The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, June 12, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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Kansas City Advertisements h- s
ho. Marrying la Hut a la
aura. N.v.r Kvpaat.
Four mothers were discussing the
present training and possible futures
of their children, says the New York
"The botKht of my ambition." said
m aid
All kind of Household Uonds bought.
old ana exctntnuea.
x,,mrm ri.allnf guaranteed to all buying and telling.
9in pt P.lchfwnth Street. KANSAS CITY, MO.
National Bank of Commerce,
Demand Depoelit.
Wm. Askew,
J. C. Egelheff,
G. M. Cole,
Joe. Cab a,
W. A. WlUon,
II. C. Arnold,
J. II Arnold,
Wm. Iluttlsr,
II. U. Ward,
,.$1,000,000 00
,. 3(K),000.00
,. 5,000,000.00
J. J. Swofford,
W. P. Voorheea
V. 8. Wood,
Chester A. Snider, D. T. Morton,
W. A. Hule.
BURT MEEK, Licensed Eisbalmer.
Undertakers and Funeral
Carriages furnished at reasonable rates.
IU ported
Furniture, Siotcs ana Tinware, the nm. -a to got my four daughters
married oy ine lime mey are la.
"Yes.- chimed In the second, "Dr.
rarkhurst Is exactly right. There la
no career like marriage for a woman."
"If I didn't think there was a good
man growing up somewhere for my lit
tle girt I would be miserable," said
No. J. as she patted the golden curls
of a tiny maiden at her knee.
"You are right No woman doctors
and woman lawyers for me," said the
fourth matron, with dignified em
phasis. To any one familiar with the his
tories of these women their opinions
would furnish food for serious reflec
tion. The first speaker bad married
a man who bad never made a living for
bis family, except In rare and brief
Intervals of good luck. From the af
fluence of ber maiden days she had de
scended to such depths of poverty that
at one time she was forced to sell cakes
on the streets to keep ber children
from starving.
Th husband of the second was a man
whose salary gave his family a com
fortable living for the first ten years
of their married life, but he waa strick
en with paralysis before the prime of
life. The eldest child, a boy of great
promise, died at the age of 12, the fath
er followed him In a few years, and
the wife waa left to support three
young children and herself as best she
The third was the widow of a bril
liant professional man. Bho had $20,000
In her own right. Her husband ran
for some office, was defeated, took to
gambling and drinking and died of de
lirium tremens In a few years. She,
KANSAS CITY, Mo. too, had to solve the problem of mak
ing a living for herself and two small
The fourth woman had married rath
er late in life a widower of small means
and mediocre talents, and, after six
years of wedded life, she had put on
widow's weeds and entered the lists
I . i i i m
mmm m Iflf I 1 01 in Droaa winners on ueuau 01 iuur
Great Western Steam Dye Works. sr,Z"rK 01
V I All Aiia Vnil In 1.1 hnolfh hAQIltV an1
mm Ufa- ia a uouiiu, sviua.j aajs-sva
happiness on the shrine of Hymen, yet
not one could be Induced to declare
marriage a failure and all were anx
ious to secure husbands for their
daughters. These women represent the
hopelessly conservative class a class
that will always exist, no matter how
KAJN SAS CITY, MO. much women may be emancipated, and
that win oonunue to lurnisn loug-aui
ferlng wives to the sons of men as
long as the sons of men choose to mar
ry. No possibility or even certainty of
disaster can deter them from matri
mony. It is their vocation, and they
enter it as trustingly and devoutly aa
those who take the black veil
A Thrilling Tala of Koecao
from Kv.rett,
The Everett correspondent of the
Seattle rout-Intelligencer says the fol
lowing story is vouched for by Capt,
Falrbairn of the steamer Florence
Henry: James Wilson started from
that steamer to shore but stuck In the
quicksand of the Snohomish river, with
water up to his armpits and the tide
coming in. All efforts to pull him out
proved fruitless and his companions
saw that In a few minutes the water
would be over his head. "Like an in
spiration," says the correspondent,
"came the plan of rescue. A small Iron
pipe about four feet In length was
brought from the boat and placed in
Wilson's mouth. He could use his arms
to steady it Then oakum was used to
cover hJa mouth around the pipe, and
over the oakum was placed a covering
of white lead, making it water tight
The man's nostrils and ears were
plugged up in like manner with oakum
snd white lead. It was found that be
could breathe freely through the pipe
and, thus equipped, Wilson relieved of
fear and confident of bis release In a
short time calmly awaited the rising
of the tide, which finally covered his
bead to the depth of six or eight inches.
His companions stood by him faithful
ly In a small boat and It was not mor
than about three-quarters of an hour,
although It seemed an age, when the
waters had receded far enough to let
bis head out of water and he could feel
that the crisis was passed. When the
tide had gone out sufficiently to un
cover the flat, willing bands soon did
the work of shoveling the sand away
and amid general rejoicing Wilson was
taken Bafely aboard the steamer appar
ently none the worse for his thrilling
1813 Main Street
(I.HMWI u J. 9. tmousH.)
Ladies' Dress Goods, Silks, Satins and Shawls
Cleaned and Dyed.
18 and 20 East Seventh Street,
Smith Steam
kinds of
SMITH'S and Ordinary
Label is on Every Loaf.
Bread Sold in
Bakers' Bread.
Kansas City
Be Sure Our
306-8-10 East 17th Street, KANSAS CITY, M0.
Dr. Whit-tier, $r,
215 West th St.. Kansas City, Mo.
1st. Est S7. Nervous Debility.
W. , , - . Ill . . . YV 1 . VI .
Aversion to Society. Los of Ambition. In
Oldest and original. Mont successful special
Lost Vitality, Organic Weakness, Karly Decay, Lack of
Dvsueosla. Kxhaustlns Losses, Pimple on race
nfltnua to Marry. Stunted Develooment. Lost
Manhood. Milky Urine, effects of abuse or excess CUHfiD TO 8TAY CURED. My ltfe
Ions experience, special study of each case, pure medicines. Insure a HEAL CURE. Que
Uon list Ni 1 tree In plain envelope. Charge reasonable. Terms easy. fall.
ECZEMA, (Itchy or scaly tetter), and ALL BLOOD DISEASES, cured for life, safely and
sure. A?old patent medicines or Inexperienced hands. Call or write for question list No.
ton Mood diseases. ... . .
GONORRHOEA, QLKEL, STRICTURE, cured without instruments or pain. List
No. 3 free. Medical Dictionary and Adviser Irea at offce, by mall 3c. Hours 9 to 4, 7 to 8.
Sunday 10 to 11
A Nle Question of Law.
A wealthy German, Intent upon a
day's outing, wanted to hire a horse
dealer's best horse and trap, but not
knowing his man the horse dealer de
murred at trusting them In his bands,
Determined to have his drive, the Ger
man proposed paying for the horse and
vehicle, promising to sell them back
at the same price when he returned,
To that the other saw no objection, so
bis customer's wants were supplied
and off he went
He was back in time at the stables,
his money reimbursed according to con
tract and he turned to go.
"Hold on," exclaimed the dealer,
"you have forgotten to pay for the
"My dear sir," was the cool reply
"there Is no hiring In the case. I have
been driving my own horse and trap all
day," and he left the astonished man
to his reflections. Exchange.
Capital KuO.COi 00
turpi u. SMuO 09
W. O. COX. f. C. ADAMS.
President. Ass't Cashier.
Carriage! Repair .Shop.
All klsds of Spring Vt.grns to order.
L'arriaie Repairing Practical
rT Horseshoeing.
1017 East iSih St, KANSAS CITT, M0.
Watchmaker, Jeweler, Opticiai
Diamonds, watches, jewelry, etc.. told on
easy veekly payments at spot-cssh prices.
Over 30 years experience. Wesse you money
on everything, fall and see bow e do It.
Universal Repair Co.
CMAS. h. WARD, Propr.
Ctrisst.rt . Bslissn, Brick ant Tla Wera,
PIMterlsf ssf Palatial .
KalaomlalnK and Paper Hanging. Clsteraa
built and repaired, eew.r connection put
la. Estimate cheerfully furnished. Alt
work guaranteed satisfactory.
704 tL.
KaasaS Citt, Mo
Sold so Weekly
Psy meats.
1 8 East nth St.
Kaasas Citv. Ma.
1032 Main Strett.
The nnd.rslgsed hss beta Jn the 'holo
graph bsls since 1M1. This gallery ha
on of th Anthssy's Latest Improv.d Cam
era's for aaklng Fine Photographs tb
Unit out of th factory. In fsct. this gallery
keep up with all the latest style ad Im
proveiueat In fin Phstography. Give me a
trial order.
1033 ttmfm St.. K AX 9 AS CITT.
Manicure Chiropodist
and Facial Kectrician.
REMOVES Corns, Bunion and Ingrowing
Nail without pain or the use of acids.
Also Facial Massage, Superfluous Hair,
wrinkles, pock marks, moles and scar per
manently removed by electricity.
444-445 NEW RIDGE BLD'G. 1
nlts.c. 912 walnit St. r 916 Main St.
Lookng GlassPIates
Bsmsged II irrers Re-Silvered at Shsrt K.tice.
Send for Prices. -
Employ ment Office
EO. 8HERAR. Man!..
mniR Imtitiit.lnn was trotte no t icnre
I .nnlnfm.nt for tha unsat)lovd asd to
send you uch be'p you are In need f,
using tne uesi oi in uuing .u.
riLri oe.
612 Walnut Strt, Kahbis Citt, Mo,
Cheaper la th English Metropolis Than
In New York.
The London Dally Graphic, In com
menting upon a paragraph which ap
peared in this column some time ago
concerning the pay of literary workers,
smiles at the Idea of f 5,000 a year being
regarded as a small Income. I never
said that it was a small Income. What
did say was that it was small In pro
portion to the demands upon It. It
would be good pay for a bachelor, but
not for a gentleman of family.
The Graphic closes Its remarks by
saying: "We know of scores of literary
workers in London who, In the historic
phrase of the cabman, 'wish that they
had half the complaint of the new
paupers of New York." urom tne
Graphic's point of view, $5,000 a year
la a good deal of money, tor the Graphio
Is a London paper, and $2,500 a year in
London is equal to $5,000 In New York.
A family man with $5,000 a year in this
ilin nnrtn rvf s ffflA tri llva (fl O 1A110A Ofl
WILJ ivauuvb can i w v v a uwuwt i
I have said before; in London he could MnSiS tllj I Bill lM AWlllllg WO, ,
an or a a very guuu uuuso.
I know of one man of letters In Lon
don, tor example, who has a house that
I would be proud to live in, and all he
pays is 50 a year. This may not In
clude rates and taxes I hope for the
sake of the landlord that It does not
but even with those expenses added the
rent would be pretty low. Where In
New York could be get a bouse or even
a flat for such a price? Critic
Cotractors and Builders.
Office Fixtures a Specialty.
AU Older will receive our personal atten
tion, ttatlaiacuon guarauve.u.
Office and hp:
115 E. 13th Strut. ana mj
The Hatter.
Hats cleaned, colored and retrimmed.
Alsoladlrs' and uentr straw
C hats cleaned. C
8 East EliMh Strut, C Kakius Citt, Mo,
km oiwuor
Especially prepared to meet the wants of Farmers, Mer
chants, Mechanics, Clerks, Students, Women, and all who
desire a complete work at the minimum cost.
Nearly 70 Comprehensive Maps.
140 New and Superb Illustrations.
A Whole Library of It3elf, of vital and absorb
ing interest to every member of the household.
Population of each State and Territory, of all
Counties of the United States, and of American
Cities with over 5,000 Inhabitants.
IT CONTAINS much special information regarding any Nation, Province
State, City, Town or Village desired. The knowledge is rarely obtainable
from a school geography, which necessarily has only a few general facts and
the location of important cities.
Railroad maps are notoriously incorrect and misleading, hence the puzzled
truth-seeker, where large libraries are inaccessible, is without relief unless he
is the happy owner of a knowledge-satisfying, pleasure-giving People's Atlas.
All Countries on the face of the earth are shown.
Rivers and Lakes are accurately located.
All the large Cities of the World, the Important Towns and most of the
Villages of the United States are given on the Maps.
It gives a classified List of all Nations, with Forms of Government, Geo
graphical Location, Size and Population.
This beautiful Atlal bound in heavy paper cover, and wiU be sentito Cfl PCMTC
any address upon receipt of I - vlU ULil I w,
English Estate. Passing.
The policy of disposing of unentailed
estates hss been introduced in Eng
land by the titled gentry, who need the
money more than they do the owner
ship of the soil. During the spring or
early summer between 3,000 and 4,000
acres of Countess of Warwick's Essex
estates will be put up for sale by auc
tion. The vast property, which Includes
Newenham Hall Farm, on which are
three of the famous hills or barrows
known as Bartlow Hills, where num
erous antiquities have been found, will
be submitted as a whole. But, antici
pating the tendency of the times, the
rendor has agreed, if not successful,
to have it put up Immediately after
ward In lots arranged, as far as pos
sible, so that the tenants will have an
opportunity of acquiring the freehold
of their holdings. San Francisco
From an Old Mint,
It is evident that the recent bond sale
drew many old stockings containing
hoarded gold from their hiding places.
In a lot of gold paid Into the treas
ury a day or two ago were five rare old
gold coins. They were $3 gold pieces,
and bore the dates of 1842 and 1S47, jet
appeared fresh and bright. On the
faces of the coins appeared the letter D,
the mark of the old mint at Dahlonega,
Ga. The mint at uanionega was
seized by the confederates shortly after
the outbreak of the war, and gold
coin to the amount of $27,000 was con
fiscated. The pieces received at the
treasury the other day were probably
among those confiscated In 1861. The
total coinage of the Dahlonega mint
was about $6,000,000, but few of Its coins
are In circulation. Those received at
the treasury the other day were the
first that have shown up there for a
good many years. Boston Post,
Awniigs, Teots, Tarpaulins, Csvers, 1c.
Telsiktn IfU. KANSAS CITY,
Caney jugs
Bile Kill limit Hi lusstis Clint
-07 t.ka vaur Carnet and cut and make a
Stiff, from three to lvn wide, for 8S
rent nr tauare ysrd: frl.K. extra. Hve
pounds 01 uarpet to tne yaru oi nug.
197 Est! Elfhteeath St.,
6. BOCK,
Brush Factory,
809 EASf 18th St.,
All sort of brushes
made to order
promptly at reason
able prices. Re
pair ing brushes,
carpet sweeper,
etc., etc.
Scrsk Brushes fnm
Sc Upward.
Practical Horse Shoer.
Harass Entruated ta My Cara
will net be Abused.
307 Grand Ave., Kansas city, mo.
Missouri, Kansas & Texas Trust Co.
iassas city, mo.
Capital - - 1,850,000.
Surpla and Undivided Fronts, S950,00O.
Vice Presidents: J. McD. Trimble, E. L.
Martin, W. 8. Taylor, Jacques X. Nolthe-nlus.
Robert B. Cone, secretary: winiam u. Tay
lor, treasurer; Fra.ic B. Wilcox, assistant
treasurer; Jacques r. Noiuitnius. assistant
secretary; K. 8. ft osber, scond ssslstantiac-
retary, Trimble & Braley, general attorneys.
Executes a General Trust Baslaess.
Acts as Trust... Transfer Agent or Regis
trar l.r Corporation.
Act a Ex.aator, Administrator, Guard
ing or Tra.t. of Estates.
gallects Western Mortgages.
Take Charge of Properties, .ll.ctlng
Beat, faying Taxes, etc., for Eastara la-
Kansas City Directors A. E. Stllwell, B.
L, Martia, Frank Cooper. F. A. Faxoa. J.
Mcl). Trimble, Robert Ollham, Jacques T.
Nolthenlu. C. A. Braley.
Troost Paris
On Troost Ave. Cable Ry.
Brass Band Concerts Sundays.
Zoological Garden, Merro-go-round,
Boating and other at
tractions. Watch for the opening next
week of
"Shooting the Chutes."
Leaving Him to HI Fate.
"John," she said, "there's a burglar
trying to get in the house.
"Is there T was the uninterested re
"Yea. Aren t you going to do some
thing about it?"
"No, Maria. I'm a humane man, but
If that fellow falls over Johnny's tin
I wagon and steps into a toy drum and
gets frightened by treading on a rub
ber doll that says 'papa' and barks his
shins the same as I did when I came
In here in the dark to-night, It'll be all
his own fault I don't feel called on to
Interfere with my advice or to offer a
helping hand, for It won't be a deserv
ing cass," Washington Star."
"Wot are you a-cryln fort"
"Me teacher kep' me In an' called me
a ass."
"Cheer up, ole man; that ain't nothln'
to cry for!"
"Oh, I ain't a-crylng for myself; I'm
a-weepin' cause It's so rough on me
Real Fir. I Invisible.
No eye, says a scientific writer, has
ever seen real fire. The flame Is leap
ing in strange, fantastic form, fifteen or
twenty inches upward from the coal
and with It is a good deal of black,
sooty smoke. The sooty smoke and
the flames are one and the same, with
only a difference of temperature. The
soot which forms the flame is red hot.
Every particle of the flame is red hot
coal or a particle of the carbon. The
real fire we do not see. The Instant
that the carbon atoms become really
burned, eaten up by the oxygen of com
bustion, they are Invisible. In burning
three pounds of carbon, the heated
state of which gives us flame, the fire
work Is done by eight pounds of oxy
gen. The oxygen we do not see. The
carbon we only see Just before It is
burned; and the result of the burning
Is eleven pounds of the compound of
oxygen and carbon which Is Invisible.
There must be a place of worship or
there will be no worship. Hence, the
church. There must be a time for wor
ship, or there will be no worship.
Hence the obligation of the Sabbath.
Rev. W. H. Moore.
Mot Overpopulated.
As a means of showing how far the
world is from being overpopulated,
economists assert that the entire popu
lation of the United States could live
mmfortablv in the single state ofl
Texas. i
The "Silent Ten" is the same ot a
club of women at Wellington, Kas. Ex
Lake View Consolidated
Gold and Silver Hining Co.
Located in Beaver Head County, Montana, offer
a portion of its
Treasury Stock at a Low Price
to secure money todevelop its property and put
in a mill.
This company owns FOURTEEN CLAIMS
of twenty acres each, all well prospected,
and have been examined by competent experts
and practical miners. The Ore assays from $12
to $300 in gold per ton. It offers the
Best Chance for a
Paying Investment
in the West. The Stock is non-assessable, and
its development will greatly enhance it value.
This Company has all of the preliminary
work done, and is supplied with tools, tool
houses, blacksmith shops, and stables, all com
pleted, and is only twenty-eight miles from a
Railway station. There is also plenty of Timber,
Water and Free milling Gold Ore. For partic
ulars, address the undersigned for circulars
and other information.
Af. L. ZOOK, Agent,
1615 Howard Street,
Omaha, Neb.,