The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, March 27, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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lrUia r.dwlrable Cla. f Alien.
Ourht U I Ktpt Oot.
WASHIXGTOS, March 18. In the
enate to-day Mr. Lodea flelirerel a
et ipeech Id tup xrt of hU resolution
(or additional immigration laws. He
showed that by the existing law pau
pern, dleaed persona, convicts and
contract laborer are now denied ad-
n Won to the United State. By the
bill under consideration, it was pro
posed to make a new class of excluded
immigrants, viz., the totally ignorant.
It was found as a result of investlga-
tion that the illiteracy test would bear
heavily on the Italians, Russians, Poles,
Hungarians, Greeks and Asiatics, and
very lightly, or not at all, upon Eng
lish-speaking immigrants, or Germans,
Scandinavians and French. "The
races which would suffer most seriously
by exclusion under the proposed bill,"
he said, "furnish the immigrants, who
do not go to the west or south, where
immigration i needed, but who remain
on the Atlantic seaboard, where immi
gration is not needed, and where their
presence is most Injurious and unde
sirable. He continued:
If we have any regard for the wel
fare, the wages or the standard of life
of American worklngmen, we should
take immediate steps to restrict for
eign immigration. There Is no danger,
at present at all events, to our work'
ingmen from the coming of skilled me
chanics or of trained and educated men
with a settled occuoation or pursuit.
for immigration of this class will never
seek to lower the American standard
of life and wages. But there is an ap
palling danger to the American wa?e
earner from the flood of low, unskilled,
ignorant foreign labor which has
poured into the country for some years
past, ine danger nas begun. It is
small as yet, comparatively speaking,
out it is large enough to warn us to
act while there is yet time and while
it can oe done easily and efficiently.
There lies the peril at the portals of
our land; there is pressing in the tide
of unrestricted immigration. The time
has certainly come, if not to stop, at
least to check, to sift, and to restrict
those immigrants.
and many others. This council Is com
posed of good material, and, If properly
cared for, will beooneeone of the best
in the state.
Helped and Embarrw4 by the A. P. A.
The A. P. A. has just won In com
bination with the Republican party a
notable victory in St. Louis. The Re
publican candidates for the school elec
tions were to a man not only sympa
thizers with the A. P. A., but active
and aggressive members of the order.
This assured their election. The Re
publican party acceded to the demands
of the A. P. A. The success of the
order in St. Louis is not more-extraordi
nary than its success in various other
populous centers of the United States.
In combination with the Republican
party it has achieved many notable
Probably the silver will not be the
only question that will embarrass the!
National Republican Convention at St.
Louis. It will assemble In a strong A.
P. A. environment. In Illinois to-day
the A. P. A. controls the Republican
party. It is not potent in Cook county,
but it is elsewhere in the state. So in
many states. It is not unlikely, there
fore, that the Republican party as
sembled at St. Louis will be called upon
to state specifically whether It will or
will not adopt a resolution as part of
its platform accepting the uroscriDtive
policy ot the A. P. A. organization.
Should this be the case the Republi
can party will be decidedly in a di
lemma. It will be damned if it does
and it will be damned if it doesn't.
BISHOP J. V. McNftMftRft,
The Converted Priest, has brought through
PruM His New Book, entitled
"Rev. Mother Rose,
A Bishop and
Two Priests."
It Is a startling, Instructive and reliable volume a damaging exposure of
Romish clerical and political intrigue, and pulls the veil off confession-box
The opening pages show that "Mother Rose" is a real Nun, and Is now
Superioress of a leading convent. That Bishop's name, station and character
are fearleetly given, also the names of-thot-e "Two Priests," who are prominent
Romish "Fathers."
This book introduces to you penonally this "Mother," this Bishop and
those "Fathers," for all played prominent parts In what the volume exposes.
The bcok excites indignation at the deceitfulncea and rapacity of Rome.
It arouses positive detestation of JceuitUm, and will prove a magazine of
power in coming political struggles.
It Is a book of 214 pages, and will be mailed free of postage to any part
the United States and Canada on receipt of price.
Single Codu
Missouri Statelt'ouncll 1. P. A.
For two hours Monday morning the
200 delegates to the annual convention
of the State Council of the A. P. A.
were behind the closed door of the hall
at Fourteenth and Grand avenue. Then
the convention adjourned until TueS'
day morning at 0 o'clock, to meet at
Armory Hall, JFif teen th and Grand
avenue, the ball of Council 40 being
too small to accommodate the conven
The session ofiMonday was just long
enough for the preliminary business of
opening and the appointment of the
customary committees.
It was nearly 10 o'clock when the
president called the delegates to order
and formally announced the opening of
the convention. )lThe customary an
nouncementsCwere made, committees
aptv'-ited on "credentials, president's
auarees, auditing and press, and then
Mayor Webster Davis was introduced
by the president, and the usual address
of welcome made to the delegates.
The proceedings beleg executive, the
remarks of the mayor were not made
public. The 'primary f election, that
was in progress yesterday, claimed the
attention of manyof the local members
and delegates, and interested even the
visitors, so an adjournment was taken
until Thursday morning.
The officers elected were: J. H. D
Stevens, state president, St. Louis; W.
T. Phillips, state vice-president,
Springfield; Edwin Upmeyer, state sec
retary, St. Louis; Mr. Smoot, sergeant-at-arms,
Joplin :3c Fred Swain, outer
sentinel, St.CLouls; j. W. Apgar, in
side guard, Willow Springs; John Lyons
secretary of state,! St. Louis; L. H.
Cunningham (col.), chaplain, St Louis,
Representatives toSupreme Council
Al Reed, St.f, Louis; J. L. Overbeck,
St. Louis; M. A. Pursley, Kansas City;
Judge John B. Stone, Kansas City; Mr.
Haughway, Joplin. Alternates, Harry
H. Hinde, Kansas City; B. H. Smith,
Kansas City; Mr. Julian, St. Louis.
Another Daughter-Good for Missouri.
Council No. 5, Daughters of Liberty,
was instituted at Chlllicothe, Mo., Feb
ruary 13, 1896, byNationallRepresenta-
tive James.Tate Roan, of Liberty, Mo.
Brother Lester G. Sapp U the organ
izer, and deserves great credit for Mb
efforts. J He has-been working faith'
fully since the-;month of July of last
year, and-hasjhad many obstacles to
overoome;but he has proved equal to
the task.
The officers are as follows: Coun
selor, Mrs. Jennie Danford; assistant
counselor, C. B. Parker; vice-counselor,
Mrs. C. B. Parker; assistant vice-coun
selor, Walker Pomeroy; Junior ex-
counselor, J. S. Smith; Junior ex-assistant
counselor, Miss Belle Crow; record
ing secretary, ; Mrs. Alta B. Griggs,
Box 584, Chlllicothe, Mo.; assistant re
cordingisecretary, Mrs. Julia A. Ear
hart; treasurer, Mrs. Lucy Phillips;
guide, Miss Hattle Wells; inside guard,
Mrs. L. G. Sapp; outside guard, Mrs.
, Sarah Griffith; trustees, Mrs. Jennie
-Danford, Mrs. Alta B. Griggs, C. B.
Among those admitted from the Ju
nior Order were State Councilor H. A.
Slaughter, St. Joseph; Junior Past
State Councilor F. C. Borden, Holden;
State Council Secretary Rolla G. Car
roll, Warrensburg; Julius E. Locke,
Representative of No. 2, St. Joseph,
American Patriotic Papers
The following is but a partial list
and does not give the particulars,
which the editor bad hoped to trlve.
but will be more representative In the
American. Kansas City, Missouri,
Weekly, 12.00 a year.
American. Omaha, Neb. Weekly,
12.00 a year.
American. Chicago, 111
$2.00 a'year.
Blade, Aurora, -111., weekly; 11.00.
American. Memphis, Tenn. Weekly,
$1.00 a year.
American, The. 1146 D Street, San
Diego, Cal. Weekly, $2.00 a.year,
American Citizen. Boston, Mass.
Weekly, $2.00 a year.
American Eagle. Kansas City, Kas
Weekly, $1.00 a year.
American Patriot. 819 Market, San
Francisco, Cal. Weekly, $2.00 a year.
A. P. A. Magazine. Box 2607, San
Francisco, Cal. Monthly, $3.00 a year,
Banner of Liberty. Cleburn, Texas.
Weekly, $1.50 a year.
Boston Daily Standard. Boston,
Mass. 6 days a week. $0.00 a year,
Denver (Col.) American. Weekly,
$2.00 a year.
Freedom's Banner. Louisville, Ky,
Independent. Kenosha, Wisconsin
Independent Leader. Bridgeport,
Conn. Weekly, $1.50 a vear.
Justice. Louisville, Ky. Weekly,
$2.00 a year.
Liberty. Galesburg, 111. Weekly,
$1.50 a year.
Nation, The. Omaha, Neb. Monthly,
$1.00 a year.
Patriotic American. Detroit, Mich
Weekly, $2.00 a year.
Portlander. Portland, Ore. Weekly,
$ .00 a year.
Protestant Standard. Philadelphia
Penn. Weekly, $2.00 a year,
San Francisco (California) American.
Weekly, $1.00 a year.
Spirit of Seventy Six. Seattle, Wash
Weekly, $1.00 a year.
Tocsin. Los Angeles,Cal. Weekly,
$2.00 a year.
Toledo American. Toledo, Ohio,
Weekly, $1.50 a year.
True American. St. Louis, Missouri
Weekly, $1.00 a year.
United American. Washington, D
C. Weekly. $1.00 a year.
W. A. P. A. Rock Island, Illinois,
Monthly, 50c a year.
Examiner, Butte, Mont. Weekly.
America, or Rome, Pine. Bluff, Ark,
American Opinion, Rock Island, III
American Protestant. (Cincinnati.
American Citizen, Tuscumbla, Wash
Chicago Sentinel, Chicago, 111.
Erie Advertiser, Erie, Penn.
Loyal American, Altoona, Penn.
Leader, Bridgeport, Conn.
Lowell Herald, Lowell, Mass.
Primitive Catholic, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Progressive American, Lebanon, Pa.
Southern Eagle, Augusta, Georgia.
Triumph of Thought, San Francisco,
Wisconsin Patriot, Milwaukee, Wis.
American, Cripple Creek, Col.
Weekly, $2.00 a year.
Special terms to dealers oiderlcg in quantity. Piesse ihcw this circular to
your friends, and send youi orders in at once to
American Publishing Co.,
200.00 IS HOLD (ilYEX.
Of Special Interest to Students and
It. H. Woodward Company, of Balti
more, Wd., are making a most liberal
offer of $200.00 to anyone who will sell
200 copies of "Gems of Religious
Thought," a new book by Talmage.
This is one of the most popular books
ever published. Three editions sold in
60 days. Agents sell 10 to 15 copies a
day. An Estey organ, retail price $270,
given for selling 110 copies in 3 months.
A $100 bicycle given for selling 80
copies in 2 months. A gold watch for
selling 60 copies in one month. This
premium in addition to commission.
Complete outfit 35 cents. Freight piid.
Credit given. Agents wanted also for
"Talks to Children About Jesus." One
hundred and fifty thousand copies bold,
and it is now selling faster than ever.
Same terms and conditions as on
"Gems of Religious Thought." Other I
popular books and Bibles also. They
offer special and most liberal rates to
students and teachers for summer va
cation. During last summer a large
number of students end teachers can
vassed for their books. Among the
list there were 23 who made over $200,
57 who won the $200 premium, and 70
made over $150 for their summer work
Write them immediately if
unpacking, he found another card
"Your prices are too high!" Since then
the poor man haa refused to accept any
more letters, parcels or boxes. New
York World.
Bloomer, of Hrocaded Rtln.
Perhaps the most unique novelty
the dainty lace-trlmmed bloomers
brocaded satin. They are designed to
take the place ot the short flannel pet
Ucoat so dear to the heart of the old
fashioned woman. These bloomers are
lined throughout with canton flannel
to give the necessary warmth, and real
ly protect the legs much more effective
ly than a skirt would. The fashionable
new woman wears over them nothing
but a long silk petticoat, and her dress
skirt, but she wears beneath them the
regulation flannel drawers. Less ex
pensive bloomers are made of taffeU
and still others of flanuaL
Death of
Wild Boar Which
the Vicinity of Chleo.
unzziy Bend" was the rmma hr,.
for many years by that portion ot the
county lying alonjr the fiar-ra
luver soutneasterly from Chlco and em
mauiug me rarrott ranch and nthr
ianas in mat vicinity, says the Orovllle
Mercury. Of course, it is Ion veara
since the grizzly held possession there,
, ime me inaian. be was forced to
give way before the pioneer settlor. tt
mat vicinity.
A place, however, so well calculated
for the home of the Krizzlv cnuM nnt
long be without its representative,
even if it had to be an animal some
what less wild and more domestic In
iuj uaDits. ogs turned loose In the
swamps ana morasses soon became ao
wiiu mm, ii was dangerous tor a per
son to De caugnt unawares by one of the
patriarchs of the herds that Infested
the district
So large and vicious had one of these
fellows become that he was known and
leared by all the residents In that vlcln.
Ity, and for hla wild nature and fero
cious conduct generally had become
known as "Old Grizzly." and It mi
claimed he was bullet proof and could
not be slain. Recently he fell a victim
to a party of hunters who sought him
with the avowed purpose of effecting
cis extermination.
The boar was an immense fellow and
weighed 550 pounds. Hla tusks were
long, one of them being partly broken
off. The hide was over an Inch thick
and the shields on the shoulders were
two and one-half inches thick. He
had never been Injured by dogs or gun
in every town in the United States to
sell a sure cure for Cancer, Fever Sore
and Milk-Leg. Address
C. A. C. Medical Co.,
C. A. Crum, Mgr.
1703 Wabash Ave. Chicago, Hi.
wEND ME a silver dime and I will
send your name and address to
over M of the leading patriotic and
other reform papers, and you will re
ceive sample copies of each for reading
and distribution. J. H. Padgett.
Ennls, Texas.
HU Price. Were High.
Some time ago an Englishman visited
Caifa, an out-of-the-way place in the
dominions ot the sultan of Turkey. On
asking for his hotel bill before leaving
ne round Himself charged outrageous
prices for the sorry accommodations he
had received. He flew into a raee. bnt
finally, on the advice of his wife, ha
paid the whole amount. A few
days later the hotel keeper received a
letter, saying, "Your prices are too
high!" A few weeks later a package ar-
tlved. The inn-keeper removed wran-
per after wrapper. 100 of them, and
then found a card on which was writ
ten, "Your prices an too high!" A few
months later, quite lately, a large box
was sent him, and he paid a goodly
sum for freight charges. On opening It
after doing a tremendous amount of
Silvering Mlrrora.
A method ot silvering mirrors, pro
duclng mirrors or much greater bril
llancy than those made by ordinary pro
cesses, haa been discovered by Herr
Hans Boas ot Kiel. It Is based on the
fact that when a heavy metal forma
the cathode of a vacuum tube contain'
lng a trace of hydrogen, the electric
current volatilizes the metal, which Is
deposited as a firmly adherent and
highly polished layer on the walls of
the tube.
The Restaurant. Compete with Saloons
and Olv. Free Drink.
Out In St. Joseph, Mo., the keepers
of restaurants have grown weary of the
competition of the saloons in the mat
ter of feeding the hungry, says the
Courier Journal. The saloons are popu
larly supposed to devote their atten
tlon to quenching thirst, but they will
not stick to that In St Joseph, any
more than they do In other towns.
Every saloon sets one lunch a day and
many set two, while some have a lunch
always in evidence. Nothing is said of
an oyster with each drink, always ex
ceptlng a schooner, but it Is likely
that such a system prevails there.
The restaurateurs are tired of this.
They do not see why they should not
offer a premium for men to eat their
meals, as the barkeepers offer a pre
mium for men to drink their liquors,
it meals are to be Riven away with
drinks, why should not drinks be given
away with meals? The restaurant
keepers are, therefore, seriously dis
cussing the question of giving away
two glasses of beer with each meal.
They think they can do this without
license as they propose to charge
nothing for the beer. Whether they
are well advised as to the law may be
a question.
If this sort of competition be at
tempted, It will be interesting to see
how it will turn out It would rather
seem that the odds were in favor of
the saloons. As the saloons get a large
per cent profit on their sales of drinks,
they have a good deal larger margin
of profit than any but the high-priced
restaurants. But the higher-priced
restaurants charge so much more for
a meal than the saloons charge for a
drink with a meal thrown in that the
two beers would hardly prove an In
ducement to those in quest of cheap
provender, which is presumably the
class mostly found around the lunch
counter. Moreover the saloonkeeper
sets a free lunch In the hope that those
he feeds will come in between meals
to slake their thirst, which many of
them actually do. No such hope as
this Is open to the keepers of the res
taurants. The latter will, besldea
serious risk of driving away their
temperance customers, who are willing
to pay more rather than take their
meals in a place where liauors are
Retaliation in trade seldom works
well, but aa the St Joseph restaurateurs
have a real grievance they may try it
If so, all other purveyors of food In
free-lunch towns will be amlmia tn
know how they come out
8286 J '"SSld
1aU Vlil.
vt will etve r.w.n to anyone who will U within Die next I
uiree iiionttia Minipli or " Talka to Children AImhiI Jean.." I me of J
nit-1 uomiiar INK)., ever tmidlalied. Over IMM'U roplm already
(nilil. AiiriiL from 10 to licoplnt a 1h.v. Ileaiitiriilly llluatrateil.
rrrinht paid and credit (Iveti. I'uiujilt-te cunvaaalng o'utittaud full
i win wii 711 miitra in iwo minium, we ill vean i
RalKt OIUJAN. rt-lail rli-e r-UllO, to anvnne who will mill 110 j
cwlr. In three lin,lilliK,.l,,n,,.rlnnlly for a lnir.-hnrMo. lrly I
to M-cnre au Oman. A UOLU VV AWII, rrlall .rlc VIU0 Klven to !
iivih.- nu iu hh w riia in au aaya. mm premium l. lu ailill
lion u the n-nuUir roiinni.Moii. Am-iit. who do not Mx-iir any o I
ine ri.e, are Riven lllwrnl ruin in liuiiiin for any uiimlier wild, (jut
fall, we ull to RK-'iitu over tJMHiu In niiuinliuliiiic A lar(. numlier rr month. Write tin linnieitlaUilr ami .et-ure
an axeui-y. II will i-hv you. No time to loiui,Miiiione will t ahead
in von. e aiao oni-r inimi iii,rai initiii-einnnU on otln-r hooka and I
lltlitra for Kail anil Holiday Trait. A new hook, forte tear, la
nniar m-iib rHpliliy. AKnt onen average It) order, a day. Kama
trrma and premium a a on "Talka to Children." Wetiveeitraiirdln
arv i.tiii for aelllna Marlon llarlaiid'a new hnok, 'Home of the
lllhlr." rJllLim Klven roreellliiK 4fliopl-a In X inontli., or inn.( hli-y.
" ciiiiik wcopire in one nionin, winl no. loroullll. nruealonce.
rpjlislfi - lt"- 'I
; Nff ipl1! Hill l-i
AmericamiuSinni -og
domain) ism
28Q Pages.
PRICE $1.00
"Picturesque and ablo."
lite CongregatUmaXid.
"It ought to be put In our publlo
echoola aa a text-book."
North Carolina lianlisL
"The book is of great value." Weslcyan MUlwdist.
This book is excellently bound in cloth and printed in good,
clear type. If sent by mail, 10 Cents Extra should be added for
postage. Address all orders to
Tiia Greatest Book Ever Written
On Romanism and Jesuitism
Black Pope.
Contains IWO Images,
Profusely Illustrated,
Printed From Sow Type
Price in Paper, 50 Cents.