THE AMEFSlOAN THE PROMISED LA5D. Wkythe Ttuilst, TrtTfW and Stodf at Should Tblt tulu There are two reasons, either one of which ought to be conclusive with every American citizen. First: The trip from Denver to Utah via Rio Grande Western, "Great Salt Lake Route," is the grandest to be found anywhere on the continent. No European trip of equal length can com pare with it in variety and grandeur of scenery and wealth of novel interest. Second: You should go because.when you have made this wonderful trip, you will find Utah at the end of ltr-Utah, one of the world's famous spots, and a land of gold, silver, copper, iron and coal; of lofty mountains and fe lie val leys; of vineyards, fruits and owers. Salt Lake City, the capital, is of great Interest on account of its historical and religious associations. Here are Hot Thermal Springs, Warm Springs, Sul phur Springs, Sanitarium, Parks, Drives, Canyons and the most health ful climate on earth. Great Salt Lake, with the new and beautiful Saltalr Beach Resort, of Moorish design, has no equal in America. Write to F. A. Wadlelgh, Salt Lake City, for copies of pamphlets, etc. CTAH THE 45T1I STATE. The Honiesff ker's Tronilsed Land. The territory of Utah entered the Union of States on Jaiuary 4th, 1896, with a population of about 200,000 peo ple and a climate unsurpassed in the wide world. It is richer In agricul turah resources than any other state, It has within its borders nearly all of the known minerals and metals gold silver, copper, iron, tin, etc., in abun dant quantities. It has, best of all, a health-giving climate, always temper ate In summer and in winter. It has hot sulphur springs, and Is In fact one large sanitarium. Utah Is the Ideal place to build a home in which to spend the balance of your days, sur rounded by farm and orchard which guarantee all the necessities and most of the comforts of life. There are mil lions of such homes now awaiting set tlement. Send to F. A. Wadlelgh Salt Lake City, for copies of Utah pamphlets. It will pay you to post yourself on the merits of the new state, which has been amply termed. "The Promised Land." m s m Comfort, Economy and Speed combine to make the weekly excur sions via the UNION PACIFIC the most popular of any now running, They are persorally conducted and offer every convenience to the travel ing? public. Get your tickets at 1302 Far nam St. A. C. Lt'NN, City Pass. & Tkt. Agent, 4-17 8 'ot too Smsoth. The tracks of the UNION PACIFIC are so smooth and the cars furnished so complete that you can imagine your self in your own luxurious apartments at home. Inspect the Buffet Library and Smok log Cars as they pass through Omaha every morning. City Ticket Office, 1302 Farnam St, 4-17-3 "The Overland Limited" 1b the fastest train out of Omaha, and carries the finest equipment of any line in the west. Tickets via the UNION PACIFIC can be secured at 4-17-3 1302 Farnam St. 10 Hours Saved. Second class passengers for San Fran Cisco via the UNION PACIFIC now save ten hours time. "Time is money." Buy your tickets via "The Overland Route." City Ticket Office, 1302 Farnam St. 417 3 $150-00 IN COLD CIVEN Tor Selling "Story of Spain and Cuba." The International News & Book Co ' Baltimore, Md., offer $150.00 to anyone selling in three months 175 copies of their new book, "Story of Spain and Cuba." Premiums and liberal commls sion given for any quantity sold. This is one of the greatest selling books out. Many agents make from $5 to $10 a day. A graphio account of the present war and the struggle for liberty is given, 100 beautiful illustrations, 500 pages. Freight paid and credit given; 50 cent outfit free if 10 ceBts is sent for postage. Write them immediately. 4-10-4 Vick's Floral Guide for 1896 Is a mar vel for beauty, completeness and neat ness. The illustrations are not dis torted, but engraved from the plant, or flower, in its season. The varieties catalogued are quite complete and the descriptions remarkably accurate. The old, popular and reliable house offers a large variety of flowering plants, trees and shrubs, garden vegetables, small and orchard fruits, ornamental or forest trees or seeds, farm seeds, and all ma terial usually found in an up-to-date, hustling seedsman's headquarters, send 10 cents for catalogue to James Vick's Sons, of Rochester, N. ST., which amount may be deducted from first order, making it really free. WANTED AGENTS. In every town in the United States to sell a sure cure for Cancer, Fever Sore and Milk-Leg. Address C. A. C. Medical Co., C. A. CRTJM, Mgr. 1703 Wabash Ave. Chicago, 111. j KENNEDY LEAItNEH. j Attorneys, all New York Life Bui dine SPECIAL MATFK COM MISSION ICRS file I' odrr and by virtue of an order ol aale o. decree of foreclosure of uiortitMe la- sued out of the district court for iou(la county. Nebraska, and to n,e directed. I mil. on Uie win day of June, A. u. ik. at two o'clock P. M. of sld day. at the north front door of the county court huuse. In toe city of Uinaha, ItouKlaa county. Nebraska aril at public auction to the highest bidder for cm ti. the property described In ld order of sale a follows lo-wll: I All of the south forty-four 44 feet of lot number three . bloc number twelve ili'. In S . Holers' addltioa to ilia city of Omaha, being tlie aoulb two-third, l2-.ii of aatd lot number three til. accordluK to the recorded plat thereof, ail la Douglas county, slate of Nebraska. (aid property to be sold to aatlafy John A. Zebuder, plaintiff herein, tbeauui of twenty four hundred eighteen and 4J-IUU dollar ifcMIH i-i judgment, with Interest thereon at lentil" per cent per annum from February 3rd. lxwt. To satisfy the sum of thirty-four and ?H-1 dollar iJ4 i costs herein, together with accruing costs, according to a judgment ren dered by the district court of aatd lxiugla county, at lu February term, A. D. IrtH. tn a certain action then and there pending, wherein John A. .ehnder la plaintiff, and John O'Donohoe and other are defendant. Omaha, Nebraska. Hay Mh. If'M. WILLIAM L. HKF.W. Special Muster Commissioner. Kennedy & Learned, attorney. John A. .ehnder v. JohnU Douohoe. et al. loc. 50; No. ID. i-s-S WK1GIIT & THOMAS, Attorney, 517 New York Lit Building. GPECIAL MASTElt COMMISSIONEK'8 pale. I'nder and by virtue of an order of aale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the district court for llouglas county, Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will on the 19th day of May, A. 1). 1MS. at one o'clock p. at. of said day, at the north front door of thecounty court house. In the city of Omaha, IxiuiiIhs county. Nebraska, sell at Dubllc auction to the highest bidder for cash the property described In said order of sale as follows to-wit: The north one-half of let nine (9), block ten (101. Kountze & Kuth's addition to the city of Omaha. Douglas county, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded. Said property to be sold to satisfy Mr. A. K. Clapp, the sum of three thousand two hundred and eighty dollar and thirty-four cents i&l 20 Mi, with Interest tn three thou sand dollars (KMXUOOl at the rate of seven (7) per cent per annum, and on two hundred and eighty dollars and thirty-four cents it:X).34 at the rate of ten (101 per cent per annum, all from the ttth day of May, 195. To sittisfy Jennie H. Morehrad. the sum of 11,207 i SO. with Interest thereon at the rate of ten (10) per cent per annum, from the Slh day of May, 195. To satisfy cfiaiSlcosU together with accru ing costs according to a Judgment rendered by the district court of said llouglas county, at Its May term, A I). 193, In a certain action then and there pending, wherein Mrs. A. It. Clapp was plaintiff, and William K. Human, et al., were defendants. Omaha, Nebraska, April 17. 190. ISAAO N. WATSON, Special Master Commissioner. Wright & Thutnas, attorneys. Clapp vs. Honian. loc. 47; No. 148. 4-17-5 SAUNDEUS & MACFAKliAND, Attorney, 1404 Farnam Street. SPECIAL MASTKK COMMISSIONER'S Sale. Under and by virtue ot an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage, Issued out of the district court for Douglas county, state of Nebraska, and to me direct ed, 1 will, on the 9th day of June, A. 1). ls'.M, at one o'clock p. m. of said day at the EAST front door of tue county court bouse, in the city of Omaha. Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest Udder for cash, the property described In laid order of sale as follows, to-wit : Lots one (II and two (2) In block ninety (90) of the city of Florence, Douglas county, Ne braska. Said property to be sold to satisfy Dexter Horton & Company, plaintiff herein, the sum of thirty-three hundred and ten dollars llHO.OO) with Interest thereon at the rate of eight (K) per cent peranmm from May 0th, Ih',15. ana costs amounting to twenty-one and 4K-100 dollars tiil. 48). together with accruing costs, according to a decree rendered in an Action In which Dexter Horton Company were plaintiffs, and Marshall C. Hamilton, et al., weredelendants. Omaha, Nebraska. May 8th. l9fl. GEOKUE O. WALLACE, Special Master Commissioner. Saunders & Macfarland, attorneys lor plain tiff. Dexter Horton & Co. vg. Marshall C. Hamilton, et al. 5 8 5 SAUN'DEKS & MACFARLAND, Attorneys, 1404 Farnam Street. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale Issued out of the district court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me directed. 1 will, on the 9th day of June, A D. lHHt. at ten o'clock A. H. of said day. at the EAST front door of the county court bouse, In the city or Omaha. Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash, toe property described in said order or sale a ioiiowb, to-wit: Lot one (1) In block four (4) In Arbor Place addition to tie city of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded, an in Douglas county state of Nebraska. Said Droberty to be sold to satisfy Philip L. Johnson, plaintiff herein, the rum of two hundred and sixty-seven and 97-100 ($267.97) dollars judgment, with Interest thereon at ten (10) per cent per annum from February 3rd, 1896. To satisfy the further gum of twenty-two ana hb-iuu aonars ri.m, costs oerein, to get her with accruing cost! according to judgment rendered by the district court of said Douglas county, at Its February term, A. I). 1898, in a certain action then and there pending wherein Philip L. Johnson is plain tiff, and Mary Cunningham, Lizzie F. Hays, The O. F. Davis Company, a corporation, National Bank of Commerce. John P. Breen. John H. Grossman and Dennis Cunningham are aerenaants. Omaha, Nebraska. Ma; Btb, 1896. JOHN W. MCDONALD, Sheriff of Douglas County. Nebraska. Saunders & Macfarland. attorneys. Johnson vs. Cunningham, et al. Doc. 47; No. 332. 5-8-5 Special Master Commissioner's Sale. Dnder and bv virtue of an order of gale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the district court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will, on the 2nd dav of June. A. D 18H6. at one o clock p. ii. of said day. at the north front door of the county court house, In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest oiddr for cash, the property described in said order of sale as follows, to-w t: Lot thirteen (18). block seven (7), in central Park, an addition to the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska. Said orouertv to be sold to satisfy Milton T Roys, plaintiff herein, the turn of ninety three and 87-100 dollar (93 87), with 10 per cent Interest thereon from May 7th, 1894. To satisfy Isaac Adams, defendant herein, the sum of one hundred eighteen and 83-100 dollars ($118.83), with 8 per cent Interest thereon from May 7th, 1894. To satisfy pro rata, said Isaac Adams, the sum of one hundred and thirty-live dollars ($135.00); Commercial National Bank, de fendant herein, the sum of five hundred and thlrtv dollars 1530.091: Fred Llndhorst. defendant herein , the sum of forty-three dol lars (u.oui, ana Aorain a. Joseph, aerenaant herein, the sum of ninety-four dollars ($14.00), with 7 Der cent Interest on all said sums from May 7th, 1894. To satisfy Isaac Adams the sum of six hun dred sixteen dollars ($016 00), with 8 per cent Interest from May 7th. 1894. To satisfy $27.48 costs, together with ac cruing costs according to a judgment ren dered by the district court of said Douglas county, at it September term. A . D. 1894. In a certain action then and there pending, wherein Milton F. Rovs was nlaintlff. and Joseph A. Haines et al., were defendants. omana, Nebraska. May 1st, 196. WILLIAM T. NELSON, Soeclai Master Commissioner. Roys vs. Haines. Doc. 42; No. 16. 5-1-5 Notice. Edward D. Porter, defendant, will take notice that on tne 24th day of April, 1ku6, Lore n a A. Porter tiled her petition In the dis trict court of Douglas county, Nebraska, against him, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from you on the ground of adultery, on the ground that you are of sufllcisnt ability to support ber and refuse to do so. on the ground that you have wilfullv abandoned the olatntlff without good cause for the term of two years last past. You are reoulred to answer said rjctltlon on or before Monday, June 1st. 1896. LUKWA A. r-OKi'riK, Plaintiff. BylSaunderg & Macfarland, ber attorneys. k:oun-. iVntitukUou. Liver aud kl.iu. lur , Edward wm of Prime har Iowa, widely and very favorably known In hav. takes Dr Kay's Km..vur and H ha kuandiuf. 1 was at bad off that verytbiim I te soured oa my abmiarh. Iraa now rata tmt auvthinf. 1 am seventy one year old and 1 shall recoaimeDd It toother for kih it' ! It ua dour me " It renovate and Invigorate Ike hole system and purines aiuif 's knrlche tka Mood rlvln saw hie and rigor (NERVE TONIC known. Very pleaoant oeniratvd (iiraoU. to tablet form and has H tedlss have. Mold bv drturirmu or sent br STAMP FOR FREE SAMPLE AND OUR BOOKELT ireau nearly aRdu-i f-ases and ana many valuable rereluia Many talue it "iiL l If they could not get an-4 t her Artilres onr WenUrn ifffi. Or H 'JoTWr'aitttccittf?' SHERUAN & UcCOHHELL DRUG CO., 1513 Dodge Street, (2nd Door west of Postoffice). Omaha, Neb KAl'NDEKS & MACK A HI. AND. Attorney. 1404 Farnam Street. To Horatio Fowke. Surah M. Kowke. bl wife. Klla It. iKiwn. Kva J. Roger and Kstella M. Kim, son-resident defendant: You will take notice that on the 2Mb day of April. l"9n, James VI Dvoraky, plaintiff hereto. Hied his petition In the district court of Douglas couniy. Nebraska, against you. the above named defendant, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain tax certificate dated Novemlier l:uu. lMi. and taes paid thereunder, covering let one ill. block two hundred and thirty itoi. of the city of Omaha (original piatl Dougluscounty, Nebraska; that there 1 due upon said tax certificate, and taxes pa d thereunder, the sum of one hundred and seventy and 54-1(0 dollars i170 541. with Interest from May 28th, 1x96. at the ;ate of ten doi percent per annum and as attorney's fee amounting to ten (10) percent of the decree and all costs. Plain tiff piays that said premises may tie decreed to be sold tonutlsfy the amount due thereon, with Interest, attorney's fees and coot, and that upon the sale the defendants be de barred of all Interest In suld premises. You are required to Hnswer said petition on or before the 8th day of June, I '.). Dated Omuba, Nebraska. May 1st. IM9. JAMKS W. DVOIiSKY. Plain till. By Saunders & Macfarland, his attorneys. ft-1-4 SAUNDERS & MACFAHLAM), Attorneys, 1404 Farnam Street. SPF.CIAL MASTEK COMMISSIONER'S SALK. -Under and by vlrtueof an order of sale on decree ot foreclosure of mortgage Is sued out of the District Court for Douglas county, state of Nebraska, and to me direct ed, I will, on the 1Kb dayof June, A. D. 196. at one o'clock p. u. of raid day, at the KAST frontdoor of thecounty court house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder fur cash, the property described In said order of sale as follows, to-wit : . Lots four (4i, live 5i, six U) and seven (7). In block one 1), In Improvement Association addition to the city of Omaha, and also lots six 161 and seven (7) In block six (6). John I. Redlck's sub division to the city of On aha, Douglas county, Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy J. Bala ton Grant, plaintiff herein, the sum of ten thousand eUht hundred and one and 40-100 dollars ($10,801.40). with Interest thereon at the rate of eight (8) per cent per annum from May 6th. lMkiand cost amounting to thirty four and 08-ltio dollars ($14 OS), together with accruing costs, according to a decree ren dered In an action in which J. Kalston Grant was plaintiff and Charles E. Squires, et al., were defendants. Omabu, Nebraska, May 8th. 1H96. GEORGE G. WALLACR, Special Master Commissioner. Saunders & Macfarland, attorneys for plain tiffs. J. Ralston Grant vs. Charles E. Squires, et al, 5-8-5 BALNDEH3 & MACFAKLAM), Attorneys, 1404 Fit mum Street. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFEND ant:To Joseph Thomson and Reuben W. Ross, executori of the estate of Reuben Ross deceased ; Joseph Thomson, Mrs. Thomson, tirst and real name unknown, his wife: and Reuben W. Ross and Mrs, Rois, first and real name unknown, his wife, non-resident de fendants. You will take notice that on the 30th day of April. 1896, Philip L. Johnson, plaintiff herein, tiled his petition In the district court of Douglas county, Nebraska, against you, the said defendants, the oHect and uraver of which are to foreclose three c-rtaln tax certiticates dated January 7th, 1892, and two certain tax certificate dated Nov. 23, 1892, aod taxes paid thereunder and covering lots 5 and A In block 1. and lot 7 In block 2. ull In Mayne Place, an addition to the city of On. at a. Douglas countr. Nebraska, said tax certiticates were Issued to E B Baer, who afterwards said and assigned the same to the plainiltr who is now the owner thereof; tht IhoM la nnw I,, a ...... ... U 1 ... e V. 1 1, 1, Mayne Place, the sum of $383.25, ami upon tald lot 6, block 1, Mayne Place, the sum of $472.39, and upon lot 7, block 2, Mayne Place, the sum of $114.72, with Interest on each of said amounts from Apr 4 3oth, 1896. at the rate of ten per cent per annum and an attor ney's fee amounting to ten per cent of the decree and all costs for which amount plaintiff prays for a decree and that In de fault of the payment of theAmount founc due that said premises may be sold to satisfy the same: that uuon the sale the defendants be debarred or all Interest In said premises. You are required to answer tald petition on or oeiore me n a ay or j une , ihhh. PHILIP L. JOHNSON, Plaintiff. By Saunders & Macfrland His Attorneys. Dated Omaha, Nebraska. May 1st, 1896. 6-1-4 SAUNDERS & MACFARLAND. Attorneys. 1404 Farnam Street. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFEND ant: To Horatio Fowkes, Sarah M. Fowkes, his wife; Klla R. Downs, Eva. J. Rogers and Estella M. Rosg, nun-resident de fendants. You will take notice that on the 28th day of April, 1896, Walter E. Heeler, plaintiff herein, filed big petition In the district court of Douglas county, Nebraska, against you, the above named defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain tax certificate dated November 13th, 1893, and taxes paid thereunder, covering lot 2, block 230. of the cltv of Omaha (original ulat) Douglas eounty, Nebraska, which said cer tificate was Issued to W. H. Schllep, and by him duly sold and assigned to the plaintiff who is now the owner thereof ; that there is now due upon said tax certlflcat and taxes paid thereunder the sum of $124.42 with In terest from May 28th, 189(1, at the rate of ten per cent per annum and an attorney's fe amounting to ten Der cent of the decree and all costs. Plaintiff prays that said premise may bs decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount due thereon with Interest, attorney's fees and cogts. and that uuon the sale the defendants be debarred of all lntetest In said premises. You are reoulred to answer said netltlon on or before the 8th day of June. 1896. WALlEa b. KEKLKK, Plaintiff. By Saunders & Macfarland, His Attor neys. Dtttea Omaha, Nebraska, May 1st, 1896. 5-1-4 JAS. W. CAHIt, Attorney, 313 Board of Trade Building. SPECIAL MASTER COMMISSIONER'S Sale. Under and bv virtue of in order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortnane Issued out of the district court for Doug-las county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will, on the 9th day of June, A. D. 1896, at one o'clock p. ii. of said day, at the north front door of the county court house, In the city of umaua, uougias couniy, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described In said order of sale as follows, to wit: Lot eighteen (18) in Nelson's Addition to the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne braska, as surveyed, platted and recorded. saiu property to oe sold to satisfy The Union Trust ConiDnnv. rjlalntlfT herein, the sum of two hundred and two and 44-100 dol lars ($292,441, with Interest at the rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from May 6th, 1895: auu aisu me iunner aum 01 nine hundred and sixteen and 50-100 dollars (1916.501, with Interest at the rate of ten (10) ner cent, tier annum from the 6lh day of May, 1895. And also to satisfy the sum of forty and .8-100 dollars (f40.J8) costs herein, together wit h accruing costs, according to a judgment rendered by the district court of said lloug las county, at its May term, A. D. 1895, in a certain action then and there pending, wherein The Union Trust Com nun la tiluin. tiff, and Kachel Riley and others are de- lenaanis. Dated at OmahiL Nth D. 1896. ' " " WM. B. TEN EYCK, Sneclal Maslor ('o,,,,n..r J9. W. Carr, attorney for plaintiff. union irust jo. vs. Kachel Klley, et al. Doc. ST; No. 221. 6-8-5 Heads who nuaiiy lived Bear La I'orte and wi. aorthrrn ! write Murk stk . I cured bi of dvonewla of atwut tea tear Renovator to the whole body. It lathe VERY BEBT4 and ey to lake. It liua.l In pure cou-4) to 4 times tns dose that liq' uld rem -4 null on wt w of urirelOo. and si all Ul andl. SEND! J Kv Me.llrnl Co . Hiih JAS. W. CAltlt, Attorney, 3IJ Board of Trade Hulldlng. QPKCIAL MASTER COMMISSIONER'S t hale. I'nder and by virtue of as order of sale oo decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the district court for Douglas county, neurasua. ana to me atrectea, I will, on the 9th day of June, A, D. IMW. at one o ciocs r a. oi saiu uay. ai ire r. At" r rroni door of tb county court bouae In the clt of Omaha. Dougla count. Nebraska. el at public auction to the highest bidder fur cash, the property Cracrlbed In said order of ate a rouows. tu-wn : Lots twelve (12) and thirteen (13) In block fifteen il.'o of Hanscom Place, an addition to the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne tiritab& tt Miirvewwil lilitlle.l mnii pM..,ptM1 Said urouerty to be sold to satisfy Geo. W. Sabine, aduilnUtrat rof the estate of Phillip Swoboda, defendant herein, the sum of thirl v-nloe dollar t.!9.00l. with Intel-eat thereon at the rate of seven (7) per cent per annum from June 2nd, 1H94 Also to satisfy Conrad G. Fisher, plaintiff herein, the um of one thousand and four- tern and 21-KU dollar (11.014. 21), with Inter est at the rate of seven (7) per cent from the 61 b dav ot Mav. 1895. And also to satisfy the further sum of tweuiy-lwo and 6.1-IHO dollars ($J2 63) costs herein, together with accruing cost accord ing to a judgment rendered by the district court or said ihiumIms county, at ita ia; term. A. D. Itv.15. In a certain action then am there pending, wherein Conrad G. Fiahrr 1 plaintiff, and Alois P. Swoboda, Anna Swo boda. The Carter-Cottrell Hardware Com pany. Mutual Loan and Building Association ana weorge w.ttablne, areaereiiaauts. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, May 8th, A I). 1896. WM. II. TEN EYCK. Special Master Commissioner. jag. w. t arr. attorney ror plainiltr, FNher vs. Swoboda, et al. Doc. 50; No. 47, 5-8-5 Notice to Non Kenl(lent Defendants. To Seth K. Humphrey and William Camp bell, doing business as William Campbell A Company, non-resident defendant: You and each of you are hereby notified that on the2Tth day of April. Ixmi, Elizabeth 11. Abbott, plaintiff herein, tiled her petition In the district court of Douglas county, N brasks. against you. Impleaded with Albert M.Clark, Frank tollev. C. E. lied well, first real name unknown, and Alfred Conner, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose three certain real estate mortgages exe cuted on the 24th day of May, 1892. by Albert M. Clark, to secure the payment of hi three certain promissory trnii'i or even date there with, upon the following described property situate In Dougla county, Nebraska, to-wit : The (list of Raid mortgage being upon a tract or parcel or lana aesenneu as rouows: Heirinnlng at a oolnt slxtv-seven (671 feet south of the northeast corner of lot fount) in block ten (101, West Omaha, an addition to the city of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded, thence west eighty-live (85) feet. thence south sixty 60) ftet, thence east eighty-five (85) feet, thence north sixty (60) feet to the place of beginning. Said mort gage was given to secure the payment of his said promissory note of even date therewith for the sum of twenty-tlve hundred dollars if.Ki (Hii due and payable May 1, 1817. There Is now due and payable on said no e the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars i$2.Vi0 00), with Interest at the rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from May 1, 1895. The second of said mortgages b lng upon property described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of lot four (41 In block ten (10 1 In said West Omaha Addition, thence east eighty-five (85) feet, thence north sixty (6(1) ieet thence west elghty-Hv is5) feet, thence south sixty Kioi feet to the place or beginning, wmcn mort gage was given to secure payment of his promissory note of even date therewith for the sum or twenty-six hundred dolMrs ($2000.001. That there Is now due and payable tnereon tne sum or twenty-six nunarea dol lars ii.1000.90), with Interest at ten (10) per cent per annum from May 1. 1895. The third of said mortgage was upon property de scribed as follows: Beginning at tne south west corner of said lot four i4i In block ten (10) In said West Omaha Addition, thence north one hundred twenty (120) feet, thence east eighty (80) feet, thence south one hun dred twenty(120) feet, thence west eighty (80) reet to the place or beginning, which mort gage was given to secure the payment of his promltsory note of even date there with for tne sum or three thousand dollars ($3 000.00). That there la now due and payable thereon the sum of three thousand dollars ($3.000 00). with interest thereon at ten (10) per cent per annum from the 1st day of May, 1895, for which several sum with Interest at ten (10) per cent from May 1. 1895, plaintiff prays for a decree that the defendants pay the stme. and that in default of such payment said premises maybe sold to satisfy the amount found due. That each of said mortgages were afterwards sold, assigned and delivered to .the plaintiff, who 1 now the owner and holder thereof. You are further notified that on the 9th day of June, 1896, I will apply to the said court for the appointment of a Receiver, to collect the rents and profits arising from said property during the pendency of said suit, upon the grounds that each of said tracts or parcels of land Is Insufficient to pay the mortgage debt, that the same Is being wasted, and that the parties who are per sonally liable for the payment of said several sums are each of them Insolvent. I propose the name of Bryce Crawford for such Receiver, and offer as sureties for him the names or W. II. Russell and O. C. Olsen. and also offer them as sureties for myself. I will support such application by the affi davits of M. J. Kennard, W. II. Russell. G. II. Pavne. II. ii. Harder. W. H. Gates and Georire N. Hicks. Tou are required to answer said Detltlon on or before theSth dav of June. 1896. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, this 25th day of April, 1896. h-LlAAUtlli U. AHHOTT. Plaintiff. By V. 0. Strlckler, her attorney. 5-1-4 Notice of Probate of Will. In the county court of Douglas county, Ne- Drasua. In the matter of the estate of Oustaf Adolf Johnson, deceased : Lena Maria Johnson. Hilda Gustaf va John- ion or Hlart, Selina Hlart, Albert Iljart, r.uwaru mart, uuaries iijart, utiaaujart, and a minor child of Hilda Oustaf va John son, and all other persons Interested In ssld matter are hereby notified that on the 1st day of May, 1896, Lena Maria Johnson tiled In the county court a petition alleging among other things that Gustaf Adolf Johnson died on the 24th day ot April, 1896, leaving a last will and testament, and possessed of real and personal estate valued at 4OM) 00, and that the above named constitute the persons Interested In the estate of said deceased, and praying for the probate of said will and for administration of said egtate. You are hereby notified that if you fall to appear at said court on the 2nd day of June, 1896, at 9 o'clock A. ti. and contest the probate of said will, the court may allow and probate said will and grant administration of said estate to Lena Maria Johnson or some other suitable person, and proceed to a settlement thereof. IRVING V. BAXTER, 5-8-4 County Judge. Probate Notice. In the matter of the estate of Victoria E. Madison, deceased: Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administra tor, with will anneied, of said estate before me. County Judga of Douglas county, Ne braska, at the county court room In said county, on the 2!tb day of June, 1896; on the 29th day of September, 1896, and on the 29th day of October, 1K96, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims and one year for the administrator, with will an nexed, to settle said estate, from the 29th dayof April, 18!; this notice will be pub lished In The American for four weeks suc cessively, prior to the 29th day of June. 1896. ittviau r. rn. 5-1-4 County Judge Fifty Years Tv?E Church of Rome r 4 By Rev. Charles Chiniquy. TPIIIS is, without exception, the In-nt work extant on the sulx'ct of the corrupt practice", of the Roman Catholic Church ami its priesthood. It tells of the aloininalle ami licentious practices of priests and nuns in the Romish nunneries and monasteries in language convincing and entertaining. In short, it is a book that is wor thy of a place in any Library. The usual price of this book is $2.25, in cloth, but by a special arrangement with the publisher, wewill send it postpaid to any address in the United States for $2,00, It reveals the Jesuitical plot to assassinate PRESIDENT ABRAHAM LINCOLN, giving a brief history of the great crime, which shocked the whole civilized world. AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO. Americanism og Iniomainiisirri Which? The book ia of great value." Wcsfojan MMwd'mt. This book is excellently bound in cloth and printed in good, clear type. If sent by mail, 10 Cents Extra should be added for postage. Address all orders to AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO. 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