The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, April 17, 1896, Image 1

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Cheapest Paper in America,
A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. "AMEIUCA FOR AMERICANS" -We hold that all men are American who Swear Allegiance to the United States without a menul reservation In favor of the I'ojw. 1'IUCE FlVKCHNTd
Volume V OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY. APK1L 17, 1896. Numbir 1C
1 P. A.
Members of the National Ad
vlsory Board Say McKlnley
Did That.
; McKlnley Refused to Appoint
an Old Soldier Because
He Was an A. P. A.
Hon. H . 1. Thompson of St. Louis, and
John H. D. Stmss of Mis
souri, Out for Linton.
The movement that was Inaugurated
by the patriotic press, endorsed by the
people, and smiled at by the politl
clans to make William 8. Linton presi
dent of the United States has paint d
and continues to gain in public favor.
The members of the national advis
ory board of the A. P. A. declare
against the candidacy of Major Wm
McKlnley, and, while the information
comes too late to be of benefit to our
candidate in some of the common
wealths where the A. P. A. is the
7trongest, it will have the effect of
making Major McKlnley's nomination
almost impossible or at least ex
tremely hazardous.
1 It Is well known that no man can be
elected president of the United States
unless he can command the support of
the members of the patriotic orders.
It is now officially stated that Major
McKlnley cannot get the support of
the men forming those organizations
. What will be the result?
Major McKlnley will loose strength
and the other men In the field, whom
the members of the national advisory
board say are in sympathy with the
principles of the order, will gain all
along the line.
We sincerely regret the lateness of
- the - refot, becu0 -wo" had become
convinced, from all we could learn of
Major McKlnley, that he was not an
enemy of the A. P. A., and, with Gen.
. Harrison out of the race, was, next to
W. S. Linton, the man most accepta
ble to men who love the principles of
the A. P. A.
We took the position in the fight in
Nebraska that the delegates should
for the cake of harmony, be instructed
for Major JMcKinley, but that they
should support Mr. Linton, in case Mr,
McKlnley icould not be nominated.
Our friends' carried out their part of
the understanding in the primaries,
and we shall not be surprised if the
Nebraska delegatian is not ultimately
in line for the man of our choice for
When we entered into that under
standing the best information obtaina
ble was that; Major McKlnley was an
American, and t while he would aot
commit himself on the ' principles of
the A. P. A., he was enough of a gen
tleman to answer our letter, which we
had registered to his address.
We have been informed by Mr. H
A. Thompson that he treated the na
tional tadvisory board with less cour
tesy. As if to corroborate this state
ment by Mr. Thompson the advisory
board has sent out the following report,
under the seal of its secretary:
Owing to the misleading, and, in
many instances, erroneous statements
which have appeared in the papers
about the action of the National Ad
visory Board of the American Protec
tive Association, and the attitude of
the order toward'the various candi
dates whose inames will be presented
for nomination at the St. Louis conven
tion, the lollowing statement is impor
tant, because it is official:
After several months' quiet, persis
tent, painstaking investigation as to
the standing and record of these candi
dates on our principles and American
questions, the Executive Committee of
the National Advisory Board recently
met in Washington, D. C, and New
York,; where, during several sessions,
the material gathered, with the state
ments tabulated and the reports sub
mitted, werej carefully examined and .
discussed. Among the conclusions
reached werethese:
1. That d the C National Advisory
1 I Mt
Board adopt no candidate as the candi
date which the order should support,
as to do so at this time would be most
unwise and impolitic. The deliberate
judgment of every member of the com
mittee was, that such a thing as "boom
ing" a particular candidate should not
be done. Therefore, whosoever states
that any one candidate is the candi
date adopted by tee American Protec
tive Association, states what is not
2. c After carefully analyzing the
evidence adduced, the committee found
to be true the charge made against one
of the candidates, viz., ex-Governor
McKlnley, of discriminating in his ap
pointments in favor of Romanists and
against American Protestants, because
the latter were members of the Ameri
can Protective Association. For ex
ample, among other appointments, one
was that of a Roman Catholic Irishman
who had been suspended for drunken
ness, while the application of an Amer
ican Protestant, a Grand Army man
and an A. P. A., was rejected on the
ground that he belonged to the order,
though he had been promised the posl
tion by the governor.
Among other instances reported to
the committee is that of W. W. Lan
nlng, of Franklin county, Ohio, who
was candidate for sheriff. He was a
prominent A. P. A., and known to be
such; also a Republican of sterling In
tegrity, and so popular that he came
within six hundred votes of carrying a
county that was Democratic by fifteen
hundred normally. After his defeat,
backed by the most prominent Repub
licans in the state for the position of
district oil inspector, McKlnley said
that the reason why he could not use
Lanning was because of his prominence
in the order.
One of the most prominent members
of the order in Ohio, a gentleman who
has filled Important positions in state
and supreme councils, says:
"Governor McKlnley has never, by
any word or act of his, shown any sym
pathy whatever with our order. I have
never known him to make an appoint
ment that was considered by the
friends to be in the interest of our
order, nor do I know of a prominent
member of the A. P. A. order In Ohio
who does not think of McKlnley as a
time-serving politician. I believe the
order as a whole, in the state of Ohio,
would not endorse Governor McKlnley,
nor has it any faith in him. His atti
tude on sectarian worship and appro
priations is too well known to need any
3. Among the managers and active
supporters, secret or public, of Major
McKlnley, are Richard Kerens, a Ro-
manlBt, of Missouri, who has again and
again in the public press denounced
the A. P. A. organization in the most
vindictive terms, and sought, but in
vain, to have the National Republican ,
Committee to denounce the organiza
tion; also Stephen Elkins, of West
4. Of the other candidates, viz.,
Wm. B. Allison of Iowa, Senator Quay
of Pennsylvania, Senator Cullom of
Illinois, Governor Bradley of Ken
tucky, Governor Morton of New York,
ex-President Harrison and Thomas B,
Reed, the committee were satisfied
with their Americanism and sympathy
with the principles of the order. Con
cernlng the charges made against
Thomas B. Reed, the committee found
them to be groundless. For instance
In regard to the matter of Speaker
Reed leaving the chair when the house
started to consider the Indian Appro
priation bill, we would state that the
house went Into committee of the
whole, and when that Is done it is the
rule that the speaker shall leave his
chair, and a chairman is chosen for
that time.
It is also a notable fact that the only
state conventions that have thus far
incorporated principles of our order in
their platform, are the states that are
now booming Mr. Reed, and on such
platform, if nominated, he must stand.
The committee regrets that it has
been unable to make any statement
'with respect to candidates of the Dem
ocratic party, from the fact that as yet
no candidates have come to the sur
face. If the talk of President Cleve
land for a third term should material
ize, his record is too well known to
need any comment. The committee is,
however, on the alert, and will, in due
time, communicate with the order.
Had this report been received in Ne
braska the first of March instead of the
middle of April the result would have
been much different.
We say this, not by way of censure of
the committee.'nor in a spirit of fault
finding, but merely as a statement of
fact and past achievements on the part
of the A. P. A. warrants the conclu
sion therein set forth.
The A. P. A.'s of Nebraska are as
loyal to the principles of the order, to
the men who fearlessly and openly
fight for those principles, as are the
members of the order in any other sec
tion of the country. Yet, because of
that loyalty, because of their adher
ence to the principles of fair play and
justice, which embody one of the card
inal principles of the unwritten law of
the order purity in politics they
could not respect the wishes of the ad
visory board by opposing the instruc
tion of the four delegates-at-large, se
lected at Omaha, when they as dele
gates had been instructed by their con
stituents at the ward primaries and the
county conventions to vote those instructions.
Had the idea of Mr. Linton's friends
been carried out and the names of Lin
ton, McKlnley and Manderson been
submitted to the people at the same
time that the delegates were chosen,
we believe that Mr. Linton would have
been the choice in two of the districts
If not in the entire state. ...
But that plan met with no favor from
Mr. McKlnley's friends, and Mr. Man
derson's friends thought he should not
be humiliated by submitting his name
to a popular vote. The friends of Mr.
Linton made that proposition, but it
was not' agreed to, and the delegates,
under an understanding mentioned
above, go to St. Louis for McKlnley.
While the A. P. A. may not have
acted wisely In Nebraska, they acted
honorably, and they will have nothing
to regret.
In other states, however, where
primaries and conventions are yet to
be held, it should be their pleasure as
well as their duty to see that no in
structlons are given to the delegates.
This action should be taken, not as
against any one man, not as in favor
of any man, but in fulfiillment and
in recognition of the fact that the card'
inal principle of the American consti
tution is still in force, that all men are
created equal, and are endowed with
certain inalienable rights, among
which is liberty.
But, let us stop lecturing, and see
what is happening in Illinois and other
sections of the country.
The Inter Ocean last Thursday morn
ing said:
The statement was madeyesterday that
McKlnley will not be endorsed by the
Republican state convention at Spring
field, nor will any resolution instruct
ing the delegates-at-large to the St
Louis convention be passed, if the
American Protective Association,
otherwise known as the A. P. A., can
prevent it. All delegates to the state
convention who are members of the
order are expected to vote against any
expression in the convention favoring
McKlnley. An official utterance on
the subject is expected from State
President C. P. Johnson within a few
days. The leading members of the A.
P. A. in Chicago assert that the candi
dacy of William S. Linton is genuine;
that he will have the support not only
of the A. P. A., but of many thousands
of voters not directly connected with
the organization, and that his interests
will be furthered to the exclusion of
those of any other candidate. McKln
ley is declared to be especially dis
tasteful to the order, while Reed or
Allison might be acceptable in the'
"VI k v
event of Linton's nomination appear
ing impossible. The latter contingency
they will not admit, however, because
they will have, they say, between 140
and 200 of their members as delegates
in the Republican national convention,
and that this solid band can name the
presidential nominee.
To a question as to whether the can
didacy of Mr. Linton (was bona fide,
County president Saunders replied
yesterday: "Mr. Linton Is a genuine
candidate for the Republican nomina
tion for president. We prefer him to
McKlnley or any one else, and his
strength will astonish a great many
"Will member of the A. P. A. who
may be delegates to the Springfield
convention vote against McKlnley in
structlons?" Mr. Saunders was asked
"That is a question I would prefer
not to answer," he replied.
Mr. H. A. Thompson, of St. Louis,
one of the national advisory board of
the A. P. A., said Wednesday, that the
order proposed to defeat Mr. McKlnley
if they couldn't do it at the conven
tion, (of which he had not the least
doubt), it would defeat him at the polls.
The board of which he was a member
had, with the help of the local advis
ory board of Ohio, determined to wage
a war on McKlnley In his own state,
where there are at least twenty dele
gates to be named, and they were con
fident they would make it very interest
ing for the gentleman in his own state.
Mr. Thompson was seen Thursday
morning and he showed the reporter
for The American dispatches from
Kentuoky declaring that they had
routed the McKlnley hosts, which
were considered invincible. He also
declared that they were going to wage
a warm fight against the ex-governor
of Ohio in Missouri, and would surely
have a number of delegates from that
state who would be In favor of the
plan mapped out by the national advis
ory board.
Since talking with Mr. Thompson
about the Kentucky victory we see the
daily papers corroborate the private
advices he had received several hours
But, these are not the only states in
which the order is being taken into
consideration. A dispatch in the Chi
cago Chronicle of the 13th inst. says:
Indianapolis, Ind., April 12. The
proposed organization of the members
of the American Protective Associa
tion against McKlnley is taking shape
in the lodges of that order in this state,
and an attempt will be made In the
state convention to prevent the Instruc
tion of delegate and alto Influence to
election of delegates-at-large who are
oppooed to the Ohloan. A leader la
the A. P. A. movement In this city and
late said to-day that the refusal of
McKlnley's manager to recognise the
order, and bis characterization of the
Republican who are member of it a
"a faction of the Republican party,"
bad determined them to make open war
against him In the national convention
and at the polls if he I nominated.
"There are nearly 10,000 members of
the order In this state," said he, "and
1,500 of them belong to the twelve
lodge la this city. Fully two-thirds
of them are Republicans, and I have not
oea a man of them that doe not resent
Mark Hanna's utterance when he
characterized them a a faction."
Itwa Intimated that the A. P. A.
meawerVwIlllng to unite with the
friend of ex-Preildent Harrison In an
effort to prevent Instructions for Mc
Klnley, and that overture to thl effect
had or would be made. Another mem
ber of the order declared that the nom
ination of McKlnley would lose to the
Republican party more than S,0u0 votes
In Indiana, and would jeopardize the
election of congressmen In some dis
trict where they felt themselves per
fectly safo.
A large, enthuslastlo meeting was
hold at No. 5859 South Halstod street
on Monday evening, for the purpose of
discussing possible candidate for the
presidency. After a poll had been
taken of the 225 citizens preeont, W. S.
Linton was decided upon as the logical
candidate for them to support, and
they resolved themselves Into a meet
ing for the purpose of forming Linton
Republican Club No. 77. The follow
ing officers were elected: Preildent,
D. E. Crandall, No. 842 Slity-seoond
street; vice-president, D. B. Wlerman,
No. 312 Sixty-third street; secretary,
W. M. Otis, No. 6107 Sangamon street;
treasurer, G. II. Crandall, No. 842
Sixty-second street. After the elec
tion of officers the meeting adjourned
to meet the following Monday evening.
A rousing Republican meeting was
held at No. 450 Thirty-first street on
Monday evening, where the W. S. Lin
ton Club, No. 215, with 110 members,
was organized. The following officers
were chosen: President, Swan Carlson,
vice-president, Frank A. Frodln; sec
retary, -0-, W, .AnderjjBn; treasurer!
August Larson.
A meeting was held at Erlckson's
Hall, Sixty-Second street and Went
worth avenue, last evening, at which a
Linton Club was organized, with tho
names of over 160 members enrolled.
Ed. Zulauf was elected president, D.
G. Wolverton vice-president, and H. C.
O'Brien secretary. Moeticgs will be
held every week, at which patriot
speeches and programs will be given
endorsing W. S. Linton for president.
A W. S. Linton Club was organized
at Occidental Hall, Sacramento aveuue
and Madison street, Monday night, with
a charter membership of seventy-five.
The following officers were chosen:
President, N. R. Lloyd; vice president,
J. L. Wooley; secretary, W. E. Beech
am; treasurer, T. T. Green.
Whereas, Believing great care should
be exercised in tbe election of a man to
fill the presidential chair for the ensu
ing term, commencing March 4, 1897,
and also believing in supporting a man
for that exalted position who has been
well tried and not found wanting, one
who has principles well defined and
made public; and,
Whereas, We have good reason to
believe that the majority of the Amer
ican citizens are interested and a.e
now ready to support such a man at
tbe coming election In November, be it
Resolved, That we, as the Linton
Club No. 288 of Chicago, do endorse
the candidacy of our most noble
patriot, Hon. William S. Linton of
Michigan; and, be it further
Resolved, That we do hereby pledge
ourselves, individually and collectively,
to support the Hon. William S. Linton,
not only for the nomination at the Re.
publican national convention, but
pledge ourselves to his support upon
any ticket whatsoever; also, be it fur
Resolved, That a copy of these reso
lutions be spread upon the minutes of
this meeting; that a copy be also for
warded to the following persons: Hon.
William S. Linton, Judge John H. D.
Stevens, John C. Thompson, Supreme
President W. J. H. Treynor, and
Thomas H. Carter, president of the
national Republican campaign commit
tee. IWalter C. Keixey, a
Attest: J. W. Dixon,
W. T. McQueen, 110 Sheffield avenue.
W. J. Dixon, 1111 Elston avenue.
H. Michlenbursr, 1101 Grand avenue.
T. H. Perkins, t43 Elk Grove avenue.
J. P. Goebel, 2955 Grand avenue.
B. Guthberg, 348 Avers avenue.
F. H. Goebel, 2955 Grand avenue.
E. D. Clinton, 19 Hoffman avenue.
N. T. Williams, 241 McLean avenue.
W. B. Murdouch, 1244 McLean avenue.
A. B. Broghton, 552 W. North avenue
J. Sorensen, 738 Sbober street.
J. W. Dixon, 153 Frankfort street.
w. C. Kelley, 134 Powell avenue.
B. Thompson, 647 Avers avenue.
Leo Foster, 816 N. Campbell avenue.
J. W. Daly, 201 Fullerton avenue.