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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1896)
H AMERICAN WRIGHT THOMAS. Attorn?. S17 New York Life Building. SPECIAL MASTER COMMISSIONER'S ' ader aad by virtue of nn order of sale ua dKiM of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of lb district court for Douglas county, Nebraska, audio me, I will, oa the fcih day of May A. D. lsart. at tna o'clock r. M of aald day. at tha north front duor of the county court house. In Uia cltj of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebratk. sell at public auction to me hlgneat bidder for cub, the property described In aald order of ale as follows, to-wlt: Tba aorta one-balf of lot ten 110), blo-k tity-Bra idSi, la tbe city of boulh Oniaba. Douglas county, Nebraska, aa surveyed, platted and recorded. eid property to be sold to aatUfy George P. iavla, plaintiff bereln, the sum of one thousand and eighty one and M-luu f lhl.V.i dollar, at the rale of seven i7) per out per annum, and on eight) -one aud to ljtM.ii dollars, with Interest on one thousand if l.uuui dollars at the rate of ten iloi per cent per annum all from the (Kb day of slay, 15 To satisfy Denua Alberry, defendant bereln, the sum of one hundred thirty-three and li-ln 'tlii 15 di liars and custa amount lag to aeven and si luu ifT.sii dollars with In terest at the rale of ten per cent per annum from May th. To satisfy tbe further sum of twen'y-one and 6J-luu tui dollars coata herein, to- father with accruing costs, according to a udguient rendered by the district court of aid Douglas county, at Ita May term. A. 1). into. In a certain action then and there pending, wherein George P. Davis U plaintiff and John 11, Euikeus and others are defend ants. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, April 14. 1896. Is ac N. Wathuh. Special Master Commissioner. Wright & Thomas. Attorneys for Plalnitft. Davis vs. Kiukeua et al. Doc. ts. No. 26. -24 6 W1UG11T & THOMAS, Attorneys, 517 New York Life Building. (SPECIAL MASTER COMMISSIONER'S J Bale. Unuer and by virtue of an order of ale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage is sued out of the district court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will, on the 2tSth day of Mai. A. D. lUtt. at one o'clock p. M. of said day, at the north front ooor or tne county court nouae, id toe city of Omaha. Douglas countv. Nebraska, sell t public auction to the highest bidder for casn, tne properly described in saiu oraer oi ale as follows, to-wlt: The east one-half of lot eight (8), block eleven of Heed's rlrst addition to the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, as sur veyed, platted ana recorded. bald property to be sold to satisfy Parke Godwin, Executor of the (state of Fanny Bryant Uodwin, deceased, plaintiff nerein, tbe sum of three thousand two hundred and nlnetv-four and HT-luO dollars it:i4 b,. with Interest on three thousand dollars il,0UO 00) at tbe rate of seven u per cent per annum, and on two bnndred and nlnetv-four and 67-100 dollars iHW.b7) at the rate of ten (10) per cent per annum, all from tbe otb day of May. 18U3. To satisfy the further sum of twenty-two and 88-100 dollars ita.HUi costs herein, to- J ether with accruing costs, according to a udguient rendered by tbe district court of saiu uougias coumy. at lis may term. a. u, 1HWS, in a certain action then and there pend ing, wherein Parke Godwin, Executor of the estate of fanny Bryant Uodwin, laulalntltr. nd Anneua Tipton and others were de fendant. Dated at Oniaba, Nebraska, April Mth, A, ISAAC N. 'WATSON, Special Master Commissioner. wrignt Thomas, attorneys. Godwin, Ex. vs. Tipton, et al. Doc. 48; No.2A 4-24-5 WKIGHT & THOMAS, Attorneys. 517 New York Life Building. OPECIAL MASTER COMMISSIONER'S J Sale Under and by virtue of an order of ale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Is sued out of the district court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me directed, l will, on the ftith day of May, A. D. ln'M. at one o'clock v. at. of said day, at the north front door of the county court house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described in said order of ale as foliewa. to-wlt: Lot eight (8), in block nine (9), In Shlnn's ad dition to tne city oi umana. uougiag county, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and re corded. Bald nroDertv to be sold to satisfy Julia 8 Bryant In the su n of three thousand seven hundred and ten and M-1U0 (13,710.96) dollars, with Interest on thirty-live hundred (13,500) dollars at the rate of 6ri Der cent oer annum. and on two hundred and ten and 50-100 10.5O dollars, at the rate of ten percent per annum, all from May 0th, 1 M'J.i. To satisfy Charles K. Bates, trustee, the um of two hundred and one and 38-100 $3)1.68) dollars, with Interest thereon at 10 per cent per annum from May 6th, 1895. To satisfy tbe sum of twenty-seven and 38-100 dollars (t2i.3H) costs herein, together with accruing costs, according to a judgment ren dered by the district court ot said Douglas county, at Its May term, A. D. lMfi. In a certain action then and there pending, wherein Charles E. Butt's, trustee. Is plain tiff, and Kachel Kallsb et al. are defen dants. Omaha, Nebraska, April S4th, 18H6. ISAAC N. WATSON, Special Master Commissioner. Wright A Thomas, attorneys. 4-24-3 ' WKIGHT & THOMAS, Attorneys, 517 New York Life Building, SPECIAL MASTER COMMISSIONER'S 8aie. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage is sued out of the district court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will, on the 26th day of May.A.l). lH9ti,at one o'clock P.M. of said nortn front door of the county court house, In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebrasks, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described In said order of sale as follows, to-wlt: Lot three (3) and the west one-half (4) ot lot two (2). In block eight 18), Kounue Place, an addition to the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded . Said property to be sold to satisfy Grace Marvin, plaintiff herein, the sum of five thousand four hundred and one and 47-100 ($5,401.47) dollars, with Interest on five thou sand ($5,000) dollars at the rate of seven (7) per cent per annum, and on four hundred and one and 47-100 1$401.47) dollars at the rate of ten (10) per cent per annum, from the 6th day of May. 1895. To satisfy Sallle Horbach, plaintiff herein, the sum of two thousand s.x hundred and ninety-six and 52-1U0 (2,tWS.52) dollars, with Interest at the rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from the 6th day of May, 1895, and also the further sum of $44.68 costs bereln, together with accruing costs, according to a Judgment rendered by the District Court of said Douglas county, at its May term, A, D. 1895, In a certain action then and there pend ing wherein Grace Marvin Is plaintiff, and William R. lioman and others are defen dants. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, April 24, 1896. I.N.WATSON, Special Master Commissioner. Wright Thomas, attorneys for plaintiff. Grace Marvin vs. Wm. Homan et al. Doc. 48; No. 317. 4-24-5 Special Master Commissioner's Sale. Under and by virtue ot an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the district court tor Douglas county, state of Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will, nn the 2tith day of May. A. D 181-6. at one o'clock p. u. of said day, at the EAST front door of tbe county court house, in the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described In said order of sale as follows, to-wlt: Lot six (6), bloc eight (8), In Parker's Addi tion to the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy H. J. Twlntlng, plaintiff herein, the sum of one hundred twenty-nine and 10-100 dollars f 129.10), with Interest thereon at rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from May 6th, 1895, and attorneys' fees amounting to twelve and 01-100 dollars ($12.91). To satisfy Harriet C. Ballou, defendant bereln. tbe sum of eight hundred and tulrty t.hree dollars ($K33.00, with Interest thereon from May 6th, 1893, at rate of ten (10) per cent per annum. To satisfy costs In the sum of sixty-one and 48-100 dollars (nu.i, togetner with ac mini costs according to a Judgment ren dered by the district court of said Douglas county, at It May term, A. D. 1895, In a cer tain svtinntlien and there uendlng wherein H J. Twlntlng was plaintiff, and Thomas Camobell and Mrs. Campbell, his wife, Everett G. Ballou and Harriet 0. Bal in,, w,m Hnfpndants. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska. April ,24th. A. D' im" OEOROE W. HOLBROOK, Sneclal Master Commissioner, Saunders & Macfarland, attorneys tor plaln-Twln't'-ng ts. Campbell. Doc. 44 No. 873. 4-24-13 WRIGHT THOMAS, Attorneys, SIT New York Life Building. SPECIAL MASTER COMMISSIONER'S Pale. Under and by virtue ot an order of ssle Issued out of the district court for Douglas count v. Nebraska, and to undirect ed. 1 will, on the 2ib day of May. A. D. I'M. at one o clues p. m. or said aay at tne no to front door of tne count y courthouse. In tbe city of Omaha. Douglas couaty. Nebraska. at puouc auction to tne mgnesi giuuer for cash, the nroperty described in said order of t tie as follows, to-wlt: Tbe north one-half (Wi of lot sixteen (is) In Nelson's addition to the city of Omaha, louglas county. Nebraska, aa surveyed, platted and recorded. Said uronerty to be sold to satisfy the turn of eighteen hundred and thirty-three and 77-luu 41 M3 T7 dollars, with Interest on sev enteen hundred i 1 JUO.oui dollars at 7 per cent Der antutu. and on one buadrrd and thirty- three and TT-li) if 133 77) dollars at 10 per cent per aanum. an irom may oin. iff'Ja. To satisfy the sum of tweuty-nlne and 48 100 dollars (fcU.tsi cosu bereln. together with accruing cosu. a cord 1 mr to a ludnmont rendered by the district court of said Doug las county, at Its May term, A. D. 1-, In a certain ac Ion then and there pending. wuerein J una B uryant Is plainun, ana Kacbael k tilth, et al.. werede,endanta. Omaha, Nebraska, April 24th, 1;. ISAAC N.WATSON. Soeclal Master Commissioner. Wright A Tboniaa. attorneys. nrvant vs. ivausn. -z-a WRIGHT A THOMAS, Attorneys, 617 New York Life Building, OPECIAL MASTEH, COMMISSIONER'S J 8 ALE. -Under and by virtue of an order of ale on decree of foreclosure ot mortgage Is sued out of tbe District Court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me dtrlcled, I will, on the 30th dayof May.A.D.lHUo. at one o'clock p. at. ot said day, at the norm front door oi the county court house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the hlgbest bidder for cash tbe property described In said order of sale as follows, tu-wit: The south forty-seven (17) feet of lot four m, in block nve(S), in improvement Associa tion addition la Omaha. Douglas countv. Nebraska, aa surveyed, platted and re- coraeeu. Said tironertv to be sold to satisfy plain tiff the sum of live hundred and thirty-three 76-100 tl.Wi.75) dollars, with Interest on live hundred iaMW.00) dollars at the rate of seven (7) per cent per annum, and on thirty-three and 76-100 1133.73) dollars at the rate of ten (10) percent per annum, all from May 6th, 1MB. To satisfy tbe sum of twenty-three and 18-100 dollars J..lHcosU, together with accru ing cosu, according to a Judgment rendered by the district court ot said Douglas county, Nebraska, at lta May term, lHVi, In a cer tain action then and there pending, wherein Richard Goodman is plaintiff and George Holmes et al. are defendania. Omaha, Nebraska, April 24th, 1899. ISAAC N.WATSON. Special Master Commissioner, Wrlffht A Thomas, attnrnevs. Goodman vs. Holmes et al. Doc. 49; No. 76. 4-Z4-0 WKIGHT & THOMAS, Attorneys, 117 New York Life Building SPECIAL MASTERS COMMISSIONER'S Bale. Under and by virtue of an orderof sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage is sued out of the district court for Douglas county. State of Nebraska, and tome direct ed ,1 will, on the SOlhday of May, A. D. 1896. at one o'clock P. at. of said day, at tbe north front door of tbe County Court-house, In the city ot Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, tbe property described In said order ot sals as follows, to-wlt: Lot one (D, in block fllfteen (16), city of South Omaha, In Douglas county, Nebrasaa. Said property to be sold to satisfy Cairo A. Trimble, plaintiff herein, the sum of seven hundred fifty-seven and 23-100 (1757.25) dol lars Judgment, with Interest on 1700 at 7 per cent per annum, and on $57.26 at 10 per cent per annum, from the 6th day of May, 1893. To satisfy tbe sum of forty and 18-100 dollars ($10.18) cosu herein, together with ac cruing costs according to a Judgment ren dered by tbe district court of said Douglas county, at 1U May term, A. D. 1896, In a cer tain action then and there pending wherein Cairo A. Trimble was plaintiff, and Robert T. Maxwell and Anna M Maxwell his wife, Abel P. Crapser, Charles J. Nobes, Margaret 3. Elliott and John Elliott were defendants. Omaha, Nebraska, April 24th. A.D. 1896. EDGAR a. SCOTT. Special Master Commissioner. Wright & Thomas, attorneys, Trimble vs. Maxwell. Doc. 48; No. 183 4-24-6 JAS. W. CAKK. 813 Board of Trade. SPECIAL MASTER COMMISSIONER'S SALE. Under and by virtue ot an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the district court for Douglas countv. Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will. on the 26th day of May A 1). 1896, at ene o clock P. M. of said day, at tne norm irons door of the county court house, In tbe city of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described In said order of sale, as follows, to-wit: All Oi lOb lOUr It, 1U UlOUa bwoubj-bwo West Omaha, an addition to tbe city ot Omaha, according to tbe recorded piat thereof, all In Douglas county, Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy August Doll, defendant herein tbe sum of $95.43 with interest thereon at 10 per cent per annum from tbe 6tb day of May, 1.-TO. Said nrouertv to be sold . satisfy Anna S Ludlum, plaintiff herein the sum of $1930.40 Judgment with Interest thereon at 10 per cent per annum from the 6tb dayof May, 1895. To satisfy August Doll, defendant herein. the sum of $1363,87 Judgment with Interest at 10 per cent per annum irom tne oin aay oi Mv. IHH.i. Also to satisfy the further sum of $25.93 cmiM herein, together with accruing costs, according to a Judgment rendered by the district court of aald Douglas county, at Its May term, A. D. 1893. in a certain action then and there uendlng. wherein Anna a. Ludlum Is plaintiff, and Charles Lagemarsno and Rons Lagemarsno, his wife, and August Doll are defendanu. Omaha, Nebraska, April 24th, 1896. John L. Pierck, Special Master Commissioner. J. W. Carr, Attorney. Ludlum vs. Lagemarsno et al. Doc. 50. No. 198 4 24 5 JAS. W. CAKK, Attorney, 313 Board of Trade Building. OPECIAL MASTER COMMISSIONER'8 aJ Bale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the District Court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will, on the 2t)th day of May, A. D. 1MH), at one o'clock p. M. of said day, at the north front door of the county court house. In the city of Omaha. Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public auction, to tbe highest bidder for cash, the property described In said order of sale as follows, to-wlt: The south half (Vi)ot the southwest quarter () of section ten (10), township fifteen (15), range twelve (12), east of the Sixth principal meridian in Douglas county, state oi a firdfilf A. Said nronertv to be sold to satisfy John L, Marshall, plaintiff herein, the sum of seven thousand four hundred and eighty-six and 67-100 dollars ($7,486.67) Judgment, wltn Inter est at eight (8) per cent per annum irom may 6, 1895. Also to satisfy the further sum of twenty and Kl-liio dollars (fc.(i cosu herein, together wttb accruing costs, according to a Judgment rendered by the district court of said ltoug las county, at It May term, A. D. 1895, In a certain action tnen ana mere penaing, wherein John L. Marshall Is plaintiff, and John B. Flndlay, Phebe R. E. E. Linton, Adolphus F. Linton, Ashurst Morris, Crisp & Company, John Wblttaker Cooper, William Isaac Shard, Frank E. Moores, Charles Car lvle Baker. Janson Cobb. Pearson & Com pany, Martin Tibke and Omaha Loan & Trust company pavings d&qk are ueieiuiauua, Omaha, Nebraska, April24th. 1896. JOHN L. PIERCE, Special Master Commissioner. J as W. Carr attorney. Marshall vs. Flndlay, etal. Doc. 47; No. 258. 4-24-5 Notice of Final Settlement. In the matter of tbe estate of John F. Payne, deceased: George W. Pavne and all other persons In terested In said matter are hereby notified that on tbe istn day oi April, ikio. B. Womersly tiled a petition In said county court, praying that bis final administration account nieu uerein oe seuieu anu aiiuweu, and that he be discharged from his trust al administrator, and that If you fail to appear before said court on tne i8tn aay oi may, lHOrt t. g n'r.lnc.k A. u.. and contest said oeti- tinn. the court may grant the prayer ot aald petition and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees, as to this court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be nnatiy setuea ana uetermineu. IRVING F. BAXTER. 4-?4-4 lountyJudgi W1UUHT THOMAS, Attorneys, 617 New York Life Building. SUEKIFF'SSALE By virtue of aa order of sale Issued out of the district court for Douglas couuty. Nebraska, and to me di rected. 1 will, on Uiezad day oi juue, a. i l-. at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, al the KaeT front door of the county court boute, la the city ot Omaha, Duugiaa county. Ne braska, sell at public auction vo iiir ui,iir bidder for casu the property described la said orderof sale as follows, to-wit: Lois one ill. tao (Zi and inre t oi oiocs three t3i; aim) lots ouetli. twot2iand three (3i In block four i4, and lots twelve d2 and thirteen (13) In bloc a one in in vioveraaie Addition to the city of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded, all In Douglas county, state of Nebratka. .... Said property to be sola to satisfy siary si. tvlilinK nlntntlff herein, the sum of three thousand Four hundred aud thirty audtk-lu0 dollars ft4JuH,-) Judgment, with Into. est thereon al rate of eight i' per cent per an num from February 4tb, I!, together wlih tbe sum of three dollars (3 OOi, protest tees, paid by said plalntitf. , To satisfy the sum of seventeen) and 3S-W0 dollars 6lf3S)Cou herein, together with ac cruing costs according to a Judgment ren dered by the district court of aald Douglas county, at lu February term, A. D. ltJ. In a certain action th. u and there pending wherein Mary M. Whitney la piaintm. aua William T. Seaman and Sarah M. seaman, bis wife, are defendania. Omaha, Nebraska, May 1st, a. v. itw. jotiN w. Mcdonald. Sheriff of Douglas Couuty, Nebraska. Wvtaht x, Thomas. aLLornevs. Whlmev vs. beaman. IKjc. 42; No. 1M. 8 13 WlllGHT & THOMAS, Attorneys, 517 New York Life Building. ktotipk TO NON-RESIDENT DEFEND- AH anu In the district court of Douglas county, Nebraska, James Harris, Sr., plain tiff vs. John Caswlck and Kale Caswlck, de fendants. To John Caswlck and Kate Caswlck, non Ma llwnl HHfnd lints: Vnn re hniebv notified that on the 18th of April, 1896, James Harris, Sr., plaintiff herein, tiled his petition In tho above en titled cause. In the district court of Douglas county, Nebraska, against John Caswlck, Kate Caswlck and Fred Daniels, the object and prayer ot which Is to foreclose a mort gage executed on the loth day of February, lsvl, by John Caswlck and Kate Caswlck to Eugene C. Bates, and by him assigned to James Harris, Sr., plaintiff herein, upon the iirnuert described aa follows, situated In tbe county of Douglas and state of Ne Lot ten (10) In block forty (40) In the city of South Omaha, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded, to secure the payment of one promissory note for the sum of one thousand dollars (, due and payable on the loth day ot February, 18im; that there Is now due and payable on said oote the sum r,f one thousand dollars ill OHO.oUi, with In terest at the rate of ten (10) per cent per an num from the 10th day of August, 1W5, for which sum, with interest and costs, plaintiff prays for a decree that the defendants be required to pay the same, and that In de fault of such Day i-ent said premises may be tn af lufw tiie amount found due. You are required to answer aald petlllon on or before tne Bin aay ui juiio, i . Ditted atomuna, eorass, npm i, JAMES HARRIS SR., Plaintiff. By Wright & Thomas, attorneys for plalntitf. S-I-4 WKIGHT THOMAS. Attorneys, 517 N. Y. Life Bldg. TkTOTftlK TO NON-RESIDENT DEKKHD- 3-H ant: In the district court of Douglas county. Nebraska, Rosa Hamburg plainun, vat XJ 1 1 1 1 U Til f-s. I H. T& M HI, Kl. Tn John A. Brand and Mrs. John A. Brand his wife, first and real name unknown, non resident defendants: ...... You are hereby notified that on the 14th of March, 1896, Kosa uamuurg. piainun nerein, bled her petition In tbe above entitled cause, in t.hndlatrlct court of Douglas county, Ne braaka. against William U. Uates, Jullla n.iu Uoimrt l.vnn. John A. Brand, Mrs jnhn A. Hmnd. Wither II. Kreldler and Mrs. wiihe H. Kreldler his wife, first and real name unknown, the object and prayer of which Is to foreclose a mortgage executed on the 22nd day of June. I8'.u, oy wunam a.. Hate and Julia Gates to Eugene C. Bates, and by him assigned to Rosa Hamburg, upon the nrnnertv aescrioeu as luuuws sibuateu In the county ot Douglas and state of Ne braska, to-wit: , ,M Tjit. nvnnm in diock Hix o in nuisiue aa diilon No. 1. an addition to Omaha, Ne- hrnalia.. as surveved. Dialled ana r, coraea, to secure the payment of a promissory note for the sum of two thousand dollars, due aud payable In Dye years from me aate mereoi, that there Is now due and payable on said note the sum of two thousand dollars with interest, at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 19th day of June, 1895, for which sum, wltb interest ana costs, Lia nun Drava for a decree that the defendants be pwinirnd tn nav the same, and that In defaul of such payment said premises may be sold trt aiiLluf v the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before tne 8in aay oi j une, ittni. Dated at Omaha, neorasKa, nprti mn usvo, UOSABAMHURG, Plaintiff B Wrlsht Si Thomas, attorneys for plain tiff. 5-1-4 WKIGHT & THOMAS, Attirnevn. 617 New York Life Building. SPECIAL MASTER COMMISSIONER'S Hale. Under and bv virtue ot an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the district court for Douglas countv. Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will, on the 19th day of May, ;A. 1). 1896, at one o'clock P. M. of said day, at the north front door of the county court house, In the city of Omaha. Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at nubile auction to tne ill guest Diuuerior casn the property described In Bald order of sale as follows, to-wu: The south one-hall (H) or lot nine () i block ten (10). KounUe and Ruth's addlti the rltv of Omaha. Douglas county. Ne hr&slta. aa surveved. Dlatted and recorded Ma d nrouertv to De sola to gaustv neien C. Hodskln, tbe sum of three thousand two hundred and twenty-two ana 34-iuo aonars ($3,222.34). with interest on tnree tnousan rinilurs iSl (UMi.ooi at seven (7) Der cent oer an' Dum, and on two nunareo ana twenty-two and 34-100 dollars mi.av at ten uui per ceni per annum, all from the 4th day ot fceu roars 1SU5. To satisfy Jennie H. Morehead, the sum of one thousand one hundred and eighty-three dollars $1,183.00), with Interest thereon at ten (lui per cent per annum from February lt)l. 1KMA. To satisfy tnirty-one ana oo-iw aonars (Hi. 081 costs, together with accruing costs according to a judgment rendered by tb district court of said Douglas county, at Us February term, A, D. 1896, in a certain action then and there pending, wherein Helen C. Hodskln was plaintiff, and William R. Ho man, et al., were defendants. Omaha, Nebraska, April 17th, 1896. Isaac n. watson, Special Master Commissioner. Wright Thomas, attorneys. Hodskln vs. lioman. ihc. . ; no. Hi. -n-3 Notice to Non-Ilesident Defendants. To Charles J. Read, Mazllvah J. Read, and M. C. Ltlley & Jompany, non-rtsldentde-fendants: You are hereby notified that on the 2.Hh of April. 1W6, Elizabeth 11. Abbott, plaintiff bereln, bled her petition In the above en titled cause. In the district court of Douglas county, Nebraska, against you and each of you, impleaded with Charles A. Kenton, the object and prayer of which Is to foreclose a certain real estate mortgage executed on the loth dayof December, 18H1, by Charles J. Read and Mazllvah J. Read, upon the prop erty described as follows: Lot one (l)ln block L In Lowe's Addition to the city ot Omaha, aa surveyed, platted and rejorued. In Douglas county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of their promissory note with Interest coupons attached, for the sum of twelve hundred dollars (11200.00), due and payable December 1st. Mint there is now due and payable on said note the um of twelve hundred dollars ($1200.00), with Inter est at the rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from the 1st day of June, 1X04, for which sum, and Interest, plaintiff prays foradecrse that the defendants pay tbe same, and that In de fault of such payment said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are further notified that on tbe nth dayof June, lKi, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the appointment of a receiver, to collect the rents of said premises during the pendency of said suit, upon the ground that said property Is Insufficient to pay plaintiff's debt, and that the same Is being wasted, and that the said Charles J. Read and Mazllvah J. Read are Insolvent. I propose the name of Bryce Crawford for receiver, and W. H. Rus sell and O. C. Olsen as bis sureties, and also as sureties for myself. I will support said applications by the affidavits ot W. II. Rus sell and M. J. hennard. You are required to answer said petition on er before tne Sth day of June, 1MO. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, April 2.1. ls"rt. ELIZABETH II. ABBOTT. Plaintiff. By V. O. Strlckler, attorney tor plaintiff. 5 1-4 2 GRAND LODGE LOYAL ORANGE INSTITUTION or IBs United SUtes of America. FRANCIS C CAMPBELL. M. W. O. M., Minneapolis, Mine, ROBT. W. JOHNS CJN, Buprenie Secretary, iroy, new fork. L. IOOK, IfllS Howard Street. Omaha. Neb.. Organiser for departmentof Nebraska, Iowa, a, aulas, Missouri auu voiorauo. OR A NO E PRINCIPLES. Om behalf of the Loyal Orange Lodg of the United States ot America, and with a view ot correcting tbe false Impression that enemies are endeavoring to convey to tbe minds of men who are unacquainted with Orange principles, are these few statements made: The Loyal Orange Institution Is a brother hood and sisterhood, bound by three ties- Justice, Truth and Righteousness. It has no hidden alms It Is Fraternal and Benevolent-assisting and protecting members while living aad their widows and orphans when they are re moved by death It upholds the right of private Judgment- lb untrammelled freedom of opinion) be- iim th mihllrt arhnnia are an aaaentlal safeguard of th. state, and should be kept free from ecclesiastical or sectarian control and that persons disloyal to the government who bold a mental allegiance to the pops of Rome ehould be rigorously excluded from teaching therein. It believes primary allegiance la due to the government which protect tb lives, liberties and properties of Its cltlsens, and that ecclesiastical authority should not' under any circumstances, be permitted to meddle In the affairs of state, and that coer cion of a cltlsen In the eierclse of his or hsr right of franchise, under the guise ot relig ious or spiritual authority should bs pun ished as a crime against the state. That It la the duty of every cltlsen to de fend the lawfully constituted authority and Institutions of our country against corrupt and Inimical Influences, as well as against armed assailants, to the end that our glori ous freedom be protected and transmitted unimpaired to posterity. It encourages hablu of frugality and In dustry amsnglts members, and is proud to boast that Orangemen seldom become a public charge or accept pauper bread. Bread. of lmmlgrn- I It believes In the restriction Mon d the extension of time for tbe natur alise .on of cltlsens, and that tbe public and shall be held for actual American cltl sens who become settlers. Tbe Loyal Orange Institution ot the United States of America baa certain requirements for membership; That a man shall be an actual American Cltlsen, having complied wltb the laws of the United States with regard to naturalisation, nd without mental reservation. no witnout a mental reservation. That tbe applicant shall be a Protestant, I and also that his parents and wife shall ce Protestants. That he shall be thrifty and successful In bli business; honorable and truthful In hit dealings with his fellowman. and shall bs known as a law-abiding cltlsen. That he will endeavor to give his children or any children under his charge at least good common school education, being care ful to avoid all popish doctrine, and That he shall be in sound health at the time of making application. It makes no difference wbera a man was born, so long as ha meets th foregoln requirement. These are the qualification required very applicant to th order, and we do not think that any patriotic American order can offer a better array of principles and tsach lug. w ACTEDCanvassers for "America or Rome? Christ or the Pope?" The latest, most complete, best illustrated ablest edited and fastest selling patriotic book in America. Exclusive territory given. For terms and particulars, address The Loyal Publishing Co., Lock Box 166, TOLEDO, OHIO. "Oonvent Lifb Unveiled." BT EDITH O'OORMAN This little work relate the bitter experlenct of a young lady who was Induced through tbs punning of the Jesuits aad the Sisters ol Charity to enter a convent. Her story of th heartrending scenes enacted In those sinks of Iniquity is told In a convincing style. Pries in ClOtn Si. , sent posbyaiu uj i AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., TEH PAGES of the Congressional . . . RECORD Containlnf the debate on the Indian Nrhnnla A nnrnnrl atlnn and I .lntnn'H Remark on Marquette Statue, in pamphlet form, now, ready to mall, One copy 6c ten copies 40c fifty r r Address CHASE ROYS, 631 F Street N. W Washington, D. C. SGOLD MINE! Send us ten cents, coin or stamps, and we will send your name and address to 100 ot the most popular papers tn America. You will receive conies of each for reading and dis tribution FREE. In addition we send your name and address to S00 manufacturers who want agents. (Many have received per manent employment, as we ha ve testimonials to show). You will receive samples of goods and other thlnirs too numerous to mention You get bushels of mall. Address, U. S. DIRECTORY CO. 1043 Van Buren street Chicago. THE PRIEST, THE WOMAN, iS CONFESSIONAL. BT REV. CHAS. CHINIQUr. This work deals entirely with the practices of the Confessional noz, and should pe reaa by all Protestants as well as by Homan Cath olics themselves. The errors of the Confess ional are clearly pointed out. Price, la cloth 11.00, sent postpaid. Bold by, AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO, LODGE DIRECTORY. NEBRASKA. J. O. U. A. M. TiTi council, op assaasssi O.-RKV. 8. WR1GHTBUTLER, D. D P. O. Hoi :s, Oniaba. . V.O.-W. K. t OOI.IIXJE. Plaumnuta H. O. Socy.-J. A. eUlfcLDS, 1'. o. Box 723. Omaha. 8. V. Treas.-R. A. WILLIAMS. Omaha. Conductor K. S. Tl'TT. I'lattamoulb. Wardeo-K P. DOl.M AN Omaha. Sentinels W. VAN UK alt. So. Ou aba I J. L. LiVfcSEY, On aba. Representative to National Council RE V. HWKH.Hr HI 11.KK, R. P. 1KM.MAN. i. W. HOULfc.K J. A SHIELDS, aad 11. L. DAY. Tbe next regular meeting will be Oslo. Feb ruary 17, at LI c in. FRANCIS S. KEY COUNCIL No, $ meats every Friday evening at U. A. R. Hall. Platumoutb. Neb. Visiting brothers cor dially Invited. O. Ik. JOHNSON. Hoc. Sac. WASHINGTON COUNCIL No. 1. meets " every Tuesday eve. In Idlewlld ball, 14 Lh and Graut streets Visiting brothers always welcums. J. U. Uastviy. Heo'f T INCOLN COUNCIL No. t, meats la Lla- i-4 nuln. Nilirukl coin, Nebraska nOLDMBIA COUNCIL No. $. meets even v Tuesday evening la Red Men s Hall, Pat terson biota, cor. ii'B anu rarnani nmwu. w. M. Thohss. Councilor. E. L. Marstos, Secretary. US. GRANT COUNCIL No. 10, meets every Thursday evening in Patterson Hall. 17th and Kara am sis. tuning uroiners ai- ways welcome. W. F. h IN A IT, Rue. Secretary, flAKKlKLD COUNCIL No. 6, meets every v Tuesday night la Sou in omaiia. Yah Biaa, U, B. Fimhsr, Councilor, TIRKKTV IXJDNOIL No. T Secretary meets every " Tuesday evening, I. O. O. F. Hail, Louis vine, neb. 1. u. Lucas, nee. oec y. riOUNCILNo. 20. A. P. A.. Cameron. Mo., J meet ever second aud fourth Monday evening, at rraiernliy Temple. Visitors welcome. " ",'1 "V.-'hIT? Council Bluffs, la. Oxford Council. No. 130, ot the American Protective Association, of Oxford, Neb.. meets In their council chamber every Friday ulght at 7:JUr. u. Sojourning friends In good standing are always welcome. ll.U. Dunalu, LINCOLN Commander? No. 1. U. A. M meets everv Tbursdav evening tn P. O. 8. of A. hall, Council Bluffs. la. A. M. Burnbatn, Recorder, IA1IA COMMANDERY NO. 1. 0. A. M meet on first aud third Wednesday evenings ot each month, at O. A. R. Hall. us Norm riiieentn street, umana. neo, P. A.Haxman, Oommauderi U, K, Ledyard, Recorder. MISSOURI. STATE COUNCIL OF MISSOURI. B. C If C. Burden. Holden. Mo. 8. V. C Rev. U. A. Slaughter, Bt. Joseph Missouri 8. 0. Sec'y-Rolla G. Carroll, Warrenaburg, Missouri Will meet In Cbllllcotbe. Mo., February 1890. KANSAS CITY COUNCILS jrANSAU CITY COUNCIL NO. (Meets every Friday night at UTi McGee street, 1 .. - U .. V -u yAA lull L'u.l IIHk HI pOLUMBIA COUNCIL NO. 1 Meets ever v Saturdav night at tbe corner ot Twelfth and Cherry streets, W. Y. Sbeaver, Record ing Secretary. 1407 Madison street, PATRIOT COUNCIL NO. Jl-Meets every A Tuesday night at W McGee streets. PerceyP. Gumui, Heo. Secretary, Itllo Drlpp street. rATE CITY COUNCIL No. 44 Meets every u Monday night, corner lttth and Pen UU., over drug store. CPRINGF1ELD COUNCIL No. te-Meete O srery Thursday night, between gist and zna on Holmes. CHRFFIELI) COUNCIL No. DS-MeeU at Sheffield every Thursday night. Thomas Smith, Rec. Sec'T, Sheffield, Mo.. OHKKKIF.LD Council. No. HI. A. P. A. kJ meets every Saturday night at Knlghu of Columbia ball, Sheffield, Mo, Frank Forbes, Secretary. ABE LINCOLN COUNCIL NO. IS, AMERI- can Protective Association meets every sec ond and fourth Wednesday of each month la I. O. O. F. ball, fiattemoutn, neo. visiting members are welcome J, a. smitn. sec. AURORA COUNCIL No. 3. W. A. P. A. Meets every Wednesday afternoon at t o'clock, at tbe A. P. A. Hall, 4J7 Minnesota avenue. Kansas City, Kan. pROSPECT COUNCIL No, 1, A. P. A. Meets e,rer J"0?0', ""'""t" th" coner 01 Twenty-third and Prospect avenue. Kansas City, mo. rersons uesiring to join may en - Close their name, street and number, ward, age and occupation, ana direct to doi Ml Kansas uuy, aiov America Council No. 7, meets at Wood-1 ward's Hall every Wednesday at p. m - I. .. ,.!.( a ...... r u rw! I uf.uult. nan,,A Kansas city, no. ah visiting menus will be cordially wel- corned. airs. u. abbott, f resident. Mkh. Ida Phillips, tiecretary.i CUREKA COUNCIL No. 1. W. A. P. A.-Meets second and fourth Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock In the A. P. A. Hall, Southeast cor ner Packard and Osage avenue, Armourdala. Visitors are cordially Invited to attend. urine iwt trrmnvnil. Nn in a d a meets every Friday night at loth and L Road, urigsoy a nan, itausas my, nan. UXCEL8IOR COUNCIL NO. , W. A. P. A. c' meet on tbe first and third Thursday afternoon of each month, at 2:l o'clock, at Bell's hall, southwest Boulevard, near slat line, Rosedale, Kansas. Friends of other I ronnr.lls are cordially Invited to attend. Everv true American laay is invitea to corns and join us, aod assist In the good work. Inlatlon fee II .00 CITY COUNCIL No. 8, A. P. A.- Meets every Saturday evening at Un Min nesota avenue, Kansas City, Kas, Visitors cordially Invited. Mon day evening at Chamber of Commerce Ball. Rlvervlew. Visitors cordially Invited fOUNCIL No. 11, A. P. A.-Meet at Wood- ward's Hall eve very Tuesday evening at I n. Ul. BUII, AUl.u . um j vvw - ouuw, I A cordial Invitation Is extended to visiting friends. ARGENTINE COUNCIL No. 12, A. P A. I " Meets everv Monday night In Mokes Hall, Argentine, Kan. All visitors welcomed. topeka council No. it, a. P. A.-Meets visitors will be cordially welcomed. Oostdvk Council. No. 1. W. A. P. A. of Kan sas Cltv. Mo., meets every Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at ION Penn St. Address, Post- office box 5-1, Kansas city, Mo. Sunflower Lodge. L. O. L.. No. 244. meet second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 8 u. m., at Clahln s bail, corner of Mill street and Osage avenue, Kansas City. Kaa. Visltltg brethren are cordially Invited to at tend. John Davidson, ill. M., Him. Mo- Naughtou, Secy 713 Reynolds Ave. Liberty Council. No. 15. Jr. O. D. A. M. meets every Wednesday night, corner Pack ard and os&ge streets, Armouruaie, ivanaas. Thos. Koir, secretary. VAN'SAS PURPLE STAR, L. O. L. No. 106- I " Meets nrst ana tniru xuesaays oi eacn month at Id. m.. In A. O. U. W. Hall, corner Fourth stieet and Minnesota avenue, Kansas Cltv. Kan. Samuel Harrison, w. M. Wm, Ballagh. secretary, &J7 Northrup avenue! Visiting brethren cordially invited. ROSEDALE COUNCIL No. 13, A. P. A., meet " every Wednesday night at McUeorge's hall, Rosedale, Kas. All friends cordially nvlted. w. a. r. A. Persons desiring Information In regard to the W. A. P. A. tthould address either tbe president or secretary. State president of Nebraska. Mrs. Mary A. Herts in an n. 516 N. 16th street, Oniaba, Ieb. State secretary of Nebraska, Mrs. K. E. Decker. 1818 Burt street, Omaha, Neb. Success Council No. 3. W. A. P. A. meet every second and fourth Wednesday nights In each month at 8 o'clock p. m. at the Red- men's Hall. Contlneatal Block. Hand Don las. Friends of the rouactl are cordially la- vlled to ettond. ProtMtanu ana "true Asses Iran" ladies era solicited to join ua la tale good work. Initiation tea $1 uu. Addrass) either Mlsa Nellie B. Ilathawav. prealdeaa. 1812 Military avenue, or Mrs Mary A. llerw. n.aun, secretary, 61 North 1'iih St., Omaba SUPREME CABINET American Orange Knights. OBJECTS. This order Is formed of persons wboee 00- Jecle Is to maintain the supremacy of law, order and constitutional freedom) to pre serve Inviolate the cltlsens franchise) tS) perpetuate aad defend the precepts aad free) Institutions ot civil aad religious liberty guaranteed by the Const .utlonof the Ualts4 tales and established by our forefather. rao ants bt rocis. For Information regarding the formation of new Commanderles. or supplies, write la the supreme secretary, at. L. ZOOK. neo. J.M. HNBS,c v.. isis now era st. tNBIR.C. O. Desanaw. Mich. nisi., a. flat O in ah WANTS. SPLCNDIO NEW PATRIOTIC CNVELOPgt Home Illustrated with fine engravings ot Washington and Lincoln. Fine Garneid aa Prohibition envelopes, printed In colors. Illustrated many styles 2u fur 10 cents, 40 cent per 100. Fine motto letter paper. Illus trated In colon, beautiful pii-ture. free tracts, etc. Address, the r AITU TKAUT HOUSE. JO Elm street. Piles, N. V. IF you want an Investment In Real Estate want to buy a business In St. Louis, writ Lyman Waterman, Real Estate and BnanclaJ agent. St. Louis, Mo. w ANTED A partner with $ii0.00cash. Aa lilrl lads ureferred. Party accept able will be treasurer In charge of stock and funds. Address AMERICAN W. R.. this office. niCDnCITMIII fend me baad-wrltlng tn UlOrUol I llilt I natural style and I'll send you In return character of writer. Enclose stamped envelope addressed to yourself, also a fee of ten cents. F. E. Dillingham, 706 Col orado avenue. Kansas City, Kan $75 A HO NTH SIEriK .Dlll'S Celebrated FemalS) Powders new tail. Sumo LAdiM a i mm Ml and iun faftaf with liny and FWijjoyi Irt. S T. lilX, BJ. rcrsl -Uli),littauais4i A Valuable Book BT A LEADIHG ADTHOB, TMomanPapacy BY BCOTT r. HERBHEY, Ph. D, We want agents everywhere, and person rho will get up a Club. Largest pay to bo to classes. School teachers who want employ ment, and those wbocan aevote tneir even ings to circulating a really great book i and ladles who can devote a few hours a day, w can pay well. Write us at once. Address. BACK BAY BOOK CO. Colambus Ave. and Berkeley St, BOSTON. "Tne Uncle Tom's Camn ofllie A. P. A." Secrets of the Oonvent of the Sacred Heart. Da vnn want to send some friend a book that will make blm an A. P. A.? Do you want to send an A. P. A. a book that will strengthen his faith, by giving him evidence) of the diabolic outrages of Romanism prac ticed within the walls of the 1W5 convents In tbe United States? SEND FOR THE i - , . I Q nn rOTQ fit tnfl UnnVflnT www i vtw wi uiv w w . . w Beautifully Illustrated Cover. Price, 25 Cents, Postpaid. Address: HUDSON TUTTLE, Berlin Heights, Ohio. Go to California in a Tourist Sleeper. It is the RIGHT way. Pay more and you are ex travagant. Pay less and yon are uncomfortable. The newest, brightest, cleanest and easiest rid ing Tourist Sleepers are used for our ' Personally Conducted Excursions to California, which leave Omaha every Thursday morning reach ing San Francisco Sunday evening, and Los Angeles Monday noon. You can join them at any intermediate point. Ask nearest ticket agent for full information, or write to J. Fbaxcis, G. r. A Omaha, Neb. MARIA MONK. Paper Cover 60 Cents. This little volume relates the terrible Ferlence or a nun wno was connneu in saw HI..-W Nnnnerv" of Montreal It has orob- ably the largest sale of any work ot the kind ever published, and several Attempts to Sapprsa It. have been made. The price In cloth 1' 1100, and In paper 50 cents. For sale by AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO, Us?