r 1 A Si V lv 'ft I. i THE AMERICAN. CITY AND STATE M. O. MacLeod was a tUltor at the capital city Wednesday. Tie Uw firm of Wright & Thorn, are among the busiest la the city. VT. A. Saunders goes to Denver lo-itj oa lCl business. He returns Mon day. Hon. Thos. D. Crane had business In ha supreme court at Llnooln the first of the week. The American Water Works Com pany Intend employing a large force of men In extending and improving their plant. Mr. Dickey formerly of the firm of Saunders & Macfarlaed of thls'ctty, but now of Chicago, is spending a few days in Omaha. John C. Thompson, the editor of this paper, went to Kansas City on business, Wednesday. He expects to be gone several days. Mr. George P. Prince, chief engineer of the American Water Worxs uonv pany, went east Friday on a thirty day vacation. Nebraska City BlmetalllsU recently formed a strong free silver league, This league denies all connection with any political party. The Barber Asphalt Paving Com pany and John Grant carried ofl all the paving contracts at the last meeting of the board of publlo works. The May term of district court will adjourn June 2.1th. The Judges will then perhaps devote themselves to na tional politics until the September term opens. The Board of Directors of the Trans Mississippi Exposition of the city pro pose to raise a quarter of a million dol lars to aid In the enterprise, by popular ubsorlption. The Northwestern will put on Its regular summer Spirit Lake Sleepers on July 3rd, leaving Omaha la the evening and arriving at the Lake the following morning. A. S. Van Euran, the veteran freight auditor of the Union Paolfio railway died at his home In this city last Sun day. He had been a resident of Omaha for twenty-five year. Work on the new Federal building will be resumed August 15th. There yet remains 1400,000 to be expended and the work will be done mostly on the Inside of the building. All the washouts along the line of the F. E. and M. V. railroad have been repaired, and trains are now sent out on regular time. The road lost about twenty-two bridges, mostly in the Black Hills country. Alloe McCulllghan doesn't like the Idea of Robert L. Roberson, with whom he claims to have lived tor the past 1 tour years, Jilting her in order to marry another girl, and therefore had him arrested for fornication. Detective Bloom of the Omaha police force returned from Boone, Iowa, Sun day, with three boys who were charged with robbing Mark Hansen of some valuable papers and money. The boys re aged 13 and 11 years. The Omaha Street Railway Com pany furnish extra special cars to ac commodate the crowds going to the various parks on Sundays. Last Sun day two special trains were run out West Leavenworth street Alexander Stockmeyer, a young man 10 years of age, was drowned In the took pond on his father's farm In Mo Ardle precinct in this county, last Sat urday. The body was not recovered until 3 o'clock the following day. The annual Sunday School Institute for Nebraska and Iowa Is in session at the First Presbyterian church In this city. This is the largest of the kind that has been held In this city for sev eral years, and no doubt a great deal of good will be accomplished. The barn of William Dalton, at Seventeenth and Hickory streets, in this city, was totally destroyed by fire Sunday morning. Three horses were cremated, and the Barnes spread to the adjoining buildings doing considerable damage. The total loss is about 11200. Three hundred cyclists of this city made a run to Papillion on Sunday, and On their return the party stopped at Sarpy Mills, where the Hebrew Benev olent Association young men were hold ing a picnio. It la needless to say that all enjoyed themselves immensely Should any of our friends desire to go to Denver, Colorado Springs, Cripple Creek, or to any other Colorado point, we would suggest that they purchase a ticket via the Burlington Rout. We know it's the best and most direct line from Omaha, Llnooln or any Southern Nebraska point. The Hammond packing company at South Omaha has placed an order with Chief Microsoopist White for the inspection of 1,000 hams to be ex ported to Germany. Recently the ex port business from this point has been on the increase. Tbe European coun tries are finding out that the best an e purest meats come from the western part of the United States. The west- era climate makes the meat solid clear through. The annual commencement exercises of Brownell Hall, the Young Ladies' Episcopal Seminary, were held Mon day evening, at which Misses Helen M. Hurohara, Alice Jlettel and Mary i. Rice received tbeir diplomas. The baccalaureate sermon was delivered by Bishop Worthington at St. Matthias church on Sunday evening. The Omaha lodges of Knights of Pythias held memorial services la Myrtle nail. Continental Block, lat Snnday evening. The services were presided over by Chancellor Com mander J. W. Malone, and after the usual ritual service and sacred muslo by the male quartet, the Pythlans as sembled were addressed by Canon Wbltmarsh. The Youn? Men's Republican Club Sett Frees BJtenlew Park. Rlvervlew Park, Omaha, is located In the southeast part of the city, among the hills and dales that border the Missouri river. As It name implies, It commands a beautiful view of the river for miles up and down. Bund ing on tbe highest point, one can see a large part of three cities, vlx.: Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. One can also look over a large section of the broad, fertile acres of Nebraska and Iowa. Nature has been very lav ish with her gifts in this locality. There Is an abundance of fine shade where visitors can drive, walk or sit down to rest. Myriads of feathered warblers of all sizes and colors make Tea Eyek-Cerby. 'The marriage of William B. Ten F.yck and Mis. Elizabeth Corby took place at the resident of the bride's parents, at 2004 Blaney street, in this city, at noon Wednesday, Rev. John Williams officiating. Mr. Ten Eyck is the present city prosecutor, and is one of the promising young attorneys of this city. Tbe bridesmaids were Misses Matilda Fried ani Grace Turner, and Mr. Charles Thomas was best man. Only a few friends witnessed the ceremony. The American extends its best wishes to the young couple. When down town drop In at John SPECIAL SALE -or- LADIES' 0)1 From 50c to $1.50 FORDS AT- will ratify the nomination 0 McKlnle, ud ffiUilc Ib the or fllt0Ter. ."J fi at the Crelghton Theatre next Tues- Ne thfl nter of this park Is out repair, to be fixed, 817 No. 18 St day evening, at which Senator Thurs- heated the finest artesian well in tbe which Senator Thurs ton, Hon. John L. Webster and lion. John C Cowln and others have been Invited to speak. They propose to have a rousing time and cordially in vite all the Republican clubs in the city to join them. Thursday evening there was a large meeting of the business men of Omaha at the Commercial Club rooms, held for the purpose of discussing ways and means to secure tbe necessary funds to Insure tie success of the Trans-Mls-slsslppl Exposition. An effort will be made to raise at leant 1500,000 among the cltlzans of Omaha and their friends. Frank Comstock, who Is employed in the Washburn-Crosby Mills at Minne apolis, Is enjoying a vacation, visiting with his cousin, George F. Comstock, of this city. Mr. Comstock rode his bicycle from Minneapolis to Sac City, la., a distance of over 400 miles, and also from the latter place to Omaha, about 136 miles, In about four days. He expect to "wheel It" back to Minneapolis. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Haze, sr., cele brated their filfty-second wedding an niversary at the residence of their son, Captain and Mrs. II. P. Haze, 3523 North Twenty-eighth street Tuesday evening. There were present thirty two children, grand children and great grand children. The aged couple are in their 72d year and were married at Rotterdam, Holland. Their present home is at Pella, la. Colonel Henry C. Akin, who has been the local manager and general treasurer of the Western Newspaper Union, has severed his connection with that company. Every newspaper man who has had any dealings with the oolonel will regret his departure. He was always accommodating, pleasant and affable, and by his gentlemanly treatment of his customers made many friends for the house. Herbert S. Crane has returned to Omaha after an absence of several years, and baa formed a law partner $100 Reward SIOO. Ths readers of this paper will b pleased to leara that tbera U at laaat one areaarut ais hn that seism' has be a able to curs In all lu stage, and that ts Catarrh. Mall's Ca tarrh Cure la the on It noMltlvecare known to ths nodical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dlneaan, require a constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, actios directly upon the lilimd and muraui aurfacee of the system, thereby destroying the fonndatton of the disrate, and giving the patient Htrength by building ud the constitution and assisting nature In doing Its work. Tbe proprietors have so much faith In Its curauva W.N. WHITNEY'S 107 South Sixteenth Street. W.R city. It is 1,063 feet deep and dis charges Its waters through an eight- Inch pipe at the rate of eighty gallons per minute. The water Is very clear and healthful. It makes one think of the fabled fountain of Immortal youth to see how many nock here every ev ening to drink of this water and carry away a vessel filled with the sparkling liquid. A reservoir has been built and stocked with fish. It is a pretty sight to watch them as they move about in tbe crystal water. The surplus water winds its way in a beautiful stream and plunges down a hill into the lake. This nark is the oicnlckers' Daradlse. . : . ... will andtbevare LOt SIOW tO laae aavan- Auatln W. Raymond Bled hll petition - l.i . ai...l.i a - Ik . .. 1 I . V 11 il tage of it. Every day numerous par- - --o Had wandered into one oi me ties, great rest and amusement, it is me prevau- without good caus for the term of two years I--41, M. ha fha flnnatl laatnasU "r' " I You are reoulred to answer ; WITT i powers. that Die offer One Hundred Italian for any case that It falls to cure. Bend for list of tes timonials. . Address. K. J. CHENEY & UU., Toledo, u. tWSold by Druggist, 75c. - - 8AUNDKKS MACFAKLANU, Attnrneva. 1404 Farnam Street. OT1CE TO NON-KEHIDENT DEFEND- A into Why TM frd! NUMBER of people have been kicking themselves pretty hard recently. All because they made a mistake and got t Vi a wrnnc door. Thev thoueht they were in one of the SSwtsiiiS Pepartmenti of the GREAT BENNETT STORE when in fact nave crowded "anona" that. and small, come here for tain a divorce from you ?. the ground that I , . t.ftr.:no. m Mich norna of the overflow from the Bie you nave wiiiuiij iiiRntiwni wo tiumuu i . , j - o Id tietltlon park in Omaha. Some wlseheads have on or before Monday, the 27th day ol July , I lfcMaBl been heard to remark: "What a fine omaha. Nebraska, 'una it iao. it.inn oi.ano aubtin w. kaymond. iWtJStVfU IVI nuv -eavaawe- w - Store. make: no mistake. Get into the right door into Bennett's where you get more Ul MAO vajrvntviuwa a Plaintiff I 1 1 V fine, natural park land could By thunders iiacfariand His Attorneys than the worth of your moLey, no matter what you buy. acres of be obtained here In one body where there is an abundance of shade, fresh air and fine scenery. It could easily be reached by street car and by rail. On Sunday, the 21st Inst., the first concert of the season will be held here. The muslo will be furnished by the A. O. U. W. band. The Center Street Athletlo Club will play here on the diamond Saturday. The Grace Baptist Sunday-School will hold its annual picnic here on the same day. It will be a lively day at the park. July 4th, our nation's holiday, will be celebrated at Rlverview in true pa- trlotio style. It will be under the auspices of the South Side Improve ment Club. Senator Allen and other notable statesmen have been invited to speak. The afternoon will be spent in games and sport In the evening there will be a grand display of fireworks. Those who want to celebrate in good style and have a day of pleasure will not fall to come to Rlverview on the Fourth. W. 8. Smith. 6-l 4 JOHN RUDD. : Jeweler and Optician! 317 N. 16th STREET, MANIA A MOIALTV OP a I Fins Watch Repairing AND e ' Exclusive Watch Examiner far F., E. f aaa m. v. h. h. ce. 4, ............ , i 1. 1. 1. 1 .1 .1 ,t t ,i rTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrri fT SPECIAL BARGAINS In WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, REFRIGERATORS, ICE SCREEN DOORS, WINDOW Department Storerices SCREENS. PRESCRIPTIONS and MEDICINES Brine vour prescriptions here for the purest drugs at low- French ClOCkS. Z est prices in city. BHfiTiHTT'S PflTBflT GQBDlCIftHS $1.00 Sizes at 59c; 50c Sizes at 30c; 25c Sizes at lite We sell all kinds of Patent Medicines at lowest prices. W.R. BENNETT CO. 1502-la Capitol Avnue, OMAH EB. Best which describe the rates at m I - iff DR. WITHERS Is doing all kinds of Dental Work. Set Teeth t5 OP Best Set Teeth 0 Gold Fillings. 11.00 and up Silver Fillings fT... 1 00 Gold Crowns 5 00 Teeth Extracted 25 Will Qnestloa Candidates. New York, June 7. The Cathollo diocesan union of New Jersey held a large and enthusiastic meeting in Har rison, N. J., this afternoon. The com ing presidential election was discussed and Rev. Father Bogan of St. Mary's church, Rahway, at the srequest of Bishop WIgger of the diocese of New ark, offered a resolution that the secre tar nf tViA union be directed to forward There was a lively meeting at the ft . nf th RermbUcan candidates Burlington headquarters last Wednes- fn. t.A nnmin..ion fo. nref,ident the other Dentists Charge. day afternoon at wnicn me mauer oi . . n(.QUegtlon: the Union depot was pretty thoroughly . th t , election to the question to be .. . th Unltod state. wUl UPn I vnn In tha art mlnlar.rfttlrm of that office KO hip with his brother, Senator Thos Crane, with office rooms at 917 new York Life Building. Mr. Crane is a a, a I A 1. 1 young man, but Drings witn mm a reputation for ability and sterling in tegrity as a lawyer, and this together with the well-known legal ability of his brother ought to satisfy any one de siring the advice of a capable and hon est attorney. GREAT . . DISCOUNT You get $5.00 You get $3.00 Teeth out in 2iew Ones discussed. The main settled is whether the terms which the land where the present depot is located was ceded to the railroad company, would be violated by chang ing the location of the depot to Far- nam street. When this matter is defl- ltely settled, the companies express a willingness to enter the proposed depot at the latter place. The Bee said in its last Sunday's issue that the citizens of the west end of the Seventh ward had turned John C. Thompson down. The assertion is totally and wholly false. The editor of this paper expects the opposition of thelfoeand of the Roman Catholics, and he, at the same time, expects the aid of the Protestants who believe In purity and honesty in politics, and also the support of the Republicans who have been elected to positions in spite of the opposition of the Bee, and the last named classes are in the majority in the Seventh ward. However,should our neighbors and friends prefer any other man who is in the field and did eventually turn us down, It would be In favor of an A. P. A., for every man mentioned for the council from that ward, with one exception, a member of that order, and we are free to say that we would as soon see any one of them elected as to be the nominee. Secretary GUlan of the school board has received the diploma and medal from the World's fair commission awarded to the Omaha public schools on their exhibition in art The Omaha schools took three premiums one first, one second and one third in the three different divisions of art work. The medal is a handsome solid bronze, out ud in an aluminum case. The di ploma Is a beautiful steel engraving about 24x36 Inches In diameter. The board will have it framed in excellent style, and it will be hung up in the secretary's office, and will be open for the inspection of the public during office hours for a few days after it is completed. All work at about Half what 16 Years' Experience 16 You can save from 15 to 25 per cent, on all cash purchases for the next thirty days. Shoes for $3.50 I You get $4.00 Shoes for $2.75 Shoes for $2.25 You get $2.00 Shoes for $1.50 Youths' $2.00 Shoes for $1.50. Ladies' Shoes in the same proportionate prices. G. LANG, 718 So. Sixteenth St DR. C GEE WO. make any discrimination against man Catholics on account of their re ligious belief? When the question was read there was great applause and the resolution was adopted unanimously. Bishop WIgger was prompted In having the resolution offered by a letter which he received from the Marquette club of St. Louis, which recently took similar action. The letter was endorsed by Rt. Rev. John J. Ealn, archbishop of St. Louis. Other Cathollo societies throughout the country will take simi lar action. Dr. WITHERS, Dentist, . .. Fourth FloQrBrowiiBlk., Sixteenth and Douglas Streets. TELEPHONE 1776-r?- RUPTURE BELL A. P. A. in Convention. St. Louis, June 15. The members of the American Protective Association will ask the national convention to recognize them to the extent of insert ing a plank in the platform which, alter conceding to all the utmost free dom In the right to worship God ac cording to the dictates of their own conscience, will declare for the re striction of Immigration to the extent of excluding all undesirable persons; for changes in the naturalization laws and their administration so as to pre vent unfit persons from becoming citi zens; for a non-sectarian free publio school system, no public aid of any character to be given to any other schools, and that all appropriations of public money or property sshall be solely for publlo Institutions and for the benefit of every class of the people, to be disbursed by responsible publio officials. There is a large sprinkling of mem bers of the A. P. A. in the convention, but they made no opposition to the nomination of McKinley, as was at one time predicted they would. Teachers Boston Through car service via "North western Line. " Choice of steamer trip in the Great Lakes without extra eharce. if desired. Manv other un usual privileges. Inquire at the city I office, 1401 Farnam street Positively CUHBD by the HERNIA or RUPTURE CURE No knife. No syringe. No'detentlon from business. Business confi dential. Send for circular and references. STATE AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE OR TRADE. 6. W. BELL & Son, INVENTORS AND PATBNTIIS, 18 Weat Ninth Street. KANSAS CITY, MO. What relatives of my Patients Have To Say- One of Mv Creat Cures During The Month of October, 1895. llVinaal T.T ii IT i ,f M. DALEY, Merchant Tailor Suits Made tar Order. Guarantee, a perfect fit In all cases, cloth- d and remodeled. Ing cleaned dye 504 . 16th St, : OMAHA, NEB. CHRIST. HAM AN. VatcMaier and Jeweler, Fink Watch Repairing a Specialty 612 South 16 Street. OMAHA. NEB No Air, No Life. Pneumonia! suffocates,! because the swollen tubes get solid, and keep air frdm'itlie lunp-s. Dr. Acker's English Remedy reduces the inflammation, so the patient ; breathes freely, and is soon well. Miss R. R av. 4 W. aad St ,N. Y. , j says: "When threatened withj oneumonia. 1 took one bottle of Dr. j Acker's English Remedy, and the pain and cough disappearea Jtize. I5c.iS0c.:$I. AUSrartifts. ACica MiDiciaa CO..M-H Chamber. 8U, ST. t Read the following convinc ing testimonial from two orominent Omaha Citizens: Judee Isaac 8. Bascall and R. F. William, have t hti to a&y. We consider Dr. C. Gee Wo of 519 North lfttn St.. umana, neo., one or tne beat physician. In the city tor the following reasons: sour years aro our asugnier De cs, trie Tery nervous and at times sick and unaDie to control oeraeti. ne aocwrea wiu and consulted nine of tbeleadlns DhTslclan, of this city, but she gradually grew worse. until on the Tin of uctoDer, imo, sne was at tacked with spasms. She was unconclous and delirious for weeks following the attack. and at a consultation or physicians tney as-reed that she could not get well. We then employed Dr. C. Gee Wo, and the patient be gan to improve at once, ana in a remarxaoiy hort time was up. She Is feeling better than she has for a long time. She is Improv- ng every day and mas fair to get entirely rell. R. V. William. Father, Isaac B. Hascall. a near Relative. 2105 8. 13th 8U Cx-Oorstabls 8. B. Clarc, office SID 8 .14th IS .says: leant say too much for Dr. O. G. Wo. My little boy ana girl haa dyptherla and other physicians said they could not re- I cover. I then called in ur. u. uee wo, ana I In less than 2 nours tney were out or danger. I He also cured mvself of Lagrlnn and ren- Ieral debility, and my wife of Inflammation of the bowels and female weakness, from which she bad suffered many years. I can't thank him enough for what he has done In my I iamuy. vuu asu n ira. Mrs. H. A. Duo at. 181! Clark St. Heart I trouble and nervous dl bill ty of many year, standing. I jobs brooks, 931 N. 18th St. Of sprained back, liver and kidney trouble of three years standing. Is now a well man. UR8. ANNA r ARK. ZIW S. ldtb St Cured of spasms and female weakness of seven yean standing. Frank Hor.cs. Bchuyler, Neb. Cured of rheumatism of one year's standing, and was given up ,s mcuraoie. UOMSDI.TAT10B lull. 1T. V, liee WO guarantees a cure In every case or the I money will oe rerunaea. Send I-cent stamp for book and aunat.lnn blank. Anyone wanting advice can write to above addresses or call upon DR. C GEE I wu, oiv a. ism ei. umana, nan. D.I.Hayden CARPENTER BUILDER. AND REPAIRING DOORS AND WINDOW SCREENS. Shop, 809 S. 16th St. . Omaha A map of the. United States The wall map Issued by the Burlington Route la three feet wide by four feet long; printed In seven col on; mounted on rollers; hows every state, county, Important town and rail road in the Union, at d Is a very desirable and useful' adjunct to any household1, or business establishment.' Purchased In large quan tities, the maps cost tha Burlington Route more than fifteen cents each, but in receipt of that amount in stamps the underalgned will be pleased to send you one. Write immediately, as the supply Is limited. J. Frahcis, Gen'l Pais . A Tent, Omaha,"Neb (