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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1896)
4 THE AMFRIOAM k i ! Katorad at FttatoOloa a anrood-cUaa ialtr. 40MN O. THOMPSON. IMM. W. C KKLLCf. Baataeae Huuor. rCBUKHKI) W'KKLT BT TBI AMERICAN PUBMS COIPAKT, 161 Howian Fimrt, Osuaa, fits. ot KtASonULt. Governor of Illinois. Will It support During all Vhlt oontett (or delegates uaru, a mao a thousand timet worse, mala spokes THE AMERICAN orricK. Ml Howard Strwt. (mht. Nb. M IV.rtwo Mnvt. 'biial III. l Military Bulldlnn. Ktuu Olty I'. O. Hot 14Mi, t'rlppla Cr Oulu. Mo. 0.(Ht a Veart Hfrdotr Im Adrmnc. TIE AMERICAN T from Now Until January I. 1887, I For the (mall turn of 50--CENTS--50 T Par Your Subacriollon at Iho M Rat T Up to Data, ana Take Ad- vantage of i Our Great Offer.:! 1 to. the several convention the editor ofthlf paper ha endeavored to. pre rent his personal prefereaoo from ob truding offensively Into the contest, knowing' that a large per oent of the most loyal members of tho A. P. A. held opinions adrerse to those held by him, and he considered that were he to throw the whole Influence of Thk American against certain men and In faror of certain other men that It would be taking an unfair advantage of men who were our ardent and consist ent supporters. i and who Is one of the the wheel of the machine? In There Is quite a diversity of opinion amobg the different factions of the Re publican party of this city as to the propriety of holding an early county oonventlon, but we belie re that the great majority of the voters will favor about the 25th of June as the date. The A. P. A. will not hare im In ... . nuenoe in tne affairs of the state of Illinois as long suc charUr and nnlltlfal trloL-atoa r r t .. i While this has been true In the ps,t , ' t u. tk. C..-?. k I. . 1. 1 . .. iouh;ihui .u- .uu, . , , C"OTO th8 orir wUI not submit to the lead of " umuu iDUHiiiiiun, ii noil.Mch a man an actual censure, it Is the manner In which the national advisory board Is acting. We question very much the propriety of Issuing a circular such as It has issued and which we publish It is stated on what we consider good authority that there are in Amer ica over 2,000,000 members of the Jr. O. C. A. M.. over 1.000.000 mnh.N nf Any Parson Sanding U Tan New Sub- acrlbar arjl bo Favored With a Vaar's ' Subscription to THE AMERICAN. No panonal chock accepted unioat made for 16 eta. mora than tha amount of aubKriptlon you r'th to pay. U tout, tmnrn City r CAlM( fmft Two Commlwiion to Agents. If you deal! wiui one you pay ms prtoe. f AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO, MAY 8, 1800. Where Is the man who bollovos he Is right and all others are wrong? It Is Intimated that President Cleve land Is soon to have another child at his house. JUST think, only 50 cents for eight month's subscription to this paper! Everybody should have it The Cuban patriots, so-called, will never know true liberty until thoy dis own the pope as their God. this week over the signature of Judge the Patriotic Order Sons of America axiTsui uu j. i . wuunnjn. we are i ana over t ,ouu,uoo A. P. A arm In the belief that a largo majority of the members of the A. P. A. prefer I There Is to be a new patriotic paper I a . , m.m ... . - la .... Major McKinley to any of the men it isuncned May 15, 1896, at Gentry ville has seemed to favor, birring W. S. lna-i under the name of 27i American Linton. To insinuate In a publlo clr--F- It Is to be issued seml-monthlv cuiar mat weir preleienoe Is born of nu to oe sold lor 50o per year. anything but the most honorable mo tives Is an outrageous assumption which Mr. Linton's friends will repu diate as quickly as will at will the friends of the ex-governor. The friends of the Ohio man will notezouse him for any of his delin quenciesthey will Insist that he be thoroughly American and that he mate, he raco on a thoroughly Ameri can platrorm. Should he refuse, or fall to come up to their Idea they will be found shoulder to shoulder with us, battling agalust him and in favor of some other man who Is more trust- worthy and In stricter accord with our principles. We do not doubt that the things FINDS OF (IfilllL They Hold an Enthusiastic Meeting at the Millard Hotel that the A. P. A.'i are going to oppose schools is clearly depicted in every act him In the St Louis convention. We place the report on a par with that of his connection with the A. O. H. There is nothing In either." Jn atother place the article states: "A.P.A.ism Is an outgrowth of Orange- and speech. His message to the ses sion of the Ohio legislature, January 6, 1896, one week before the expiration of his term, stands out strongly for the schools of our country. The world at large knows his posl- Ism. Orangelsm In this country is an tion on the immigration question. And Pass a Resolution Unani mously Endorsing Him For a Second Term Mass Meeting at Washing ton Hall. offspring of what Is well known in this country as Scotch-Irishism, the most Intolerant and bigotted anti-Catholic element that ever existed in this or any other country, and would not tol erate Catholicism at all if not compelled to. Harby H. Hinde. There was a large and enthusiastic meeting of Republicans of Omaha held J In the large hall of the Millard Hotel, Thursday evening, which was ably THE POLITICAL L1ACE. When two or three newspapers com- thev were blno cr"& out a weaker competitor McKinley is of that and official permits himself to oe maae a tool m the hands of the managers el such newspapers espe cially when they were the bitterest op ponents of such county official in the campaign in which he was elected It Is time that the people were apprised thereof. The American will not be a party to a scheme of this kind. Its element, and, while he may be all right in himself, the taint is there, and the A. P. A.s expect to find it when they want It" National Past Councilor, J. G. V. Richter, of the Jr. O. U. A. M., who resides in Canton, O., the home of Mc Kinley, la heartily for the Major, and une oi notion's preachers who has been giving aid and comfort to the Salvation Army, brands It as a mill tary despotism. Patronize those who advertise in the American papers. By doing this you win greatly assist the cause. 1302 PARNAM ST. is the PACIFIC City Ticket Office. UNION 4173 Great Interest. Editor American: The past month has been distinguished by the selection of delegates to the Republican na tonal convention, at St. Louis, to nominate candidates Kinley did and said what is charged against him. When he did them and aid them he did and said what was wrong. But why, pray, has the na tional advisory board not given us some of the sayings and doings of Morton, We want 10,000 more new names bv Alllson and Reed, backed by affidavits? July 1st, will you help? Send In lust TheJ ,re certalnly not as white ss the one If you cannot secure nmm driven snow. for the highest set forth in the affidavits contained In orace 10 the gift of the American peo- sald circular are true. No doubt Mo- PI6 Great Interest has been manifested by the party leaders In the selection of delegates In the interest of this or that caadidate for the nation's chief execu tive. What the outcome will be, we shall see. Wisdom dictates that it will be prudent to nominate a man for the chief executive, who is sound, not only presided over by Judge C. R. Scott The Judge was in a particularly happy says that he will be pleased to be used subscription list is bona fide, and; it la frame of mind and made a telling Re- ui reference. not necessary for it to distribute its publican speech in which he referred Mr. Hanna, the manager of McKln- P"Peri ree in order to obtain a clrcu to Mayor Broatoh in very uncompli- ley's campaign, is a member of the 1tlon in Omaha, Douglas county, or mentary terms, and if the sentiments Episcopal church. I anywhere else, and while we have not expressed at that meeting are those of Jos. K. Prltner, who has signed a I recelved our legitimate share of the legal advertising business from the the Republicans of this city the mayor statement, which Is being circulated will hardly secure the Douglas county delegation to the state convention. A. E. Walkup of the First Ward was chosen secretary. After several speeches from repre sentatives from various wards, the fol lowing resolution was presented and unanimously adopted: Resolved, That It Is the sense of this meeting that Attorney-General Churc hill has made an honest, thorough and competent attorney-general of the state of Nebraska, and according to the un written law of the Republican party he ia juuy enuuea to a second term and oy btevens and Johnson, was seen at his home In Columbus, O., May 1st, 1896, and shown the circular contain ing his statement about McKinlev: Regarding being refused the position he said: "I never asked for thia nnl- sherlff's office, we have felt- that our friends would take care of the present sheriff when his time expired, and we could afford to wait No man can ig nore bis friends and throw sop to his enemies and succeed. This islwhat tion, therefore the governor (meaning McDonald is doing. Our friends are McKinley) did not appoint me." We will state that the governor did not have the appointment in question under control, as It was made by Jos. Smith, librarian. D. T. Ramsey, also of Columbus, O., whose name appears to similar state- advised that they elected a man whn ia being used by the enemies of the A. P. A. The Omaha real estate men ob ject to the sheriff's methods in making appraisements of real estate sold under foreclosure, and a committee has been should receive the earnest support of ment8' was seen ln hu office on Friday, constituted to interview the aforesaid ail good llepublicans of this oltv. county and state, and to that end we endorse his candidacy, and further, that we do not endorse the candidacv of W. J. Broatch for governor of the state of Nebraska. May 1. 1896. When asked the question: "Do you approve of this method?" (pointing to the circular issued by Stevens and Johnson) he replied: "I sheriff and request him to appoint real estate men as appraisers. Realty is "slow sale" now a-days owing to the existing financial conditions of the do not approve of it," and Spoke favora-1 cuntry and tfle dealers must have A call of th nrHa fc..,i..,.t D'J oi AlcKlnley. We have in our dos- someming 10 ao-even If It's only an every ward in the city was well renre- 8essIon Py of me correspondence 0(1(1 J0D for dollar. , . .. . I with MTfUlo v, r iia senteu ana a resolution was also adopted -uj j j..mTOjr, wuiuu creating from the representatives of 8PeaKi aigniy 01 McKinley. the various wards present a committee Now tor nother story. The follow for the purpose of organization, and an letter we can vouch for, which con- executive committee composed of one tradlcts another Stevens and Johnson from each ward was chosen to f armu- circular: The man who is the longest on prom ises during a campaign as to what he would do if elected has usually the shortest memory when it comes to keeping his agreement after he has se- Poople are thinking and do think on tno tariff and finance questions, but -an jou send in 10 new nainos before there is an ethlopian in the woodpile, WD0 18 n American, with the courage me ist oi June? Try. We will send one copy to one of your friends free if you will. Will you do It? and unless the advisory board Is less biased, more conservative and fair from this on It may stand practically alone ln Its attitude toward McKinley. Ming for the "right," and endeavoring . M. ! W 'k0 In to .how up .11 w,. r..'' a. tr, a., Dut IT they are treated to wauj uuro exniouions n Ke the one All true American patriots are bat- up nu wrong. They are searching for "light" and "liberty." 3 The state president of the A. P. A. the dvUory bo furnished this of Illinois c.n pack a state convenaon week-oer will be maliciously as- We should not be deceived by torMttium "1Ied- McKlnley 18 not we wrd8how friendship, lest but utlXS 0OUldwUh' nelther 18 other m IT01 ,u;rrnded by uutuoi angure in hut T int iv-vi ,j ..... tolerance, and those on u-uard i state politics. H. IT. Holmes, the Philadelphia murderer, who confessed to having murJered twenty-seven persons, em braced the Roman Cathollo religion before being hung Thursday, but Linton. For him we plead, and nn his benair we ask fair play for McKin ley, well-knowing that if Linton is nominated he must have the support of McKinley 's mentis as well as the friends of Reed, of Morton, of Allison and of the other candidates. We have written thus because we know the high to resist the encroachments of the Ro man Cathollo church, over our state and the national government This is a time when the administra tion of our government ought to be in the ablest hands, true and tried, loyal Americans. The experiences of the past and the lessons we have learned ought not to be forgotten in the future. we snouid not be deceived by anout- we find Romish in tolerance, and those on guard who owe allegiance to the pope at Rome; who work to increase his power in America rather than the principles of Amerl canlsm the glory of our nation. Go to Washington and mark the influence there, with the opposition of over four thousand loyal Americans, we find that late a plan of campaign. I Mr. J. P. Maxwell, of Grain D The firm stand taken by Mr. Churo- J ack80n couny a Republican and a hill lathe mniinf 7nw. tziZtt member of the A. P. A., has received - cured thn nrlzn In tha ni1lfs.l Uu.. Valloir I . 7 ' i""'"""" transportation has saved the people of the state hundreds of dollars, and this, together with his determined efforts to compel the railroads entering Omaha to rive us better depot facilities, cer tainly entitles him to the support of the following response to a letter of in quiry recently addressed to W. W. Lanning, of Columbus, O. Columbus, O., April 28, 1896. J. P. Maxwell, et al. Gentlemen: McKinlev did not re- every one of our citizens regardless of fu8 to PPInt me because of my con i WEareaPftlntthanm.nhi-..v- regard In whloh this tournal Is held hv 801110 01 ino government departments bacauA . w,iu. u . i .ui Its thousands of reader. anH Wa.,M re 80 nrougniy controlled by the wrong, just as the true lover of hu- we know tb confidence which our to1"11818 that seven-eighths of the manlty Is against the saloon and other lare mber of readers have ln the Pes are supporters of the Roman places of vice and debauchery. statements which appear in the col- PrIe8thood' thev wo for Rome alone, ... ntr fsaa 1 mamIas vPWam a 1 a. umnsofthis paper, beoause we know v" v . iuCJf wmroi tne A TRUE American does not ia, a their high regard for the integrity of " .."'"T . ' " T. . " expre88 Romanist shall not do as he Is doing, It8 edIto", ex pressed by letters and by ",m8e" f n" omua innuenoe, he ht that h ,.. a Jwd of mouth, will caue them in "" incompetent," and soon re- .tv,t i,. a . . pause after reading that Mmni. lleo" from duty. Again, note the In - 'Wt Si w vi a aaw WUIUUBUW I " I the law, and Romans are not to be the ocord eTorT man ,aJr Play without in sole judges. the least stultifying themselves. Jack MacCall seems to have a great many friends in Omaha who would like to see him In the governor's chair, while there are others equally ardent In their admiration for Con gressman Meiklejohn. nuenoe of the Romish priesthood. It is said that officers and employes of the government, who belong to A. P. A. IF you are sincere in vour professions councils In Washington, dare not of Amerlcanlsm.patroalze the business openly attend their meetings in that houees that advertise in our columns. city' because they fear the power of We have seen public officials who were members of the A. P. A. and who were retained or placed In their positions by the votes or the influence of the A. P. A. go by several of the best stores in the city which were conducted by Prot estants and enter a department store Romanism over the civil service sys tem. Americans, think of it! Be not deceived. Remember that the poli tician who preaches peace and toler ance, is the tool of the Romanist, and expects the support of of the arch bishop so aud so, who commands the There was a meeting of the pa triotic editors in Chicago Thursday nf 1Mb woalr at whlnli (k. i. .a tending, so If the paper don't suit you owned by RomanisU, and then ipend te. oi !tke Church of Rome, not as so .. . . r '""I , T . v .n I man t.nnuaanil vntAa hut aa nun man this week, please remember this Is our l"u"CJ'- " "uu " BVOr 7 , : second vacation in more than five need the help of any member of the Protestantism, not priestlyism, and A. f. A. to nold their job they Will eruuiom, nui. xvumanism, snoma find it pretty hard to get, for we shall dlrect the chief executive of a free Ex-Cocnty Treasurer Irey Is prose- let their names be known at the proper people, and should control every de- cutlng his canvas for the nomination time. partment of government. Trust none for state treasurer by the Republicans. n ' but Americans, and our shores will be Should he be successful In securing the 0ME h&8 new 8cheme for itln safe from Invasion. There may be no prize the people mav rest assured that ho,d of chlldren- " is one that will great difference ln the candidates for they will have an honest and efficient appear t0 the mltiated as a worthy presidency, one may oppose ideas dlf- years. publlo official. OUR Cripple Creek office went with the rest cf the town last week, when it went up in smoke. All that our man ager saved was the clothes he had on his back. Adalbert Beach, who has been doing mott of the editorial work on the paper, lost everything he had, including a very select library. But we expect, Phoenix-like, to rise from the ashes. and deserving charity, but to the peo ple who have their eyes open it Is but a cunning trick to get charge of the children of indigent parents and bring them up in the Roman faith and make them enemies of the country of their birth and the tools of the hier archy. The scheme Is to convert the old La Rabida convent into a fresh air sanltorlum. Archbishop Fuhan, John R. Walsh and other well-known Ro- manistsiof Chicago are the board of directors. Did you ever know of a gang of A. Priesx of Gabrleri! V A a hAiuM t J. 1 f l a I 1 I . . . uu , uu oouuy narm to pre ached a sermon In Chicago May 8d, thlr fellow-manWhatdo you think cordlng to the JVi&une, ln which he about Cheyenne, Kansas City, Keokuk, deolare1 he ..beitered there should be Qulncv.Su Louis, Savannah, Wauke- no separation of the church and the an, IU, Marshalltown, Ia., Barraboo, 8tate. That is simply the canon law Wis., Beioit, Kan., Boston, and thou- which makes tate subordinate to umer ernes wnere organized the church, iwman moos assaulted American clti- om oecause tney exercised the right The Times-EeraXd has sUrted in of free speech. 'WelL It refusea to support Tanner for ferlng from another on the tariff ques tion, or the gold and silver contro versy, but on the great question Amer ica for Americans there should be no difference of opinions. The executive should be dauntless, with the courage to withstand the political power of the Roman hierarchy. "That no Catholic priest shall tithe or toll in our dominion," from the pub lic treasury. I am for America, Vester Amicus. Down Goes the Price. The Best Patriotic Paper in the Country. Only 50c to Jan. 1, 1897. Sead your name to us with 50c. and get this Paper the rest of 1396. party affiliations. The office of attor ney-general at this time is of more im portance to Omaha and Douglas "county than any other state office, and the ad vantages toJe derived ln having one of our citizens in" that position is appar ent to everyone, and ;he should have a solid delegation from this county to the state convention, czi CD i 1 c. Next Thursday night, Jtfay 14th, there wUToc a mas meeting of Repub lleana at Washington Hall, to which aH'Republicans ln the city, and""all other citizens as well, are Invited. The Webster Republican Club, whose regu lar meeting occurs on this date, has signified their intention to attend in a body. The committee extend invi tations to all of the Republican clubs of this city and South Omaha. A resolution was also passed favoring the holding of the county convention to select delegates to the state convention about the 25th of June after the na tional convention at St. Louis. ANOTHER OPIS10N. Kansas City, Mo., May 6. After reviewing the various reports circu lated against Hon. Wm. Mckinley the writer took It upon himself to make a personal Investigation of the affair as presented by Hon, J. H. D. Stevens, C. P. Johnson and others. The cities of Cleveland, Canton and Columbus, O., were visited for this purpose. Without giving the details of the charges, the outline will be made by stating the actual facts relative to mis-statements which have been circu lated against the character of Mr. Mc Kinley. Mr. Boyle, his private secretary, Is not a Roman Catholic. He Is a mem ber of the Episcopal church, a member of Excelsior Lodge, A. F. and A. M. and of Royal Arch Masons of Cincin nati Chapter; also a member of the K. of P. His wife is a member of the same church as himself. Major McKinley belongs to the fol lowing societies: Masons, Knight Templar, K. of P., G. A. R., Union Veteran Union, Sons of the American Revolution, Loyal Legion, and a col lege fraternity. He is a member of the first M. E. Church, southeast cor ner Tutearawas and Cleveland streets, Canton, O., of which Rev. Edmonds is pastor. His wife belongs to the same church. The chlldren of McKinley died in their infancy and never attended any school. McKinley belongs to no Roman so- neciion witn the order. 1 was an ap plicant for the position of oil-inspector, with the understanding that if the then present incumbent was retained I was not, as he was a friend of mine and a member of the order. He was re tained and I was perfectly satisfied. That statement was made without my knowledge or consent and had 1 been consulted they would have known that the statement was false. I do not know, neither do I believe, that McKinley ever turned a man down on account of his connection with the order. He Is too broad a man, too much of an American, too loyal to the principles that are dear to all true American citizens. He Is as great an American citizen as you have always thought he was. He is all right. I am for him for president and he is worthy of it the grandest American we have to-day. Your friend, W. W. Lanning. The statement that Mr. Boyle's daughter married a Roman Catholic was used: I will state that it was a match against the parents wishes. Regarding the Roman land commis sioner mentioned in the Stevens-Johnson circular, I will say that there were two to be appointed to fill a non-partisan board: The Roman Cathollo was a Democrat who was recommended by the Democratic party, and the other was a Protestant and was recommended by the Republican party. The statement that McKinley could not be seen by the Stevens-Johnson circular people is not proper. Mr. Grosvenor, after refusing to state Mc Klnley's stand on the A. P. A. question telegraphed McKinley that the com mittee would probably call on him. McKinley waited at home for two days and the committee came not. From the ease which the writer had in meeting McKinley, we would judge that the committee did not desire to see him. Many members of the Jr. O. U. A. M. and A. P. A. were Interrogated in Canton, O., and they found no fault with McKinley. It is not the desire of this letter to do an injustice to Mr. Linton. The writer, who is an A. P. A. desires only to see justice done all concerned, and therefore made the investigation. The A. P. A. members at large are deeply interested in the statements, and it can be truthfully said, from re search, that Major McKinley Is a man who, as a man, is far above the low political line used in politics. His char acter is above reproach, and as to his Americanism, it ia strong and is not more than one official whose election certain newspapers bitterly opposed. There does not seem to be any doubt in the minds of some of the members of the board of education as to whether a change will be made in the office of superintendent of school buildings this year. There seems to be little or no opposi tion in the school board to the re-election of Secretary Glllan for "another term, but we believe that when a new superintendent of buildings is selected the present board will have back-bone enough to select a competent man for that place. We still Insist that the school board cannot afford to re-elect Banker super intendent of buildings. He does not meet the requirements of the law. He has not contracted half of five years, and besides he could not hold a job under any first class contractor, If the reports which reach us are true. We do not think the Republicans of Omaha will permit themselves to be come "trading stock" in the interest of any one man who would attempt to use the lash on his appointees for his own personal agrandlzement. The great majority of the Republican party of Douglas county hold to American prin ciples and any man who assumes to be a director will have an accounting forthwith at their hands. Money Made in a Minute. I have not made less than 118 00 any day while selllnft Centrifugal Ice Cream Kreezer Any one should make from 15 to trt a day selling cream and $7 to tlO selling It Is such a wonder, there Is always a crowd wanting cream. You can freeze crenm ele gantly ln one minute and that astonishes people so they all want to taste it, and then many of them buy freezers as the cream Is smooth and perfectly frozen. Every freezer Is guaranteed to freeze cream perfectly ln one minute. Any one can sell Ice cream and fJmS!""a,!el,'i iUelL M ""' makes from 110 to $15 a dav. W. H. Balrd ft Co.. 140 8. Highland Ave., Station A., P ittsburg, l will mall you full particulars free, so you can go to work and make lots of money any- r,?'!5t.5iwn h one. 'fee""1 you can make a hundred gallons of cream a day, or If you wish, they will hire you on a Biliary. Furniture bought, sold or exchanged by J. L. Cooper, 140B Dodge street ciety or organization. Regarding his belonging to the Hibernians, The Cath-1 questioned by those who are personally oUc Magazine, of Canton, O., says: "To acquainted with him. us, looking on without any interest or From past expressions made by Mo axe to grind, it is really amusing to Kinley, the public can be referred to hear the frantic howls of McKinley 's the book "Speeches and Addresses." friends and henchmen over the reports I His great work and love for the public ! Consumption's Cruel Record. More than two-fifths of kali deaths in this country are caused by consump tion and pneumonia. This diagram tells the story: 1 Potanmla aad Cranptl.i... .BaaaBaaBBaBBBBaaaaaasaaBBi , warrbealdiieu Brlfht . dlxax I Heart d Imh Dlathtrla I Apoplti, i uacar By the timely use of I Dr. Acker's English Rem- ledy, consumption and pneumonia are quickly iand absolutely cured. i Take it at the first sien of sore throat and luncs. )sues;23c.,50c., l. AUDrarrlata. LACEia Midicixs Co. lMt Chamber. st n T A y x y a