THE AMERICAN V v.. MERMAID FABLE. "uhh, ralovely Creater Mark IUiBblN lh Humaa form. Few people who visit the curio stand on the lake front at Palm Beach, just norta or the Royal Poiueiana grounds, to see the live manatee, or "sea cow ' re Imaginative enough to perceive in the wonderful, unlovely form of the huge pachyderm in its cage of inade quate proportions the origin of the de lightful fable of the mermaids or the Grecian legends of the sirens, says the riorida Citizen. That these did oriel nate in this monster of the sea is Indis putable. The manatee, or lamantin, the Latin name for which is manatus, belongs to the gems of herbivorous cetacea, or manatidae, Its chief characteristic be ing Its rounded tail fin, further dis tinguished by the presence of small flat nails at the edge of the swimming paws, in the edge of which under the skin fingers can easily be felt. Con nected together as they are by strong ligaments, they possess considerable power of motion, whence the same man atee, from the Latin manua, hand. The name sea cow originated in the siml larlty of the manatee's mouth and nose to that of the cow. The structure of the teeth is also distinctive; the crowns of the grinders are square, with two transverse ridges. The species, all of which are lnhabi tants of tropical coasts, feed entirely on plants and grasses which grow along shore and on the bed of the water, the former made accessible by the tide iwhlch after it has retired often exhibits plain proof of their browsing. They live chiefly in shallow bays and creeks and often ascend rivers to a consider able distance from the sea, BRIDES AND FLOWERS. Objection la Had to PmIm With Strong Odor. "In the matter of perfume," said a florist to a New York Tribune man, "I have learned the importance of what seems a trivial thing by catering to the tastes of brides. When a woman Is go ing to be married she Is strung up to a high pitch of nervous excitement, and an extra whiff of perfume will some times cause her to faint 'Don't put In any flower with an odor,' Is fre quently the Instruction 1 get for a bridal bouquet This is the cause ol the great demand for orchids, expensive as they are, for brides' flowers. Even the subtle, hardly noticeable perfume 01 me lines 01 tne vaney, which are charming for a shower bouquet, is ob jected to by some. In Paris orchids and orchids alone, are used for a brlde'a bouquet but such a bouquet as they make there, duplicated here, would cost over $100. We generally manage to put In a little spray of orange blos soms In every bride's bouquet, unless expressly desired not to do so, but the chief place in which orange blossoms are used now is In the newspaper ac counts of weddings. The reporters conclude that brides ought to wear orange flowers, if they don't. Bride roses, white and scentless, are popular for bridal flowers, but lilies of the val ley, unobtrusive and delicate, slipping out of their little green sheaths, with a few orchids grouped with them, to give the whole form and character, ar In exquisite taste." Cripple Creek Advertisements T. F. LAUGH LIN, Prop. JOE LERCH, Manager. First-Class Furn shed Rooms in Connect on. THE AMERICAN, I28i Bennett Avenue, Opp. Palace Hotel. Fine Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquor and Cigars. Gripplo Crook, Golo. 0 -: - - - no WEYAND & FUNSTON TUB LISADMiS Olo tiling, Boots iiiicl Shoes Low prices and best goods in the market 8 TRY US. . CRIPPLE CREEK. PAYS FOR THE AMERICAN FROM e OafeYouFa vtoJn.1,1897 322 BENNETT AVENUE Mines Bought, Sold, Examined and Reports Made References: First National Bank. Morrell Hardware Co rORDEIt to enable every loyal American In the United Statos to read a patriotic paper during the most important political and commercial epoch of our Nation's history, we have decided to send an elght-pafje weekly two-dollai paper from now until January 1, 1897, for the ridiculously low prloe of 60 cents. Cash must accompany the order. Old subscribers oan take advantage of this offer by paying all arrearages to date and paying the sum of 60 cents tot the remainder of the year 1800. Orders must be sent direct to this office. 1 D C KLING Mining Engineer. Md 5 CCntS fr Cach Papcr you rcccive !n 1896 "P to time you Remit, "'cuiwi npjjiu vrecic mining oiock ixcnange. CRIPPLE CREEK, COLO. . 0. Box 474. 10 N. Second Street. JOSIAH WINCHESTER, President. HERBERT WAR Treasurer. 2 He Want 500,01 Subscribers Before Ike Day of Election. NE, J The Winchester Company, Gripplo Groek Minos. 402 Bennett Avenue, CRIPPLE CREEK, COLO. HELLER & COMPANY, Balsae on Color Influence!. Balzac's curious speculations suggest the extent to which color Influences our human life. He had noticed that a woman who had a taste for orange or green gowns was quarrelsome; one who wore a yellow or black apparel, with out apparent cause, was not to be trust ea; preierence xor wnue snowed a co quette spirit; gentle and thoughtful women prefer pink; women who regard themselves as unfortunate prefer pearl gray; lilac Is the shade particularly af rected by "over-ripe beauties"; where fore, the great author held, lilac hats are mostly worn by mothers on theh daughter's marriage day and by women more than 40 years old when they go Visiting. These theories are founded upon the principles of color, as already laid down namely, that red and yellow excite; green, tempered by blue, is bit lous; orange is fiery; gray Is cold and melancholy; lilac Is a light shade ol purple, the most retiring color of the scale. Popular Science News. 305 Bennett Avenue, .Tailors. CRIPPLE CREEK, COLO. Interest your friends. Talk of it In your Councils. Get up clubs. Let us all work to win this next Presidential election. Now is the time to strikel Subscribers who are now paid Into 1890 can take advantage of this offor. Send 60 cents and get THE AMERICAN for the rest of the year. Bond your address in at onoe. The sooner you are in the mori, numbers you get for your money. No order for back numbers Oiled for less than 6o per copy. No samples sent except when request is accompanied by money. Sample Copies to any address in the country at $1.00 per 100, in one thousand lots; $6.60 for five hundred; $2 for one hundred, and 2c per copy in lots of less than five hundred, post-paid. Are Yoa with. HJs! - Moat Go by Schoolhonses Slowly. Superintendent Linden, at the in stance of Director Riter, called the at tention of the police lieutenants and sergeants to the ordinance of Nov. 11 last, regulating the speed of trolley cart In passing schoolhouses, making it un lawful for any passenger railway com pany operating in the city to run any car propelled by electricity between the hours of 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. at a great er rate of speed than six miles an hour over a distance of 150 feet on either side and in front of any public school The ordinance aiso provides that It shall be the duty of the bureau of po lice to instruct patrolmen on duty where public schools are to time the speed of the cars at least once a day so as to become familiar with the rate oi speed and to report the same to theii superior officers. The penalty for a vio lation of the ordinance Is a fine of $20 Philadelphia Ledger. Legislation. Brass Is not made gold by gliding It Reform by legislation Is a dream. Leg islative decrees cannot make men othei than they are. The need is to make men, and to make men brothers. So cial happiness without brotherhood is impossible. Brotherhood is not a prod uct of the law. It is a product of love Rev. S. O. Nelson. Very Luridly Explained. The coroner of a rural town Ir Georgia was examining witnesses lu a case of sudden death. "Did you evei hear the deceased complain of any ail ment?" he asked of one. "The who, suh?" 1 OXFORD AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO Denver's New Fire-Proof European Hotel. SAMUEL ECKER, Propr. Strictly First-Class. Rates, $1 Per Day anil Upwards, Cor. 17th and Wazee Sts., DENVER, COLO. Ladies and Gentlemen's Cafe Attached. Guests' Baggage to and from Union Depot free. OFFICIAL TIME-CARD OF THE Midland Terminal Railway Company. The Ideal Photo Co. J. D. P. M0EG0N, Proprietor, Gallery Just North of Palace Hotel, Second Street. .lews of interior of mines a Specialty. CRIPPLE CREEK, COLO, T. E. JONES & CO., Located Just North of the National Hotel. CRIPPLE CHEEK. COLO. The Leading Photographer of the City Yiews of Interior of Mines a Specialty. Florence & Cripple Creek Railway; KIU (JHANDE.1 SOUTH BOUND. ltead Down. NORTH BOUND. Kend Dp. No. 8 No, 10 :;K p 8:80 a 9:41) pH:Ha :mi p 12 35a 1:30a 2 :m 4:07a 7:1ft No. 2 ft: 10 a 1:03 a :22p 7:211 p 7:55 a 7:10 a 8:47 a :00a 11 :2.5a 11:40a I2:50u z:.nip ft:20p no. 4 4:27p 2:. H:HSa 5:50 a 7:40 D 8:35 p December 15, Ihw. Lv... .Cripple V... Ar Anaconda Elkton . Victor. Ar. .... Florence. ...Lv EAST. Lv... Florence.. ..Ar Ar Pueblo Lv ColoWprlngs.... I enver. ........ i WEST. Lr.... Florence. eadvllle. No. 7 7:30 a 12 Zm 7: 4.1 p No. 5 Ar 12:ftOa 10:05 a Ulenwood llO:OSa Ailien Salt Lake... -Ogden 12:0 V ll:4ftp 12:4&a No. 1 Effective March 1st,' 18. ARRIVE DAILY. DEPART DAILY. HEAD UP. BEAD DOWN. Suburban 17 r. u 10 10 10 02 66 4 87 9 32 t 27 15 P. M e ai 6 27 8 21 11 6 03 5 59 655 P. M S 45 3 M 3 30 3 20 3 10 3 05 8 00 2 ftft 2 47 2 35 2 24 2 04 1 55 1 45 A. M. 11 15 8 35 8 00 P. M 4 52 12 20 8 20 8 02 5 25 7 40 6 35 J e aa ax O 13 P. H 1 10 1 02 12 56 12 46 12 38 12 34 12 30 P. II 12 20 12 11 12 05 A. M 11 52 11 42 11 37 II 33 II 28 11 20 11 09 10 57 10 38 10 30 10 20 8 00 428' A. M 7 00 6 52 6 46 6 35 25 6 20 6 15 6 09 6 00 5 50 5 25 5 00 4 45 30 11 30 8 40 2 10 9 55 KM r Suburban s 3 AMERICAN GOLD MININGZEfMILLING COMPANY 1615 Howard Street, Omaha Neb Capital Stock $2,000,000 Par Value of Shares SI each 10 Ar. Lv. .Cr. Creek. .Anaconda . ...Elkton.... ....Victor Portland .Independence.. ....Bull Hill Grass ...Sylvanlte.... Gil let t. . ... Tunnell.'... ... Midland.. . Murphy Lt. Ar. Divide .Cni. spw ..Denver.. , ..Pueblo... Ar. Lt. ...Divide.... Lv. Ar. .Lead vllle.. Aspen.., Glenwood. .Grand Jet.. .Salt Lake.. ...Ogden.... LEAVE DAILY. A. M 8 00 8 12 8 18 8 25 8 37 8 42 8 47 I 52 I 00 10 Q I 37 9 47 A. M 10 00 P. M 12 01 5 15 5 30 1 20 05 9 50 9 52 12 45 12 05 1 15 12 A. U 11 40 11 4H 11 54 P. M. 12 04 12 12 17 12 20 6 14 p. 11 2 40 2 43 2 59 3 10 3 18 3 24 3 29 3 34 3 42 3 53 4 04 4 19 4 28 4 40 6 33 9 15 8 07 P. II 5 00 5 08 5 14 524 5 32 5 38 5 43 16 P. M 8 30 8 39 8 45 8 55 9 03 9 08 9 12 CLAIMS LOCATED ON NIPPLE MOUNTAIN .... AND IN HIGH PARK IN THE GREAT p. if - 11 30 11 4A 11 62 A. M. 12 05 12 14 12 20 12 25 12 31 12 40 12 50 1 05 1 20 1 33 1 50 4 15 7 00 1 55 7 05 10 40 I Cripple Creek Mining District Our claim are surrounded bv soma of the richest atrllrna nf and are undoubtedly as rich as any In the whole district. They were located by a practical miner, one in whom the Denver mint people had so much confidence that they hired him to locate several claims for them, from which rich ore has oeen taiten. Surface Bock on our Nipple Mountain and High Park claims assays 12.00 per ton; down eight feet it advances In value to more than 17.00 per ton and the Indications are that these claims will be as rich as the richest r.Ulm. in thn Cripple Creek district. Here is an opportunity seldom met with for the investment of money in a mlnlncr enterprise near at home, where anv who choose mir visit th mL. and see Tor themselves just what is being done. The mines are located within 200 feet of a railroad. If you want to MAKE MONEY buy stock In this company. It is a safe and sure investment, and WILL PAY DIVIDENDS TO EVERY STOCK HOLDER, if the mines pan out as rich as present indications warrant us In believing them to be. We court the fullest Investigation. Full Information will be sent by mall upon application from those who cannot call at offioa. Fill out the coupon found below, giving the number of shares you desire to purchase, and inclose it with a P. O. money order, or an express order, or with money in registered letter, and mail it to us, making all money orders payable to JOHN C. THOflPSON, President. Enclosed please find to pay for. shares of stock in the American Gold Mining and Milling Co., at 5c per share. ARRIVE DAILY. Throueh PullniRti and tin maphAa a nm Kai a.n iu.,innu.i. v,. . i K?,KriL8Aa.nill.,rin-V,0n Tr?,lns 7 ? ? P"'" can H-cupy berths In Uoiorado Springs fcleeper until .:00 a. m. Connection Is made at Divide with c.lnrirt.. umi..h li.n. Kailroad for all Dolnte In the West, and at Cnlnndn Snrinca IWn.....H i.., i.t. west. North and South. land all lines for the East. I lie Midland Terminal sthe only broad-Rage railroad Into the Cripple Creek district. U. COLL BRAN, President. jm , , .. ' . ..- muij uivnu-anio mil i;iu K.. .Sh . ,(M """ "e shortest, and several hours the quickest time to all point 11 frit-1 i.v. a M ?uueriniaaeQi NAME TOWN. STATE. . Not qoo! after Juno 30, "UtJ. 5:( p 4:55 a :. p 2:00 v 5:05 t 12'liOp 11:15a N:30 a no. 1 1:55 n H:55 p lu::Mp 1:45 a 1:20 D 2:30 D Train No. 10, 8:30 a. m. direct for Pueblo, Colorado Hprlngti and llwnver, connecting with th rough f ant train for all points eaat and aoutn. At Florence with lhroui(b tralna on the Klo Grande for Iadvllle. Aspen, Olenwood, Grand Junction, Halt Lake, Oirden. California and northwestern points without change of cars. Pullman Palace Buffet and Tourist sleepers. Train No. S. :ao p. m., the handsomest train In the mountains, Pullman sleeper and Parlor cars, seats free, without change to Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver, con necting; with through fast trains for all points east. At Florence with Rio Grande Trans-Continental limited and Ban Juan and all Houthern Colorado points. Tickets through to all foreign points at :Pwe,t I"1'- A"ts for the best steamship lines. Tickets furnished by telegraph with out extra charge from any part of the world. Lowest freight rates named to all points. Prompt handling of ore a specialty. Dally refrigerator service betwnen Denver nrl in. termedlate points to Cripple Creek and Victor. Suburban trains for Victor laava at ?ux a. m., It a. m. and 3 p. m. H. F. KmiRoiB, W. E. Jonnsoic. Gen '1 Ait. Pr.. m Cripple Creek, Colo. Denver, Coio. Barnacle Rooming; House, 4 106 Bennett Avenue. New furniture throughout, newly papered. first-class In every respect. Prices: 50 Cts. to $1.50 Per Day. GIVE US A THIAL. Mi dm sad Real Estate. Member 8uk Exchange. GEORGE 0, NEVIN, Stock Broker. 331 Bennett Ave., CRIPPLE CREEK. COLO. Down Goes the Prloe. The Best Patriotic Paper In the Country. Only 50c. to Jan. 1, 1S97. Send your name to us with50c. and pet this Paper the rest of 1396.