The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, April 03, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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Katrd at I'muiAe aa woua4-elM Btattar.
Uowan PTrr, Ona. Na.
...a II ...ul AibuI In. .kl Mnk Vi4 K K.n.lolfh lwt,rhU-a., !U.
I'. O. Mo i rlypU Crwk Oota,
From Now Until January I, 1897, f
ror ma .m.., .
" 50--CENTS--50
' ' Pay Your Subacrlptlon at th. I Rata
I) Up to Data, ana Taka Ad
vantage of
:: Our Great Offer.::
", i
i Any Parton Sanding U Tan N.w Sub-
' acribara w.ll ba Favorao With a VW. ' '
, . Subacriptlon to THI AMCRIOAN.
No parsanal ehaek aeeaptad unla..
mad for 16 eta mora than tha amount
of ubacrlpllon you V.h to pay.
T Ulrt Pa at MM ntr th t Oat- 1
X um fa Hit c-. tt M r
T M MM, (otm Cn
' 'No Commlwrion to Annnu. If yuu deal' '
' ' with ona you pay hla prtoa. ' '
APRIL 3, 181W.
Tiik American will publish
all advertisement of Foreclosure
Sales or Service by Tublication
not exceeding 25 lines nonpariol
space for the required number
of insertions for $4.60 net; over
25 lines the price will be 5 cents
per line each insertion. We
furnish legal blanks. Call up
Telephone 911, and we will do
the rest for
For President:
of Michigan.
For Vice-President:
jonN l. Webster
of Nebraska.
Your friend cannot afford to be with
out The American. Urge him to sub
scribe. The American is the best and
cheapest patriotic paper in America.
It should be In the home of every
Please send this paper to a friend
in some other state when you have read
it, and write him that you would like
to know whether he has enlisted under
the banner of Americanism.
SOME two years ago the Rockford A.
P. A. elected A. Hutchins mayor.
When he assumed his duties he re
moved the Roman Ore marshal, who
went Into court to retain his job. The
mayor has come out first in every trial,
and the appellate court last Saturday
handed down a decision sustaining
him. How the Romans do hate to let
go of the public teat.
State President Hodelson ol
California will be the editor of the
American Patriot hereafter. Mr. H.
W. Bowman, who was its editor for a
year or more, retires. The change is
brought atout by the consolidation of
the two patriotic papers heretofore
published in San Francisoo. We hope
the new men will keep the Patriot at
its former high standard.
Is IT not a little bit strange that the
Municipal Voter's League of Chicago
was able to defeat every disreputable
Protestant official they opposed, but
were unable to defeat a single one of
the gang who belonged to the Roman
church? Does not this demonstrate
that Romanists vote for one of their
class no matter how corrupt or dis
honest he is?
OUR friend Gallagher says the A. P.
A. does not go as far as the Romanists.
Either Con was humorous or someboby
has been fooling him. If his assertion
was true, will he please explain how it
came that his church fought so hard
to retain that $375,000 government teat
in its mouth after all the other de
nominations had refused to accept
money from the government in aid of
the Indian schools under their charge?
Con, you're wrong; somebody has, to
use a slang phrase, been pumping you
full of wind. Personally you may be
lieve as you say, but the church does
not You know that.
The Nebraska Club must be com
poaod of patriot. At a meeting held
in Omaha last Friday, iu members
adopted a set of resolutions which read
a follows:
WhkkeaS, The Nebraska Club has
for iu purpoae the encouragement of
emigration and Immigration fo the
state, to the end that its millions of
yet unoccupied acre may be subdued
and made to yield bountiful harvest
and furnish nappy nonit. lor added
thousand: and
Whereas. In the course of event,
many foreign persons come to Ne
braska to find new homes; therefore
lirmlivd, That the Nebraska Club is
indirectly interested In the character
of immigrant who k citizenship in
this country, and being in a measure
representative of a state with the
smallest percentage of illiteracy of any
la the union, and Interested In main
talnlng that proud position, believes
that for the common good or all, some
restriction of an educational nature
should bo placed upon immigrant, in
addition to the present property re
quirement of our immigration laws.
lbs'jhvd. That so believing, we en
done the measure now before con urea.,
reported by Senator Lodge from the
senate committee on Immigration,
which bill applies the tectof the lmml
f: rant's ability to read and write the
anguago of the country from which he
oo roe, as a necessary qualification for
bis becomlnir a citizen of the United
States and of his landing at our ports
for that purpose.
Ituohnd. That a copy of these re sol u
tlons be submitted by the secretary of
the club to some Nebraska member of
each branch of congress, with the re
quest that it be presented to these
honorable bodies as a memorial upon a
most vital subject.
The Star refers to the Republican
ticket a the A. P. A.-Republlcan
ticket in the hope of making the peo
ple who are not members of the A. P.
A., but who affiliate with the Republl
oan party, believe the A. P. A. took an
unfair advantago of them in naming
the present Republican taken. This
oontemptlble attempt to deceive the
people will not work. They will re
member that they gave full, fair and
free expression to their preference at
the primaries every citizen voting
for his choice and ia every instance
the man receiving the largest number
of votes was nominated by t e Republi
can convention, it one can believe the
returns published ia the dally papors
the day of the convention. Yet, In the
face of this, the Romanized Star says
that Jones and Graham do not hesitate
to admit their obligation to the pro-
fcrlptlve order, which is arrayed
against one of the cardinal principles of
the Constitution.
We have answered this proscription
part iu another editorial and will show
that that part of the charge which is
contained in the next entence--"They
have both caused it to be understood
that they will he controlled by it" Is
base fabrication whloh emanated
from the diseased imagination of the
thing that doles out sop for the Ro
manized, Doodling, ballot-box break
ing, election fraud contingent which Is
now hand In glove with the reform
movement that is trying to elect ex-
saloon keepers and Romanists to the
best positions within the gift of the
people. To prove the Star a purveyor
of untruths we have only to quote sec
tion two of the platform of principles
of the order which It so vigorously
assails. That section reads as follows:
"The Amerloan Protective Assooia
tlon is not a political party, and does
not control the political affiliations of
Its members; but it teaches them to be
Intensely active In the discharge of
their political duties in or out of party
lines, because it believes that all prob
lems confronting our people wui be
bound solid by a conscientious dis
charge of the duties of citizenship by
every Individual."
That Is the supreme law of the A. P.
A. and no man or set of men inside the
order would dare to presume to set it
aside. The A. P. A. exact nothing
of a candidate that any loyal, con
scientious oltizan could not accede to;
nor does It, as the Star of the Slst ult.
would have the public understand,
coerce the membership into voting for
any particular candidate or for any
particular ticket.
If there is a single A. P. A. who be
lieves Mr. Kumpf would make a better
mayor for Kansas City, than Mr. Jones
would make, it is his duty to support
Mr. Kumpf. No man surrenders his
conscience when he goes into the A.
P. A. Principle not men is the motto.
Judge Jones represents a principle
Mr. Kumpf represents a faction, a mal
odorous faction, and while he, as a
man, might be the equal of Judge
Jones, the latter, from an American
standpoint, is his peer a thousand times
over. We do not think the city would
go to rack or decay it Judge Jones was
defeated, but we do know Romanism
would become as arrogant as It was
when It chased Rev. J. G. White
through our street crying for his life's
blood; we do know that the gang would
be all-powerful as it was before the ad
vent of the A. P. A., that repeating,
ballot-box stuffing, illegal voting and
election frauds of ever discription
would be permitted If not actually con
nived at. The question is, shall we
return to those methods or shall we
have honest elections, and a decent
city government administrated by
men who are fearless and law-abiding?
It ia for you to say. Your votes will
settle the question, and on you will rest
the responsibility of making a wise or
f : 1
In whose Interest the new Republican
an unwise selection of officers. We
know you will decide right and for that
reason will leave the question with you,
with this admonition: Believe no elev
enth hour roorbacks which such Rom
anized sheet as the Star will spring
for the purpoae of Injuring your friends.
Kansus Vity American.
The Kansas City . Star is not dif
ferent to the Rome-ruled press In other
parts of the country. This is shown by
Its attitude In the present municipal
campaign. It has contracted to defeat
the A. P. A., and is resorting to all the
low, mean, despicable tricks a dishon
est politician and trickster would re
sort to. We do not know that we ob
ject to Its doing this for we believe the
people are intelligent enough to know
when it ml; states a fact. We believe
they know that it states aa untruth
when It says the A. P. A. opposes the
election of Romanists to office because
of their religion, and that they know
the reason we oppose their election Is
because they owe primary allegiance
to a foreign ecclesiastical power that
claims to be a temporal sovereign as
well as the spiritual head of a great
sect They know we oppose their elec
tion because they believe that the laws
of the church tske precedence of and
give the rule to the laws of the state;
that where the laws of the slate and
the laws of the church conflict, the I
laws of the church are to be unhesitat
ingly obeyed. (See Encyclical of Leo
XIII., Jan. 10, 1890; also testimony of
Father McAffee, now of Woodstock,
Md., in trial at Washington, D. C,
1895.) There religion cuts no figure in
the case. Their foreign allegiance
does. Did tho members of the Metho
dist or the Presbyterian church bow
before the will of one man who sets
himself up as the master of kings, and
who claimed the power to absolve
them from all oaths Inoludlng their
oath of allegiance to this country the
A. P. A. would wage war on them.
But, fortunately, we have but one class
of people domiciled in this country
who maintain a divided allegiance,
and they, by the help of the eternal
God, will become truly loyal or will be
denied the ballot If they cannot say
to the pope, keep your hands off our
affairs of state, and make HIM obey,
they do not deserve to be clothed with
the greatest boon our country offers-
American citizenship. This is a large
country, but it is not large enough to
hold even one man who dares acknowl
edge that he owes primary allegiance
to any person or authority outside of
this country while walking to the ballot-box'
and depositing a vote that dis
franchises an American citizen. That
is the ground occupied by the A. P. A.
and it is the ground occupied by every
loyal American citizen outside of that
association, and the returns from the
next election will prove it
The Times says it ia something new
to see firemen and policemen, In full
uniform, turning curbstone politicians,
and says that the A. P. A. men in those
departments, under instruction from
their councils, have been devoting al
most all their time to politics. This is
a wilful perversion of facts. It is not
a new thing for firemen and policemen
to turn curbstone politicians. It has
been a common practice among the
Irish Romanists ever since the depart
ments were organized. The gang, of
which the Titnes is a fugleman, never
had more ardent pluggers in Its palm
iest days than these self-same Roman
ists; and if there is an A. P. A. fireman
or policeman who has followed in their
footsteps and gone into this fight to
help to elect true-blue Americans fo
office instead of Romanists and Roman
sympathizers, it is at his own volition
and not upon the demand or by the in
struction of any A. P. A. council. It
would be strange Indeed if the A. P.
A. members of those departments, who
owe undivided allegiance to this gov
ernment should be compelled to sit
idly by and see the fight that Is being
waged against them and every Protes
tant in this community, by the Romans
of this city, both in and out of the fire
and police departments, yet raised not
Club was organized last Saturday night
their voices to stay the injury these
aliens would do them and their friends,
The Times knows that the
Romans in those departments have
been and are doing all in their power
to elect the Kumpf-gang ticket; yet
with the instinct that prompts a thief
to cry "stop thief," so it cries "the A.
P. A. firemen and policemen have
turned curbstone politicians," in order
to make the public believe the Romans
are attending to their duty while the
A. P. A.'s are dabbling in politics.
When you see a policeman or a fireman
talking politics, look for the map of
Ireland it will be there In nine cases
out of ten. Don't be deceived by the
Times, Star and papers of that Ilk.
They are unreliable.
IT has been but a few weeks since we
read of the suicide of a young girl who
had entered a convent as a novice at
Maryville, Mo. Since then we have
wondered many times what were the
trials, the tribulations, the disappoint
ments, or treatment that would cause
a young girl of seventeen to' prefer
death to life in a convent. Is it not
time that the American people should
go to the rescue of those poor women
who are the slaves, the puppets of the
priesthood? Open the convents.
It Is Supported by Some of the "Gems"
of Politics.
Here is a summary from the Journal
of some of the fellows who are support
ing the Kumpf-gang ticket, and crying
for reform:
James Pendergast, who is on the
bonds of a dozen election thieves.
Louis Robldoux, a side-partner and
boon companion of Ed. Findley.
John May and John Moran, indicted
for election crimes.
Mike Moran, brother of John.
William Buck, one of the May-Moran
Geo. J. Price, indicted for election
crime j.
Frank King, ex-constaole indicted
while in office.
John P. O'Neill, holder of the stolen
office of sheriff.
"Baby" Crawford, boon companion
and defender of election thieves, and
deputy under H. M. Stonestreet, the
holder of a stolen office.
J. J. Williams, attorney for Moran
and the Kreugers, who are indicted for
election crimes.
F. F. Rozzelle, boon companion of
C. S. Owsley.
H. A. Jet more, clerk In Rozzelle 's
Frank O'Flaherty, "Buch" O'Flah-
erty and Ed. O'Flaherty.
D. H. Bowes, indicted for boodling
while an alderman.
W. F. Cartright, deputy of J. P.
O'Neill, holder of a stolen office.
Ben Strother and H. C. Brady, clerks
In May's lawyers' office.
W. C. Scarrltt bondsman for Owsley
and May election thieves. '
F. C. Farr, attorney for Millman,
May and Owsley.
Frank Walsh, attorney for John May
and C. S. Owsley.
H. M. Stonestreet, who oholds the
stolen office of sheriff.
Arthur Chapman, deputy under
F. G. Graham, boon companion of
The notorious Shannons.
J. E. Guinotte, bosom friend of
Owsley, holder of stolen office of pro
bate judge.
John Gilday, deputy for Guinotte.
W. S. Cow herd, attorney for Owsley
and May.
J..R. Samuels, confidential deputy of
T.T.Crittenden, Jr., who holds the
stolen office of county clerk.
Jim Pryor you all know what Jim is.
Ed. Findley, indicted for election
If that is not a fine gang to be sup
porting a reform ticket where would
you find one? Kansas City American.
Wb have, by the aid of our friends
doubled our subscription list since the
first of the year. Won't you help us
double it again?
In. lik-ahy, a Peer Widow With Tea
Ihitdrea, Demands Iler Place Again
Frn Secretary Mertea.
While Secretary Morton was saunter
ing through the corridor of the Agri
cultural Building in Washington, D.
C, after office hours, write Wm. E.
Curtis in a correspondence from that
city to the Chicago .Record, he espied
about eight or nine women on their
knees, scrubbing the floor. Close by
stood a robutt, red-faced woman, with
an extra fluffy hat and a proud look on
her broad countenance. This wa Mrs.
"Hello," said Secretay Morton, "who
are you?"
"Oi'm the boas, sor," waa the quick
"Boss over what?" asked the secre
tary. "Of tblm scrub-women, av coorse."
"Who has given you that place?"
"DIvll a one; but Ol thought that
there must be a boss here to look after
thim, and so Oi take it and Ol kape
thlm agoln, sor, Oi do."
"How much do you get for your ser
vices?" asked Mr. Morton.
"Twlnty dollars a month, sor."
The secretary went away; but the
next morning he asked the chief clerk
if it was necessary to pay awoman
twenty dollars a month to look after a
few tcrub-women, when the janitors
could perform that as well, and Mrs.
Mulcahy was discharged. But within
two hours after she was dismissed, her
cries and lamentations of wrath, woe
and poverty could be heard throughout
the corridors about hungry children
and poor widows, all In a mixture of
threats and prayers and an earnest
supplication to see the secretary, all in
a high pitch of tone and strong Irish
dialect. Patiently the secretary lis
tened to her tirade. She was a poor
widow with ten orphan children, and
by hard striving, very hard endade,
she was able to give them a limited
education with the few clnts the gov
ernment allowed her for looking after
the scrub-women.
Now Mr. Morton was not a hard
hearted man, and thought perhaps he
was not doing the poor woman justice,
and therefore told her to come back In
a week, and in the meantime he would
look into her condition.
On the appointed day she was around
to see the secretary. He asked her
if all ber ten children and herself did
not get any money to live on besides
the twenty dollars from the govern
ment Niver a cint, she said, could
she get anywhere else in these hard
times, and it was by starving and
squeezing that she could pay the rlnt
and clothe her children. "But," said
Mr. Morton, "I have heard that you
own the house you live In and that
you have four boarders who pay you
five dollars a week each for their
room." Mrs. Mulcahy looked a little
puzzled at the turn of affairs, but re
plied that she did not think it was any
harm if a poor woman had a couple of
boarders to help her pay the rlnt, and
she shed a few tears of sorrow for her
husband, and for the poor childers that
were clinging to her apron strings, cry
ing for bread. This was the hardest
winter she had ever known, and it was
only by the help of the Holy Virgin
that she had been able to keep up.
"But," said Mr. Morton, "I hear
that you have only four children in the
place of ten, and two of them earn good
salaries and one goes to school, while
your daughter does the housework."
"Divll a bit I have to thank you for
that," she replied, with a snap In her
ugly eyes, "and it's nothing but a
miserable imp who has filled yez with
lies, so it is, and you just let me know
who it is, and he will sweat for the ly
ing on a poor widow."
"And furthermore, I have heard that
you are janitor of a church," said Mr.
Morton, "and that you are paid twenty
five dollars a month for that work,
which your children are doing for you.
And I have also heard that you have
another house that brings you in sixty
dollars a month, and that altogether,
with your two houses, your boarders
and your own wages, you have an in
come of one hundred and sixty dollars
a month, which ought to be sufficient
to keep you from starving to death, so
much more so when you own the house
in which you live."
"Holy Mother!" yelled Mrs. Mul
cahy, shaking like a leaf, from rage
and disappointment "that I should live
to hear such things under a Democratic
government!" and with great emphasis
expressed her thoughts about a mem
ber of the cabinet who dared take the
bread out of her children's mouths, and
It was quite a long time before the sec
retary could get rid of her, but even
longer before the echo of her lamenta
tions died away In the building.
Translated from Skaniinaven by John C.
Mr. Editor. Permit me to appeal
through your valuable paper, The
American, to my Scandinavian-American
brethren for them to wake up, as
there is danger, yes, actual danger.
The enemy of our liberty is at our door.
Watch well the gathering at Bridge
port Conn., this summer, on the 12th
of June. Why are the Romans allowed
to organize an independent army on
our shores that counts up in the mil
lions, not under the control of our gov
ernment, but under the control of the
Pope of Rome? Where are we Protes
tant? Sleeping soundly, while the
poisonous serpent 1 at our heel, ready
to strike iu death blow. Wake op.
Look around you, and heed not the
p.ess, for the truth of the real danger
is not to be found there. It U thrown
into the waatebasket of the Roman
hierarchy. Wake up, brethren!
Friends, sound the alarm!
J. C Field.
His Speech la Ttirafr. Hall, Moadaj,
March 80, 1896.
"I have been severely criticised by
our opponent for making atatatement
of my position concerning my (appoint
ments, if elected to offloe, and infer
ences have been drawn that are not
correct And in order that 1 1 may not
be misunderstood on this subject I have
prepared my views injwrlting. I tald
I would not appoint a Catholic to office,
but would go among my supporters for
my appjintmenta, and not to my. politi
cal opponeoU, and I believe my oppo
nent will do the same if-be is elected.
The Republican party was .charged
with being an A. P. A. party by our
opponents long before I wanominated.
I am not a member of the A. P. A.
order, but I believe, with a great many
other citizens, of this "country, ..that
such orders as the Masonic order, Odd
Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Ancient
Order of United Workmen and other
like orders are all patriot! o and In har
mony with American institutions, and
a great moral, sooial and religious
force in this country. And si do not
believe that any church has the right
to say to me that I shall not belong to
such orders if I choose, and any church
that excommunicates a man 'because
he Is a member of such orders is not in
harmony or touch with American lnstl
tutionsand American liberty." Kan
sas City American,
The Stone Immigration BUI
The Herald is pleased to note that
congress seems disposed at last to do
something on the immigration question.
The house committee on immigration
has directed that a favorable report be
made on the Stone immigration bill,
relative to consular inspection of Immi
grants. The object of the bill is to en
force existing laws and such laws as
oongresa may make restricting immi
gration. The laws now in force relate
to the importation of contract labor,
and of criminals, paupers, and such im
migrants as in the opinion of congress
would lower the standard of American
citizenship. And this reminds us that
there cannot be two standards of Amer
ican citizenship, as silver men fallac
iously claim there can be of money.
The only standard there ean be is that
he shall be intelligent, industrious and
law-abiding.,. - ,T . - -T. n
The law that congress ought to pass
restricting Immigration is that no man
shall become a naturalized citizen until
constitution of the country. Such a
law would soon become Jknown abroad.
The proposed bill requires the certi
ficate of a consul of the United States
that the holder is a proper person to be
admitted, being neither a contract la
borer, a criminal nor a pauper. This
will render it necessary to return the
Immigrants to the port from which he
came If he is one of the above classes,
as is now the case.
That a more rigid scrutiny of immi
grants is required Is apparent from
statistics of crime and criminals. By
the last census it is shown that 26 per
cent of the white prisoners confined in
jails and ordinary prisons are of foreign
birth. More than one-half ,t he convicts
in penitentiaries are of foreign birth.
The foreign born constitute 51 per cent
of the inmates of poorhouses. These
figures show that many of J the immi
grants to this country are physically
unable to support themselves or belong
to the criminal classes. Mobile Daily
What the "Times" Said.
On March 29, 1888, the Kansas City
Times contained the following:
"If Kumpf continues in power a few
years longer he will organize Kansas
City into a little kingdom and run it
alter bis own ideas. Marriage and
giving in marriage will be done away
with. Sunday will be abolished, and a
grand fete day will take its place, when
the churches will be turned into beer
gardens and dance halls. If Kumpf
had full Bwing there would be a revolu
tion in Kansas City, and not a single
thing that is American would be left
after It Is over."
A friend appeals to3;us to use our
influence to prevent placing God in the
constitution. The editor of this paper
believes in God; he does not think God
is sectarian; neither does he think God
the exclusive property of' any 6ect or of
all the sects. This editor, believes God
is for the whole people; aa much for
the Jew as for the Gentile, as.Jmuch
for the Protestant as for the, Romanist
as much for the men and women out
side of the church as for the men and
women inside of the church, a and be
lieving this way he can conceive of no
reason why any person who believes In
God should be opposedto havlngSHim
in the constitution of the United States,
the foundation of this grand republic.
This editor does not insist or ask that
God should be placed in the constitu
tion, but if in the wisdom of the peo
ple It Is so ordained, we bowin humble
submission to their will, which then
becomes the will of God.