The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, July 03, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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Wkjtke TaaiUt, TrarlrT aadStaoVat
IShsuhi TUlt lUh.
There are two reasons, cither one of
which ought to be conclusive with
very American citizen.
lnt:The trip from Denver to Cub
via Rio Crande Western, "Great Salt
Lake Route," Is the grandest to be
found anywhere on the continent. No
European trip of equal lengin can com
pare with it In variety and grandeur of
scenery and wealth of novel interest.
tkcotuL You should go because, when
you bave made this wonderful trip, you
will find Utah at the end of it Utah,
one of the world's famous spots, and a
land of gold, silver, copper, Iron and
coal; of lofty mountains and fertile val
leys; of vineyards, fruits and flowers.
Salt Lake City, the capital, Is of great
interest on account of its historical and
religious associations. Here are Hot
Thermal Springs, Warm Springs, Sul
phur Springs, Sanitarium, Parks,
Drives, Canyons and the most health
ful climate on earth. Great Salt Lake,
with the new and beautiful Saltalr
Beach Resort, of Moorish design, has
no equal in America. Write to P. A
Wadlelgh, Salt Lake City, for copies of
pamphlets, etc
1200.00 IN (iOLD GIVES.
Of Special Interest to Students and
It. H. Woodward Company, of Balti
more, Md., are making a most liberal
offer of 1200.00 to anyone who will sell
200 copies of "Gems of Religious
Thought," a new book by Talmage.
This is one of the most popular books
ever published. Three editions sold In
60 days. Agents sell 10 to 15 copies a
day. An Estey organ, retail price $270,
given for selling 110 copies in 3 months
A 1100 bicycle given for selling 80
copies in 2 months. A gold watch for
sellincr 60 copies In one month. This
premium in addition to commission
Complete outfit 35 cents. Freight paid
Credit given. Agents wanted also for
"Talks to Children About Jesus." One
hundred and fifty thousand copies sold
and it is now selling faster than ever
Same terms and conditions as on
"Gems of Religious Thought." Other
popular books and Bibles also. They
offer special and most liberal rates to
students and teachers for summer va
cation. During last summer a large
number of students and teachers can
vassed for their books. Among the
list therefore 23 who made over $200,
57 who won the $200 premium, and 76
made over $150 for their summer work
Write them immediately. tf
The Homeseeker's Promised Land.
The territory of Utah entered the
Union of States on January 4th, 1896,
with a population of about 200,000 peo
ple and a climate unsurpassed in the
wide world. It is richer in agricul
tural resources than any other state
It has within its borders nearly all of
the known minerals and metals gold,
silver, copper, iron, tin, etc., in abun
dant quantities. It has, best of all, a
health-giving climate, always temper
ate in summer and in winter. It has
hot sulphur springs, and is in fact one
large sanitarium. Utah is the ideal
place to build a home in which to
spend the balance of your days, sur
rounded by farm and orchard which
guarantee all the necessities and most
of the comforts of life. There are mil
lions of such homes now awaiting set
tlement. Send to F. A. Wadlelgh,
Salt Lake City, for copies of Utah
pamphlets. It will pay you to post
yourself on the merits of the new state,
which has been amply termed "The
Promised Land."
For Selling a Book of Great Interest and
Popularity "Story of Turkey and
Armenia," With a Full and Graphic
Account of the Massacres.
R. H. Woodward Company, Baltl
more, Md., are offering $200.00 to any
one seinng zw copies or tneir new
book, "Story of Turkey and Armenia."
This is a work of great interest and
popularity. Many agents sell 15 copies
a day. A graphic and thrilling ac
count is given of the massacres of the
Armenians which have aroused the
civilized world. Agents are offered
the most liberal terms and premiums.
Freight paid and credit given. Write
them Immediately. tf
What C. A. Potter Says.
Omaha, Neb., Aug. 31, 1895. The
Howard Medicine Company. Gentle
men: I desire to say to all who feel the
strength of their manhood slowly Blip
ping away, whose ambition is at its
lowest ebb, whose mind is beclouded,
and the senses dulled, when you feel
dyspeptic, and lose your self-respect,
that your blood is out of order, and all
you need Is some of Howard's Vegetone
Blood Powder to tone up your system.
It will act almost instantly upon the
blood; you will feel the renewed life
and vigor coursing through your sys
tem; you will feel the old-time grip in
your hands; your mind will bo as active
as ever; your friends will observe the
flag of health flying in your face, and
you will feel like a new being. I have
not felt so well for five years as I do
since taking one package of your Blood
Powder, and I feel as strong and active
ts ever. I weigb 13 pounds more man
e'er In my life. The change la so
mrlrd that It is the subject of com
ment when meeting my friend. I
recommend Howard's Vegetone Blood
Powder to be, a I believe, the greatest
blood-purifier on earth.
C A. Potter.
The enormous engines that haul
"The Northwestern Line" OMA1IA
CHICAGO SPECIAL east at 6:30,
evenicg, (U. P. depot) and into Chi
cago at 9:30 next morning Well
worth taking a little time to see them
nothing in this country like them
nearly as high as the Union Depot, bu
not quite as long.
City office, 1401 Farnam street.
Goes the Price.
The Best Patriotic Paper
in the Country.
Only 50o to
Jan. 1, 197.
Send your name to us with 50c.
and get this
Taper the
rest of
In every town in the United States to
sell a sure cure for Cancer, Fever Sore
and Mllk-Lcg. Address
C. A. C. Medical Co.,
C A. Chcm, Mgr.
1703 Wabash Ave. Chicago, 111.
Subscribe for The American now.
The best and'eheapeit patriotio paper
In America.
We will send this paper to your ad
dress until Jan. 1, 1897, for 50a.
Dr. Kay's Lung Balm
Inrcnuehs. colds.
and throat disease
Attorneys, 1404 Karnaw Street.
SHERIFF'S BALE. By virtue of an order
j of sale Issued out of the district court
for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me
directed, 1 will, on the '21st day of July, A.
1). lttiti, at t n o'clock A. M. of said day. at
the EAST front door of tlie county court
house, In the city of Omaha, Douglas county,
Nebraska, sell at public aurttou to the high
est bidder for cah, the property described
In said order of sale as follows, to-wit :
LotseventeenllTiln block tcmlUiof HrlKK9'
I'lace, an addition to the city of Omaha, as
surveyed, platted anu recorded, all in Doug
las county, state of Nebraska.
Said urooertv to be sold to satlsfv Phllln L
Johnson, plulutllf herein, the sum of one
hundred and ten and Su-liW dollars ((UU.5U)
Judgment, with Interest thereon at rato of
ten i mi per cent per annum irom February
3rd, W.H), together with an attorney's fee of
eleven anu uo-iw dollars (ju.i'.ii, taxed as
part of the costs, which amounts are a Hrst,
valid and existing lien upon said real estate.
To satisfy Milton Kogeis St, tons, a co
partnership, defendants herein, the sum of
one hundred and sixty-one and M-liK) dollars
tiltll.SW Judgment, with Interest thereon at
ratool seven (7) per cent per annum rroiu
February 11th, 1MI1, which said amount Is a
second valid and existing lien upon laid
above described real estate, and the residue
thereof. If any, to be paid to the Clerk of the
District Court, subject to the further order
of the court.
And also to satisfy the further sum of
forty-four and fia-luu dollars ($44.58) costs
herein, together with accruing costs accord
ing to a Judgment rendered by the district
court or said ijoumiils county, at its feo
ruary term. A. D. ISHtt, In a certain action
then and there pending, wherein i'hlllp L.
Johnson is plaiutiif, and The Itrlggs Place
Kuilding Association, a corporation, Alary E,
Free, Milton E. Free. Erastus A. Mention,
Sarah U. Foote, HeDjamin P. Knight, Her
man C. Fechhelmer, Milton Rogers 4t Sons, a
co-partnership, The American National
Hunk, a corporation, Frank Thompson,
Executor, and Joe It. Lane, Administrator of
the estate of James Thompson, deceased. and
Lysander W. Tuileys, Trustee for Emily T.
Harry, are defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska. June l'.Uh. 1 '..
John w. Mcdonald,
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
Saunders & Macfarland, attorneys.
I'. L. Johnson vs. Itrlggs' I'lace Building
Association, el ai. Doc. 52; No. 32. 6-19-5
Attorneys, 1404 Farnam Street.
O Sale. Under and by virtue of an order
of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage,
Issued out of the district court for Douglas
county, state of Nebraska, and to me direct
ed, 1 will, on the 2Uth day of July, A. D. 1WW,
at one o'clock p. ui. of said day at thenorih
front door of the county court house, in the
city of Omaha. Douglas county, Nebraska,
sell at public auction to the highest tidder
for cash, the property described In said order
of sale as follows, to-wit:
The north thirty-six (311) feet of lot Hre (5),
block twelve (12), Improvement Association
addition to the city of Omaha, Douglas
county. pieurasKa.
Mild uroDerty to oe sold to satisfy first V
L. Johnson, plaintiff herein, the sum of one
hundred and ninety-seven dollars (197.00),
with Interest thereon from May tith, 1M5, at
the rate of seven (7) per cent per
To satisfy lrwen Leviston, defendant
herein, the sum of eleven hundred ninety
four and 52-lull dollars (I1U4 52), with Interest
thereon from May uth, ls'A, at the rate of ten
(10 per cent per annum.
To satisfy costs herein in the sum of
twenty-five and D3-1U0 dollars (25.l, to
gether with accruing costs according to a
judgment rendered by the district court of
saiu iiougiai county, at its may term, n.. u.
lrt)", In a certain action then and there
pending wherein I'. L. Johnson was plaintiff,
and Frances I.Thomas, Dexter L. Thomas,
her husband, lrwea Leviston and Charles
Ladd Thomas were defendants.
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, June 25th, A
D. lSW.
SDecial Master Commissioner.
Saunders It Macfarland, attorneys for plain-
Johnson vs. Thomas, et al. Doc. 44; No. 24,
Attorney, 804 New York Life Bldg.
SALE. Under and bv virtue of an onier
of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage
and mechanics Hens Issued out of the district
court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to
me directed, I will, on the 14th day of July,
A. D. lwm, at cue o'clock p. u of said day,
at the north front door of the county court
house. In the city of Omaha. Douglas county,
Nebratk. sell at uuulic auction to the high
est bidder for cash, the property described
iu saiu oruen 01 saie as ioiiows, lo-wit:
Lot six (6) in block seven I7i In Putrid'.
Second addition to Omaha, in Douglas
county, Nebraska.
said property to De sold to satisfy, first,
Elizabeth 11. Abbott, defend ant ami rrnna-
petitioner herein, the sum of three thousand
five hundred thirty-four and 32-100 dollars
(t3.534.32i judgment with ten (luiper cent In
terest thereon from February 3d, lsiit).
Second. The sum due the ulalntlff and
several of the detendants herein upon me
chanics liens, with interest, according to the
terms ot uecree.
To satisfy the sum of fortv-seven and
Ori-luO dollars ($47.0M costs herein, together
wmi accruing costs, nccoruing to a judg
ment rendered by tlie district court of
said Douglas county, at Its February term.
ic-u, iu a tcriiuu uriiuu inru anu mere
pending, wherein Fairbanks. Morse Com
pany was olalntllTand U. U. Hurst and others
wtre defendants.
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska. June 12, 18fJ.
Ai.ritKb Pizsr,
Sneclal Master Commissioner.
W. H Kussell. Attorney.
Fairbanns, Morse & Co, vs. O. B. Hurst, et
al. Doc, 4!l. No. 17s. 0-12-5
Omaha Advertisements
Attorneys. 1404 Farnam ftroet.
bale. Under and by virtue of aa order
of aale oa dei-rr of foreclosure of mortgage
Issued out of the district court fir IMiugla
county, slabs of Kulirulit, and lo iu ui-
m-UHl, I will, on lli Il day or July A. n.
Ikmi. at on o'clock p. at. of said day. at tha
north front dottr of the county court huu.
In the City of Omaha. Douglas county, Ne
braska, aeil at public auction u the bighrvt
bidder fur cash the property described Iu said
order of sale as follows u-wit:
Lot thirty (jut In Ueed ftx-ond addition lo
the city of Omaha. Douglas county, Ne
braska. r-aid property to be sold to satisfy Harry J.
TwlnlluK. Urfcudaul herein, th sum of Hire
hundred thlrty-twuand 4.Wluudollanif,i.l2 sit,
Willi Interest thereon from the Bin day of
May, ItM, at the rale of tn (lo per ceui per
annum, and attorneys fwe amounting to
thirty thiva and 24-luu dollars itu.24i, to-
f ether with accrulug coot aa-ordtug to a
udgment rendered oy the district court of
said Douglas county, at lis May term. A. 1).
Iik', In a certalu action then aud there pend
ing, wherelu George Jeffrey Is plaintiff, and
II. J.Twlnllng. II. H. I rev. Count Treasurer,
Ikiuglas County, Nebraska paunuVri. Mac
farland & Dickey aud fcleauor P. Ridley are
lUttni at Omaha, Nebraska, Hay 2Mb, A
D. lswl.
Pueclal Master t'ouiuiiss.ouer.
Haunders 4 aiacfarlaud, attorneys lor de
fendants. Jeffrey vs. Twlntlng, etal. Doc. 42; No l'.0.
5-2U 5
Attorney, 313 Board of Trado Building.
IO sale. Under and by virtue of an order
of sale on decree of foreclosure or mortgage
Issued out of the District Court for Douglas
county, state of Nebraska, and to me di
rected. 1 will, on the 7iu day of July, A. D
IfWI. at one o'clock P. M. of said day, at the
north frontdoor of the county court noose,
In the citvof Omaha. Douglas county, Ne
braska, sell at public auction, lo the highest
bidder for cash, the property described in
said order of sale as follows. Ut-wlt:
The north thirty-two i32i feet of the sr uth
one-half i1,.) of lot uue (1). block "F." in Pros
pect Place, an addition lo the city ot Omaha,
Douglas county, iteurassa, as suircyeu,
plstied aud recorded.
Ssld urooertv to be sold to satisfy Wlll'iim
0. Lodge, plaiutiif herein, the sum of lline
hundred aud forty-two aud 74 100 dollars
lf.U2.74). and also (he furl her sum of fifty
and 75-llK) dollars -0 7.", with Interest
thereon at the rate of ten (Id) per cent per
annum from the liiih day of July, 1M5.
To satisfy Henry T. Clark, Receiver of the
Union Trust Company, defendant herein,
the sum of sixteen aud 37 liJ dollars itt.37),
with Interest at the rate of ten (10i per cent
per annum from September 23rd, 1KI5.
To satisfy tho City of O'Nell, defendant
herein, the sum ot two thousand and eight
and 18 luu dollars ($2,008,181, Willi Interest at
the rate of seven i7i per cent per annum from
(September 15th, 1803.
Also to satisfy the further sum of twenty
nine and 31-1' io dollars ii-!U..k!) coals, together
with accruing costs, according to a Judgment
rendered by the district court of said Doug
las county, at Its September term, A. D. Ii5,
In a certain action men and there pending,
wherein WIllUiu C. Lodge Is pi al mi 11', aud
John J. McCaferty, Mary A. McCaferiy. Pat
rick Hugtus, City of O'Nell, Henry T. Clark,
Receiver of the Union Trust .Company, Mrs.
Patrick 8. Hughes (first name unknown), John
J. Wooley, O. W. Hart, J. W. Dodd aud W. SS.
tleaton, are defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska, June 5th, A. I). lH'.KI.
Special Master Commissioner.
Jas W. Carr attorney.
Lodge vs. McCaferty, el al. Doc. 52; No. 110.
Attorneys. 140(1 Farnam Street.
tue of an order of sale oa decree of fore
closure of tax lien issued out of the district
court for Douglas county, stale tf Nebraska,
and to me directed, 1 will, on the 2Mb day of
July, A. D. lH'.ti, at ten o'clock A. M. of said
day, at the EA8T front door ot tlie county
court house, In the city of Omaha, Douglas
ceunty, Nebraska, Bell at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash, the property de
scribed in said order of sale as follows, to
wlt; Lot eight (8) In block three (3), also lots
nineteen (III), twenty (20) and twenty-one (21)
In block three (3). and lot eight (8) and also
lots nineteen (IV) and twenty i3i) in block six
(Hi of Saunders and Hlinebaugh's Highland
Park, an addition to tlie cltv of Omaha.
Douglas county, and state of Nebraska, as
surveyed, platted and recorded.
Said property to be sold to satisfy Walter
E. heeler, plaintiff herein, the sum of sixty
five and 24-1(1) dollars &5.24i, with Interest
thereon at the rate of ten ilOi per cent per
annum from February 3rd, A. D. lttui, In the
manner for the amounts found due against
eacn tot, and as directed in me decree.
Also to satisfy the further sum of twenty-
nine and 20-100 dollars i$2D.2U) costs herein,
together with accruing costs according to a
judgment rendered by the district court of
Bald Douglas county, at lis February term,
A. D. 18W, in a certain action then and there
pending, wnereln Walter E. Kee er Is plain
tiff, and ErastU9 A. Iteuson, Lottie Benson,
his wife, Alouao P. Tukey , Trustee, and The
Omaha Real Estate and Trust Company, a
corporation, are defendants.
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, June2tllli, A.
D. lsutt.
john w. Mcdonald,
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
Saunders & Macfarland, attorneys for plain
tiff. Keeler vs. Benson, etal. Doc. 52; No. 148.
Attorneys, 917 Now York Life Building.
the county court of Douglas county, Ne
braska. In the matter of the estate of Frederick
Etllnger, deceased:
Keinhart Ellinger, Elizabeth EfTlnger, Mary
Elisabeth EHltiger, Pauline Andrew, Petter
Lena Andrew, Mary Andrew, Adolph An
drew, Louis Andrew, and all other persons
Interested In ssld matter are hereby notified
that on the 18th day of June, ls'.iti, Keinhart
Etllnger tiled in tlie county court a petition
alleging among other things that Frederick
Erlinger died on the 23rd day of December,
WH, leaving a last will and testament, and
possessed of real and persor al estate valued
at 120,000.(0, and that the above named con
stitute the persons interested In the estate of
said deceased, and praying for the probate
of said will aud for administration of said
You are hereby notified that if you fail to
appear at said court on the liltli day of
July, iHDt), at o'clock A. u. to contest the
probate of said will, the court may allow and
probate said will and grant administration
of sHld estate to Relnhart F;ttluger or some
other suitable person, and proceed to a
settlement thereof.
6-2U-4 County Judge.
W.H. IlUSSEIili,
Attorney, 616 New York Life Building.
SHERIFF'S PALE.-Hy virtue of an execu
tion on transcript issued out of the dis
trict court of Douglas county, Nebraska.and
to me directed, 1 have levied upon the fol
lowing described property of Martin W.
KasU and Mary Kastl, to-wlt:
The north one-half ('i)of lot three (3) In
block fifty-five (55), cltv of South Otnslia.
surveyed, platted and recorded, all In Doug
las cuunijr, siai,e oi iieurassa.
And 1 will, on the 21st day of July, A. D.
lSHt). at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the
EaST front door of the county court house,
In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne
braska, sell at Public auction tlm nr,iurt
above described, to satisfy Linda W. Payno,
plaintiff herein, tlie sum of seventy-three
and 51-100dollars ($73.51) damages anu fifteen
and 35-100 dollars 115.35) costs of suit, which
by the judgment of Eben K. I.onv. a Just ice
of the Peace In and for said county, on the
inii u; ui j miliary, is-jo, la transcript of
which tudgment was nn th liih ! ,,r
January, lKitl, duly riled and docketed In the
district court within and for said county)
, wv oitniunb ,iin a.iu .iiarttn v. nasii
and Mary Kastl, with lntei est thereon at the
rato of ten ill)' per cent per annum from the
iin, aay or January, ls'.w, until paid; and
also tha further sum of ninety-tiveceni8(M.ic .
said Judg
me costs ot tncrea
ment, and
the accruing costs.
Omaha, Nebraska, .Tune l:t h. A. D. 1SW.
John w. McDonald,
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
W. 11. Riusell, attorney.
Payne vs. Martin al.
ex. uoc. v ; iii). -hi. a-lj Z
Attorneys. 517 New York Life ttulldlnf.
f ale Under and by virtue ot an order of
ale on decree of forwloaura of mortgage la
ued out of the district court for iKiuglaa
County, Nebraska, and U uie directed. 1 will.
on the 7th day or July. A. D. I smb. at one
o'clock p. h. of said day. at the north front
uor of the county court house. In the city
of Ouiaba. IKiuglaa county. Nebraska, ae II
at public auction lo the highest bidder for
cash, the property describes! In said order of
ale as follows, to-wil:
1 he east one-half is1 of lot twenty all I'JSi
l 8. E. Hogers' okahouia addition U the
el'y of Omaha, IKiuglaa County. Nebraska,
lo satisfy Mrs E. A. Proughty. defendant.
tne sum of mirty-tao Hundred nineteen and
to-ltudillara .l.lxtw'. with Interest as pro
vided In aald decree, trow February 4th, IsnV,
which amount Is a Best Hen upon the north
thlrly-lhree U feet of the east one-half (!
of said lot twenty-sit OH.
To satisfy Eliiabeth M lllgglns, defendant,
the sum of forty two huudied lilnely-iwo
and 72-itX) dollars iS42u2.'.2i. with Interest
thereon as provided In aald decree, from
February 4th, liW, which Is a first Ilea upon
the south sixty-six utfi feel of the north
ninety nlneiwi feet of the eai one-half
of said lot tweuty six i-lii.
lo satisfy Parse Ooowln. Executor of the
estate of Fanny rlryaul t.odwlu, defendant,
deceased, the sum of tweuty-oun hundred
tony -six aud Jo liw dollais ukUtl.Jili. with In
terest a provided Iu said decree, from Feb
ruary 4lli, IstCi which amount Is a first lien
upou the north inlrty-lhree (3i feet of the
south oue hundred thirty-uneii3D feet of the
east one-half of said lot tweuty-sli (2rti.
To satisfy James Thomsen, defendaLt, the
sum of twenty-one hundred forty-six and
Jb Iki dollars with Interest as pro
vided In said decree, from February 4ih,
lnttt, which amount Is a first lien upon the
north thirty-three t.ti feet of the south
ulnrty-elghl U8i feet of the east oue-half (1)
or said lot twenty-six (-.
To satisfy Julia s. Br jant, defendant, the
sum of twenty-six huuurtd eighty twoand
t-iuu dollars ( 202 Wil, with Interest as pro
vided In said decree, from February 4th,
Ib'Jo. which amount Is a tirst lieu upou the
south slxty-Uve tl5i feet of the east one-half
(HI of said lot twenty-six i2tl).
To satisfy Charles E. Hates, Trustee. plain
tiff herein, the sum of seveu hundred sixty
and tCi-iuu dollars t', Ml, with Interest at
eight im per cent por annum from February
4ili, 1.', which auiuuul Is a si cuud lieu upou
each aud all ot the above described prop
erties, and subject to tho liens of Hie various
defendants heretofore enumerated.
To satisfy the sum of fifty-seven and W8-I00
collars (&'. !(8i costs, together with accruing
costs, according to a judgment reudered by
the district court of said Douglas county, Ne
braska, at ll reuruary term, imm, 1,1 a cer
tain action then and mere pendiug, wherein
Charles h. Hates was plalntilt, aud Charles 8
Elgutler and others were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska, June 5. I'.").
Special Master Commissioner.
itenjauiin r. i nomas, attorney.
Bales vs. Elgutter. Doc. 4t; No. 4. H-5-5
Attorney. UU7 New York I.lfs Building,
order of sale issued out of the district
court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to
me directed, i win, on me 111 uay or July,
A. D. ls'.m. at IU o'clock A. M. of said day,
al the EAST frout door of the county court
house, in tlie city of omana, Hong I as county,
Nebraska, sell al puouc auction 10 me nigii
st bidder for cash, the property described In
said order of sale as follows, lo-wli:
The east twenty (20) feet of lot eleven (II),
and the west twenty (201 feet of lot twelve
(I2i, all In block "It," In Shlnn's fecoitd addi
tion to the city of Omaha, as surveyed,
platted and recorded, all in Douglas county,
stale or iNeorassa.
Said LTouerty to be sold to satisfy Annie R
Rees. defendant herelu, the sum ot one
thousand nine hundred and sixty seven and
H-liiodullarsill.wiiK8) Judgment, with Inter
est thereon at rate of seven (7) per cent per
aiiLtini from May 4tn, is'.), being a nrst lien
upon above described property.
To satisfy Decatur City Rank, a corpora
tion, plaintiff herein, the sum of eighl hun
dred and twelve dollars (4nI2 00i Judgment,
with Interest thereon at rate of ten (IU) per
cent per annum from May 4ih. 18!W, being a
second lien upon above described properly.
To satisfy me Oate City Hat Company, de
fendant herein, the sum of three hundred
and eighteen and 05 100 dollars i$3is 05), with
interest thereon at the rate of seven (7) per
cent per annum from November 2ttth, l8i4,
which Is a third Hen upon above described
To satisfy Hulskamp Brothers Company,
defendants herein, the sum of five hundred
and ulnety-elglil and f8-io0 dollars f5IM.Mli,
with Interest thereon at seven (7i per cent
per annum from November 2tilh, ln!)4, which
amount is a fourth lien upou said above de
scribed properly
To satisfy tlie Kllpatrlck-Koch Dry Goods
Company, defendaui herein, ti e sum ot two
hundred and fifty-four and 3(1-loo dollars
(S254.38). with Interest thereon at, the rale of
seven (7) per cent per annum from November
2(ith, 1MH4. which amount is a fifth lien upou
said above described property.
To satisfy tlis further sum of elgnty-one
and 13-100 dollars i$l 13) costs herein, until
paid, together wltn accruing costs, accord
ing to a Judgment rendered by the district
court of said Douglas county, at its May
term, A. D. 181X1, In a certain action then and
there pending, wherein Decatur City Bank,
a corporation, Is plaintiff, and David E.
Smith. Mary A. Smith (his wife), Mary E.
Dutcher, Annie B. Rees, L. M. Smith, Walter
N. Cassell, Tee Gate City Hat Company, The
C. Shenkby Company, Hulskamp Brothers
Company, James Inner and Charles Robin
son, James Forrester & Company, John T.
Plrle. George Scott, Robert ecolt, Andrew
M. Lelsh, John A. Sweet, James Uroase,
Samuel C. Plrle, John C. Scott, John J. Wood,
and Henry Grossa, partners, Louis Wyler,
Isaac Wyler, Win. Ackerland, Max Acker
land and A. E. Wyler. partners as Wyler,
Ackerland & Company, Henry C. Schwab
and Alfred Schwab, Liirtners as Schwab
Brothers, Leonard Atkinson Company, J. W.
Peregoy and W. E. Moore, partners as Pere
goy A Moore, Kilpatrick-Koch Dry Goods
Company, Friedman Brothers & Schafer.The
Trojan Shirt A Collar Campany, C. E. Bradt,
M. D. Shlpman and G. E. ilraut, partners as
Bradt & Shlpman, Tollerton & Stetson Com
pany. The Hartman Trunk Company. Beld
ing Brothers Company, Joel J. Bailey M Com
pany, C. M. Henderson & Company, Palmer
& Company. 1. W. Weill and Thomas A.
Brock were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska, June 81, 180(1.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
V. O. Strlckler, attorney.
Decatur City Bank vs. Smith, et al.
Doc. 50; No.2iil. 6-26-5
Attorneys, 14o4 Farnam Street.
ant. Susan L. Raymond, defendant,
will take notice that on the 17th day of June,
ism, Austin W. Raymond tiled his petition in
tlie district court of Douglas county, against
her, the object knd prayer of which Is to ob
tain a divorce from you oa the ground that,
you have wilfully abandoned the plaintiff
without good cause for the term of two years
last past.
You are required to answer eald petition
on or before Monday, the 27th day of July,
Omaha, Nebraska. June 10 I89ii.
By Saunders & M;icfarland. His Attorneys.
Notice for Ailminlntratlon of Estate.
Doi;gla8 Ooustt,
In the countv court of Donslas emintv
In the matter of the estate of MadaTnft
deceased :
Catherine Toft. Lillle M. Toft. IWs r
Toft, Stella C. Toft, Harry Mads Toft. Laur
ence R. Toft, Mabel V. Toft. Milton T. Toft,
and all other persons Interested In snld mat
ter are hereby notified that on the 11th day
of June, 1806, Catherine Toft filed a petition
In said county court alleging among other
things that Mads Toft died on the 17th day
of June, isoti, leaving no last will and testa
ment, and posirsied of real and personal es
tate valued at $1,800, and that the above
named constitute the persons interested In
the estate of said deceased, and praying for
administration thereof.
You are hereby notified that if von fall to
appear at said court on the Uth day of July,
lv,t. at o'clock A. M. and contest said peti
tion, the court will auoolnt W. R. Stewnri or
s other suitable person administrator,
ami proceeu to a settlement or salil estate.
Witness my hand and official seal this 24th
day f June, lsoti.
8-2H-3 County Judge.
Attorney, tit New York Life Building.
Sale. Under and by vlrtua vl an urdar
of aala oa derma of fiinsrlmura of mormaga
Issued out of tba district court for Dougla
County. Nebraska, and to nim directed, 1 will,
on tba :ist day ot July, A. I. I sun. at an
o'clock p at. of aald day. at lb a north front
door of tha county court house la tha city
of Oiuaha. Douglas county. Nebraska, ell
at public auction to tha nit-heat bidder for
rash, the property described la aald order of
sale aa follows, to-wtt:
Lot three (it block nine rii. Park Forest, aa
addition to the city of Omaha, aa surveyed,
plsltrd and recorded, and lotlwui2i In btm'k
two (2i In Vaudercook's Terrace, an addi
tion to the city of Omaha, aa surveyed,
platted and recorded, all Iu IKiuglaa couuly,
stalof Nebraska.
Said lot three tl) In block nine Park
Forest addition to the city of Omaha, to ba
old tosallsiy I'he Mutual lavostment Com
pany, plaintiff herein, tha sutu ot seven and
.14 luti dollars , I,' .Mi Judgment, with Interest
thereon at rale of teu Idi per cent per aunum
from February 4th, InvY
To satisfy John Woodford, defendant
herein, the sum of thne hundred forty-one
and 71-HW dollars if.i4l.7l) Judgment, with In
terest thereon at rain ot eight il per ceul
per annum from February 4. l'.'-l.
Said lot two 1 2 1 In bloca two tHi In Vander
cook'a Terrace Addition to the city of
Omaha, tu lie sold to satisfy The Mutual In
vestment Compauy. plaintiff herein, the sum
of twemy-elglil and (U HO dollars (Mi
Judgment, with Interest I hereon at rale of
ten 1 10) pea ceul per annum from February
4. I SUA.
To satisfy John E. Oxnard, defendant
herelu, the sum of six hundred eighty-eve
and 41-100 dollars ifl.V41) Judgment, with in
terest thereon at rate of eight () per cent
per annum from February 4, 105.
Ilolh of said lots lo bo sold to satisfy Julia
Vandercooa, defendant herein, the sum of
thirl v-oue aud 62-110 dollars if.ll (tit lodg
ment, with Interest thereon at rale of eight
tst tier cent per annum from t-ebruary 4. I "''.
To satlsfv the sum of forty-seven and 4s-luo
Ullltsri is. , .v umi. iiririH, M,K.nn.r wmi v;
crulug cosla according to a Judgment reu
dered b the district court of said IKmgiai
county, at lu February term, A. D. I NX',, In a
certain anion theu aud mere pending
wherein 'I'he Mutual Investment Company
was plaintiff, aud Jacob Myers aud others
were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska, Juno 18, 18U6.
Special Master Commissioner,
W. II. Russell, attorney.
Mutual Investment Company vs. Myers.
Doc. 4il; No. 130, II ll'-o
Attorneys, 1)17 New York Life Building.
J- ant in the district court ot Douglas
county, Nebraska. Annie J. Selbert, plain
tiff, vs. Martin V. Sellierl, defendant.
To Martin C. Selbert, uou-resldunt de
fendant: You are hereby notified that on the 21st
day of January, 18(15. Annie J. Selbert, plaiu
tiif herelu, filed her petition lu the district
Court of Douglas couuly. Nebraska, against
said defeudaut, the object aud prayer of
which are that she may be divorced from
said defendonu Martin O. Selbert, that said
defendant may be deemed to pay her
reasonable alimony, and mat ner maiden
name, Annie J. Johnson, be restored, and
for such other relief as eoully may reoulre,
You are reotilred to answer said oeiltlnn
ou or before the 27tli day of July, is'.m, or
Judgment by default will be taken against
you according to the prayer of said petlilun,
Dated, Omaha, Nebraska, .nine is, isvu.
By Thomas D. Crane-Herbert S. Crane, at
torneys. Doc. 4; No. 355. O-ltf-4
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Do vou want to send some friend a book
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