The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, April 03, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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5Uc U SraBmlkt DefeadaatA,
To Pboeba Babaora Elisabeth Elwlaa Ua
toa. Adolubu tradartck Liaioa. her fcua
band; Jobs alarria. Ulia Morrl aad
Frank Crop. Co-partner, doing biulneaa as
Atbunt. Murri. Crl.p Company; J oh a
V bltlaker Ooopa ana William laaaC (bud
ud J aha stoma, aoa-mudac I defendant. :
Vou ara hereby otirie4 that oa to ih
day ot March. Waiter K. kerler. p.aln
Uf BrrrlD. kied hi petition la Lba dtatrict
court o( IkHiKlaa county. Nebraaaa, agaluat
Fboeb Kebeccn fclUabeth fclwiaa Linuia.
Aaulphu r.sderlc Linton, bar huaband;
Juba Morr a. William Murria and Frank
t'rl.p, eo-partner doing bustaewa. Aahur.l,
Murria, Crup at vompaay; Jha Walttakrr
( oo per and William Isaac ebard aad John
Morria, tba object aad prayar ot which ara
to forecloa too certain tai cerUBcaU).
datd Nuveanber 1 lib. a.oa tba rral ae
tata described aa folio a a. situated la Doug
la county. Nebraska, to-all:
Lot eitiut tsi. block one hundred aad ntnety
aevea (In), aad lot seven (Ti, block one hu
bundrad aad tinwr-wno tlKt, city of
U ui aba, said certlncate bring Buaberwd
441 aad 410 respectively; there ia no due
upoaaaldlot eluhtiai. block ooe hundred aad
Blnely-arvea (17, tba um of lour aunurec
and seventeen dollar itl7 0ui, and upon tot
even . block oaa hundred and fclnrty
aeven I1V7), tba aum of three hundr d aud
aeventy-to aad iJ-luU dollar .C!-2) to
gether with Interval upon each of aald
amounts from February ird. lw at tba rate
of tea (Wi per cent per annum, together with
an attorney' faa amounting to tea (101 per
cent of th de-rea and ail coat, for wh.ib
amount plaintiff prays for a decree tbat the
defendants be required to pay the same, and
tbat In default thereof said premise may
be sold to satisfy lbs amount found due, and
that thereafter the defendant be debarred
from all interest In said real estate.
Vou are required to answer aald petition
on or before tue 4th day of May. Irtl
Dated Omaha. Nebraska, March 2Tth,189S.
By "sunders Macfarland, hi attorney.
Doc. 55: Mo.1;.
Special Master Commissioner' Sale.
Under and by virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage issued out
of the district court for Douglas county, Ne
braska, and to me directed, I will, on the 7th
day of April, A. D. lHtti, at one o'clock p.
M. of said day, at the north front door of the
county court house. In the cl.y of Omaha.
Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder far cash, the
property described In laid order of sale aa
follows, to-wit:
Let seven (7), block Ave (M. In Tbornberg
Place, an addition to the city of Omaha, a
aurveyed. pla ted and recorded, all In Doug
las county, state of Nebraska,
&td property to be sold to satisfy Mary Q.
Nichols, plaintiff herein, the sum of one
thousand one hundred twenty-tWe dollars
tl.U!S.uo Judgment, with Interest tbereon at
rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from May
o, 1M.
To satisfy the sum of twenty-three and
18-100 dollars ifcM.ld! costs herein, together
with accruing cost, according to a Judgment
rendered by the DlNtrlct Court of said Doug
la county, at It May term, A, D. 1KH5, In a
certain action then and there pending
wherein Mary O. Nichols was plaintiff, and
Jessie W. Noble and other were defendant.
Omaha, Nebraska, March . 1W5
Special Master Commissioner.
P. B, Tiffany, attorney.
Nichols vs. Noble. Doc. 47; No. 140. 3-8-5
Special Master Commissioner's Sale.
Under and by virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage issued out
of the district court for Douglas county.
State ot Nebraska, and to me directed, I
will, on the 7th day of April, A. D. 1MW. at
ten o'clock A. u. of said day, at the EAST
front door of the County Court-house, In the
city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska,
ell at public auction to the highest bidder
for cash, the property described In said order
of (ale aa follows, to-wit:
The south forty-one (411 feet of lot number
four (4), In block number thirteen (13). In Im
provement Amoclation Addition to the city
of Omaha, as aurveyed, platted and re
corded, together alth all and singular the
hereditament and appurtenances ther -unto
belonging, all situated In the county ot
Douglas, and state of Nebraska.
Bald property to be sold to satisfy Sarah A.
Havemeyer, plaintiff herein. In the sum of
thirteen hundred one and 30-100 dollar
($1301.30). with Interest on twelve hundred
dollars ($1200) at' ven (7) percent per annum
from Ma 7th, 1894, and o i one hundred one
and 30-100 dilla: (1101.30) at ten (10) per cent
per annum from same date.
To satisfy O. F. Davis Company In the sum
of axty and 40-100 dollar (Kio.40) and Interest
at-tea (10) per cent per annum from May 7,
To satisfy the sum of thtr.y-two and 78-100
dollars $Q.78) costs herein, together with ac
cruing cost according to a Judgment ren
dered by the district court of said Douglas
county, at Its May term, A. D. 1MM, In a cer
tain action then and there pending wherein
Sarah A. Havemeyer was plulntlff. and John
Jaros andothe were defendant.
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, March 5th, A.
D. im.
Special Master Commissioner.
Dexter L. Thomas, attorney for plaintiff.
Havemeyer vs. Jaros, et al.
Doc. 44; No. 270. 3-6 5
Special Master Commissioner's Sale.
Under and by virtue of an order of sael on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out
of tbe district court tor Douglas county,
state of Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will,
on the 7th day of April, A. D 18U6, at one
o'clock p. M. of said day, at the EAST front
door of the county court house. In the city
of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder for cash,
the property described In said order of sale
as follows, to-wit:
Lot six (6). block eight (8), In Par ker' Ad
dition to the city of Omaha, Doug. as county,
Said property to be sold to satisfy H. J.
Twintlng, plaintiff herein, tbe sum of one
hundred twenty-nine and 10-100 dollars
(1 129.10), with Interest tbereon at rate of ten
(101 per cent per annum from May 6th, 1895,
and attorney's foes amounting to twelve and
91-1C0 dollars (112.911.
To satisfy Harriet C. Ballou. defendant
herein, the sum of eight hundred and thirty
three dollars ($833.00), with Interest thereon
from May 6th, 1895, at rate of ten (10) per cent
per annum
To satisfy costs In the sum of sixty-one
and 48-100 dollars (ffil.48), together with ac
crulng costs according to a judgment ren
dered by the district court of said Douglas
county, at it May term. A. D. 1895, In a cer
tain action then and there pending wherein
H. J. Twintlng was plaintiff, and Thomas
Campbell and Mrs. Campbell, his
wife, Everett O. Ballou and Harriet C. Bal
lou were defendants.
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, March 6th, A.
D. Ib9t).
Special Master Commissioner.
Saunders & Macfarland, attorneys for plain
tiff. Twintlng vs. Campbell. Doc. 44 ; No. 373.
- Sotice to Jfon-Resident Defendant.
To Phoebe Rebecca Elizabeth Elwina Linton,
Adolphu Frederick Linton, her husband.
John Morris, William Morris and Frank
Crisp co-partners doing business as Ashuret,
Morris Crisp & Company. John Whittaker
Cooper and William Isaac Shard, non-resident
You are hereby notified tbat on the 26th
day of January, 1896, Walter E. Keeler, plain
tiff herein, tiled his petition In the District
Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, against
Phoebe Rebecca Elizabeth Elwina Linton,
Adolpbus Frederick Linton, her husband.
John Morris, William Morris and Frank
Crisp, co-partners doing business as Ashurst,
Crisp and Company, John Wbittaker Cooper,
and Wllilam Isaac Shard, the object and
prayer of which Is to foreclose two certain
tax certificates, dated November 13th, 1893,
upon the real estate described as follows,
situated in Douglas county. Nebraska, to
wit: Lot four (4), in block one hundred and
thirty-four (134), and lot five (a) in block one
hundred and sixty-four (164) City of Omaha,
said certificates being numbered 383 and 413
respectively; there Ik now due upon said lot
four (4), block one hundred and thirty-four
(134) the sum of one thousand eight hundred
fifty-four and 86-100 dollars and upon lot five
(5) block one hundred and sixty-four (1(H) the
sum of eight hundred and forty-nine and
22-100 dollars, together with interest upon
each of said amounts from February 3d, 1896,
at the rate of ten (101 per cent, per annum to
gether with an attorney's fee amounting to
ten percent, of the decree and all costs, for
which amount plaintiff prays for a decree
that the defendants be required to pay the
same, and that In default t hereof said prem
ises may be sold to satisfy the amount found
due and thereafter the defendants be de
barred from all Interest In said real estate.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 4thday of May, 1896.
Dated Omaha.Nebraska, March 27th 1896.
By Saunders & M actarlamu, his Attorneys.
Doc. 55. No. 179. 3-27-4
Special Master Cataiitiri Sale.
Fader aad by virtu ot mm order of sals oa
decree of forerloauie of Mrta hawed out
of ta Dlatrk-I Court tor Douglas county,
Nebraaka, aad to b dtrU-wd, I will, oa br
lh day of AprU. A. D. ltuav at one o'clock
p. at. of raid day, at to nun front door of
the rouaty court bouam. la th city of Omaha,
Douglas couaty. Nebraska, aril at public
auction to tha hlgkeat bidder fur cah tha
property described la aald oruar of aal aa
tullowa t -wit:
1 ha eaat oaa-half (l of lot twenty-all
In H. K. Kocvr' Okahoma. aa addiuoa to the
cly of Omaha. Douglas county. Nebraska.
To satisfy Mr, fc. A. Proughly. defendant,
the sum of tblrf y-two hundred utaeteea and
S-i) dollars i$!l5i. with Interval a pr
vtdrd la aald decree, front February 4th. liaA.
which aniouat is a tntt lien upon tha Borth
thirty-three Oil feet of tha eat osa-half (Hi
of aald l' twenty all (Mi.
Toaatlafy Klltabeth M. Illggln. defendant,
the sum of forty two hundred alnety-lwo
and 71 100 dollar tUSU ti. wth Internet
tbereon aa provided In aald a ec re. from Feb
ruary 4 h. 1M wnlch Is a first Ilea upoa th
m B siity-alx (ntii feet ot th aorib ninety
nln ii fee' of tbe east oaa half iV of aald
lot iweoiy-alx (2tfi.
ToaattHf Parke Godwin. Executor of the
rstataof ranny Bryant Oodwtn, defendant,
deceased, th aum of twentv-one hundred
foriy-slx and Sri.iuo dollars i$L'14d.aii, with In
terest aa provided In said decree, from Feb
ruary 4lb, 14 which amount I a first Hen
upon the north thirty-three 33 feet of the
south one hundred thirty-one lull feet of the
rast one-half i m at said lot twenty-six
To satisfy James Tbomaen. defendant, th
sura if twenty-one hundred forty-all and
36-1U) dollars t'l4 i, with Interest a pro
vided In aald decree from February 4th.
IwtV which amount 1 a Brat lien upon tha
north thirty three (ill feet ot tbe south
ninety-eight (98 1 teet of th east one-half (SI
of said lot twenty-six (JOi.
Tosat'sfy Julia S. Bryant, defendant, tbe
sum of twenty-six hundred eighty-two and
96-lin dollar i$Jsi9i, with interest aa pro
vided In aald decree, from February 4th.
I89&. which amount 1 a nrt Hen upon the
south slxty-tlve t65 feet of th east one halt
(Si of sild lot twenty-six (2b).
To satisfy Charles . Bate. Trustee, plain
tiff herein, the cum of seven hundred sixty
and W5-1U0 dollars ($76095), with interest at
eight (81 per cent per annum from rebruary
4ta. 1895, which amount 1 a secend lie upon
each and all of tbe above described prop
erties, and subject to tha liens of the various
defendants heretofore enumerated.
To satisfy tbe sum of fifty-seven and 98-100
dollars iVif.W) costs, together with accruing
costs, according to a Judgment rendered by
tbe district court of aald Douglas county, Ne
braska, at It February term. 1895, In a cer
tain action then and there pr-ndlng, wherein
Charles E. Bate was plaintiff and Charles 8.
Elgutter and other were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska, March 27tb. IS'D.
Special Master Commissioner.
Renlamln F.Thomas, attornev.
Bate v. Elgutter. Do;. 46; No. 94. 3-27-5
Special Master Commissioner's Sale.
Under and by virtue of an alia order of
sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Is
sued out ot the district court for Douglas
county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will,
on the 23rd day of April, A. D. 1896, atone
o'clock p. m of said day, at the north front
door of the county court house. In th city of
Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at
public auction to tbe highest bidder for
cash, tbe property described In said order of
ale follows, to-wlt:
The north one-half of a strip of land com
mencing at a point on the east line of La
fayette or Twentieth streetone bund ed and
fifty (150) feet south of the northwest corner
of lot sixty-two (62) In 8. E. Rogers' plat of
Okahoma, thence east one hundred and
thir-ttve feet more or less to a point on
the east line of Vinton street one hundred
and liltv (150) feet more or less In a south
westerly direction from the northeast corner
oi said west line oi vinton street nuy i.tu?
feet more or less, thence west one hundred
and twelve (112) feet more or less to the east
line of Lafayette or Twentieth street, thence
north along tbe east line of said Lafayette
or Twentieth street flfiy (50) feet to place
ot beginning, all In the city of Omaha, Doug
ins county, state of Nebraska, subject to one
ft rst mortgage of tl ve b und red dol ars (500 00),
In favor of The Mutual investment Com
pany. eald property to be sold to satisfy tbe Mu
tual Investment Company, plaintiff herein,
the sum of one hundred nineteen and 84-100
dollars ($119.84) Judgment, with Interest
thereon at rate of ten (10) percent per an
num from February 5th, 1895.
To satisfy the sum of twenty-two and 93 100
dollars ($22.93) costs herein, together with ac
cruing costs, according to a Judgment ren
dered by the district court of said Douglas
county, at Its February term. A. D. 1895, In
a certain action then and there pending,
wherein The Mutual investment Com
pany was plaintiff, and Caroline Nelson and
others were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska, March 18, 1890
Special Master Commissioner
W. n. Russell, attorney.
Mutual Inv Co. vs. Nelson.
Doc. 46. No. 102. - 3-20-5
Special Master Commissioner's Sale.
Under and by virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out
of the district court for Douglas county,
state of Nebraska, and to me directed, I will,
on the 7th day of April, A D. 18. at ene
o'clock p. M. of said day, at the EAST frott
door of the county court house, In tbe city
of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder for
cash, the property described In said order of
sale, a follows, to-wlt:
Lot two (2) in block six (6) In Parker's Ad
dition to tue city of Omaha, Douglas county,
Said property to be sold to satisfy P. L.
Johnson, defendant herein, the sum of seven
hundred thirty-two and 04-100 dollars
($732.04), with Interest thereon from May 6th,
1895, at the rate of ten (10) per cent per
To satisfy Hollls R. Bailey, Executor of the
last will and testament ot Charles H. Bell,
deceased, plaintiff herein, the sum of eleven
thousand six hundred eighty-three and 39 100
dollar ($11,683 39), with interest thereon from
May 6th, 1895, at the rate ot ten (10) per cent
per annum.
To satisfy the German Savings Bank of
Omaha. Nebraska, defendant herein, the
sum of ten hundred forty-one and 66-100 dol
lars ($1041.66), with interest thereon at the
rate of ten (10) per cent from April 12, 1892.
To satisfy the American National Bank of
Omaha, Nebraska, tbe sum of twenty-one
hundred Hlty-one and 17-100 dollars ($2151.17).
with Interest thereon from a ay 7th, 1894, at
the rate of ten (10) per cent per annum.
To satisfy cosis herein In the sum of one
hundred eleven and 43-100 dollars ($111.43),
together with accruing costs accordlLg to a
Judgment rendered by the district court of
said Douglas county, at Its May term, A. D.
1895, In a certain action then and there pend
ing wherein Hollls it. Bailey, Executor of
the last will and testament of Charles h.
Bell, deceased was plaintiff, and Charles T.
Taylor, Catherine Taylor, P. L. Johnson, Ed
ward C. Prltcbett Nebraska Savings and
Exchange bank, German Savings Bank,
Hatch Lauman, Thomas Mulvihill, J. W.
Brock, William W. Lowe, American National
Bank of Omaha, Hugh M. McCaffrey and
Charles J. Westerfield, were defendants.
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, March 6, A.
D. 1896.
Special Master Commissioner.
Saunders & Macfarland, attorneys for plain
tiff. Bailey, Ex., vs, Taylor. Doc. 44; No. 350.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an execution on transcript
issued out of the district court of Douglas
county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I have
levied upon the following described property
of Charles J. Read and Mazilvah Read, to
wlt: Lot uumber one (1) In blosk "L," Lowe's
Addition to the city of Omaha, as surveyed,
platted and recorded, all In Douglas county,
of state Nebraska.
And I will, on the 7th day of April, A. D.
1896, at ten o'clock A. M. of said day, at tbe
EAST front door of the county court house.
In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne
braska, sell at public auction the property
above described, to satisfy Elizabeth H.
Abbott, plaintiff herein, the sum of eighty
and 22-100 dollars ($80.22) damages, and nine
teen and 70-100 dollars ($19.70) costs of suit,
which by the judgment of Kben K. Long,
Justice of the Peace in and for said county,
on tbe 14th day of January, 1896 (a transcript
of which Judgment was on the I.'nh day of
January, 1HI. duly filed and docketed In the
district court within and for said county)
Elizabeth H. Abbot recovered against the
said Charles J. Read and Mazilvah Read
with Interest thereon at the rate of ten (10)
per cent per annum from the 14th day of
January, A. D. 1896, until paid; and also the
further sum of ninety-live cents (95 c). the
costs of Increase on said judgment, and the
accriing costs hereon.
Omaha, Nebraska. March 6, 1896.
john w. Mcdonald,
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
W. H. Russell, attorney.
Elizabeth H. Abbott vs. Chas. J. Read, et al.
Ex. Doc. V; No. 229. 3-ft-S
Sarifra Sale.
By virtu of two etecutloat laaurd out nf
the district court of Douglas couaty. Ne
braska, and to dlrwte-4. I ha levied
upoa th follow! described property ot
Georg F. MngBI , famuel II. Jotinaoa. M.J.
Harua. Lorewao B. W Itlaat aad K at tonal
Bank of tuaaaaerre, to-wlt:
All that tract or parrel of land altuated la
lot three ii In Capitol Addition to the city of
Omaha, aa surveyed, platted aad reordiHl.
la the rouaty of Douglas aad .tale of Ne
braska, described by met aad bound a
follow, to-wit: uaitiiea'lag at a point
143 feeteoulh of th nrth-rat corner of
lot three till la Capitol Addition to the city of
Omaha, a aurveyed. platted and recorded,
thence runnleg west feet, thence aoulh
191 7 feet, aur or leas, to the nor a line of
Douglas atreei. tbroo eaat ZM feet, theace
north along th raat line t aald lot three ui
1V1.I feeu la or or lean, lo said place ot be
ginning. Alao all th at tract or . arcel of land situated
In lot two (2i la Capitol Addition U th city tted and recorded.
In the county of louglaa aad state of Ne
braska, deacrlbed by mete and bound aa
follow, to-wlt: Commencing at a point
1441 feet south of the north-weal corner ot
aald lot two (2) la Capitol Addltloa to th
City of Omaha, aa aurveyed. platted and re
Corded, thence running east H3-S feet, thence
south 191.7 feet, more or lea, to the north
line of Douglas street, them- west M S feet,
thence north ltd. 7 feet, wore or lea, to aald
place of beginning.
And 1 will, on th lh day of April, A. D.
196. at 10 o'clock A. M. of aald day, at th
KAST frontdoor of the county court ho'ise,
la the city of utiiaha, Douglas county. Ne
braska, cell at puhllo auction to tbe high
est bidder for cash, th property above
described, lo satlafy The Midland Mate
Bank, plaintiff herein, lb sum of seven
thousand three 1 und red and twelve and
67-100 dollar ($7.31167) (lea the sum of six
thousand and forty-seven and 62-100 dollar
($6,047.62) with Intere.i thereon from the 2s Lh
day of Ilecember, 1895, made on aald Judg
ment on aald date) accordlrg to a Judgment
rendered agalnat laid tieorg F Wright,
Samuel R. Johnson. M. J. Burns, Lorei u B.
William and National Bank of Commerce,
defendants herein.
Alao to satisfy the National Bank of Com
merce, plaintiff herein, th sum of twelve
hundred and eight and 84 1U0 dollar ($1208 Ml,
recovered against the said Samuel K. Jotn
soa. Oeorge F. Wright, M. J. Burns and
Lorenzo B. Williams, defendant herein. with
Interest tbereon at the rate of ten (10) per
cent per annum from the 9ib day of slay, A.
D. 1892, unt I paid; and also the further aum
of etgbty-nve dollars and ninety-three cents
($85.93). the cost and Increase cos is on said
judgment, and tne accruing cots according
to a judgment rendered by the district court
of said Douglas county at Its M.y term, A.
D. 1892.
Omaha, Nebraska. March il. 1896.
john w. Mcdonald
Sheriff of Douglas county, Nebraska,
E. 3. Cornish, attorney.
Midland Slat Bank vs. George F. Wright,
et al.
National Bank of Commerce v. Oeorge F.
Wright, et al.
Doc.28; No. V6-75. 8-27-5
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants
In tbe district court of Douglas county,
Nebraska. Elisabeth H. Abtiott. plaintiff, v.
John B. Sutton, et al., defendants.
To John H. Sutton. Catherine Sutton, non
resident defenoants:
You aie hereby notified that on the 14th day
of March. 1896. Elizabeth H. Abbott, plaintiff
herein, filed her petition in the a' ove en
titled cause, in the district court of Douglas
county, Nebraska, against you and each of
you, the object and prayer of which 1 to
foreclose a certain mortgage executed on
the 10th day of October, 1892, by John B. Sut
ton snd Catherine Sutton, upon the prop
erty described a follow, situated in the
county of Douglas and state tf Nebraska,
The east twenty-two (22) feet In width of
lot eight (8) In block seventy -one (71) In the
city of Omaha, aa surveyed and litho
graphed, to secure tbe payment of th mort
gage bond signed by John B. Sutton and
Catherine Sutton, with the Interest coupons
attached, for the sum ot twelve hundred
dollars ($1200.00), due and payable October
1st, 1897; that there 1 now due and payable
on said bond the sum of twelve hundred dol
lar ($1200.00) with Interest according to the
tenor thereof from tbe 1st day of April,
1894, for which sum, with Interest and costs,
plaintiff pray for a decree that the de
fendant be required to pay the same, and
tbat In default of such payment said prem
ises may be sold to satUfy tbe amount
found due; the plaintiff li the legal owner
and holder of said bond and mortgage.
You are requhed to answer said p.tltioa
on jr before the 27 th day of April. 1896.
Dated at Omaha. Nebraska. March 20, 1896.
By W. H. Russell, attorney for plaintiff
Abbott vs. Sutton. Doc 55; No. 113. 3-20 4
Special Master Commissioner's Sale.
Under and by virtue of an alias order of
sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Is
sued out of the district court for Douglas
county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will,
on the 23rd day of April, A. D. 1896, at one
o'clock p. M. of said day, at tbe north front
door of tbe county court house. In the city
ot Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell
at public auction to the highest bidder for
cash, the property described In said order of
sale as follows to-wlt:
Lou tbree (3), four (4) and five (5) In block
six (6), and the east half of loti nine (9) and
ten (10), and all of lots eleven (11) and twelve
(12), in block three (3), In Central Park Ad
dition to the city of Omaha, as surveyed,
platted ano recorded, all In Douglas county,
state of Nebraska, subject to two mortgages
of nine hundred dollars ($9110.00) each. In
favor of The Mutual Investme' t Company.
Said property to be fold to satisfy The
Mutual Investment Company, pliintlff
herein, the gum of one hundred thirteen and
23-100 dollars ($113.23) judgment, with Interest
thereon at rate ot eight i8) per cent per an
num from February 4, 1895.
Tosattsfv the sum of thirty-one and 28-100
dollars ($31.28) costs herein, together with ac
cruing costs, according to a judgment ren
dered by the district court of said Douglas
county, at Its February term. A. D. 1895, la a
certain action then and there pending,
wherein Tbe Mutual Investment Company
was plaintiff, and Egbert E, trench and
others were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska, March 18, A. D. 1896
Special Master Commissioner.
W. H. Russell, attorney.
Mutual Inv. Co. vs. French, et al.
Doc. 47; No 138 3-20 5
Notice to Non-Resident Defendant.
To Walter L. Brockman, non-resident de
fendant: You are hereby notified tbat on the 16th
day of March, 1896, Anna M. Roberts, plain
tiff herein, filed her petition In the above en
titled cause. In tbe district court of Douglas
couuty, Nebraska, against Walter J,. Brock
man and John Koder, tbe object and prayer
of which Is to foreclose a certain real estate
mortgage executed on the 6th day of May,
1896, by Walter L. Brockman (widower) upon
tbe property described as follows:
L-jU eleven (11) and twelve (12) in block
nineteen (19) In Walnut Hill, an addition to
the city of Omaha, In Douglas county, Ne
braska, as surveyed, platted and recorded,
to secure the payment of his promissory
note, with Interest coupons attached, for the
sum of nine hunded dollars ($900 00). due and
payable May 1st, 1896; that there is now
uue and payable on said note the sum of nine
hundred dollars ($900.00). with Interest at the
rate of seven (7) per cent per annum from
the 1st day of May. 1895, for which sum, with
Interest from May 1st, 1895, plaintiff prays
for a decree that the defendant pay tne
same, and tbat In default of such payment
said premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount found due; said petition also prays
for the appointment of a receiver to collect
the rents and profits arising from said prem
ises pendente lite uoon the grounds that
said property is lnsiilllciint to pay plaintiff's
claim, that the same Is being wasted, and
that you are insolvent.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before tue 27th day of April. 1896.
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska. March 20. 1896.
By V. O. Strlckler, attorney for plaintiff.
Probate Notice.
In tbe matter of the estate of Ole Oleson,
deceased :
Notice 19 hereby given, that the creditors
of said deceased will meet the administrator
of said estate before me. County Judge of
Douglas county, Nebraska, at the county
court room In said county, on the 25tn day
of May, IS'.li; on tho 21st day of Julv, 1896.
and on the 25th day of September, l(?si. at 9
o'clock A. m. each day, for the purpose of
presenting their claims for examination,
adjustment and allowance. Six months are
allowed for the creditors to present their
claims and one year for the administrator to
settle said estate, from the 25th day of
March, 1896; this notice will be published In
The American for four weeks successively,
prior to tbe Soth day of May, 1896.
3-27-4 County Judge.
Of my
One of
My Creat
Month of
Read the following convinc
ing testimonial from two
prominent Omaha Citizens:
Judge Isaac P. Hascall and R P. William
have this toaay. We consider Dr. U. Oee Wo
of 519 North 16th St. Omaha. Neb., one of th
beat phy.lclana la the city for th following
reason.: Four year ago our daughter be
cane very nervoua and at time elck and
unable to control heraelf. We doctored with
and pon.ulted nine of tr e leading physician gradually grew worse,
until on the 7th of October, IHW5 ah was at
tacked with spasms. She waa Uncnnclou
and delirious for week following th attack,
and at a consultation of physicians they
agreed that she could not get well. Wthen
employed Dr.C. Oee Wo, and the patient be
gan to Improve at once, and In a remarkably
short time waa up. She I feeling better
than .he has for a long time. She is Improv
ing every day and bids fair to get entirely
well. R. P. William. Father,
Isaac 8. IIamcall, near Relative.
210 S. I3tb 8U
Ex-Conktabi.e S. B. Clark, office 319 fMUh
s .says: I can't say too much for Dr. C.
O.'Wo. My little boy and girl bad dyptharl
and other physician, aald they could not re
cover. I then called In Dr. O. Oee Wo, and
In lea than 24 hour they were out of danger.
He six cured myself of Lagrlpp and gen
eral debility, aid my wife of Inflammation of
the bowels and female weakness, from which
she bad suffered many years. I can't thank
him enough for what he ha don in my
family. S. B. Clahk and Win.
Mils. B. A. DrtOAT, 191$ Clark St Heart
trouble and nervous dlblllty of many years
JtiHH rlKOOK, 524 N. 18th St.--Of sprained
back, liver and kidney trouble of three years
landing. Is now a well man.
Mas. Anna Pakk. 2100 S. 13th St Cured of
spasms and female weakness of seven year
Fhank Hoi.n. Schuyler. Neb. Cured of
rheumatism of one year's standing, and was
given up ii Incurable.
Consultation Kkx Bend let stamp for
book and question blank. Anyone wanting
advice can write to above addresses or call
upon DH. C. OEE WO, 619 N. lttth St. Omaha.
United States of Ameriea.
Minneapolis, Minn.
KOBT. W. JOHNSTON, Supreme Secretary,
Troy, New York
1615 Howard Street. Omaha, Neb..
Organiser for departmentof Nebraska, Iowa,
Kansas, Missouri and Colorado.
On behalf ot the Loyal Orange Lodge ot
th United Btate of America, and with m
view ot correcting the false Impression that
enemies are endeavorlag to convey to th
minds of men who are unacquainted with
Orange principle, are these few statement
Tbe Loyal Orange Institution I a brother
hood and sisterhood, bound by tbree ties
Justice, Truth and Righteousness.
It ha no hidden alma
It 1 Fraternal and Benevolent assisting
and protecting members while living and
their widow and orphans when they ara re
moved by death.
It uphold the right of private Judgment
the untrammelled freedom of opinion) be
lieve the public schools are an essential
safeguard of the state, and should be kept
free from ecclesiastical or sectarian control
and that persons disloyal to the government
who hold a mental allegiance to the pope
ot Borne should be rigorously excluded from
teaching therein.
It believe primary allegiance 1 due to
the government which protect the lives,
liberties and properties of it cltliens, and
that ecclesiastical authority should not'
under any circumstances, be permitted to
meddle in tbe affairs of state, and that coer
cion of acltlien In the exercise of bis or her
right of franchise, under the guise of relig
ious or spiritual authority should be pun
ished as a crime against tbe state.
That It 1 the duty of every citlien to de
fend the lawfully constituted authority and
Institution of our country against corrupt
and Inimical Influence, a well a against
armed assailant, to the end that our glori
ous freedom be protected and transmitted
unimpaired to posterity.
It encourage habit of frugality and In
dustry amenglt member, and is proud to
bout that Orangemen seldom become a
public charge or accept pauper bread.
It believe In the restriction of immigra
tion m the extension of time for the natur
alliai.on of cltliens, and that the public
and (ball be held for actual American cltl
iens who become settlers.
The Loyal Orange institution of the
United States of America has certain
requirement for membership:
That a man shall be an actual American
cltlsen, having complied with the laws of the
United States with regard to naturalisation,
and without a mental reservation.
That the applicant shall be a Protestant,
and also that hi parent and wife shall be
Tbat he (hall be thrifty and successful Id
his business; honorable and truthful In hi
dealing with bis fellowman. and shall be
known a a law-abiding cltlsen.
That be will endeavor to give hi children
or any children under his charge at least a
good common school education, being care
ful to avoid all popish doctrines, and
That he shall be In sound health at tbe
time of making application.
It makes no difference where a man was
born, so long as be meet tbe foregoln
These are the qualifications required
every applicant to the order, and we do not
think that any patriotic American order can
otter a better array of principle and teachings
Grand Orarg- Lodge of Illinois.
OUcrr for iA.
Chartered according to th law of th
atate the 34th day of liecember. I mil Meet
taie toe itim day ot iHM-ember. I mil
annually oa the tret Tueaday In May.
place of tueeuaa .hall be determinx
vol of th grand lodge be for adjourn
ned by
William Howe. Uraad Maater, lWlh St.,
Ouudhand Seebury, Deputy Grand Maater,
Chlcag .
William 1. Cooke. Uraad Secretary. 47J Ar
mour aveoue, Chicago.
W. Ileaelahweid.orand Treasurer Chlra.n.
Jauiee Hamilton, tiraod Chaplain, Jolici.
i. C. Durbla, Grand Lecturer, Uraad t'ros-
amea Duncan. Director of Ceremoniea.
W. Kltarop. Grand la.lde Tyler. Koaeland.
Wllllau Armatrong, Oraad Outalde Tyler,
Dr. H P. Reynold.. A rtnour iKxinan, Samuel
Caldwell. Orand 1 ruateea.
J. C. Durblu. Orand Organiser, Orand
Prince of Orange District No. 12.
Organised IKTV. Meeting are held la th
month, of January, April, July and October.
Election of officer at th April ninetln(
The lodge shall, from lime lo time. Ill It ow
Slace of meeting, and meet a often aa It
eetu neceaaary.
Officer, for Itftj.
J. H. Thompson, W. Dlatrlct Muter, SIM
Wth Street.
W. I lew art, Dlatrlct Secretary, M40 Union
Subordinate Lodges,
Annual meetings for the election of officer
lc., to be held In th month of March.
Freedom L. O. L., No. 14, meet on the Brat
and third Saturdays ot each month at Ma
sonic hall, corner Forty -fourth and llalated
sts. William I K' wart, W. M..AA40 Union Av.i
S. P. Caaaeila, Sec'y, 18 Wallace St.
Chicago True Blue, L. O. L., No. 87, meet
on the second and fourth Saturdays of each
month at 77X South llalated street. Robert
F. Brown, W. M., residence, l.MI Oak wood
Boulevard; ll.Reld, Secretary, 'Mil Dverlug
Abraham Lincoln. L.O.I,., No. 81, meet
every second aud fourth Mondays at hall,
aolit Archer avenue. C. II. Cboutta, W. M.
R. J. Miller, Secretary, 2H&3 Archer Avenue.
American L. O. L,No. 13s, meet on th
second and fourth Wednesday of each
month at Brown' hall, corner Forty-seventh
and State elreeta. William J. Cooke, W. M.,
47i Armour A venue; James Newell, Secre
tary, 4000 Champlaln avenu.
Fort Dearborn L. O. I. , No. 22. meet on tbe
second and fourth Wednesdays of each
month at their hall 20th st. and 4-od Court.
F. F. CanltT, W. M . M W. 43rd avenue. H.
V. Mlskelly, Bed 3001 S. W. 41st St., Station V.
Lincoln District No. 27.
Otllcersfor 1800.
William Ruaaell, W. District Master, 641
Bawyer Avenue.
Henry Kruse, District Becretary, 062 Wells
Subordinate Lodges.
Reynolds Union Guards L. O, L No. SO.
meet on the Unit and third Saturday of
each month at hall. R. Madison street.
S O. McUarroll, W. M., 1413 Masonic Templet
Wm, Wright, Secretary, 71 Aberdeen St.
Arthur L. O. L., No, M, meet on theiecond
and fourth Wednesdays of each month at
,...11 k V . . . . V. f 'I. .1. -.., limn..... u .. ... ..
nle.W.M.; J. 11. Kruse, Secretary, Mtt Well
C. B. Grant L. O. L No. IM, meet on th
first and third Wednesdays of each month at
Van Buren hall, corner Madison and Cali
fornia avenue. William Warrick, W. M.; W.
Olllesple, tecretary, good Monroe Street.
Guiding Star L. O. L., No. IA0, meet on th
Srstand third Saturdays of each month at
ball, N. E. corner Madison and 11 aisled st.
L. 11. Fuller. W. M 34H italden Avenue; Wm.
Russell, Secretary, 64 1 Sawyer Avenue.
Hyde Park District No. 28.
Officers for IM.
Wm. McElroy, W. District Master, 7301
Storms Avenue.
R. T. Derby. Dlatrlct Becretary, 4314 Cot
tage Urove Avenue.
Subordinate Lodges.
Roseland 'true niues,L. O. L., No. 41. meet
on the Una and third Saturdays of each
month at Vandersyde hall, corner Michigan
avenue and llllh street. Robert Lowery, W
M., Box lilU, Pullman, 111.; James Duncan,
Box HI. Pullman, HI.
Columbia L. O. L., No. 163, meet on th
second and fourth Saturdays of each month
at Pusey's hall. S. E. corner Seventy-fifth
street and Urexel boulevard. Jas. McMasters.
W. M., Box il. Station H, Chicago; U. K. Ham
mond, Secretary, Box 31. Station R, Chicago.
Martin Luther L. O. L., No. 173, meets oa
the second and fourth Saturdays of each
month at Eggeman's Hall, WL'77 South Chicago
Avenue. Christian Dahl, W, M , MIU Buffalo
Avenue; J. Hasyard, Secretary, mm Superior
Chicago L. O. L., No, 241, meets on the sec
ond and fourth Thursdays of each month at
Drexul Hall, 3013 Cottage Urove Avenue.
a. Hampson. W. M., K 4.'lrd Street; Wm.
Armstrong, Secretary, lnoi Wabash Avenue,
Grand Chapter of Royal Black Knights
of the Camp of Israel, U. S. A.
A.M.I. McLeod, O. M., Box 227. Qulncy,
F. W. Brown, G. R., 72 Chandler Street
Boston, Mais.
Red Cross, Royal Black Preceptory. No. 15,
meets on the Unit Friday of eacb month at
Odd Fellows' Hall, 1S2 Twenty-second Street,
R. F. Brown, W. P , 1MI Oak wood Boulevard;
J. Malcomson, Reg.. Vi25 Halnted Street.
Private Lodges.
George Washington L. O. L., No. 236. meet
on the first and third Thursdays of eacb
month at Arcade hall. Pullman. James Dun
can, W. M., Box liw, Pullman, Robert Lowry,
Secretary, Box WW. Pullman.
Evanston L, O. L., No. 24, meets on tho first
and third Saturdays of each month at It
hall, Evanston. Adam Tate, W. M.. Evans
ton, 111.; P. 11. Cilnkenbroomer, Secretary,
178 Ayers Court. Evanston.
Garfield L. O. L., No. 22, meets on the second
and fourth Mondays of each month at Wal
ters' hall, MA State st. iHham D. Fuller, W
M.,740 Knglewood avenue, Englewood ; Oeorge
L. Dally, Secretary, 2344 Portland ave.
Ladies' Loyal Orange Association ot
the United States of America.
Supreme Grand Officers for 18(15-96.
8. G. M. Lizzie G. Graham, Cummlngsvllle,
F. D. 8. G. M -Mary M. Roome, New York,
N. Y.
8. D. 8. O M.Kate Atherton, Syracuse,
N. Y.
8. G. 8. Christens Mllligan, Everett, Mass.
S. G. T. Sarah A. Johnson, West Troy, N. Y.
8. G. C L. A. George, Minneapolis, Minn.
8. G. L.-Lelle B. Christie Minneapolis,
8. O. 0." Margaret A. Drown, West Bay
city. Mien
S. G. I. G. Louisa H. Graham, Cummlngs
vllle, Mast. ,
S.O. O. O.-Maggle Kennedy, Philadelphia,
Suureme O. Trustees. Mattle E. Moore.
Lawrence, Muss.; M. Hell Kempter. Saginaw,
Mich.; Toucey, Dulutb, Minn.
8. G. Advisory Board. --F. W. Brown. Bos
ton. Mass.; James Ray, Boston, Mass.; Daniel
Siliker, Boston. Mass.
8.G. O. Annie Ray. Boston, Mass.
Subordinate Lodges.
Lady Washington L. L. O. L., No. 15. meet
on the first and third Tuesdays of each month
at Crystal hall. No. SI Madison street. Mr.
M. Wilson. W. M., Mrs. E. Llpsey, Rec. Sec.'
125 Uanke street.
Star of th " s-t, L. L. O. L., No. 30. meets
on th first .tnd third Friday of each month
at Odd Follows ball. S. E.cor. 75ih street and
Drfxel avenue. Mrs. Anna Eastman, W. M.,
7U1H South Chicago avenu'; Mrs. Gertrude
Dulcy, Kec. Sec, 743 Storms avenue.
Banner of Light L. L. O. L., No, 60. meet
on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each
month at Brown's hall, corner Forty-seventh
and State streets. Mrs. M. Cunningham, W.
il.,4763 Dearborn street; MlssC. B.Mlnitker,
Rec. Sec, SSJ. Farrell street.
J. O. U. A. M.
Incorporated February 24,1892.
O O-T B Bryton, 6335 Wentworth venue,
V C-Tbn Kowta. T Cnloo A itr.
JrPS C Tbu J Comm. art Mh.A.ld
OHee'y-Joeeph lUyaotda. P O Bol Iff
Chic ago.
M U Tr-K a laaipl, gSM Amour are
Mawu at Altoa, fourth Monday la AagaaA,
George Washington Oouacll, Ho , )
rat aad third Friday evening of each
. A 1 .( , ... k. -1 1 , ir u , i . . .. .
C&cu. alWptall Keyaoli.a H H. 16 1 ft WtbMfc
KlUworth council. No 14. .eU TihwUn
Sal St IV. Woeil k a. at. Il I. i ..... rw.- U
wm w v. w. wmm mm mm aejBHiii 4 yw
till Hoaore.t, ling le wood.
Colfax Council, No U. meet Saturday
M.lH.1 ., I II 1 1 r kail hL.... fr. ,
Juha W Roger. K r). Bo 4M.
I'aaiei weuaier uouncu, no. . jr. o. u. A
M.. meet Seat aad third Haturdae ewaitla.a
of each month la Modern Woodman hall.
Hurray, neo. v idling uromer. always wal-
Soma Illustrated with fine engraving ot
Washington and Lincoln. Fine Oar He Id and
Prohibition envelope, printed la color.
Illuatrated many atylea Ju for 10 cents, 40
cent, per luu. r In motto letter paper, III
vrauHi in colors, neautirul pu t
tract., etc. Addreaa. the FAIT
HutJHE. SU Elm street. Ullca. N. Y.
IF you want an Investment In Real Estate;
want to buy a bualnea. I St. Louis, writ)
Lyman Waterman, Heal aetata and financial
agent, St. Louis, Mo.
WANTED A partner with Mn.oOeaah. Aa
elderly lady preferred. Party accept
able will be treasurer In charge of atock aad
funds. Addreaa AMERICAN W. R.. thl. ofbo.
nKPiKITIMM " haad-wrltlng la
UIOl UOl I IUH ( natural style and I'll send
you In return character of writer. Endue
tamped envelope addreeaed to yourself, alao
a fee of ten cent, F. K. Dillingham. 7u Col
orado avenue. Ranaaa City. Kan
i im III! WrtaiaOa, Alaaaf e.nllln Ha.Bjt
Celehrmtesd Ftn-ftft
BVtf fill.
llflll W W.TOUJU
Kft ft rati Mr lalto tftiUaf
iLh Tarn nd fonnrrrrrtvJ PUla). Mrtlasjitu.:
Ut. B. T- lUX, MOt JMfr, ,
A Valuable Book
ET 1 LE1D1KC 10TB0B.
TMoman Papacy
We want agent everywhere, and person
who will get up a club. Largeat pay to both
classes. School teacher who want employ
ment, and those who can devote their even
ings to circulating a really great booki and
ladle who can devote a few hours a day, we
can pay well, Write us at once. Address,
Columbus Aye, and Berkeley St,
"Tne Uncle Tom's Camn ofllie A. P. A."
Secrets of the Oonvent
of the Sacred Heart.
Do you want to tend some friend a book
that will make him an A. I'. A.? Do you want
to send an A. 1'. A. a book that will
strengthen bis faith, by giving him evidence
of the diabolic outrage of Romanism prac
ticed within the walls of the 1405 convent la
the United States?
Secrets of the Convent
Beautifully Illustrated Cover.
Price, 25 Cents, Postpaid.
Berlin Heights, Ohio.
Paper Cover SO Cents.
Thl little volume relate the terrible et
perlence of a nun who wa confined la she
''Black Nunnery" of Montreal It ha prob
ably tbe largest sale of any work ot the kit 4
ever published, and several
Attempts to Suppran ItN
have been made. The price In cloth I tlOta,
and In paper JO cnu. For tale by
Go to
in a Tourist Sleeper.
It is the RIGHT way.
Pay more and you are ex
travagant. Pay less and
you are uncomfortable.
The newest, brightest,
cleanest and easiest rid
ing Tourist Sleepers are
used for our
Personally Conducted
Excursions to
which leave Omaha every
Thursday morning reach
ing San Francisco Sunday
evening, and Los Angeles
Monday noon.
You can join them at
any intermediate point.
Ask nearest ticket agent
for full information, or
write to
J. Frascis, G. r. A., Omaha, Neb.