Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1896)
r s - . I . V . "" t H E AMERICAN j (V i EXPORTINO AMERICAN PAPER. British Pi m4 rwbllah Ar Maw BaykBf Omr Mad da. W Na tlasi U tlms sought to impress) aaoa tka paper-maktra f the country the print lmpertasr et build lnf up a km4 oxport trad, aara a pa per trade JeariaJ. Tew lidos tries are advancing with lurh rapid strides aa that of paper-making. American genius kaa equipped our mllla with machine of marvelous power and ef ficiency, and Improvements In thta di rection are yet in prerreaa. Wo hare, to bo an re, a splendid homo market, growing and expanding right along, and there la canoe for genuine aatiafac tlon In the fact that Americana are the moet liberal consumers et paper In the world, and that. too. of good atoek. It being notorious that there la a amall er demand for the "cheap and nasty" In this country than la any other coun try on tke glebe. Tot. with all our wonderful powers of consumption. It will become mere and more difficult for the borne market to absorb the entire paper product of the country. A mar ket for the surplus must be found as a condition necessary for a steady business. There are a great many non-paper-making countries which are com paratively new, and where the manu facturing spirit is only Just beginning to develop. These afford a proper out let for our surplus, their powers of ab sorption expanding with our own in creasing prodnctiveness, so that there need be no fear of a diminishing de mand. It seems to us that it will be much more forehanded, so to speak, to expend our energies In developing fresh markets than to devote them all to the far mere difficult task of get ting a foothold in older countriea. It la something to be proud of, certainly. to be aupplying paper to aeveral Lon don daily papers, because it so com pletely refutes the Idea that high wages mean dear product. Great Britain'a paper-making Industry is well devel oped, however, and any footing that we may obtain in her home market baa a double satisfaction not far to seek nor difficult to understand, but getting It Is alow, and In the end may not produee the results sought a steady, growing and lasting market for our surplus. Wo are much mere likely to realize such conditions In newer markets located In growing countries, such as those which lie south of us. The significance of an English demand for American paper lies In the faet that our high-prleod, intelligent labor produces cheaply, and can, qaallty for quality, hold its own In any market where we may choose to act pershrtewtly and snergotleanr. "Making Things Horn." No. 6, Omaha 5:45 p. m., Chicago 8:45 a. m. No. 2, Omaha 4:45 p. m., Chicago 7:45 a. m. No. 1, Chicago 6 p. m., Omaha 8:10 a. m. No. 3, Chicago 10:45 p. m., Omaha J.da p. m. No. 8, Omaha 10:30 a. m a. m. , Chicago No. 6, Chicago 4:30 p m., Omaha v:m a. m. THE NORTHWESTERN LINE, City Ticket Office, 1401 Farnam St. 12-13-3t Clean as a Tin Are tbe new Pullman sleepers which go east every afternoon at 5 o'clock on the Burlington's "Vestibuled Flyer" for Chicago. They are the Improved kind, lighted by gas, vestibuled, with swell roofs, big smoke rooms, spacious toilet rooms and all that sort of thing Tickets at 1324 Farnam St. CO Catarrh Cured or money tbiQ.UU funded. W. li, Riley 113 W re- eH t Madison St., Chicago. 'TUB Uncle Tom's CaHin ortbc A. P- A." Secrets of the Oonven of the Sacred Heart. Do you want to send some friend a book that will make him an A. P. A.? Do vou wan to send an A. P. A. a book that will strengthen his faith, by Riving him evidence of the diabolic outrages of Komanlsm prac ticed within the walls of the 1403 convents In the United States? SEND FOR THE Secrets of the Convent Beautifully Illustrated Cover. Price, 25 Cents, Postpaid. Address: HUDSON TUTTLE, Berlin Heights, Ohio Danger Signals Mort than half tbe victims of consump tion do not know tbey have it. Here is a list of symptoms by which consumption cm certainly be detected : Cough, one or two slight efforts on rising, occurring during the day and fre quently during the night. Short breathing after exertion. Tightness of the chest. Qutch pulse, especially noticeable in the evening ana alter a tun meat. Chilliness in the evening, followed by : Slight fever. Perspiration toward morning and TaU fact and languid in the morning.' Loss of vitality. If you have these symptoms, or any of them, do not delay. There are many preparations which claim to be cures, but Pr. Belief li$ Rtaudvfor Consumption has the highest endorsements, and has stood the test of years. It will arrest con , sumption in its earlier stages, and drive swav the svnwtoms named. It is manu factured bv the Acker Medicine Co., 16 and 18 Chambers St., New York, and sold by aa reputable druggists. NVRSTIQATR Two Letters at the Same Stroke Double Durability. c Double Speed . . Latest Improvement. Carriage on Hall-Hearings. iHmble Klhbon Movement, Keys Lock at End of Una. Many Other Oonvenclee. The JEfl'ETT la a Single Center Type- writer with L'kivekiml . ITKOAHD very rompt and f any In action, with the superior mechanism and construction of the Duplex, excepting the double features.; Libaral Enchant for Othr:Machlns, Typewriter Rntd. Stenographer' Suppli.' II. C. WALL, Tel. 1279. 215 Farnam Street. OMAHA, NEB. A Visit of Jesus Christ TO roi'B rius ix. One of VICTOR HDOO"8 wlttieat and most sarcastic poem, transiatea irom toe , French by OHA8E ROYS, 631 F 8trt, WABHINQTON, O. O rhvUt t.lre a look Into the Vatican: con vene with one of the pope's guard and s cardinal. Single copy locopie 100 copies 6 ' KfTC Naw Ariltlnn. Increased bv 18 naffe. The life of Victor H'igo; The Canon Laws and their source; A. P. A. Principle from auth entic source', Irish Massacre of 1641. related w iha I'Mnnh Koman usidoiic uiivoriiftii, Lamartlne: The Marriage Contract thst must be signed by a Protestant to obtain Roman Catholic bride, with cabinet half-tone oleture of the author. GRAND LODGE LOYAL ORANGE INSTITUTION or TH United States of America. en mnis n. CAMPBELL. M. W. O. M.. Minneapolis, Minn. RriBT. W. JOHNS f JN. Bupreme Secretary, Troy, New Yorkj M. L. ZOOK, iris Howard Street. Omaha, Neb.. Organiser for department of Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri ana ivioraao. ORANGE PRINCIPLES. On behalf of the Loyal Orange Lodge of the United States of Amerlca,and with a view of correcting the false impression that enemies are endeavoring to convey to the mind of men who are unacquainted with Orange principles, are these few statement made The Loyal Orange Institution I a brother hood and sisterhood, bound by three ties- Justice, Truth and Righteousness. It has no hidden aim It is Fraternal and Benevolentassisting and protecting member while living and their widow and orphan when they are re moved by death It uphold the right of private Judgment the untrammelled freedom of opinions be Ueve the public schools are an essential safeguard of the state, and should be kept free from ecclesiastical or sectarian control and that person disloyal to the government who hold a mental allegiance to the pope of Rome should be rigorously excluded from teaching therein, It believe primary allegiance 1 due to the government which protect the live. liberties and propertle of It cltliens, and that ecclesiastical authority should not' under any circumstances, be permitted to meddle in the affair of state, and that coer clon of acltlien in the exercise of hi or her right of franchise, under the guise of relig ion or iplrltual authority should be pun ished as a crime against the state, That it Is the duty of every cltlsen to de fend the lawfully constituted authority and Institution of our country against corrupt and inimical influences, as well a against armed assailant, to the end that our glorl ou freedom be protected and transmitted unimpaired to posterity, It encourage habit of frugality and In dustry among It member, and is proud to boast that Orangemen seldom become public charge or accept pauper bread. It believe in the restriction of immigra tion and the extension of time for the natur alisation of cltliens, and that the public ends shall be held for actual American clti ens who become settler. The Loyal Orange lustltutlon of the United Btate of America ha certain requirement for membership: That a man shall be an actual American Cltlsen, having complied with the law of the United State with regard to naturalisation, and without a mental reservation. That the applicant shall be a Protestant, and also that hi parents and wife shall be Protestant That he shall be thrifty and successful in his business; honorable and truthful In hi dealing with hi fellowman, and shall be known as a law-abiding cltlsen. That he will endeavor to give hi children or any children under his charge at least a good common school education, being care' ful to avoid all ooDlsh doctrines, and That he shall be In sound health at the time of making application. It makes no difference where a man wa born, so long aa ne meet we loregoin requirement. ThAM are the qualifications required o every applicant to the order, and we do not think that any patriotic American order can offer a better array oi onncipiee ua n tags. NEBRASKA.; tit oorwen. or . at B. O.-WM r. KNAPP. V O HoirAOaak B. f HAKTHOl.O. I'latumouth . C. Kecy.-UEU. C kNTUN. P. O bva TM Omaha. . 1). Tree. C H. ALI.KN. Omaha. Coed tor K O. BA Kk I.R. PlaiamovU. Wardea II. P. HHiLllX.K, Havelork. entlnei-P. ft McAl'LKY. bo. Owaaai B. L. KIKKUAM. Plattamouth. KrprrerataUva to National Onurtl-WaJ F. KNAPP. H. U DAY. P B. McALLKY. i W. HOUl'kH K. P. DOLMAN The nest regular meeting will be fceld o the third Tuuay la July. 1MJ6, at 1'latts mouth. FRANCIS B. KEY COUNCIL No mee frlkv avenln at U. A. R. Hail. Plattamouth, Neb. Vieilin onnnwi wr O. K. JUUNHO.N. Ueciee dleily Invited WSHINOTO?I COUNCIL Wo. 1. mel every Tueeday ee. la Idlewlld ball, Mth and Grant atreet. Vleltlng broliierl always welcome. J. H. IUhvst. eee'y T INOOLN COUNCIL No. t, meete la Ua - coin. Nebraska rOLCMBIA COUNCIL No. . meeU inn y- Krlday evening In Patveraoa block. 17ia and Varnam Blrwli. W. M. Thomas Councilor. K. L- Mahhtoii. Secretary. PARFIKLD COCNC1L No. 6, meeu every v" Tueeday night Id South Omaha. Va Bsak. U. B. Vis hsr. Councilor. Secretary T IBEKTY COUNCIL No. T meet every " Tueeday evening. I. O. O. F. Hall, Louis ville, Neb. T. H. Lucaa. Rec. Sec'y. COUNCIL No. SO. A. P. A.. Cameron, Mo., nieeu every aecond and fourth Monday evenlnn, at traternlty Temple. Visitors welcome. BLCKr CITY COU NCI L No T meet every Wednesday evening In U. A. K. Hall. Council Blurts, la. Oxford Council. No. 130, of the American Protective Association, of Oxford, Neb., menu In their council chamber every Friday night at 7:ie. M. rejourning friends in gKd standing are always welcome. H. U. Dunkin, Pre, i F. U. Scarborough, Kec. Secretary. LINCOLN Commandery No. t, U. A, M. meeu every Thursday evening In P.O. 8. of A. ball. Council Biuns. IS. A. at. nuruuBiu, Recorder. OMAHA COMMANDEUY NO. 1. U. A. M. meet on tirst and third Wednesday evenings of each month, at U. A. K. Hall. iitf Ki.nii k riMMiLn ui.reei. wniaoa. ntih S. R. Halbaway, Uuuinianuer; tl. a. teuyaru. Recorder. MISSOURI. STATE COUNCIL OF MISSOURI. B. C F. C. Borden, Holden, Mo. S. V. C Rev. U. A. Slaughter, St. Joseph,.l B. O. Sec y Rolls U. uarrou, narreusuurg. Missouri Will meet In Chllllcothe. Mo., February 18U6. KANSAS CITY OOUNClLdS VANBA8 CITY COUNCIL NO. (-Meets -TV eTerT Friday night at 1222 McOee street. J as. McNamara. oec j low . ivm di. rtOLUMBlA COUNCIL NO. 15 Meet every Saturday night at the corner of Twelfth and Cherry etreeu. W. Y. Bheaver, Record ing Secretary, 14U7 Madison street. PATRIOT COUNCIL NO. 81-Meet every X Tiiuli nlirht at 1222 McOee street. PerceyP. Uumui, Rec. Becretary, 2118 Dripp street. PATE CITY COUNCIL No. Meet every u Monday night, corner 18th and Pens St., over drug (tore. CPRINGF1ELD COUNCIL No. 49-Meet " every Thursday night, between 81st and 32nd on Holmea. HEFFIELD COUNCIL No. 38 Meet al Sheffield everv Thursday night. Thomas Bmlth, Rec. Bec'y, Sheffield, Mo. , ABE LINCOLN COUNCIL NO. 18, AMERI in Protective Association meet every sec ond and fourth Wednesday of each month la . O. O, v. ball, nattamoutn, nou. inues member are welcome J. a. smitn. Bee. A URORA COUNCIL No. X, W. A. P. A.- Mnta everv Wednesd Wednesday afternoon at t nVtnrll. at the A. P. A. Hll, 4 Minnesota avenue, Kansas city, nan. PROSPECT COUNCIL No, 81, A. P. A.-meeta r every Monday evening at the corner of Twenty-third and Prospect avenue. Kansas Olty, Mo. Persons aesiring to join may a-i-liuia Lhetr name, street and number, ward age and occupation, ana airect to dox km Kansas Olty, Mo,. America Council No. 7, meet at Wood ward' Hall every Wednesday at X p. m kunauj. (Iliv. Mo. All visiting friend Will be cordially wel-corned. Airs. v;. abbutt, rresiueut. Mrs. Ida Phillips. Secretary.! PUREKA COUNCIL No. 1, W.A.P.A. Meets E eecnnd and fourth Tuesday afternoon al t o'clock In the A. P. A. Hall, Southeast cor ner Packard ana usage avenue, &rmouraaie. Visitor are coraiaiiy invitea to attena. WIDE AWAKE COUNCIL No. 10, A. P. A " meet everv Kridi meet everv Friday night at 16th and L Road, Qrtgsby' hall , uansa v;ity, asn. -I7XCEL810R COUNCIL NO. 8, W. A. P. A " meet on the first and third Thursday afternoon of each montb, atx:du o clock, at Bell's ball. Southwest Boulevard, near state line, Kosedale, Kansas. Friends of othet nnnillii are cordially Invited to attend Every true American may is invitea to com and ioln us, aod assist In the good work. Inlation fee f 1.00 HATE CITY COUNCIL No. 8, A. P. A.- u Meets everv Saturday evening at fl Mln nesota avenue, Kansas City, Kas. Vlaltori cordially Invited. pOUNCIL No. 7, A, P. A. Meet every Mon v Hnv nvenlnir at Chamber of Commerce Hall. Rlvervlew. Visitors cordially Invited COUNCIL No. 11, A. P. A. Meet at Wood. ward' Hall every Tuesday evening at 8,p III, BUAI U i Ull u HLI TO, uuu warn a J uvww.vuuu. A cordial invitation la extenaea to visiting friends. ARGENTINE COUNCIL No. 12, A. P A. A Meets everv Monday night In Noke Hall, Argentine, nan. aii visitor weicomeo. TOPEKA COUNCIL No. 14, A. P. A.-Meett 1 every Monday evening in A. O. U. W. Hall 418 Kansas avenue, xopetta aaniaa, visitor will be cordially welcomed. Oostd vk Council. No. 1. W. A. P. A. of Kan sas Cltv. Mo., meets every Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at lOUO Penn St. Address, Post- office box 621, Kansas Ulty, mo. Sunflower Lodae. L. O. L.. No. 284. meet second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 8 d. m at damn's hall, corner or Mill street and Osage avenue, Kansas City. Kan, Visitltg brethren are cordial! g bretnren are coraiaiiy u Invited to at- tend. John Davidson, fll. M., film He- Naughton, Secy.. 715 Reynold Ave. I.lhertv Council. No. 15. Jr. O. U. A. M. meets every Wednesday night, corner Pack ard and usage streets, Armouraaie, Kansas, Tbos. Koir, secretary KANSAS PURPLE STAR, L. O. L. No. 108- Meeu first and third Tuesdays of eact month at 8 D. m.. In A. O. U. W. Hall, cornel Fourth stieet and Minnesota avenue, Kanaat City, Kan. Samuel Harrison, W. M. Wm. Ballagh, secretary, 537 Northrup avenue Visiting brethren cordially Invited. DOSEDALE COUNCIL No. 13, A. P. A., meets every Wednesday night at McOeorge's hall, Kosedale, Kas. All friends cordially nvited. w. i. r. a. Persons desiring Information In regard to the m. a. i: a should address either tbe president or secretary State president of Nebraska. Mrs. Mary A, Hertsmann. 616 N. lfith street, Omaha, Neb. State Secretary of Nebraska, Mrs. E. Mes erve, Fremont, Neb. Success Council No. 3. fll. A. P. A. meets every second and fourth ftlednesday nights In each month at 8 o'clock p. m. at the U. A. K. Hall, 118 North Fifteenth street. Friends of the council are cordially Invited to at tend. Protestant and "true American" la dies are solicited to join us In this good work. Initiation fee 11.00. Address either Mrs Mary A. Hertstnann, p-esldent, 516 N. lfith St., or Miss Alice M. Oil an, secretary, 213 N. 25th St.. Omaha. Neb. WHY PRIESTS SHOULD WED. BY dr. jcstin d fdlton. This Is one of Dr. Fulton's best books. deal with tbe question of celibacy of the priesthood from a religious standpoint! alec the past and present history of the Romas Catholic Church. Price, in cloth cover, I.Oc Bent postpaid oa receipt or price, py AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., Florida Home SECURED Oil PAVHENT OF TEN DOLLARS, For Patriotic American Citizens. T HE AMERICAN HOME COLONIZATION COMPANY, incorporated, has secured of the best Garden and Fruit Lands in the United States, and is prepared to sell them at prices and on terms the most liberal. These lands are located on the Southoast Coast of Florida, in one of the most healthy regions in the United States no fevers and no malaria. They have never been touched by frost, the temperature averaging 70' in winter going above or below these figures. This land was secured for the Member of Congress from the 8th District of Michigan, and has him and other members of the Company. SEVEN YEARS' if desired, in which to pay for in May, after the first crops are insure good faith of purchaser, Enormous profits are made from these lands and purchasers should be able to pay for a 40 Acre piece from the profits of one year. INDUCEMENTS OFFERED. Good, Patriotic Neighbors, Rotation of Crops the year round no dead time, enormous profits on products, good shipping facilities, healthy climate, no big coal or wood bills, plenty fish and game, and other things too numerous to mention in space allotted. Write at once and secure an option on the most desirable lands in the United States. The lands will go fast and the first purchasers will get the best. Through excursion trains will start from Chicago, Detroit, Pittsburg, New York and Philadel phia on October 1st, and a one-half fare rate has been assured to Jacksonville, Fla. From Jack sonville south to our lands the rate will be one-half fare, this last amount to be returned to the purchaser by applying amount on the first payment. Address, for full particulars, o Secretary American Home Colonization Company, Rooms 603-4 Association Building, CHICAGO, ILL, SUPREME CABINET American Orange Knights, OBJECTS. This order is formed of persons whose ob ject 1 to maintain tbe supremacy of law order and constitutional freedom! to pre serve Inviolate tbe cltlsen' franchise): rierpetuate and defend the precept and frev nitltutlon of civil and religious llbertj guaranteed by the Const .utlon of the Onltat tates and established by our forefathers. mo aris st rocis. For Information regarding the formatloi of new Commandertes, or supplies, write tc the supreme secretary. M. L. ZOOK, Bec'f , J.;M. Banker, C. O. 1615 Howard St.. Saianaw, Mich. Omaha. Net Celebrated FemaU Powdem never fail. tiT!wnLTS5nsvrin?m aft and iir (after tailing with Ta and FenoTmral 111 )), pa rtlcuUra 4 a Dr. B. T. J X Back my, Boetoa, Ma. $75Ar.lONTH?3 WANTS. SITUATION WANTEDA first-class fire man want a situation. Two and one- half years In lust position. Address E, Chicago American. FOR 8ALE Two well-bred fox-hound pup, crossed with Kentucky and Pennsylvania famous hunting dogs. Very pretty and well made. Male and female. Thev are three months old and must be sold. Price, 115.00. Call and see them If possible and be con vinced. Address, John Hetrlck, 3544 South Western avenue, Chicago, 111. AGENTS WANTED Male and Female, In each county. State previous occupa tion to receive special proposition. Steady work; good pay and advancement. 10-18-10t Star Pcrmrhino Co.. Ohlravo. PERSONAL Why do you engage private detective agencies when a good Ameri can can be secured to do your work. Shad owing a specialty. Secrecy guaranteed. The very Deet of references furnished. Address J. If., Care Chicago American. Chicago. HI. SPLENDID NEW PATRIOTIC ENVELOPES Some illustrated with fine engravings of Washington and Lincoln. Fine Garfield and Prohibition envelopes, printed In colors, Illustrated many styles 2u for 10 cents, 40 cents per 100. Fine motto letter paper. Illus trated In colors, beautiful picture, free tracts, etc. Address, the FAITH TRACT HOUSE. 20 Elm street. Utlca. N. Y. niCDDCITiniJ f &"d Hasd-wrltlng In UlOl Uol I lUm natural stvle and I'll send vou In return character of writer. Enclose stamped envelope addressed to yourself, also a ree of ten cent, e. r.. Dillingham, tub Col orado avenue. Kansas Cltv. Kan One Girl's Story. ALL ABOUT THE CON FESSIONAL. The Richest Book Out. Price, $1.00 E. C, 923 W. Market St., 12-26-3t LOUISVILLE, KY MARIA MONK. Paper Cover 60 Cents. This little volume relate the terrible si perience of a nun who was confined In thi ''Black Nunnery" of Montreal It has prob ably the largest sale of any work of the klnt ever published, and several Attempts to Suppress It have been made. The price In cloth la llCt. and In paper SO cents. For sale by AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO, irmpiics Go 500,000 American Home Colonization TIME IS GIVEN their lands, no payment being demanded until the lastThursday gathered and marketed, except $10.00 to secure an option and to which amount will be credited on the first payment in May. T BEA uwnniiMimMwiffMwnMMnnwnnwn I I lailHailMIIBM.HmiBIIWIIBlOTU",! Wll. mil ! WORK FOR FALL AND 826B.B0 vrm siii rira rmno to anvona who will sell within the next I thre months 200 conies of "Talks to Children About Jesus." OneofS the most popular books ever published. .Over M,(M copies already ..; ...II frr,i III tn Ui ronlei a day. Jleautlfully Illustrated. Freight paid and credit given. Information 8boents. S 100.00 BICYCLE GIVEN h will nil 7ft ennles In two months. W will give an I KKTKV OHUtN, retail price r70.00, to anyone who will sell 110! copies In three monLhs, splendid opportunity for a Church orKoeiety j to secure an organ. A uulu anyone who will sell t copies in 8U aays. mis premium is in aaui j ii. .n in ilia rniruiKr m m iwilon. Atreiit who do not secure any o I the prixes, are given liberal commission for any nuuilwr sold. Last full, we paid to agpnU over t2j,000 In commissions. A large number j made over ilOO.oo pr month. Write us immediately and secure anageucy. It will pay von. No time to lose, someone will gel aneaa of you. We also offer most liberal Inducement on other books and llhl for h'all and Holiday Trade. A new book, " Korly Years In ! China," sells rapidly. Agente often average 10 orders a day. Hum! terms and premiums a. on "Talks to Children." We giveeitranrrttn-1 ary terms foi terms for selling Marion Harland's new book, " Home of h ! ile." fJOO.OO given forselllng 140conles In 8 months, or 1100.00 blcy. (or selling 60 copies In on month. Send 75c. for outfit. Writ at once, f Hllilr cle for selling 60 oopie R. H. WOODWArtO COMPANY, BALTIMORE, MD.l Who Wants a Diamond! We have a beautiful stone known as the South African OJ-Color Diamond. It takes an expert to tell the difference, aa It stands all known tests of a genuine diamond, excepting the file. $2.00 PER KARAT. A solid gold 14-karat stud, with two (2) karat stone, $6.00. Ring, 18.50. Scarf Pin, t6 00. We will send these goods by express C. O. D. with privi lege of examination, at our expense. ACENTS WANTED. Please send 4 cenu or a Cat alogue. Address, THE SEARS JEWELRY CO., Room 514, 225;Dearborn St., Chicago., 111. t"wPlease mention this paper. THE PRIEST, THE WOMAN, CONFESSIONAL TBI BY BEV. CHAS. CBINIQOT. This work deal entirely with the practices of the Confessional boi, and should be read by all Protestant as well as by Koman Oath' ollc themselves. Tbe error of the Confess ional areclearly pointed out. Fries, In clou 11.00, sent postpaid. Bold by AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO. "Convent Life Unveiled.' Bv EDITH O'OOKMAN This little work relat the bitter experlenc of a young lady who was Induced through Stat cunning of the Jesuit a ad the Sisters of Gharltv to enter a convent. Her story of lbs heartrending scene enacted In those link of Iniquity is told In a convincing style. Fries la cloth I1.S&, sent postpaid by AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO CIS1B and 8lr .in the summer, seldom Company by Hon. W. S. Linton, been thoroughly investigated by PURCHASER, FTY, IN GOLD GIVEN. CHRISTUAS HOLIDAYS. Complete canvassing- outfit and full vw aivii, i-wwii iirmo ivid y Go to California in a Tourist Sleeper. It is the RIGHT way. Pay more and you are ex travagant. Pay less and yon are uncomfortable. The newest, brightest, cleanest and easiest rid ing Tourist Sleepers are used for our Personally Conducted Excursions to California, which leave Omaha every Thursday morning reach ing San Francisco Sunday evening, and Los Angeles Monday noon. You can join them at any intermediate point. Ask nearest ticket agent for full information, or write to J. FraXCis. G. P. A., Omaha, Neb. L THE WESTERN TRAIL is published quarterly by the CHICAGO, ROCK I8LASD & TACIFIC RAILWAY. It tells how to get a farm in the West, and It will be sent to you gratis for one year. Send came and address to "Ed itor Western Trail, Chicago," and re ceive it one year free. J0HS SEBASTIA5, 6. P. A. r