The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, April 17, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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United States of America.
Minneapolis. Mian.
BOBT. W. JOHNS CON, Supreme Secretary.
Troy, New York
leii Howard Street. Omaha. Neb..
Org anlier for department of Nebraska, Iowa,
Kansas, Mlaeuurt and Colorado.
On behalf of the Loyal Orange Lodge of
the Catted State of America, and with a
lew of correcting the tale lmpreetloa that
aemiea are endeaTorlng to convey to the
mind! of men who are unacquainted with
Orange principle, are theee few itatemente
The Loyal Orange Institution li a brother
hood and sisterhood, bound by three Uei
Justice. Truth and Righteousness.
It has no bidden alms
It ! Fraternal and Benevolent assisting
and protecting member! while 11 ring and
their wldowi and orphani when they are re
moved by death.
It uphold! the right of private Judgment
the untrammelled freedom of opinion) be
lieve! the public school are an eaientlal
afeguard of the state, and ihould be kept
free from eccleaiaatlcal or sectarian control
and that person! disloyal to the government
who hold a mental allegiance to the pope
of Borne ahould be rigorously eicluded from
teaching therein.
It bellevee primary allegiance Is due to
the government which protect! the lives,
liberties and propertlea of Its citizens, and
that ecclesiastical authority should not'
under any circumstances, be permitted to
meddle In the affairs of state, and that coer
cion of acltlien in the eierclse of his or her
right of franchise, under the guise of relig
ious or spiritual authority should be pun
ished aa a crime against the state.
That It li the duty of every cltlten to de
fend the lawfully constituted authority and
Institution! of our country against corrupt
and Inimical influences, aa well as against
armed assailants, to the end that our glori
ous freedom be protected and transmitted
unimpaired to posterity.
It encourages habiu of frugality and in
d us try amenglta members, and is proud to
boaat that Orangemen seldom become a
public charge or accept pauper bread.
It believes In the restriction of Immigra
tion "VI the extension of time for the natur
alist, .on of cltliens, and that the public
and shall be held for actual American cltl
sens who become settlers.
The Loyal Orange luatltutlon of the
United States of America has certain
requirement! for membership:
That a man ahall be aa actual American
Cltlten, having compiled with the lawiof the
United States with regard to naturalisation,
and without a mental reservation.
That the applicant shall be a Protestant,
and also that his parents and wife shall be
That he shall be thrifty and successful In
hi! business; honorable and truthful In his
dealings with his fellowman. and shall be
known as a law-abiding cltlten.
' That he will endeavor to give his children
or any children under his charge at least a
good common school education, being care
ful to avoid all popish doctrines, and
That he shall be In sound health at the
time of making application.
It makes no difference where a man was
born, so long as he meets the foregoln
These are the qualifications required
very applicant to the order, and we do not
think that any patriotic American order can
offer a better arrav of orlnclples and teach
ings. COLD MINE!
Send us ten cents, coin or stamps, and we will
send your name and address to 100 of the
most popular papers in America. You will
receive copies of each for reading and dis
tribution FREE. In addition we send your
name and adcress to 500 manufacturers
who want agents. (Many have received per
manent employment, as we have testimonials
to show). You will receive samples of goods
and other things too numerous to mention
You get bushels of mall. Address,
1043 Van Buren Street, Chicago,
ACTED Canvassers for
"America or Rome?
Christ or the Pipe?"
The latest, mostcomnlete. beat illustrated
ablest edited and fastest selling patriotic
oook in America, exclusive territory given
For terms and particulars, address
The Loyal Publishing Co.,
Lock Box 166,
of thn
. . . RECORD
Containing the debate on thn Indian
Schools Appropriation and Linton's
Remarks on Marquette Statue, in
pamphlet form, now ready to mail.
One copy 6c, ten copies 40c, fifty
copies $2.00, one hundred copies $3.80.
631 P Street N. W.,
Washington, D. 0.
This work deal! entirely with the practice!
of the Confessional box. and should be read
by all Preteatants as well aa by Roman Cath
olics tnemseives. ino errors oi tne confess
lonal are clearly pointed out. Price, In cloth
11.00, sent postpaid. Bold by ,
"Oonvent Lifb Unveiled.'
This little work relate the bitter experience
of a young lady who was Induced through ths
cunning of the Jesuits and the Bisters of
Charity to enter a convent. Her story of ths
heartrending scenes enacted In those sinks oi
Iniquity Is told In a convincing style. Fries
in cloth 11.25, sent postpaid by
Jn. O. V. A. M.
Stati oocaciL or ntaaasaA:
O. Box 725, Omaha.
. V. C.-W, fc. COOLirHiE. PlaUnioutb
8. C. 1WJ -J. A. SHIELDS, t'. O. Box 731.
B. C Treaa.-R. A. WILLIAMS. Omaha.
Conductor K. S Tl'TT. 1'latu.mouth.
Warden-it P. IKJLMAN Omaha.
Sentinel W. VAN UfcfcK, bo. Omaha J.
L. LIVEfEY, On aha.
Representative to National Council- REV.
8 WeUt.Hr BL'TLKK. R. P. IHLM AN. . . W.
HOUl'.K J. A. SHIELDS, aod II. L. DAY.
The or it regular meeting wiU beneiu Feb
ruary 17, at U c In.
every Friday evening at G. A. R. Ball
Platutuioutn, Neb, Visiting brothers cor
dially Invited. O. K. JOHNSON,
Kc. Sec.
No. 1. meets
tdlewlld hall.
" every Tuesday eve. In
!4th and Orant streeu. Visiting Drainers
always welcome. J. II. IIamvbt. bec'y
T INOOLN COUNCIL No. S, meeu la Lla
coin, Nebraska
pOLUMBIA COUNCIL No. I meeu every
Tuesday evening in Red Men's Mall, Pat
terson block,cor. 1, a and far nam street.
W. M. Thomas Councilor.
E. L. Makdtun, Secretary.
TT 8. ORANT COUNCIL No. 10. meeu every
J Thursday evening In Patterson Hall,
171D and rarnam at. Visiting Druthers al
ways welcome. W. F. KNAPP,
Hoc. secretary.
riARFIELD COUNCIL No. ft, meeu every
u Tuesday nlgbt In South Omaha.
Van BaAK, 11. B. FlSHEK,
Councilor. secretary
T IBEKTY COUNCIL No. 1 meeu every
Tuesday evening. I. O. O. K. Hall, Louis
ville, Neb. T. U. Lucas. Rec. Bec'y.
COUNCIL No. K, A. P. A., Cameron, Mo.,
meeu every second and fourth Monday
evening, at fraternity Temple. Visitor!
13 Wednesday evening In U. A. K. Ball,
Council Bluffs, la.
Oxford Council, No. 130, of the American
protective Association, or oxford, neb.,
meet in their council chamber every Friday
night at 7:30 p. M. sojourning friends in good
standing are always welcome, n. o. I'uuaiu,
rita.i r.v. ocaruoruuKU, cvec. Dwrawf.
LINCOLN Commanderv No. t. U. A. H
meeu everv Thursday evening In P. O. 8. of
A. hall. Council Blutts, la. A. M. Burnham,
y-. u , u . rvtuMivnrpv wrk i rr a u
UJiaun ........ ....... w . . , w a. ."
meeu on tirst and third Wednesday
evenings of each month, at O. A. R. Hall.
118 North Fifteenth street, omana, eo.
1. A. eaxniau. Commander: 11, Js.. Leavara,
8. C F. C. Borden, Holden, Mo.
B. V. C. Rev. 11. A. slaughter, Bt. Joseph
8. 0. Sec'y Rolla Q. Carroll, Warrensburg,
Will meet In Chllllcothe. Mo., February
Av every Friday nlgbt at 1222 ucOee street
Jas. McNainara, Sec'y 1800 East luth St.
Saturday night at the corner of Twelfth
and Cherry streets, W. Y. Sheaver, Record
ing Secretary, 1107 Madison street.
A Tuesday night at 1222 McUee streets,
PerceyP. Uumui, Reu. becretary, 2110 Drlpp
rATE CITY COUNCIL No. 44-MeeU every
u Monday night, corner 18th and Penn UU.,
over drug store.
" every Thursday night, between illst and
32nd on Holmes.
" Sheffield every Thursday night. Thomas
Smith, Rec. Sec'v, Sneffleld, Mo. .
SHEFFIELD Council. No. MI, A. P. A.
meets every Saturday night at Knights
of Columbia hall, Sheffield, Mo. Frank
Forbes, Secretary.
can Protective Association meeu every sec
ond and fourth Wednesday of each month In
I. O. O. F. hall, Plattsmouth, Neb. Visiting
members are welcome J. 11. Smith. Sec.
" Meeu every Wednesday afternoon at I
o'clock, at the A. P. A. Hall, 437 Minnesota
avenue, Kansas City, Kan.
DROSPECT COUNCIL No, 61, A. P. A.-meew
1 every Monday evening at the corner ol
Twenty-third and Prospect avenue. Kansas
City, Mo. Persons desiring to Join may en
close their name, street and number, ward,
age and occupation, and direct to box 621
Kansas City, Mo,.
America Council No. 7, meets at Wood
ward's Hall every Wednesday at 2 p. m
sharp, third street and Lafayette avenue,
Kansas City, Mo. All visiting friends will
be cordially wel- corned.
Mrs. C. Abbott, President.
Mrs. Ida Phillips. Secretary.!
CUREKA COUNCIL No. 1, W. A. P. A.-Meeti
second and fourth Tuesday afternoon at
t o'clock In the A. P. A. Hall, Southeast cor
ner Packard and Osage avenue, Aruiourdale,
Visitors are cordially Invited to attend,
" meeu every Friday night at 16th and
L Road, Origsby's hall, Kansas City, Kan.
meeu on the lirst and third Thursday
afternoon of each month, at 2:iJ0 o'clock, at
Bell's hall. Southwest Boulevard, near state
line, Rosedale, Kansas. Friends of other
councils are cordially Invited to attend.
Every true American lady Is invited to com!
and join us, aod assist In the good work,
Inlatlon fee 11.00
u MeeU every Saturday evening at 437 Min
nesota avenue, Kansas City, Kaa. Visitors
cordially Invited.
POUNOIL No. 7, A, P. A. Meets every Mon
" day evening at Chamber of Commerce
Hall. Klvervlew. Visitors cordially Invited
fOUNCIL No. 11, A. P. A.-MeeU at Wood
" ward's Hall every Tuesday evening at 8,p.
m. sharp. Third street and Lafayette avenue,
A cordial Invitation Is extended to visiting
Meeu every Monday night in Nokes
Hall, Argentine, Kan. All visitors welcomed.
TOPEKA COUNCIL No. 14, A. P. A. Meet
1 every Monday evening In A. O. U. W. Hall
418 Kansas avenue. Topeka Kansas. All
visitors will be cordially welcomed.
Oostdyk Council, No. 1. W. A. P. A. of Kan
sas City, Mo., meets every Friday afternooa
at 2:30 o'clock at 1608 Penn Bt. Address, Poit
offlce box 621, Kansas City, Mo.
Sunflower Lodge, L. O. L., No. 254, meets
second and fourth Tuesdays of each month
at 8 p. iii., at Clatlin's hall, corner of Mill
street and Osage avenue, Kansas City. Kan,
Visltitg brethren are cordially Invited to at
tend. John Davidson, HI. M., Him. Mc
Naughton, Secy 716 Reynolds Ave.
Liberty Council, No. IS, Jr. O. U. A. M,
meeu every Wednesday night, corner Pack
ard and Osage streeu, Aruiourdale, Kansas,
Thos. Rolf, secretary.
Meeu first and third Tuesdays of each
month at 8 p. m.. In A. O. U. W. Hall, cornet
Fourth stieet and Minnesota avenue. Kansas
City, Kan. Samuel Harrison, W. M. Wj,
Ballagh, secretary, 637 Northrup avenue,
Visiting brethren cordially Invited.
DOSEDALE COUNCIL No. 13, A. P. A., meets
AV every Wednesday nlgbt at McUeorge's
hall, Rosedale, Kas. All friends cordially
W. A. P. A.
Persons desiring Information In regard to
the W. A. P. A. should address either the
president or secretary.
State president of Nebraska. Mrs. Mary A.
Hertxmann, 616 N. 16th street, Omaha, Neb.
State secretary of Nebraska, Mrs. K. E,
ecker, 1818 Burt street, Omaha, Neb.
Success Council No. 3. W. A. P. A. meeu
every second and fourth Wednesday nlghu
In each month at 8 o'clock p. m. at the Bed-
mea's Hall. Contlneatal Block. 15 and Doug
las, rrleodaof the council are cordially la
vited to attend. PrutatnM and "true A aiar
tcan" ladiee are solicited to )la tu la this
food work. Initiation feu Ills). AdUroas
either Mis NuUiu B. Hathaway, president.
lt12 Military aveoue, or Mrs .r lla Jat-kniaa.
sucrelary, lilt Ca street, liiuana.
American Orange Knights
This order Is formed of persons whose ob
)ru Is to maintain lb. supremacy of lau
order and runstllutlonal freedom; to pre
serva Inviolate the rlt lien's fraachlsui tc
peroetuate and defend Ue precepu and fra
Institutions of civil and religious llburt)
guaranteed by the Const .utlonuf the United
tales and established by our forefather!.
pro A his t room.
For Information regarding the formatlo.
of new Coiuuiandrrlea. or suppllea. writ e
the supreme secretary. U. L. iOOK, eec'f ,
J. at. BAnaiK. C. v., 1616 Howard St..
tiaanaw. Mich. Omaha. Nel
Some Illustrated with one engravings ol
Washington and Lincoln. Fine Uartteld and
Prohibition envelopes, printed In colors.
Illustrated many styles 2u for 10 cenu. tf
cenu per 1U0. Floe motto letter paper. Illus
trated In colors, beautiful plrture. free
tracu. etc. Address, the FAITH TRACT
HOUSE. 20 Elm street. Utlca. N. Y;
IF you want an Investment In Real Estate;
want to buy a business la St. Louis, write
Lyman Waterman, Real Estate and Unanclal
agent, St. Louis, Mo.
II elderly lady preferred. Party accepts
ship will be treasurer In charge of stock and
funds. Address AMERICAN W. It., this office.
niCDnCITInUI Send me hand-writing In
UlorUOl I lUll I natural style and I'll send
niu In return character of writer. Enclose
stamped envelope addrevsed to yourself, also
a fee of ten cenu. F. E. Dillingham, 706 Col
orado avenue. hanaas City. Kan
inrf,WiiMAtoraiiiii !.! aw
Celebrated Female
Vowders never fall
luv th.ui
ml n& mtrt (.Apr failing
I'.niT ind P-imjml Pill. I. p.nieuUu4lMBla
I. PIX, Bwk BV, UuMin, Ma
A Valuable Book
TheRoman Papacy
We want agents everywhere, and persons
who will get up a club. Largest pay to both
classes. School teachers who want employ
ment, and those who can devote their even
ings to circulating a really great book; and
ladies who can devote a few hours a day, we
can pay well. Write us at once. Address.
Columbus Ave. and Berkeley St.,
"TUB Uncle Tom's Caliin of tne A.P. A."
Secrets of the Oonvent
of the Sacred Heart.
Do vou want to send some friend a book
that will make him an A. P. A.? Do you want
to send an A. P. A. a book that will
strengthen his faith, by giving him evidence
of the diabolic outrages of Romanism prac
ticed within the wails of the 14(15 convenu In
the United States?
Secrets of the Convent
Beautifully Illustrated Cover.
o Price, 25 Cents, Postpaid.
Berlin Heights, Ohio.
Go to
in a Tourist Sleeper.
It is the RIGHt way.
Pay more and you are ex
travagant. Pay less and
you are uncomfortable.
The newest, brightest,
cleanest and easiest rid
ing Tourist Sleepers are
used (or our
Personally Conducted
Excursions to
which leave Omaha every
Thursday morning reach
ing San Francisco Sunday
evening, and Los Angeles
Monday noon.
You can join them at
any intermediate point.
Ask nearest ticket agent
for full information, or
write to
3. Francis, G. P. A Omaha, Neb.
Paper Cover 60 Cents.
This little volume relates the terrible ex
perience of a nun who was confined In ths
''Black Nunnery" of Montreal It has prob
ably the largest sale of any work of the kind
ever published, and several
Attempts J to Suppraa It.
have been made. The price In cloth Is 1101,
and In paper to cenu. For sale by
Notice U an-Kfldat Defendant.
To Phoebe Rebecca KlUabeth F.lwlna Lin
ton. Adoli hua rrederU lt l.lnum. h- r aus-
ti.ud. John Morn. William Morrl. and
Frank Crisp, co-partnera doing bu.luro. aa
Athur.1, Morris Crisp A louipauy; John
Whlttaker loourr ana nilllsiu Isaac Phard
and John Morn, non-rmulect defendant:
lou are lirrehy notiued that ou the tb
day of March. !!, Waller t. Keeler. piaiu
till herein, hied bis petition la the dMrlt-t
court of Douglas rouuty. Nebraska, sgalusl
rnoetie Ib-imca r.ilistielh Mwtna l.iutou.
Adolpliiis r rlerlra Linton, her huland:
John Morr a. William Morris and Fraok
t'rip, co partner doing Lupine. a Ashursi,
tlorrls, I rlsu & muipauy ; J. tin Wnltlaker
looker and Ylllau laac Miard and Joliu
Horruk the ooject anil prayer or anion aru
to f ret'loM lao rerlalu lax certltloalea.
dated .V vember l lth. ISM. u on the real es
tate detcribed as follou. situated In iKiug-
iasctmnly. Nebrsska. lo-wlt:
Lt r tul (Si. Iilm k one hundred and ninety-
seven il..'i. aud lot M-veu iTi. blia-k tine hub
huudred aad nlnety-eeven I .". . city of
Oiualta, saltl cerllliratoe lielng nun bered
441 and respectively ; (here la now due
upon said lot e'.uiii ii. blua'k one numireu anu
oluety seven il'.'"i. Hie sum of four huudrec
and seventeen dollars (4417 mi. and upon lot
even ii. blts'k one hundred and ninety
seven 1U7, the sum of three humlrrd and
seveiity-lso and X!-lia dollars i4.i; ') to
gether with Interest uMn each of BAld
aiiiounU from February Ird. MI, at the rale
of ten dui per cent per annum, together with
an attorney's tee amounting to ten tliu per
centof the de. ree and all cost, for which
amount plaintiff pray for a dt -ree that the
defendants lie reoulred to pay the same, and
that in default tnereor said premise may
be sold to satisfy the amount found due, and
that thereafter the defendant lie debarred
from all interest In said real estate.
You are rt qulred to autwer said petition
on or before tne 4th il;iy of May.
Dated Omaha. Nebraska. March -.'.tn, nn
t lalutlff
By "tundera A Macfarland, tils attorneys.
Doc.Vn No. l.n. S-2T-4
hborllTs Kale.
By virtue of two executions Iwiurd out of
the district court of Douulas counly, Ne
braaka, aod to me directed, 1 nave levied
upon the followlnl described property of
Ueorxe r. WrlKht, fainuel K. Johnson. M. J.
Hum. I.oren.o li. w mams ana national
Bank of Uouiinerce, to-wit:
All that trai-t or unreel of land altuated In
lot three tit In Cauitol Addition to the city of
Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded.
In the county or IKiumas ana state oi ne
braaka, dew-rilled by metes and bounds a
follows, to-wit: t oiuiiieneiuu at a point
14(1.3 feet south of the north-east corner of
lot three i.i. in Cunltol Addition to the cltv of
Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded,
thence runiilnir west 2 feet, thence south
l'.it 7 feel, more or less, to I lie nor-n line oi
IouKlas street, thence east 28 feet, thence
north alonx the east line f ald lot three CI)
1111.7 feet, more or lets, to said place of be
ginning. Also all th at tract or i arcel of land situated
in lot two Cil In (Japitol Addition to the city
of Omaha, aa surveyed, pi tied and recorded,
in the eountv of Diiuuhis and slate of Ne
braska, described by metes and bounds aa
follows, to-wit: Commencing at a point
14rt.3feet south of the north-west corner of
,l ii lot two i2i In l auluil Addition to the
cit v of iimuhiL. assiirveved. ulal ted and re
corded, thence running east h:I-H feet, thence
south 1CI.7 feet, more or less, to the north
line of Houglas street, thence west M3-(4 feet,
thence north I'M." feet, more or less, to said
place of beginning.
And I will, on the 28th day of April, A. I).
lm. at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the
KAST frontdoor of the county court noose,
In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, ne
iirsttka. sell at uulillc auction to the high
est bidder for cash, the property above
described, to sstbjfy The Midland rttate
Hank, plaintiff herein, the sum of seven
thousand three lundred and twelve and
iiT-iim dollars i7.:n2.H7i lies the sum of six
thousand and forty-seven and 02-1K) dollar
(til.U4.iU) with Interest thereon from the 2sth
day of December. I'..'. made on said Judg
menton said date) accordlrg to a Judgment
rendered against saiu ueorge r. nuv,
Ksmnel R Johnson. M. J. Iliirai. Lorerzj B
Williams and National Bunk of Commerce,
defendants herein.
Alan tosHtlsf the National Hank of Com
nierce, plalntltf herein, the sum of twelve
hundred and eight and M 1(K dollars (iYM H4),
recovered against the said Kaniuel K. Join
son, Ueorge K. Wright, M. J. Burns and
Lorenzo H. Williams, derenoants nerein.wim
interest thereon at the rut of ten (10) per
cent per annum from the vth day of May. A.
I), is'.ri, unt'l paid; and also the further sum
of elghty-flve dollars and ninety-three cents
its5.Wi, the costs and Increase costs on said
judgment, and the accruing costs according
to a judgment rendered by the district court
of said Douglas county at Its May term, A.
I), isitt. '
Omaha, Nebraska. March S7, 1SW(.
john w. Mcdonald
Sheriff of Douglas couuty, Nebraska.
E. J. CorniHh, attorney.
MldlaDd State Bank vs. Oeorge V. Wright,
et al.
National Bank of Cort nierce vs. George F.
Wright, et al.
Doc. 2"; Nos. SW-75. 8-27-5
Special Master tommi8slonT'8 Sale.
finder and bv virtue of an alias order of
gale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Is
sued out of the district court for Douglas
county, Nebraska, and to nie directed, I will,
on the 23rd day of April, A. I). 1W. at one
o clock e. M. of saiu day, at tne norm iront
door of the county court house, In the city
of Oinaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell
at public auction to the highest bidder for
cash, the property described In said order of
sale as follows, to-wit:
Lots three (3), four (4) and five (5) In block
six (li), and the east half of Ion nine (0) and
ten(10), and all of lots eleven (II) and twelve
(12). In block three (3), in Central Park Ad
dition to the city of Omaha, as surveyed,
platted ano recorded, all In Douglas county,
state of Nebraska, subject to two mortgages
of nine hundred dollars (tOJO.00) each. In
favor of The Mutual Investmei t Company.
tiald property to be told to satisfy The
Mutual Investment Company, pUlntlff
herein, the sum of one hundred thirteen ana
23-100 dollars itll3.23) judgment, with Interest
thereon at rate of eight i percent per an
num from February 4. IN'.ii.
To satisfy the sum of thirty-one and 2X-1O0
dollars lt.ll.2H) costs herein, together with ac
crulng costs, according to a Judgment ren
dered by the district court of said Douglas
county, at Its February term. A. D. I hi'."), la a
certain action men anu mere penuing,
wherein The Mutual Investment Comuanv
was plalntltf, and Egbert E. French and
others were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska, March 18, A. I). lMftl
Special Master Commissioner
W. H. Russell, attorney.
Mutual Inv. Co. vs. French, et al.
Doc. 47; No 3-20 5
Attorneys, 511 New York Life.
Lu Williams and C. II. Williams, defend
ants, will take notice that on the Vth day of
March, 180o, Anna K. Hunger, plalntltf herein,
tiled her petition in the dial rlct court of
Douglas county, Nebraska, against said de
fendants, the object and prayer of which
are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed
by the defendants to the plaintiff upon the
west fifty (nOI feet of lot number two i2i in
block number six 18) in Lowe's Second Addi
tion to Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska,
as surveyed, platted and recorded, to secure
the payment of a certain promissory note,
dated March 20th, lsxs, for the sum of fifteen
hundred dollars ifl'mOOO) and due on the ziith
day of March, 1SU3; that there Is now due
upon said note and mortgage the sum of fif
teen hundred dollars itl5ou.H0) and Interest
thereon at the rate of ten 110) per cent per
annum from the 20th day of September, 1H3.
PlalntllT prays for a decree that the defend
ants be required to pay the said snm or that
said premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 4th day of May, l!!t.
Omaha, Nebraska, March 27m, lswt.
ANN A, K. Ut'N'SF.K.
Bartlett, Baldrlge & DeBord, her attorneys.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the estate of ole Oleson,
deceased :
Notice Is hereby given, that the creditors
of said deceased will meet the administrator
of said estate before me, Uonnty Judge of
Douglas county. Nebraska, at the county
courtroom in .said county, on the 'iilo day
of May, lB'.ii; on the 21st day of July, 1!),
and onthe2oth day of September, lw, at 9
o'clock A. M. each day. for the of
presenting their claims for examination,
adjustment and allowance. Six months are
allowed for the creditors to prestnt their
Claims and one year for the administrator to
settle said estate, from the 2Ath day of
March, 1888; this notice will be published in
TheAmkhican for four weeks successively,
prior to the 25th day of May, lsyd.
County Judge.
hperlal latrr l'4mKiwloDrr' Hair.
Under snd by virtue of aa order of sale oa
decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out
of the District Court for Itougla. couuty,
Nebraska, and to be dlrli'led, 1 will, on tne
Ssth day of April. A D. Isi. at one o'clock
P. a) of raid dav. at Ilia north front door of
thecouaty court house, la tliecll y of Omaha.
Douglas county Nebraska, sell at public
a ii,' l Ion to the hlgkesi bidder for cash the
properly deM-rlbrd In said ordrr of sale as
follows. U-wit:
TU east one-half i,i of lot twenty-aix CJib
In H. K. Rogers' okalioma. an addition to Ibe
cly of Omaha. Doug las county. Nebraska.
't. ..- .1-- L . It ..u .
iu .'if. r.. n , niuHiu j.,
the sum of llilnv l o hundred nineteen and
.Vi-iuidollais it-f-'IK Vi. with Interest aa pro
vided In said deeree. from February 4th. IwCt.
whlrn amount Is a Nrwt Hen upon the north
thirty-three iJ.1. feet of the ear.1 use half I'll
if .ah
Id lot I
twenty all i'.Mi
To sati-fy Klltalielh M. Illgglns, defendant.
the .mil of forty two hundred ninety-two
and .i liU dollars i !.''.'-' 7.'i. with tnu-rest
there. in ss iirovtdd In said decree, from r'eh
ruary 4 h. r'M, wnlch It a tirst lien upon the
iu h slty-sl inin feel of the north ninety
nine il'n feet of the east oae half (41 of said
tot iwemy-slx riii.
To.atl-fy I'arke tlodwln. Etecutor of the
estate of I auny Bryant liodwln. defendant,
diN-eased, the sum of twetitv-oae hundred
forty-all and ai.lnl dollars if MtA Mi, with In
ter. t as provided In said decree, from Keb
rvary 4th, lM which amount UaHrst Hen
upon the north thirty-three i;ui feet of the
soul h one hundred thirty-one feet of the
east one-half I'll of laid lot twenty-six (Mi.
Tu satisfy James Thomsen, defendant, the
sum t f twenty-one hundred forty-six and
3H-WI1 dollars if-'lttl Jtli, with lntertt a pro
vided In said decree from February 4lli.
Iu. which amount Is a Drat lien upon the
ni rth thirty three ia.1) feet of the souih
ulnet y-elght (Msi feet of the east one-halt I'.l
of said lot twenty-six i-ili.
To sal sfy Julia"). Bryant, defendant, the
sum of twmty-slx hundred elghty-twn and
tut-ltsii dollar itSM.Wti, with interest aa pro
vided In said decree, from February 4th.
ISM. which amount Is a tirst Hen upon the
south ity-Mve ni.ii feet of the east oue half
t'.i of slid lot twenty-six tail.
To aatlsf v Charles K Hate. Trustee, plain
tiff herein, the sum of seven hundred lxty
and Hft-lKi dollar f?uuf. with Interest al
eight t mi per cent per annum from February
4in. lHttt. which amount Is asecend Ilea upon
each and all of thu above described prop
er! le. and subject to the lien of the various
defendants heretofore enumerated.
To satisfy the sum of tlfly-seven and Wi-llW
A.. I I ..I'lIU, ., ......r.u a.1.1. Krt...,lna
UIIII.IS I.H.1"! LU.M, Hi.rmri ..,u.,.k
eosis. ariordlnir to a lodgment rendered by
the district court of said Duuglaa county. Ne
braaka. at It February term. Ix'.'S, In a cer
tain action then and there prndlng, wherein
Charles r.. Hates was plalntllT and thanes
Klgulter and others were defendants,
Oiiiahs, Nebraska, March 27th. Is'.ie.
Special Master Commissioner.
Reniaiuin K. 'I'liouias. attorney.
Bates vs. Klgtllter. Ho. 4WI; No. W4. 3-27 5
Special Master Commissioner' Salo.
I'nder and by virtue of an alias order of
sale ou decree of foreclosure of mortgage Is
sued out or the district court for Douglas
county, Nebraska, audio uie directed, I will,
on thu Xlrd day of April, A. D. IB'.m, alone
o'clock l. M of said day, at the north front
door of the county court house, in the city of
Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraika, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder for
cash, the property described In said order of
sale as follows, to-wit:
The north one-half of a strip of land com
riienclug at a point on the east line of La
fayette or Twentieth street one huud'ed and
tiftv ilfiili feet sun Hi of the northwest corner
of lotslity-two UU) In 8. E. ltogers' plat of
Okahoma, thence east one liuuiireu and
thirty-live feet more or less to a point on
the east line of Vinton street one hundred
and tlftv llfiil) feet more or less In a south
westerly direct Ion from the northeast corner
of said west line of Vinton street fifty (.'))
feet more or less, thence west one huudred
and twelve (ll'Jl feet mure or less to the east
line of Lafayette or Twentieth street, thence
north along the rust line of said Lafayette
or Twentieth street fifty (.'iiii feet to place
of beginning, all In thecliy ofOmulia. Doug
las county, state of Nebraska, subject to one
first mortgage of five hundred dol arit"nio 00),
In favor of The Mutual Investment Com-
bald nrouertv to be old to satisfy the Mu
tual Investment Company, plaintiff herein,
the sum of one hundred nineteen and "4-ioo
dollars (f-IUiM) Judgment, with interrst
thereon at rate of ten (10) percent per an
num from February ftth. 1 HI...
To satisfy the sum of twenty-two and K) 100
dollars U-.iij) costs herein, together witu ac
crulng costs, according to a judgment ren
lured bv the district court of said Dougla
county, at its February term. A. 1). lHlir, In
a certain action men ana mere pending
wherein The Mutual Investment Com
pany was plalntllT, and Caroline Nelson and
others were uiTunomitH.
Omaha. Nebraska, March 1H. 1H!K1
Special MasterComuilssloner
W. II. KUMeli, attorney.
Mutual Inv Co. vs. Nelson.
Doc. 4ii, No. 102. 3-20-1
Chattel Mortgage Kale,
Default having occurred In the conditions
of acnatiul mortgage executed and delivered
to Ueii. H. r Uchett by the News I'ubllshlng
Co.. of omana, noiiglas county, XMeonuika,
on the 21al day of o.'tober. Is0!i, (and by hi in
assigned to A. nioui to secure tne Daymen
of one promissory note of name date for the
sum of two hundred and ninety-live dollars
Il20i 00), said note bearing interest tnereon
at ten per cent per annum until paid, and
there being now due on sain note three, nun
dred nine and 75-100 dollars iMmi.TM, and
there being no action at law to recover said
sum, I will, therefore, sell at public auction
at 514 south Fifteenth street. Omaha, Ne
braska, at 10 o'clock a. m.. Friday. April 24,
In'.iti. the property described In said mortgage
an follows, to-wit:
Two hundred and fifty lbs. 8 pi. No. 13 body
type; AO lbs. pt. No. 13 body type; 2 fta.o ut.
bold face; 1 ft. each of 8, 8, Is, 24, 3A and 48
ut. Monarch; 251li. 12 pt. Monarch; 1ft. earn
12, 18. 24 and 38 pt. Fair; 1 ft. each 8. 12, 18. 24,
38 and 48 ut. orbit: 1 ft. each 8. 12. 18, 24. .m
38 and 48 pt. La Salle; 1 ft. each 12, 18 and 36
pt. Cond. r.lzlver; i rta. 8 pt. uotblc; HI in
caos: 1ft. embellishers. 1 ft. each word or
naments, series 4 and 5, 5 feet each borders
No. 108 143 and 184; 30 da hes. No. 21s.
face; 20 dashes, No. 254, H in face; luo cross
rules. No. 2Ti4, 13 ems; 30 lbs. 8 pt. slugs, 13
ens; 38 cross rules. No. 254. 27 ems; 8 cross
rules. No. 254, 41 ems; 50 lbs. 2 pt. leads, 13
ems; 84 18 pu foot slugs; 1 12x18 lob galley ;
Bingle and 1 double Deering galleys; 25 lb
L. H. 2 pt. leads; 25 lbs. L. 8. 8 pt. slugs; 10
lbs. 2 pt. leads. 27 ems: 25 lbsSpt. slugs. 27
ems; 4 ids. ju m. rule, no. -1.1; z pairs six col
unin folio chases: 2 28x50 imposing stones
and frames; 2 Job stands, 12x12: 8 pairs news
cases, 16 z i italic cases: 111 italic cases: 1
border and ornament case; 1 Harris rule
case. No. 1; 1 lead and slug case: 4 Hx
screw sticks; 1 12x2 Ooldinr Standard jo
stick: 1 composing rule: 1 makeup rule: 1
mallet; 1 planer; I proof planer; 1 shooting
stick; adoE. Ileinun quoins; 1 Hem pel key,
No. 1; assortment of furniture and reglet; 3
f ts. 6 pt. and 3 ft. 8 pt. spices and quads; I
ft. 30 pt. spaces and uuads: 5 lbs. each of 1:
18. 24. 38 and 48 Dt. s Daces and uuads: 1 galley
proof press; 4 wooden tables; 1 chalk plate
oven with gas attachment; 1 pair postal
scales; 6 cane seated chairs; 1 book case;
revolving office chair; 1 newspaper rack and
files, and 1 large Imposing stone with table
lor same.
Omaha, Nebraska, April 3, 1896.
4-3-3 Attorney
Special Master Commissioner's Sale.
Under and by virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out
of the district court for Douglas count
state if Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 wl
on the 12th day of May, A. D. lsi, at one
o'clock p. u. of said day, at the north front
aoor or tne county court nouse, in the city
of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at
public auction to t he highest bidder for cash,
the property described In said order of sale
as follows, to-wit:
Lot four i4) in block twelve (12), Myers,
Richards and Tllden's Addition to the city
of Omaha, Imuglas county, Nebraska.
Said property to be sold to satisfy Walter
E. Keeler, plalntllT herein, the sum of three
hundred and twenty dollars t32u.00i, with
ten (101 percent Interest per annum thereon
from September 23rd. 1W"5.
To satisfy Herman Shields, defendant
herein, the sum of three hundred dollar
(t,m0 00), with seven (7) per cent Interest per
annum thereon from September 23rd, 18M5.
To satisfy twenty-nine dollars and forty
three cent if2i).43) costs herein, together with
accruing costs according to a judgment ren
dered by the district court of said Douglas
county, at it September term, A.iD. lSSt'i, in a
certain action then and there pending,
wherein Walter E. Keeler was plaintiff, and
Kpii rutin D. Pratt. Martha W. Pratt, Louis
Shields, the unknown heirs of Frances 11.
Pratt, deceased, and Herman Shields were
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, April 10, 1898.
Special Master Commissioner.
Saunders & Macfarland, attorneys for plaln
tllT. Keeler vs. Pratt, et al. Doc. 51; No. 382. 4-10-5
Notice) to Non-ltrllrnt Defendant
In the district court of iNiualaa count r., C. A. Kent, pl.laillT, v.. alary J.
iallwork, el al., defenUanla.
To Mary J. Waiiwork and Job a II. Wall-
nra, noa-naidini ueienuanta:
Vou are hereby noil tied lust onthe'thof
urll, Isisl. C A. Kent. plalalllT herein, kled
I. pe.tliloa la the almva entitled cause, la
thn district court of Douglas county, Ne
braska, against you and each of you. to
gether with other defendants. Ineubjm-l and
prayer of which Is to foreclose a certain
mortgage executed on the Br day of :-
iis-r Im.ii. by Mary j. wallwora ana John II.
Waiiwork, upon In properly described aa
follow, situated la lu couuty of Ho'jgla
ml slate of Neliraska. to-wli:
The niii th half i.. V of lot two (21 In bluett
oue ili. First additiou to eouta Omaha, a
urveyed. platted and lecorded, to secure
he pa) ninil of two coupon bonds, one dated
tM'ptemiier 'Ji, Isul, for tiievuui of fourhun-
red lllly uiillar. il..inii, aim in om.r
ated heiyteiulier J), Iwl, foriiiesum of he
u nd red dollar iaioil. said Ixiuils imiiuk
ue and payahle. Iu csei if default In Ihe
avmeut of the Interest aivruing thereon, or
ulheralse, on th ttrsl day of October, IKM,
abd that delauil ha been maae in me pay
ment of I merest accruing in the coupon bond.
f four hundred liny dollar i4.i uui on the
Ural day of April, I no. and on lliecoupua
bond of five huudred d.illars ial i ou the
Urst day of Oi Uilier, lH.i; tnal there I now
lue and p.yauie on aald coumiu oolids tna
urn of four hundred Ufly dollars it4.iu.uui.
lib Interest at the rate of ten ili per cent.
per annum from me tirst day of April, IsnA,
ml tne runner buiu oi nvv uunuru uoiiar
A.m im. with Interest at the rate of leu iiu
per cant per annum from th tirst day of Oc
tober, l'.0, for which sums with Interest and
osis, puinlllf pray forauecre mat the
lufeudaiil oe reouireu vo pay u aame,
and that In default of audi payment said
premise way be sold to satisfy uie amount
found due.
The plaintiff Is the legal owner auo Bolder
of said bond and mortgage.
Vou are required to answer aald petition,
ou or before tue llth day of May. IMl.
Dated al Uuiaha, Neuraska, April s. ik.'i.
C. A. K KiSl.
By II. E. Burnaiu and W. 11. ltussell, attor
neys ror piaiuiiu.
Kentv. Waiiwork. 4-W-4
Notice tt Noii-llealdcut Defendant.
To Phoebe Rebecca Ellr.alieth Elwlna Linton,
Adolplius Frederick l.lliuin, tier nuioaiiii.
John Morris, William Morrl and Frank
Jrlsp co-partner doing business as Asiiurtt,
iirri. ivi.ii & Couioauv. John Whlltaker
Oisiper and William Isaac Hhard, non-resident
You are liereiiy not men, mat on uie .win
day of January, 1SWI, Walter F.. heeler, plain
tiff herein, llled hi petition in tne insinct
Court of Dougla County, Nutiraska, against
I'hiK'be lteluicca Kluahein r.lwlua l.lnlon,
Adolphu Frederick Linton, her husband.
John Morrl, William Morris anu rranK
Crisp, co-partner doing business a Ashursi,
Crisp and Company, John Whlltaker Cooper.
snd wiiiiani jsaac runiu. me uiijm;. .nu
prayer of which la to foreclose two certain
lax certificates, dated November 13th, 1W,
upon the real estate described as follows.
iluated in iougia couutj. unmiui.., m
wit: Lot four (4), lu block one hundred anu
thirty-four (1.14), and lot live (5) In block one
hundred and sixty-four (UUiCltyof Omaha.
said certificates being numbered 3KI and 413
reHwrtlvely; there Is now oue upon saiu 101,
four (41, block one hundred and thlriy-four
CM 1 trie sum of one inousauu eigui. uuuumu
fifty-four and 88 100 dollars and upon lot nve
15) block one hundred and sixty-four 1 104) the
sum of eight hundred and forty-nine and
22-lnO dollars, together Willi Interest upon
each of said amounts from February 3d, lswl,
at the rate of ten (10) percent, per annum to
gether with an attorney's fen amounting to
ten percent, or trie uerree anu an wsw. iw
which auount plalntllT prays fur a decree
1. ui ih. defendant lie reiiulred to pay the
same, and that In default thereof said prem
ises may be SOIU to sansiy me amount ion 11 u .
due and thereafter the defendants be de
barred from all Interest In sld real estate.
You are required to anser said petition
on or before the 4thday of May, iswl.
Dated Omaha.INeD ask a. iarcn sun
WALI KR K h FkLF.K, I'lalntff.
By Sacndkih A M ai rAHi.ANU, bis Attorney.
Doc. w. no. n. --
Notice to Non-III 8lilent Defendant.
To Mary E. Beatty and William A. Beatty,
non-resident defendant:
You are hereby nolineu mat on me juii oi
March, ImW, James W. Dvorsky, plalntllT
herein, filed hi petition In toe district court
of Douglas county, Nebraska, against Mary
F,, Heatty and vviiiiam a. naatiy. uie oujnc
and prayer of wnlch la to foreclose ten cer
tain tax certificates, dated November 14,
i'.i3, upon the real estate descrioeu as roi
lows, situated In the county of Dougla and
state of Nebraska, to-wit:
Lots one (1), two (Z). uireewi. tour i.i.nvn
(51, six (til, seven (7). eight (8), nine il and ten .
(10) In bloca eight (Hi, all In ooy i's Addition
to the city of Omaha, upon which there Is
due the sum of one hundred and Int-ty-four
and 78-100 dollars (1104 781, with Interest at
the rate of twenty i20) per ceut per annum
from November 14, lu;(, to November 14, 181)5,
u.i.l thereafter at the rale of ton 110) per
ceut per annum and attorneys fees amount
ing to ten 110; per cent 01 um ucni, mi
which sum, with Interest and costs, plaintiff
nrsvs fur a ilm-rea that the defendant be re
quired to pay the same and that In default
of such payment aid premises may be sold
tosatisry trie amount, iouiiu uue, uu m..
thereafter the defendant be debarred of all
Interest In said real estate.
Vou are reiiulred to answer said petition
on or before the 4i h day of May, 18ml.
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, warcn Zi, i'.t,
By Saunders Macfarland, tilt attorneys.
Articled of Incorporation. .
Notice Is hereby given that a corporation
known as the 'Lnlon Publishing Company"
lm. I.een oriranlxed ui.der the laws of the
state of Nebras. a and that Its principle place
of business Is In tbe city of Omana, Douglas
county, Nebraaka; tbatlt capital stock Is
twenty-nve tnousanu i&..iiwi uonar. ui.iueu
Into share of five it-VOui each; that the gen
eral nature of the business transacted 1 the
printing, binding, publishing and purchasing
and selling of magazines, newspaper, book,
etc., and all business of a general publish
ing house; that It has power to do all things
necessary to properly conduct lu business
and to sue and be sued; that the manage
ment Is vested in a board of five director
who are elected annually on the first Monday
in January, who electa president, secretary,
and treasurer, that the highest amount of
Indebtedness It can at any time subject itself
is three thousand dollars; that the time of
commencement of business was January 1st,
18W, and terminate twenty-five years from
date thereof.
Dated Omaha, Nebraska, March 27th, 1896,
3-27-4 M. L. ZOOK, Secretary.
Legal Notice.
Default having occurred In the condition
of a chattel mortgage executed and de
livered to O F. Reed A Company by Harriet
Hart and Miss Jessie Hart on the 8th day of
June, 1804, to secure the payment of one
Sromlisory nota of same date for the sum of
f teen dollars, said note and interest thereon
at ten percent from date being due July 8,
1804, and there Is now due on said note the
sum of nine dollars and Interest from date.
No action at law having been Instituted to
recover said sum, we will therefore sell at
public auction the following described prop
erty In said mortgage contained, or so much
thereof as shall be necessary to satisfy said
claim with Interest and cost, to-wli: one
No. 4WVi, Style 12, Western Cottage Organ, at
No. 31S) South Thirteenth street, Oinaha, Ne
braska, at ten o'clock a. m. Saturday, April
llth. lNtni.
Omaha, Nebraska. March 18, 18'..
3. 20-3 Mortgagees.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Anna
Murphy. deceased:
Notice Is hereby given that the creditors
of said deceased will meet the administrator
of said estate before me, County Judge of
Douglas county. Nebraska, at the county
court room. In said county, on tne 2ith day
of May, 1806; on the 21st day of July. 181W,
and on tbe 25th day of September. 1808, at
9 o'clock A. M. each day. fjr the purpose of
presenting their claims for examination, ad
justment and allowance. Six months are
allowed for the creditors to present their
claims and one year for the administrator to
settle said estate, from the 25th day of
March, 18iW; this notice will be published in
Tbk Amkkican for four weeks successively,
prior to the 25th daot "-J.
3-27-4 'County Judge.
SEND MB a silver dime and I will
seed your name and address to
over 30 of the leading patriotic and
other reform papers, and you will re
ceive sample copies of each for reading
and distribution. J. H. Padgett,
Ennls, Texas