The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, April 03, 1896, Image 1

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Cheapest Paper infceri
Cot Veur to
0utont f or
BOo to Jan. I. 1897.
"AMERICA FOR AMERICANS" Wo bold that all men are American who Swear Allegiance to the United bUU- without a mraUl reservation In favor of the Pohs.
Volume V
They Co Out on the Streets of
c&go to Be? and Disappear.
Tie j Were Young and Trfttj, Aecord
lag io'Jht "Journal," and Made
Money for the Church.
The Chicago Journal of March 27th,
1896, said:
Sisters Julia and Paulina of the Sis
ters of, Charity disappeared from their
convent home at 1369 West Van Buren
street last'Tuesday, and no Information
of their whereabout has sine been re
ceived. Mystery bang over their sud
den disappearance, and the convent
authorities waver between the belief
that harm has befallen the two nuns
and the theory that they voluntarily
deserted thein religious surroundings
and have-violated their vows. Gloom
andf sorrow is depicted on the ascetic
face oft each sister, and prayers go up
hourly for the providential return of
the missing ones.
Scarcely over 20 years In their ages,
and possessed of good looks and comely
bearings, Sisters Julia and Paulina
have had the1 responsibility of going
over the city and collecting alms from
all classes. They have been engaged
in the work for over six months, hav
ing been c selected because of their
youth and beauty. It.'argues nothing
against the orderj that beauty pbould
have been turned to pecuniary profit,
as the proceeds of their labors were de-
Toted to charity. As a sister explained
this morning, '.then young members of
the order found the task ot collecting
alms more suited to them than the
older sisters did, and. they were dele'
gated to'perform it.
TT.til about, two vears aeo. Sisters
Julia and PaulinaVwere always aocom
panied on their trips about the city by
an older nun, the idea being, perhaps,
to protect the young women from ia
suit in some quarters. It Is a bit Big'
nificant that the two 'sisters should
have been! loB Blnt '' 80 80011 &fter
they were 'given freedom for eight or
ten hours daily. At night the collectors
turned over the money '.they received
to Sisters Lucretla, the treasurer.
Their returns rarely exceeded $3 a day,
which was the'-average when other
nuns went cut to solicit alms.
Tuesday! morning the sisters went
out and did not1 return in the even
ing. As the '.evening hours passed
on, the' convent authorities became
greatly alarmed, and at 10 o'clock,
when the nuns had notoome, the police
were communicated with. Notice was
sent to all stations, but efforts to trace
the missing? ones were of no avail. It
was learned, however, that they had
spent most of the! day at the Union
depot, where they solicited alms from
the railroad men. a The police had no
trace of their movements after 4 o'clock
that day. Latelast night a message
from SaltJ Lake City stated that two
Catholic sisters had arrived by an
evening train, p It is thought that they
may be the missing Sister Julia and
Sister Paulina.
At the convent to-dayo Sister Steph
ania, speaking for (Mother Superior
Frances, said that while they were
greatly, worried over the prolonged ab
sence of the young nuns they still had
hope of finding that they were safe and
well. When told of the Salt Lake mes
sage her face brightened and she ex
claimed: "Possibly that explains it. One of
the sisters. came to us from Salt Lake,
and hermother lives i there now."
Pressed for a further, explanation, Sis
ter Stepbania said that Sister Julia
had come tooths convent several years
ago, and had 'expressed a wish to be
come a J nun. c. Sheiwas given the neces
sary trainlng.fand.about a year ago was
admltted;to the'sisterhood, in company
with the girl who is now Sister Paulina.
Of the latter Sister.. Stephania did not
speak. She idid not state where she
had come from, J or give any details of
her history.
"Sister'oJuliaTwas, I think, very
homesick, and 'her heart was set upon
seeing her mother.cAsshe said nothing
about it, we1 could not help her. I now
fancy that" she thought the rules of the
order forbade her return to her home.
They do not,! although we discourage
such visits. In cases of necessity we
never object to nuns going home. Sis
ter Julia may have found it impossible
, to go on without seeing her mother,
and have taken this means of leaving
the convent. I do not know why Sis
ter Paulina should have accompanied
"As to 'the money, . they could not
have collected much Tuesday, and I
don't know how they got enough to
pay their fares to Salt Lake. Their
accounts seemed all right up to Tues
day, and that .day they could not have '
taken in more than 110 at the most
What will we do when they return?
Oh, I dont know what. No, we shall
not prosecute them criminally If they
have taken funds. They certainly
could not have done so, though."
Testing the Dooms.
The Democratic and Republican par
ties are this year confronted with ques
tions of greatest Import, and the worst
feature of the case is that these ques
tions must be, met and settled. Behind
the questions stand a vast army of
Americans who will not be satisfied
with senseless and meaningless planks
inserted in party platforms. They de
mand deeds!
The Democratic party stands hardly
a shadow of a chance to be recognized
next fall in the list of possibilities con'
nected with the presidency. Its record
since coming into power the last time
has been a damnable one. Romanists
appointed 'to a majority of the offices
all over the country to the exclusion of
Protestants, has aroused a general
feeling of unrest in all quarters. The
"war" against theold veterans by Hoke
Smith and his satellites has opened the
eyes of the nation to the danger ahead
The republican party has issues to
face that it has hitherto shrinked,
This campaign calls for reform not
unmeaning platitudes; it calls for men
not figure heads, and performances in'
stead of mere promises.
Booms'are being started In various
quarters for candidates who have no
fixed ideas in regard to any public
question, but are willing to be guided
by the party platform and the will of
tbe.bosses. C Such men are more to be
feared than the poison asp, as, like that
serpent, they strike at the object
nearest at hand, and their sting is
McKlnley is being vigorously
groomed just at present by leading Re
publicans, -who are alarmed at the dan'
ger confronting their party, while at
the same time they cannot definitely
locate its extent or tell from what
quarter to expect the blow.
There is another boom on hand that
the old party pleaders do not estimate
at its full extent, because the Rome
ruled dailies say absolutely nothing
about It, and that is the Linton boom,
if the spontaneous demand of over four
million voters for his nomination for
presidency can be properly designated
by such a term. TL. Is not a party
demand, but a united and terribly ear
nest demand from American voters
from all parties, who will no longer
submit to boss rule, party chicanery
and Romish intermeddling in the a'
fairs of this nation. They demand the
nomination of Linton on the ground
that he is a typical American who,
standing on the broad platform of lib
erty, justice and equality, has demon
strated his fealty where manly courage
was a chief requirement, and wben
sneers and snubs availed naught against
his honest, unflinching American prin
The studied silence of the great
dailies regarding Linton's work in
congress and his possible candidacy in
the presidential race has strengthened,
instead of weakening his cause. Ameri
cans hitherto lukewarm have become
grounded In the work, and when the
necessity arises they stand forth boldly
and avow their sentiments.
Linton is beyond doubt the choice of
the mass of American voters, and his
nomination at the forthcoming Repub
lican national convention would be but
little surprise to the American ele
ment. The Republican leaders who
have been watching and noting as
nearly as they could the increasing
strength of the A. P. A. and kindred
orders, fear such a fiasco, and in case
it should not happen many of the
deepest thinkers are of the opinion
that the result will cause the death
knell of the Republican party to be
American principles and American
rule must prevail in this republic, and
political methods, foriegn interference
and boss methods must cease. Iloutz-
dak, Pa., Observer.
The Little Red School House.
In the judgment of the writer, if
Rome was the friend of truth and mor
ality an honest advocate of education,
virtue and patriotism, she would never
have objected to our public school sys
tem. But Rome being pagan and
idolatrous in her character, principles
and practice, well knows that the ex
posure of her youth to the Instruction
and Influence of the American free
schools, would endanger her whole
anti-Christian system, for youth thus
instructed would eventually abandon
the ipapal fold. Our schools are not
now and never have been "sinks of
hell." They certainly will bear com
parison with "Den's theology." Both
morality and true religion have always
been respected in our schools, but be
cause they do rot teach Romanism and
the supremacy of the pope, they are
denounced as a "moral pestilence."
But Rome knows very well that the
party which shapes and controls the
education of our youth, will eventually
rule the nation, benoe, her bold and
continued efforts to break up our free
school system and remove her youth,
as far as possible, from all Protestant
light and influence. But give men the
right of private judgment, that is, a
right to think for themselves, give
them free schools, or a liberal educa
tion, and put a Bible in their hands
and they will never consent to "kiss
the pope's big toa."
Men thus educated, if they worship,
worship the eternal God, who is the
author of that law which makes men
free moral agents and teaches them to
worship Jehovah to the exclusion of
all other objects of worship, and for
bids them to bow to any, created, self
exalted potentate. No Intelligent
man In his right mind, can sy, "His
Holiness, " "Our Lord God, the Pope."
O, shame on fallen humanity, that is
sunk so low in ignorance and supers.!
tlon! Yet, unless our race are In'
structed by grace and truth, they may
fall an easy prey to this old Roman
sorceress, who has bewitched so many
by "lying wonders." I wonder if the
pope and prelates of Rome believe that
their "lying wonders" are miracles or
only jugglery? I wonder if popes,
cardinals and other prelates do pen'
ance, wear "miraculous medals" and
say their "Ave Marias?"
Americans, you must stand by the
"little red school house," it is one of
the bulwarks of the nation. Man must
be properly educated or he will become
the victim of every deceiver. The
pupils In our schools will be the future
nation and the people will be what
education has made tbem. In the no
distant future, this nation will be Prot
estant or papal. It must be Protestant
to prosper and maintain the principles
which have made the nation great,
Americans, do you know that the
power which can close your public
schools, would eventually close your
How has It been In papal nations?
How is It now, where Rome has the
power? To save our nation from semi
paganism and the consequent demorali
sation we must see that the masses are
properly educated. Every school
house in the land should be dedicated
to virtuous, patriotic learning. With
out letters and civilization, man Is an
untrusted savage, his unbridled pas
sions lead to a state of barbarism, and
when filled with superstition and a
diabolical religion, he is little better
than a savage or thorough-bred
heathen and more cruel and of perse
cuting spirit. To stuff a man with
prejudice and superstition, is not prop
erly education, ihe instruction should
be suited to man as a moral and re
sponsible agent. The human soul
should be developed and not formed by
education. We must learn to tbink,
how to think and that we have a right
to think, then we are prepared to learn
what to think. This Is a great part of
education. But this is just what Rome
is opposed to, she wants to do all the
thinking herself. If we let her do it,
we are fools and slaves. Let us prove
our Intelligence by showing (that we
are both patriots and Protestants.
We do protest against all forms of
corruption and especially against the
abominations of Rcme and her attempt
to destroy our free schools, free speech,
and free press. This liberty Rome is
now trying to take from us and make
us submit to the tyranny of Leo XIII.
Answer, Americans, whether saints or
sinners, will you submit? Are you
ready to sell your birth-right?
Bradley Seeks A. P. A. Support.
Louisville, Ky., April 1. Besides
his conference with the colored leaders
during his visit in Louisville Monday,
it is clained Governor Bradley also
sought the A. P. A. Influence. He ad
dressed the meetings of Councils 5 and
26. In his address to Council 5 he said
he had been endorsed for president by
tne advisory board of the A. P. A. as
one worthy of A. P. A. support. He
called attention to the fact that his
opponents in Kentucky were opposed
to the A. P. A., and that McKlnley
had never professed allegiance to the
A. P. A.
How does it come that the Roman
church, which claims to be working
for the salvation of souls, has never
found it necessary to build houses of
refuge for dissipated and fallen young
men, where they could be saved from
evil associations? Why are all their
houses and homes for the female part
of the community? Is the soul of a
man less worthy of salvation than that
of a woman? Or is there some reason,
some foul design against womanhood
which cannot be perpetrated upon the
masculine portion of the population?
Democratic Election In the
D. of C.-Marquette Idol
Must Go.
Belligerent Right for Tuba Passed by
the llouse Interesting Letter From
Chase Roys, of Washing
ton, 1). C
At length, after weeks' of agonizing
suspense, another crlslsthas been safely
passed In the District of Columbia.
The Democrats have concluded their
election for delegates to the Chicago
convention. They managed differently
from the Republicans; they elected at
primaries delegates to a local conven
tion, In which they nominated and
elected six delegates to Chicago. The
Republicans elected but two, and they
were elected at the primaries. The
six believed to be elected are: John
Boyle, William Holmead, Frank R.
Morgan, George Kllleen, R. E. MaU
tlngly and E. L. Jordan.
The following reEolut'.ons were
adopted, In effect:
Allegiance to the national democ
racy! e administration of G rover
Cleveland was endorsed, particularly
his bold stand on the Venezuelan ques
tion and the Monroe doctrine; sympa
thy for Cuba, endoring the concurrent
resolutions of the Senate and House;
endorsing the antl-knownothlng plank
of the national Democratic platform of
1896, declaring a political crusade in
this nineteenth century against Catho
llo and foreign-born citizens Is contrary
to the genius of our constitutions, and
cannot be too severely condemned.
There was a home rule plank declar
ing that the officers of the District
ought to be citizens thereof.
Dennis Callahan offered the following
resolutions as an amendment:
lleaolved, That we, the Democrats of
the District of Columbia, In conven
tion assembled, denounce as un-Ameri
can and unpatriotic all fanatical efforts
to re-establish tests of citizenship and
eligibility to office unknown to the
Constitution. Good A.P. A. doctrine.
Iiesolved, That as a party, we invite
and solicit the opposition of the infa
nwati' and treasonable organization
known as the A. P. A. Whom the
gods would destroy they first make
Jwsolved, That we pledge ourselves to
do everything In our power to make the
worship of God according to conscience
still free and unproscribed in this
country. This is the strongest plank
in the A. P. A. platform.
Jitsolved, That we regard the contin
ued existence ot the disloyal A. P. A.
as a menace and danger to our free in
stitutions, and that we deem it the
duty of our criminal authorities to keep
its known members under constant sur
veillance, and to see to it that they do
not do material Injury to our people
and our country by their dark-lantern
schemes and secret conspiracies. Now
let the band begin to play.
Though greeted with great applause,
these noble resolutions were tabled by
some mysterious and Incomprehensible
influence. It certainly would have been
better to pass them.
Ex-Congressman Turner protested
against any general endorsement of
President Cleveland, and closed a rabid
speech by moving to strike out that
portion of the resolutions that endorsed
Cleveland's administration in general
terms, and then the original resolu
tions were carried, Cleveland and all.
Dr. A. P. Fardon suggested a resolu
tion declaring it to be the sense of the
convention that a national Democratic
convention in 1896 is unnecessary.
This last resolution would have
voiced the unamimous opinion of all the
A. P. A.'s In this District, If not In the
Union; for in a convention of the sub-
councils of the District, it was decided
that it was not worth while to waste
any of their time or energies upon the
Democratic party this year.
There is little new in the status of
the Marquette statue matter, except
that, in consequence of the flood of let
ters, remonstrances and petitions now
overwhelming the Wisconsin delega
tion from citizens of their own and
other Btates, they have about made up
their minds that it must be returned or
set up elsewhere. Why not Bend It to
thesCatholle university here and set It
up along side the pope's? Suppose the
statue once firmly established In the
capltol, and that the pope should then
canonize Marquette make him a saint
every good and faithful papist would
then bow and pray to It; and, presto,
here would be the old pagan worship
'established" by act of congress, in
spite of the first amendment of our
constitution, which forbids the estab-1
linking of asy religion by oong'e
The hierarchy, finding its idol so un
popular, has not yet ventured to carry
out its original plan of having a gor
geous unveiling ceremony. They are
afraid of waking up too many sleeping
The senate has been talking for some
days on bellicose Cuba. The concur
rent resolutions recognizing her belllg
erent rights have been temporarily
blocked by Senator Hale of Maine. It
is said that Hale owns a large interest
in a Cuban sugar plantation which the
Insurgents have destroyed, and for
which bis company hopes to present a
claim against Spain similar to the
Mora claim, which has been allowed
and paid; but, If the Cubans gain their
Independence, he cannot get Indemnity
from the republic. The American
people are anxiously awaiting the pass
age of the resolutions; and 1 do not
look for much longer delay. The free
dom of Cuba, however, Is not popular
with papists. Freedom has no place In
their creed.
Rome's Cost to the World.
According to the Milwaukee Catholic
Sentinel the pope is allowed for his per
sonal wants about 1100,000 annually.
A regular allowance Is also made for
the other dignitaries of the Vatican.
The cardinals receive 1140,000. Other
expenses are: The poor dioceses, 180,
000; secretary of state, $200,000; em
ployes and ablegates, $300,000; support
of schools and the poor, 1240,000: ad
ministration ot the Vatican, t300,000.
The papal expenditures for all pur
poses amount to more than 11,400,000.
The Income is received from many
sources. Strange to say, Italy contrib
utes the smallest part of the revenue.
The United States sends among the
largest amounts of money, The pope
receives from time to time rich pres
ents from the crowned heads. The last
jubilee of Pope Leo XIII. brought to
the Vatican $06,000. In addition to the
above long list of expenditures by the
Vatican household alone, there are
fabulous sums expended throughout
the world in maintaining the Romioh
church. The cardinals, archbishops,
bishops and Hosts live like princes
and lordB, and there are thousands of
women maintained by the funds of the
church. It is safe to say that the
ohurch of Rome yearly spends more
money than is expended to malntalr
any civil government on earth. Eng
land, with her matchless navy, and
Germany with her matchless army, do
not bleed the people as the church of
Rome does, and most of the money
spent by the church is derived from
two systems that of coercion and that
of begging. All business houses know
this. All politicians know It. All
Romanists know it. Isn't it time to
call a halt?
The American Idea.
Rev. Henry Powers, of Chelsea,
Mass., spoke on the principles and
methods of the A. P. A. last Sunday.
He said that the time had come for an
unprejudiced exposition of the alms
and purposes of a society which had
been much maligned since Its Incep
tion. He spoke In order that no one
might have an excuse for not joining
in this great work:
"First of all, I will say of the mem
bers of this organization that they are
attached and dedicated to what I may
call the American idea in our govern
ment liberty and freedom for every
bodywhich was established by the
Pilgrim Fathers. The qualification of
intelligence and the expression of a
deBire to support .the government of
this country, is at present the only con
dition to American citizenship, with
the exception of the sex limitation,
which I hope and believe will be re
moved ere long.
"The three great exemplars of this
American idea are Goorge Washing
ton, Abraham Lincoln and Miss Clara
Barton. They are typical Americans.
But there are millions of Americans
who are not Inspired with this Idea,
and It is time that those who are
awake should come together and say,
'We will teach these principles to
awake the sleepers, for a generation,
or three generations, if necessary.' "
Mr. Powers related some of Rome's
doings in a political capacity, and said:
"In a thousand ways that foreign ab
solutism is binding the nation with
cords, until some day, unless her citi
zens are aroused, America will wake
from her sleep to find herself helpless."
Tokdo American.
What They Want.
The pope is praying for the success
of the Spanish troops. This is an indi
cation that they will get the worst of
it. The pope wants the United States
to keep her hands off Cuba, because It
is managed by a "Roman" country. He
wants the United States to keep Eng
land out of South America, where the
Roman church has full sway. England
Is a Protestrnt nation, and the only
time he wants her is when he can use
her. lie wants to keep Mextoo as
strongly Roman Catholic as possible,
and this accounts for the killing of
those who wore Protestants, to honor
the holy (?) mother church. Ha wanU
his dear followers In Canada to remain
faithful, and In the proper time will
have his agents agitate the question of
annexation to the United 8taW, and
leave England on her lonely inland to
mourn her loss. Then she will have
some hope of placing Into the presiden
tial cbalr at Washington a Roman
Catholic president who will be the
choice of the people. If any one can
read between the linos, as he has
watched the current events during the
past few years, he will find that Rome
has carried on an Incessant warfare to
plaoe herself In the ascendancy, and
she has always met with failure to ac
complish what she hoped to do; and, If
the world were to know of the thou
sands of failures she has been com
pelled to yield to, It would watch every
time she attempted to gain a point, and
laugh a little louder each time a resist
able force meets an lrreslstablo object.
As the Spanish troops wish no reports
to go to the world of the loss of a bat
tle, so Rome does not desire anyone to
know when ber plans have been "side
England should be fully aware of the
plans of this political pirate, and make
It warm for blm whenever be trios to
manage affairs there. Let the A. P.
A. work wisely and well, and stand by
Its government and down its greatest
enemy, the "Man on the Tiber."
A Joint Meeting.
Willow Springs, Mo., March 20,
1890. Last Friday night at council
ball of Wlllew Springs Council No. 70,
and Excelsior Council No. 14, occurred
one ot the most pleasant and enjoyable
entertainments your scribbler has ever
had the pleasure of attending. It was
a'joint meeting of the above councils,
and in honor of Friends J. F. and Rosa
L. Apgar, who were soon to leave the
olty. The most attractive feature of
the entertainment to us men anyway
was the bountiful supper prepared
and served by the ladles of our sister
organization, after which several
speeches and responses were made and
the following resolution passed:
Pall of Council No. 70, A. P. A. and
Council No. 14, W. A. P. A., Willow
Springs, Mo., In joint meeting as
sembled, March 13, 1890:
Whereas, We are called to part
with our well beloved friends, John F.
Appar and Rosa L. Aptrar, his wife.
who this day sever their connection
with these councils and go to distant
fields of labor; therefore be It
Jumlml, That in their departure
these councils lose two of their most
faithful members, and we do by these
presents Dut leeoiy express our sorrow
and regret at parting with them, and
do hereby most cordially recommend
them to all members of our respective
orders, wherever their lots may be
cast, as true, faithful and active mem
bers of the same, as well as honest, up
right, christian people.
Witness my hand and seal of this
seal Leslie S. Martin,
Secretary Council No. 70.
The Priest Had a Finger in the Pie.
Not long since the papers had the ac
counts of a swindle which was worked
on a Louisville woman named Mrs.
Deuser by an alleged clairvoyant call
ing herself Mrs. Bender. The latter
induced the former to believe that a
fortune of $40,000 in $20 gold pieces
was hidden in ber cellar. To enable
her victim -to find this money, the
clairvoyant extorted $950 from her in
small sums, varying from $25 to $50,
and then -failed to reveal the hiding
place of the money, and legal proceed
ings followed.
But the interest to our readers is to
be found in the fact that Mrs. Deuser
said on the stand that she believed all
the woman told her. On one occasion
she had had the priest and some of the
sisters come to her house and burn $25
worth of candles In the cellar in order
that the fortune might be easier found.
One need scarcely be told that the
simpleton was a Catholic As a corre
spondent says: This incident shows
where the "howly" father worked his
rabbit foot on the woman for $25 worth
of candles. Is there, he continues, an
American school girl who attends the
public school, and who is above the
age of 10 years, who would be hoodoed
the way that poor credulous woman
was? She ought to get a piece of the
bone of St. Anne's arm, or go to Treves
and look at the holy coat; then and
then only, probably, she could get a
part of all that mythical fortune.
What fools these mortals be, Indeed,
and especially the Catholics. Toledo
When down town drop In at John
Rudd's and leave your watch, If It Is
out of repair, to be fixed, 317 No. 16 St