The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, March 27, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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tmi i rM:HrsNiS. Itvwm with a provision for religiou.
""s " Z ' lMtru.-Uoo at certain bourf, but where
Mr. UaUa lallrfr4 U Fight a Dwl Catholics are separated they virtually
hiei thoir ttnarave kouwib.
standard of studies U filed by the go,
eminent. Text-book acceptable to the
Catholic, of course, would also he
concession asked for, but no difficulty U
y CapUia rhflaa.
Washington, D. C March 14
Repres'nUtiv UnUw of Mlcblgan.tbe
leader of the A. P. A. ntlment lo the
. . a .Una aTii & Ulf MF
Bouse, rece - - - - - - aBclpa,ed on that -core.
fm Cmttaln Thomas Pbttan, of han- -
aCity, the Irish agitator, cbalL-ng-log
him to fifhtedo-l at Bledni.burg.
The challenge w. preceded by a de
nunciation of Mr. Linton', course in
nnnsloir the church KChool approprta-
tloat and the placing of the tatue of
Father Marquette In the Capitol. Mr.
Linton paid no attention to the com
munication, and from aome o.her
source it found iU way Into the newt
paper. Mr. Linton said today:
"Ever slnee the house defeated the
appropriations for sectarian Institu
tions in the District oi uoiumuie mu.
built The same result may follow
this ttone r preeentatlon of the uncom-
U Sa-htlllr's layer promising Jesuit, Marquette. Awerv
can TyUr.
ttaMlatlee CaaMBla( and I'emnrnd
Inc rublle Sea.
At the last regular meeting of Coun
cil No. 1, A. P. A., of Wheeling, Went
Virginia, the following resolution was
Jfrnrtfe..!, That we condemn the Hon.
S. 11. Klktna for voting to conarm tne
appointment of Colonel Coppinirer to
be be brigadier-general of the United
States army, when he knew that thir
teen or more men were his senior in
office, and worthy of promotion, and
better entitled than he to the promo
tion, and when he knew that the pa
Epithets Aplk4
by a I'apUU
The following threatening communi
cation ha been receited by Mayor Mc
Carthy Of Nashville, Tenn., says the
American Herald of Lowell, who was
elected by the A. P. A. It bears the
earmarks of papal bigotry:
Chicago. Feb. 11. IW.-To the
Mayor of Naabvllle, Tenn-Slr: I see
by the Chicago Vhrontcle that your
tow a Is an A. P. A. stronghold, and
that you are the standard-bearer of
that villainous organization. The com
munication ha been forwarded to the
Chrtmule by its special correspondent
in the south, our fellow-citizen and co
religionist, John F. Finnerty, who is
now la Savannah, Ga. You Know
nothing infidels, what do you mean by
organizing the hordes of Satan against
our holy ltoman Catholio church,
which discovered America and made It
Centre! t the Quebec Hierarchy.
Ubas long been our custom In this
country to talk glibly alout the ar
rogance of the Quebec hierarchy, and
the way In which they control the peo
ple under their spiritual jurisdiction,
but we have absolutely no conception
to what lengths this control Iseier
cised, and how completely the unfor
tunate population Is dominated by the
hierarchy. Now and again same strik
ing incident afford us a glimpse be
hind the scenes, but the Incident passes
from our minds, and forgetting the oc
currence we are apt to cultivate the
idea that there has been soma misrep
resentation. But when we find a Ro
man Catholic archbishop issue such a
mandament as the following, which al
thouffh tomewhat lengthy we take
pertly through my efforts, my mall na trioli0 organizations and many loyal fP iuch dogi M ,ou to live? the uoerty oi puousning iu iuu,
been loaded with great number, of let- J We own this country and mean to gov- constrained to stand aghast, and ask if
ter. from religious fanatics and crank. em It In the k terest of the church, ye such thing. tually occur in our own
,w m. threatening yew nee . ?J0' '.itS n. o f.-llow. live with- country. The mandament was Issued
uv "vw"' ' m - - i i 1 1 in. iu unn l ui nnn.uir i.n lua nuu i m. v. '
and death In various lorms. i nave ooa TUt African CVin.
mid no attention to any of them. (Signed) 8. V. MOCUSKEY,
' . i H President,
-Since pUOUCHJ umm uns,.- ROHEBT COWAN,
I may conclude to make some repiy. Secretary
x-. t.h tn Pholan as to the fanstl
l.i -hioh he reoresenu. Of I At the last regular meeting of Coun
course, fl.Utlng duels I not In my line, ell No. 1, A. P. A., of Wheeling, the
I am not an enemy to the church, but i loiiowing resolution uuMu.
am unalterably opposed to government nmivM i nat
. ., 'J...i.,...i..i...Pir md admire the
appropriations vu W
1. M. BrsiMMr, Manhalltown. leva. wrtiM: Jn.iry 31, l'i. "it is with
great pleaure that I rwiimrai'iiJ Ir, Kay's lienovamr, especiailv for
what you claim for It, a remedy for worn out business men. 1 have
had a tires aits' UitauM leelisj In my limbs over a year and I concluded to
wear it out but gave it up as I was growing worse. I have now taken
two 25cu, boxes and will say I am now entirely free from that feeling.
I em confident that your Dr. Kay's Renovator will remove that tired
and languid feeling, usually called spring fever, and shall treasure it
as a household panacea and recommend it to all afflicted with that
malady." The many cures, without a failure, attest the fact that
Dr. Kay's Renovator
la positive ears for the wont esse oQiesdsch. dyspepsia . const 1 pat Ion, liver and
it!duv diseases and all ncrvou and binod diseases, biliousness, despondency,
female diseases, ele. AT THIS TIME OF TEAK tt la Invaluable as U renovates
and Invigorates the whole svstem and purifies and enriches the blood, rlvin new
UJe and vlior to the whole tmrtv. The vcrv txt nerve tonio known Very pleasant
sent by mail on receipt of price j&cta and II. bend for the booklet; tt treats all
diseases and many say It Is worth 16. If hfi eoutd not irt another; sent free from
our Western Office. Dr. B- J. Kay Medical Co . ftA S. 16th. Street, Omaha. Neb.
1513 Dodge Street, (2"d Doo'p w' of Postoffice), Omaha, Neb.
and to any sort of union of church and
state, and shall continue to oppose
Another dispatch dated at New York
The JmirtKU, under a wasmngion
out us? We run the government of the
United States, you rebel dogs. In the
next war we will crush out of existence
both your rebels and your Yankees,
horse, foot and dragoons! In ten years
Amer ca will be the greatest Catholic
empire In the world, and Grover Cleve
land at the head of affairs, and the Uo-
we neartny eneorae . T,i.h p.thrillo church will wie d
true stand taken by ,v . . . a 0,i,nH i.
I. nfnn. of M fh . l fVFtr umiu
amendments and resolu- istence In Europe, inen gooaoye to
infidelity, which is another name lor
American Protestantism. We Irish
Catholics are the peoplo, and don't you
forget it. Very truly yours,
Rev. Father dxxxxv,
can. on tne
I. !.
tlons offered in congress against sec
tarian appropriations, and we also ap
prove those member, of congres. who
so nobly stood by him, thereby defeat
ing the enemy.
We further endorse Hon. W. S. Lin-
date, will to-morrow ssy that Captain ton in his opposition to the placing in
Thomas Phelan, a resident of Kansas ? :T ."Z'a THE fBOUSED LA!il.
. . , , Hie invug v. iinv.
by Dlshop Labrecque, of Calcoutimi,
and was read from the various Roman
Catholio pulpits in his diocese Sunday
before last:
"My Dear Collaborators. On recep
tion of the present circular, you will
kindly call the attention of your pa
rishioners while you read them this,
and comment on the few principles
therein exposed. Many fundamental
facta, unfortunately, are too often set
aside, and knowledge Is necessary not
to drop out of the road to Heaven.
"The church has been constituted by
iU divine foundator as alperfect so
ciety by Itself, independent and dis
tinct of the civil society. The bishops
have been established by the Holy
City, well known as a broadsword prlest
fluhter. and at one time famous as that we also, with him, condemn the a
fMAnit tt T f ,tl 1. ml who was cut and tlon of removing from its leng accus-
stabbed to the very threshold oi death
in the office of O'Donovan Rossa, by a
select body of assassin, there In hiding
to kill him, has Issued a challenge to
Representative Linton, of Michigan, to
fight a duel at Bladensburg. captain
Phelan based his challenge on Linton's
connection with the American Protec
tive Association. In his challenge
Captain Phelan says, in part:
"Recognizing that your attitude in
publio affair, is, and for a long time
ha. been, Inimical to the Interests of
the Roman Catholio sentiment of at
least one-seventh of the population of
the United States, and that you have
been the assailant of that strong, edu
cated and Influential minority. I deem
It my duty, In lieu of any other chal
lenger of your unpatriotic and obnoxi
ous methods, to add reel you this letter,
for the purpose of stigmatizing you for
- whaVysw-iaro, and as a warning to you
that a further persistence la the course
tomed place the statue of that honored
hero, General Sam Houston oi xexas.
S. V. MoCt'SKEY,
Rouert Cowan,
Ghost to erect that society called
Why the Teuilst, Traveler and Student Church o Cod fArt. 26 28). There-
Sheuld Visit Utah. fore, they have, in their respective dls-
There are two reasons, either one of trlcts, the triple legislative, judiciary
which ought to be conclusive with and coercive power; they have power
every American citizen. to teach, command and judge. Such
.First- The trip from Denver to Utah powers, of course, are subordinated to
.1. ri nn,iA watAi.n "firpat Salt the authority of the chief of the
Lake Route," la the grandest to be church, who alone possesses the plenl
found anvwhere on the continent. No tude of the apostolic power. All the
F.nronean trio of eaual length can com- priests and the faithful owe docility,
pare with it In variety and grandeur of respectfulness and obedience to the
........nj .ii.h ninnvni intemat. hiahoDS. It Is to them, as well as to
DUOUWI J " " - I
vv,.mw7 VniiBhniild irnheoauge.when Ills apostles, that Jesus Christ said:
Removed the A. P. A. Sign.
On Thursday midday, the 12th, some
unknown persons presumably papUts
while the secretary of the Miners'
Union was busied at the hall of the A.
VI A Vl.ln. U.mDA.,1'1 A. P.
A. transparency which marked the you have made this wonderful trip, you Who obey, you obeys me; who despises
mootlnir nlace. While the dastardly will And Utan at tne"ena oi is ua, you uo.,-. w
m r . .
one of tne worm 8 iamous spots, nu
outrage wag being perpetrated, a
Hibernian heathen, whese name has
not been learned, and who was stand
ing across the street, yelled: "Good
boy; you have done right!" The re
mark was overheard by three of our
friends, and the remarker will be re
membered. He may live to regret hav
ing endorsedthe dastardly act of his
'You know that for a few years past
trlct have always been remarked by
their unalterable devotion and respect
and their constant submission to the
spiritual authority. A thousand times
during my pastoral visits I have cer
tided to this fact. Well, it Is for me a
duty to keep among this religious popu
lation the sacred truth of traditional
faith, this obedience and loyalty to the
religious authority which made their
strength In the past, their glory in the
present and their salvation In the fu
In the light of such a deliverance as
the above, It Is possible to estimate the
tremendous courage required In a man
like Mr. Lauricr taking such a bold
step as he took the other day, when, in
defiance of clerical dictation or control,
he threw down the gauntlet, defied the
church and the hierarchy' to ruin him
if thev so choose, and moved the six
muntbs' hoist to the remedial bill
Such courage, such heroism Is not ea
countered everyday; Indeed, it smacks
of the deeds of ancient classic heroes.
If he never did anything else to merit
the public support and acclaim of his
fellow countrymen, than to take the
stand which he took on the bill, he de
serves to have his name enshrined in
the list of popular political heroes.
Winnipeg Daily Tribune.
The Minority.
Chicago, III., March 7.-Editor
The American: Let me thank you
in the name of the minority delegation
of the Illinois State Council for your
fearless attack on the party eletted to
fill the office of state president. While
ing some show of Americanism, but its
heart will not be la it, and when once
more entrenched In power will ignore
Its promises. No real reform along
our lines caa come from the Republi
can party, unless the old barnacles can
be scraped o ff, and whether this can be
done or not, and we dont think It can,
remains to be seen. The Tocsin.
YVbut C. A. Potter Says.
Omaha, Neb., Aug. 31, 1895. The
Howard Medicine Company. Gentle
men: I desire to say to all who feel the
strength of their manhood slowly slip
ping away, whoBe ambition Is at its
lowest ebb, whoee mind is beclouded,
and the senses dulled, when you feel
dyspeptic, and lose your 6elf-respoct,
that your blood is out of order, and all
you need is some of Howard's Vegetone
Blood Powder to tone up your system.
It will act almost instantly upon the
blood; you will feel the-.renewed life
and vigor coursing through your sys
tem; you will feel the old-time grip In
your hands; your mind will be as active
as ever; your friends will ohgerve the
flag of health flying In your face, and
you will feel like a new being. I have
not felt so well for five years as I do
since taking one package. of your Blood
Powder, and I feel as strong.and active
as ever. I weigh 15 pounds more than
ever In my life. The change is so
marked that It is the subject of com
ment when meeting my friends. I
recommend Howard's Vegetone Blood
Powder to be, as I believe, the greatest
blood-purifier on earth.
land of gold, silver, copper, Iron and
coal; of lofty mountains and fertile val
leys; of vineyards, .fruit, and flowers.
Salt Lake City, the capital, is of great
Interest on account of Its historical and
religious associations. Here are.uot
Thermal Springs, Warm Springs, Sul
phur Springs, Sanitarium, farits,
ii i. iiiIiamA at Tu-aacnt I nrivAa. t anvons ana ids mobi uemiiu-
Know p. ... rV -,v r.rfiat SaU Lake. conformity with the ideas of those
there is st ui a larire imiuoj ui iwiunu im v v.. ... , - .
. u.... nfVln. lth the new and beautiful Saltalr Innovators, we near mem cry out. r
you nayo m"ru w mum . u mrall R.,h non. of Moorish desien, has bltrary, despotism; we see them ce
Ana crimes in oouuiry wuitu, " Wr. wio Mr" U1 wuw vw' w; rvrM , ' i . . t . i
.a mw 10 . o , . wr, clU. no .au.l la Am.rlc. Writs to P. A. ,ure without ..j Krupl.s ths cti .ad
SZmL ..d f ., who.. ujW. tab, WUtg. M. UfOS ar ..P.e.0, dU .. "'"T
i .imAntji . Thfl lawless e emeni namuuiuw, cy.
LI1H IlKlilllUB. i aUK U1VU VM - I
"The .wordless priests and disciples which Is to say the Hibernian elemett
a school of journalists and writers have y0ur editorial is a rebuke to those dele.
vM.Ari whnHa mission is to destroy the rrataa who elected Mr. Johnson, it is
bishops' authority, to ruin the spiritual entirely silent on the stand for purity
power which Is the base and founda- taken by a minority of the delegates to
tion of all authority in the family and the convention. Allow me to suggest
society. If, to till the duty fallen to the propriety of publicly thanking the
them by the Divine Right, t. e., teach men who dared to fight the powers
and guide the people confided to their that be. For there was a fight a
pastoral care, the bishops take a course fiht that will long be remembered by
"inesworuiess prurow wmcu vU ... "T; " 7 n. !...' I . Dnlm for couuhs. colds,
of the Prince of Peace cannot resent will, we believe, steadily decrease in yr, gy $ LUng DallTl nl timat disease
vour unmanly insult, but I, a layman numbers and strength. This one an-
if that grand old creed, properly take archlst act illustrates what kind of No Place Tor it in or About the Temple,
up the glove that you have thrown citizens are turned out by Roman Wo Bre a nttle wearied with this
down and toll you, demagogue and cow- catholio ohurches and parochial gxl and wa8te 0f sentiment over James
i Ik mil are. that at Bladensburg, schools, which are seminaries of sedl- Marouette. the Jesuit agent of Louis
ih. (llt !etl... .. D tloo, ooll.. ol oo..plr.o,, Dnri xlv; d ,,er Colbert. U.d.r ' " ', ""
the American navy, iouku u" bii.iuu 'vi vw. i Anwnwu iluhiu, uu
honor, is a fitting place to read the les- school house and the Roman
wr,ih this naclfio letter Is Intended hon.-e are In eternal conflict.
If vou have a soul above teaches pure patriotism, me omor d ia,men all Jesuits
Furthermore, thev Interpret tnese
things with bad faith, misrepresent
and attack them. In one word, this
school of men, through dally articles,
practically claim that the bishops are
not infallible, and consequently people
are free to accept or reject their direc
tion In affairs of contclence.
"Among those journalists one dlBtin-
Clarence P. Johnson and others of nls
llic who were at the convention. So
bitter was the fight that at times it
almost came to blows. The convention
was called to order by Mr. Clarence P.
Johnson the hall was packed with
his adherents with men who were
ready to do anything to tecure the re
election of Clarence P. Johnson, with
political heelers who make their living
out of the patronage that forms part of
the agreement between Clarence P.
Johnson and the Jamison-Hertz ma
chine; men who tried gag law, men
conduct was so ruffianly that
Mr. Johnson was disgusted
to convey.
your Duttons anunu mwumw '"j
of a man you will easily comprehend
the meaning of this communication. If
you cannot, I will, should I fail to hear
from you, take means to make Its mean
ing plainer."
Dominion and Manitoba (Jsveramente to
Discuss It at Winniueg.
WINNIPEG, Man., March 19. In the
Manitoba legislature tc-day fremier
Greenway annoutced that the dominion
government had requested a confer
ence with the provincial government
ma" s .1, , 7 , I LT, ; Charleyolx, during which I, being sure With all thlsagainst them the minority
ious business of acquiring territory for W J ' convention made such a fight
.SKf IS SHot-eptlng one, of the do- -.f
cannot teaoh any phase of patriotism.
-Cripple Crtfk American.
mii,in thnuirht tt to be mv dutv to son macnine ana us suoerenos win uo
and came to America ioujj. iney faithful of that county neces- a thing of the past. I for one think we
claimed to be working for the extension t" ' reeard to Medial Lhouldxtend our thanks to the men
oftheklnedom oi cnrisi, out u was m . . AaA tn An ,vIa man who
Michigan A. P. A. the exlen8ion of the kingdom of Louis . - , ui. Z.I t . ,onvfln.ion
. mi l i Mnnn am no t inn . hvhh riv inn unu uuuvi niuu tuivv uv
DMOT,MU.,MWtt H.-in denounced Clarence p,
a . i . it . 1 f I I .- A ft VI QTfl 1 - . . s . flal I'll tl . bUO Ull VVH't V wfcsw w f r i I a
nuai meeiing oi ute M.t,u.K. "'-- and Catholicism," was tneir moiw. -7-" . . . , ftn Thnflon lo words so scathimr and bitter
s a - a V a.AAa In aaaolAVI I till, P, PI LHUT. UHU. W BWiwaiuw " - I - w "
uouncn, a. r. a., n uou Now why should thl. Jesuit warqueue . -tV.v . an tv,t. .Tnhnaon erined on the nlatform
. . 3 r OAfl lorratrta I "... . . , y . I t.lflH. TflllOWHll U V UiDUVi iuuuauw. .u-.-v : ea
tnepas.,wo uay8. . perfidious ones, and In reply whined like a whipped
were present. Action was taken urg , HU work and that of his aggressive, uut. u. . I ... r, tha nnA n, tMa nrAar
rWlin IT KI'.HIIllIklUUB QUU nuwiVo'v w -- o -
ecclesiastical authority. All sorts of should recognize the men who made
v.. Wn Wned upon a mem- that fieht; you should extend to them
AUUBtlD UMIW aw. r I -
tV.A rathollc hierarchy of this thanks and assure tnem 01 co-opera-
tnaw, Detroit ana on tne unio ana audaciously tion. Let the general public know
Alleghany. Here Braaaoc was oe i- , ,.,, of hav. there are men ln the A. P A. who are
RUU "ivug'-j ' 1 - " I , . t
li t TX Y.
compeers, was to estDilsn rreneu eu-
oremacy In Am Frontenoc,
Ing congress to remove the Marquette
statue from the Capitol; authorizing
the political committee of the order to R Tn-ftnh. Green Bav. Mack tj nnviira the adoption of , r-. i j An v oki an1 ber of
the A. P. A. platform by the state Alle(rhany, Here Braddock was de province,
.1 ...Imi. mlltlnal I . . - . . ., . . and wrOE
convennuu w featei egnUne tnem ana wSuinKWu --- . . onipltl,ftl authoritv honest and fearless
parties, and. falling ln tnis, to recom-1 . n. onn-nntlcghin at Fort Du- nK f""
on the schc.1 question, to take plac interests of apodal
this city. Consequently the local I nrnmBniin!r Con- que . t! H rrr., party. It was, It is understood, ruin-
house was adjourned until April Id. Vinn for his steVd aealnst " 7 T!, ! MnnaI. ing the ecclesiastical authority by its terer,
ana 1m. I I WUj Uwl uuc v -.w-w-- , - . nHn(..winff art. I
U1W VI 1 ... m A. I I.tU "
The conference, will take
mediately after the second reading of
the school bill at Ottawa, or as soon as
mnraAntatives of the dominion can
reach here.
Mr. Roblin, leader of the opposition,
said he hoped when the school confer
ence met on lines other than party
lines a solution would be reached that
would be satisfactory to the minority
and the people of Manitoba as a whole.
He hoped the conferees would remem
ber that Canadian confederation was
the result of a compromise, a little
yielding here and a little there, eao-
annmnriations for sectarian lnstttu.
r r 1
tions, and for his efTorts against ine
unveiling of the statue of Father Mar
quette In the United States Capitol;
prohibiting any holder of political
office from being a member of the ad
visory boards of the A. P. A., and urg
ing congress to recognize Cuban bel
ligerency. Bigots Boycott.
Little Rock, Ark., March 11.
The priests in two of the Catholic
churches ln Little Rock have com
manded the members of their respec-
rificinsr what some held as a principle tlve churches not to patronize any
t tnem. Thla had been done in the mnmhm- of the American Protective
oast and it would be a sorry spectacle Association.
if the dominion were now torn assunder The eaict originated, or the order
over this question. first came from, Bishop Fitzgerald to
Mr. Prendergast, a Catholic, said he the priests, who, under his instructions
hoped the proposed conference would gave it to the city.
not ho, futile. The Roman Catholic
vera nntltlfid to iustice and All of One Mind.
justice forthwith. Linton of Michigan ought to be presl
Th tmnression prevails here that dent of the United States. The pott
th. Manitoba government In the ap- tlclans may not permit him to become
nronr-hlnir conference will be asked to so this year, but they cannot prevent
place the Roman Catholio minority on him from becoming supreme president
fAAHnff a in Km Sfitnift. or tne American rruwno bww
V"-B T ' I
That province has a national school tion. Denver American
. .. -r , 1 tV DW Hi M a '
que s - jesunexpioreisiu i.--i . . B Df consciences; it
nf AllmiA TTonnirifin. Jollet. L,m balle. J " ....
Let them know
we protest against a state president
who Is charced with being an adul-
Yours for right,
Daisy G. Mack,
Wise Suggestion.
A meeting of the state executive
board of the American Protective As
sociation was held at Leadvllle on the
18th Inst. Business of importance to
the order was transacted. Resolutions
were adopted expressing regret at .the
departure of Rev. Kerr B. Tupper from
the state, and recommending him to
the patriotic orders ln Philadelphia.
The board recommended that each
subordinate council keep a member
ship roll which should be signed by
each member when initiated. Also,
that the councils tl rougbout the state
use tneir utmost endeavors to raise
funds with which to prosecute the
work of the order during the next six
months. Reports were read from the
various sections of the state, showing a
renewed Interest in the order and Its
principles. Denver American.
A Big Dollar
For a little meal nay, nay, not on
the Burlington.
On the Burlington, you pay only for
what you order. And if you order
right, 50 cents gets youas well-cooked
and well-serveda meal as the heart of
man can desire.
The 5:00 p. m. tralnfor Chicago, the
4:45 p. m. for Danver, and the9:0a a. m.
for St. Joseph and Kansas City carry
Tickets at 1324 Farnam St.
Quite the Thing Socially
To have it known you are going via
The Northwestern Line OMAHA-CHI
CAGO SPECIAL. The fine tact and
discrimination displayed ln the furnish
ings and equipment, the convenient
hours and fast time and the fact that it
Is an exclusive OMAHA train, have
made It a great favorite with Omaha
City orace,
1401 Farnam St.
Ntoollette and the whole crew of the
exploring ship Griffin? Let us make a
Mrs. Jarley's show" ol the wnoie
crowd and by act of congress dub them
all patriotic American citizens. We
strenuously object to this apothesis oi
Jami Marouette ln the capitol of a
Protestant nation. In some publio park
such might not be out of place any
more than the statues of Cadillac and
Father Richards, that are placed in
niches on the exterior of Detroit City
Hall. What's the matter with Loyola
or Torquemada, as well as Marquette.'
Both were great men in their special
vocation of building up Romanism on
was also making that bishop amenable
in the publio opinion, regarding the
management of his divine ministry.
"A newspaper guilty of such black
attempts acalnst the Catholic hier
archy, and whose revolutionary in
stincts do not back up the lie and
calumny to attain its object, deserves
to be banished from all Catholic fam
ilies. However, I will tolerate it until
further notice, hoping that the lessons
freely given him by the religious au
thority, and even by the chief of his
political authority, and even by tne
chief of his political party, will prove
profitable for the future. If ever, God
i it, z:ir:;,":zz : this paper should fan
kUr. :rr.T"7: a J in the same faults and become a danger
we believe that the Insisting upon plac- oi ""7 7 ",,7 t
ing this statue of Marquette in the faithful of this district, I would no
Trr.wS t nwi hesitate to interdict the reading of it
Capitol at Washington is the universal
desire of the people of Wisconsin. It
has emanated from the councils of Ro
manism and as such we protest against
the action. We are in this reminded
of that of the man who insisted upon
erecting a monument to Major Andre,
but somehow the affair would not stay
under special penalty. The ecclesiastic
and natural law gives me the power
and directs it to me as my duty. God
has confided to me the most Catholic
districts perhaps of the whole world.
I am happy to claim It as such ln this
circumstance. The faithful of this ais
Their Hearts Are Not In It
There are in congress 103 A. P. A.s,
but as they were elected as Republi
cans and not as A. P. A.s, and are re
sponsible to their party, and as their
party has not declared In favor or A.
P. A.-lsm, of course these 103 Republi
can A. P. A.s have done notning along
the line of A. P. A.-ism. Legislators,
with rare exceptions, ever go ahead of
their party. If the 103 A. P. A. mem.
bers in congress had a party behind
them, they would have long ago been
heard from. It Is plainly evident that
A. P. A.-ism has not taken a very deep
hold on them. Though the issues pre
sented by the A. P. A. are of vastly
more importance than the Issue that
called the Republican party into exist
ence, these 103 Republican A. P. A.s
put together have not the energy and
courage of old Ben Wade or Joshua
R. Giddings. If they had their cause
at heart, as the early Republicans had
theirs, they would from their places In
congress, shake the American nation,
It is barely possible that the Republi
can party can be frightened Into malt.
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