The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, June 05, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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A citizen of the United Sutea would
not be true to hU belief in liberty if he
did not find somewhere in hit heart ft
ympathy for the Cuban who is fight
ing for independence against a nation
which U crippled becauie of her sub
jection to the Vatican.
If the Roman Catholic politicians
make their former record good when
they find they cannot put In a man
whom they delight to honor, and Mo
Klnley is the man they cannot stop,
they would cause the patriotic socie
ties to fight him, if money and Influ
ence can do it, so that he would need
help from some other source, and that
source would be the Roman Catholic
gentry, who would feel that their great
assistance, to the said McKlnley, should
be paid for by a few unimportant con
cessions ana positions which the rest
of his friends might not care for.
Many men can manufacture schemes,
but it is the rogue who has no prlnclpl
who will put them into execution, for
which he la called "smart."
Looking from the outside, at this
writing, it seems to me Mr. Stevens
needs a guardian. He acts almoat as
If he were of age, because of his dlsre
gard for the opinions of others, and
like an unwise boy in his judgment
To make and unmake kings is claimed
by the pope, but no one else should
claim it. Aleph.
Lady O'Hagan's Secession.
In connection (says the M WestmirutUr
Gazette") with the secession of Lady
O'Eagaa, her son and daughters from
the Roman Catholic church, and their
entry into the communion of the Ply'
mouth Brethren, one interesting incl
dent is mentioned. Lady O'llagan be
longs to the Townley family one of
the oldest Catholic families in Eng
land. In the chapel at the family resi
dence "the lamp of the sanctuary" was
lighted, according to tradition, at the
introduction of Christianity into Eog'
land and it has been kept burning
ever since up till recently. On Lady
O'Hagan's leaving the Catholic church
the burning of the lamp became a su
perstitious observance, and it has been
allowed to go out. This, it is said, is
the first occasion that anymembercof
the Townley family has left the Catho-
lio church.
Considerable astonishment has (says
the St. James' Gautte) been aroused in
Roman Catholic circles by the an
nouncement that Lady O'Hagan, widow
of the late lord chancellor of Ireland
has cast off her allegiance to the
papacy, and adopted the tenets of the
Plymouth Brethren, her eldest daugh
ter participating in this change of
creed. Her ladyship was co-heiress of
the late Colonel Towneley, with her
sisters Lady Abingdon and Lady Alex
ander Gordon-Lennox, and a very large
slice of the Lancashire estates, to
gether with Towneley and Bancroft
Halls, was settled upon her absolutely
when she married In 1871. It is under
stood that Lady O'Hagan has given in
etruction for the sale of the whole of
the land and for the pulling down of
the convent supported by the Towneley
family for many generations. The
residences, however, are to be retained
The present Lord O'Hagan is a minor,
and will not come of age until the close
of the century. Nothing is Known as
to his religious views.
Attorneys, 1404 Farnam Street.
Sale. Under and by virtue of an order
of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage
Issued out of the district court for Douglas
vuuuij, bium, ui Heurauua. ana to me di
rected, I will, on the 1st day of July A. D,
1H6. at one o'clock P. M. of said day, at the
norm irom aoor or me county court house,
in the city of Omaha. Douglas countv. Ne
braska, setl at public auction to the highest
uiuuer lur cnau vuo property uescriDea la said
order of sale as follows to-wlt:
Lot thirty (3U) In Heed's Second addition to
me ouy 01 uuiana, uougias county, Ne
braska. Said nronertv to he snlrl tn cntlof n
Twlntlng, defendant herein, the sum of three
hundred thirty-two and 45-100 dollars (13i.43,
with Interest thereon from the 6th day of
May, ltitfj, at the rate of ten (10) per cent per
. annum, and attorneys fees amounting to
thirty-three and 24-100 dollars (KU.iM), to
gether with accruing costs according to a
Judgment rendered by the district court of
oiu isuugiaa county, at ita May term, A. D.
ltms, in a certain action then and there pend
i?gV he,rel,n ooe Jeffrey is plaintiff, and
Ii. J. Twlntlng, 11. B. Irey, County Treasurer.
Douglas County, Nebraska, Saunders, Mac
far) and Dickey and Eleanor P. Sldley are
nD,iea Omaha, Nebraska, May 28th, A.
fineclal Master nnmn,i..'...
Saunders 4 Macfarland, attorneys lor de-
Jeffrey vs. Twlntlng, etal. Doc. 42; No. 190.
i 5-29- 5
Attorneys. 612 New York Life Building.
- bale. Under and by virtue of an order of
sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage is
sued out of the district court for Douglas
j i - - . an. tV! lueuirecwa, 1 Will.
on the th day of June, A. D. 18H8. t two
o clock p. u. of said day, at the north front
door of the county court house, in the city of
Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska sell at
public auction to the highest bidder for
cash, the property described In said order of
sale as follows, to-wlt:
Ail of the south forty-four (44) feet of lot
number three (3), block number twelve (12), in
. E. Rogers' addition to the city of Omaha,
being the south two-thirds (2-3) of said lot
numoer three (3), according to the rworded
&11 " UouglaScounll, aw of
Said property to be sold to satisfy John A
Zehnder, plaintiff herein, thesum of twenty
four hundred eighteen and 43-100 dollar.
(12418.43) judgment, with Interest thereon it
ten (10) per cent per annum from February
3rd, ltfcMS.
To satisfy the sum of thirty-four and 78-100
dollars (toi.78) costs h.reln, together with
JESSD1 costs, fccordlng to a Judgment ren
dered by the district court ol said Douglas
county, at it February term, A. D. 1896, Vol
whiSif BCltln ! there pending,!
wherein Jnhn k .h i i..jrj.
John ODonohoe and others are defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska, May 8th. 1896. usuuanw'
Kenned, A LeaerPn,aintee0mml8SlOn6r-
JDoc.A5of eNh0n n oWhojjrt al.
Attorney. M New York Life Bulldla.
Sale L'stder and by virtue of aa order of
Ml on decrwi ot foreclosure of uurtcac is
sued out ot the district court for Douglas
county, Nebraska, and to mm directed, I will,
on the 16th day of June, A. D. lH at u-o
o'clock A. m. of said day. at tb kAST front
4 Kr of the county court houan. la toe city
of Omaha. Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at
public aucttoa u the iitthett bidder tM rash,
the property dek-rlbed In said order of sale
as follows, to-wlt:
Lou thirteen (131 ard aliten (IS) la block
twenty-three liii In Wilcox's Se.-nd addi
tion to tbe city of Omaha, lkmglas county,
Nebraska, a surveyed, platted and recorded
Said property to be sold to satisfy the
Baptist Ueneral Association of Illinois,
plaint! ft herein, the sum of tire hundred and
ninety-nine aud TS-liW dollars V.iV( Tpi. to
gether with the further sum of tweuiy-een
and 82-HO dollars it...2 Oieliu amount of
laies and costs to redeem from said tai sale
paid by plaintiff! with Interest at the rate of
seven C. I per cent per annum from the 23rd
day of September. A. D. 1-v.V said amcunts
being a nrt lien upon said lot thirteen (13 In
block twenty-three eS) aboie aescrlbed.
Also sa'.d property to be sold to satisfy the
Baullst trenerat Association of llliu-U.
plaintiff herein, the snm of seven hundred
and nineteen and 73-loudullars S:i.r3). prin
cipal and luterest, together with ibe further
sum of twenty-three and 37-10U dollars (&3.3T)
(being auiouut of taxes and costs to redeem
from tax sale paid by plaintiff) with Interest
at tbe rate of seven (7i percent per annum
from September 13rd, lMti. andlsanrst lien
upon said lot sixteen (16), block twenty-three
(23), above described.
Also to satisfy the Nebraska Savings and
Exchange Bank, defendant herein, the sum
of two hundred and sixty-two and 8&-1UU dol
lars iE 85i, with luterest at the rate of tsn
(10) per cent per annum from September 13th,
li, being a second lien upon property above
Also to satisfy Lodowlck F. Crofoot, de
fendant herein, the sum of twelve hundred
and ninety-four and 05-1U0 dollars (IL.V4.U6).
which Is a third lien upon properly above
Also to satisfy tbe further sum of forty
four and 38-100 dollars ($44.38) coats herein to-
? ether with accruing costs, according to a
udgment rendered by the District court ot
said Douglas county, at its September term,
A, D. 18K5, in a certain action then and there
pending wherein the Baptist General Asso
ciation of Illinois Is plaintiff, and Jeremiah
C. Wilcox, 1'erlla J. Wilcox. Gern-an Anierl
can Savings Bank. American Press Associa
tion, National Bank of Commerce, Tbe Ne
braska Savings and Exchange Bank, The
Omaha National Bank, Graham Paper Com
pany, rue Western Newspauer Union, Job!
V. Hack Company, liarry Cartan, Nebrask
Telephone Company, McCabe, Wood & El
mer, George A. Bennett aud Lodowlck
Crofoot are defendants.
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, May 15h, A.
u, turn.
john w. Mcdonald, snxmrr
Special Master Commissioner.
ii, u, uoimes, attorney ror plaintiff,
Bapt. Gen. Assn. ot III. vs. Wilcox, et al.
Doc. 48; No. m. 5-15-8
Attorney, 313 Board ot Trade Building
J Sale. Under and by virtue of an order
of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage
Issued out of tbe district court for Douglas
county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will,
on the th day of June, A. D. IhwI. atone
o ciock p. m, oi sam any, at tne cast iront
door of the county court house in the clt
of Omaha. Douglas countv. Nebraska, sel
at public auction to the highest bidder for
cash, the property described In said order of
saie as ionows, to-wie:
Lots twelve (12) and thirteen (13) In block
fifteen (15) of lianscom Place, an addition to
the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne
braska, as surveyed, platted and recorded
Said Drouertv to be sold to satisfy Geo. W.
Sabine, administrate of the estate of Phillip
Swoboda, defendant herein, the sum of
thirty-nine dollars ($39.00), with interest
thereon at the rate of seven (7) per cent per
annum irom junezuu, in.
Also to satisfy Conrad O. Fisher, plaintiff
uerein, cue sum oi one inousana ana tour
teen and 21-100 dollars ( with inter
est at the rate of seven (7) per cent from the
6th day of May, 18U5.
And also to satisfy the further sum of
twenty-two and 6,1-lW) dollars (122 63) cosu
herein, together with accruing costs accord
ing to a judgment rendered bv the district
court, oi sam uouxias county, at its May
term, A. D. 1895, In a certain action then and
there pending, wherein Conrad O. Fisher is
elstntlff, and Alois P. Swoboda, AnnaSwo
oda, The Carter-Cottrell Hardware Com
Dan V. Mutual Loan and Bulldlnff Aannclatlnn
and George W. Sabine, are defendants.
uated at Omaha, Nebraska, May 8th, A.
BDecl&l Master CnmmiHsilnnAF.
j as. w. oarr, attorney for plaintiff.
mistier vs. Bwoooaa, et ai,
Doc. 50 i No. 47, 5-8-5
Attorneys, 1404 Farnam Street.
Bale. Under and by virtue ot an order
of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortguge,
Issued out of the district court for Douglas
coumj, Hwiws oi neorasKa, anu to me airect-
Ari I Will, nn t.hA Uth linw rxt Jnna A I, IwOM
at one o'clock p. m. of said day at the EASl
iront. uoor or me countv c -urt house, tn the
city of Omaha. Douglas c 'inty. Nebraska.
sell at public auction to the highest Udder
for cash, the DroDertv described In said order
of sale as follows, to-wlt:
Lots one (1) and two (2) in block nlnetvrnni
ui lue cii ox riurence, uougias county, Ne-
Said DroDprt v to be sold tn s&t.lafv n0Ttjr
Horton & Comoanv, Dlalntlff herein, the sum
of thirty-three hundred and ten dollars
itz.iw.wi) with interest thereon at the rate of
eigntwper cent peranLum from Mav 6th
1895, and costs amounting to twentv-nne and
48-100 dollars (121. 48). together with accruing
cusie, accoruiDg w a uecree renaered in an
action in which Dexter Horton & Company
were plaintiffs, and Marshall C. Hamilton,
tit ai, wereueienuani.
Omaha, Nebraska, May 8th, 1896.
Suecial Master Onmnilna!nni
saunuers s, m&ciariana, attorneys for plain'
Dexter Horton & On. vs. Mumhull r
uamuton, et ai. 5-8 5
Attorneys, 1404 Farnam Street.
SALE.-Under and bv virtue of an nrctrr nf
saie on aecreeoi ioreciosure of morljrage Is
sued out of the District Court for Douglas
county, state of Nebraska, and to me direct
ed, I will, on the 9th day of June, A. D. 1896, at
one o'clock p. m. of said day, at the EAST
iront uoor or me county court House, in the
city of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska,
sell at public auction to the highest bidder
for cash, the property described in said
oraer oi saie as ionows, to-wit:
Lots four (4). five (5). six (6) and seven (7). 1
block one (1). in ImDrovement AaanHatlnn
addition to the cltv of Omaha, and alon lntu
six (0) ana seven (vj in Dlock six (6), John I.
Kedick's sub-division to the city of Omaha,
Douglas county, Nebraska.
Said property to be sold to satisfy J. Rals
ton Grant, plaintiff herein, tbe sum of ten
thousand eight hundred and nnn unrl iii.UMi
dollars (110,801.40). with Interest thereon at
the rate of eight (8) per cent per annum from
May 6th, 1895 and costs amounting to tblrty-
iuur nuu vo-iw uuuars (ro.ixij, togetner witn
accruing costs, according ta a W- ren
dered In an action in which J. Ralston Grant
was plaintiff and Charles E. Squires, et ai.,
Fvcav ucicuuauwi
Omaha, Nebraska, May 8th. 1896.
couuuers aiaviariana, attorneys for plain
J. Ralston Grant vs. Gh&rliM V. Rr,i.
- -h-"o.
Notice Is hereby given that on the 30th day
of April, 1896, Articles of Incorporation were
adopted for the incorporation of the Omaha
vAmjpauy, uu to at ine name of said
corporation is the "Omaha Zinc Company"
the principal place of business Is Omaha, in
the state of Nebraska; the general nature of
crushing and smelting of Zinc, Lead and
other Ores, buying, selling, leasing and hold
ing such real estate and personal property
as may be necessary to the conduct of Its
business: the amount of capital stock la ten
thousand dollars (10,000.00), to be pid for
when received by the stockholders; t.h.H
MIC UUDIUTO Ml Ufl krftDHCHW R Ihtln n
corporation commences on the first day of
'j 1 " uu mi iuiuMtn uu i. up nrsi aay of
May, 1995; the highest amount of indebted
ness authorized is five thousand dollars
(tf.000.00). and that the affairs nf th
tlon are to be conducted by a Board of five
Directors, to be elected annually on the
third Tuesday of April in each year, exceutH
lng in the year 1896.
. L. DYKE,
la" Incorporators.
Attorneys. 1406 rarnam Street.
tue ot aa order of sale oe decree of fore
closure of tax lien lasued out of the dtatrtct
court for Douglas county, atate if Nebraska,
and to me dim-ted. I will, on ttie Cud day of
June, A. D. Hvi. at tea o'clock A. at. of said
day. at the KAST front door of the county
court house. In the city of Omaha. Ilouglas
county, Nebraska, sell at public auctlun U
the highest bidder for cash, the property de
scribed la said order of sale as follows, to
wlt: Lot eight (8) la block three (3). also lots
nineteen (191, twenty (Jul and twenty-one (SI)
la block three (Ji. and lot eight ) and also
lot nineteen ilwi and twenty i'Joi In block all
(Si ot Saunders and Htmebaugh's Highland
Park, an addition to the city ot Omaha.
Douglas county, and state of Nebraska, aa
surveyed, piatied and recorded.
Said property to be sold to satisfy Walter
K. keeler. plaintiff herein, the sum of sixty
live and 34-1(0 dollars i5 34i. with Interest
thereon at the rale of ten ilOi per rent per
annum from February 3rd. A. D. lidA, In tbe
manner for the aniouuta found due against
tach lot, and aa directed In the decree.
Also to satisfy the further sum ot twenty
nine and ai lu) dollars (SJ9.2S) coals herein,
together with accruing costs according to a
judgment rendered by the district court ot
said IHmglas county, at Its February term,
A. D. 1896, In a certain action then and there
pending, wherein Walter K. Kee er Is plain
tiff, and Krastus A. Benson. Lottie Benson,
his wife, A Ion to P. Tukey , Trustee, and Tbe
Omaba Keal Estate and Trust Company, a
corporation, are defendants.
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, May 22nd, A.
D. 1890.
john w. Mcdonald,
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
Saunders A Macfarland, attorneys for plain
tiff. Keeler vs. Benson, etal. Doc. 52; No. 148.
Attorneys, 1404 Farnam Street.
SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of an order
of sale Issued out of the district court
for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me
directed, 1 will, on tbe Stb day of June, A.
D. 18M6, at ten o'clock A. at. of said day. at
tbe EAST front door of tbe county court
house, in the city of Omaha, Douglas county,
Nebraska, sell at public auction to the high
est bidder tor cash, the property described
In said order of sale as follows, to-wlt:
Lot one (1) Id block four (4) In Arbor Place
addition to it e city or umana, as surveyea,
platted and recorded, all In Douglas county
alatj, fif Nehruflk a..
Sald property to be sold to satisfy Philip L.
Johnson, plaintiff herein, the rum of two
hundred and slxtv-seven and 97-1UO 26;.7)
dollars judgment, with Interest thereon at
ten (lui per cent per annum irom reoruary
3rd, 1896.
To satisfy the further sum ot twenty-two
and S8-100 dollars (122.88), cosu herein, to-
? ether with accruing costs according to a
udgment rendered by the district court ot
said Douglas county, at Its February term,
A. D. 1896, In a certain action then and there
pending wherein Philip L. Johnson Is plain
tiff, ana Mary Cunningham, Lizzie F. Ways.
The O. t . Davis Company, a corporation,
National Bunk of Commerce. John P. Breen.
John 11. Grossman and Dennis Cunningham
are defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska. May 8th, 1898.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska,
eaunaers & Macfarland, attorneys.
Johnson vs. Cunningham, et al.
Doc. 47; No. 332. 5-8-5
Attorney, 813 Board of Trade Building.
Sale. Under and by virtue of an order
or saie on aecree or foreclosure or morig tge
Issued out of the district court for Douglas
county, iNeoraska, and to me directed, l will.
on tbe 9tb day of June, A. D. 1896, at one
o'clock P. u. of said day, at the north front
door of tbe county court house. In the city of
Omaba. Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at
public auction to tbe highest bidder for cash,
the property described in said order of sale
as ionows. to wit:
Lot eighteen (18) In Nelson's Addition to
the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne
braska, as surveyed. Dlatled and recorded.
Said property to be sold to satisfy Tbe
Union Trust Company, plaintiff herein, the
sum of two hundred and two and 44-100 dol
lars (1202.44), with Interest at the rate of ten
ink mah, na U. 4.V.
and also the further sum of nine hundred
and sixteen and 50-100 dollars (S916.5U). with
Interest at the rate of ten (10) per cent per
annum irom me otn aay or may, imo.
And also to satlsfv tbe sum of fortv and
78-100 dollars (40.78) costs herein, together
with accruing costs, according to a judgment
rendered by the district court of said Doug
las county, at lie may term, a. l. iRtia, in
a certain action then and there pending,
wherein The Union Trust Company la plain
tiff, and Rachel Riley and others are de
fendants. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, May 8th, A.
u, io yo.
Special Master Commissioner.
jag. w. uarr, attorney tor plaintiff.
Union Trust Co. vs. Rachel Riley, et al.
Doc. 37; No. 221. 5-8-5
Special Master Commissioner's Sale,
Under and bv virtue of an order of an.le nn
decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out
of the district court for Douglas county,
Nebraska, and to me directed, I will, on the
16tb day of June, A, D., 1896. atone o'clock
p. u. of said day. at the north front door of
tbe county court house. In the city of
Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at
puoiic auction totnenignestDiddsrforcash,
the property described In said order of sale
aa ionows, to-w i:
Lot thirteen (13), block seven (7), in Central
Park, an addition to the cltv of Omaha.
Douglas county, Nebraska.
Said property to be sold to satisfy Milton
F. Roys, plaintiff herein, the sum of ninety
three and 87-100 dollars (193 87). with 10 ner
cent interest thereon from May 7th, 1894.
To satisfy Isaac Adams, defendant herein,
thesum of one hundred eighteen and 83-100
dollars ($118.83), with 8 per cent Interest
thereon from May 7th, 1894.
To satisfy pro rata, said Isaac Adams, the
sum of one hundred and thirty-five dollars
($135.00); Commercial National Bank, de
fendant herein, the sum of five hundred
and thirty dollars ($530.09); Fred Llndhorst,
defendant herein , the sum of forty-three dol
lars ($43.00), and Abram S. Joseph, defendant
herein, the sum of ninety-four dollars (t94.00),
with 7 per cent interest on all said sums
from May 7th, 1894.
To sattsfv Isaac Adams the sum nf sli hun
dred sixteen dollars ($616 00), with 8 per cent
Interest from May 7th. 1894.
To satisfy $27.48 costs, together with ac
cruing costs according to a judgment ren
dered by the district court of said Douglas
county, at its September term, A. D. 1894. In a
certain action then and there pending,
wherein Milton F. Roys wag plaintiff, and
Joseph A. Haines et al., were defendant.
umana, neuraaka, May I5tn, 1896.
SnAClnl MuttA, HnmnilnalnnAV
Roys vs. Haines. Doc. 42; No. 16. 5-15-6
Notice to Take Depositions.
Til the district rniirt nf Drtllylaa nnnntw
uougias uounty, (
Edward D. Porter, defendant. m tia
notice that on the 12th day of June, 1896, be
tween the hours of 10 o'clock a. u. and p.
M. at the ofiice of J. A. M.(!nnnoii in ,,.
i"r nouse ciocK, in tne city of Water
town, county of Jefferson, state of New York,
the plaintiff above named will take the
deDOsltions of Mra. If sitllria. TXTMin, m.. t,i
vAiun anu xnaoaore uoion. witnesses In this
action w ue usea as evianncn ut. t.h iDi r.
the above entitled cause, before competent
day to Cay until till such depositions hare
a bum ii,. wi,u a ti 1 1 1 1 hi Biiinrn t;....
By her attorneys. Saunders Macfarland.
uoc oo ; no. fit. 5-22-3
Probate Notice.
In the matter ot the estate of Tmut p.-
son, deoeased :
Notice is hereby given, that the creditors
of said deceased will meet tlio administratrix
of said estate before me, County Judge of
Douglas countv. Nebraska, at th. (.
court room In said county, on the 21st day
?LJulyi1S98,.on i?8 2l8t of September,
vS" ? , "u luo uay oi November, 1898,
at 9 o clock A. at, each day, for the purpose of
presenting their claim fn, ...!
adjustment and allowance. Six months are
allowed for the crerilinpa in n.., i.i.
claims and one year for the administratrix to
settle said estate, from the ait.h Hw nf
av. 1898: thla nntlra olll Km. i
Ths Ambuican for four weeks successively,
prior to the 2Ut day of July, 1898.
Two uafurelkhe.1. ., iut,i k.i.nHLu,u
1 we unfurnished. f,r llftti bouaekeep-
eei location la city 1;7 t hlcego St.
Sunie Illustrated with Soe engravings of
Wanhluxuia and Lincoln. Fine Garfield ens'
rrtihlbltloa ettveiopea, printed In colore
llluatreted-many styles- lor IU cents, tt
cents per lot). Flue tuotui letter paper. Illus
trated In colors, beautiful t.l.'lure, tree
Vfsta. etc. Addreea. Uie FAITH Til AO!
Hot SB. 30 Eltu atreet. I'tlca. S Y.
TF you want an Investment in Real Estatei
J- want to buy a bunlneu la St. U.uia. write
Lyman Waterman, ttral Eatateand ouanclal
agent. St. Louis. Mo.
WANTKO-A partner with Mu OOraah. Aa
elderly lady preferred. Parly avpt
able Will be treasurer In charge of atock and
funds. Addreea A M F-KICAN . K. IM.ottl.-e
nKPfKITIflUM m hd-wrllln le
UlOrUOl I lUn t natural atvle and I'll send
you la return cbarw-u-r of writer. Encloee
stamped envelope addrevsed to yourself, alec
a fee of ten cent. F. E. Illlllngbaia, Tut Col
orado avenue, kanaaailtv. Kan
$75 a Month
nnnaai WrtM xaM A4amr 41a I Sin Sulaa, 11
Celebrated Feml
tNtwrfere twmjiil
mtt ital aun falta talllaf
a all 1 am' lia) lunir-'Tli inun. Bnwiiaisauw
U.s-I ClX.!
Bate Br,
A Valuable Book
We want agents everywhere, and persons
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