THC AMQRIOAN. V.' ' AS ABU ADDRESS t?.r-TTi Efar the W. A. P. (MTkMfkti. Kansas City, Wo., Jaa. It. A most credible aJdreas was dlirtd by Mr. Irene V, Rlnglend be tor Belle K emp tor council W. A. P. A. to this city. Urt. Rlnglaod wild: "It U with adoep feeling of gretlfice tloa and pr!d that 1 stand before you to-day m your prldiot, and a member of one of Ibo grandest orknUUor this country hu ever knows. , I knew that U accepting ths office tu aasumlog a Kt nwpooet bllltj, tod that m your president, muat receive the yoke by which to bear tba burdens ol a newly organised coun cil, having limited mean to moot the demands to further tha iuooom of the council and bring It to a successful end. tint tti VirtahLMt dava hsva the darkeet hour. Even so, friends, la each Ufa there come a time when the oloudi lower ia tha sky and abut out the sunshine of hope, -aouKb the uubtne of Ufa may be drlvaa away. SVhtnd eume cloud of dilr to linger a day, Oh I lei ut be coureceou and hopeful at heart, ' That the euruhlne the ihadoin may quickly depart. "God's victories are the only true and lasting ones. Lot us always rely oa Him. It is through Him that I am , able to report to-day that tba bond of J friendship and unity of action between us hai been strengthened, and that we stand where we oan wltnosa a more carked Inclination toward assuming ternal obligations. 'Harmony, friends, la the most es pial element to success. True, in ,11 matters various opinions may be 1, but we all must unite in one un " umnded harmony of action In the prin ciples of our order. We all have a right to our opinion, to think aa we will, to speak and act as our best judg ment dictates, and no fair-minded, lib-erty-lovlng person would ever attempt to deprive any one of this right. They would bo, by duty, bound to sustain j tem in the exercise of tbess rights, for thoy are the very foundation of civilisation. Let us, therefore, feel free to think and speak, but always being careful to set down naught in malice. "Let ua oast out all bickerings and disputes; we have no time for them. Each things are a discredit to us and seriously retard tha progress of our trunoil, Noble, patriotlo women on tie outside of our order, if they learn Cat dissensions exist within our ranks, would become disgusted and turn from y Itjrjuld' bj a neglect of my duty J I & not warn ajnlast thete die r "-"us r't-fsl'- .urge you to apply ' '.Ian to the more -J and objects of the !;;.tlon. ,-tle all controversies .a kUlot, and CT8 ". "Let ua, friends, at TOmnJSiful eon of the "only true church," :atof the new year, labor TCe ear- ;:.!y to bring about the Ideas and prin ces of our order Into aotual exist esse. "The order is being pushed' rapidly' forward. We have ladles at the head, who are ambitious and desirous of suc cess, those who are do'ng efficient work. "We can have some idea of the work that Is being dona. At the present time there are 360 councils, in the United S!ate, all doing good work. There are twenty-three councils In Mis souri, and atx in Kansas City. "Let me now draw your attention to our publlo schools. Here patient, ear tost and united efforts are required. X7e can look with great pride on the fUg, that glorious ''ensign of liberty," as It Boats above our publlo schools, knowing that it was our order that helped to plaoa it there. There let It wave. Let the two most cherished objects of the American's heart stand together the flag of the nation and the ""Sjpi school house. Vea compelled to believe that ( Roman hierarchy proposes to de y the public school system in the tsd States. Is It not very easen that we guard them well against a power? Just as sure aa you give aae an opportunity she will Romanize 'an. - ,"A great many persons, easy-going .es, do not see, or pretend not to see, ;y particular danger in allowing-Ro- in Catholics to teach la the public spools. It la through these teachers that the Roman hierarchy proposes to fain control of the system for Rome. "Friends, this shall never be. Let us as patriotlo women lend every aid possible to avert this evil while there Is an opportunity. The Roman's pro nounoe our schools: 'Mischievous, ' 'baneful to society,' 'godless,' 'scandal ous,' 'social plagues,' 'filthy,' 'pestilen tial,' 'vicious,' 'diabolical,' breeders of unrestrained Immorality,' where things occur that would 'curdle the blood la our veins.' Are not thorn expressive enougb to convince the most skeptical clnd? - "Home combined with school life Is tie developer of character in the child, and you should see to it, mothers, that none but the very best teachers are al lowed to teach your children. Teach era wield a wonderful influence over the r.Lod of the child, and aa early fmpres dsrs are said to be the lasting, it would Is weU far mothers to keep vigilant watch over the school life of tba child and know what ia going oa at school. 'There are other duties devolving upon ua. We can help form a part by our Influence to shape such legUIatioa at will eventually strengthen and ex tend our publlo school system. Cry aloud agalntt the making of cliliens from btae foreign material Help to force out cowardice and treason from tha land, and raise the standard of American citizenship to where It shall be beyond reproach. "We are anxious to sea immigration suspended, at least for a time; until the working men now in our land have steady employment and means suffi cient to support their families In com fort. Give those already here a chance to lay by something for old age. This would destroy bard times, and the la bor question would be settled forever. A scarcity of help always brings better wage and better times. "Are we enjoying our freedom as free born Americans should? Think of the thousands of girls and women who are languishing in the dungeons and be hind the prison walls of tha so-called religious institutions! These charity (?) homes that are scattered all over this fair land! These institutions are said to be largely supported by Protes tant' money. The Roman Cat hollo in stitutions are all flourishing, while the Protestant institutions topple and fall. How long will it be so? Will the day ever coma when there will be laws passed compelling every convent, nun nery and reformatory institution to be opened for official inspection? "In conclusion let me state that the resul t of our work depends largely upon the energy, ceil and ability of the presidents and secretaries of the coun cils. Let us not oast our votes for a person simply because she is a personal friend. Lay all such thoughts and feelings aside and work for the general good of the orde. No one will then be oflendod, but all will be benefited who love our cause truly and alnoerely. That you may through Him, who is the fountain-head, advance and Increase in nunfbers more rapidly, and that great prosperity may result therefrom, is the most earnest and prayerful desire of your president. Kemanlsm, Ignorance, Corruption and Politics la the Districts Colombia. At length once more, after a period of four yean, duringi which no citizen in this district baa had the pleasure of casting a political vote, we are having political canvass and a vote. Senator Carter, who halls from Montana, and is again elected chairman of the Na tional Republican 'committee, and who la a son of the "only traesohurch," hat decided that tha District of Columbia way eiect ww ucosr tJ Ue twjJUO lioan nomlnsJlnJTeniioa to be held In St. Los, June 16 next, and he has Perry Carson, a full-fledged African, who cannot write his own name, and Myron Parker, onoe -appointed to be a commissioner to rule this district, to be a committee to formulate a scheme for carrying on the election. Parker is said to have sent two of his daughters to a convent to be educated. Already the colored eloment Is being marshalled by Carson, and publlo meet ings are being held in tha bar-rooms and on the streets. The colored man is a natural-borni politician. He takes to It as he does to watermelons, or as dusks to water. The primaries will be held in small rooms bar-rooms, private places, or basements of certain churches and when the time for election comes, the lower element will swarm in and fill the place with one surging, swaying mass; and as soon as some stalwart raps to order, the scramble, yelling and crowding will begin. There is no punishment for illegal voting. The whole matter is no more than a politi cal caucus, not recognized as a legal election, not regulated by any police regulation, andfconsequently to be gov erned by force. But no matter how the votes may be cast no matter who is actually elected it is said that Perry Carson and Andy Gleason will be thedelegates from the District of Columbia, and popery will be the gainer. The A. P. A.'s do not number more than 4,000 men here, and moat of them will take no part in this sham election, for fear of jeopardizing their franchise in the states that right being neces sary to them in order to bold their places In the departments here. Though It ia not true tbat their voting here In such election wouldjin the least jeopard ize their right to vote in their states, yet they do not know that, and would not believe it if told. It is not yet decided how the election will be managed, but the committee of three, named above, will soon have a scheme concocted and announced. Then Carson will whoop up the "niggers," and Gleason the Irish and laboring men. seen. What Parker will do la yet to be More anon. "R." Send me a silver dime, and I will send your name and address to over SO of the leading patriotlo and other re form papers, and you will receive sam ple copies of each for reading and dis tribution. J. H. Padgett, Ennis, Texas. IS IfWft li"t Pl forwards. .colds. REUGIOX IS EOCTH ASZl'A. A aVpart te the Chicago ErOe4 Elabters. Seventeen months ago to-day the Chicago Method Ut ministers' meeting appointed a committee to bring the following request la the most effective manner to the notice to the head of the Roman Catholic church: "In view of the repeated and warm approval by the clergy and laymen of the Romaa Catholic church la this country of religious freedom as exist ing by law id these United Slates, we retpectfully and earnestly requent that the proper authorities of that church use their good offices under the direc tion of Pope Leo XtIL to secure tor the Protestants of Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia the sama liberty tbat Is en joyed by Roman Catbollo citizens of this country." It required a correspondence of fif teen months to get a communication from the Vatican. One of the "oppress ive disabilities" to which this corres pondence invited attention Is that Protestant citizens in these republlos are deprived of "their civil and Inalien able rights to be legally married" un less they "forswear their religious con victions." Cardinal Gibbons, In a let ter from Rome, dated June 14, 1895, says that he baa "referred the matter of the disabilities of Protestants in Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia to the car dinal secretary of state." In this letter Cardinal Gibbons incorporated a com munication from the cardinal secretary of state, which note asserts: "I have written to the apostolic delegate In the above named republics to obtain pre cise Information concerning the laws which affect the condition of Protes tants there as regards both the exer cise of their religion and the celebra tion of marriages," but also gives the assurance that he will "call the atten tion of the Holy See to the information which the aforesaid delegate will send." A registered letter has been sent from this city to Cardinal Rampolla, secre tary of state for Leo XIlI., pleasantly reminding him of his promise and ask ing him if he will have the goodness to call the pope's attention to. this Im portant matter at the earliest possible point of time, and then communicate to the committee the decision reached. A communication from the post-office authorities in the city of Rome conveys the Intelligence that this letter has safely reached Its destination. The committee desires to gratefully record the fact that the press of Chi cago hu strongly Indorsed this move ment, and feels confident that all lovers of religious liberty will utter a hearty Methodist amen td the "hope" of the . V. ' ill . . ,1 i V V" TfA) . J a weii-anw Roman Catholic "odious religious Durnallst, that the strlotions" in these South American epubllcs -may abolished The committee wishes to report that the communications have been received from persons in widely diversified walks of life tbat give no uncertain sound. General Neal Dow, . the venerable temperance advocate, believes that this movement demands the earnest activi ties of "prominent laymen as well as those of clerics." Dr. A. B. Bruce, the distinguished Sootoh professor, is convinced that "it does not require much reflection to be satisfied that It is very desirable that Protestant oitlzena in the republics of Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia should be under no temptation to renounce their faith In order to be legally married," and hopes "that the efforts being made to bring about a change of the law may succeed." ' Professor Gold win Smith, of Toronto, writes: "There can be no doubt that the Vatican has the power, it it has the will, to get the disabilities re moved. If its authority were exerted the civil laws of the republic would not stand in the way.' The papacy can hardly pretend to the character of a moral power when it practically up holds and propagates concubinage by shutting out a class of citizens from lawful marriage." General O. O. Howard in one brief sentence reveals how his pulse beats. Says this distinguished soldier: "I am glad you are proposing a communica tion to the Roman pontiff In behalf of citizens in Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia who are deprived of the ordinary rights of free men, and I hope that he, aa the head of the Roman Catholic body, will do what he can to. remedy existing evils." An eminent Roman Catbollo edu cator, Very Rev. James C. Byrne, pres ident of the College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minn., on being asked for an ex pression of opinion concerning the re ligious disabilities of Protestants in the republics of Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia, said: "As I have no means at hand to verify the statement 'that Protestants in these countries cannot be legally married unless they abandon their re ligious convictions and become Roman Catholics, I shall assume that this is literally true. I have no hesitancy In saying that such legislation is Intolera ble, intrinsically immoral and opposed to Catholic principles." Rev. Dr. Charles J. Little, president of the Methodist Theological School, Evans ton, 111., thus expresses himself: "In each of the three republics of JO Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia the Romas Catbollo Church is established consti tutionally, to the exclualoa of every other form of religion. In Ecuador and, I presume, la the other (two re publics, a concordat between the pope and the state authorities regulates the relations of ecclesiastical and civil powers. A marriage to be legal would have to be solemnized by the Roman Catbollo priest. Beyond this I cannot speak with any confidence. But it the laws of these republics do oblige Prot estants to forswear their faith before they can be married legally, they are certainly an outrage upon morality aad a crime against purity in the name of religion, and all believers la Jesus Christ, Roman Catholics and Protes tants alike, should insist upon their abrogation." Bishop A. Cleveland Coxe, of the Protestant Episcopal Church, asserts that "wide circulation should be given to facts which show that the American Ism" of Archbishop Ireland and Car dinal Gibbons "does not amount to tbe courtesy ot acknowledging an impor tant communication from so large a Christian body as the Methodists, whom they felt at liberty to Insult In a manner which violates the ordinary rules of politeness between neighbors as cooitizens," and observes: "At last the cardinal, on the spot and In close communication with the pontiff him self, with no apology for fifteen months' neglect, elicits a reply from the Roman court evasive and Jesuitical In the ex treme. The Vatican well knows the laws and oppressive measures of these 'republics.' The late Cardinal Lavl gerle was loud in professions of repub licanism, while he eulogized Ecuador as the model republic. Here is the whole story in a nutshell: They would reduce us to the condition of Ecuador governed by the Jesuits." The Chicago Evening tost says: "The report, which was submitted by Rev, John Lee, chairman of the committee, was enthusiastically accepted, and the committee was instructed to continue its labor along the same line. The re sult of Its work up to date is considered most favorable to the cause the minis ters have taken up, and it is proposed to push the matter prominently before the public at home and abroad." Btv. John Lee, B.D. , i Loses at Much as it Gains. While so many Protestants are under the impression that popery is advanc ing In England, the statement ot the Roman Catholic Timet, ot December 27, Is not a lUtle remarkable. That paper asserts that: "Whilst the revival of Catbollo sympathies In England lend a much brighter hue to the prospects of the church, it is well not to foraret tbat frfere la also a dark i' ' U (.,x ' "bs. (TonverstonsajafTTklnff. nlarw at nrtt a trate, but the assurances of those who ought to know best are to tbe effect that we lose at least quite as much as we gain." , This is, indeed, if reliable, good news, for which we may well thank God. It is a statement such as other Romish authorities have made before. Yet there can be no doubt that the outward machinery of popery Is on the Increase. The new Roman Catho lic Directory for 1896, shows that in Great Britain tbe number of priests is now 8,014, while last year It was only 2,077. The churches, chapels and mis sions of tbe. Church of Rome have In creased during the same period, from 1763 to 1789. Rome is also increasing rapidly in political power and Influence, and here is where our greatest daager lies. The Vatican has always trusted most in her political operations, relying on the arm of flesh more than on her religious work. Protestant Observer Too True. There are some A. P. A.'s who are always bobbing up for office, and if they do not get A. P. A. support, they become disgruntled and sore. Now the proper thing tor A. P. A.'s to do, who are ambitious for office, Is to consult some of their A. P. A. friends first, or wait until their friends bring them out. But no; there are some A. P. A.'s that think they were created for oertaln offices, and certain offices were just waiting for these persons to claim them. I repeat, let your friends call you to office before you call on them to support you. ZVue American. The Reason. A Roman Catholic publication finds fault because the magazines and news papers issued in the interests of the papacy do not receive more generous support from the followers of the pope. The complaining editor has evidently overlooked the fact that the papal parochial nurseries of ignorance do not furnish an education to Romanists that is sufficiently comprehensive to guarantee the Inculcation of any very appreciative or lively taste for even tbe low order ot literature that is dealt out by the Catholio publishers. E& change. Holds Court in Church. .. Parkxrsburq, W. Va., January 2. At the close of revival services at Pennboro last night James Duty, a justice, ordered a constable te lock the church door and caused the arrest of three men who had disturbed tbe meet ing. He then heard the testimony of witnesses and bound two of the prison ers over to tbe grand jury and sen tenced the other to jail. . p s wm m I The pleasantest. safest and most efficient remedy known for every klstd () of cough, lagnppc. influenza, etc. Safe for all ages. Does not sicken ( ) f. or disagree with the stomach. The formula has been used very extens- i i. LJ ively by tie most noted physicians in the hospitals of London. Paris and I 1 Q New York with the very best of success. It is now known as. v. () S Dr. Kay'o Lung Dalm 3 fl Mia. HaanahShepardZOSN.lAh Street. Omaha, Neb., writes: "Won Tear arof had f Lafrippe aad coaghad almost continually war aioca. I tried tewal doctors aad Tirtoua f J cough s-.cdidtsn bst cosid (at so relief. One package Dr. Kar l Lanf Balm cured me ( rntirely." Sold be dragfittt or aeat b mail lor Kcis. Send addreaa for eerr ealuabla lite booklet. (Western O&ce) Da. B.J. tUf MamcAtCo,MS.lftihSt..Omh1Neb ccococnca sold dy cocochceo V:.IZZV & C:CCr.:iLL. 1513 lziz Street, OMAHA, NEB. Whs Is the Fepel Ia Eogland many people, even good Christian Proteetant people, seem to bi very much at sea as to who the pope Is. Hence some have taken to writing letters to a pope who exists only In their imagination. The pipe, for ex ample, that Dr. Parker and the leaders of tbe Grlndelwald conference ad dressed lately is as fictitious a being as Don Quixote or Sancho Panza, and In finitely less amusing. There is an old man in the Vatican called the pope, and an infallible pope, too. In one sense be Is Infallible, for he is not a free agent. Tbe sets done in his name must not be attributed to him. The saddle must be put on the right horse. This old man is surrounded by a band of designing, unscrupulous men, whose slave and tool he Is. That is also the reason why he is personally respected In Italy. Why should they blame a man who is not a free agent? It would not be just. His actions are excused on the same ground that Mr. Justice Barnes granted a decree of divorce the other day, viz., duress. Hence, too, he Is "the prisoner of the Vatican." He is a prisoner, only it is not the Italian Government that keeps him in re straint It would only be too glad to get rid of him; and when he goes say, as the Reforma said the other day: "Gil Itallani non si vestlrebbero a lutto" (the Italians would not put on mourning) assuredly not. Dismissing, then, from our minds the poor old man, let us see who the real pope is and what be does. The real pope is that band of designing men of whom we have spoken. And this com posite pope is a political rebel and a political Intriguer. That is about all he is. He aspires to the temporal power, he longs and labors to break up Italy's unity and take from her her in dependence. He has no spiritual char acter and exercises no' spiritual func tion. Tbe came ot religion is used only as a cloak for the promotion of worldly ends. This is so well known in Italy and so universally felt that to Mnt V)-n l?'"Ui-qt ItUn tbat the pope cares lor nls spiritual we would be to be thought ignorant of the country. There Is such a thing, and a terribly real, thing it is, as infidelity and atheism born of superstition and cf a life devoted to deselving the people. Tnls infidelity and atheism have their habitat in the Vatican. It Is indigenous there. It is epidemto among papal ec clesiastics. I know that the pope calls the Italian atheistical, and so it is in disbelieving in his god, who saves "pa pists in sin and condemns Protestants in holiness. The god-demon of the pope, I am glad to say, Italy disbe lieves in. And the pope calls Italy in fidel, and so it is in disbelieving that faith and religion consist in external formalities performed at the altar by a priest no more worthy of respect than, as Mr. Froude has said, tricks of tbe juggler. Italy is beginning to know God as Its heavenly father, and relig ion to be a thing of the heart, and it therefore regards with abhorrence the pope and the papacy. - One nead not be surprised, then, that the pope takes no intarest In Italy's spiritual welfare. Nor does he even take any interest in its material wel fare. I have never heard of his doing a benevolent action toward the Italian people. I have often heard ot his stir ring up strife and division, and sowing discords and animosities between class and class. The newspapers continually record benevolent actions done by tbe the king and his ministers. Sums of money are given by the one or voted by the other to lighten distress. Never by any chance does one see or hear of any instance of the pope and Vatican doing anything of the kind. It is said that the gifts in kind sent to the pope on the occasion of his jubilee hams, cheese, sweets, etc. the rats ate in his cellars. The reason is, tbe pope wants all his money for political purposes He wants it all to help to supply the enemies of his country with powder and shot He wants it all to subsidize his political organs. That is another strange thing strange on the supposi tion that the pope is a spiritual being that his organs never treat of spiri tual subjects, not even of moral sub jects, but only and always of political ones. The Adriatico of to-day (Friday, November 1) says: "The Honorable Zanardelli and his friends see that to day the church and Its ministers boast much, too much Indeed, regarding faith and religion; but they see also that without scruple, without dissimu lation, in the light of the sun, faith and religion are converted into arms against the unity of the country; they see in many parts of Italy that the most sacred rights of the nation are audaciously outraged and ignored." - s This enemy of the King and Govern ment of Ita'y, this plotter against the nation's unity and independence, this outrager of "the most sacred rights of tbe nation," is the only pope in exist ence. Is it to be wondered at that tbe sin cerity and goodness and godliness of English ecclesiastics who took seriously the letter in regard to church unity sent by this pope to the English people are msde tbe subject of jest and laugh ter at the Vatican? Could it be other, wise? Our composite pope is a being Incapacitated by character and by ac tion from appreciating moral and spi ritual goodness. The lettar was noth ing more nor less than a Jesuitical ruee, intended to throw dust in the eyes of English Christians. The pa pacy is done for in Italy. It is re garded as a bane and a foe. Only a fraction of Italy's Inhabitants are pa pists. They are divided up into many parties monarchists, republicans, so cialists, anarchists, if you like but there is one thing that unites them in one mind and one heart, and that is hostility to the pope and the papacy, the implacable, treacherous enemies of Italy, and not of Italy only, but of con stitutional government, the rights of conscience, Christ and Christianity, the world over. Italian Correspondence of The Rock. Bible-Burning in Brazil. Burning Bibles on the American continent is not often heard of, and it is only among intolerant and bigoted people that such an outrage could be perpetrated. Rev. J. B. Kolb, of Bahla, Brazil, writes to the Church at Home and Abroad of the Roman Catholic Church in that region, In which this incident is related: "In the latter part f T - J I ... . uidiun a vuipjnour auu au bkiduiuii reaohed the Interior town of Glboya, in the Stats of Bahla. They began to sell Bibles and Testaments, but were soon met by a man,acoompanled by four policemen, who demanded the books, uu saiu ana.) ue uau oruers irum toe vicar to take them and burn them in fVrefcSe market place. The ooYtJortenTin- quired who had authority In the place, and was totd that all power was in the hands of the vicar, as he was the mayor of the town and district. He went at ones to the vloar's house aid claimed protection, which was denied him. The vicar reminded him that he was offering false books for sale, and that It was necessary for himself, as the vicar, to proteot the rights of his peo ple, and thereupon ordered the colpor teur to leave the house. The vicar also remarked that the man who had taken the books had authority to do with them as he saw flu Just as the col porteur was leaving the house the same man came up, and in a threatening mannerorderedhim togo with him and deliver up all his books, saying -at the same time that it he did not he would take them by force and burn both him and the books together. Under the pressure of this threat the colporteur was obliged to submit to the confisca tion of his books, and subsequently forty-seven Bibles, fifty Testaments and 100 gospels were saturated with coul-oll and set on fire in the market place." St. Louis Presbyterian. New Deal In Politics. A meeting was recently held in Parlor S at the Midland Hotel in this city, by delegates representing the various religious, civlo and moral asso ciations of Kansas City, for the pur pose of uniting all the forces to secure the nomination of honest, competent men for the various municipal offices at the election in the spring. The meet ing seemed to be a unit on the question, J 1 .-.1 - .J i J !iu for a mass-meeting at an early date, to be composed of all the churches and other societies that are in favor of good city government. The resolutions called for two delegates from each church and from each society. A committee consisting of D. H. Todd, Joseph Reld, D. R. Ingram, H.C. Howlet, Mrs. M. P. Coleman, Mrs. Julia Westein and Mrs. Emma Dennis, to secure a place for the next meeting, was appointed. This committee has issued a call for tbe next meeting, to be held Saturday, January 25, 1896, at 1318 Grand avenue, at half-past 7 in the evening. It is expected that tha convention will unite on a plan of ac tion to obliterate the political rings in the city. Bibles Burned Publicly. Lima, Peru, January IS. The Mayor of San Miguel to-day seized and caused to be burned in the public square of the city all the Bibles and stock of tbe local agent of tbe American Bible So ciety. Dr. Kay's Renovator and Is tbe beat kervb tohic yet discovered. tf inMCVaMIDI A specific ior Rheumatism MUHClRUItJl and Kidner Disease Irli j L-oM.iaaatcroat