The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, March 13, 1896, Image 1
THE AMERICAN THE AMERICAN Cheapest Paper in America. THE A AN. BOO to IW) - ' A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. "AMERICA FOR AMERICANS" We hold that all men are Americans who Swear Allegiance to the UniL-d suw-m without a mental reservation in favor of the Pope. PRIC K FIVE CENTS. Volume VrI. OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY. MARCH 13, 1890. NOMBKB 11 THE POPE'S JESUITS Are the Sworn Minions of Foreign Tyrant Who Seeks to Rule America. Bomp. with Characteristic Foresight, Is Concentrating Her Strength in the Western Territories. (CopyrlKhted.) BY REV. J. Q A. HENRY, D. D. The Jesuits are the aworn minioog to the foreign tvrant who seeks to rule America. They are bent on the de struction of our public schools, the de bauchery of our politics, and whatever can work the overthrow of Protestant liberty and' ibe triumph of Catholic despotism. Nothing less than this is tfca ultimate purpose of Jesuitism. The Frmnan's Journal one of the leading organs of Catholicism asks the ques tion: "Is it the intention of the pope to possess this country?" and replies: "Undoubtedly." "In this intention, is he aided by the Jesuits and all the Catholic prelates and priests?" the reply is: "Undoubtedly, if they are true to their religion." To any onewho is at all familiar with the facts of our. country's history, it is astonishingly and alarmingly ap parent, and fhe papal hierarchy Is si lently and surely accomplishing this i Reasonable purpose. . ; Catholics themselves being witnesses, the Cathollo Church in America Is not only getting a corner on the post-office, the police and fire departments and the city schools, but also on the saloons; and is furnishing an overwhelming proportion of the inmates of jails and penitentiaries. Many who are well acquainted with the true character of Romanism are indifferent to it because not aware of its rapid growth among us. They tell us, and truly, that Rome loses great numbers pf adherents here through the Influence pf our free schools, free insti tutions, and the strong pervasive spirit of independence which is so hostile to priestly authority. But let us not con irratulate ourselves too soon. The losses of Romanism Jn the United States are not necessarily the gain of .Protestantism.. - J ' Romanism Is chiefly responsible for German and French infidelity. Skeptl cism and infidelity are the legitimate - children of unreasoning and supersti tlous credulity and the grandchildren of. Rome. Apostate Romanists are " swelling the ranks of our most danger p ous classes. Unaccustomed to think . for themselves, and having thrown off " authority, theyjbecome the easy vie. tims of the wildest and most dangerous propagandists. CToub far the bomb throwers have 'been furnished by the Roman CatholicIChurch. " But, notwithstanding the great losses sustained bylRomanism in the United States, it is growing with great ra pidity. Prom 1800 to 1880 the population In creased ninefold; the membership of all evangelical churches, twenty-sevenfold, and the Romanist population, sity-threefold. From 1850 to 1880 the population in creased 116 per cent, the communicants of evangelical churches185 per cent, and the RDmanist population 294 per cent. Q During the same period the number of evangelical churches In creased 125 per cent, and the number of evangelical ministers 173 per cent, while Roman Catholic churches in creased 447 per cent land priests 391 percent. (Strong). Rome, with characteristic foresight, is concentrating iher strength in the western territories, s As the west is to dpminate the nation, she intends to dominate the west. Din the United States a little imore than one-seventh of the population IsiCatholic; in the territories takentogether, more than one-third. In theiwhole country there are not quite two-thirds as'ttnany Ro manists as there are members of evan gelical churches. D Not including Ari zona and New Mexico, which have a large native Roman. Catholio popula tion, the six- remaining territories in 1880 had four times as many Romanists as there were members injall Protes tant denominations collectively; and including Arizona oand New Mexico, Rome bad eighteen times as many as all Protestant1 bod ies. The most wretched members of so ciety counfas much at the polls as the best, andioften much more. It is poor coiisolation which Is drawn from Ig norancelof any portion of our popula tion. These degraded people 'are clay in the handsiof thetJesults. When the Jesuits weredrlven out of Berlin, they declared that theyiwould plant them selves in the western territories of America. And, they ftre there to-day with empires in their brains. Expelled r" J ail i Ho Drops Some B6odle on thapot, and "thb Machine -Wprkst- by their intrigues even from Roman Catholic countries Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Austria, Mexico, Brazil, and other states they are frte to colo nize in the great west; and are there, proposing to Romanize and control our western empire. There are some stubborn and fearful facts concerning Catholicism in the strategic centers of our political and national life. "It Is exceedingly manl fest in the history of our country that Romanism allies with any party that will give it power and further its inter ests. The greed for money has ever possessed the Church of Rome, and wherever she has ruled she has built up her influence both by public funds and by impoverishing the masses. Her plunder of treasuries and her exactions from her adherents have been so piti less and ravenous that in the end they have been emasculated, stripped, of power and robbed of inspiration." The Roman Catholics have $12,000,000 worth of property In the City of Wash ingtonlargely secured since the Civil War. Fully two-thirds of this repre sjnts contributions by Protestants gotten from government clerks by a system of beggary, with more or less of coercion in it, and from the government by appropriations which are regularly made to some' of their institutions. All of the Protestants' holdings in this city do not approach in value half of iHi amount. This immense ecclesias- ucml power has now become a menace of frightful proportions. Sato) 11 and his retinue are referred to by the dally press of this city as the papal legation. This is by Roman Catholic direction or approval, pf course, as nothirg goes into the press which has not the ap proval of thewRoman Cathollq Church. Government officials do their work ffwiUc JesulVc surveillance that puts the whole government system practi cally under the eye of the Roauah. priesthood. The clerks are expected to pay money over to the nuns. In the civil-service examinations the Roman Catholics always sueoeed better be cause they can get, in advance, the questions of the examination. Roman ists are not over a seventh Bt the popu lation; their voters are-nofover a tenth of our voting population -nd their Il literacy, foreign spirit, and birth would make their just proportion in Official positions a mere handful. Why do they preponderate la Washington? For political effect. There are gov ernment clerks who thus pay regulariy THE WAY HLKINS WORKS IT. from 10 to 25 per cent of their wages for the purpose of holding their jjpsl tlons. On pay-days in the Pension Bureau, as the clerks receive their pay, they file out between two nuns who stand on either side with boxes extended. As is well kcown, the Ro man Catholic Church maintains an Indian bureau at Washington. All of us remember how a committee of Ro man prelates endeavored to prevent the confirmation by the senate ef man who was the choice, not simply of the President, but all who believed In Indians being educated in government schools and made intelligent citizens. It is the misfortune of the Roman Cath olic Church in this country that it seeks to control education. The mis fortune lies in the fact that its purpose leads to constant irritation of public feeling and to dispute, because the people of the United States are resolved that no church shall control education. Every sect is of course free to establish schools at its own expense for the In struction of such children as may be sent to them. But the use of public money to sustain such schools is con trary to public feeling and public policy. The purpose of these schools primarily, as it was in the early Jesuit missions in Canada, ia to make Roman Catholics rather than' American citizens. now, in eignt years tney have re XT . . . . ceived $2,366,486 to teach Indians of (he northwest that the only true church Is the Roman Catholic, and to detach them from loyalty to the Stars and Stripes. Every popish chapel is a standing protest against God's govern ment, and a threat against the peace and liberty of the courtry which shel ters It. President Cleveland has Car dinal Gibbons come to the White House for conference. Whv were Roman Catholics placed at the head of the national campaign committees of both the great political parties in the past presidential campaign? For polit ical effect alone. Are there not able R-otestanW, in either the Democratic or Republican party, who can be in trusted with these high duties? Is it not about time that Protestants and cabinets and congresses were called to strict account for pandering to a church thai has been the assassin of liberty In every land where she has obtained foothold? ' ' ' ' . " - THE recent demonstrations in Spain will not help - the Spanish cause In Cuba, and It may result ia the entire loss of the Wait Itdies to Spain. y THE A. F. A. MAKING READY. It Will Try to Cut Some Figure in the Campaign For Governor. The American Protective Associa tionthe religlo-political organization better known by the triumvirate of in itialswill meet in Minneaoolis a week from to-uay. It Is to be the an nual convention of the order for Min nesota. The organization generally discriminates in favor of this city when It comes to having these annual gather ings. This year the convention will be held at Masonic Temple. The pro ceedings will be secret until they get to the public. This year the discus sions will pertain largely to politics and politicians. When dealing with the latter special attention will be given to the gubernatorial aspirants. An effort will be made to select the man of the five or six aspirants whom the order will support. The idea Is to pick a favorite and then get as many members of the order into the state convention as possible. Just the way things are now it is impossible to say who will be the lucky candidate. Very little has been heard of the A. P. A. of Minneapolis or the state for seme time now, but it is V nown that an effort Is being made to bring about bet ter organization, and if passible secure a larger membership. It Is given out by some of the leaders that when the order gets in fair working shape it will give special attention to the guberna torial situation. As yet the matter has not been discussed to any special extent, but some of the more enthusias tic members of the order have inti mated that two particular candidates for the governorship are likely to be selected as victims of the wrath of the organization. These two candidates are ex-Governor McGill and ex-Mayor Eustls. It is claimed that the first named gentleman Is on speaking terms with Archbishop Ireland in fact, the claim really assumes a more serious character, for it is said the ex-governor has expressed, on divers occasions, a very great respect for the Roman Cath olic prelate, whom he seems to regard as a good and patriotic American citi zen. Some of the members of the A. P. A. say that the ex governor, If seated, in the chief chair of the com mdjiwealth, would give respect to the wishes and suggestions of the arch bishop, and this they do not want. The gentleman who served as mayor of Minneapolis for two yaars, and failed to please everybody, Is said to have discriminated in favor of Cutholios when It came to discharging men from and taking men Into the city police force. It is asserted that among the fifty or sixty policemen, men whom he let go during the two years, there were several men who happened to belong to the A. P. A. It is also further alleged and asserted that the ex-mayor, upon a certain 17th of March, appeared at sev eral entertainments which were given uuder the auspices of Catholic societies, and that on each and every such oc casion the ex-mayor delivered himself of a speech, in which he showed more respect for the memory of Ireland's patron saint than is consistent with good American citizenship as the A. P. A. understands the term. With that foresight which is characteristic of clever political workers the organiza tion which thus displays its early an tagonisms had a committee out after facts a great many months ago. This committee, so It Is said, was so efficient and vigilant that it his an array of sta tistics that are said to be conclusive and convincing. The time and place and the length of each of these several speeches by his then honor, the mayor, are carefully and accurately recorded, with the names of several impartial and unbiased witnesses in each offense. Wheneer the speaker gave way to bit disposition to do a little "jollying," and said some complimentary things calculated to please his auditors not the vigilance committee the gentle men with the lead pencil and tab were particular to make Indelible notations, and these have been carefully laid away for future reference. When these records are exposed to the public it will be understood that the campaign is on in dead earnest. Miimeapolin Timet. Naturalization. It has been asserted by many that without the aid of immigrants we should never have been here ourselves; that having come, we should never have achieved our Independence with out them, and, finally, that we owe all our progress in arts and arms, in wealth and power, to the aid we have received from immigrants. There Is some truth in each of these three proi- osltlons, but it is so confounded with error that its chief use seems to be to grace a falsehood. Let me, in a few words, examine each of these false hoods. I can hardly conceive, Mr. Editor, of a more perfect contrail than eilsU lrlwtn thote who landed at Plymouth, and were the nucleus of this grrat republic, and thoso hottt which have bH.n vomlb doa our kbort s from the prlnont and or-bouca, tl.o starv ing and Ignorant dUtrltts of the Old World. The Pilgrim fathers were not mUeralle blgoU In xcarch of the boms of some mkxoamu saint, from whom they f ijectrd forgiveness of sins or In trrcftttilon with Heaven. They were the elite of England, educated, wiallby, thoughtful niro, unwilling to he dlo tated to by the bead of any church, English or Roman. We a a pocple of the UnlUd 'Htaks are too lenient with foreigners. We have Invited ibem to become fellow citizens with us In our privileges, p'aolng them on the tame footing, and allowing them to eo joy the same privileges ana immunities that we enjoy ourselves, and now they are showing us how they appreciate our generosity by insisting that we excuse them and their children from being wholly and trujr American. They seemingly want to--destroy our public schools by teaching their catechisms and their religious views therein. It is further true, Mr. Editor, that they have come from starving freland and found employment on our railroad and and other public works, and as they plan nothing or Invent nothing, thev are entitled to aoout as much credit as the mules and.' other, beasts of burden that have wofkod by- their aide. If their labors blmenahletl our factories to increase and oi, ralliWs to stretch out with unequalled despatch all over our wide domain', it remains to be proved that this rapid expansion has not caused more ruin and more domes tto mliery than all 'the money It has produced can easily atone for. I am old-fashioned enough to believe that if these works had been left to the steady progress of American industry, If no Immigrant had ever turned a sod or borne a hoi), It would have been better for the country, for who is so blind as not to petcelve that if our wealth had been increased a hundred fold without any disastrous revulsion, it would have been poor return for all the evils that have come in the train of immigration. I refer, Mr. Editor, to the increase of crime, to the deterioration of public manners, to the corruption of the bal-lot-btx, to the I had almost said to the lots of our liberty, civil and religi ous; lor who 4oes not know, that most of the Immigrants, In a religious point of view, are the tools of the Roman priesthood, and In a civil aspect the tools of our politicians? Already they hold the balance of power, and have elected several of our presidents. Al ready they have declared the Bible to be a sectarian book, unfit to be read in our public schools. Already they have laughed at us for the free toleration they have received, and beint that hen they have the control, as they in tend and expect to have, we must not expect any toleration in return. All we now ask, sirs, is that such restric tions may be laid upon the naturaliza tion of foreigners, that they may not have the control of our institutions un til they are educated; until they hae had time to become Americanized; un til, in fine, they have become free and Independent of all foreign potentates, both civil and religious. An American. Cullom for President. The following interesting Informa tion is from the Catholic Citizen of Mil waukee: "Since Senator Cullom's return, from Illinois his actions have beerivcloeely watched by the friends of the other aspirants for the presidency, says a Washington letter. There is no doubt that Mr. Cullom considers himself a very available dark horse. The re tirement of Harrison from the contest has given bira new hope, and he be lieves that his chances have materially Improved. Cullom bases his hope on the belief that the avowed candidates will break each other's chances of cap turing the nomination. In this emer gency the Illinois senator feels that his opportunity will come, and he Is work ing his way accordingly. "It has been noticed during the past few days that Senator Cullom has been conferring very frequently with con spicuous leaders of the A. P. A. organi zation. While the debate was going on In the house of representatives over the District of Columbia bill, a measure that the A. P. h. was very much in terested in, the leaders frequently hur ried across to the senate end of the capitol to confer with the Illinois sena tor. The closeness of the A. P. A. leaders to Senator Cullom attracted so much attention that inquiries were made by the political leaders at the capitol regarding Cullom's past politi cal Velations. It was ascertained that he was a member of the old Know nothing party, and that he will have the quiet, but earnest support of the A. P. A. leaders in" the convention."