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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1896)
1 . ' r h THE AMERICAJ ar4 at IVniuffi. M sro4-clas waiter 40HN O. TMOMMON, - IBUMIM WKKKtT BY THE AMERICA PUELISEIKG COIPAMT, Hit llom Prasrr, ohahs. Xsb. THE AMKKU'AM OKrlOKS. IMS llovart ft"", thiistaa. Nrh KMmi . m i u.i ka..ii uoi. Chl- M WhUo.-y Butllln(. Haass OH. Ma. JANUARY 10. IN. T - X I lit AMI! T From How Until January I, I8T, For tho man mum m t 50--CENTS-50 i T Pay Your Subscrlptum at tho Rato t unU of iiOur Great Offer.!! :: :: T Any Porson Bonding Us Ton Mmw tub- t X scrlbors w II bo Forod With a Voaft I Bubscrlotion to THE AMERICAN. Mrm fa at ' l - I Mrt MM Oaafta. (MM C'lf i AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO. X (H....H--r4-r-M- The H'orld JAtoW bat tha "laff'on the InMct. Forakku seema to have tbe best of McKlnley Id Ohio. Think of getting a weekly patrlotlo paper for 50c until January 1, 1897. Less that, one oent a week -The American Fifty cento pays to Jan. 1, 1807. We want 500,000 name on our list of subscribers before election day. Who have you Interested? Rome defilei everything that the touohes. Protestant liberty blesses everything It touches. OF course an allenlxod and unmoral- lied priesthood will oppose the abolish ment of Roman Catholic convents and nunnerlot. lr you will send us fifty new sub acrlbera we will tend you one copy of Rev. Chas. Chlnlquy't "Fifty Years In the Church of Rome." Everybody seems to be taking ad vantage of our liberal offer. We have added about 500 new names to our list during the last week. Illiberal Rome is the sworn and swearing enemy of all those liberal principles which the A. P. A is en deavorlng to establish. TBE Roman Catholic hierarchy are afraid that the children of Catholic parentage will acquire a liberal educa tion. The reason is obvious. CeT up A club of twenty-five new sub scrlbers. Send it in with the cash and get a copy of "Convent Life Unveiled" and a year's subscription to The Amer ICAN. Rosewater's decaying Omaha Bee received another body blow last Mon day evening, when the olty printing for the ensuing year was awarded to - the News Republic Send us 100 new subscribers out of your council and get your pick of any book advertised in these columns, and one copy of "The Priest, the Woman and the Confessional," by Rev. Chas. Chlnlquy. It will be the earnest endeavor of The American to convlnoe the unoon- vlnced that tbe Roman Catholic hier archy of America are the Implacable and treacherous enemies of America and Americans. It will require a (treat deal more than a government building at South Omaha to pacify the feelings of the former po litical friends of Congressman Mercer, who were unmercifully snubbed by that gentleman in the campaign last fall. The "pomp and splendor" of the re cent conferring of the berretta upon Satolli savors somewhat of that of the crowning of the ancient foreign kings The American people naturally look with distrust upon foreignism of every kind. If Thomas B. Reed expects to muster any showing In the St. Louis Rcpubli can convention, be will have to quit catering to the Roman Irish vote. The A. P. A. will control that convention, More, it will dictate who the next president will be, whether he be Demo crat, Republican or Populist. Ameri can citizens do not recognize the su- premacy of any foreign potentate ec clesiastical or otherwise. WHAT AMERICANS SHOULD DO. It is not aa uncommon thing for Roman Catholic lecturers aod writers to say the pope can com man J them to obey the laws of tbe country in which they live, but that be cannot command them to disobey the law or do aught that Is not within the province of a true Christian. We brand that assertion as abso lutely false. There It not a child that bat pd tbe age of its first confession, and wh Ich It a member of the Roman Catholic Church, but what knows Its church teaches that anything done for the in terest of tbe church is lawful and with in the pale of a Christian's duty. To contend otherwise is a confection that the church Is wrong. Ecclesiastical utility decides the question absolutely la every Instance. The church tells Its prlesta that u they are called as witnesses In a secu lar court tbey may deny knowing what they know and confirm it with aa oath. It teaches that faith it not to be kept with a heretic It teaches that those not married by a Roman Catholic priest live in a state of filthy concubinage, and that tbelr children are illegitimate. It teaches that when the state law and the law of the church conflict, the church law is to be unhesitatingly obeyed. It teaches that its laity and priests cannot call an eccloslastical superior to account In a civil court, no matter bow heinous the crime committed. , It teaches that papists can be ab solved from any and all oaths. If the teachings of the Roman church and the belief of Roman Catholics in the above Instances and dootrines make a Roman Cathollo a good, true and loyal American citizen, no Protestant worthy of the name can be a good, true and loyal citizen of this country. The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States and the civil and religious liberty en joyed in this country are rank heresies if the dogmas of the Roman church are to be taken at the standard. And no true papist will attempt to deny that this church enjoins upon him the most servile obedience. Then, in that case, they cannot give unquestioning and loyal support to the government under which they lire. They must always wait for some higher authority to pass judgment upon the propriety of obedience they are never freemen, but the slaves of a jealous, arrogant ecclesiastical despotism which alms at temporal power through re ligious oppression. With this fact staring Americans in the face it become their bouoden duty to organize for their own protection, and the complete overthrow of a sys tem which seeks to enslave the world and destroy every vestige of human liberty in order that it may revel in power stolen from tbe people and in wealth extorted from them through a superstitious belief of priestly power to save or damn the soul. It is tbe duty of every American to examine closely into the charaoter of the men who seek their suffrages. If they are Romanist or in sympathy with that arch enemy It is their duty to put a veto upon their aspirations. No man who endorses the Roman Catholic doctrine, as set forth above, is a true American. Every man who does believe in it is a traitor to this count-. y. Let the line be drawn. Hew to the line. Keep America for Americans. Permit no foreign dictation. Defeat all ecclesiastical politicians. Let Protestants rule America. THE HIBERNIANS. Local members of the Ancient Order of Hibernians are Indignant at the way the Rev. Dr. McDermott, rector of St. Mary's Cathollo Church of Philadel phia, berated their organization in an announcement which be made on New Year's Day forbidding the order to at tend a funeral at bis church. Dr. Ma Dermott declared that men had been compelled to do murder through the machinations of the society, and said he could not tolerate the society "with out doing violence to his conscience." In commenting on the remarks of Dr. McDermott, John T. Keating, president of the state board of the An cient Order of Hibernians, said: "I have nothing but pity for the man who could pass such judgments on an order the merits of which are known in every state of the Union. It appears that the lies of the past became indeli bly imprinted on the mental phono graph of certain individuals, to give utterance to calumny when some crank turns on th current. Our works are open for inspection, our record is open for the closest scrutiny. Men of hum ble spheres in life, we court no notori ety and seek to do good without parad ing our fraternity. The national and state reports submitted to the press in 1894 at the Omaha convention gave testimony of the vast sum we expend yearly in legitimate relief. Since then we have donated nearly 150,000 toward the establishment of a Gaelio professor ship in the Catholic University, Wash ington, D. C. In Chicago last year we purchased a large mortuary lot in Mount Olivet Cemetery as the resting place of our young men who pass Jrom SHOULD LOOK CAREFULLY. There can be no doubt in the mind of any intelligent Ainer ican as to the propriety of the United States Senate proceeding with the utmost caution when it is called upon to approve the appointment of John J. Coppinger as a brigadier-general of the regular army. Unless common report is at variance with the facts, this Iloman is no more entitled to the position than the humblest citizen of this Republic. Common report has it that he was at one time a soldier of the popo was a member of his body guard that he was a gay Lothario in the early part of the last half of the present century; that he but recently became a citi zen of this country, although a soldier drawing a fat salary since before the close of the late unpleasantness between the North and the South; that he was not the ranking officer; and, more than that, that he was not competent to fill the place. If these charges are true and a majority of them can be substantiated by Roman Catholic witnesses there is no excuse for any senator casting a vote in that papist's favor. We do not think we will try to define our opposition to the confirmation of Coppinger any more fully than they are set forth in this protest, which was sent to the United States sena tors from Nebraska: Gentlemen: Your petitioners have been delegated by a large and influential body of loyal and patriotic citizens of this city, county and state to address you upon a question of the most vital importance, not alone to them, but to every freeman who loves civil and religious liberty, and who believes in "equality before the law"; and we, your petitioners, do most earnestly urge upon you the propriety and the necessity of defeating the confirmation of John J. Coppinger as a brigadier general in the regular army. We petition you thus for these reasons: First It is publicly charged that he was not the ranking officer and justly entitled to promotion. Second That there have been charges published against him which, if true, brand him as a scoundrel of the blackest character. These charges have been so widely published and are so heinous that the Senate should feel itself estopped from confirming him until a rigid and made. The charges here referred to were compiled and pub lished over the signature of that eminent citizen, scholar, sol dier, and patriot, Colonel Edwin A. Sherman. They appeared first in the San Francisco Chronicle, from which they were taken and published later in the American Patriot of San Francisco; then in Thb American of this city, September 6, 1895,. and finally in nearly every paper which champions the principles of the American Protective Association. Your petitioners will not recite the charges contained in Colonel Sherman's communica tion, but will send you a copy of Tub American wherein the whole article is published, which we respectfully refer to you for thoughtful consideration, and which we have marked Ex hibit "A." Your petitioners do further protest against the confirmation of John J. Coppinger, for the reason that he belongs to an insti tution a sect which declares and teaches that when its laws conflict with the laws of the state the laws of the church are to be unhesitatingly obeyed. (See Encyclical by Leo XIII., Jan uary 10, 1S90.) It also teaches that an oath to an heretical or a Frotestant prince, king, or commonwealth is in no manner binding; and that faith is not to be kept with heretics. (See Rymer's Foedera, page 352, to be found in the law library of Harvard University, and quoted on page 58 of "The Papal Con spiracy Exposed," by Edward Beecher). Your petitioners believe that the time has arrived when none but loyal Americana should be placed in positions of honor and trust, and they do most earnestly protest against the appoint ment or confirmation of any man who belongs to any sect which sets its laws up as binding above the state laws; and who sub scribe to the traitorous declaration that the laws of. the church give the rule to and take precedence over the laws of the slate. Further your petitioners prayeth not. ' this life while so circumstanced that friends are unable to care for them. "The doors of our meeting halls are open for the admittance of all Catholic clergymen, whether members or not Our motto, 'Friendship, unity and true Christian charity,' is interpreted and lived up to in the strictest sense of tbe term. It Is to be regretted that at this late day men can be found who will display such poor judgment and such complete ignorance of the subject as he displays in his 'statement' of Janu ary 1 respecting the Ancient Order of Hibernians of America. I most un hesitatingly deny that any charges of murder can be laid at the door of the Hibernian organization." The Chicago Tribune. And when you cay that, you know the truth is not in you. The Mollie Magulres were all Hibsrnians. They murdered without provocation. AN A. P. A. VICTORY. E. A. McLaughlin, for many years clerk of tbe Massachusetts house of representatives, was defeated yester day because there were enough mem bers of the house tarred with the A P. A. brush to elect his opponent, Mr. careful examination had been. Sleeper, who is an outspoken advocate of A. P. A. principles, if such a thing as principle can truthfully be said to have augbt to do with an organization of men banded together to discrimi nate against other men on account of their religious belief or lack of belief, Mr. McLaughlin is a Democrat in poli tics and a Cathollo in religion. Truly, the men who antagonized an admit tedly honest official for such a con temptibly mean reason have brought shame upon the party whose machinery they are using for their own selfish purposes. Edward A. McLaughlin, de feated, is a better man than the indi viduals who combined against him. Uaverhill Gazette. And tbe man who wilfully misrepre sents the A. P. A. in its opposition to Romanists is worse than a Roman. The A. P. A. refuse to vote for a Roman simply because he has not the manhood to declare that he does not endorse the traitorous doctrine that the laws of the church are above the laws of the state; that faith is not to be kept with here tics, and that no oath is binding if ec clesiastical utility demands that it be set aside. We fight Romanists on that ground and are prepared to meet all her champions. "The Spanish government It the most illiberal, the moat hopelessly un progreoaive, in Europe," says the Chi cago Inter Ocean. Quite true. But our esteemed coetesporary it very careful not to state the real reason for this condition. Spain it the most intensely papal of the countrlei of Europe. Spain, whose language It tbe simplest, most pbocetic, and moat easily acquired of tbe Latin tongues, is tbe most illiter ate nation in Europe. Italy, notwith standing she bat a pope on her hands bom she would like to get rid of), surpasses Spain in poetry, painting, music, sculpture, and in all tbe arts and sciences and gentilities of civilized life. Italy taught the nations to read. It it to Italy we are indebted for the Roman letter, now In use throughout the English speaking world. Time was when a portion of the Iberian Peninsula (tbe Moorish kingdom of Granada) was far advanced on the high way of civilizaUon. But the Spanish Christians" drove out the "infidels" and forced "Christianity" on the peace ful and enlightened people of Granada. Spain has no tyetem of national schools. Italy has. Spain does not permit Prot estants, except under very severe re strictions, to meet for worship and conferencj. Italy practically sanctions the separation of church and state, and Protestant houses of worshi p are reared in the shadow of tbe Vatican. Papal tyranny and oppression have made Spain, with her fertile valleys, ber sun lit skies, and her clement climate, the great habitat of ignorance and illiter acy, iqualor and superstition. Rome has dwarfed the intellect of Spain. Rome has taught the Spaniards de grees of treachery which they could have learned of no other master. Senator J. H. D. Stevens, of Michigan, was in the city Wednesday, accompanied by Mrs. Stevens. The senator was on his way to Lincoln where he was to deliver an addrejs in Funk's opera house upon the "Aims and Objects of the A. P. A." He will lecture in this city next Tuesday night in Washington Hall. No person can afford to miss hearing him, as what he says is sure to be sound Americanism. Senator Stevens is a member of tbe su preme advisory board of the A. P. A., a lawyer of acknowledged ability and a patriot as loyal and as fearless as they make them. If there is a wide-awake, thorough American publisher who reads The American who desires to change his location and who wants to run a Re publican American daily in a city of about 20,000 population in an adjoining state where he can secure a list of from 500 to 800 to start on, such a man can learn of a good opening the opening of a life-time, by addressing the editor of this paper, to whom the citizens of that city have applied for the right kind of a man. Send references. The press dispatches in Friday's papers announce that the senate com mittee, which has had the appoint ment of General Coppinger in its hands since early last December, will report to-day favoring his confirmation. Some senators will wonder what struck them when they come up for re-eleotion Watch your senators. If- they favor Copplnger's confirmation mark them as trucklers to Rome, and as men not to be trusted in official positions. One of the most fiercely contested and important political battles of the nineteenth century will be tousrht dur ing the present year of grace. Lowell Herald. And that is exactly the reason why every American should read a patriotic paper. They should know what the politicians are doing to capture the Roman Cathollo vote. At Perry, Ok., the school board has ordered tbe public schools closed to prevent the negro children from mix ing with the whites. The negroes threaten to resort to the courts to com pel the school board to reopen the schools and permit their children to at tend them. It will be hard to make some people believe in the advisability of the re cent government bond issue of $100, 000,000. The people want more money but they cannot see wherein anyone is to be benefited save the eastern bankers syndicate who are to receive a profit of $10,000,000 for manipulating the deal It IS announced that the "bond bill" which passed the house last week will have a "free silver" attachment to it. This may suit some of our Populist friends, but they are unwilling to see the greenbacks retired from circula tion. The true Americans of this city should capture the conventions which nominate delegates to the National conventions. Don't wait to do the work until the delegates are chosen. Begin the campaign now. Dr. Kay's Lung Balm will cure any kind of cough. Safe and pleasant for all ages. See ad. Rome never changes except for the worse. Edward Baumley, lor nvery, 17th and St. Marys Ave EX-PB1EST WaUSEB'S BOOK. It Will Tell of the SeasaU.a la Which He flgmrtd, and He Experts a Big Kale. St. Joseph, Mo., Jan. 4. Caster J. Wagner, the friest who abducted Maud Steidel a fe mc nths ago and af terwards married her to escape pun ishment, will issue his book, "Both Sides of the Latest and Greatest Sensa tion in St. Joseph," ia about two weeks. The book will tell all about the priest's infatuation for the 15 year-old girl for whom ho afterwards left the priest hood, and it It expecud that it will have an enormoua sale in this city, where Wagner was widely known when he was the pastor of St. Marr'schurch. S'noe Wagner was- acquitted of the charge of embezzlement brought by the trustees ol St. Mary's Church he has been living quietly with his child wife and her mother in the home tbey occupied before the girl was abducted, and taken to Chicago. Wagner has been looking for employment, but has been unable to find work. Alex Pod vant, an uncle of Maud Steldel-Wag-ner, has several thousand dollars In his possession, turned over to him by Wagner before their marriage to be held in trust for the girl, and the de posed priest has not been allowed to use any of it since he was released from jail. Tricks. There are tricks in all trades, but some may think there are not many among politicians. Here may be one: Some have been surprised that some prominent politicians, such as Belmont and others, have recently gone over to the faction which is attempting to have a third term for Cleveland. They say of these politicians that they undertake that which will surely win, if anything can that they are also very deep in their plans. Now let a person who "knows nothing about politics" say a word. I do not believe they have any more idea of putting Cleveland into the chair again than they expect to put the Prince of Wales into the chair as president of tbe United States. While the Roman Catholics and their asso ciates are tickling the fancy of the president, he will do many things he would not otherwise do. The war scare might be attributed partly to this, and there are many things which may be comparatively small, yet every thread makes the Roman rope a little stronger. Besides this, by the 'apparent attempt to honor Cleveland, he will be lassoed to the Democratic party or we may say, the papal wing of the Democratic party. There has been certain issues in which Cleveland has stood alone, and In op position to his party, and now if they kick him out the issues which were en dorsed by the Republicans might make him affiliate to a certain extent with the Republicans, and while he would be doing this he would not be afraid of any political faction or party, because they would have nothing to give him and he would have nothing to lose. So I look upon this as a huge political trick to use Cleveland for all he is worth, and then kick him out at the proper time and quietly tall him they are sorry he did not succeed but that they did their best to save him. Holem. Want a Priest for Themselves. Hammond, Ind., January -2. The English-speaking 'Roman Catholics of this city are at war with their former priest, Rev. Father Plaster. & They had permission to form a separate con gregation, and Bishop tRademacher had appointed Father Byrne, of Whi ting, to the charge. Without explana tion to the lattsr, his appointment was revoked, and the congregation was told that for the present they must re main with Father Plasterjand his congregation. This they resent, and accuse Father Plaster of causing the bishop to recall his appointment. They have in consequence announced that they will no longer affiliate with the old congregation, and to-morrow a committee will wait on Bishop Rade- macher at Fort Wayne andjask him to appoint a priest for them. Omaha in Luck, The new professor of biblical the ology ana Old Testament exegesis in the Presbyterian Theological Seminary of Omaha Rev. Dr. Joseph J. Lampe, of New York has taken up his duties. In New York, where for some years he has been pastor of the Presbyterian Christ's Church, he has been known as one of the most bitter opponents of Dr. Brlgsrs and the latter's 'advanced views. His hatred of the Roman Cath ollo Church, its doctrines and adher ents, is also intense; and hence his re moval to Omaha is a matter of consid erable satisfaction to the powerful local organization of A. P. A.'s. Pa triotic American. It is not generally known, but such is the fact, that the Hanlon Brothers claim to have Introduced the bicycle into this country. Of course it was the old primitive wooden-wheeled afiair that they rode, but it is said that they were very expert in the use of the con trivance, and that at one time they es tablished a school of Instruction in the v art of bicycling. This, of course, all happened twenty-five or thirty years ago, before pneumatic tires or bloomer "Dike" costumes were thought of. Rheumatism positively cured. We guarantee to cure the worst cases by your taking a course of Kidneykure. See ad.