The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, January 17, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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EipUaatiea U Xdo at aa OtWUI T the
Uthelle Ckarak.
Nkw York, Jo I. The marriage
of Mis Mabel Wright, formerly Mr.
Fernando Ytoaea, to County Zlcby la
St. Stephen's Roman Cathollo church
two week ago has caused much com
mcot. It was consider! by many per
sons as nn Indication that tbo church
bad rNnlwd divorce. MIm Wright
bad recently (toured a divorce from
her husband In South Dakota, and the
church aanctloned ber sooond mar
rlare. The IU-t. Dr. John McQulrlc, rector
of St. Paul's Catholij church, is the
person who examined Into the case of
Mis Wright and gave a docUtoo, aanc
tloned afterward by the archbishop,
which left ber froe to marry Count
Zlcby. Or. McQulrk ta the "Dufondor
of the Marriage Tie" la the Catholic
dlcce of New York, aa office be ha
held for six years. lie claim the cane,
far fro ii being a recognition of divorce
by the church, i exactly the opposite,
and he bases bis view oa tbe decision
thatMabol Wright's first marriage to
Ysnaga was invalid, lie said today:
"Miss Wright's case was undor In
vestigation for two months and was
subjected to the coldest scrutiny, but It
was really very simple. Ysnaga was
baptised a Catholic ia tbe Church of
tbe Transfiguration, la Mott street,
and Mlis Smith, bis first wife, was val
idly baptized In the Episcopal church
In Mobile. Their marriage was valid.
.That fact has not evea bnoa questioned.
That he was afterwards divorced and
his wife bad married again did not
leave him free to contract another mar
riage. Therefore, there was no mar
riage in the eyes of the church be
tween him and Miss Wright, and she
was consequently authorised to enter
into matrimony with Count Zlohy. All
the tacts were proven by the very
strongest documentary evidence, the
church records In this olty and Mobile,
and the doclolon was a very plain and
simple one. Cardinal Satolll had noth
ing to do with the case."
Truth and Piety la the Chan, and
Pear and Liberty ia the State.
Corruption and despotism in the
church, is generally followed by cor
ruption and despottsm In the state.
Apostasy in the church oarries moral
degradation into all ranks of society.
Every religion makes a chat-actor after
Its own likeness. Like produces like.
This la no speculative idea a mere
theory, the result of ignorance and
perverted judgment; but a faot de
monstrated by the experience and his
tory of nations and according to the
law of cause and effect., Every effect
has an adequate cause and the effect
takes Its nature front the cause. This
is in hsrmony with the divine law in
creation, that every tree bears "fruit
after his kind. " The Saviour alludes
to this law when He says: "For every
tree is known by his owe fruit" "For
good treebrlngeth not forth oorrupt
fruit," etc. "Do men gather grapes of
thorns or figs of thlatlos?" He applies
this to morals and religion. Speaking
Of false prophets, he said: "Ye shall
know them by their fruits." The prin
ciple is true in both the natural and
moral world. Plant an evil tree and
in the process of time it will be hung
11 over with evil fruit, for a corrupt
tree cannot bring forth good fruit.
Hence, plant a oorrupt religious tree
In any land and bring the people under
its influence, and the natural effect
win be the moral degradation of the
country. "Like priest, like people."
Degraded Spain and Mexloo, and other
papal nations, are fruit of Romanism
But we need not labor to prove what is
self evident to the observer and what
christian and heathen acknowledge.
Paul says: "Evil communications oor
rupt good manners." "A little leaven,
leavens a whole lump." The "mother
of harlots" has bewitched all nations
with her sorceries and made them
"dr ink with the wine of her fornica
When a man embraoes the religion
of the meek and lowly Jesus, taught by
His ward and Spirit, It Imparts to him
the likeness, spirit and disposition of
that religion.' The religion "that ia
from above, is first pure, then peace
able, gentle, and easy to be entreated,
full of mercy aad good fruits." Who
ever is born of such a religion is "gentle
and easy to be entreateJ," because he
is converted to God through the re
liglon which plants in the heart "the
love which is the fulfilling of the law"
and "worketh no ill-will to his neigh
bor." It is not the fighting kind of re
ligion. It never prosecutes those of a
different faith. It "earnestly contends
for the faith once delivered to the
saints," but does it in the spirit of the
Divine Master and the charity that
"suffereth long and is kind," a "charity
that never Ulleth." A world full of
such christians would constitute the
millennium. Then there will be none
to make us afraid. The persecutors
and "shaven-patel despots of Italy'
will not be there. Bat a false, ldola
troua religion will never bring the mil
lennium. A lie is the opposite of
truth and has an opposite effect;
put the devil in men; but the "truth as
it is in Jesus," through grace, casts the
devil out of men. "Without the power
of the gospel and Christ's true disciples,
this world would be a pandemonium,
and some parts are that yet. The only
hallowed pisses, the only green spot
oa the earth to-day, are the plage
where the Son of Righteousness ha
ct Ills peaceful rays and warmed tbe
heart with love to God and man. Out
a pagan religion makes men cruel, bar
barous and bloodthirsty. This seems
to be especially true of the papal re
He Ion. Tbe history of the RomUh
church is a bUtory of blood, riot and
revolution. She has instilled into her
devotees tbe spirit of persecution and
murder, teaching that heretics ougbt
to be persecuted unto death. The oath
of the bishop requires him to punish
with death those who refuse submis
sion to Rome and protest against ber
Idolatrous worship. True religion
nevir persecutes, it seeks to save and
not to kill.
A religious corporation that denies
tbe riffht of private Judgment, a right
to read God's Word.and liberty to wor
ship according to the dictates of con
science Is an Antichrist. What a con
trast between "the martyrs of Jesus"
and tbe bloodthirsty church that burns
tbem at the stake. But Romanism Is
the religion of the dragon, and lu de
votees imbibe the cruel, persecuting
spirit of the dragon, which shows it
self in hatred of the Bible and of
Christ's trus disciples. "And the
dragon was wroth with the woman (the
true church) and went to make war
with the remnant of her seed, which
keep the commandments of God and
have the testimony of Jesus Christ."
Rev. 12:17. The worshipers of the
dragon have ever been the persecuting
party. "And they worshiped the
dragon which gave power unto the
beast." Itev. 13:4. This persecuting
spirit has been the character of popery
through 1U whole history. The same
spirit actuates It to day and is the le
gitimate fruit of the system, the teach
ing of popes and councils.
What mean these Rotran military
companies, drilling and arming for
war? Against what are these papal
taints going to make war? We know.
It is against what Rome has always
fought the saints and martyrs of
Jesus, God's witnesses, and against tbe
Bible, and civil and religious freedom.
This papal army organized In this re
public is an insult to the flag of tbe
American people, and means the sub
jugation of the United States to papal
rule. Rank treason is behind this
movement, and if our government is
not blind, intimidated or corrupted, it
will ask: What does this military ar
ray mean? To free Ireland? Nonsense!
Nothing alls Ireland but popery. The
"little horn" of Dan. 7:25 is behind this
military movement. The base of opera
tlons is on the banks of the Tiber. A
foreign despot holds the reins and dl
reota every movement along the line.
Theobjact is to "wear out the saints
of tbe Most High" and oonques the
Protestant world, and especially Eng
land and the United States, and regain
the ascendency. But popery is in its
dotage now and there is great anxiety
at the "seat of the beast," and prepara
tions are going on for a great conflict.
It will hasten the end. Calvin.
t'acU Abont the Bible.
Tha Bible contains sixty-six books,
1,189 chapters, 31,173 verses, 773,692
words, and 3,586,489 letters. The word
and" occurs 46,277 times; the word
"Lord," 1,855 times; "reverend," but
onoe; "girl," but once, in the 3rd verse
of the 3rd chapter of Joel. The words
everlasting punishment," appear but
once, and "everlasting fire," but twice.
The middle verse is the 8th verse of
the 118th Psalm. The 21st verse of the
7th chapter of Ezra contains all the
letters of the alphabet except the letter
"J." The finest chapter to read Is the
26th chapter of the Act of the Apostles.
The 19th chapter of II. Kings and the
37 th chapter of Isaiah are alike. The
longest verse is the 9th verse of the 8th
chapter of Esther. The shortest is the
35th verie of tbe 11th chapter of St
John, via.: "Jesus Wept." The 8th,
15th, 21st and 31st verses of the 107th
Psalm are alike. Each verse of the
136th Psalm ends alike. There are no
words of more than alx syllables.
Only One Assessor.
John H. Hamllne There should be
but one assessor for the whole olty,
with a salary of about $12,000 a year,
for a term of three or five years. When
property is assessed properly the taxes
will be less than 1 per cent Good men
who will accept the office of alderman
are hard to find. Who wants to go to
a monkey and parrot fight every week?
Politics has become so corrupt a gallon
of whisky will get more votes than a
week's argument Saloons are at the
bottom of it Raise the license to 11,000
a year, revoke the license of every man
who gives a policeman a free drlnk.and
depose every policeman who goes into
a saloon when on duty, and jou will
stop much of the trouble. Policemen
get too fat on free drinks. Chicago
Dog Used as a Preselytizer.
New York, Deo. 23. Annie O'Brien,
aged 17, to-day swore out a warrant for
the arrest of Rev. Matthias Yodyzsus,
pastor of St. George's Lithuanian Ro
man Cathollo church. She charges
that the priest set his big St Bernard
dog Bismarck on her to try to in 1 1ml-
I date her into returning to his church,
omtioit VOICE.
Bev. Dr. De wart, Late EdtUr f the
Chrtstiaa Uaardlaa, ta the Great Issue
Before the Peeple.
Tbe following letter was furnished to
the Winnipeg Tribune:
Sir: I have watched with deep in
terest the dlffereot pha-esof the Mani
toba school question. I have admired
the firmness and moderation with
which your government baa maintained
and defended: tbe statesmanlike school
law that your legislature enacted. I
have never for a moment doubted that
it was a wise and patriotic measure.
It seems strange that those who ad
vocate the restoration of Roman Catho
llo public schools constantly assume
that your present school law is "un
just" to the Cathollo minority, aad all
who believe that an unsectarlan school
system is best for the country, are al
leged to be unwilling to do "justloe" to
the Roman Catholics. I cannot admit
the correctness of this assumption. It
I no "Injustice" to the Roman Catho
llo church to place It on the same level
with other churches. It ha no higher
claim than any other church. Tbe
Manitoba school act treats all churches
alike. I freely give to the Roman
Cathollo church every right and privi
lege I ol aim for my own church. Am
I unjust to any one in saying I would
give to no one church special privileges
not given to all churches? If any
church makes a demand from the gov
ernment, that demand should not be
granted unless the government be
lieves it to be something that is reason
able and best for the country. No
wrong is done by denying exceptional
sectarian privileges to any church.
The publlo policy of a country should
not be determined by the minority.
It is sometimes said that the province
of Quebec has shown greater liberality
to Protestants by granting them sepa
rate schools. But the publio schools of
Quebeo are nearly all Frenoh schools in
which the Roman Cathollo religion is
taught. It is the so-called "Protestant
Dissentient schools" that are tbe real
publlo and unsectarlan schools. These
do not exist In order to teach the Prot
estant religion. The present dual sys
tem of Quebec, which gives the Roman
Cathollo clergy full control and the
right to have the religious dogmas of
their church taught in the public
schools, must be quite satisfactory to
the Roman Cathollo hierarchy. It Is
hard to see how it can be regarded as a
liberal concession to Protestants. They
do not want sectarian schools at all.
Their present system accommodates
tbe Catholics aa much as the Protes
tants. It is not fair to represent Protestants
as being animated by hostility to the
Catholics, because they advocate unsflc"
tarlaa national schools. I have no hos
tile feelings whatever, but I firmly be
lieve suoh schools to bo best for tbe Ro
man Catholics themselves. Of oourse,
the attempt of the dominion govern
ment to foroe Cathollo schools in Mani
toba in order to seoure the polltioal
support of the Catholics of Quebec,
makes the case very much worse. How
would Quebeo like to be coerced to
please Ontario, and be deprived of the
right to manage it own educational
affairs? Let sectarian people who do
not want their children to associate in
school with children belonging toother
churches, pay for the privilege of isola
tion. Sectarian strife is very undesir
able, but in tbis case the strife is caused
by those who are fighting for the over
throw of a constitutional law.
. E. H. Dkwart,
Toronto, Deo. 27, 1895.
Americanism Must be enthroned in
our nation's capital. ,
Rome must not dominate the next
president of these United States.
Your duty as a patriot is to help en'
throne Americanism throughout the
United States and particularly in the
city of Washington.
Will you enlist for that purpose?
We have, and we are terribly in
earnest; so much so that we have de
termined, with God's help, to save this
oountry from the Roman hierarchy.
To do this we must have your help and
the help of your friends.
Our plan is not a secret one. It is as
open as the day.
We propose to convince the Amerl
can people that they are in danger
from Romanism and that their civil
and religious libertios are in jeopardy
through the machinations of the Ro
man Cathollo church a vaBt political
machine. '
In order to convince the people we
must reach them, and in order to reach
them we have decided to send The
American from now until January 1st,
1897, for the sum of 50 cents.
The American is 12.00 per year, but
in order to create a healthy spirit of
Americanism we will send it from now
until Jan. 1, 1897, during the presiden
tial campaign, for 50 cents.
Old subscribers can take advantage
of this offer by paying their subscrip
tion up to the day they take advantage
of this offer at the regular t2 rate, but
they cannot let their subscriptions run
until the end of 1896 and then claim the
rle ht to settle for 50 cents. The sub
scription price remains the same $'
to all who fail to take advantage of this
A person who is paid up to date can,
by sending la 12 and the names of three
of his friends, get tbe paper to his and
their addresses until January 1, 1897.
We want tbe names of 500,000 loyal
Americans on our subscription list dur
ing tl e campaign of 1896.
We can get them with your help.
Are you with us?
Will you Interest your friends?
Let us make a herolo struggle for the
supremacy of Americanism In the balls
of congress and in the White House:
Mark this Item and send It to a friend.
Then to that friend we say. send it to
one of your friends, aid request him to
send it to one of his. K-yp it moving.
The iron Is hot, let us strike.
Positively no commission allowed to
Sample copies will not be sent out
unlets money to pay for them accom
panies the order. In quantlticsof 1,000,
tlO; 500, 16.50; 1Q0, 2; single copy 2c.
All prepaid.
William F. Miller BesenU a Pulpit Deo
laratiea by Father Kecik.
Houghton, Mich., Jan. 3. Father
Red If, pastor of St Ignatius Catholic
church, feels that he Ls a much abused
man. A man knocked the priest down
In his own parsonage yesterday after
noon, all because of a sermon New
Year's day, in the course of which the
priest inveighed against marriages be
tween Protestants and Catholics, and
hinted that marriages between Catho
lics and Protestants, not solemnized by
a Catholic priest, were void in the eyes
of the Lord, and that the offspring
were necessarily illegitimate.
Mrs. William F. Miller, wife of an
ex-oounty treasurer and prominent busi
ness man, was a member of the congre
gation, and as her husband is a Protes
tant and the couple were married by a
Protestant clergyman, she felt hurt
and told her husband of tbe nhlngs
Father Reczk said.
Mr. Miller, notwithstanding the seri
ous physical disability imposed by a
lame leg, immediately visited the par
sonage and asked the priest if he really
said what had been ascribed to him.
Father Reczk returned an unsatisfac
tory answer, and was promptly knocked
down in his own parlor. Reczk v hi ted
a justice to-day and asked for a war
rant, but was advised not to take any
legal proceedings. He has laid the
matter before Bishop Vertln of Mar
quette. The sentiment of the commun
ity upholds Miller's spirited defense of
the legitimacy of his little son.
Democratic Nominee for President of the
State Senate Set Aside.
Annapolis, Md., January l.-rBoth
ranches of the legislature were or
ganized to-day, and the governor's
met sage was read, after which an ad
journment until Tuesday was had, to
allow the list of committees to be made
up. The slate fixed up at the caucus
of the Republican members last night
went through in the house, and Ex
Congressman Sydney E. Mudd was
safely landed in the speaker's chair.
It was not so with the Democratic
nominee for president of the senate,
however, for Senator John Walter
Smith, of Worcester, who got all the
votes at the Democratic senatorial cau
cus, was unceremoniously set aside at
the last moment, and Senator W. Ca
bell Bruce, of Baltimore, was elected
In his stead. This ls a crushing defeat
for all the old-line politicians, as Sen
ator Bruce ls looked upon as a reformer
of the first class, and every effort has
been made by the regulars within his
party to prevent his election.
That Irish Army.
Who are these men who are organ
izing an "Irish army," or military
companies, to fight England? Are they
American citizens? If so, how can
they be organizing an "Irish army?"
And what cause or right have they to
be preparing to fight England? If they
are Irish, they show us no good cause
even then for their enmity. The Irish
have been largely relieved of any finan
cial burdens they ever had in the last
ten years. If the promoters of these
"military companies" are Irish, why
do we let a lot of foreigners plot in day
light in the United States against a
government and people we are at peace
witnr lie aiiy, loot at it irom wnat
ever standpoint you may, this forma
tion of an Irish army in the United
States is a most uncalled-for and cu
rious anomaly. What grievances have
the people in Ireland.' Gladstone sup
ported the proposition of Parnell that
Ireland should have in the British em
pire the same freedom of local lejrlsla
tion that a state has in the United
States, mainly because of the growing
impossibility of the one central legis
lative body dealing adequately with
local questions, and very little of late
years because the people of Ireland
were oppressed. Again we may sav
that this formation of an "Irish army"
in the United States ls a ourlous thing.
Read tbe dispatches about tbe forma'
tion of these companies in the light of
the condition of the papacy in Rome
and Italy, as shown by the two articles
we print this week on the first ana nita
paces, and then see how it looks to you.
We do not believe, however, that the
Irish army business will amount to any
thine serious. The Irish have to "blow
off" once in awhile, and that is all the
army is a "blow-off." It does not give
us the slightest uneasiness. Still, It is
well to keep track of it .American
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President Traynor Announces the Polit
ical Statu or the Order.
Dktroit, Mich., Jan. 3. W. J. H.
Traynor, supreme president of the
American Protective Association, is
about to issue an official circular re
viewing the progress of the organiza
tion and the political situation. He
states that a large number of members
of congress are also members of the A.
P. A., pledged to the following meas
ures, most of which will be introduced
into tbe house during the present ses
To secure a just distribution of fed
eral offices; to establish a national
university; to restrict immigration and
regulate naturalization; Linton's joint
resolution amending the constitution,
prohibiting for all time sectarian ap
propriations; to open to publio inspec
tion all monastic and private or seml
publio institutions that are not under
state control; prohibiting the official
recognition by the United States of
any officers or any dignitary of any
ecclesiastical body or church, or the
official recognition of such as the dele
gate or representative of any church or
ecclesiastical power; prohibiting any
body of men other than members of the
United Slates army and navy and of the
militia of the various states from drill
ing or parading with, keeping in any
armory, or using such arms or deadly
weapons of any kind, such act not to
extend to the uniform rank of benefit
societies, except to debar them from
drilling with, carrying or keeping fire
Mr. Traynor also reive ws presiden
tial possibilities, and attacks President
Cleveland in these words: "It ls doing
no Injustice to Mr. Cleveland to as-ert
that if the United States had been a
papal country and the pope a temporal
sovereign, our president could not have
given more recognition to the papacy
as a temporal power than he has done
during his present term of office."
Allison and Reed come in for a fair
share of condemnation for what Mr.
Traynor alleges as their pro-papal at
titude and their antagonism to the pa
triotic orders. He presents the names
of Hon. W. S. Llnt)n, of Michigan;
Senator John Gear, of Iowa; Governor
W. O. Bradley, of Kentucky, and ex
President Harrison as worthy the sup
port of the A. P. A. He affirms that
in the event of any indication of the
Republican "truckling to Rome" "a
uew party should and must result."
Our Public Schools. '
We copy the following Items from the
Woman's Voice:
The school superintendent of Bangor,
Me., is a woman, and she Is chasing up
the truants so that there are 200 more
children in school than ever before.
The president of Brown University
advocates taking children at 2 years
old and educating tbem in publlo kin
dergartens. There Is constant complaint from col
lege faculties that the English taught
in preparatory schools is conspicuous
chiefly from its poverty; that not one
high school graduate in three can write
correct, intelligent English. This is a
sad condition of affairs, for no language
is stronger, sweeter and richer than
our own; but we are inclined to believe
that critics lay the blame where It does
not belong. The real root of the diffi
culty lies in child English the bad
habits of speech acquired before school
years, and intensified by lack of con
sistent training in the primary and
grammar schools.
In Syracuse, N. Y., they have a
truant school in operation which prom
ises to do a great deal of good, and
might be adopted in other localities
with like beneficial results, suggests
the Trenton (N. J.) American.. The
plan is to take a boy who insists upon
playing truant to the truant school for
at least ten days. There he receives
good food, a good bed, regular study
hours and plenty of time for play. He
goes to bed at 7:30 o'clock and rises at
an early hour. After their first con
finement in this truant school, the
truants are given another chance in
the schools which they are accustomed
to attend. The second sentence is more
severe than the first, and so on.
Josiah S. Leeds writes in the Amerir
tan Friend concerning the new secret
society for boys called "Character
Castle," which has been organized in
"The idea which gave rise to this
order," says the circular concerning it,
"is that we might use the love of se
crecy as a means of winning boys and
young men to, and holding tbem under
good influences, and in the companion
ship of good men of mature years, in a
Lung Balm
Medical Co.. 610 S. loin St.. Omaha, Neb Q
society ia which religion is not the dis
tinguishing characteristic,but in which
moral culture ls never forgotten."
In other words, as the Christian CV
nosure aptly puts It, it appeals to tbe
boy's desire to learn secrets, and his
love of banners and regalias, and his
desire for entertainment, and by these
means purposes to draw and hold him.
Professor Simpson Ely, Laving been
written to by the secretary of this new
order for his approval of it, states that
he sent the "scribs" his unqualified dis
approval of tbe scheme, and adds: "It
now seems that the multiplication of
lodges threatens to bleed ths church to
death. It makes my heart sick. What
better 'character castle' can be found
than the home and the church?' "
The words of a man like Professor
Ely are to be heeded. Parents and
teachers have more reason to fear the
insiduous effects of evil disguised as
good than evil in its proper shape.
Tbe latter they can guard against.
The former they are tempted to em
brace because of the end sought with
out talcing into consideration the ques
tionable methods.
The state superintendent of publio in
struction of Minnesota recently received
an inquiry whether or not the law pro
hibited the opening of publlo schools
with a recital of the Lord's Prayer and
asking the advice of the superintendent
when one person in the district objected
to the service. In an opinion rendered
yesterday Attorney General Chllds, to
whom the matter was referred,; holds
that the service is in violation of sec
tion 16 of the state constitution, which
provides that no persomshall be com
pelled to attend, erect, or support any
place of worship. As the constitution
requires the people of the state to sup
port its schools, a religious service at
the op3ning of school ls unconstitutional
and cannot be maintained where there
is an objection.
How the mere recital of the Lord's
Prayer can change a school building
from its original purpose into a "place
of worship" is probably very clear to
the astute lawyer .who rendered this
decision, but scarcely to the majority of
common sense people.
The Pope's Soliloquy-
The people suspect I want war for two na
Who think they know much, while they're
dumb as a bat
I would have been glad If they had killed
half creation
Of those poor heretical sons of a cat.
But I am so glad to see the; Turks thrashing
Those Protestant demons who live In that
And that ls the reason I'm glad 'this war
Has stopped that old England ifrom show
lngher band.
The way that the Protestants were working
the country,
The Sultan would soon have gone to their
And left his Mahomet for Christ and the
And called all the sons of the true church,
"poor cranks."
But I am so glad that the Sultan gave bul
And England has quietly sat on the sea.
Because I hare managed things over the
And killed the old heretics, "80 mote It be."
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