The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, April 03, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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IV hit the A. P. 1. Camnwtt Thlaa f
His and Bla Exploits.
Friends: Your joint committee ap
pointed to draft protest and resolu
tion expressing the disapproval of this
order, to the placing and unveiling of a
Utue of Father Marquette, S. J., In
statuary hall, Washington, D. C, beg
leave to submit the following report
Whereas, We believe that such
a proceeding would be contrary to the
constitution and laws of the United
States, and contrary to the spirit of the
joint resolution of congress, providing
for the same, a is clearly set forth in
the following preamble and resolutions
introduced ty Representative Linton
In the house of representative at
Whereas, For the first time in the
history of the United States there has
been placed in the Capitol a statue of a
man in the garb of a churchman, said
statue being that of a Jesuit priest
named Marquette, who died in or about
the year 1675, and who is referred to
in the joint resolution, as a eason for
accepting the statue, as "The Faithful
Missionary;" acd
Whereas, The revised statutes of
the United States, section 1814, provide
only, "for not exceeding two statues in
number, of marble or bronze, from each
state, of deceased persons who have
been citizens thereof, and ' illustrious
for their distinguished civic or mili
tary services, and when so furnished
shall be placed in the chamber of the
house of representatives, now known as
statuary hall, in the Capitol of the
United States," and
Whereas, The said Marquette
never was a citizen of any state, nor of
the United States, nor performed any
civic or military duty therefor, and
Whereas, The statue representing
him is of ecclesiastical character alone,
being dressed in church garb and
paraphernalia, and otherwise entirely
inappropriate for the position occupied
in statuary hall, thereby being con
trary to the intent of the joint resolu
tion, which provided for its accept
ance, therefore be it
Resolved, That the placing of said
statue in the capitol is not only with
out authority, but in direst violation of
the law, and be it further
Eesolved, That the said statue be re
moved from the capitol and returned
to its donors.
That they have examined several
records of the so-called discoveries of
Father Jacques Marquette; and on care
ful examination of the statements
made, believe them to be incredible
and unworthy of belief so far as Father
Jacques Marquette is concerned.
The substance of his discoveries, we
condense from an asserted manuscript
of his sent to France with a map of the
Mississippi River, published in Paris
by Thevenot in 1681.
M. de Frontenac, the Governor of
Canada (new France) sent over M.
Jollet to Father Marquette, and five
other Frenchmen. They leave Mich
illmackinao in Michigan, May 13th,
1673, arrive at Fox River, emptying
into Green Bay in June. June the 10th
they leave the portage and go down
the Wisconsin, arriving at the Missis
sippi June 17th, go down the Missis
elppi River to the mouth of the Arkan
sas River, arrive there July 17th, then
return by the Illinois river to Green
Bay, arriving there in the last of Sep
tember 3,000 miles, 1,600 up stream-
In three and one-half months, and
lived by hunting. This is incredible,
The narrative or relations of the voy
age by Marquette for Gevernor Fron-
tinac, were consigned to Joliet, when
he returned to Quebec, unfortunately
for Joliet, in going down the Ottawa
River, he lost his journal, and ail his
other papers.
Allouez, a missionary who had lived
there five years was met on the Fox
River, which enters Green Bay, where
they "approached the village of Mas
koutlns, a nation of fire." Strange in
deed. This is a British word: asko or
azca means az, electricity, and co, ca
ble; being the ancient British name of
Exeter in England, from whence an
ocean cable extended to Gibraltar, the
village consisted of three several na
tions, namely, "Miamis, Maskoutins
and Kakabueauz." How came these
three British words to be borne by
thess three tribes in one town? This
whole story is a transcript from some
ancient British records of America,
utilized by Thevenot and fathered unto
this Father Marquette for statecraft
purposes. Such forgeries belittle the
forger, degrade the believer and are an
insult to intelligence.
The death of Marquette is particu
larly pathetic. "After returning from
this last expedition, he took up his
residence, and pursued the vocation of
a missionary among' the Miamis, in the
neighborhood of Chicago. While pass
ing by water along the eastern shore of
Lake Michigan, towards Michillimack
lnac, he entered a small river on the
18th of May, 1875. Having landed he
constructed an altar, performed mass
and then retired a short distance into
the wood, requesting the two men who
had charge of his canoe, to leave him
alone for half an hour; when the time
had elapsed the men went to seek for
him and found him dead. They were
greatly surprised as they had not dis
covered any symptoms of illness, but
remembered that when bo was enter
ing the river he expressed a presenti
ment that his voyage would end there.
To this day the river retains the name
of Marquette. The rlsce of his grave,
near the bank, is still r olnted out to
the traveler. But his remains were
removed the year alter bis death to
Mlchillimacklnao." .
The truth of thU is It' nothing but
an old Mianisinger knlgbt story re
vamped to express the meaning of
Marquette, a term In Tourney.
There Is not enough truth la the
yarn to make a protest against it, to
protest would indicate that there was
some truth in it. ,
The word "Area" Is the same as
"Aska," in Nebraska. This word oc
curs as a name to rivers where the
land adjacent is low and marshy in all
countries. Oaalaska, Itasca, Madagas
car, Esk-ask, etc. Marquette Area,
the base word is in Arkansas, Arcan
lum etc, an associate ward to Azca.
The story as told of Marquette is a
disgrace even to Jesuits.
We notice that in a public document
published by the United States in 1883,
entitled "The Publlo Domain," it says,
"In 1673, Father Marquette discovered
the Mississippi to Its mouth." Such a
statement is entirely inconsistent with
the original story published in 16S1 by
Thevenot. Again the same public
document says, in 1681, LaSalle de
scended the Mississippi River and took
possession of the country adjacent to it
In the name of Louis XIV. of France,
and called It Louisiana. If this latter
is true, it discredits the former.
Therefore, we believe, that the
whole story as to Marquette is a fabri
cation by French Jesuits, for the pur
pose of laying claim to a large extent
of American territory already claimed
by Great Britain.
1. Rcsohvd, That we do most earn
estly protest against the proposed pro
ceedings of the unveiling of the statue
of the said Father Marquette S. J., in
statuary hall, in Washington, D. C.
2. Resolved, That we believe that
the whole story as to Father Marquette
is based on fabrication instead of facts,
and therefor false.
3. Resolved, That we believe that
the unveiling of said statue in our na
tions capitol would be an insult to the
intelligence of our American citizen
ship and a lasting disgrace to our
country, and a menace to our free in
4. Resolved, That a copy of this re
port and resolutions be sent to Repre
sentative Linton, of Michigan, and to
each of our representatives and sena
tors from Nebraska.
Some Alleged Protestants are Opposed
to the A. P. A.
Editor American: I am a reader
of the much-liked American, and
some time ago read friend A. F. Wil
son's letter containing the question,
"Why Is it that some Protestants are
so opposed to the A. P. A.?" I do not
know, neither am I able to answer this
question fully, but allow me, please, to
do it as well as I can. I would also
like to hear from others on this line.
Without doubt, the teachings, mo
tives and treacherous workings of the
Roman hierarchy in this country are
not fully understood. Jesuits know
how to teach Roman Catholics, and
how to blindfold Protestants. This is
a part of their mission. Therefore,
many Protestants cannot see any dan
ger to this country coming from the
pope. In their sleepy condition they
cannot appreciate the blessings of in
dependence and liberty. Others see
the danger, but for many selfish rea
sons will not take the stand worthy of
a loyal American citizen. Another
reason is, the A. P. A. principles are
not published enough, not fully under
stood and often misrepresented.
Last and not least, because many A.
P. A. members do not live and act as
is expected of good A. P. A.'s and
American citizens.
What can we A. P. A.'s do to over
throw these difficulties and to add to
the good and Buccess of the A. P. A.
Let us post ourselves and others on
the real purposes of Rome, the Ameri
can pope, Satolli, and the Jesuits in
this country. Let us find out how such
agents of the devil were driven from
other countries. Read then the unani
mous Declaration of Independence, of
July 4, 1776, and you will find that the
pope of Rome is a tyrant and enemy to
this, our country, fully as great as the
then (1776) ruling king of Great Britain
was. Not take the pope's pass word:
"Rome never changes," go out and
work and inform other Protestants.
Tell them to awake for the good of
themselves and all that is dear to them.
The A. P. A. is a patriotic organiza
tion, not a political party. The duty
of every A. P. A. is to stand up for all
that Old Glory means. We must pro
tect our country from any foe or enemy,
living here, in Rome, or elsewhere.
We must also bring about the so much
needed reforms in politics and in our
government. As good A. P. A.'s we
must fight Leo XIII. in politics in this
country; we must fight his satanic
tools, and his Iniquities seen all over
this land. By so doing we certainly
come in conflict with devils by the
No wonder, then, that snore of weak
kneed Protestants, and worse thing
are in our way.
But take courage friends! All heroes
of our country had great difficulties to
overcome; finally the great work was
done, crowned with victory for them
and blessing for others.
To-day we praise their names and
they still live In our memory.
Let us also stand like one man now
and always tor the rights an J liberties
as they did. By doing this we will be
able to make a clean sweep for the
good of the A. P. A. and the honor of
May I and all of us, dear friends, do
our full duty to be worthy of the name
of true American cltixens.
Yours In F..P. and P.
Max Anton,
Sergeant at Arms, Council 100, Mc
Cook, Neb.
Thinks We Shsnld Have Hen Who Have
Proved Themselves True.
Chicago, 111., April 2. Editor The
American Dear Friend: I have been
a constant reader of your piper for
years, and must say to you that it
would be impossible for me to be con
tented without The American. I wUh
to say here and now, that your efforts
to do and to print what is right is ap
preciated by a great majority of the
truly patriotic people of this city and
community. At least it seems so to
me, as I have talked with just as many
as possible.
It has been my pleasure to add a
great many subscribers to your sub
scription list in the last four years or
more, and I wish I could add many
more. In the last three months I
think I have taken in twenty-slx"new
names. The special offer you have
made for this year is surely a ten
strike. I hope you will add to your
list at lean 100,000 earnest, honest
readers, who will learn to be absolutely
anti-Roman. I mean by this, abso
lutely against the Roman hierarchy.
I do not dislike any individual as an
individual; but men who are under the
control of this terrible influence, in a
great majority of cases, are not ac
countable for their acts, as they do not
think for themselves. I say we cannot
trust such men to serve the people.
Friend Thompson, I am no politician,
but I think I am an observer. I notice
you have as your candidates for presi
dent and vice-president, Congressman
William S. Linton and Mr. John L.
Webster. They both may be men who
would prove worthy of your support,
but it seems to me that If John B.
Stone, of Missouri, is eligible, he would
make a much better man for vice-
president, as he has been tried, as has
our noble friend and true patriot,' Wm.
S. Linton. We all know what Wm. S.
Linton is. We all know what John B.
Stone is. And further, Mr. Editor, it
is a much better combinations as I see
it. Michigan and Missouri. A Re
publican and an old Democratic state.
We want men who are for our princl
pies. We want men whohave proved
that they are for our principles.
would vote for these men put up on an
Independent ticket, and I believe there
are 6,000,000 more voters in a these
United States who would do the tame
I want an opportunityto vote for men
who will not appoint nor assist in the
appointing of men to places of trust
anywhere In this nation who are in any
way under the influence of the Roman
Catholic hierarchy.
I do not spend my time endeavoring
to secure positions for men. Ijthink
men should secure positions upon their
OWN merit. But, Mrv Editor, I have
always done all In my power to keep
men, under the influence of Romish
priests and bishops, from securing
political positions. They do all they
can to keep our kind of people from se'
curing positions. Yes, they even do
more. If they can do anything to make
a Protestant lose his position, o they
will do it. Now I believe (there are
thousands of men, yes, millions, in this
nation, who would like to see this class
of men kept out of public office, and if
they could only be formed into an as
sociation, they would be a great power
in this nation. But the spoils of office
seem to ruin all such organizations,
Men will go into such societies simply
to secure the influence of the .member
ship to get himself into office. The
moment such a condition becomes
known, the organization .becomes the
tail to some political party, and then
and there lapses its power in politics.
To be successful, in my opinion, such
an order should be absolutely non
partisan, but political in the very
highest sense that the word can be
1 wish you success in every way.
How I do hope you will be blessed with
good health. We need thousands more
such men and such papers. Yours in
the fight,
Anti-Roman Hierarchy.
This Will Interest Many.
F. W. Parkhurst, the Boston pub
lisher, says that if any one who is af
flicted with rheumatism in any form,
or nueralgia, will send their address to
him, at Box 1501, Boston, Mass., he
will direct them to a perfect cure. He
has nothing to sell or give. He only
tells you how he was cured. Hundreds
have tested It with success.
m ilfl
Dm You Pn to Jn.1,1897.
T.N ORDER to enable every loyal American in the United States to read a patriotic paper during the moat important
f political and commercial epoch of our Nation's history, we have decided to send an elght-pago weekly two-dollar
paper from now until January 1, 18'.7, for the ridiculously low prloo of 50 cents. Cash must accompany the order.
Old subscriber can take advantage of this offer by paying all arrearages to date and paying the sum of 50 cents for
the remainder of the year 181M1.
Orders must be sent direct to this office.
Add 5 cents for each Paper you receive in 1896 up to time you Remit.
We Want 500.000 Subscribers Before Ibe Day of Election.
Interest your friends. Talk of It in your Councils. Get up clubs. Let us all work to win this next Presidential election.
Now is the time tojstrlkol Subscribers who are now paid into 1800 can take advantage of this offer. Send 50 cents
and get THE AMERICAN for the rest of the year. Send your address in at once. The sooner you are in the mora
numbers you get for your money. No order for back numbers filled for less than 5c per copy. No samples sent except
when request is accompanied by money.
Sample Copies to any address in the country at $1.00 per 100, in one
thousand lots; $6.60 for five hundred; $2 for one hundred, and
2c per copy in lots of less than five hundred, post-paid.
You witlx TLJs!
1G15 Howard Street, OMAHA, NBIS.
The A. P. A. Tell Him or the Respect
and Esteem in Which He is Held.
Hon. E. J. Ilalner, Washington,
D. C. : At a regular meeting of Rescue
Conncll No. 1, of the American Protec
tive association of Omaha, Nebraska,
among other matters that came up,
was the considertabn of how they
should express the high apprecia
tion, which they feel, for your earnest
efforts in securing the defeat of the ap
propriation of public funds for the
benefit of sactariaa establishments
located in the District of Columbia.
To make known the sentiments en
tertained for your public and Individ
ual action and votes, this committee
was duly selected and empowered to
communicate the following:
This committee has nw the honor to
assure you, in behalf of the members of
Rescue Council No. 1, of the American
Protective - Association of Nebraska,
that they rejoice In the opportunity of
testifying the respect acd esteem in
which you are held by them, for your
eloquence, your exertions, your votes
in the halls of congress, and for the
wisdom by which you were guided in
preventing public funds from being ap
propriated for sectarian purposes, and
we further desire to express to you the
sentiments that the people of this
country shall ne'ver, through legisla
tion, be taxed to contribute for the
support of any church establishments
or any auxiliaries under its control,
under any pretext whatever.
We regard the public schools the
bulwark of liberty and freedom, the
true cornerstone of our free institu
tions, and declare that there is no real
need or necessity for sectarian schools
in this country in order to bring up the
youth of our land so that they will
practice the tenets or creed of any
particular religion.
We recognize that the work of popu
lar education is one left to the care of
the several states, but it is the duty of
the national government to aid that
work to the extent of its constitutional
ability. The intelligence of the nation
is but the aggregate of the intelligence
of the several states, and the destiny of
the nation must be guided not by the
genius of any one state, but by the
averrge genius of all the states.
We are aware that the constitution
wisely forbids congress to make any
law respecting the establishment of
religion, but it is idle to hope that the
nation can be protected from the influ
ences of the Roman Catholic Church
while e ach state is exposed to its domi
nation. We would therefore suggest
tz icr fdetds in congress and citizens
w-o oe lie ve that all affairs of church
and state should be kept and remain
forever separate and apart, that every
effort be made to have the constitution
so amended as to lay the same pro
hibition upon the legislature of each
state, so as to absolutely forbid the ap
proprlatlon of public funds to the sup
port of sectarian schools, or any schools
under sectarian control, or for any re
ligious purpose whatsoever.
With these expressions, we will
limit ourselves to our respectful and
grateful acknowledgments, for the
work you have done. We feel a pe
culiar satisfaction in the good work
you have thus far accomplished, and
we desire to send you the cordial greet
ings and salutations of every member
of the council.
With these assurances of our best
wishes, we have she honor to be for
our members and ourselves,
Most respectfully your friends,
Rescue Council No. 1,
American Protective Association of
Nebraska. Chas. Unitt,
The above resolutions were unani
mously adopted at a regular meeting
of Rescue Council No. 1, American
Protective Association, held Monday
evening, March 10th, 180G.
Peter Satolli Tiernan.
Peter, the man who is
claimed to be, "big, honest, rugged,"
who is on the Kumpf-gang antl-A. P.
A. ticket, has much to explain about
his past acts.
He is the best man of hugh McGowan,
who represents the Barber Asphalt
Co., which company having a
"stand-in" with Tiernan during his
term of four years, robbed the peo
ple out of thousands of dollars by
charging 12.80 cents per square yard
for paving the streets.
Another company bid on paving 12 00
per square yard on many occasions,
and was blocked out by the board o!
public works with Tiernan and his
"two votes." Tiernan seems to value
his "two votes" greatly from the way
he spoke of using the same at the meet
ing on Grand avenue Monday night
The Journal makes the following
statement in regard to a matter that
should interest every voter:
"Big, honest, rugged" Peter Titr
nan is the head and front of this farci
cal, "business administration," Demo
cratic movement. He proclaims it
from the housetops that he is the peo
ples watch-dog and protector. He is a
sort of merchants' police, walking the
streets at night to gurd the people
from being robbed by the partisan Re
publicans. But all the "big, honest, rugged'
Peter's actions as president of the
board of public works and general ad
viser to Recorder Owsley do not bear
out these pretensions. A case In point
is the printing of the official ballots
for the election of 801. In responses
to the advertisement for bids, R. W.
Hart offered to do the worlc for $2,300;
the Millet-Welch Printing Company
offered to do the sumo work for several
hundred dollars less. Hart employed
three or four printers, while the other
bidder employed twelve or fourteen
printers. In addition to this prima
facie evidence of ability to do the work
if Hart could do it with one-fifth of
the men the Millet-Welch company
gave bond in the sum of 14,000 that it
would do the work for about 1500 less
than Hart.
Who secured the contract the low
est bidder? Not at all. R. W. liars
was given the on tract and did the
work. At a trial of his libel case
against ua evening paper, Mr. Hart
swore that the work cost him $900, so
that he made a clear profit of 11,400 off
the jab. The lowest bidder would
have made a very neat profit at his
figures. Peter II. Tiernan, a practical
printer, advised Owsley to let the con
tract to Hart, and what Peter H. Tier
nan advised was done by Owsley.
That he gave this advice is proven
by the testimony of Larry Thistle waite,
Owsley's brother-in-law, given at the
trial of the libel case referred to.
Thlstlewaite testified in answer to a
question as to the arrangements Ows
ley made about the printing:
"I rememoer at the time those bids
were opened that Mr. Owsley was in
doubt as to who ought to get the con
tract, and he referred the matter to
Mr. Hunter, his chief deputy, and told
him to go and consult Mr. Tiernan
about it; that he was a printer and
would know. Mr. Hunter reported
that Mr. Tiernan said to let it to Hart;
that he would not let it to Welch by
any means. Mr. Owsley had told him
to go and see Mr. Tiernan and show
him the bids and see what one he had
better let it go to."
As a result of this little transaction,
the people were mulcted out of several
hundred dollars which could have been
saved, and for the expenditure of which
there was not the slightest excuse.
Kan$a& City American.
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