The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, May 08, 1896, Image 1
T AMEBIC 0t four Fnna to ubecrib For THE AMERICAN. BOo lo Jan. 1. 1897. THE AME-ink Dr jtM Cheapest Paper in Aratm,. . A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. 'AMERICA FOR AMERICANS" We hold that all men are Americans who Swear Allegiance to the Uaitod State without a mental innervation in tavor of the Pope. PRICE FIVE CENTS. VOLCMK V OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY. MAY 8, 189G. NOMBEH 19 ! AW Dispatches for and Against the Advisory Board of the A P. A. Editorial Opinions Culled From Papers In Various Parts of the Country. The dispatches and opinions which follow are offered without any com ment: St. Louis, April 12, 1896. In sub mitting this circular to the councils and to the patriotic orders and citizens fact that when the question of appro priations for Indian schools came up in the senate, of the eleven Republican sanators who voted for the appropria tions seven of them were managers of Mr. McKluley's campaign, or were on record in interviews as favoring his candidacy. These were: Thomas Henry Carter, Stephen B. Elklns, Senator Hansbrough, Senator Hawley of Conn., j- Senator McMillan, Senator Pettlgrew and Senator Sherman. These gentle men, therefore, are on record as oppos ing Congressman W. S. Linton's amendment to the appropriation bill, and by Indirection, owing to their sup port of Major McKinley, place him more than ever in an unfavorable light before the American people, the bul wark of whose institutions is the total separation of church and state, mean ing that this government shall not sup port directly or indirectly any ecclesi astical institution wholly or in part under ecclesiastical control. In its canvass of the sentiment of the organi zation, your' advisory board has- seen with sorrow, a few members of the order alienated from it by the insidious influence of our enemies, or in several instances by promises alleged to have been madej'byf Mr.a.McKinley'B man agers, or oin a few other instances, through the personal political ambi- 1sn t9 ef Ifal mATntarfl. which' - have causedja few of the members to attempt to create a schism in the or ganization and to oppose its movement against MajorJiMcKInley, a movement which found its-inception in the desire of the advisory board, which repre sents the entire organization, to do that which was forjthe best interests of the order, and' what it was obliged to do by its obligation to the principles on which we stand. It is hardly neces sary to state in'vlew of the affidavits which are. .hereto attached, that the advisory board was led to take such ac tion against Major McKinley wholly and entirely because of his unworthy record, and because the advisory board could not otherwise 'find against him and remain true to the obligation put upon its members by the organization and its principles. In prior circularslwet have explained the fairness with which our investiga tion of the candidates has been con ducted, and a majority of the members of the 'advisory board were not unfriendly to Major McKinley, but were compelledVbecause of the allega tions made against him, which in view of these affidavits no one can contro vert, to find"againstlhim and to advise the organization to oppose him at the St. Louis (convention, and if he be nominated, atithe polls. The advisory board was influenced by no other con slderatlonjthanjtoiact so that the order might be strengthened and its princi ples upheld. The affidavits which are herewith lepeak'lor themselves. They are regularly subscribed and sworn to before, notaries public, and it will be seen at once ,by the patriotic societies that in (view of these facts they cannot give their support to Major McKinley. We urge "you to -stand by Linton as your Ieader;oa man who is in harmony with every actoof this organization; a man whose patriotism and whose cour age has been J tested and not found want ing; a man, whom !we should support loyally and faithfully, giving him that additional 'strength of purpose which comes to a man (when he knows that friends'are back of'him, massed ready for the fray,Jwilling and anxious to be led by hlmj along right paths to vic tory. Theloyalty of the members of this order cannot be questioned. Their Americanism and patriotism are above reproach,- and with the submission of these affidavits, the first of which your advisory board has promulgated, we are confident that everyone, irrespec tive of former prepossession for Mc Kinley or any other candidate, will work unitedly for victory. Beware I Let members of this or ganization give no heed nor credit to ' i .... r J fFED 1 j f ....-.. . - -. Uncle Sam "Well, for the Lord's sake! I've got so many "Favorite Sons" that I feel like Brigham Young at his family family reunion; I reckon some of these make-believers will feel tired when they come to read my will. any denial of the truth of these affida vits coming from our enemies. Such denials will be made undoubtedly in the same form, but the men who have made these affidavits have been and are members of the A. P. A. in good and regular standing, and their word should be taken in preference to that of any outside of the organization, no matter what his reputation may be, nor how high he stands in public life, influenced as he would be by promises of official recognition or by a partizan ship which recognizes no solemn obli gation so strong as his personal pre possession and prejudice and his own personal ambition. These affidavits undoubtedly will be discredited in cer tain newspapers and by the newspa' pers, a large part of which we are sure have been subsidized by our enemies and are under their direct control. The known opposition of some of the public press is a fact which cannot be controverted. They have fought this organization from its inception because it was for their financial benefit to do so, and for this reason, if no other, the members of this organization should take absolutely no notice of what may appear in denial of these facts, which are subscribed to under oath before notaries public. Let the members of this order beware of another danger. The millions in the coffers of our ene mies will be used against us. Attempts will be made to buy the allegiance of members of this organization, and to defeat its purpose. More than ever should we beware of men whe believe that patriotism can be overthrown by gold, or that love of country and its institutions can weigh In the balance against money. Men who fight for principle are not for sale, and it would be wise if any instance of any attempt to bribe by any promise of patronage or by money, which shall come to the knowledge of the members of the order, shall be given at once to the members of this advisory board, to be used for the safety of this organization. If after the submission of these affi davits to the councils it shall be found that Individual members, no matter what their standing, shall persist in their advocacy of Major McKinley, or of any man whose record is not con sistent with our principles, let the members thoroughly Investigate the records of all such men, find out the strength of their patriotism, whether they are recent converts to our cause, using the organization for their per sonal aggrandizement, or whether they are enemies in disguise, attempt ing to create discord within our ranks, or whether they have been purchased to do the work which the enemies of the organization see must be done to save them from defeat. Members, be on your guard. Watch the Jesuits in the organization. See that they are undone. Work for our cause, and suc cess is assured. Let the watchwords be AMERICA, LINTON and VIC TORY. The Ohio state executive board are compiling additional affidavits which will be transmitted to the councils by the advisory board as rapidly as re ceived. The executive board of Ohio are unanimously opposed to Mr. Mc Kinley, and the information herewith presented was the result of their work. J. H. D. Stevens, Chairman National Advisory Board. C. P. Johnson, Secretary Campaign Committee. Franklin County, State of Ohio, j ss. Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in and for Franklin county, state of Ohio, Alfred S. Wood, who being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says: On or about , 1894, soon after Gov. Wm. McKinley was inaugurated governor of Ohio for his second term, I was appointed by A. P. A. Council, No. 10, of this city, a committee of one to call on Governor McKinley relative to a number of matters relating or affect ing cur order in this city and state, one of these matters being relative to the possibility of he, the said governor, exercising his pardoning power in the release or parole of one Patrick J. El liott, then confined in the state peni tentiary for the brutal murder of A. C. Osborn, on a crowded street of Colum bus; said Elliott being a member of the Roman Catholic church, and a personal friend of Bishop Waterson, the Catho lic bishop of this diocese. During one of the Interviews I had with Gov. Mc Kinley, I was speaking with him in re gard to some appointments, I objecting to some appointments that it had been rumored that Gov. McKinley might make of Roman Catholic applicants, he, Governor McKinley, replied: "We are bound to cater to the Roman Cath allc church. I, your governor, have personally no use for a Roman Catho lic, but the Roman Catholic church Is the strongest and most perfect political organization In this country and any one who opposes it will go down to cer tain defeat." I replied: "Governor, if we convince you that we have an or ganization that is four times as strong in this county and state, that is di rectly opposed or antagonistic to the Roman Catholic church, would it not be wise to cater to the strongest or ganization?" "We have no assurance that your order is the strongest, and if we had, we have no assurance that your order has come to stay." And tljen he referred me to the old Know Nothing organization that had flour ished for a time and then died (I had informed Gov. McKinley that I was representing the A. P. A. early in the interview), and he said: "Everyman who is publicly known to have belonged to that organization (the old Know Nothings) is politically dead." It is generally understood and be lieved by those of this community who are not favorable to the Roman Catho lic church, that Gov. McKinley would at all times favor a Roman Catholic for any position, rather than a publicly known member of the American Pro tective Association. Deponent further states that he Is 48 years of age, and that he resides at No. Iu4 North Lexington Avenue, city of Columbus, and state of Ohio. Further deponent sayeth not. Signed, ALFRED S. WOOD. Sworn to before me and signed in my presence this 17th day of April, 1896. seal. Chas. G. Smith, Notary Public, Franklin County, Ohio. State of Ohio, ) Franklin County, f B8' Personally came before me, a Notary Public, in and for the county and state aforesaid, David T. Ramsey, who being sworn, makes the following statements in response to interrogations: I have lived in Columbus, Ohio, since 1882, and was born in Ohio, always re siding there. I knew Gov. Wm. Mc Kinley during his official life in Colum bus, and called upon him several times while running for his second term. As an ardent admirer of his, I advised with him some as to points of use in his candidacy against Larry Neil, his opponent. One day In a conversation with the governor in the most heated time In his canvass, I said: "Governor, we shall give you 50,000 majority." He said: "Oh, you are too sanguine. I shall be satisfied if I get 30,000." Ire plied: "We will show you, and then you will know who your friend are; mark my words aad remember what I now tell you." I then said: "Governor, I ask nothing for myself, but I want you to remember some of my friends; there is Joseph K. Pritner, a G. A. R. roan, who with his good wife, want for bread. I want you to know him. He has for about twenty years taught in the Sabbath school of the Ohio Peni tentiary, He Is a layman preacher down there; he has gone at his own expense, wiaterand summer, to do this charitable work, without pay, because he loves the work. He Is full of char ity. His wife and he are old now; he wears the same badge as you do, and belongs to the Grand Army. You have so much in common you would like him. I cannot say enough in praise ot him. I want you to see him and have something at the state house for him. He ought to have Cavanaugh's place. He can do more than janitor's duty in the state library. He is able to act as assistant librarian. He can catalogue the books and he is a safe man to have the keys." The governor seemed pleased. He said: "I will Bee Pritner Is taken care of." Later on after the campaign was over one day at the state house, the governor said to me, after what I said to him: "Well, it was not only 50,000, but we made It over 80,000 majority." Isold: "You know who your friends are now." He said: "Yes, I did not expect so large a majority. On leaving I said again: "I as it nothing for myself but do not for get Pritner." He said: "I will not," or something of that character. Again when Pritner was still out of a position and being very jealous then, I called over and reminded the governor that Pritner was out of work, and asked him to do something for him at once. He said: "I cannot do anything for Pritner." I was surprised and said so, and asked the governor "who his friends were?" I reminded him of the large majority and the censure of the Tekgraph (R. C.) upon him during the campaign and assured him that the paper had caused him to get no votes from that quarter, who made up that loss If any?" No reason was assigned. I construed It to be because Pritner had been an active A. P. A. I said no more, and have not since had an inter view with Gov. McKinley. It Is true that Cavanaugh remained. It is true also that his son got some minor ap pointment at the state house. It Is true that Cahill, who had been very intemperate for many years, held his place about the state house. It is true that Smith was appointed librarian, and one of the last acts of McKinley was to appoint him again to forestall, it was seemiDg to be so, Governor Bushnell, but since then Governor Bushnell has caused him to resign in place of a more acceptable man. It is true that Harnett is an appointee in the canal commissioner's office, and Ewing of the board of pardons. Re garding Boyle, his private secretary, it is true that his daughter married a Catholic. I was told that this was against her father's wishes. It is true that the press of this state has denied that McKinley is an A. P. A. The foregoing statements are within my personal knowledge and refer to matters taken from the circular letter sent out by the National Advisory Board of the A. P. A. to which my In terrogatories have been directed, and I an able to speak from personal knowl edge only, so far, except on one occa sion in company with a gentleman, I called upon Gov. Wm. McKinley, after Ilelamy Storer had failed to be nomi nated again for oong rots, and reverting to the same, Gov. McKinley said: "I am sorry you defeated my frinnd, Bel amy Storer," adding his comment of some nature, I do not recall the lan guage, that the A. P. A. showed 1Mb erallty In so doing. Signed, David T. Ramsey. Sworn to before me and signed in my presence this 17th day of April, 1890. seal John M. Timiitts, Notary Public. In and for Franklin County, Ohio. Frank un County, State of Ohio, ss. Joseph K. Pritner, being sworn duly according to law, deposeth and says: I am 57 years of age, and reside at No. 327 North Lexington Ave., city of Columbus, state of Ohio, that I am an honorably discharged soldier of the late war, a member of Z. C. McCoy Post, No. 1, G. A. II., and the past and present chaplain of the poet; that I have been a member of the American Protective Association for five years past, having served two years in the capacity of state deputy, and am at present president of Columbus Council, No. 16; that about February, 1894, there was In the employ of the stats.ln the capacity of laborer at the state house, one Cornelius Cahill, a devout member of St. Patrick's church; that about tin time mentioned above, the said Cahill was suspended for drunken ness and disrespectful conduct to his superiors. I made personal applica tion to Gov. Wm. McKinley for the position, my application being backed up and my appointment urged by prominent G. A. R. and A. P. A. men, but instead of my being appointed, the aforesaid Cahill was reinstated after a. lapse of about two weeks from the time of his suspension; about this time, March, 6th or 7th, in a personal Inter view with James Boyle, the then pri vate secretary to the governor, the said Boyle informed me that I seemed uafortunate in being so prominent a member of the A. P. A., and assigning this as a reason that I could have no place. The said Cahill made his boast that the Influence of Bishop Waterson wm stronger than all the A. P. A., and that he would be there when the A. P. A. were dead. IIo was retained until the end of McKlnley's term, and I am Informed that there was no pay de ducted or withheld for the time of his suspension; and further deponent sayeth not. Signed, Joseph K. Pritner. Sworn to before me and signed in my presence this 16th day of April, 1896. seal. Chas. G. Smith, Notary Public, Franklin County, Ohio, Says the Boston American Citizen: The A. P. A. made a moat unfortunate If not suicidal move, when it voted to create a National Advisory Board; or at least when it placed the board under the control of the men who compose It. Some of these gentlemen may be very estimable and useful in certain spheres, but when they were clothed with or rather assumed the power to say who should be the next president of the United States, without consultation with their their superiors and without regard to the desires of the vast body composing the order, they took the position against which many are warned in the adage "Children," etc., and "edged tools." The whole organization is in the gravest peril through the presumption and hot-headedoess of a few unwise men. A board of men selected to In vestigate and report to the councils of the order, has actually taken upon It self the unwarranted liberty of sending broadcast through a hostile press cer tain information that was intended only for the fraternity, and this, too, before the Information was given to the councils And not only so, but the chairman of this advisory board is actually traveling over the country, using the name of the order to defeat one of the candidates, and thus to throw the election Into the hands of another who Is anything but friendly to the A. P. A. Every few days we are regaled through the Boston Herald and other papers on what Chairman Stevens of the advisory board says, and we are told that Juilge Stevens has committed the order to a destructive warfare against McKinley while the fact re mains that Judge Stevens and his ad visory board had no authority to com mit the A. P. A. to anything. Here Is a sample of the matter given out In a St. Louis dispatch to the Bos ton Ilcrald of April 27, to the indigna tion and mortification of tens of thou sands of good and true men: (Contained on page 5.)