The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, March 13, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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UCreighlon Theatre!
Velephone tail.
rmoN a Bunatst, Mgr.
. Sunday Matinee,
. Man h lUlh, .
la Ill Comedy guccrw.
Si Plunkard.j
Matinee Wednesday.
rrlcit tiallerv. lis: hsl-oov . lv.Vs
lower Nut. 41-T.V. eunday Matinee, T
Wednesday Matin, any Beat 26c. I
March 21-Caplain Jack Crawford
i Jeweler and Optician
317 N. 16th STREET,
: : Fine Watch Repairing
x French Clocks, t
T Exclusive Watc vamlnef lor F., E. T
I and M. V.
L, C. Richards, of Fremont, whood
ferritin on Thursday with Omaha poll'
The Omaha Daily XtirllrpubHc sus
pended business again oo Thursday
Judge Powell returned on Thursday
evening from Washington oounty, where
he had been holding court
All Sixth ward Republican should
attend the meeting of the Sixth Ward
Republican Club Saturday evening.
The Colored Manderaon Republican
Club will have a mats-meeting at
Knlghtt of Labor Hall, on Fourteenth
street, next Monday evening.
Hon. John L. Webster returned on
Thursday from Washington, where he
had beon looking after the interests of
Nebraska in the maximum freigbt-rate
All the meetings of the Omaha Re
tall Merchants' Association are open
to the public Those who are inter
ested in the welfare of Omaha are cor
dially Invited to attend.
A McKinley Republican club was or
ganised at the Millard hotel Thursday
night, at which several prominent
Republican leaders of the state were
present and made speeches.
The Republican County Central Com
mittee held a meeting Thursday after
noon, at which the matter of selecting
and approving judges and clerks for
the coming primaries was discussed.
Final action was deferred.
One of the jurors in the Croighton
will case, which has been on trial be
fore Judge Fawcett since February
24th, disappeared Thuitwlay, and it is
necessary to postpone the further
hearing of the cate for the present.
Omaha theatre-goers have had a
treat during the past week In the at
traction at the Boyd, and judging from
the crowded houses every night they
appreciated It. The Woodward Theatre
Company began their engagement with
a matinee last Sunday afternoon, which
was a signal for a rush. The company
comprises fifteen people, and every one
of them Is an artist in his line. The
program was changed every night dur
ing the week. They close their en
gagement here Sunday with two per
formances The sale of seats for Sousa at the
Boyd Saturday opened Friday morn
ing. Souaa'i peerless band of instru
mentalists has long been a favorite in
Omaha. He will give two concerts
matinee and evening.
PLANK Israel, aged 68 years, father of
Mrs. Dr. Carrlker and 0. 0. Plank, at 1818
St. Mary's avenue, Omaha.
The funeral service took place In
Eountze Memorial Lutheran Church
to-day (Friday), Rev. Dr. KuhLB offlol
Mr. Flack had been a resident of this
city for several years. During his life
he was an uncompromising friend of
Americanism and an exemplar of the
domestic virtues. He was a Know
nothing in the palmy days of that
party. He will be greatly missed.
Sixth Ward Republicans.
There will be a meeting of the Sixth
Ward Republican Club of Omaha at
Idlewlld Hall, Twenty-fourth and Grant
streets, on Saturday evening, March
14, at 8 o'clock, to arrange for a Re
publican caucus and to consider other
matters relating to the coming cam
paign. F. W. Fitch,
J. A. Tucker, Secretary.
Furniture bought, sold or exchanged
by J. L. Cooper, 1406 Dodge street
Enthusiastic Gathering of the
j ;Central Republican Club
in Washington Hall.
ConsUtntUa and By-Laws Adopted aad
IVrnaarat Org aalialloa Effected
-Searly 1(H) Members.
The adjourned meeting of the Cen
tral Republican Club i t Omaha was
held on Tburitday evening at Washing
ton Hall, where a constitution and by
laws were adopted and the temporary
organization made permanent.
The object of the club, a set forth in
the preamble to it constitution, Is as
"We, the R publicans of the City of
On aha, Imbued with an earnest detire
to secj the Republican prty in the
coming campaign nominate cone but
homst, non-corruptible, 1 yal Ameri
can citizens for ofllce, and to aid in the
election of such a en when nominated,
and believing that the beat means of
accomplishing thee ends lies In organ
ization, hereby adopt this constitution
for our government."
Section 2 of the constitution provides
that any Republican elector of the City
of Omaha may, upon application, be
come a member of the club. And
any member who shall be convicted of
attempting to use the influence of the
club in the Interest of any candidate,
with the understanding that he is to
receive In consideration thereof ap
pointment to office or money considera
tion, may, by a three-fourths vote of
those present at a meeting, be expelled
from membership in the club; and It
shall be the duty of each member to
report to the club any evidence which
he may at any time have of such ac
tion on the part of any other member.
"The meetings of the club will be
held on Thursday evening of each week
at Washington Hall, and fifteen mem
bers constitute a quorum for the trans
action of business."
The executive committee is well rep
resented by the different wards, being
composed of three members each, in
cluding the president, secretary and
treasurer of the club. Every A.
P. A. council in the city is well
represented among the membership,
besides the friends of the various
candidates for presidential honors. In
it you will find stanch admirers of Con
gressman Linton, Governor Bradley,
Governor Morton, Ex-Governor Mc
Kinley, Ex-Senator Manderaon, Sena
tor Allison, and others. But on the
whole they are men who honestly be
lieve in the principles set forth in the
Enthusiastic speeches were delivered
by I. R. Andrews, Professor W. H.
Allen, Joseph D. Piper, Samuel Mac
Leod, C. W. Oleott of South Omaha
and others, the general tone of which
was approved by those present, as evi
denced by generous applause.
There were 78 new members received
Into the club.
The plan of organization is such that
every loyal American citizen can en
dorse, and is not in any way confined
to narrow, factional differences. The
American believes that the success of
a club organized on a broad American
plan is assured.
The next regular meeting of the
club will be held at Washington hall
next Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, at
which all citizens who endorse the
principles set forth in the preamble
are Invited to send In their applications
for membership, each endorsed by two
members of the club.
Dr. Kay's lung Balm Saasas
for coughs, colds.
From Voltaire's Encyclopaedic Diction
ary Translated from the French.
Daniel the Jesuit can tell me as
much as he pleases, In his very dry
and defective History of France, that
Henry IV., before his abjuration, was
for a long time back a Roman Catho
lic. I will plaoe more confidence in
Henry IV. himself than in the Jesuit
Daniel. His letter to the beautiful
Gabrlelle, "It is to-morrow that I
take the perilous step," proves at least
that he had still In his heart a some'
thing else than catechism. If his big
heart for so long a time since had been
penetrated with the efficacious grace,
he would perhaps have said to his a is-
tress: "These bishops edify me ;" but
he tells her: "Those people give me
the ennui." Are those the words of a
good catechumen?
The letters of this great man te
Corisanded'Andouin, countess of Gram
mont, are not a subject of pyrrhonism;
the original of the same still exist.
The author of the essay on "Les Mceurs
et l'Esprit dee Nations" publishes many
of these highly entertaining letters.
The following are some curious ex
tracts from the same:
"All these poisoners are papists
I have found a killer for myself. The
Roman preachers preach very loud that
there is but one more occasion to go
into mourning. They admonish all
good Catholics to follow the example
of the poisoning of the Prince of
Conde; and you are of that religion
If I were cot a Huguenot, I would turn
It Is difficult after this written testi
mony from the pes of Henry IV., to
become firmly p.-rsuaied t t be was a
Catholic even at heart
F. X. Dks Rivieres.
Hank Appointed Pntsaanter.
Dl'HlyUE, Iowa, March 6 Francis
Sullivan, appointed postmaster at Mel
leray, Dubuque county, is Rev. Father
David, friar of the new Melleray Mon
astery the home of the TrappUt
monks. It Is a silent order, but main
tains a parish church; and Father
David, who is the business mat ager of
the corporation, accepted the postmas-
ership to ob ige the neijhb-jrs.
How's Tbisl
We offer One Hundred Dollars Keward for
any I'ur of Catarrh luat cannot be cured by
Ball's l atarrh Cure!
K J. 11 K.N ICY A CO., rops., Toledo, o.
We the underalgnrd. have known K. J.
Cheney for the last IS years, and believe htm
prrftM'lly honorable In business transactions
and financially able to carry out any obllga
thin made by their firm:
tt kht & Thcai, Wholesale Druggist, To
ledo, U.
Wai.iUNU. Kirmam A Uarvim, Wholesale
Druggist. Toledo. U.
Hull s Catarrh Cure is taken Internally,
acting dlre-ily upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Price TSo pr buttle.
Hold by all Druggists. Testimonials free.
Mrs A. SacdsteJt, Sixth and Martha
Sts., Omaha, Neb., writes: ' I have
had sick headaches for years and was
very tick to my stomach and had a ter
rible pain in my bead. Since taking
Dr. Kay's Renovator I have not had an
attack." Sold by druggists at 25 ets.
and tl. S.-e advt.
Don't Worry Yourself
and don't worry the baby; avoid both
unpleasant conditions by giving the
child pure, digestible food. Don't use
solid preparations. Infant Health is a
valuable pamphlet for mothers. Send
your address to the New York Con
densed Milk Company, New York.
When down town drop in at John
Rudd's and leave your watch, If it is
out of repair, to be fixed, 317 No. 16 St
In every town In the United States to
sell a sure cure for Cancer, Fever Sore
and Milk-Leg. Address
C. A. CRUM, Mgr.
1703 Wabash Ave. Chicago, III
For Sale
One span horse, 7 years old, with
harness and two wagons. Will sell for
cash or trade for small piece of land.
Address M, care American.
Cripple Creek.
The Denver and Rio Grande R. R. is
the shortest and best route between
Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo to
the now Famous Gold Camp at Cripple
Tickets qn sale from all points east to
Cripple Creek. Call on your local
agent and be sure that your ticket reads
via the Denver and Rio Grande R. R.
We print stationery, make blank
books and furnish supplies for all the
leading business houses In Omaha and
South Omaha. When you want a neat
job, set up in the newest faced type,
come and see us. We are THE Printers.
Notice It hereby given, that bv virtue of a
chattel mortgage dated November 2Mb, ism.
filed In the office of the county clerk of Doug
laa county. Nebraska. November 27th. lSI'.V
executed by ((eorge I). Merryman Company.
Mrs. Ada Kychaner ana u. i. Merrynian to
H. B. Kennedy, to secure the uaynient of nve
hundred and seventeen dollars ifM7.Uu, upon
which there la now due the sum of tire hun
dred and twelve and 52-ltlO dollars (SMU.52),
default harlnit been made In the conditions
of said mortgage, and no proceedings at law
having been Instituted to recover any part
of said debt, therefore I will sell the prop
erty therein described, to-wit: Two carpet
cleaning machines, one electric motor, one
wagon, desk, cntirs, dooks. gasoane stove,
carpet laying tools, rooplng and all chattels
ana merchandise, at 718 andi'JU South Four
teenth street. Omaha. Nebraska at public
auction at 718 Pouth Fourteenth street.
Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, on the
flthdayof April, 18W,at2 o'clock P. u. of said
ated March 13th, 1896.
By Saunders A Macfarlaad, his attorneys.
Probate Notice. 9
la the matter of the estate of John H. Mc-
Alvin, deceased:
Notice la hereby given, that the creditors
of said deceased will meet the administrator
of said estate before me. County Judge of
Douglas county. Nebraska, at the county
court room in said county, on the 7th day of
may. isw, on me tin uay ui juiv. im, anu ud
the 1Mb day of September, loW, at o'clock
A. m. each day, for the purpase of presenting
their claims for examination, adjustment
and allowance. Six months are allowed for
the creditors to present their claims and one
year for the administrator to settle said
estate, from the 7th day of March, ISttt; this
notice will De puDitsnea in 'i hi American
for four weeks successively, prior to the 7th
day of nay, lttus.
3-13-4 County Judge.
iKYinu r . ha. l r.n.
will stop a eongh In a night, check a cold
In a day, and car consumption if taken
in time. If the little ones hsv Cronp or
naooping voaga,
u frompuy.
Croup is a very
fatal disease.
Folly one
halt of
the at
tacked die.
Th grist
danger la
in d.lav.
Th disesse progresses so rapidly that
th loss of a lew hours in treatment is
often fatal. Acker's English Reme
dy will cure Croop, and ft abonld al
ways b kept in the house for
emergencies. A tj cent botUe may
aav your child's life.
Three stiesi SSe, SOe, $1. AU Drag ist
t t xS Ciamhera SL. New York.
Mr V aJTV-.
LFlPa A M A All AftryoubftT
ulent concerns,
blackmailers and (tve-semethlsf-for noth
ing people, writ us. vVraknena of U)-s re
sulting from youthful Indiscretion, cured;
also all private disease of any kind. W
reetore yuu lo con plet. vigorous manhood
cur certain -at less cost tnan by your local
physician, and your trouble known to your
self only, twnd for d las nosls. free. We have
the beet treatment for Constipation.
Pllea and Catarrh known to medical
art. Write,
Home Treatment Company,
1302 Faream Street is the Union Pa-
cifio City Ticket Office.
Annual Meeting.
The annual meeting of the stockholders of
the Crescent l.acd Company will be held at
the aladlson Hotel. 1 wentv-nrtt and Chlcairo
streets, i ueaaay. April (, is'.m, at 2:JU r H.
uiaana, neuraska, atan-n . imdi.
8-S-4 Secretary.
481) acre ranch In western Nebraska. Im
proved; also stock of goods, store building
and elevator, horses, rattle and Implement!
go with the ranch. Want Omaha property
or Iowa lands; 7uu acre farm, miles from
Omaha, the best stock and grain farm in
Cass county; M40 acre ranch In Merrick
county, Noorsska, well fenced and plenty
living water, asuu per acre; iir.-u acre rancn
In Wayne county, Nebraska well Improved,
at a bargain; 1MNI acres, in tracts to suit. In
Merrick c unty, Nebraska, at S5.H0 per acre;
several quarters In Northeast Nebraska at
rroui s-i.uu to ai.uj per acre; western lowa
farm lands. X !) acres. In a body. In Madison
County. Missouri, at S1.S0 per acre, this Is Hue
land, and the timber alone is worth Ave
tin ea the price; lOUU acres In a body In Mis
souri, at tl.25 per acre, this is timber land,
and for fruit cannot be surpassed; 120 acre
Improved farm, 05 acres in cultivation,
house, barn, smoke-house, all out-bulldlngs.
tine living spring at the door, and well
fenced, two Dearlng orchards, price SritH)
cash takes this, worth three times the price;
80, 4U. ail, 20. Ill, 5 acre tracts adjoining the
city limit of the city of Omaha, where fruit
anu garuen iruca nnu a reauy nwev. u
you want a farm In this county, write us.
Don t write unless you mean Dusiness.
Real-Estate and Financial Agent,
New York Life Building, . Omaha, Neb.
r-j?otter mi n minct
tftan a VVSsI llllllsal
Send us ten cents, coin or stamps, and we will
send your name and addrets to IOO of the
most popular papers In America. You will
receive copies of each for reading and dis
tribution FREE. In addition we send your
name and address to 600 manufacturers
who want agent. (Many have received per
manent employment, as we have testimonials
to show), You will receive samples of goods
and other things too numerous to mention
You get bushels of mall. Address
1043 Van Buren Street, Chicago.
SEND ME a silver dime and I will
send your name and address to
over 30 of the leading patriotic and
other reform papers, and you will re
ceive sample copies of each for reading
and distribution. J. H. Padgett,
Ennls, Texas.
Watchmaker anil JeVeler,v
Fink Watch Repairing a Specialty
612 South 16 Street.
M. O. MAUL. -
Successor to Drexel it Maul.
Undertaker and Embalmer
Tel. 225. OMAHA. NEB.
new set made the same day. Teeth extracted
wllhmit tt& n
uk. wi ntHB, uentist, fourth
tloor.'Urown Blk,
luth & Douglas, o.iha, mi.
Of my
My Creat
Month of
Read the following convinc
ing testimonial from two
prominent Omaha Citizens:
Judge Isaac P. tiascall ana K. K. Williams
have this to say. We consider Dr. O. Qee Wo
of 519 North IKtb St.. Omaha. Neb., one of the
best physicians in the city for the following
reasons: Four years ago our daughter be
came very nervous and at times sick and
unable to control nerseir. we doctored with
and consulted nine of tk e leading Dh vslclans
of this city, hut she gradually grew worse,
until on the Tin or October, ltuo, she was at
tacked with spasms. She was unconcious
and delirious for weeks following the attack,
and at a consultation of physicians they
agreed that she could not get well. We then
employed Dr. C. Gee Wo, and the patient be
gan to Improve at once, and in a remarkably
short time was up. She is feeling better
than she has for a longtime. She 1b Improv
ing every day and bids fair to get entirely
well. R. K. Williams. Father,
Isaac S. Hasvall, a near Relative.
2105 S. l&hSt.
Ex-Constabi.k S. B. Clark, office 319 S..14ta
.says: I can't say too much for Dr. O.
O.'Wo. My little boy and girl had dyptherla
and other physicians said they could not re
cover. 1 then called In Dr. C. Gee Wo, and
In less than 24 hours they were out of danger.
He also cured myself of Lagrlpp and gen
eral debility, and my wtfeof inflammation of
the Dowels and female weakness, from which
she had suffered many years. I can't thank
him enough for what he has done in my
family. S. B. Clark and Win.
Mrs. H. A. Dboat, 1H12 Clark Bt.-Heart
trouble and nervous dlbillty of many years
JOHsBHOOK8.rC4N.1Sth St. Of sprained
back, liver ai.d kidney trouble of three years
standing. Is now a well man.
Mrs. Anna Papk. 2109 S. Mth 8t.--Cured of
spasms and female weakness of seven years
Frank Hom'b. Schuyler. Neb.Oured of
rheumatism of one year's standing, and waa
given uo s incurable.
Consultation Fata. Send 2ct stamp for
Dook and question blank. Anyone wanting
advice can write to above addresses or call
upon DK. C. GEE WO, 519 N. ISth St. Omaha,
You can save from 15 to 25 per cent, on all cash purchases for
the next thirty days.
iou get id.uu bnoes lor fa.ou
Vau rrot ) fn fit... r- " or
v uuuco ivi T- j iuu gei f i.uu ouoea ior ai.ov
Youths' $2.00 Shoes for $1.50.
Ladies' Shoes in the same proportionate prices.
718 So. Sixteenth St.
"lie For Our
HIS is the every-day talk
throughout our house.
where else." And again: "I've tried elsewhere, and I only
came back after wasting my time."
That's tlie TTalk:
The Biggest Store,
The Biggest Bargains,
Groceries, Furniture,
Lamps, Trunks, Dry Goods, Shoes,
Carpets, Hardware, Woodenware, Cigars,
Stationery, Butter, Meats, Flour, Tobacco,
111 Fact, Everything.
Out-of-Town Folks
1 502-2 Capitol Avenue,
Slaughter Sale faoes
M tn's $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes, Single and Q CH
rouble Soles and Cork Soles, in one lot, at )sCaJU
Ladies' $3.50 Calf lace, Goodyear and Cloth, dQ Cfl
Tops Welts Ra or '. $al.0U
Men's $1.50 Grain Buckle Working Shes Go dH
on Sale Saturday at
Wm. N. Whitney
The American
oOc From Now Until
car line; in good repair; city
premises, and situated in good
easy tern j; monthly payment;
further articulars, call on or
Street, Omaha.
Coroner of Douglas County.
And Bmbalmer.
lSll Capitol Avenue,
Telephone 90. : OMAHA, NEB
Sii Sii!
You get $4.00 Shoes for $2.75
I AT i nAA CI a. r
Hooey Here."
of thousands of people who buy
Again: "No use going any
The Biggest Values,
The Biggest Satisfaction
Crockery, Glassware,
Write for our large Illus
trated Catalogue. Mailed
free to all.
January I, I897.
Two blocks from Walnut Hill
water and cistern; small barn on
neighborhood. Price, $1500.00,
only $15.00 per month. For
address, M. L. Zook, 1615 Howard
Merehant Tailor
Suits Made to Order.
Guarantees a perfect fit in all cases, cloth
ing cleaned dyed and remodeled.
04 K. 16th St, : OMAHA, NEB