The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, March 27, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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Notica to Non-Rident Defendant
To Walter L. Brockniaa, oa-reeldenl de
fendant: You ere hereby Bottled that oa tne Utth
dav of alan-b. Aidi M Robert ulaia-
II IT brcln. Bled her petition to tea above en
titled cause, lu the district court o( liouglss
eouaiv. hebrwka. ajraiost Walter I., nrorlt-
nian and Joan Kuder. the object asd player
of which la to foreclose a certain real estate
nortage eaecutvd oa tbe IB day of May.
lMi, by Walur L. Bro-kuiaa iwldowtrl upon
tbe proterty described an follows:
Lou eleven ill) and twelve il? la block
nineteen ( If I In Walnut Hill, aa addition to
tbe city of Omaha, In Douglas county. Ne
braska, a surveyed, platted and recorded,
to secure the payment of his promissory
Bote, with Interna coupons attached, for the
sum of nine bunded dollars if uoi, due and
payable May 1st. 1am: tbat there Is n. w
due asd payable on said sole tbe suwof nine
hundred dollars ifuui uoi. vlih Inter. i at the
rate of seven ?) per cent per annum from
the 1st dav of Ma v. vm. for which sum. eilb
Intercut from May 1st, Iwrt, plaintiff prays
tor a decree that tbe defendant pay tue
same, and tbat In default of such pay meat
said premises may be sold to ealUfy tbe
amount found due; sal J petition aleoprajs
for the appointment of a rtcelvr to collect
the rents and protits arising from said prem
ises pendente lite uoon the grounds that
aaid property Is Insutttci ant to pay plaintiff's
claim, mat the same la being waaieu, ana
that you are Insolvent.
You are required to answer said petition
On or before tne 27 ih dav of Aurll, is;.
Dated at Omaha. Nebraska. Man-h ill. 1SJ6.
An.lA M. UUBr.hVlS.
By V. O. Strlckler, attorney for plaintltf.
Special Master CommiNstoner'g Sale.
Under and by virtue of an alias order of
sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Is
sued out of the district court for Douglas
county. Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will,
on tbe ird day of April, A. U. lsW. at one
o'clock p. m. of said day, at tbe north front
door of tbe county court bouse. In the city
of Omaha, Ilouglaa county, Nebraska, sell
at public auction to the highest bidder for
cash, the property described In said order of
ate as rouows, to-wit:
Lots three (3), four (4) and five (5) In block
tx and the east half of loll nine (9) and
ten (10), and all of lota eleven (11) and twelve
12i. In block three 3i, In Central Park Ad
dition to the city of Omaha, as surveyed,
platted and recorded, all In DouKlas county.
state of Nebraska, subject to two mortgages
of nine hundred dollars ftf.UI) each, In
favor of Tbe Mutual Investment Oomoany.
bald property to be told to satisfy The
Mutual Investment Company, plaintiff
herein, the sum of one hundred thirteen and
23-lMu dollars f 113.2:1) Judgment, with Interest
tnereon at rate oi eight (to per cent per an
num from February 4. Ixii.V
To satisfy the sum of thirty-one and 2H-100
collars 111.20 costs herein, together with ac
cruing costs, according to a judgment ren
dered by tbe district court of said Douglas
county, at Its February term. A. D. IKI15, la a
certain action tben and there pending,
wherein Tbe Mutual Investment Company
was plaintiff, and Egbert E. French ana
Others were defendant.
Omaba, Nebraska, March 18, A. D. lw
Special Master Commissioner.
W. H. Russell, attorney.
Mutual lnv. t'o. vs. French, et al.
Doc. 47; No. IM. 3-20-5
Special Master Commissioner's Sale.
Under and by virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out
of the district court for Douglas county,
state of Nebraska, and to me directed, I will,
on the Tth day of April, A I). 1H at ene
o'clock p. 11. of said (fay, it the EAST front
door of tbe county court house. In tbe city
of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at
' public auction to tbe highest bidder for
casb, tbe property described In said order of
sale, as follows, to-wit:
Lot two (2) In block six () In Parker's Ad
dition to tne city of Omaha, Douglas county,
Said property to be sold to satisfy P. L.
Johnson, defendant herein, the sum of seven
hundred thirty-two and 04-100 dollars
7ai.04), with Interest thereon from May ttth,
1SU5, at the rate of ten (10) per cent per
To satisfy Hollls R. Bailey, Executor of the
last will and testament of Charles 11. Bell,
deceased, plaintiff herein, the sum of eleven
thousand six hundred eighty-three and 39 100
dollars (HI.eM), with Interest thereon from
May tub, im, at the rate of ten (10) per cent
per annum.
To satisfy the German Savings Bank of
Omaha. Nebraska, defendant herein, the
sum of ten hundred forty-one and (itt-loO dol
lars $l04l.6ti), with Interest thereon at the
rate of ten (10) per cent from April 12, 1802.
To satisfy tbe American National Bank of
Omaha, Nebraska, the sum of twenty-one
hundred fifty-one and 17-100 dollars (t21.r1.17),
J with interest thereon from ay 7tli, WM. at
V tbe rate of ten (10) per cent per annum.
"To satisfy costs herein In the sum of one
hundred eleven and 43-1(10 dollars ($111.43),
together with accruing costs accural, g to a
judgment rendered by the district court of
said Douglas county, at Its May term, A. D.
1SW, In a certain action then and there pend
ing wherein Hollls K. Bailey, Executors of
the Inst will and testament of Charles h.
Bell, deceased was plaintiff, and Charles T.
Taylor, Catherine Taylor, P. L. Johnson, Ed
ward C. Prltcbett Pie brisk a Havings and
Exchange rank. German Pavings Bank,
iatch & Launian, Thomas Mulvlblll, J. W.
Brock, William W. Lowe, American National
Dank of Omaha, Hugh M. McCaffrey and
Charles J. WesterBeld, were defendants.
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, March 6, A.
D. ltsutj.
Special Master Commissioner.
Saunders & Macfarland, attorneys for plain
tltf. Bailey, Ex., vs, Taylor. Doc. 41; No. 350.
Special Master Commissioner's Sale.
Under and by virtue of an alias order of
sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage is
sued out of the district court for Douglas
county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will,
on the 23rd day of April, A. D. ltWii, atone
o'clock p. m of said day, at the north front
door of the county court house, In the city of
Omaha, Douglas county, Nebratka, sell at
public auction to tbe highest bidder for
casb, the property described In said order of
sale as follows, to-wit:
The north one-half of a strip of land com
mencing at a point on tbe east line of La
fayette or Twentieth street one hund-ed and
fifty (150) feet south of the northwest corner
of lot sixty-two (ft!) in S. E. Kogers' plat of
Okaboma, thence east one hundred and
thirty-five feet more or less to a point on
the est line of Vinton street one hundred
and fifty (150) feet more or less in a south
westerly direction from the northeast corner
of said west line of Vinton street fifty (50)
feet more or less, thence west one hundred
and twelve (112) feet more or less to the east
line of Lafayette or Twentieth street, thence
north along the east line of said Lafayette
or Twentieth street fifty (50) feet to place
of beginning, all In the city of Omaha. Doug
las county, state of Nebraska, subiect to one
first mortgage of five hundred dol aradSOO 00),
In favor of The Mutual investment Com
pany. Said property to be sold to satisfy the Mu
tual Investment Company, plaintiff herein,
the sum of one hundred nineteen and 84-100
dollars (J110.84) Judgment, with Interest
thereon at rate of ten (10) per cent per an
num from February 5th, 181)5.
To satisfy the sum of twenty-two and 93-100
dollars t22.93) costs herein, together with ac
cruing costs, according to a Judgment ren
dered by the district court of said Douglas
county, at Its February term, A. D. 18U5, in
a certain action then and there pending,
wherein The Mutual Investment Com
pany was plaintiff, and Caroline Nelson and
others were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska, March 18, 18!W.
Special Master Commissioner.
W. H. Russell, attorney.
Mutual lnv Co. vs. Nelson.
DOC.4B, No. 102. 3-20-5
Notice of Administration of Estate
, In the county court of Douglas county, Ne-
In the matter of the estate of Alice B.
Salisbury, deceased :
John G. Salisbury, Lutie M. Van Brunt,
Lemuel M. Salisbury, and all other persons
interested In said matter are hereby notified
that on the 5th day of March, lSOtt, Lutie
riM. Van Brunt hied a petition In said county
Criurt, alleging among other things that
Alice B. Salisbury died on the lstth day of
January, 1KU, leaving no last will and testa
ment, and possessed of personal estate valued
at 1700.00, and that the above named consti
tute the persons Interested In the estate of
said deceased, and praying for administra
tion thereof.
You are hereby notified that If you fail to
appear at said court on the 30th day of
March, 18'Jt), at 9 o'clock A. at. and contest said
petition, the court will appoint Lutie M. Van
Brunt or some other suitable person ad
ministrator, and proceed to a settlement of
said estate,
County judge.
S pedal Master OamllearT' Sale.
Voder and by virtue of aa order of sale oa
decree of foreclosure of uiormua Issued out
of the district court for Duuttlaa county.
Nebraska, and to nie directed. 1 will,
on the alal day of March. A. It. 189a. at one
o'clock p. tu. of said day. at the north front
door of tbe county court house, la the city
Of Omaha, Iktuglaa county. Nebraska, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder furcaah,
the property described In said order of sale
as follows, to-wli: Lot thirteen lii, block
seven (7i. in Central Park, aa addition to the
city of Omaha. iHmglas county. Nebraska.
Said property to be sold to satisfy Milton T
Roys, plaintiff herein, tie sum of ninety
three and s;-lUU dollars cfcusli. with lu per
rent. Interest thereon from Mty 7tb. li4.
To satisfy Isaac Adams, defendant herein,
tbesuuiofoue hundred eUbteea and Ni-luu
dollars itllsM'. with per cent. Interest
thereon from May 7th 14. To satisfy pro
rata, said Isaac Adams, the sum of one hun
dred and thlr.y-Bve dollars il.l5,H'; Com
mercial National Bank, defendant herein,
the sum of live hundred thirty dollars
ifcVMOoi; Fred Llndhorst, defendant herein,
the sum of forty-three do lars iWJiHo. and
Abratu f. Joseph, defendant lit rein, the sum
of ninety-tour dollars iU iiii, with 7 percent.
Interest on all said sums from May itb, w.4.
To satisfy Isaac Adams the sum of six hun
dred sixteen dollars tfnlH.uo) with H per cent.
Interest from May7tb, lw4; to satisfy it:7.o)
cost, together with accruing costs accord
ing to a judgment rendered by the district
Court of said Douglas county, at lu Septem
ber term, A. I). 18".4, In a certain action then
and there pending, wherein Milton F. Hoys
was plaintiff, and Joseph A. Hal nee et al.
were deienuants.
Omaha, Nebraska, February 28tb. 18Hrl.
Special Master Coauiiaatoner.
Doc. 42; No. Hi. 2 2K-&
Special Master ttimuiissloner's Sale.
Under and by virtue of an orderofsale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage issued out
of the district court for Douglas county, Ne
braska, and to me directed, I will, on the 7th
day of April. A. D. lrtttl. at one o'clock p.
M. of said day, at the north front door of the
county court house. In the city or umana,
Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder fjreash, the
property described In tald order or sale
follows, to-wit:
Let seven i7i. block Ave (5). in Thornberar
Place, an addition to the city of Omaha, as
surveyed. plated ana recorded, all in Uoug
las county, state of Nebraska.
Said urouertv to he sold to satisfy MarvG.
Nichols, plaintiff herein, the sum of one
thousand one hundred twenty-nve dollars
tl.l25.0ilijudgmcnt, with Interest thereon at
rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from May
6, 1U5.
To satisfy the sum of twentv-three and
IH-100 dollars (23.18) costs herein, together
with accruing costs, according to a Judgment
rendered by tbe District Court of said Doug
las county, at Its May term, A, D, 18U., In a
certain action tnen ana mere penoing
wherein Mary G. Nichols was plaintiff, and
Jessie w, ixome ana others were defendant.
Omaha, Nebraska, March 6, 18im
Special Master Commissioner.
F. E. Tiffany, attorney.
Nichols vs. Noble. Doc. 47; No. 140. 3-6-5
Special Master Commissioner's Sale.
Under and by virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage issued out
or tbe district court for Douglas county.
State ot Nebraska, and to me directed. I
will, on tbe 7th dav of April, A. D. lh. at
wo o cioca a. si. 01 saiu uay, at tne jlabi
front door of the County Court-house, In the
city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska,
sell at public auction to the highest bidder
for cash, the property described In said order
of sale as follows, to-wlt:
Tbe south forty-one (41) feet of lot number
four (4), in block number thirteen (13). In Im
provement Aisoclatlon Addition to the city
of Omaba, as surveyed, platted and re
corded, together with all and singular the
hereditaments and appurtenances ther -unto
belonging, all situated In the county of
Douglas, and state of Nebraska.
Said property to be sold to satisfy Sarah A.
Havemeyer, plaintiff herein, in the sum of
thirteen hundred one and 30-100 dollars
(ii:K)1.30). with Interest on twelve hundred
dolla8$1200) at s ven (7) per cent per annum
from May 7th, 18.)4, and 01 one hundred one
and 30-in) di Uai s ((101.30) at ten (10) per cent
per annum from same date.
To satisfy O F. Davis Comoany In the sum
of s xty and 40-100 dollars (ttH).40) and Interest
at ten (10) per cent per annum from May 7,
To satisfy the sum of thlr jv-two and 78-100
dollars (12.78) costs herein, together with ac
cruing costs according to a Judgment ren
dered by the district court of said Douglas
county, at Its May term, A. D. 1804, In a cer
tain action then and mere pending wherein
Sarah A. Havemeyer was ulalntiff. and John
Jaros and othe s were defendants.
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, March 5th, A.
D. 18W.
Special Master Commissioner.
Dexter L. Thomas, attorney for plaintiff.
Havemeyer vs. Jaros, et al.
Doc. 44; No. 270. 3-6-5
Special Master Commissioner's Sale.
Under and by virtue of an order of sael on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out
of tne district court for Douglas county,
state of Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will,
on the 7th day of April. A. D 18'. 0, at one
o'clock p. M. of said day, at the EAST front
door of the county court house, In the city
of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder for cash,
the property described In said order of sale
as follows, to-wlt:
Lot six (6). block eight (8). In Parker's Ad
dition to the city of Omaha, Douglas county,
Said property to be sold to satisfy H. J.
Twintlng, plaintiff herein, tbe sum of one
hundred twenty-nine and 10-100 dollars
(I12U.I0), with Interest thereon at rate of ten
(10) per cent per annum from May 6th, 1895,
and attorney's f es amounting to twelve and
91-1(0 dollars (1 12.91).
To satisfy Harriet C. Hallou. defendant
herein, the sum of eight hundred and thirty
three dollars ($833.00), with Interest thereon
from May 6th, 1895, at rate of ten (10) per cent
per annum
TO satisfy costs in the sum of sixty-one
and 48-100 dollars (ftil.48), together with ac
cruing costs according to a judgment ren
dered by the district court of said Douslas
county, at Its May term. A. D. 1895, In a cer
tain action then and there pending wherein
H. J. Twintlng was plaintiff, and Thomas
Campbell and Mrs. Campbell, his
wire, K,vereit u. naaou ana Harriet u. Bal
lon were defendants.
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, March 6th, A.
D. 181K1.
Special Master Commissioner.
Saunders & Macfarland, attorneys for plain
tiff. Twintlng vs. Campbell. Doc. 44; No, 373.
Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue of a
chattel mortgage dated November 25t.h, 1895.
Hied in the ortlce of thecounty clerk of Doug
las county, Nebraska. November 27th, 1895,
executed by George D. Merryman Company,
Mrs. Ada t.ycnaner ana u. 11. Merryman to
it. n. Kennedy, to secure tne payment or nve
hundred and seventeen dollars ($517. 00), upon
which there Is now due the sum of live hun
dred and twelve and 52-100 dollars (1512.52),
default having been made In the conditions
of said mortgage, and no proceedings at law
having been instituted to recover any part
of said debt, therefore I will tell the prop
erty therein described, to-wit: Two carpet
cleaning machines, one electric motor, one
wagon, desk, chairs, books, gasoline stove,
carpet laying tools, rooping and all chattels
and merchandise, at 718 and 720 South Four
teenth street, Omaha. Nebraska at public
auction at 718 South Fourteenth street,
Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, on the
6th day of April, 1890, at 2 o'clock p. M. of said
Dated March 13th, 1896.
By Saunders & Macfarland, his attorneys.
Probate Notice
In the matter of the estate of John II. Mc
Alvln, deceased:
Notice Is hereby given, that the creditors
of said deceased will meet the administrator
of said estate before me. County Judge of
Douglas county, Nebraska, at the county
court room in said county, on tbe 7th day of
May. 1896. on the 7th day of July. 1896, and on
the 15th day of September, 189(1, at 9 o'clock
A. M. each day, for the purpose of presenting
their claims for examination, adjustment
and allowance. Six months are allowed for
the creditors to present their claims and one
year for the administrator to settle said
estate, from the 7th day of March, l89iij this
notice will be published in The American
for four weeks successively, prior to the 7th
day of May, 1896.
3-13-1 -3 a , County Judge.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants
la the district court of Douglas rouaty.
Nebraska. F.iisabeth H. Abbott. plaintiU, ta,
John B. iuttoa, et al., dpfondaala-
To John H. eultoo Catherine rutloa. bob
mldeat defeadaota:
You are hereby notlflrd that on the 14 lb day
of March. IwaL F.ttsatM-ta U. Abbott. plalntiS
herein, lied her petition la the ai ova eo
tlli4 eeuae, la ta district court of Ifctuglas
County. Nebraaka. agalusl you and eacn of
you, the object asd prayer of wBU-b la to
fortH'His a certain muMoit eaeruivd on
the loth day of th-tolwr. ImC. by Joen H. Sut
ton sad Catherine kutton, iipoa the prop
erly deat-rlbed aa folic a, situated la the
county of Douglas and state vt Nebraska,
The east twenty-two (tl feet In width of
lot eight ill) ib block kvBty-onei7l la the
city ot Omaha, aa surveyed and litho
graphed. 10 secure the payment of tne mort
gage bond signed by Julia B. Sutton aud
Catherine Sutton, with tbe Interval coupona
attached, for the sum of twelve hundred
dollars crlJto an, due and payable October
at, w,: tnatturre la now uue ana payame
on said bond the sum of twelve hundred dol
lars (12UU0) with Interest according to the
tenor thereof from the 1st day of April,
1894, for which sum. with Interest and coat,
plaintiff prays fur a decree that the de
fendants be required to pay the same, and
that In default of such nayment said u rem
ises may be sold to satufy the amount
found due; the plaintiff Is the legal owner
and holder or said bond and niorttfaice.
You are reuulied to answer said pttlllon
oa Jr uerore tlie day of Aurll. lmt.
Dated at Omaha. Nebraska. Man-h 20, 1896.
tLl.Aur. 1 it 11. ahuu 11.
By W. II. Russell, attorney for plaintiff.
Abbott s. nuiton. Doc &5: No. 113. 3-20 4
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an execution on transcript
Issued out of the district court of Douglas
couuty. Nebraska, and tome directed. I have
levied upon the following descrllted property
or unaries j.neau anu main van iteau. to
Lot number one (1) In block "L," Lowe's
Addition to the city of Omaha, aa surveyed,
platted and recorded, all In Douglas couuty,
of state Nebraska.
And I will, on the 7th day of April, A. D.
lMWi, at ten o'clock A. u. of said day, at the
EAST front door of tbe county court house.
In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, he
bras La, sell at public auction tbe property
above described, to satisfy rllzabetli II.
Abbott, plaintltf herein, the sum of eighty
and 22-100 dollars 180.22) damages, and nine
teen and 1O-I0O dollars f 19.70) costs of suit.
which by the Judgment of hben K. Long
Justice of the Peace In and for said county
on the 14th day of J anuary. 1896 (a transcript
of which Judgment was on the l.Hb day of
January, 1MI. duly filed and docketed In the
district court wllbln and for said county)
Elizabeth II. Abbot recovered anatnst the
said Charles J. tcead and Mazllvah Head
with Interest thereon at the rat of ten (1(1)
yer cent per annum from the 14th day of
anuary, A. D. I8'.J, until paid; and also the
further sum of nlnety-rlve cents (95 cl, tbe
costs of Increase on said Judgment, ami the
accr ung costs nereon.
Omaha, Nebraska. March 6, 1806.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
W. H. Russell, attorney.
Elizabeth 11. Abbott vs. Chas. J. Read, etal
Ex. Doc. V; No. 229. 3-6-5
Legal Notice.
Default having occurred In the condition
of a chattel mortitaire executed and de
livered to C F. Reed i Company by Harriot
Hart and Miss Jessie Hart ontheuih day of
June, 18U4, to secure me payment or one
Sromlssory nota of same date for the sum of
fteen dollars, said note and Interest thereon
at ten per cent from date being due July 6,
1894, and there Is now due on said note the
sum of nine dollars and Interest from date.
No action at law having been Instituted to
recover said sum, we will therefore sell at
public auction tbe following described prop
erty In said mortgage contained, or so much
thereof as shall be necessary to satisfy said
claim with Interest aud costs, to-wli: One
No. 4866, Style 12, Western ( ottage Organ, at
No. 319 South Thirteenth street, Omaha, Ne
braska, at ten o'clock a. m. Saturday, April
11th. 1896.
Omaha, Nebraska. March 18, 1896.
3 20-3 . Mortgagees.
Annual Meeting.
The annual meeting of the stockholders of
the Crescent Lacd Company will be held at
the Madison Hotel, Twenty-first and Chicago
streets. Tuesday, April 7, 1896, at 2:30 P M.
Omaha, NeDraska, March 7, ism.
3-6-4 Secretary.
The Homeseekcr's Promised Land.
The territory of Utah entered tbe
Union of States on January 4th, 1806,
with a papulation of about 200,000 peo
ple and a climate unsurpassed in the
wide world. It is richer in agricul
tural resources than any other state.
It has within its borders nearly all of
the known minerals and metali gold,
silver, copper, Iron, tin, etc., In abun
dant quantities. It has, best of all, a
health-giving' climate, always temper
ate in summer and in winter. It has
hot sulphur springs, and Is in fact one
large sanitarium. Utah is the Ideal
place to build a home in which to
spend the balance of your days, sur
rounded by farm and orchard which
guarantee all the necessities and mos t
of the comforts of life. There are mil
lions of such homes now awaiting set
tlement. Send; to F. A. Wadlelgh,
Silt Lake City, for copies of Utah
pampblets. It will pay you to post
yourself on the merits of the new state,
which has been amply termed "The
Promised Land."
For Selling a Book of Great Interest and
Popularity "Story of Turkey and
Armenia," With a Fall and Graphic
Account of the Massacres.
R. H. Woodward Company, Balti
more, Md., are offering $200.00 to any.
one selling 200 copies of their new
book, "Story of Turkey and Armenia."
This is a work of great interest and
popularity. Many agents sell 15 copies
a day. A graphic and thriliin? ac
count is given of the massacres of the
Armenians which have aroused the
civilized world. Agents are offered
the most liberal terms and premiums.
Freight paid and credit given. Write
them immediately. tf
Mexican Veterans, Attention.
Should this notice be read by any of
the surviving comrades of the Mexican
war of 1846, Berving under General
Kearney,in Colonel Doniphan's division,
who knew a comrade by the name of
Joseph D. N. Thompson, of Missouri,
who was of medium height, light com
plexion, brown hair, blue eyes and 35
years of age, and was born in White,
Clay county, Tenn., of Irish parents,
they will confer a favor on his heirs
by writing and will be reimbursed for
expense of postage. Address all let
ters to Mrs. Rachel T. Zook.
4339 Lake St., Omaha, Neb.
Two Letters at the Same Stroke
tuble Durability,
Double Speed
rrlaireon Hall-Hearlnga,
louble Klbbon Movement.
Keya Lock at Knd of Line,
Many Other Convenience!
Tbe JKWBTT U a Blnirle Center Type
writer with I MViCHHai. klvaiiAHit, very
prompt and raay In action, with the auperlor
mechanlain and coiiatrucllon of the 1'uplei.
excepting the double featurea.
Liberal lachanga for Other Machinal.
Tvpawrltara Ranlad.
Stenographer' Buppliet.i
11. C. WALL,
Tel. 1279.
1215 Farnam Street, OMAHA, NEB.
A Valuable Book
TiieRoman Papacy
We want aKenta everywhere, and pemont
who will vet up a club. Lamest pay to both
clauses. rV'hool teachera who want employ
ment, and thoae who can devote their even
ing to circulating a really great book; and
ladle who can devote a few houra a day, we
can pay wen, write us at once. Adureae.
Columbus Ate. and Berkeley St.,
or iHi
United States of America.
Minneapolis, Minn.
BOBT. W. JOHNSTON, Supreme Secretary,
Troy, New York,
M.L.ZOOK, " '
161S Howard Street. Omaha, Neb.,
Organlier for department of Nebraaka, Iowa,
Kansas, Missouri and Colorado.
On behalf of the Loval Orange Lodge of
the United States of America, and with a
view of correcting the false Impression that
enemies are endeavoring to convey to the
minds of men who are unacquainted with
Orange principle!, are these few statements
The Loyal Orange Institution Is a brother
hood and sisterhood, bound by three ties
Justice, Truth and Righteousness.
It has no hidden alms
It Is Fraternal and Benevolentassisting
and protecting members while living and
their widows and orphans when they are re
moved by death.
It upholds the right of private Judgment--the
untrammelled freedom of opinion) be
lieves the public schools are an essential
safeguard of the state, and should be kept
free from ecclesiastical or sectarian control
and that persons disloyal to the government
who hold a mental allegiance to the pope
of Borne should be rigorously excluded from
teaching therein.
It believes primary allegiance la due to
the government which protects the lives,
liberties and properties of its cltliens, and
that ecclesiastical authority should aot'
nnder any circumstances, be permitted to
meddle in the affairs of state, and that coer
cion of a citizen in the exercise of his or her
right of franchise, under the guise of relig
ious or spiritual authority should be pun
ished as a crime against the state.
That It Is the duty of every cltlien to de
fend the lawfully constituted authority and
Institutions of our country against Corrupt
and Inimical influences, as well as against
armed assailants, to the end that our glori
ous freedom be protected and transmitted
unimpaired to posterity.
It encourages habits of frugality and in
dustry amenglt members, and la proud to
boast that Orangemen seldom become a
public charge or accept pauper bread.
It believes in tbe restriction of Immigra
tion d the extension of time for the natur
alliii.on of cltliens, and that the public
and shall be held for actual American cltl
iens who become settlers.
The Loyal Orange lustltutlon of the
United States of America has certain
requirements for membership:
That a man shall be an actual American
cltlien, having complied with the lawsof the
United States with regard to naturalisation,
and without a mental reservation.
That the applicant shall be a Protestant,
and also that his parent and wife shall be
That he shall be thrifty and lucceaaf ul In
hi business; honorable and truthful In hi
dealings with his fellowman. and shall be
known as a law-abiding cltlien.
That he will endeavor to give hi children
or any children under hi charge at least a
?ooo common scnooi education, Deing care
ul to avoid all popish doctrine, and
That he shall be In sound health at th
time of making application.
It makes no difference where a man was
born, so long a he meet the foregoln
These are the qualification required o
every applicant to the order, and we do not
think that anv patriotic American order can
offer a better array ot nrlnclple and teaching.
J a. o. I'. A. M.
TATa odvwou. or iuuuii
v. t.niajia.
. V. LI V. k. tMl.llM2K ll.i...,n..,k
M. O. Mwy. J. A. lllKi.lri, p. o. Bus T'A
ue an a-
C. Tra.-K. A. WILLIAM. Omaha.
tVwductor K n TI'Tl". I'lalUmouth.
Warden K P. DOLMAN. ouieba.
Sentinels W. VAN liLkK, o. Umaha I J.
L I.IVkffcY. tin aha
H Hull. Ill' HI I I.IK, K. I IN'I.MAN... W.
Uitlli u I . w.JtLil. . .... a . . ..
The neit regular turntlng will benela Feb
ruary St, IW7, at LI c In.
every Krldav evening at O. A. K. Hall
Plattatuouth. Neb. Vlalllng brothers cor
dially Invited. O. K. JoliNoN,
Hoc. ttee.
" every Tuesday eve. In Idlewlld ball,
Mlh and Urant slreela. Visiting brother!
always welcome. J. ii. lUavsr. eec y
T INOOLN COUNCIL No. t. meet la Ll.
" coin, Nebraaka
COLUMBIA COUNCIL No. 1 meet everi
vy Tuesday evenlug In Bed Men's IU1I, Pat
terson blues, cor, I, k ana Parnate etreeu.
W. M. Thoma tJouncllur,
K. L. Mamhtuh, secretary.
US. UHANTCOUNCIL No. III. meeta every
Thursday cvonlug In I'alteraun Hall,
17th and Karuaut sis. Vlalllng bmlhera al
ways welcome. W. K. KNAIT,
Kec. necretary.
(JAKKIKLD COUNCIL No. a, meets ever
vl Tuesday night In boulh Omaha.
councilor. secretary
T IBKUTY COUNCIL No. T meeu ever
u Tuesday evening, I. O. O. If. Hall, Louis
ville, Neb. T. 11. Lucas. Ko. Sec y.
noUNCILNo. 20. A. P. A., Cameron, Mo.,
ti .......... . , . . .. . . , '
w lumw.iu; a. 11,1 llluriu DlDDtll
evening, at Iraterully Temple, Visitor)
ItLUPK CITY COUNCIL No T- meeu everi
" Wednesday evening la U. A. B. Half,
Council bluita. la. ,
Oxford Council, No. l.'K), of the American
i iipwmi." nMMjKtiuii, ui vaioru, lieu.,
meets In their council chamber every Friday
.' Mb . r- m. EHijUuruiUK iricoua ID glHHl
ataudlug are always welcome. II. U. Ituualn,
Pres.; t.V. Scarborough, Kec. Secretary.
LINCOLN Commandery No. I, U. A. M
mnDui,,Dij iuuimikj wciiiug in r. j. n. ui
A. hall, Council UluUs. la, A. M. Burnuaiu,
........ I
V-r meeu on tlrst and third Wedneaday
OTouiiiKB Ul riK-u lllljlll.ll, at u. a. tv nail.
11(1 North Fifteenth street, Omaha, Neb.
I. A. fciix man, Commander; II, K, Ledyard,
B. C.-K. C. Borden, llolden, Mo.
S. V. C.-Rev. 11. A. Slaughter, St. Joseph
S. C. Bec'y Kolla O. Carroll, Warrensburg,
Will meet in Chllllcothe, Mo February
every Friday night at 1 224 MclJee street,
Jaa. McNamara, Sec'y IMA) East lutli St.
v- Saturday night at the corner of Twelfth
and Cherry streets, W. V. Sheaver, Record
lug Secretary, 1407 Madison street.
Tuesday night at 1222 McUee streets,
PerceyP, Uuiuui, Reo. becretary , 21 10 llrlpp
HATE CITY COUNCIL No. 44-Meet every
u Mondav night, corner lath and Penn St.,
over drug store,
" every Thursday night, between Hist and
32nd on Holme.
u Sheffield every Thursday night. Thoma
Smith, Uec. Sec'y, Sheffield, Mo.
HEI'KIELI) Council, No. I'll, A. P. A.,
' meets everv Saturday nlubt at Knlirim.
of Columbia hall, Shelliulu, Mo. Frank
Forbes, Secretary,
can Protective AHsoclallon meets every sec
ond and fourth Wednesday of each month In
I. O. O. F. hall, Plattsmouth, Neb. Visiting
members are welcome J. Ii. Smith. Sec.
Meeu every Wednesday afternoon at I
o'clock, at the A. P. A. Hall, ifl Minnesota
avenue, Kansas City, Kan.
1 every Monday evening at the corner ol
Twenty-third and Proapect avenue. Kansas
City, Mo. Persons desiring to join may en
close their name, street and number, ward,
age and occupation, and direct to box Ul
Kansas City, Mo,.
America Council No. 7, meeu at Wood
ward's Hall every Wednesday at 2 p. m
sharp, third street and Lafayette avenue,
Kansas City. Mo. All visiting friend will
be cordially wel- corned.
Mrs. C, Abbott, President,
Mrs. Ida Phillips. Secretary.'
second and fourth Tuesday afternoon at
! o'clock in the A. P. A. Hall, Southeast cor
ner racaaro. ana usage avenue, Ariuourdale,
Visitors are cordially Invited to attend.
" meeu every Friday night at lth and
L Road, Origsby's hall, Kansas City, Kan.
meets on the Brst and third Thursday
arternoon or each month, at 2:iw o clock, at
Bell' ball, Southwest Boulevard, near stat
line. Rosed ale, Kansas. Friends of othet
councils are cordially invited to attend.
every true American laay is invited to com
and join us, aod assist In the good work,
Inlatiou fee f 1.00
u Meeu every Saturday evening at 437 Min
nesota avenue. Kansas Cltv. Kaa. Vlaitnra
cordially Invited.
fOUNCIL No. 7, A. P. A.-Meet eyery Mon
v day evening at Chamber of Commerc
Hall. Klvervlew, Visitors cordially Invited
fOUNCIL No. 11, A. P. A.-MeeU at Wood
v ward's Kail every Tuesday evening at8;p,
m. sharp. Third street and Lafayette avenu.
A cordial Invitation 1 extended to visiting
" Meeu every Monday night In Noke
nan, Argentine, nan. ah visitor welcomed.
1 every Monday evening In A. O. U. W. Hall
418 Kansas avenue, Topeka Kama. All
visitor will be cordially welcomed.
Oostdyk Council, No. I. W. A. P. A. of Kan
aas City, Mo., meeu every Friday afternoon
at 2:30 o'clock al in Penn St. Address, Post
office box 521, Kansas City, Mo.
Sunflower Lodge, L. O. L., No. 264, meets
second and fourth Tuesdays of each month
at 8 p.m., at Claflin's hail, corner of Mil)
street and Osage avenue, Kansas City. Kan,
Vlsltltg brethren are cordially invited to at
tend. John Davidson, ill. M film, Mc
Naughton, Secy 715 Reynolds Ave.
Liberty Council, No. 15. Jr. O. C. A. M,
meeu every Wednesday night, corner Pack
ard and Osage streets, Armourdale, Kansai,
Thos. Rolf, secretary.
MeeU first and third Tuesdays of each
month at 8 p. m., In A. O. U. W. Hall, cornel
Fourth stieet and Minnesota avenue, Kansas
City, Kan. Samuel Harrison, W. M. Wm,
Baflagh, secretary, 5.t7 Nortbrup avenu
Visiting brethren cordially invited.
DOSEDALE COUNCIL No. 13, A. P. A., meeu
every Wednesday night at McOeorge'
hall, Rosedale, Kas. All friends cordially
YY. A. P. A.
Persons desiring information in regard to
the W. A. P. A. should address either the
president or secretary.
State president of Nebraska, Mrifffiary A.
HerUmann. 510 N. ltSlh street, Omaha, Neb,
State iecretary of Nebraska, Mrs, K. E,
Decker, 181s Burt street, Omaha, Neb.
Success Council No. 3. W. A. P. A. meeu
every second and fourth Wednesday nlghu
In each month at 8 o'clock p. m, at the lted-
e.ea's Hall. Continental Block. IS and IVxif
laa Frleoda of Uie council are cordially la
vluvl to al u-ad PnMeaianUaad "true Aeter
Iran tadlxe are solicited In )ola us la lU
mid work. Initiation fee II. uu. Addroea
either Mum Nellie U llalhaway. prealdent,
IM3 Military avenue, or Mrs .Hia Jeckvaa,
ancrelary, 141V C'aea street, Ouialia.
American Orange Knighta.
This order U formed of person whoee ob
Jeria ta to maintain Uie supremacy of law
order and constitutional freedom; to pre
earve le violate the cltlsea' franchise! to
perpetuate asd defend tie precepu and free
lustltutlon of rtvll and religious liberty
Buaranteed by the Const .ulloaof the United
laute and established by our forefathers,
rao aai at nioia.
for Information regarding the formation
of new Cominanderlee, or suppllea, writ SO
the SUtimiiie aMCrlAr. 14 I. VlMlk SAK'a.
J. M. Bitisa C. ., ISIS Howard 8a.,
Saaanaw. Mich. Omaha. (4k
Home Illustrated with One engraving of
Washington and Lincoln. Fine OarHeltTaad
Prohibition envelopes, printed In color.
Illustrated many styles 2u for lu cents, ii
cent per 100. Flue motto letter paper. Illus
trated In colors, beautiful picture, free
traru. etc. Address, the FAITH TRACT
HullHE. 20 Kim street. II Ilea, N. Y
IF you want an Investment In Heal Estate!
want to buy a bualneaa la St. Louis, writs
Lyman Waterman. Real Estate aud uuanclal
agent, St. Louis, Mo.
WANTED A partner with UMi rash. An
elderly lady preferred. Party accept
able will be treaxtirnr In charge of stock and
funds. Address AMERICAN W. R.. Itila office.
niCDnCITinUf "end me haad-wrltlng In
UlOrUOl I lUil 1 natural style and I'll send
you In return character of writer. Enclose
stamped envelope addreraed to yourself, also
a fee of ten rents. IT. K. Dillingham, 7u4 Col
orado avenue. Kansas City, Kan
75 a Month -
mtmntm W tit t4w. A4dfm I W m
Celebrated Female
Powder BfW fall.
inmuiu j. u ,!,.!
MtV kd ir (4fW tailing
lUi 1 an ir tirf I'Miuvnif ft) Pillcl, parttatian
I. It. T. m X, 14 Uy, IftutfaA, Mm.
"The Uncle Tom's Canin ofthe A.P. A."
Secrets of the Oonvent
of the Sacred Heart.
Do you want to send some friend a book
that will make him an A. P. A.f Do you want
to send an A. P. A. a book that will
strengthen hi faith, by giving him evidence
of the diabolic outrages of Romanism prac
ticed within the walls of the 1405 convenU la
the United States!1
Secrets of the Convent
Beautifully llluatrated Cover.
Price, 25 Cents, I'ostpaid.
Berlin Heights, Ohio.
Oo to
in a Tourist Sleeper.
It is the RIGHT way.
Tay more and you ore ex
travagant. Pay less and
you are uncomfortable.
The newest, brightest,
cleanest and easiest rid
ing Tourist Sleepers are
used for our
Personally Conducted
Excursions to
which leave Omaha every
Thursday morning reach
ing San Francisco Sunday
evening, and Los Angeles
Monday noon.
You can join them at
any intermediate point.
Ask nearest ticket agent
for full information, or
write to
J. Frajicis, (I. P. A., Omaha, Neb.
ACTED Canvassers for
"America or Rome?
Christ or the Pope?"
The latest. mostcomDlete. best illustrated
ablest edited and fastest selling patriotic
book In America. Exclusive territory given.
For term and. particulars, address
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Lock Box 166, TOLEDO, OHIO.
Paper Cover 50 Cents.
This little volume relates the terrible ex
perience of a nun who was confined in the
Black Nunnery" of Montreal It has prob
ably the largest sale or any worn or me sua
ever published, and several
Attempts to Supprss It.
have been made. The price In cloth 1 HOC.
and In paper SO cent. For sale by
Thl work deal entirely with the practice
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by all Protestants as well as by Roman Cath
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11.00, sent postpaid. Sold by