pmixtr and much nesded naval
station In the West Indie.
The massacres In Armenia bave aroused
the deep sympathy and Just Indignation
of tlit American people and we believe the
1 'ill ted Mates should exercise all the In
fluence It can properly exert to bring thee
atrocities to an end. In Turkey Ameri
can residents bave been exposed to the
greatest danger and American property
destroyed. There and everywhere Ameri
can oltlzen and American proierty must
be alwolutely protected at all hazards and
at any cost.
Monroe poetrlna.
We reassert the Monroe doctrine In Itl
fullest extent, and we reaffirm the right
of the United Mates to give the doctrine
by responding to the appeal of any
American state for friendly Intervention
In case of European encroachment. W
bave not Interfered and shall not In te
fere with the existing possessions of a
European power In this hemisphere, I
those possession must not, on any p
text, be extended. We hopefully look
ward to the eventual withdrawal of
European power from this bemU li
and to the ultimate union of all Kng
peaking part of the continent by
free oonsent of It Inhabitant.
From the hour of achieving their t
Independence the people of the Un,'.
Matet have regarded with avinpathy ib
truggle of other American people to
free themselves from European domina
tion. We watch with deep and abiding
Interest the berolo battle of the Cuban
patriots against cruelty and oppression,
and our bost hopes go out for the full suc
cess of their determined contest for lib
erty. The government of Spain, having
lost control of Cuba, and being unable to
protect the property or live of resident
American citizen, or to comply with Its
treaty obligation, w believe the govern
ment of the United Statot should actively
use Ita In fluenee and good offices to re
store peace and give Indupeudonoe to the
The peace and security of the republlo
and the maintenance of Its rightful In
fluence among the nation of the earth
demand a naval power oommemurate
with Its position and responsibility. We,
therefore, favor the continued enlarge
ment of the navy and m complete ytom
of harbor and sea const defense
Forelgo Immigration,
For the protect ion of tho equality of our
American citizenship and of the wages of
our worklngmen against the fatal com
petition of low priced labor, we demand
that the Immigration law be thoroughly
eu forced and so extended as to exclude
from entrance to the United Statos those
who can neither road nor write.
The otvll service law was placed on the
statute book by the Republican party,
which has always sustained It, and we re
new our repeated declaration that it shall
be thoroughly and honestly enforced and
extended wherever practicable.
Wo demand that every citizen of the
United States shall be allowed to cast one
free aud unrest rioted ballot, and that uch
ballot shall be oounted and returned a
We proclaim our unqualified condemna
tion of the uncivilised and barbaron
practice, well knowu as lynching, or kill
ing of human being suleeted or charged
with crime, without process of law.
IStlmial Arbitration.
We favor the creation of a national
board of arbitration to settle and adjust
differences which may arise botwecn em
ployers and employed engaged In Inter
state commerce.
We believe in an immediate return to
the free homestead policy of tha Republi
can party, and urgo the passage by con
gress of the satisfactory freo homestead
measure, which bo already passed the
house, and is now pending in the senate.
We favor the admission of the remain
ing territories at the earliest practicable
date, having due regard to the Interests of
the people of the territories and of the
United Mate. All tho federal officer ap
pointed for the territories should lie elected
from bona fide resident thereof, and the
right of self government should be ao
oorded as far a practicable. We believe
j the citizen of Alaska should have repre
sentation In the congress of the United
States to the end that needful legislation
should be enacted.
We sympathize with all wise and le
gitimate efforts to lessen and prevent the
evils of intemperance and promote mor
ality. Bights of Women.
The Republican party Is mindful of the
rights of women. Protection of Ameri
can industries includes equal opportuni
ties, equal pay for equal work, and pro
tection to the home. We favor the ad
mission of women to wider spheres of use
fulness, and welcome their co-operation In
rescuing the country from Democratio
and Popullstio mismanagement and mis
rule. Such are the principles and policies of
the Republican party. By these pollole
we will abide and these policies we will
put into execution. We ask for them the
considerate Judgment or the American
people. Confident alike In the history of
our great party and In the justice of our
cause, we present our platform and our
candidates In the full assurance that the
election will bring victory to the Repub
lican party and prosperity to the people
of the United States.
German Army Impresses Chang.
Berlin, June 18. It it said that Li
Hang Chang, after a review of the
troops at Potsdam, exclaimed to Em
peror William: "With these battalions
I would have annihilated the Japanese
at one stroke." In an interview Li
Hung Chang denied that there was a
secret treaty between China and Rus
sia, but he admitted that a Russian rail
way would be built through Manchuria,
though it would not impair the Chinese
Fremont Han Bnrt In Kew York.
Kbw Yokk, June 18. L. P. Hanson,
member of the city council of Fremont,
Neb., fell from the fourth story window
of the Hotel Denmark today and sus
tained a fracture of the base of the skull
and several lacerated wounds in the
face. His condition is regarded as very
The platform, a below, waa reported
ty the committee, and is subject to
change by the convention:
We, the Diin-rnt of the lnitl State.
In convention aMMiiitlcd, do reaffirm our
allegiance to thoae great esaetiUitl prin
ciples of Jtutli and iiU-riy Unn wlili-h
our Institutions are foundi! and which
the llenioi ratlc party has advnrated from
Jefferson' time to our own, freedom
of t'h, freedom of prma, frastom of
rsmiu-lenee, the preservation of perwtnal
rights, the ssiiality of all citizen before
tliwUw and the faithful observance of
coii-tttutiorml limitation.
iJuring all these year tho Democratic
party ha rtMistnl the tnudvucy of selfish
intemiu to the centralization of govern
mental power aud steadfastly nitu mined
tha integrity of the dual sulteine of gov
ernment a established by the founders of
this republic of republics. I'lider It
guidance and tewhlugs the great princi
ple of local aclf government has found Its
issit iprelon In the maintenance of the
rights of tha states and Ita aaerttou of the
nnocMlty of confining the general govern
ment to the exerciae of the owers granted
by tli constitution of the I'nlted Mates.
Recognizing that the money system is
Iiarnmoiint to all other at this time, wo
nvlte attention to I lis fact that tho fed
eral constitution names silver and gold
together aa tho money metals of tha
Vuited States and that the ilrst coinage
law passed by congress under tho consti
tution made the sliver dollar the mone
tary unit and admitted gold to free coin
age at a ratio based upon the silver unit.
We declare that the ait of ItCU de
monetizing silver without tho knowi
fslgs or approval of the American people
lias resulted in the appreciation of gold
and a correMm!lng fall In the price of
comiiKMlttles pnsluccd by the people,
heavy increase in the burden of taxation
aud of all debts, public and private, the
enrichment of tho money lending class at
home and abroad, prostration of industries
and imimvorishiiient of the iicople.
We are unalterably opposed to monomet
allism, which has locked fast the pros
perity of an industrious people in the
paralysis of hard times. Hold inono
inutaillsiu is a HritUh policy, and Its
adopt lou ha brought other na
tions Into financial servitude to Ijondon.
It la not only unaniericau, but aiitiamur
Icau, aud it can be fastened upon the
United States only by the stilling of
that spirit and love of lllierty, which
riroolaimed our political Independence
a ITiH and was won in the war of the
We lemand the free and unlimited coin
age of gold and sliver at tho present legal
ratio of It) to 1, wit hout waiting for the aid or
Donsent of any other nation. We demand
that the standard stiver dollar shall tie
full legal tender, equally with gold for all
debts, public and private, and we favor
inch legislation as will prevent for
the future the demonetization of
ny kind of legal tender money
by private contract. We are op
posed to the policy nnd praotloe of sur
rendering to the holders of the obligations
of the I'nlted States the option reserved
by law to the government of redeeming
such obligations in either silver coin or
f old coin. We are opposed to the issuing of
nte rest bearing bonds of tho United States
In times of peace, and condemn the traf
ficking with banking syndicates, which in
exchanging for bonds and at an enormous
profit to themselves, supply the federal
treasury with gold to maintain the policy
if the gold monometallism. Congress
alone has t he power to coin and issue money
and President Jackson declared that this
power could not tie delegated to corpora
tions or individuals. We therefore de
mand that tho power to issue notes to
circulate as money bo taken from the
banks and that all paper money shall lie
Issued directly by the treasury department,
Im redi-einablo In coin and receivable for
nil debts, public and private.
We bold that tariff duties should bo
levied for purposes of revenue, such duties
to be readjusted as to operate equally
throughout the oountry and not dis
criminate between class or section nnd
taxations should lie limited by tho
needs of government honestly and
economically administered. We denounce
as disturbing to business the Republican
threat to restore the Mclvtnloy law, whlcn
has been twice condemned by the people
in national elections, and which, enacted
under the false plea of protection to home
industry, proved a prolific breeder of
trusts and monopolies, enriched the few
at the expense of the many, restricted
trade nnd deprived tho producers of tho
great American staples of access to their
natural markets. Until the money ques
tion Is settled, we are opposed to any agi
tation for further change in our tariff
laws except such as are necessary to make
UP tho deficit In revenue caused by
the adverse decision of tho supreme court
on the income tax. Put for this dec!
sion of the supremo court there would bo
no deficit in the revenue under the law
passed by a Ileniocrntio congress in strlot
rursuance of the uniform decisions of
hat court for nearly 1(H) years,
that court having under that discis
sion sustained constitutional objections to
Its enactment which has been overruled
liv tho ablest judges who have ever sat on
tfiat Is'iii-h. We declare that it Is the
duty of congress to uso all tho constitu
tional power which remains after that de
cision, or which may come from its re
versal by the court as it may hereafter bo
constituted, so that the burdens of taxa
tion may equally and impartially lead to
the end that wealth may boar its duo pro
portion of the expenses of thegovornmei
We hold that the most efficient way I
protecting American labor is to prevent t . i
Importation of foreign pauper labor to coj i
pete with it In the home market and tht t
the value of tie homo market to our Ameri
can farmers end artisans is greatly )
duced by a vMoua monetary system wh' r
depresses the prices of their products I
low the cost el production and thus
privet them ef the means of purchasi
the products ef our borne manufactory i.'
The absorption of wealth by the few,
the consolidation of our leading railway
system and the formation of trust and
pools require a trloter control by the fed
eral government of those arteries of com
merce. We demand the enlargement of
the powers of the Interstate commerce
commission and such restrictions and
guarantees In the control of railroads a
will protect the people from robbery and
We denounce the profligate waste of the
money wrung from the people by oppres
sive taxation and the lavish appropria
tions of recent Republican congresses,
which have kept taxes high while tho la-'
bor that pays them is unemployed and the
products of the people' toil are depressed
in price till thev no longer repay tho oost of
production. Ve demand a return to that
simplicity and economy which befit
a Democratic government, and a reduction
in the number of useles office, the sal-
aria of which drain the substance of the
We denounce arbitrary Interference by
federal authorities In local affair as a
violation of the oonttitution of the Unit
ed States and a crime against free institu
tions, and we especially object to govern'
ment by Injunction as a new and hlghW
dangerous form of oppression by which
federal judges in oonterapt of the laws of
the state and rights of citizens bocom
at onoo legislators, judges and execution
ara. and we SDDrove the bill passed at tht
last cession of tho senate of the United
States, and now cendinc In the house, re
lating to oontemptw in federal courtt and
providing for trials by juries in certain,
oaset of contempt.
Ko discrimination should be Indulged
In bv the irovernmont of the Unitod
Mates in favor of any of it debtors. We
approve of the refusal of the Fifty-third
congress to pas the Pacific railroad
funding bill, and denounce ibe efjqrj of
toe pretent oongrete to enact a (Miliar
Kmignlzlng the jnst claim of deserv
ing In ion aoiiUer, we heartily Indorse
the rulo 4 the prevent com
tuiwioner of )nsioii that no
names khall be arbitrarily dropsl from
the pension roll, and the fart of eult-t-luenl
and service should he oWiuel con
elutve evidence against dlar&so and dis
ability brfora ODlUttm-ut.
We favor ta admission of the terri
tories of New Mexico and Arizona Into
the I'nlon as iUte and we favor the eaily
admtasiou of all the territorte having tha
naoeasary population aud resource to en
title tbera to statehood, and while they re
ins! a territories w hold that the official
appointed to administer tho government
of any territory, together with the Dis
trict of Columbia aud Alaska, should bo
bona fid ruoldenU of the territory or dis
trict lu which their duties are to be tier
formed. The llemouratln party halieve
In home rule and that public lands of the
1 uiled States should lie appropriated to
the establishment of free homes for Amer
ican citizens. We recommend that the
territory ef Alaska be grauU-d a delegate
In congress and that the general land aud
timber laws of the United Status be ex
tended to said territory.
We oitend our sympathy to the people
of Cuba in their heroic struggle for lib
erty aud Independent.
We are opened to life tenure in the pub
lic service. We favor appointments based
upon merits, fixed terms of office and such
an administration of the civil service laws
as will afford equal opportunities to ail
citizens of ascertained fitness.
We declare It to lie the unwritten law of
Ihls republic, established by custom and
Usage of lou year and sanctioned by
I ho example of the greatest and wisest of
!iose who '"unded and bave maintained
iiur government, that no mail shall lie
eligible for a third term of the presiden
tial office.
The federal government should care for
and Improve the Mississippi river aud
other gn at waterways of tho republlo so
as to secure for the interior states easvand
cheap transportation to title water. When
any waterway of tho republic is of suffi
cient lmMirtance to demand aid of ti.
government, such aid should bo extended
upon a definite plan of continuous work
Until jiermanent Improvement is secured.
Confident In the justice of our cause
and the necessity of Its success at
tho polls, we submit the foregoing declar
ation of principles aud purposes to the
considerate judgment of the American
people. We invite the support of all citi
zens who approve them and who desire to
have tlism made elfectlvo through legis
lation for the benefit of the people and the
restoration ol tne country s prosperity.
Interesting Scenes In the Wholesale Dis
trict of tiothum.
There U one dingy spot in the great
city where the products of the entire
globe are brought together, says a New
York letter In the Pittsburg Dispatch.
It la the wholesale drug district and
Gold street la its artery. Cold street
Is narrow and busy and illpaved. It
leads from Fulton street into a net
work of dingy streets that are never
crowded, save now and then with wag
ons. The network of narrow, crooked
and seeminly decayed streets is one of
the busiest in town. It is here that the
wholesale drug trade centers. Spa
cious drug-shops uptown seem to con
lain enough medicines to kill and rure
the whole town, but there Is scarcely
one of them that upon unusual demand
for the commonest drug wouldnothave
to drawuponthe wholesale district. You
find in that downtown network of
shabby streets almost everything in
the materia medlca in crude form or
prepared. The region Is redolent of
spiccry and reeking with opium and
assafoetida. It has samples in bales,
pills by the barrel and the cheap drugs
by the ton. There are casks of liquids
so precious that they must be dealt
out at retail by the drop to save waste.
There Is the potable gold of the old
chemists, and there are essential oils
t fabulous prices per ounce.
The wholesale drug region seems to
bring together the ends of the earth.
It does bring together the agents of
houses the country over. Every con
cern that distills helpful agents from
plants or compresses long prescrip
tions into tiny tablets or grinds quin
ine or refines crudities or, prepares
standard drugs by special processes
must have an office in this maze. You
smell the gardens of Asia at the door,
see gums from Soudan at the next win
dow, and buy dried plants from Aus
tralia across the way. The man on the
fourth floor will supply 100 barrels of
epsom salts, and tils neighbor owns
half a ton of cough drops. The fre
quenters of this strange region a"re
teamsters, messengers, from the drug
stores uptown, clerks, drug manufac
turers and wholesalers, and persons of
kindred occupations. The stranger to
the trade occasionally strays in, who
finds dead and quiet streets much of
the time. The older houses take pleas
ure In signs that threaten to fall apart,
any many boards bear Inscriptions
that convey nothing to the lay mind.
Noontime, finds a bit of unwonted com
motion In the streets, when men are
hurrying out to luncheon. There are
moments, too, when a line of teams
block the narrow streets, encroaches
on the sidewalks, and explains the
worn appearance of the curbstones.
There is scarce a new tall building
in all the region. Nightfall finds shut
ters closed, lights out, and the streets
silent and deserted. All who doubt
the old saw about competition being
the life of trade should take a peep at
Gold street and its shabbier neigh
bors. High rosttfe.
In 1831 a public meeting waa held
at South Shields at which it was e
solved to ask parliament, for two rep
resentatives, in view of the new re
form bill. One of these was sent to
the marquis of Cleveland, the lord lieu
tenant, for presentation to the house
of lords. This petition seems to have
been above the statutory weight and in
consequence a surcharge of 6 5s &d
postage was demanded by the postal
authorities. The marquis of Cleve
land's letter relating to this is now be
fore me and is as follows:
"Newton House, Feb. 11. Sir: I have
to acknowledge the receipt of your let
ter and petition, which I will attend to
toward the end of this month. I musl
remark that 6 5s 8d is charged post
age, which I hope to recover or must
apply (sic) to you for the same. I re
main, sir, your very obedient servant
The Safe and Swift Nerve Nourisher and Blood Builder.
i$ UCWTLHS for a.-STS."
What KOLA Is and What It Does
KONGO KOLA KURE 1 both a wonder and a wonder worker. A a
tonic for mind and body, brain, heart, nerves and muscles, it is the latest and
highest triumph of medical and chemical science. It is the GREATEST
TONIC the world ha ever known. It is endorsed and prescribed by the moet
eminent physicians, and the medical journal are filled with the reports of the
marvelous results of it use.
It is prepared from the African Kola Nut, which the natives prize more
than gold, and in some region worship as a god on account of the strength and
courage it gives them. They have used it for ages, but it has only recently
been introduced in civilized lands.
FECTS. It is an energizing nerve food. It acts swiftly and surely on heart,
stomach, liver and kidneys. It gives strength for the highest mental and phy
sical exertion and prevents any sense of fatigue afterwards.
It gives restful and refreshing sleep at night; bright and fruitful activity
throughout the day.
To teachers, editors, clergymen, lawyers and other brain workers, under
any unusual pressure of labor, it is a heaven-sent boon.
It is a valuable remedy for Nerve Weakness and Exhaustion, Neuralgia,
Heart Failure and Irregularity, "Tobacco Heart," Kidney and Bladder Ail
ments, Liver Trouble, Billiousness, Malaria, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Headache,
Asthma, Bronchitis, Constipation, Rheumatism, and it completely removes the
depressing and distressing effects of the Grippe.
For the tired, overworked women whose nerves are unstrung by the thou
sand annoying worries of the household this wonderful tonic will prove a price
less boon.
It is carefully compounded with Celery, the great nervine, and Is a true
nerve nourisher and blood builder.
It is especially adapted to run-down nervous Bystems. It feeds the nerves,
enriches the blood, beautifies the skin, regulates the bowels, increases the appe
tite and drives out disease by toning up the entire system.
As a guarantee, we return the money paid by the person who uses Kongo
Kala Kure and is not benefited thereby.
Put up in large bottles. Price $1.00 per bottle.
For the next 30 days we make a special offer of 85 cents per bottle, or 3 bot
tles for $2.00 pre paid. Three bottles are sufficient to give permanent relief in
all ordinary cases, and one bottle gives decided benefit.
This is a stronger preparation of Kolo, in tablet form, for those who wish
to quit the use of tobacco. KOLA-B AC gradually displaces tobacco by destroy
ing a desire for it, and in time creating a distaste for it. It counteracts the
deadly poison of nicotine, and cures the dread desire known as the "Tobacco
Heart." In boxes, 50 cents each. For the next 30 days 3 boxes for $1.00.
We will clve tJOO.OO to anvone who will sell within the next I
three months aw copies of "Talks to Children About Jesus." One of j
the most popular hooks ever piiniiHiiea. uver i.i,im copies aireaay
sold. Agents sell from 10 to 15 copies a day. Keautlfully illustrated.
I'relKhl puld and credit given. Complete canvassing outfit aud full
iniumiHUou aa cenis.
to anvone who will sell 75 copies In two months. We will elve an I
KSl'KY OIIUAN, retail price
copies In three moiiiiix, splendid opportunity ror a cnurcn or .society j
to secure an ornan. A tOLI WATCH, retail price S-VI.00 driven to
anvone who will Hell 00 copies In 80 days. This premium Is in addl-!
tlon to the reirular commission.
the prizes, are Klven liberal commission ror any manner sola. ljst t
full, we puhl to iiKPiilx over tfA.OOO In corn missions. A large number j
made avrrt 100.00 mt month. Write us Immediately and secure
an agency. It will pay you. No time to lose, someone will get ahead j
of you. We also oiler most liberal inducements on other books and j
lilhlcs for Kail and Holiday Trade. A new book. " Forty Vrars In
China," sells rapidly. Atents often average 10 orders a day. bame i
terms and premiums ns on "Talks to Children." We give extraordin-1
arv terms for selling Marion Harland's new hook, " Home of the j
llililr." given for selling HOcoples In 8 months, or SIIIO.00 blcy- j
cle for selling HO copies In one month. Send 75c. for outfit. Write at once. !
Lake View Consolidated
Gold and Silver ilining Co.,
Located in Beaver Head County, Montana, offers
a portion of its
Treasury Stock at a Low Price
to secure money todevelop its property and put
in a mill.
This company owns FOURTEEN CLAIMS
of twenty acres each, all well prospected,
and have been examined by competent experts
and practical miners. The Ore assays from $12
to $300 in gold per ton. It offers the
Best Chance for a
Paying Investment
in the West. The Stock is non-assessable, and
its development will greatly enhance it value.
I- This Company has all of the preliminary
work done, and is supplied with tools, tool
houses, blacksmith shops, and stables, all com
pleted, and is only twenty-eight miles from a
Railway station. There is also plenty of Timber,
Water and Free milling Gold Ore. For partic
ulars, address the undersigned for circulars
and other information.
M. L. ZOOK, Agent,
1615 Howard Street,
Omaha, Neb.
The American
50c From New Until Januarv , 1897 j
" cold
ViU V LilJ.
&70.U0, to anyone who will sell 110;
Agents who do not secure any ol