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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1896)
nmn liUlUo AMUSEMENTS. n edb. Tbes. Wei. r - - - April 6, 7, 8, Am-nra'i Ormtt Tae.liait, Ml Keeoe, i flurp"rd hv Roprb Orojpany in I Maicmhrvnt iWtueuoua of ilu-iu T li I'ndtufliAl a f , ( '. ... t ..m t uW raucous Authorities. MONDAYi Iiouis XL Richelieu. HEIKSIAi Richard III. fiesta M now on ml t the follow- Jina pnc- Kintt n.xir, 60, 76c and I, haicma, 60 will 76c Creighton Theatre i! T.l.phQn. ISSI. PAXTON BURQf 8S, Mgr. Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, April 6t 7, 8, 9, MATINEES SUNDAY AND WEDNESDAY. Th. Comedy Buocena, -LITTLE HISS NUGGET" Presented by a company including Herbert Dawthorn, Leola Mitchell, Charles A. Loder. I'rloes; 85c, a&o, 5uo, 740, 11.00. Use pijjut Only owgy. s The Idol of London, Pari ad New York, FULLER mm ad a select concert company. Prices SSc, ftOc. 75c, ft, II. M. Hale of eat commence Saturday, April 4, a, di. Free 11m entirely sunpecded. April 10-ll-Tb. Tavary Opera Company. vantlon with petitions from every part of this land. Organise a Union club in every village, town and city la Ihe United Suin. Americana, awake! Stand by him the truest, bravest and boat American la th a land Let u rouse up and work, work, work hard! Let ua work with our heart oa Bra. and we tball win. Qa ban boon and atill In the great! patriotic champion la congress. Why not send him to represent ua la the Whit House? It can be done. Let us hear from every patriot! a council la Brlalol county. Fall Jiiotr, JsW, In instigator, AMl'KEXEXrS. Thomas Keene, lha great American tragedian, is coming to Boyd's for thraa presentations of claaalo and Sbakesperean drama next Monday. His "Louis XI.," 'Richelieu," "Rich ard III," "Hamlet," "Othello" and "Shy lock" have been axepted as equal to those of the great masters who are now dead, and to those of any living actor la thli country. It baa been de clared by tome one who has watched the public temper la regard to stage favorites that it is necessary for an actor to dla before the world will give him his deserved place among the favorites of the stage. This did indeed JOHN RUDD, Jeweler and Optician! 317 N. 16th STREET, ... maki a smoialvv op . . I Fins Watch Repairing French Clocks, ? T Exclutlv Watch Examiner for F., E. t no m v. r. Na vo. 4, Xaa r . i i a t a a Ja TTttTTttTTTTTTTTTTTtTTTT HEWS OF THE WEEK. ".. T ' IK II ll 1 a I 1 r", VII V Ex-President Harrison will be mar rled Monday to Mrs. Dlmmlck. The Iowa senate defeated the liquor manufacturing bill Thursday. The Central Republican Club will hold its regular meeting in Washing' ton Hall next Thursday evening. Congressmen Bainer and Andrews showed they were consistent Thursday by opposing an appropriation for Congregational Institution. Senator Thurston has gone east. He will stop over la Chicago and address the American Republican College League la the Auditorium. The body of Maxey Cobb, the county treasurer of Lancaster county, who disappeared several days ago, was found on the bank of Salt Creek Thurs day afternoon. Tha Republican district convention held in Omaha, Saturday, March 28, elected Hon. John M. Thurston and Eon. John C. Cowlu as delegates to the national Republican convention, and James Walsh and Dr. Monroe of Wash ington county, as alternates. .. There has been a number of fires In Omaha this week; but tha publio was aot aware of the fact, because they were kept out of print That is one vay of establishing a reputation as a fire-fighter. One company answered three alarms in one night. Mrs. Christine Corneer, wife of Sam uel Corneer, died Monday morning at her home, 1019 South Twenty-fourth street. She leaves three little children to mourn her demise. The funeral oc curred Wednesday afternoon from the residence and the Interment at Spring well cemetery. Mr. Corneer will have the svmprthy of all his friends in his sad affliction. There was a new club organized In Omaha last Saturday night and chris tened the John L. Webiter Republican Club. It started into business with more than 123 members, and elected John C Thompson president, Paul B. Seward secretary, and H. H. Boyles treasurer. A vice-president from each ward wus also elected. It chose the first and third Thursdays of each month as its regular nights of meeting, and Washington hall as the place. A flambeau club will be added. seem true In the case of the elder Booth, of McCullough and of Lawrence Barrett, and In a less degree of Forrest and Edwin Booth. The foremost place among living exponents of tragedy, which critlos delight to give Mr. Keene, makes It certain that when he no longer enchants in person the American publio, his memory will be that of the most splendid of his profes sion. Mr. Keene's repertory here will be, Monday, "Louis XI;" Tuesday, "Richelieu;" Wednesday, "Richard III." The sale of seats opened this morning. Oar Candidate, Congressman W. 8 Linton, - We would suggest that all patriotic citizens get up petitions to the national Republican convention to nominate Linton for president. Get allthe sig natures vou can. Let us flood the con' That pleasing, screaming and novel cyolo farce-comedy, 'The Bicycle Girl," with jolly Nellie McHenry as the star, will bubble up serenely at Boyd's Thea tor for three performances, on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, April 19, 20 and 21. Miss McHenry is well known to the theatre-goers of this city, and has been if en here in the past in her com' edy sucoess, "A Night at the Circus," but will make her appearance in a more laughable skit, "The Bioycle Girl." It is from the pen of Louis Har rison, and is desoribed as his funniest effort. It has more plot than the oon ventional farce-comedy, and relates to bicycle life a field of comedy broad and deep, offering many opportunities for the introduction of the "new woman," funny business, original music, catchy things, pretty danoes, and specialties. The company this year is said to be stronger than ever, and a good company always strives to make the best of a good play. Mr. Nat C Goodwin, who is regarded as one of the foremost comedians of the day, will come to Boyd's Theatre for one night and one matinee on April 15. It is needless to dwell on the merits of Mr. Goodwin, as his tame for artistic comedy is world-wide, and the mere announcement of his coming should be sufficient guarantee for the most skep tical to be assured of a rare treat Mr. Goodwin has been selected to appear as Sir Lucuis O'Trigger In the all-star cast of "The Rivals," which will tour the country with Mr. Joseph Jefferson at its head, supported byaoomblna tlon of the most prominent stars of the period. Mr. Stuart Robson, the quaintest of comedians, direct from his successful run at the N. Y. Garrick Theatre, will appear in his new and best comedy, "Mrs. Ponderbury',s Past," at Boyd's Theatre on Friday and Saturday, April 17 and 18. Not since the days of "The Hen rietta" has Mr. Robson found a part so congenial to his style as the one In which ha is a w so suooeasf ully touring the country- At tha mercy of aa up-to-date wife, Mr. Robton finds hlmaelf ia some ludicrous positions, to abstract hlmaelf from which form the basis of one of the best comedies of to-day. Tha Wool ward Theatre Company cloae it second engagement In this city at Boyd's Theatre Sjnday night after playing a week to croaded houses. The attendance Thuraday evening was something really unexpected, a every eat every bo, the alales, the chairs usually ued bv the orchestra were all filled, while hundreds stood up in the rear of the houae until the curtain went down on the lat act The attraction wa "F-at Lynn," and it was welt ren dered. Mr. Klrke made aa exoellent Levlson, so good a one ia fact that the audience forgot he but represented a character and bUaed him when he was abusing the woman he bad duped and when he was leading her astray. Mrs. Woodward, as Barbara, Mr, Long, as Archlba'd, and Miss Caroline Clore, as Lady Isabel, could not have been ex celled. Many of those who have at tended every performance and have grown accustomed to seaing Mr. Long assume the role of a villain and Mr. Klrke that of t he hero, were agreeably surprised last night when those gen tlemen exchanged places and ren dered in a truly artistic man ner characters so very differ ent to what they usually delineate. This city has never seen a better villain on the stage than Mr. Long, and yet Mr. Klrke equalled him in a proper conception of such a character. It is not putting It too strong to say our peo ple were exceedingly well pleased with the work of the Woodward Theatre Company, and will be pleased to wel come them at any future time. They go from here to Council Bluffs. JUNIOR ORDER CROWDS. Denver te be Flooded With an Army of Visiters. Secretary L. A. Richards of the ex ecutive committee to arrange for the national convention of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics, which will meet In this city during the sum mer, finds that he has undertaken no small job. He did not anticipate what the vulgar would term a "picnlo" when he started ia, but the work has grown to an extent which he did not think possible. Where the order expected a few hundred visitors thousands have been promised, and droves will oome from sections of the country from which not one had been guaranteed by local members. When the executive committee meets during the coming week, it will find the work laid out for it growing beyond expectations. The committee will not be worried by having an Immense ban quet on its hands to whloh half of those ho wish to attend cannot gain en trance. Mr. Richards returned from Cripple Creek yesterday with the arrange ments about complete for a visit to that oamp and others In the neighbor hood, ia which the visitors will be shown more gold-bearing rock than they thought existed In this great sil ver state. The trip includes a drive about the many towns of the district and a trip to the place of the old Bull Hill fortress. The committee is confronted with but one difficulty of any great propor tion, and that is as to a hall of sufficient size. The Masonic Temple has been secured, and will be large enough for the deliberations of the body of dele gates, but there is no hall where the friends of delegates and members of the order who attend can be accommo dated. The auditorium would have settled this had it been built While the officers of the local lodges fur nished estimates early in the year of the number of visitors expected, they have given up now. From letters re celved they anticipate that the attend ance will be second only to that of the Knights Templars in 1893. Bocky Mountain Jews, Marcti SO. HOME-KEEKERS EXCURSIONS Tia.XiaMart Pacific Railway. Very low rates for the round-trip to points la Kansas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, la fact to nearly all points in tha southern states. Don't forget the dates, April 7th, and 21 t also May 5th. For full particulars, laad pam phlet, books, etc., call on your nearest gent or company's office, northeast corner Thirteenth and Farnam, or depot, Fifteenth and Webster streets, Omaha, Neb. Taos. F. GODFREY, O. Philuppi, P. and T. A. A. G. F. and P. A. Mrs. C. A. Adams, Sixth and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb., writes: "I had la grippe and thea malaria, indigestion, a revere headache and blind and dizzy spells. Your Dr. Kay's Ranovator has cured me," Said by druggists at 25 cts. and II. Sherman & MoConnell Drug Co. Great Chance to Make Money. Mr. Editor: I wish -to tell others Of n surceH these hard timet. We had o many Urea and ao many valuables burned, b9tng out of a Jod, i aeciaea on MiunR me new family 11 re-proof Deposit Cane for storing deeda, acortgagea, notes, receipt, money and valuables. I ordered a sample family alte Trow me worm Mig. uo.. uoiumous, u. eoia Ix Ant day, right around home, at a proilt of t24. Laat week I n ade $U7. They are alee and ao cheap all can buy. The tlrm makes luminum gooa ana other gooa sellers ior agents. I shall make 11.000 clear thla winter aura. Reader, write the company for a job. J Ax JUA. Furniture bought, sold or exchanged by J. L. Cooper, 140H Dodge street M. DALEY, Merchant Tailor Guarantee a ' Ing cleaned dye 504 . lGlh St, -: OMAHA, NEB. CHRIST. HAM AN. Watciimater aid Jeweler, Fink Watch Repairing a Specialty , 612 South 18 Street OMAHA. NEB. Suits Made to Order. terfect St In all cases. 1 and remodeled. Cloth- shoes $100 Bicycle Given Away MAY 15. A Ticket With Every $1.00 Cash Purchase. 107 South Sixteenth. W.R. BENNETTM A REAL LIVE STORE "1I7HERE jou can get anything and everything you want new Merchandise, fresh, clean and wholesome, at lesa price than is paid for bankrupt job-lots elsewhere. Out of-Town Folks should write for our large, new Illustrated Catalogue, Mailed Free. WE SELiLi EVEfYTHlflG. We Carry Everything In this Line. FVUMTQC .fTtkTH $J rvfittfit Teeth ex tracted in the morn Ins and a new set made the same dav. Teeth extracted without pa n. DR. WITHERS, Dentist, fourth floor,' Brown Blk 16th & Douglas, okaha, net. END ME a sliver dime and I will send your name and address to over 30 of the leading patriotic and other reform papers, and you will re ceive sample copies of each for reading and distribution. J. H. Padgett, Ennls, Texas. MIXED HODSE PITS. Cook Stoves and Ranges. We have just received a splendid line of the latest improved Ra nges and Cook Stoves. All new, of the latest make designed for quick cooking, with great economy in coal. Best shaped oVqO. everything modern no back numbers, no job-lots thea owest" prices. Parties wanting the best Cook Stoves for the least money are invited to inspect our line. Visit Stove Department on Second Floor. W.R.BENNETT CO. I502-I2 Capitol Avenue. OMAHA, NEB. Do Ton Wish to Buy a Home) Write or call at Boom 5. 134 East Randolph street. If you wish to buy a home In Chicago or suburbs. You will thereby have an op portunity to deal with rlenas. Probate Notice. In the matter of the estate of John H. Mc- Alvtn, deceased: Notice Is herebv given, thst the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of said estate before me. County Judge of Douelae countv. Nebraska, at the county court room In said county, on the 7th day of mt. um. on the Ttn aav ot juiv. ihw, ana on the 15th day of Bepteaber, 1896, at 9 o'clock A. M. each dav. for the Duroose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment ana allowance, six montns are auowea ior the creditor to nresent their claims and one year for the administrator to settle said estate, from the 7th day of March, 18U6; this notice win be puDiisnea in ins American Tor lour weeks successively, prior to tne an a ay 01 may, wan. invinu r. vsAiiia, 3-13-4 County Judge Probate Notice. In the matter of the estate of Alice B. Salisbury, deceased: Notice Is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administra trix of said estate before me. County Judge of Douglas county. Nebraska, at the county court room In said county, on the 1st day of June, 18U6; on the 24th day of July, 18U6, and on the 1st day ot October, 1886. at 9 o'clock A. M each aav. tor the uamose or oresenttng their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims and one year for the administratrix to settle said estate, from theiDth day of March. 1896: this nonce win oe nuDiisnea in 1 hk ahbkiu.w for four weeks successively, prior to the 1st aay 01 june. isro. iKvinu IT. BAA1EH, 4-3-4 County Judge. Touug Mothers should early learn the necessity of keeping on hand a supply of Gall Bor den Eagle Brand Condensed Milk for nursing babies as well as for general cooking. It has stood the test for 30 years, and Its value Is recognized. What C A. Potter Says. Omaha, Neb., Aug. 31, 1895. The Howard Medicine Company. Gentle men; I desire to say to all who feel the strength of their manhood slowly slip ping away, whose ambition is at Its lowest ebb, whose mind is beclouded and the senses dulled, when you feel dyspeptic, and lose your 'self-respect that your blood Is out of order, and all you need is some of Howard's Vegetone lilood Powder to tone up your system. It will act almost instantly upon the blood; you will feel the-.renewed life and vigor coursing through your sys tem; you will feel the old-time grip in your hands; your mind will be as active as ever: your friends will observe the flag of health flying In your face, and you will feel like a new being. I have not felt so well for five years as I do since taking one packageof your Blood Powder, and I feel as strong nd active as ever. I weigh 15 pounds more than ever In my life. The change is so marked that it is the subject of com ment when meeting my friends. I recommend Howard s Vegetone Blood Powder to be, as I believe, the greatest blood-purifier on earth. C. A. POTTER. Chattel Mortgage Sale. Default having occurred In the conditions of a chattel mortgage executed and delivered to Geo. H. FUcbett by the News Publishing Co., ot Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, on the Zltt dav of October. 1895. (and by him assigned to A. Fitch) to secure the payment of one nromtssnrv note of same date for the sum of two hundred and ninety-five dollars fc$5.00), said note bearing interest thereon at ten per cent per annum until paia, ana there belns now due no said note three nun dred nine and 75-100 dollars (RWH.751, and there being no action at law to recover said sum, 1 will, therefore, sell at pumic aucuon at 514 south Fifteenth street. Omaha. Ne braska, at 10 o'clock a. m.. Friday, April 24, 1896, the property described la said mortgage as follows, to-wlt: Two hundred and fifty lbs. 8 pt. No. 13 body t.vnn: Ml lha. nt. Nn. tA hnrlv t.vne: 2 f ts. lit. bold face; 1 ft. each of 6, 8. 18, 24, 36 and 48 nt. Monarch; 25 lbs. 12 pt. Monarch; irt.eacn li, is, m ana m pt. r air; I n. eacn a. 19. in, , M and 48 nt. Orbit: 1 ft. each 8. 12. 18. 24. 30. 36 and 48 pt. La Salle; 1 ft. each 12. 18 and 36 nt. Cnnd. ziver: 2 fts. 8 nt. Gothic: 9 lbs. caps; 1 ft. embellishers, 1 ft. each word or naments, series 4 ana a, i reet eacn ooraers No. 108. 143 and 184 : 30 dashes. No. 215, 4a In face; 20 dashes. No. 254, H in faces 100 cross rules, No. 254, 13 ems; 30 lbs. 6 pt. slugs, 13 ems; 36 cross rules. No. 254, 27 ems; 6 cross rules. No. 254. 41 ems: 50 lbs. 2 Dt. leads, 13 ems: 64 18 Dt. toot slugs: 1 12H8 Job galley; 8 single and 1 double Deerinr galleys: 25 lbs, L. 8. S pt. leads; 35 lbs. L. 8. pt. slugs; 10 lbs. 2 pt. leads. 27 ems; ZS lbs 8 pt. slugs, 27 ems; 4 lbs. L. S. rule. No. 215; 2 pairs six col umn folio chases; 8 28x50 Imposing siones and frames; 2 lob stands. 12x12: 8 pairs news cases, 15 2 3 Italic cases; 16 Italic cases: 1 border ano. ornament case; 1 Harris ruie case. No. 1: 1 lead and slug case; 4 6x2H screw sticks; 1 12x2 Holding Standard Job stick; 1 composing rule: 1 makeup rule; 1 mallet; 1 planer; 1 proof planer; 1 shooting stick; 2 doz. Hempel quoins; 1 Hempel key. No. 1; assortment of furniture and reglet; 8 iinuir-'i v k3u GREAT . . ssa. WSWsl You can save from 15 to 25 per cent, on all cash purchases for the next thirty days. You get $5.00 Shoes for $3.50 1 You get $4.00 Shoes for $2.75 You get $3.00 Shoes lor sjz.iscu lougei fs.uu ouoea ior i.o loutns spis.uu onoes ior i.ou. Ladies' Shoes in the same proportionate prices. G. LANG, 718 So. Sixteenth St. AoAyww DOCTOR ENQLISH Remedy will step a cough in a night, check a cold la a day, and cor. consumption If taken la tim. If th. Uttl. ones hav. Cronp or W nooning conga, f t prvmpityi Cronp is a very fatal disease. Fully one halt cf those at tacked die. Th. great danger la in delay. Th. disease progresses so rapidly that th. loss of a tew hours n treatment is eftan fatal. Ackir'i English Rm DV will cure Croup, and it mhonld ml wmya be kept in the bona for emergencies. A tj cent bottle tnay aav. your child's life. Tar, stasst 85c, BOc, St. All Drag gists-, ACKER MEDICINE CO. IS -18 Chambers St., New York. A FARM LANDS FOR SALE. 480 acre ranch in western Nebraska, im proved ; also stock of goods, store building and elevator, horses, cattle and implements go with the ranch. Want Omaha property or Iowa lands; 700 acre farm, 26 miles from Omaha, the best stock and grain farm in Cass county; 640 acre ranch in Merrick county, Nebraska, well fenced and plenty living water, w uu per acre; lieu acre rancn In Wayne county, Nebraska well Improved, at a bargain; 1500 acres. In tracts to suit. In Merrick county, Nebraska, at S5.00 per acre; several quarters In Northeast Nebraska at from 13.00 to S5.03 per acre; Western Iowa farm lands. 1 500 acres. In a body, In Madison county, Missouri, at 11.50 per acre, this la fine land, and the timber alone Is worth five times the price; 1000 acres In a body In Mis souri, at S1.25 per acre, this is timber land, and for frutt cannot be surpassed ; 120 acre Improved farm, 65 acres In cultivation, house, barn, smoke-house, all out-bulldlngs. tine living spring at the door, and well fenced, two bearing orchards, price S600 cash takes this, worth three times the price; CO, 40, 30, 20, 10, 6 acre tracts adjoining the 8ity limits of the city of Omaha, where fruit and garden truck find a ready market. If you want a farm In this county, write us. Don't write unless you mean business. LYMAN WATERMAN, Real-Estate and Financial Agent. New York Life Building, Omaha, Neb. w After you have been lm p o s e d upon by traua- fts. 6Dt. and 3 fts. 8 nt. snaces and quads; I ft. DO pt. spaces ana quads; 6 lbs. each of 12, 18, 24. 36 and 48 pt. spaces and quads; 1 galley proof press; 4 wooden tables; 1 chalk plate oven with gas attachment; 1 pair postal ..ih Afm. M.tfl 1'Vmi r i book case: 1 revolving office chair; 1 newspaper rack and files, and 1 large Imposing stone with table for same. Omaha, Nebraska, April 3, 186. GEO. U FITCH ETT, Attorney, RE A MAN! - ulent concerns, blackmailers and give-somethlng-for-noth-Ing people, write us. Weakness of men re sulting from youthful Indiscretion, cured; also afl private diseases of any kind. We restore you to complete, vigorous manhood cure certaln-atlesscostthan by your local physician, and your trouble known to your self only. Send for diagnosis, free. We have the best treatment for Constipation. Piles and Catarrft Known to iueuicai art. Write, Home Treatment Company, KALAMAZOO, MICH. aCOLD MINE! ftantl ii. tAn pentjL rnln nr Rtamna. and we will send your name and address to IOO of the most popular papers In America. You will receive copies of each for reading and dis t.rihntinn cdcc in addition we send your name and address to 800 manufacturers who want agents. (Many have received per manent employment, as we have testimonials to show). You will receive samples of goods and other things too numerous to mention You get bushels of mall. Address, U. S. DIRECTORY CO.. 1043 Vaa Bursa Street, Chicago, AXTEDCanvassers for "America or Rome? Christ or the Pope?" The latest, most comdete. best illustrated ablest edited and fastest selling patriotic book in America. Exclusive territory given. For terms and' particulars, address The Loyal Publishing Co., Lock Box 166, TOLEDO, OHIO. We buy our dry goods of John Taylor. BARGAINS Persons wishing to SDeculate in Chicago real eitate who have money to Invest will do well to writ or call at Room 5, 124 East Randolph street, Chicago, 111., If they wish to deal with Friends. TEH PUS of the Congressional . . . RECORD Containing the debate on the Indian Schools Appropriation and Linton's Remarks on Marquette Statue, In pamphlet form, now ready to mail. One copy 5o, ten copies 40c, fifty copies $2.00, one hundred copies 13.80. Address CHASE ROYS, 631 P Street N, W., Washington, D. C