The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, June 12, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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Omaha Advertisements
Attorney, aus New York Life Building.
Bftle. I'nder and by virtue of an order of
aale on decree of forvcloiiura of moruriure la
aued out of Uie district court tor Oouirla
county, Nebraska, and to tue directed, I will,
on the 16th day of June, A. It. Ikmi at tea
o'clock a. M. of s&ld day. at the KAST front
door of tbe county court bouse, lo ttie city
of Omaha. Houitlaa county, Nebraska, sell at
public aucttoa to tiiehtKiieat bidder fjr ca.h.
tbe property described In said order of ale
at follow, to-wlt:
Lou thirteen (131 and sixteen (1 tn block
twenty-three 2a In Wilcox's Second addi
tion to tbe city of Omaba. Douglas county.
Nebraska, assurveyed. platted and recorded
Said property to be sold to satisfy tbe
Baptist General Association of Illinois,
plaintiff herein, the sum of Uve hundred and
ninety-nine and luu dollars riViW.idi. to
gether with tbe further sum of twenty-seven
and fci-luo dollars il;T.Ki) (belu- amount of
taxes and cob la to redeem f rum said tax sale
paid by plaintiff) with lntresl at the rate of
seven () per cent per annum from the 23rd
day of September. A. U. lwtS. said amounts
being a first Hen upon said lot thirteen ilJI In
block twenty-three OU) above described .
Also said property to be sold to satisfy the
Baptist beneral Association of lllln Is,
plaintiff herein, the snm of seven hundred
and nineteen and 3-luudollars ifTlu.nn, prin
cipal and Interest, together with the further
aum of twenty-three and ST-luu dollars ifcJ3.37)
(being amount of taxes and costs to redeem
from tax sale paid by plaintiff) with Interest
at the rate of seven t'i percent per annum
from September SJrd, lU.. and Is a first lien
upon said lot sixteen (16), block twenty-three
23, above described.
Also to satisfy the Nebraska Pavings and
Exchange Bunk, defendant herein, tne sum
of two hundred and sixty-two and to-luu dol
lart (fJB Sa), with Interest at the rate of tin
10) percent per annum from September 13ih,
l&V'i, being a second lien upon property above
Also to satisfy Lodowlck F. Crofoot, de
fendant herein, tbe sum of twelve hundred
and ninety-four and Oi-loo dollars ifism.u&i,
which Is a third lien upon properly above
Also to satisfy tbe further sum of forty
four and 3&-1U0 dollars (44.JB) costs herein to-
f ether with accruing costs, according to a
udgment rendered by the District court of
said Douglas county, at Its September term,
A, D. lsni. In a certain action then and there
pending wherein the Baptist General Asso
ciation of Illinois Is plaintiff, and Jeremiah
O. Wilcox, l'erlla J. Wilcox, German Ameri
can Savings Bank, American Press Associa
tion, National Bank of Commerce, The Ne
braska Savings and Exchange Bank, The
Omaha National Bank, Graham Caper Com
pany, The Western Newspaper Union. John
fr. Hack Company, Harry Cartan, Nebraska
Telephone Company. McCabe, Wood & El
mer, George A. Bennett and Lodowlck F.
Crofoot are defendants.
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, May 15th, A.
D. ltjtsj,
, Special Master Commissioner.
L. D. Holmes, attorney for plaintiff.
Bapt. Gen. Assn. of III. vs. Wilcox, et al.
Doc. 48; No. 380. 5-15-5
Attorneys, 1406 Farnam Street.
tue of an order of sals nn decree nf fn.
closure of tax lien Issued out of the district
court ior uougias county, state of Nebraska,
and to me directed, 1 will, on the 23rd day of
June, A. D. 1SKS. at ten o'clock A. u. of said
day, at the EAST front door of the county
court house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas
county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash, the property de
scribed In said order of sale as follows, to-
Lot eight (8) In block three (3). also lota
nineteen (19), twenty (20) and twenty-one (21)
In block three (3). and lot eight (8) and also
lots nineteen (19) and twenty (20) In block six
) of Saunders and Hlmebuugh's Highland
Park, an addition to the city of Omaha,
Douglas county, and state of Nebraska, as
surveyed, platted and recorded.
Said property to be sold to satisfy Walter
E. Keeler, plaintiff herein, the sum of sixty
five and 24-100 dollars (W5 34), with Interest
thereon at the rate of tcnillliiwr wntnvp
annum from February 3rd, A. D. lm. In the
manner for the amounts found due against
each lot, and as directed In tbe decree.
Also to satisfy the further sum of twenty-
uiuo uu lo-iuu uonars costs nereln,
together with accruing costs according to a
Judgment rendered by the district court of
said Douglas county, at its February term,
A. D. 18SX), In a certain action then and there
penuing, wnerein waiter Kee er Is plain-
HIT, and Erastus A. Benson, Lottie Benson,
his wife, Alonzo P. Tukey, Trustee, and Tbe
Omaha Keal Estate and Trust Company, a
vui jui biuu, are ueieuuants.
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, May 22nd, A,
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
oaunuers a. macrariana, attorneys for plain
tiff. Keeler vs. Benson, etal. Doc.52: No. 148.
Attorneys, 1404 Farnam Street.
Sale. Under and by virtue of an order
of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage
Issued out of the district court for Douglas
county, state of Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will, on the 1st day of July A. D.
1808. at one o'clock v. m. of said day, at the
north frontdoor of tbe county courthouse,
In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne
braska, seil at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash the property described in said
order of sale as follows to-wlt:
Lot thirty (30) in Reed's Second addition to
the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne
braska. Said property to be sold to satisfy Harry J.
Twlntlng, defendant herein, the sum of three
hundred thirty-two and 45-100 dollars (KI32.45).
with Interest thereon from the 6th day of
ioj, at tue rate oi ten (io) per cent per
annum, and attorneys fees amounting to
thirty-three and 24-100 dollars ($.13.24), to-
f ether with accruing costs according to a
udgment rendered by the district court of
saiu uougias county, at its May term, A. D.
1895, In a certain action then and there pend-
wuorcin ueorge jenrey is plaintiff, and
i. ninting, n. n. irey, uounty Treasurer,
"'m iouuiy, meorasKa Saunders, AlaC'
rariand & Dickey and Eleanor P. Sidley are
nu"ed at Omaha, Nebraska, May 28th, A,
Special Master Commissioner.
Saunders & Juacfarland, attorneys lor de
Jeffrey vs. Twlntlng, etal. Doc. 42; No. ISO,
Notice Is hereby given that on the 30th day
of April, 1896, Articles of Incorporation were
adopted for the Incorporation of the Omaha
iinturaiimnj, ano mat tne name of said
corporation Is tbe "Omaha Zinc Company:"
tbe principal place of business IsOnmhu in
the state of Nebraska; the general nature of
me uusiness to oe transacted is the mining
crushing and smelting of Zinc, Lead and
other Ores, buying, selling, leasing and hold
ing such real estate and personal property
as may be necessary to the conduct of its
ousmess; tne amount or capital stock is ten
thousand dollars (S10.000.00), to be paid for
when received by the stockholders; thesald
corporation commences on the first day of
May, i8, and terminates on the first day of
May, 1WI5; the highest amount of indebted
ness authorized is five thousand dollars, ana tnattne airalrsor the corpora
tion are to be conducted by a Board of Uve
Directors, to be elected annually on the
third Tuesday of April In each year, except
ing In the year 1898. H
8-15-4 Incorporators.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Trued Pear
son, deceased:
Notice is hereby given, that the creditors
of said deceased will meet the administratrix
of said estate before uie. County Judge of
Douglas county, Nebraska, at the county
court room in said county, on the 21st day
J July, 18KB, on the 21st day of September,
1896, and on the 21st day of November, 1896,
at 9 o clock a. u. each day, for the purpose of
P9enUng their claims for examination,
adjustment and allowance. Six months are
allowed for the creditors to present their
claims and one year for the administratrix to
ST"19 Si' 58t from the Jotb day of
M ay, 1896; this notice will be published In
1 he Ahikicak for four weeks successively,
prior to the nut day of July. 1890.
County Jadge. I
Attorneys. 517 New York Life Building.
O Sale Cnuer and by virtue of an order of
sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Is
sued out of tbe diotrlct court for luuglas
county, ,eorassa, ana to me directed, i will.
on the Tin day of July, A. D. iM. at one
o clock p. si. of said day. at tbe north front
uoor of the county court bouse. In tbe city
of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell
at public auction to the highest bidder for
cash, tbe property described In said order of
sale as follows, to-wlt:
Tbe east one-half ("iof lot twenty six (id)
t- 8. E. Boxers' okauouia addition to the
City of Omaha. Douglas county. Nebraska,
lo satisfy Mrs t. A. ProugMy. defendant,
the sum of thirty-two hundred nineteen and
5-111) dollars iH.IUS.. with Interest as pro
vided In said decree, from February 4th, lii.
which amount Is a first lien upon the north
thirty-three M feet of the east one-half (Si
Of said lot twenly-alx (26).
To satisfy Elliabeln M. Hlgglns. defendant,
the sum of forty two bundled ninety-two
and 7Z-I0U dollars i42V2 72). with Interest
thereon as provided la said decree, from
February 4th. 15, which Is a first lien upon
the south sixty-six (Mi) feet of the north
ninety nlneiWi feet of the east one-half i'-,)
of said lot twenty six (2ili.
To satisfy Parke Godwin, Executor of tba
estate of tanny Bryant Godwin, defendant,
deceased, the sum of twenty-one hundred
forty-six and M luu dollais f jlM.Mii, with In
terest as provided In said uecree, from Feb
ruary 4tb, ltrif which amount Is a Urst lien
upou the north tnlrty-three (o3) feet of tbe
south one hundred thirty-one(Ul) feetof the
east one-half (Slot said lot twenty-six (2di.
lo satisfy James Thomsen, defendant, the
sum of twenty-one hundred forty-six and
Jti-luO dollars i(il4ti3t)) wltb Interest as pro
vided In said uecree, from February 4tu,
1U5, wblcb amount Is a brst lien upon the
north thirty-three (33) feet of tbe south
uluety-elght V) feet of the east oue-balf ('-)
oi saiu tot twenty-six (;).
To satisfy Julia o. Bryant, defendant, the
sum of twsnty-slx bunurcd eighty two and
VO-iOO dollars ($2682.18), with Interest as pro
vided in said uecree, from February 4'.b,
18U5. wblcb amount Is a Urst lien upon tbe
south etxty-tlve (5i feet of the east one-halt
( or saiu lot tweoty-six (.
l'o satisfy Charles E. Bates. Trustee. ulaln
tiff herein, the sum of seven hundred sixty
and Uo-luO dollars (i7tk)V5i. wltb Interest al
elgbl (8) per cent per annum from February
4 ill, laui, which amount Is a second Hen upon
each and all of the above described prop
erties, and subject to the Hens of tue various
defendants heretofore enumerated.
To satisfy the sum of Uftv-seven and 08-100
cottars (&,.) costs, togetuer with accruing
costs, according to a judgment rendered by
the district court of said Douglas county. Ne
braska, at Its February term, into, la a cer
tain action men ana there pending, wbereln
inaries c. nates was piainiiir, ana cnanes o.
bigutter ana others were defendants.
Omaba, Nebraska, June 5, lf'M.
Special Master Commissioner.
Benjamin r. 1 nomas, attorney.
Bites vs. Kl gutter. Doc. 4(1; No. 91. 6-5-5
Attorneys, N. Y. Life Bldg.
ants: To Abraham l.tiwkev unit W W
Bass, non-resident defendants:
you are hereby notified tuaton the 25th day
oi AiiuMoiw, v. ft. neufepiaiuuu uereiu, nieu
his petition In the above entitled cause, la
tbe ulstrlct court of Douglas couuty, Ne
braska, against you and each of you, Im
pleaded with Davis Skalankowsky, et al., the
object and prayer of which is to foreclose a
certal n mortgage executed on the 24th day of
uctouer, ub, oy Davis snaianaowsky and
Rachel Shalankowsky , upon tne property
described as follows: Lot two (2) in block ona
(l) In nouotze s tourin addition to the city
of Omaba, In Douglas county, Nebraska, as
surveyed, platted and r corded, to secure
the payment of their promissory note for
the sum of four thousand dollars (64,000.00),
uue aua payaoie uctouer 1st, 18U7, that there
is now due ana payable on said note tba sum
oi tour tnousanu dollars wltb Inter
est at the rate of ten do: per cent oer an
num from the 23rd day of February, 1895, for
which sum, with Interest. Lla ntlff nravs for
and that la default of such payment Btid
premises may be sold to satisfy the amount
Yuu are required to answer said petition
on or before tne 20th day of July, 1896.
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, June 12th, 1896.
By V. O. Strlckler and W. H Russell, attor-
neys tor plaintiff. 6-5-4
Attorney, 313 Board of Trade Building.
Hale. Under and by virtue of an order
or sale on decree or roreciosure of mortgage
Issued out of tbe District Court for Douglas
county, state oi nuurasKa, anu to me di
rected, I will, on the 7th day of July, A. D.
i . at one o ciock p. m. or said day, at tbe
north front door of the county court house,
In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne
braska, sell at public auction, to the highest
oiuuer ror casu, tne urouertv described In
saiu oraer oi sale as ioiiows, to-wlt:
The north thirty-two (32) feet of the smith
one-half (V4) of lot one(l). block "F." In Pros.
pect Place, an addition to the city of Omaha,
Douglas county, Nebraska, as surveyed,
pistteu anu recoruea.
Sid urouertv to be sold to satisfy William
0. Lodge, plaintiff herein, tbe sum of three
hundred and fortv-two and T4-KK) d
(KJI2.74). and also the further sum of fifty
and 75-100 dollars ($.i0 75), with Interest
tnereon at me rate or ten (10) per cent per
annum from the Kith day of July, 1895.
To satisfy Henry T. Clark, Receiver of the
union rrust uompany, defendant herein,
the sum of sixteen and 37-100 dollars (ilii .:)7i.
with interest at the rate of ten (10) per cent
per annum from September 23rd, lsy.f.
To Satisfy the CltV of O'Nnll. defendant
herein, the sum of two thousand and eight
and 18 100 dollars ($2,008.18), with Interest at
tne rate or seven at per cent per annum from
septemuer i:itn, trod.
Also to satisfy the further sum of twenty
nine and 33-100 dollars i$29.33) costs, together
witn accruing costs, according to a Judgment
rendered by the district court of said Doug
las county, at its September term, A. D. 1895,
In a certain action tnen and there pending,
wherein William C. Lodge is plaintiff, and
John J. McCaferty, Mary A. McCaferty, Pat-
ncK nuKiirs. uny oi u neu, Henry X. Clark,
Receiver of the Union Trust Cmnuanv. Mrs.
Patrick S. Hugbes(firstnumeunknown),John
J. wooiey, u. w. Hart, J. w. Dodd and w. S.
Beaton, are defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska, June 5th, A. D. 1896.
Special Master Commissioner.
J as w. carr attorney.
Lodge vs. McCaferty.etal. Doc. 52; No. 140.
special Master Commissioner's Sale.
Under and bv virtue nf an nrrinr nf aula nn I
decree of foreclosure of mortiraRe Issued out
or tne district court tor Uouglas county,
Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will, on the
ltithday of June, A, 1)., 1841 atone o'clock
p. m. of said day. at the north front door of
the county court house, In the city of
Umaha. DoUKlas countv. Nebraska.. nll nt.
puouc auction to the highest oiddnr for cash,
the property described in said order of sale
as ioiiows, to-w t:
lot thirteen (13), block seven (7), In Central
rarK. an aaoitinn tn thn ritv nf f,uu
Douglas countv. Nebraska.
aia property to be sold to satisfy Milton
. Koys, Plaintiff herein, the mm nf nlnptv-
tnree and 87-lliu do ars ma H7. with In nr
mwrrsi tucicun lruui may Itn, IfilH.
io sHiisiy isaac aaams. defendant herein,
the sum of one hundred ei?ht.fpn nnH kliimi
dollars (S118.83), with 8 per cent interest
thereon from May 7th, 18H4.
To satisfy pro rata, said Isaac Adux the
sura of one hundred and thlrty-fivedollars
(S133 001; Commercial National Bank, de
fendant herein, the sum of five hunrii-eri'
and thirty dollars (iVIO.Ull): Kred Linrlhnmt-
defendant herein, the sum of forty-three dol
lars 543.00l, and A brum s. Joseph, defendant
herein, the sum of ninety-four dollars (JU4.00),
with T per cent Interest on all said mmm
from May 7th, ISM.
To satisfy Isaac Adams the sum of six hun
dred sixteen dollars (Stilr) 00), with 8 per cent
Interest from May 7th. 1NH4.
To satisfy J7.48 costs, together with ac
cruing costs according to a Judgment ren
dered by the district court of said Douglas
county, at its September term. A. D. 18M. In a
certain artlou then and there pending.
Wherein Mlltnn F. knvi w.a nlulnHtr. mnA
Joseph A. Haines et al., were defendants.
Umaha, Nebraska. May 15th, 1SU6.
SntViH.1 "M rnmnilaainnAD
Roys vs. Haines. JDoc, 4: No. 16. 5-15-6
SUBSCRIBE for Thr American; 60 cents
w from now until January 1, 18D7.
Attorney, Hit New York Life Building.
v hereof gives that by virtue of a chattel
mormage, dated oa tba iUH day of August.
inu, aai auiy ilea in toeumce uf the county
clerk of Douglas couuty, Nebraska, on lbs
I4ih day of October, Ixxi. and executed by
niiliaui j. nlue H Irving r. Johnson, to
cure the payment of tbe sum of seventy-live
uonars ii.joui, ana upon wnicn there Is now
due r 50 lef suit having been made la the
payment of said sum, and no suit or other
proceeding at law having been Instituted to
recover said debt or any part thereof, there-
lore, i win seil the property therein de
scribed vis : A library comprising .' vol
uuiee. chiefly theological, lacluuinf vol
uuiesof classical. Latin. Greek and Hebrew
t'lctlunarlee; M volumes of Commentaries
Is volumes uf Seriuoua and Addre es: 41
volumes of Bibles. Testameuia.frayer-books,
with books referring ui them: 12 volumes oi
Hymnals and books referring to choirs and
muncai service; a voiuues oi Doctrinal
Ethical and Homlletlcal books; 47 volumes
of school books, catechisms and miscellane
ous books; 10 volumes of general literature.
and 31 volumes ol biographical and historical
works, at public auction al Boom Kli la the
New York Life Building. In the cliv of
umana. Douglas county. Nebriitka. on ttatur
day. the 27ih day of June, lowo, at 2 o'clock
r. or saiu aay.
lated Omaba, Nebraska. June 5. ISSM.
6-5-3 Mortgagee
Probata Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Gusts
Adolf Johnson, deceased:
Notice Is hereby given that the creditor
or saiu aeceaseu win meet me exeutrix
of said estate b fore me Couuty Judge of
Douglas county, Nebraska, at tbe county
court room, in said county, on the 22nd day
of July, 1m'.J; on the 2nd day of October. 18W,
and on the 8 d day of December, 1800, at
9 o'clock A. M. each day, fjr the purpose of
presenting their claims lor examluatlou, ad
lustment and allowance. Six months are
allowed for tbe creditors to present thel
claims and one year for the executrix to
settle said estate, from the 2nd day of
June, 18; this notice will be published
The Amkhicah for four weeks successively,
prior to the Snd day or July, iswi.
6-5-4 County Judge
To Robert E. Spelluian, non-resident de
You will take notice that on the 22nd day
of Hay, 18M1, Ella Spellman Bled a petition
against you in the district court of Douglas
county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of
which Is to obtain a divorce from you on the
E round of extreme cruelty, and that you
ave been an habitual drunkard, also you
have been guilty or wiiruuy deserting plain
tiff for more than two years lust past.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 3)lh day or June, Ih'.K).
Omaha, Nebraska, May 22, lsM.
By John L. Carr, her attorney. 5-22-4
ft7R 1 171 n nth
unSiA Wnmnto, AOrtmT aSiiHO.liim,lM
CcIebrftUxl FemaU
Powder never fall
Mf anil mi fifter feuof
Ttoiratid j?nnrroyal Pliit), prt tculATfl 4 Mit
cTli6 Uncle Tom's CaUm oline A.P. A.
Secrets of the Convent
of the Sacred Heart.
Do you want to send some friend a hook
that will make him an A. P. A.? Do you want
to send an A. P. A. a book that will
Strengthen his faith, bv trlvlnir him evldnno
oi tne uiaoouc outrages or Uoiuanlsra prac
uceu witnin tne wans oi tne I4U5 convents Ir
tne united states?
Secrets of the Convent
Beautifully Illustrated Cover.
Price, 25 Cents, Postpaid.
Berlin Heights, Ohio
Bend us ten cents, coin or stamps, and we will
send your name and address to 100 of the
most popular papers In America. You will
receive copies of each for reading and dis
tribution FREE. In addition we send your
name and aduress to 600 manufacturers
who want agents. (Many have received uer-
manent employment, as we have testimonials
to show). You will receive samples of goods
and other things too numerous to mention
i ou get ousueis or mail. Address.
1043 Van Buren Street Chlcaao.
of the
. . . RECORD
Containing- the debate on the Indian
bcnools Appropriation and Linton's
Kemarlrs on Marquette Statue, In
pamphlet form, now ready to mail
une copy 5c, tea copies 40c, fifty
copies one nunarea copies 83.80.
631 P Street N. W..
Washington, D. C.
Reaches all the principal towns and min
ing oampa in Colorado, Utah and
New Mexico.
AU through trains equipped with Pullman Talace
and Tourist Sleeping Car.
For elepantly Illustrated descriptive books free
of cost, address
rr'tiidGoi'llI(r. TrIc luim. Go'lP.T. Art
Why the TauiUt, Traveler and Student
Sbwiild Visit I Uh.
1 ner are two reason, cither one of
which ought to be conclui?e with
every American citizen.
Fira: The trip from Denver to Uuh
m Kio brande Western, ."Great Salt
Lake Route," U the grandest to be
found anywhere on the continent. K
European trip of equal lengta can com
pare with it In variety and srrandcur of
scenery and wealth of novel interest.
tkeoml You should go because, when
you have made this wonderful trip, you
will find Utah at the end of it Uuh
one of the world's famous spots, and
land of gold, silver, copper, Iron and
Coal; of lofty mountains and fertile val
leys; of vineyards, fruits and flowers.
Salt Lake City, the capital, Is of great
Interest on account of its historical and
religious associations. Here are Uot
Thermal Springs, Warm Springs, Sul
phur Springs, Sanitarium, Parks
Drives, Canyons and the moot health
ful climate on earth. Great Salt Lak
with tbe new and beautiful Saltai
Beach Resort, of Moorish design, hat
no equal in America. Write to F. A
Wadlelgh, Salt Lake City, for copies of
pamphlets, eto.
$200.00 IN U0LD (JIVES.
Or Sittvial Interest to Studeuts and
R. II. Woodward Company, of Haiti
more, Md., are making a most liberal
offer of $200.00 to anyone who will sell
200 oopies of "Gems of Reliiriou
Thought," a new book by Talmage,
This Is one of tbe most popular books
ever published. Three editions sold In
GO days. Agents sell 10 to 15 copies
day. An Estey organ, retail price $270,
given for selling 1 10 copies In 3 month
A $100 bicycle given for selling 80
copies in 2 months. A gold watch for
selling 60 copies in one month. Thlg
premium in addition to commission
Complete outfit 35 cents. Freight paid
Credit given. Agents wanted also for
"Talks to Children About Jesus." One
hundred and fifty thousand copies sold
and it is now selling faster than ever,
Same terms and conditions as
"Gems of Religious Thought." Other
popular books and Bibles also. They
offer special and most liberal rates to
students and teachers for summer va
cation. During last summer a lares
number of students and teachers can
vassed for their books. Among the
list there were 23 who made over $200,
57 who won the $200 premium, and It
made over $150 for their summer work.
Write them Immediately. tf
In every town In the United States to
soil a sure cure for Cancer, Fever Sore
and Milk-Leg. Address
C. A. C. Medical Co.,
C A. Crum, Mgr.
1703 Wabash Ave. Chicago, 111
Subscribe for The American now
The best andcheapeit patriotie paper
in America.
flv lmi DhnauiiIai It purifies and en
UI. fAfJI d nCIIUldlUI ches the blood
and Is the best nerve tonic yet discovered.
A specific for Rheumatism
and Kidney Diseases.
And still they (o like hot cnkc. Every
day the publishers of the "Sinking
Patriot" are filling order for the
latest and best patriotic songster on the
market. It is now in tne ten in euition
and twentieth thousand.
Send us 25c. in silver, stamps, post officr
or express order, ona try re i urn mail
we will Rend you a copy of "The Stye
Ino Patriot." All the latest Patriotic
hongs with a good sprinkling of the old
ones, ltiisitttne actnowiedgea "up-to-date"
And they'll be happy, ftttr up love fot
Native Land and the oi-d Flag by
getting them once more singing thi
Oi.i hoNOK. Interest vour Iriends
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Ask nearest ticket agent
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J. FRAiccrs, G. P. A., Omaha, Neb.
II t oa!4 Not rld Abaal Arraplla
ha laraililD.
Peel baa not read a liable of Trnny
on. Hut M lines abowrd blm "Lock
ley Hall" and Tlyiwa" and (be pn
flon of :00 waa Immediately granted,
ays Temple liar. And now, on the
death of Wadsworth. another prima
minister baa to admit that he know
nothing whatever about Tennyaon.
Lord John Rusaell wrote to Rogers
"As you would not wear the laurel
yoursi lf I have mentioned to the queen
those whom I thought muni worthy of
the honor. Her majesty Is Inclined to
beatow It on Mr. Tennyson, but I
should wish before the offer Is made to
know something of bis character, a
well as of hla literary merits. I know
your opinion of the Inst by your ad
vice to Sir Robert Peel, but I should
be glad If you could let me know some
thing of his charncter and ponl'lon.'
This Is indeed quaint, but no doubt
Rogers was equal to the situation
More than six months pwsed after
Wordsworth's death before the office
was filled up, but the offer came to
Tennyson at last He has himself
given a curious aroount of the way In
which he received It. He told his
friend, Mr. Knowles: "The night be
fore I was asked to take tbe laureate-
ship, which was offered to me through
Prince Albert's liking for my 'I
Memorlam,' I dreamed that he came to
nie and kUmed me on the cheek.
said In my dream: 'Very kind, but very
German.' In the morning the lotter
about the laureateshlp was brought to
me and laid upon my bed. I thought
about It through the day, but could not
make up my mind whether to
take It or refuse It, and at last
I wrote two letters, one accept
Ing and one declining, and threw
them ou the table and settled to decide
which I would send after my dinner
and a bottle of port." It Is rather
curious that Tennyson In his first ap
pearance at court exactly followed
Wordsworth's precedent. He dressed
at Rogers' and wore the old poet"
court suit Just as Wordsworth had done,
I well remember," Bays Sir Henry
Taylor, "a dinner In St, James place,
when the question arose whether Samu
el's suit was spacious enough for Al
ired. But the laureate managed to
make It do. Of Tennyson merely as
laureate there is fortunately little to
say. He did not write much In bis
offlclal capacity. The "Ode on the
Death of the Duke of Wellington" woul
probably have been written even
Tennyson had never bad anything to
do with the lord chamberlain. It was
not because he was a laureate that
Tennyson was a patriot. His other
pieces on royal weddings and bo forth
are slight and unimportant.
Rand ! Health ful.
Some time ago when an item went
the rounds of the press about the large
number of bow-legged children in Cin
clnnatl it was suggested that sand piles
should be provided for children to play
in. The sand-pile idea has been
adopted, not only for the bow-legged
children but for all the little tots, and
promisee to be carried to a novel ex
tent. Many of the school yards have
now In one corner large piles of sand
in which the little tots roll and play
to their heart's content. Care Is taken
to provide clean sand secured from one
of the bars in the Ohio river, and it Is
changed often enough to make it per
fectly healthful. It is declared to be
the best thing possible for children to
play in, and some doctors have ad
vised the making of mud pies
as a regular prescription for Dunv
youngsters. They say that there Is
nothing like contact with Mother
Earth, and that If the children do not
get healthful sand or dirt to play in
they will wallow in the gutter or yards
and be contaminated with all sorts of
disease germs. City Legislator John
Regan has gone further and has in
troduced an ordinance in the city coun
cil to shut the worthless element out
of 8th street or Garfield park and give
it over to the children. He proposes to
have sand piled in the corners of the
parks and let the children play all they
want. Mr. Kegan, who Is well known
in New York, says that this should
certainly be done. New York Journal
ro!e-IInnter Nanian.
Hansen, the arctic exDlorer is
only 35 years old. He was born on
farm a few miles from Christlanla,
After leaving college he made his fa
mous Journey across Greenland with
three or four picked men as comnan-
ions. His book giving an account of
that trip is one of the most interesting
volumes or travel ever published. It
made Nansen a lion in his own country
and m England. Mrs. Nansen Is a skill
ful "snowshoer" and has accompanied
her husband on many a risky ramble
among the mountains of her native
country. Exchange.
The Ballot.
A man's vote Is more significant than
his occupation or his friendships. At
the polls he recognizes his kinship with
the great of the land. He Is of an
equal of senators and Judges and presi
dents. He is part of the body politic
responsible for the administration and
government. Rev. Cyrus Richardson.
Christianity has resisted manhood.
It puts man back In the original condi
tion before the influences of sin caused
his decay. The man restored, he will
look for others who are lost that he
may bring them back to the highest
manhood. Rev. Ostrom.
To Ireerv Health.
It is understood that the government
of New Zealand will introduce a nieas-
re for the exclusion of consumptive
persons on the same lines as that deal
ing with smallpox, making masters of
A riaaaaat lalaad lababllM by luru
Minorca waa a pleasant Island, In
hlblted by an unpleasant people, aaya
Temple Har. The countryside waa cor
rred thick with olive trees, though tb
wood looked more Inviting than they
were, for the ground waa atony. Ther
were no rivers, but there waa water la
abundance, for the Mlnorcana werw
adroit well-alnkera. There were bo
meadows, so it was hard to paiturw
horses, but mules thrived onu bow anl
were useful beasts much more wo than
the horses. "The horses, like their ma,
tera. have a certain atatellnesa in their
gait that promises more good than U
In their nature, for they are both ar
rant Jade at bottom." This I the Judf.
ment of a man who knew them both.
The Mlnorcana, a naturally list leaf
people, did not favor traveling. Therw
waa one shelter house on the Island, thw
Casa del Rey, at Alalor. the first stag
out from Port Mahon on the road north
ward to Cludadella. Here the traveler
might count on finding a bed, for whlcn
he would have to pay 1 shilling. If he
carried food with him he might sup;
otherwise he must go to bed hungry.
There was one cart In the island.
The ordinary education of an En
gllsh gentleman In the elghtenth cen
tury constituted a man of learning la
Spain. When we remember what that
education amounted to we can form an
Idea of how much a Spanish gentleman
did not know and Minorca was rather
worse than the mainland. One traveler
who returned from the long and peril
ous Journey to the neighboring Island
of Majorca reported with a scared face
that they were teaching a new philo
sophy there, the foundation of which
was reason. The total population of the
Island was about 16,000. The Minor
cans were permitted by the Spanish
government to possess one knife for
each household, but they were com
pelled to keep it chained to the kitchen
Enough corn was grown on the Island
to support the people, but not the gar
rison. The farmers trod out their corn
with oxen and ground It between
stones, as was done In the days ot
Oman, the Jebuslte. nut It Is not to b
supposed that they were ashamed or
even conscious of their backwardness.
On the contrary, they held It to be im
proper to know more than a Minorcan
and highly Irreligious to try experi
ments. Their vines, for example, were,
never pruned for those reasons, and one
of our officers, who pointed out the;
value of this simple operation of hus
bandry, was rebuked for his profanity
as if God who made the vine did not
know how It ought to grow better than
any heretic of an Englishman! - ln farda.
Little girl asks If it Is not allowable
to have her name on visiting carda.
Answer: Dy no means. Until a vnuna
lady has grown to an age when ah
Is received into society, she should not
have a visiting card. It is customary
in cities if young girls are taken out,
and any necessity arises, to write their
names on the visiting cards of their
mothers or elder sisters. A schoolgirl
Is not supposed to be a member of so
ciety. The eldest daughter of tha
household when she reaches proper age
nas ner caras engraved "Miss Smith."
Her Christian name Is omitted. Thla
indicates that she Is the eldest daugh
ter, as no other member of the family
nas a rigni 10 use tne name in tnla
way. If her aunt is Miss Smith mat
ters become somewhat complicated; but
tne ract that there is another Mlaa
Smith In the family does not alter the
situation. One household managed thia
condition very well by writing in pen
cil In the lower left-hand corner of thw
card, merely the Christian name "Mlaa
Mary." This was done both by the
aunt and niece, either one being Justly
entitled to use tne name Miss Smith,
Therefore they compromised the mat
ter in this agreeable fashion, and every.
ooay understood tne reason.
How ITa Waa Idcatlflad.
On one occasion the prince of Walea
wanted to give Frederick Febvre the
noted French actor, some testimonial ot
appreciation and consulted hra compan
ion in the box. "I can't buy him some.
thing; that would be banal. Do you
think he would like to have my cane?"
It was decided that the cane would do.
So, stepping to the green room, the
prince paid the actor a few compliment!
on the English part he was playing and
begged him to accept the cane, saying
it had seldom left him for ten years.
He added that he hoped to see the cane
with Febvre on the stage. The inci
dent was reported and Febvre spent
the following day dismissing a queue
of Englishmen who invaded his lodg
ings trying to buy the cane. After
ward, when giving private entertain
ments in London, he repeatedly heard
himself identified by the remark made
in the audience: "He's the one that got
the cane." Argonaut.
Tha rhnrrhet.
The world has outgrown some church.
es, it has outgrown narrow concep
tions of religious truth. Heresy trials.
narrow doctrinal dissensions, and the
Insistence on ceremonial observances
as essential to the salvation of men
drive the masses from the churches
which force such limitations upon them.
Rev. G. R. Wallace.
Iter Pmenra of Mind.
Rose's marriage Is off."
"How embarrassing! Her
invitations were out."
Yes; but she just called them in and
made It a 5 o'clock tea." Chicago Rec
Irlnh Coal.
There is a coal mine at Willlamstown
in the county of Tipprary. In a pub
lished list of mines it is stated to em
ploy two persons, one below ground
and one above ground. The owner la
chips liable.
also the manager.