THE AMERICAN 5 THE ISSUE AS ITNOWIS (Continued From First Page.) i A ty,m tYm AT A. munclla all through the country are meeting I i,irhtlT to consider what course the members shall take as to McKlnley, should he receive the Republican nomi nation. So far, It is said that the coun cils have been loyal to the advisory board and will uphold It in the fight dow on. In Washington there are re puted to be several large councils. They hold frequent meetings and ad dresses are made by prominent men,o casionally by representatives or sena Washington councils, it is tors. The ive endorsed the action of claimed, have the advisory board as to McKlnley. On a street car the conductor asked we oniy pcB. v nwkA Ira wrui i think will receive the Republican noml- nation?" 'It looks like McKlnley," was the answer. "Well, I'll be sorry," the conductor rejoined. "I have never voted any other but a Republican ticket, but I'll have to go home and vote against him If he is nominated." "You must be a member of the A. P. A.," was retorted "I am a member, and at last night's meeting we agreed that we would vote against McKlnley if he is nominated We will go to our homes to do so and McKlnley will be beaten. The publio a . h... a. W mmtvr. does not think we have a b g member- ship, but it will find out before this thing is over." The man who professes to be an A. P. A., in favor of American institutions, and at the same time can "whoop it up' for McKlnley, who started on his cam paign under the domination of Rome, Is certainly at variance with the aims and objects of the order. McKlnley is 'a mighty poor specimen for Americans to depend upon. Ilouizdah Observer. The Independent Leader of Bridgeport, Conn., says: Ex-President Harrison, while not a candidate, commands the confidence of the country at large, as " .i mi a I anaasmettepuoucanpart, u.uovUc a candidate there is no good reason why it should not have a good one Mla It 1a aVmnt It. The local Republican leaders do not take any stock in the reports which have been circulated to the effect that the American Protective Association is opposed to the nomination of William Mo.Klnlev for Dresident savs the Chi- caeo Chronicle. Dr. T. N. Jamleson, chairman of the Republican State Cen- tral Committee, and John M. Smyth, chalrman of the Republican County Central Committee both anti-A. P. A. eaid yesterday that they regarded the talk about the A. P. A. opposition to McKlnley as simply a part of the cam- paten which is being made in behalf of the Ohio candidate. "It has been well understood since the opening of the Republican canvass for the presidential nomination," said Mr. Smyth, who Is one of the delegates chosen to represent Illinois at the St. Louis convention, "that Major McKln- ley is the candidate of the American Protective Association. The develop- ments ln Illinois politics show this to be true. The districts in this state which have declared for McKlnley are controlled by the A. P. A. The result In Kentucky shows that the hand of the order is not against the Ohio man. I That state Instructed for Bradley first and McKlnley second, which is practi cally making McKlnley first choice. The truth of the matter is that the strong A. P. A. sentiment in behalf of McKlnley was becoming so apparent that it was hurting him In maay locali ties. In order to get over this obstacle his managers have started the story that the order Is opposed to his nomi nation. It cannot possibly do him any harm now to have the impression go mil that ha ia nnt acceptable to the A. p a , m.m w nf that hn " - J O - ganization can do for him affirmatively nas been done, it Has now oeoome an x -. M.4.i.A u. Anni.,MA luiuitauu lUBtKr iui lulu vu wjvui votes in states where the A. P. A. has nn influence. The alleged communica- TTTTOOD'S II I I Sarsaparilla is carefully I II prepared by experienced III nharmacisti f rom Sarga, Ul parilla, Dandelion, Man B(lrakelDock,Pipsluewal Juniper Berries, and other wsll known ragetabls remedies. The Combination, Pro portion and Process are Peculiar to Hood's larsaparilla, giving it strength and curative power Peculiar to lUelf, not pos m ' - seMed by other remedies. Hood's larsaparilla arsaparilla Cures Scrofula, Solt Rheum, Sores, Boils, Pimples and all other affsctlons caused by Impure blood; Dyspepsia, Blliousnats, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Debility, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Kidney and Liver Com - . . . .. , w . ' Aepulll. BMIU Mm .. . I I tails the story Hood's I I Sarsaparilla II y w- II Isr v V Pill are farsly tsgstakla. at. tlonfrom the advisory board printed ln to-day's papers la, In my opinion, a bogus document The official communi cations of the A. P. A. leader are not scattered broadcast through the press. am satisfied In spite of the stories to the contrary that the influence 01 me A. P. A. will be exerted for all It is worth at St. Louis to oring aoou. wo- Klnley's nomination." sr. Tii'is. Mo . ADrll A wen has been woven about inaunoey i. Filley. The protests of loyalty to Mc Klnley by the Missouri bos were never fully accented bv the friends of the Ohloan In this state, and they have carefully watched his movements from tho flr8t- ee Irt?B" 01 MCKln e-v now say .uey nave m meir h"' absolute proof of Filley's treachery. . - . t r i . wHw i nf PlllfivU effort B . . V to betray him in Missouri nave Deen forwarded to Washington and Canton, and an open exposure will be made in time to Drevent any sacrifice of the Ohio man's Interests at the state con vention at St. Joseph. Although It has not yet been definitely aeciaea, me probabilities are tnat Kicnara . K'prnna. national committeeman from! 1 , Missouri, wnose loyally u Mcnuuej . . 1 . . . T -1 , I has never been questioned, win oe put forward as a candidate for delegate-at- large at St. Joseph. I T. j. v,-nlnt nronf of the distrust I To day aDtfOlUUe prooi oi me uis.rusv I Dtll If. LTnMina a nA f rTT nlnir'a I I w 1 " " ,.,0a. tn Closest and most conspicuous friends ln To ,UJ r 7 7. ... ther establish the contention that mcr wiBu Filley is discredited and Kerens trusted the announcement Is now made for the first time that within the past three weeks Major McKlnley asked Kerens to go to Canton for the purpose of consul t- lne with him about the situation in Missouri and other states. This con ference was an important one, as Mo Klnley's lieutenants from several states were present, and It was then agreed I . . .11 A. A. J VI.. IM 1 tnat notnmg dus u Biupiu iuimcr m I ... it I conducting tneir campaign coma pre- veni Mcis-miey uouuuanuu iouis. 11 A Tf J. . I It is also Known na iverens i trioit. m wsLBninirinn in Auni lur uo - m TT-t i t 1 mtfTuicA ff onnlprr Tit?. &8 MCiVLniev B I r - t ' , representative, witu oeu.uur uB , wt Virginia. Followlnir closely on the heels of this visit Elkins became recognized as Mcmnieys staiwari ana trusted lieutenant. Leaders in this state who could be trusted have learned that Mark Hanna has been in constant correspondence with Kerens, and that Whltelaw Reld, who is now sojourning in Arizona, has testified to Kerens' la- voritlsm Powell Clayton bas taken m upon himself to keep posted as to tte Mls- 8ourl situation through various cnaa nels. Clayton, by the way, has so suo- cessfully manipulated the McKlnley I boom In Arkansas that the full delega- tion has been secured for the Ohio man. It was through Kerens as a mu- tual friend that McKlnley ana uiaywn met. Kerens invited Clayton to acoom- pany Major McKlnley and himself in the Missouri tour, whlcn was maae in Kerens' private car ln 1892. But what comes even more direct as showing McKinley's position is the well-authenticated report of a recent conversation between the Canton major and one of his closest political friends, who sought to impress upon him the fact that Filley could not be trusted- McKlnley listened for a few minutes to the conversation and then interrupted the speaker: 'Imagine, if you can," said McKln ley, "a man who has campaigned with Blaine for twenty years not knowing Filley. I know him as well as If I had made him. Do you think I cannot dis tinguish between sincerity and Insin cerity, between honesty and dishon esty?" These statements here made are an abstract of what the opponents of Filley have elaborated for presentation to men who have been wavering. "Do you know what an American lo? I'll define one. An American Is a man I . . , 1 , I VI who nextj J? lBUU nuiwu I . i. Hi x J 1 T V.aitA tAr. lire, iinenv anu iuvo. j. ug 1 - 1 notning agains lorexgners, im.wiuK to the way the gray matter is mixed in my head 1 can't see wny iney come w this land and make their money and still 'cuss' it. "T want tn wViisnfir a BfiCret! Do VOU know what the American Protective Association means? It means Ameri canism, and William McKlnley repre sents it. He's not at outB with it, but at ins. He never supposed that because we have no church of state we have lapsed into barbarism. He thinks that we must take the oath of allegiance to only one temporal power. When the pope at noma ceases hi arrugaK) vu temporal alle(?1ance, then the A-p-i! s .s Utkura lb mil no ,0 UV IUUi IUVIVIUIOJ believes that America is for Americans. He 1b of the people. He has kept store, he has taught school, he has studied law and he has walked into power with LH.naa.1. nr. Via Kantr VTa Vtaa ! uun A llMUgWiK VI 1 Uu VWWB. VI UMB 1 . w H6hiu,lx!elpubhlll.twet,re.r., aA Aanr Via rHani11Aii HA mftlT n Si. been cursed, or he may have been I blessed, but he could not oe ignored. "No man is competent to become president unless he understands two ' classes. One la the laboring class and the other Is the saviours of the repub lic, the soldiers. To bivouac on the field of battle, to lie in the trenches under the midnight sky, and to go storming down the Shenandoah to stop the tide of battle, Is to know the clay of which soldiers are made, and for that McKlnley loves the soldiers of the republic Behind all this Is another thing. He is not a demagogue. The meanest and easiest role is that of the dema gogue: he who throws conscience to the wind that by some tide of fortune he may ride Into power. I challenge you to show me where McKlnley ever threw sod to the crowd. lie Is the nmQ , ohIO( ln and ln MU. sourl. He owes no allegiance to the 'bloated plutocracy.' He has a code of aoa t ,h,ak th.t U irreat! ma ig in lueiu Amur ubq kcducuiiu . " . t-tu ' cien. ,wee na uooveninou.. u.u he leaves his home and turns to throw a farewell kiss to his pale faced wife, ho watches him from the window, taking her image in his heart even into the busy affairs of his life, it is then, I say, that he adequately represents the chlvairy of American manhood. I say ,AU hall to Wllliam McKlnley, the , w tt.u et.i. ucai uimyeui vi wvwirvo. r- nua ..u 0t Kan$a Citu, state or Ohio, citt or Toutoo. ( I I.I I IN iJtllJHlI. 1 Frank J. Chency makes oth that he u the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Ciiknet - huslne-a In the Cltv of Toledo. Wiat u ml KtjfttA fcf f if-.Kif.ld. Knd that said "" PT toe ot oNK NUKKi! DoLLARSforeach and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by tie uoi halls catahh cubb, s frank J. oh en ey. gWOrn to before me and subscribed In niy presence, this tith day of December, A. D. it - A. W.GLEASON, "a1 f Notary Public. Hall' Catarrh Cure is taken Internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous sur faceiof the system. Send for testimonials, free. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. t8old by Druggists. 7;"c. Mm. A. Sand Hied t. Sixth and Martha SU ( 0maha) Neb) writes: "I have . . . . headcne for years and was . . to .tomach And had a ter- rlblo n mj faead Since taking ? - Dr Kay,B Renovator i have not had an attack." Sold bv druggists at 2o cts w L See adv- TXTfi An Anxmrn fytarn Hnn In ft.t Jfllltl " uvnw " " w w n,,'. and lav vnur WAtch. If it is - ---- iaDt ouoi repair, w ob uu, o., i m The American to Jan. 1, 1897, 50o. JAS. W. OA It II, Attorney, 813 Board of Trade Building. SPECIAL MASTER COMMISSIONER'S Hale. Under and bv virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the district court for DouRl&a county, Nebraska, and to me dlrectd, I will, on the zna aay oi june, a. u. un, at one o'clock p. u. of said day, at the north front door of the county court houxe, ln the city of Omaha. Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at mihllc auction to the hlthest bidder for cash. the property described ln said order ot sale as follows, to wit: Lot eighteen (18) ln Nelson's Addition to the cltv of Omaha. Douglas county, Ne- hrubi. tut lurreved. nlatuid and recorded fSEE", mnZYnthe sum of two hundred and two and 4-ioo doi- lUrH, Witu lu it i t.n t u u iiin . ui u i vnu (10) per cent per annual from May 6th, 18'Xi; ana also tue lurmer sum ui iiuaureu and sixteen and 50-100 dollars iful6.SU), with Interest at the rate ot ten (10) per cent per annum from the 6th day of May, 181. And also to satisfy the sum of forty and 78-1U0 dollars (MO. 18) costs herein, together with accruing costs, according to a juagnient rendered bv the district court of said Di Joug las county, at lu May term, A. D. 1HS, il a certain action then and there pending. whuretn The Union Trust ComDanV Is plain tiff, and Rachel Riley and others are de fondants. Dated at omana, neDrasga, Apru aim, a. D. 18H9. WM. B. TKH H.IUK, Special Master CommUaloner. Jas. W. Oarr, attorney for plaintiff. Union Trust uo. vs. uacnei miey, et at. Doc. 87 i No. 221. 6-1-5 W1UGHT & THOMAS, Attorneys. SIT New York Life Building. o HF.RIFF'8 SALE. By Tirtue of an order O of sale issued out of the district court for Douglas county, Nebraska, ana to me ai hv.mI. I will, on the 2nd dar ot June. A. D. 1MU6, at 10 o'clock A. m. of said day, at the EaST front door or the county court house, in the city of Omaha. Douglas county, Ne braska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for casu the property aescriuea in said order of Bale as follows, to-wlt: Lots one (1). two (2) and three (3) of block three (3); also lots one(l). two C2) and three en in block four (4). and lots twelve (12) and thirteen (13) ln block one (1) ln Cloverdale Addition to the city of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded, all ln Douglas county, state of Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy Mary M. Whitney, plaintiff herein, the sum of three thousand four hundred and thirty and 1)5-1U0 dollars $3,I0 95) judgment, with lnteiest thereon at rate of eight (H per cent per an num from February 4th, lt6, together with the sum of three dollars (S3.00), protest fees, paid by said plaintiff. To satisfy the sum of seventeen and 38-100 dollars (iu.38) costs herein, together with ac I 1. 1 11 1 11 iiUiia w.i.iii ..inn v. juiiiii' .viu- Sy M ffiSSgSSgtiZ SSftl cruing costs according to a judgment ren certain action then and there pending wherein Mary M. Whitney Is plaintiff, ana William T. Seaman and Sarah M. Seaman, his wife, are defendants. Omaha, Nebraska. May 1st. A. D. Vm. john w. Mcdonald, Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska. Wright & Thomas, attorneys. Whitney vs. Seaman. Doc. 52; No. 159. 5-1-5 WRIGHT & THOMAS, Attorneys, S17 New York Life Building, NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEEEND ants In the district court of Douglas county, Nebraska, James Harris, Sr., plain tin' vs. John Uaswlck and Kate Caswlck, de fendants. To John Caswlck and Kate Caswlck, non resident defendants: You are heieby notified that on the 18th of April. 1M, James Harris, Sr., pialntllT herein, filed his petition ln the above en titled cause, ln the district court of Douglas county, Nebraska, against John Caswlck, Kate Caswlck and Kred Daniels, the object and prayer of which is to foreclose a murt gage executed on the loth day of February, Mil. by John Caswlck and Kate Caswlck to Eugene C. Bates, and by him assigned to James Harris, Sr., plaintiff herein, upon the property described as follows, situated ln the county of Douglas and state of Ne braska, to-wit: Lot ten (10) ln block forty (40) In the city of South Omaha, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded, to secure the payment of one promissory note for the sum of one thousand dollars (tl.OOO.OO), due and payable on the loth day of February, lrtM; that there Is now due ana payable on said note the sum of one thousand dollars (it.OUO.OOi, with in terest at the rate of ten (10) per cent per an num from the loth day of August, lsttf. for which sum, with Interest and costs, plain tl If prays for a decree that the defendants be required to pay the same, and that In de fault of such payment said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petl.Iott on or before tne 8th day of June, lsw. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska. April 28, 1-Wi. JAMES HARRIS. SR.. I'lalntlfT. By Wright & Thomas, attorneys for plaintiff. &-I-4 30I emT i po OateYouPayioJiiLlIB?. T.N ORDER to enable every loyal American in the United States to read a patriotic paper during the most important political and commercial epoch of our Nation's history, we have decided to send an eight-pago weekly two-dollar paper from now until January 1, 1897, for the rldloulously low price of 60 cents. Cash must accompany the order Old subscribers can take advantage of this offer by paying all arrearages to date and paying the sum of 60 cents for the remainder of the year 1896. Orders must be sent direct to this offloe. Add 5 cents for each Paper you receive in 1896 up to time you Remit.. NO COMMISSION TO ACENTS. We W.inl 500,000 Subsdeis Before Hip Day ol Election. Interest your friends. Talk of it in your Councils. Get up clubs. Let us all work to win this next Presidential election. Now is the time totrlke! Subscribers who are now paid into 1800 can take advantage of this offer. Send 60 cent and get THE AMERICAN for the rest of the year. Send your address ln at onoo. The sooner you are ln tho mor numbers you get for your money. No order for back numbers filled for less than 60 per copy. No samples sent except when request Is accompanied by money. Sample Copies to any address in the country at thousand lots; $6.50 for five hundred; $2 for one hundred, and 2c per copy in lots of less than five hundred, post-paid. A.jlg You witli HJs! ERICAN PUBLISHING CO. lOlG Howard Street, OMAHA, XBH. MI.I SAUNDERS &MACFAKfiANI. CT1 CD Attorneys, 1404 FarnitinStrsi't. ' nTn Horatio Fowkes. Surah M. row kes, tils wife, Ella It. Downs, Eva J. Hovers and Ehtella M. Hoss, non-resident defenuitnta: Vou will time notice unit on tnaantn any Ot A here! prll. lmxt, James w. uvoraky, puunim in. filed bis petition ln the district court of Douglas county. Nebraska, against you, the above named defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain tax certificate dated November lath, 18K3, and taxes nald thereunder, covering lot one (I), block two hundred and thirty (2J0), of the city or umaha (original pint) uougias county, Nebraska; that there is due upon said tax certificate, and taxes paid thereunder, the sum of one hundred and Beventy and 54-UiO dollars (1170.54), with Interest from May 2M.h, 1HW1. at the late of ten (ID) per cent per annum and an attorney's fee amounting to ten (10) per cent of the decree and all cosU. Plain- ttlT prays that said premises may be decreed . I . I .1 j. . . . . . 1 .4 .t.UMUnn HI UV SU1U Ml BHIiim till C II 11 1 11 M 11 b uuv n i. ; i . , with Interest, attorney's fees and cost, and that upon the sale the defendants be de burred of all interest ln said bromines. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 8th day or June, ibwi. Dated Omaha, Nebraska, May 1st, vm. JAMES W. DVOIWKY. Plaintiff. By Saunders & Macfarland. his attorneys. fv-1-4 SAUNDERS & MACFARLAND. Attorneys, 1404 Farnam Street. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFEND ant: To Horatio Fowkes, Sarah M Fnwkes. his wife: Klla K. Downs, Eva. J Rogers and Estella II. Uosa, non-resident de fendants You will take notice that on the 28th day of April, W, Waiter E. Keeler. plaintiff hereiu, tiled his petition In the district court of Douglas county, Nebraska, against you. the above namd defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain lax certificate dated November 13th, WS-, and taxes nald thereunder, covering lot i block 230, of the city of Omaha (original plat) Douglas eounty, Neoranua, wnicn saia cer tificate was Issued to W. H. Schllep, and b him dulv sold and asslirned to the Dlalntlfi who Is now the owner thereof ; that there Is now due upon said tax certificate and taxes paid thereunder the sum of 1124.42 with In terest from Mar 28th. 1HM6. at the rate of ten per cent per annum and an attorney's fee amounting to ten per cent oi me oecree anu all costs. Plaintiff prays that said premises mar be decreed to be sold to sallfy the amount due thereon with Interest, attorney's fees and costs, and that upon the sale the defendants be debarred ot all lnteiest ln Riild nreitilses. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 8th day or June. mm. WALTER E. KEELER, Plain tiff! By 8aunderi & Macfarland, His Attor neys. Jated Omaha, Nebraska, Hay 1st, 1866. 5-1-4 SAUNDERS & MACFARLAND, Attorneys, 1404 Farnam Street. KTOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFEND' J- ant:To Joseuh Thomson and Reuben W, Ross, executors of the estate of Keulien Ross deceased: Joseoh Thomson, Mrs. Thomson first and real name un known, his wife; and Reuben W. Ross and Mrs, Ross, first and real name unknown, his wife, non-resident de. fendantfl. You will take notice that on the 30th day of April. 181M, Philip L. Johnson, plaintiff herein, fllea his petition ln the district court of Douglas county, JNeorasKa, against you the said defendants, the ooject alia prayer of which are to foreclose three certain tax certificate dated January 7th, lxM, and two certain tax certificate dated Nov. Z;), issr: and taxes paid thereunder and covering lots 5 and 6 in block 1, and lot 7 ln block 2, all ln Mayne Place, an addition to the city of Omaha. Douglas county, Nebraska, said tai certificates were issued to E. B. Buer, who afterwards sold and assigned the same to the Dlalntlfi who is now the owner thereof that there Is now due upon said lot 5, block 1. Mavne Place, the sum of ItM.iV and upon said lot 6, block 1, Mayne Place, the sum ot S4?2.39. and UDon lot V, block 2, Mayne Place. the sum of f H4.72, with interest on each of said amounts from Aprl ;ith. 1W6. at th rate of ten per cent per annum and an attor. ney's fee amounting to ton per cent of the decree and all costs for which amount plaintiff prays for a decree and that ln He fault of the payment of the amount found due that said premises may be sold to satisfy the same ; that upun the sale the defendant be debarred of all interest in said premises, You are required to answer said petition on or before the Sih day nf June, I1H. PHILIP L. JOHNSON. Plaintiff, By Saunders Macfrland His Attorneys. Dated Omaha, Neur"ska, May 1st. isutt. 5-1 PAYS FOR . THE AMERICAN FROM Hpeclal Master Commissioner's Sale, rindnr and hv virtue of an order of sals on decree of foreclosure of mort gage Issued out of the district court for Douglas county. Nebraska, and to medlrected, 1 will, on the 2nd day of June, A, 1)., 1MM. at one o'clock M. ot said day, at the north front aoor or the county court house, In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, neurassa, sen at ?ubllc auction to the highest blddr for cash, be property described (n said order of sale as follows, to-wit: Dot thirteen (1U), block seven (7), in central Park, an addition to the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska. ... Said prouerty to be sold to satisfy mi lion T. Hoys, plaintiff herein, the turn of ninety- three ana tti-liiu aonars ir.M no, wimi iu per cent Interest thereon from May 7th, 1KH4. To satisfy Isaac Adams, aerenuant nerem, the sum of one hundred eighteen and 88-100 dollars (Ills..)), with S per cent Interest thereon from May 7th, 14. To satisfy pro rata, saia Isaac Aaams, me sum of one hundred and thirty-five dollars (i;i5 0U); Oommercial National Bank, de fendant herein, inn sum oi nve nunureu Hnil thlrtv dollars 1KMO.OU1: red Mndborst, riafnnrinn therein . the sum of fortv-three dol lars (S43.00), and Abram S. Joseph, defendant herein, the sum or ninety-rour aonars (ii.i)i w ib 7 per cent interest on an saia sums from Mnv 7th. 1X04. Tn satisfy Isaac Adamsthe sum of six hun dred sixteen dollars VU 00), with 8 per cent Interest from May 7in. 1W4. Tn satiafv tS.AH cunts, together with ac crulng costs according to a Judgment ren dered by the district court of said Douglas county, at Its September term A. D. 1HIM. In a certain action then and there pending. where n Milton K. uoys was piaintiir, ana Joseph A. Haines et al., were defendants. Omana, neurasaa. majuu irm. WliXlAM T. NELSON, Boeclal Master Commissioner Roys vs. Haines. Doc. 42; No. 1(1. 5-1-5 JAS. W. CARR, Attorney, 313 Board of Trade Building. OPECIAL MASTER COMMISSIONER'S O Sale. Under and by virtue ot an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the district court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will, on the 2nd day of June, A. D. IHWt. atone o'clock v. M. of said day. at the EAST front door ot the county court nouse in me cit nf Omaha. Dnuilas county. Nebraska, sel at public auction to the nignest oiuaer tor cash, the property described ln said order ot sale as follows, to-wlt: iintN twelve (iz) ana tnirteen (14 in oiock fifteen (IS) of Hanscom flace. an addition to the city ot Omaha, Douglas county, Ne braska, as surveyed, platted ana recorded, h.m nrnnnrtv tn be sold to satisfy Geo. W Sabine, administrator of the estate of Phillip Hwnhnda. defendant herein, the sum of thirty-nine dollars (ga.wi, witn interest thereon at the rate of seven (!) per cent per annum from June 2nd. 1SD4. Also to satisfy Conrad u. rasher, piaintiir herein, the sum or one mousana ana rour teen and 21-100 dollars ($1,014.21), with Inter est at the rate of seven (7) per cent from the Rth flav nf MaV. ISVtt. And also to satisry tne iuriner sum oi t.wntv-twn and aa-100 dollars (SJ3 BID cost herein, together with accruing costs accord log to a judgment rendered by the district court of saia Douglas county, at its Aia term. A. D. 1843. In a certain action tnen an there pending, wherein Conrad O. Fisher Is plaintliT, and Alois P. Swoboda, Anna Swo Doda, The Carter-Cottrell Hardware Com pany, Mutual Loan and Building Association and tieorge W.Sabine, are defendants. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska. May 1st, A. D.lSMll. WM. B. TEN EYCK, Special Master Commissioner. Jas. W. Carr, attorney for plaintiff. Fisher vs. Swoooda, et al. Doc. So; No. 47, 5-1-5 Probate Notloe. In the matter of the estate of Victoria E. Madison, deceased : Notice la hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administra tor, with will annexed, of said estate before me. County Judge of Douglas county, Ne braska, at the county court room in said county, on the 2Vth day of June, 18SW; on the 2tbdayof September, lwni, and on the 2Sih day of October, invsj, atSo'clock a. a each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six mouths are allowed for the creditors to present their claims and one year for the administrator, with will an nexed, to settle said estate, from the -Uh day of April, isi; this notice will be pub llshed In I'M Ambhican for four weeks suc cessively, prior to the day of June. ISM. IRVINU F. BAXTER. 5-1-4 County Judge. The American to Jan. 1, 1897, 50o. $1.00 per 100, in one Notice to Non-Resident Defendant. To Charles J. Head, Maillvah J. Read, and M. C. Lllley & company, non-resident de fendant: You are hereby notified that on toe in oi April. l6, KlUabeth H.Abbott, plaintiff herein, filed her petition ln the above en titled cause, ln the district court of Douglas county, Nebraska, against you and each ot you, Impleaded with Charles A. Kenton, th object and prayer of which Is to foreclose a certain real estate mortgage executed on the loin day of December, lHOl, by Charles J. IijHd and Mazllvah J. Read, upon toe prou erty described as follows: Lot one (1) in Dlocs. u in Mive i auuiuod to the city of Omaha, a surveyed, platted, and recorded, In Douglas county, Nebraska. to secure the payment or their promissory note with Interest cnunons attached, tor the sum of twelve hundred dollars (II2O0.00), dua and payable December 1st, IstM; that there la now due and payable on said note the sura of twelve hundred dollars (11200.00), with Inter est at the rate i f ten (10) per cent per annum from the 1st day of June, 1804, ror wnicn sum. and Interest, plaintiff prays for a decree that the defendants pay the same, and that In de fault of such payment said premises may uo sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are further notified that on the Dthdayof June, IHWti, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the appointment of a receiver, to collect tne rents or saia premises uuring in pendency of said suit, upon the ground that sale property is lnsumcieui. mj par iiikiuwu debt, and that the same la being wasted, and that the said Charles J. Read and Mazllvah J. Read are Insolvent. 1 propose the name or Bryce Crawford for receiver, and W. H. Rus sell and O. C. Olsen as his sureties, and also sureties for myself I will support rt said applications by tne amaaviis oi n. a. i Kua- II a.nri' M. J. knnnard. u an You are reoulred to answer said petition on or liefore tne 8th day of June, 1808. Dated at Omaha, NehrasKa, April a. ism. ELIZABETH H. ABBOTT, Plaintiff. By V. 0. Strlckler, attorney for plaintiff. a 1-4 WRIGHT & THOMAS. Attorneys, 517 N. Y. Life Bldg. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFEND ant: In the district court of Douglas county, Nebraska. Rosa Hamburg plaintiff. vs. William it. uates et ai. To John A. Brand and Mrs. John A. Brand his wife, first and real name unknown, non resident defendants: .... You are hereby notified that on the 14th of March, 181)6. Rosa Bamburg. plaintiff herein. filed her petition ln the aoove enutiea ca'ise, la the district court of Douglas county, Ne braska, against Wllliam U. liates. Jullla Gates, Robert Lynn, John A. Brand. Mrs. John A. Brand. Wlllier H. Kreldler and Mrs. Wllber H. Kreldler his wife, first and real name unknown, the object and prayer of which is to foreclose a mortgage executed on the 22nd day of June. 1801. by William H. liates and Julia Oates to Eugene C. Bates, and by him assigned to Rosa Bamburg, upon the property described as follows situated In the county ot Douglas and state of Ne braska, to-wlt: Lot eleven (111 ln block six (6) ln Hillside ad dition No. 1. an addition to Omaha, Ne braska, as surveyed, platted and r. corded, Ui secure the payment of a promissory note for the sum of two thousand dollars, due audi . i i 11 ... . . V. .. i. .. . tkuittiif payanie lu uve yeir irum mo uiii " iuuiou., that there la now due and payable on said note th sum of two thousand dollars with interest at the rale of ten per cent per annum from the inih day of June, 185, for which sum, with luterest and Cisia, plaintiff prays for a decree that the defendants be required to pay the ssme. and that ln default of such payment said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are inquired to answer said petition on or before the 8ih day of June, isos Dated at Omaha. Nebraska. April 2Sth 1S96. ROSA BAM1U HO, Plaintiff. By Wright & Thomas, attorneys for plain tiff. 5-- FARM LANDS FOR SALE. Have you any sense? Then add them ta dollars and buy a farm. 160 acres In Dawes county, 50 acres in cul tivation. i-VO cash takes the whole farm; 18U acres tn Holt county, a fine farm, 80 acres tn cultivation. fKW cash takes It all. I have a few more at the same low price. Residence lots- old price cut In two twice. Atntthat hard enough? (hard tlmesi. Hard time prices. I will sell you property at one-third old prices. Olve me a chance. 1 can place a few choice loans at 8 per cent net to those whs have money to loan, wneuae LYMAN WATERMAN, Real-Estate and Financial Agent. 1 New York Lite Building. Omaha, Neb.