m THE AMERICAN Kansas City Advertisements J, a MAGEE, Furniture, Stoics and Tinware. THI CLEVER WOMAN. -DEALER IN r.ew am ii seconWdoois Alt kind of Household Good, bought, r mid and eacnaoseu. FURNITURE REPAIRING. m . a... .......iMrf la all buvinr and MHirK. 91 on r.et V.lirMintli Street. KANSAS C1TV, MO. " ii 1 1 . ii inp-w W. S. WOODS. PnCSiDENT. w. A. RULE. Cashier. National Bank of Commerce, KANSAS CITY, MO. Capital Surplus Demand Deposits... 11.000,000 00 300,000.00 5,000,000.00 DIPkOTORS: J. J. Swofford. W. P. Voorhees Wra. A.kew, W. A. WlUon, Wm. Huttl, if a TT r Warn. kV&r' j. ll Arnold Chester A. Snider, D T. Morton, Jos.Cahn, W.S.Wood, ?w. A. uuie. ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. BURT MEEK. Uoensed Embalmer. TELEPHONE 864. 0URT MEEfc & CO., Undertakers and Funeral Directors. Carriages furnished at reasonable rates. 1813 Main Street .... KANSAS CITY, Mo, GAUGLER & SUDDARTH, (lwm H 4. t. "0lM.) Great Western Steam Dye Works. Ladies' Dress Goods, Silks, Satins and Shawls Cleaned and Dyed. TELEPHONE 2263. 18 and 20 East Seventh Street, kajs sas city, mo. Tws Binds a Ckimmh, feat Oaly Oas That Really ray. "I wish I were clever." The woman was charmingly dimpled, wore a French (own. wu the mistress of a luxurious establishment and was dispensing tea to afternoon callers In cups of priceless faience, says the New York Hersld. Women who write." had been ths subject on the tapis, and the remark was a delicate compliment to the wom an to whom she handed the tea. She was a successful writer successful to the eitent of making a good Income as the fruit of unwearied Industry. She had never known tha delights of dia monds or her own carriage, or a box at the opera. She sometimes spent a hard-earned 15 for a drive, but mere was neither luxury In the carriage, nor swiftness In the steeds, and sne was conscious all through the drive that when she went back to the office she would write something about the coun trv In the SDrinc or the flotsam of fan follaee and flowers with which the sub urban resident could decorate his house and table. If she took a 12 seat In the opera house she rarely lost herself complete ly in the music, as she would have liked to do. because skeletons of para graphs on theater hat and tneaier manners, on lovers who make love In the stalls as well as on the stage and a thousand other things for the next dav's Daoer flitted through ber mina. She never had a French gown; on tne contrary, she walked ten blocks ana climbed seven stories to And a dress maker who would make, though at the same time mar. her one gown for 110 Her modest house was pretty ana sne was even quite famous for her petltes aouoera. at which one sometimes met eminent and always delightful people, but only herself and her one maid knew at what cost of perspiring brow and smutched fingers and aching back those dalntv little dishes were evolved. Bo there was almost reverence in her tones as she replied: , I i "Mr dear, foil are the clever woman; you are far more clever than George Eliot The really smart woman is not 1V tin makes YlfT nwn dallV bread, even though there be a Nessel- rode pudding thrown In now ad tnen. It la aha who. without raising ner hand, can cause all this luxury to be laid at her pretty satin-shod feet. It Is like eating a Delraonlco dinner ana lamentlnr that you are not the chef who cooked It Not the woman who works but she who geta all there Is In life without working, la the really clever woman. "Ma there not be two kinds of clev erness?" said the woman who came to make her adleux. A CURIOUS CROWN. rtu sur imn i Callfarala. IAHSAS C1TT STATE BANK. EAT Smith Steam Baking BREAD. THERE are two kinds of Bread Sold in Kansas City SMITHES and Ordinary Bakers Bread. Be Sure Our Label is on Every Loaf. SMITH STEAM BAKING CO., 306-8-10 East 17th Street, KANSAS CITY, M0. f . 1 f I SIS West OtB St.. Kansas City, Ho. 111 y J r Oldest and original. Most successful special 1st. Est' W. Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality. Organic Weak nee. Karly Decay. Lack of tr-.,.- a-tt in....,., ui.k Minn IWiiwmlL Kihs.ust.lnit Losses. Phonies on ace. Aversion to "Society. Loss of Ambition, TJnntne.a to Mar ntfd Iswloninent. Lost Manhood. Milky Urine, efforts of abuse or excess CURED TO STAY CURED. My He long experience, special study of each case, pure medicines. Insure a REAL CURE. Ques tion list No 1 free In plain envelops. Charges reawnahle. Terms easy. I all BLOOD AND SKIN diseases, all forms SCROFULA. RHEUMATISM, CATARRH. ECZEMA, (Itchy or scaly tetter, and ALL BLOOD DISEASES, cured for life, safely and sure. Avoid patent medicines or Inexperienced bands. Call or writ for question list No. I on blood dlwaes. .... . . . GONORRHOEA, GLEKL, 8TRICTURE. cured without Instruments or pain. List No. I free. Medical Dictionary and Adviser frei at offce, by mall 8c, Hours 9 to 4, 7 to 8. Duailsa 1A . 14 Duuuaj iv rv im AN UP-TO-DATE, .... ABSOLUTELY CORRECT, BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED Wkara Ran Prstklln Wars His Wlr, The difficulties encountered recently by the lineal descendants of that great man. statesman, patriot and every thing else that men properly hold in satlmatlon Benjamin Franklin In having themselves enrolled among the Colonial Dames, recall an anecdote oi him. When about to present himself for the first time at the court of Ver sailles he was Informed by the mastei of ceremonies that a wig was sine qua non. Now, his head was so large that no ordinary wig would begin to fit it, and the situation was embarrassing in ha extreme. However, one was found sufficiently large to pass him through the ante-chambers, after which he was nermltted to remove the ridiculous con ventlonal appendage and place It In hla ample pocket, whence it never again emerged to public gaze. Washington Post Didn't Follow In. tractions. Irate Patron You advertise to cure eonaumDtion. don't youT Doctor Yes. sir; I never ran wnen mv Instructions are followed. irate Patron My son took your mea- Iclne for a year and died an hour after the last dose. Doctor My Instructions were not fol lowed. I told him to take it two years. Tit-Bits. a short time ago Prof. Van der Nall- len of San Francisco received from Henry Buehler, of Jacksonville, Ore., a most strange and Interesting curiosity, says an exchange. A letter came with it stating that Mr. Buehler believed the object to be some sort of a crown, but would like some positive information on the subject The letter went on to asv that the supposed crown was louua by the writer about thirty-five years ago on hla ranch in Tuolumne county In California. At the time he had been living on the ranch about three years and It was wild land when be got it. There Is so record of any one except Indians ever living In the vicinity ana there Is not the varuest possibility that the work was done by them. The place where the crown was found was a most curious one, and the circumstances connected with It are strange and in teresting. Mr. Buehler states in nis letter that he was digging out a large sage brush that was In the way of his plow. At the depth of about four feet from the surface, his shovel struca what anneared to be a boulder about the size of a man's head. As the ground about the roots was soft be picked up the lump and was astonished at Its lightness. A close examination showed a piece of shining metal sticking out at one side. Taking his knife, Mr. Buehler scraped away a portion and could hardly believe his eyes when a perfectly formed grape lear, maae oi bright yellow metal, came to view. The work of removing that object from its encasement was a task that occupied several days. The substance surround ing It proved to be a composition of clay and gypsum, and Incessant boil ing and scraping with bits of soft wood was necessary to get It oft. Great care was necessary, as the Intricate mass was found to be very delicate, wnen Mr. Buehler at last had the object In his hand he had not the least Idea of what it was. but his few neighbors agreed that It was a crown of some kind, although nobody would attempt to explain how It came to be burled among the roots of a sage brush. Since then hundreds of people have examined It but so far no satisfactory explana tion of Us origin has been given. Taken altogether, It is a most un usual oblect It is hemispherical In shape, about five Inches In diameter across the base, and made to appear of Interwoven leaves of grapevine, me leaves are most delicately and accurate ly modeled, all the veins showing plain ly on both sides. Little buncnes or grapes are scattered over the surface. These are, In fact, the most curious part of it. They are purple In color and made of a substance that iooks like Bohemian glass. Each grape Is fastened in the proper place by a tiny wire and all are bound together In a perfect bunch. An analysis ot the metal forming the leaves shows it to be composed of gold, silver and copper, gold being nearly one-half of the com position. There must be nearly Slim worth of the precious metal in it Capital Surplus V. O. COX. President. coco o S0.0u0t s. C. ADAMS. Ass't Cashier. KANSAS CITY Steam Carpet Cleaning AND MOTH DESTROYING CO. Relttlnr and Saving Specialty. M. E. rLMMsUt A CO . successors to L. M. Vtckei a. Telephone 121. 120 E.I8th it.. Kansas City, Mo. DOUTIIAT'S HARNESS SHOP D SECOND-HAND STORE. 2220 East 18th St. Kew and Second-hand Goods of all kinds. Universal Repair Co. CMAS. H. WARD, Propr. Carstatstr sa Users, trick sas Tls Piaster!. aaS Paiatlaf . Kalstantstar s4 Caper Hanftng. Cisterns built and r. t aired. eea'rcoeoecUoBS put la. Estimates vuverfully furnished. Ail work guarsAtead satisfactory. niifiiosi -704 Wisasttt It. Kassas CriT. HO Sold Weekly Payments. Jewelry so Optician. EYES TESTED FREE 8 East 1 3th St., Kasaa CiTV. MO. HEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY 1032 Main Street. The undersigned has been In the Photo graph business since lwil. This gallery baa one of tha Anthony's Latest Improved Cam era's for waking Fine Photographs the Hrat out of I lis factory. I n f set. this gallery keepa up with all the latest styles snd in provenienu In Una Photography. 0'r "e a trial order. T. D. SANDERS, I03 Afain St., KAKBAS CITY. WEMOVEB Coma. Bunions and Ingrowing Nails without pain or the use of sclds. Also racial Massage. Superfluous Hair, wrinkles, pock marks, moles and scars per manently removed by electricity. 444-445 NEW RIDGE BLD'G. Entranct.912 Walnvt St. r 916 Hals St. JAMES fcEItllY, Looking GlassPlates BEVELED GLASS. Damaged Mirrors Re-SUvered at Short Notice. aena tor rnces. OSes, 1429 Wtlait St., IA KSAB CUT, M0 MISSION Employment Office 6E0. 8HIRAR. Msnssir. mnifl ImeittuHnn was .ntt.n llfl tj SfMMlte X employment for the unemployed and to send you such he p as vou are in need of, using tne uesi ox juuimvutr in uuiug su. rsLSPHoaar soos. 012 Walnut Street. Kansas City, Mo MCCRYSTLE The Hatter. bats cleaned, colored and retrlmmed. Also ladles' and Gents' straw hats cleaned. Eail Eighth Street. Kaksas City, Mo. Kansas City Tent-and Awning Co., M lUer fcnortnllr nrAnarnd t.rt maat. f Via wnriffl of FarniPrS. Mflr -'"r - - - - ' chants, Mechanics. Clerks. Students, Women, and all who m a as. A s t A aesire a complete vrors at tne minimum cost. Nearly 70 Comprehensive Maps. 140 New and Superb Illustrations. A Whole Library of Itself, of vital and absorb ing interest to every member of the household. Population of each State and Territory, of all Counties of the United States, and of American Cities with over 6,000 Inhabitants. IT CONTAINS much special Information regarding- any Nation, Province SUte, City, Town or Village desired. The knowledge la rarely obtainable from a school geography, which necessarily has only a few general facta and the location of important cities. . Railroad maps are notoriously Incorrect and misleading, hence the purxled truth-seeker, where large libraries are inaccessible, is without relief unless he is the happy owner of a knowledge-satisfying, pleasure-giving People's Atlas. Ail Countries on the faoe of the earth are shown. Rivers and Lakes are accurately located. Ail the large Cities of the World, the important Towns and most of tha Villages of the United States are riven on the Map. It gires a classified List of all Nations, with Forms of Government, Geo graphical Location, Size and Population. This beautiful Atlas Is bound In heavy paper cover, and will be sent to Cft PCNTC any address upon receipt of - -- -- VkniOi AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO. What Girls Marry for. "t alwavs let my daughters have their say about the color of the lamp-shades and the arrangement or tne aouies, M s sensible Atchison mother today, "I nd. aa a result, that they are not in such a hurrv to et married. The foundation of most glrla desire to mar ry is to live In a house where they can have their own way aDout me tamp hades and dollies." Atchison uioDe, Dangerous Hypnotic Experiment. Hvonotlc exDerlmenta ot a grewsom kind are belnii kept up at me noyai Annarlum in London. The latest it the burying ot a man, who has been put into a trance. In a pit eight reel aeep, which was then filled with earth, leav ing only a small funnel open over tnt man's face, through which ne is waicn- ed. He is to be dug up alter a wee VVasaen la Palltles. Victoria doesn't rule England. It if fa freest land on the face ot the earth that Is, for Englishmen. And why la this so? Simply because the aear, rood old lady doesn't Interfere in poa tics. And let me say that it might bt better for this country ir the uaies did not interfere In politics. Rev. H. H. ConwelL Sancta Blmpllcltas. Doctors have many curious experi ences, but the following production, re ceived by a London medical man, to whom it was sent by a child, ana wmcn Is printed as It was written, omitting only the name and address, wouia oe hard to beat: "Dear Dr. : I would be very pleased if you would let me have a Baby for one guinea. We want it for the fourth of Febry for Mother's birthday. Wa would like It fat and bonny, witn blue eyes and fair hair. We Children are going to give It to her ourselves please answer at once. Yours sincerely, Archie . "P. S. Which would be the cheapest, a Boy or a Girl?" The "P. 8." especially Is delightful. and shows how wonderful the ramifi cations ot the commercial spirit are among us. Breaks the Record. A British shin which has been taking soundings In the south Pacific reports a dDth in three Dlaces near the Tonga Islands of over 30,000 feet, which breaks the record by 3.000 feet. The aeepesi holes are not in the middle of the ocean, but within 100 miles ot land. Their depth Is greater than the height of any known mountain. Specimens or the bottom at 80,000 feet proved to be the usual red clay found In ail deepest parts of the ocean. g. Awnings, Tents, Tarpaulins, Covers, &c 109 WEST EIGHTH STREET. Ttltphons 1SI4. KANSAS CITY. MO, 6. BOCK, Brush Factory, 0 EAST tSts St.. All soils of brushes made to order promptly at reason- n a I r lag brushes. Ke- able pr carpet s w e epers, etc., etc. Scrsk rash Frsa ft Usaars. MRS. M. M. SMITH, Manicure Chiropodist and Facial Electrician. j. p. BUTLER. O. D. ROWS. BUTLER & ROWE, Cotractors and Builders. nfir.a Fixtures a Specialty. All order will receive our personal atten tion, oausiauuuu . cali vataHOMS as. OTTic ana inuoi M 115 E. 13th Sts.st. I-nsasCltj, Mo. H. NEVINS, Practical Horse Shoer. Morass Entrusted to My Car will not bs Abused. 307 Grand Ave., Kansas city, mo. Missonn, Kansas & Teias Trnst Ci KANSAS CITY, MO. C.nltsl . - Sl.SBO.OOO. Surplus and Undivided Proflts, SjeSO.OOO. AKTHUR E. BTILWELL, President. Vice Presidents: J. McD. Trimble, B. L. Martin, W. 8. Taylor, Jacques T. Nolthe- BRobert B. Cone, secretary; William 8. Tay lor, treasurer; Fran B. Wilcox, assistant treasurer; Jacques T. Nolthenius. assistant secretary ; E. S. oshr, second sgsistantsec retary, Trimble & Braley, general attorney. Executes a General Trust Business. Aets as Trustee, Transfer A sent or Regis trar tor Corporations, Aets as Executor, Administrator, Guard Ian or Trustee or Estates. Collects Western Mortgage. Take Charge of Propertle, Collecting Rent, Paying Taxea, etc., for Eastern In vestors. Kansas City Directors-A. E. Stllwell, K. L. Martin, Frank Cooper. F. A. Faxon. J. Mcl). Trimble, Robert Gllhatu, Jacques T. Nolthenius, O. A. Braley. piade of Old Intjraue and Brussels Carpet, We take your Carpet, and cut and make a Rur, from three to eleven feet wide, for SO cent per rquare yard ; frlng extra. Five pounds of Carpet to the yard of Rug. Q. n. SAPPENFIELD, 607 Eiit Eighteenth St., KANSAS CITY. M0. T roost P&rlj; On Troost Ave. Cable Ry. Brass Band Concerts Sundays. Zoological Garden, Merro-go-round, Boating and other at tractions. Watch for the opening next week of "Shooting the Chutes." Catsrnlilar Nest la Winter. In early autumn the tent caterpillar moth lavs a cluster of 200 or 300 eeea In a circle around the twigs ot apple and other trees and covers tnem with a g me ntis secretion mat Drotecta tnem until they hatch In the following spring. In the bright oays or winter, while the branohes are bare, these clusters can be easily seen and should be removed and destroyed. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Caasfort. Books on comfort are very rare. Doubtless one large reason is because it is impossible to write a book on the real meaning ot comfort which people want. They want comxort in a nazy, mysterious way. But the Biblical Idea ot comfort Is very plain and lull of I common sense, comfort means help. Rev. A. F. Newton. Lake View Consolidated Gold and Silver flining Co., Located in Beaver Head County, Montana, offers a portion of its Treasury Stock at a Low Price to secure money todevelop its property and pui in a mill. This company owns FOURTEEN CLAIMS of twenty acres each, all well prospected, and have been examined by competent experts and practical miners. The Ore assays from $12 to $300 in gold per ton. It offers the Best Chance for a Paying Investment Tha aartoasaea of Leap Teas, a widow of 40 at Richmond. Kr married her 15-vear-old brother-in- law, and the same day another widow, of 65 at Lorraine, O., waa Joined In hands ot wedlock to a youth ot JO. This Is one ot the serious phases ot leap year. What you keep by you, you may change and mend; but words ones ipofen can never be recalled. Ros Bla Diamond. A 634-karat diamond, the finest ever found In Africa, was discovered at Jagersfontein, In the Transvaal, on the day after Christmas, when cut it is expected that It will be worth 11,500. 000. Exchange. Water n. La ad. An acre ot good fishing will yield more In the way of food In a week than an acre of the best land will yield in a year. in the West. The Stock is non-assessable, and its development will greatly enhance it value. This Company has all of the preliminary work done, and is supplied with tools, tool houses, blacksmith shops, and stables, all com pleted, and is only twenty-eight miles from a Railway station. There is also plenty of Timber, Water and Free milling Gold Ore. For partic ulars, address the undersigned for circulars and other information. Af. L. ZOOK, Agent, 1615 Howard Street, Omaha, Nebt common.