The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, January 10, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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lalaalle Qrraa'i Tlfwa. lis polio court yeaterday, tod at Mo
The Tablet, tbe rtcognlied or?aa of I MiBamln'a rcqjeat tha hearing iu
oe influential Roman Catholic. u?: I continued (or a tern days to rive him a
cnance to produce wltoeaaes. Judge
Jones warned McMlnamla not to wake
'There In danger It t to the natural re
aentment caused by the manner of
President CleTelacd'a message we may
overlook the aentiment and line of na
aonlnr beneath, which warmly rec
ommend it to the bear a of the Ameri
can people. The American have aeea
bow another continent baa teen pr
eeled out, bow the doctrine of the Hin
terland ba been pressed, and how cer
tain a U that Ul of the Old World's
quarrels, rWalrka, and frontier dis
putes will sson be reproduced upon the
soil of Africa. The Monroe doctrine
may not be a part of any code or inter
national law, but it it a part of the set
tled policy of the United States, and
that Is within all the knowledge of the
world." The TullU expresses deep re
gret that Lord Salisbury and the Earl
of Kimberly, when the latter was secre
tary of state for foreign affairs, refuted
to submit the whole Venezuelan ques
tion to arbitration. "It is irrelevant,"
the Tablet says, "to contend that our
right to the territory within the
Schomburg line is too clear for dispute,
since the fact remains that it is dis
puted and has been disputed for years."
Referring to the efforts of President
Cleveland and Venezuela to secure the
good offices of Pope Leo XIII. and the
pope's willingness to act in the capacity
of arbitrator, the Tablet says: "The
decision of such an arbitrator would
have been gladly accepted as final by
Venezuela, while our own government,
If they had the instinct of statesmen,
would have welcomed an honorable
and dignified way out of a difficulty
which now threatens us with the mcut
hideous calamity which can possibly
befall either branch of the race."
any overtures to the woman regard
ing a compromise of the case. Kt-
Vnretone fairs CaastlpaUwa.
Omaha, Neb., Nov. 20, 1895. How
ard Medicine Company, Omaha, Neb.
Dear Sir: This is to certify that I
have been troubled for year with in
digestion and constipation, and have
taken almost everything I have beard
of, but without effect until I used HOW
ARDS VtG ETON E I have taken two
packages, and can say with enthuslatm
that it ba cured me. I consider
Howards Vegetone the best remedy
for those diseases I have ever tried,
and can recommend it to all similarly
afflicted. Very respectfully,
Miss Mollis Walsh,
606 Sjuth Sixteenth Street.
ttptria! aster OamUsiMor! Kale.
fader sad bv virtu of aa order of aala am
tret at fofwcJoaura uf orta'ajf iaausd out
of tba dlru-l court fur liuuglaa county.
Nebraska, ud to bia dlrortml, 1 wilt, om
lb io day of January A. I at on
o'clurk p ui. of aald day. at tba at frtwt
door of tbaruunty euurt-houaa. la la city
of Omaha. Ikwillaaeouatjr. Nebraska, aell at
public aut-tloa to Ilia h Ik beat bidder for rah,
Uie pruuerty d ear rl tied la aald order of aala
a folio a, lo-wlt: Helaala( at a point on
bundled and laenty iliil feet aouth of the
orthweat corner of lot f'Hir 4i la blurk
even (7iof Kirk mood addition to Utarlty of
Osaka. Nebraaka. ruunlac Uieu-a eaal bar-
allel wlia thaaouih line of aald lot four ii
tblrty-lau faet Xf'; Ike of aoriu parallel
with thaeaal inaof aald lot four4ioa hun
dred and twenty feet ilJUi; theat- wet along
tba north linn of aald lot four ii Uilrty-twu
(i-'i feet; thenc aouth to the place of begin
Bine aald property to beauld to lha
plaintiff, herein tba sum of euhleea hun
dred Sfty and 14 luO dollar. toKether with
tea per cent. Interna thereon from (xptem
ber Sard, Ui Hilary llii ( of thla ac
tion the aunt of tti OX tocether with aocrulni
coaia. according to a juditmeat rendered by
the dlatrlct court of aald Itouclaa county, at
its September term. A. It. InvA. In a certain
artloa then and there pendlnx wherein Frank
luoiupwjnet at. were piaiuuoa ana Lew rn
ley et at. wera defendanu.
Omaha Gets a Sew Train.
The Overland Limited via Union Pa
clfic-Northwestern, that formerly took
an Omaha sleeper east dally at 5:45
p. m., now leaves an hour earlier, and
in Its place, at a quarter to six every
LINE starts a new complete train
in OMAHA, from OMAHA and for
OMAHA, arriving at Chicago 8:45
o'clock cext morning.
A clean, vestibuled, gas-lit, Ak-Sar
Ben flyer, with sleepers (superb), chair
cars (free), and dining-car (Northwest
ern). City Ticket Office, 1401 Farnam
street. 12-13-31
Manitoba's Educational Question.
Local autonomy, as we understand
the term on this side of the line, does
not exist in Canada. If a state prefers
a non-eectarian system, it has no re
course except in a long-drawn wrangle,
the disturbance of the educational
public peace, and rebellion against the
Dominion government. The Manitoba
government, in the current conflict
with the Dominion, proposes to appeal
to the people at an election next month,
but even lfjthe election results in a tri
umph for Premier Greenway, the Do
minion, by virtue of Its own mediaeval
principles, Is bound to ocerce the Mani-
tobans and force upon them the most
obnoxious phase of interference by the
church with the state. Judging from
the spirit and temper of the Manitoba
people, they are not-likely to be blind
folded or misled by these obtrushe
mediaeval guides. The Dominion gov
ernment proposes to undertake this ex
traordinary course of coercion in behalf
of a beggarly minority of the people
who represent theamost unprogressive
element in tbei Dominion. The prob
ability is that the Dominion govern
ment will find Itself confronting a stone
wall. If it attempts coercion to please
the little Frenchmen of I Que bee, it is
doubtful if Ontario will be a very active
promoter of the retroactive process.
There is something else to be consulted
besides the prejudices and caprices of
the Quebec Frenchmen. The Mani to
bans want a modern educational system
in vogue, and they believe if anybody
wants religious instruction in his daily
curriculum he .should pay for it outside
the publis-schonl system. If It isn't
worth paying for, it isn't worth put
ting on the curriculum. The election
next month should be so decleive and
1 overwhelming that the intention of the
Manitobans should not be mistaken.
Then we shall see if the Dominion gov
ernment -has the "sand" to draw the
sword. Minneapolis Journal.
Swift, Tery Swift.
Leave Omaha to-day, arrive at Salt
Lake tomorrow, San Francisco next
day and Los Angeles morning of the
third day. That i what you can do
via the Union Pacific, but not via any
other line. Buy your tickets via "The
Uveriard Koute." A. C. DUNN,
City Pass. & Tkt, Agent.
1302 Farnam St.
Send me a silver dime, and I will
send your name and address to over 30
of the leading patriotic and other re
form papers, and you will receive sam
ple copies of each for reading and dis
tribution. J. H. Padgett,
Ennia, Texas.
When you make up your list of an
nual supply of stationery, telephone
911, and we will call and make an esti
mate on cost of same.
Special Master Commissioner's Sale.
Under and bv virtue of an order of ante on
decree of foreclosure of tnortttutre Issued out
or uie aiHirict court lor uoumaa county,
state of Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will,
on the 28th day of January, A. U. ISMS, atone
o clock p. ui. or said day at the east front
door of the county court bouse. In the city of
Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, self at
public auction to the highest bidder for cash
the property described in said order of sale
as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at a point one hundred and
twenty (1'JOI feet south and thirty-two (32) feet
eat oi tne northwest corner or lot rour(4) in
block seven (7) of Kirkwood addition to tbe
city of Omaha, Nebraska, running thence
east parallel with the South line of said lot
four (4) thirty-two CU) feet, thence north par
allel with tbe east line of said lot four (4) one
hundred and twenty (120) leet, thence west
along the nrrtn line or said lot four )
thirty-two (32) feet, thence south to place of
ier,y to D sol
maiia. Neb., December -T. IK3S.
fpectal Master ComiulMloner.
hoc, ar; tto. 310. ia-r.-a
Notice U 5nRealdeat Defendants.
In tbe District Court of Douglas County.
Nebraska, I'ark Uodwln, hiecutor of tha
ralato of Fannv Bryant Godwin, deceased,
ulaln iff, vs. Edward U. Merrill et al., de
fendants. To Kd ward O. Merrill. Flenora Merrill. Max
Kyplnskl, Natalia Ky plnakt, noo-realdent de
fendant: Yo'i are hereby notified thaton the 3rd day
of December. IHMft. Park Uodwln. KiecuUir,
plaintiff herein, tiled his petition la tbe
above er titled cause, in the District Court of
Douglas County, Nebraska, against Kdward
U. Merrill, Klenora Menll', Lowe Avenue
Hutldlng Association. Max Kvoluskl. Natalia
Kyolnskl, the object and prayer of which Is
u ureriuas a certain mortgage, executed on
the 23rd day of Auguvt, 1MW, by Kdward U.
Merrill and Kienora Merrill, upon tbe prop
erly described as follows, situated In tbe
County of Douglaa and ttau of Nebraska,
to-wlt: Lot niueteen (ID) In block eleven (11)
In I'oppleton Hark, an addition to the city of
Ouiaba, Douglaa County, Nebraska, as sur
veyed, platted and recorded, to secure tb
payment of a certain note or bond In writing,
executed and delivered by kdward U. Mer
rill and Klenora Merrill to Eugene U. Bates,
and by him assigned toKanny B. Uodwln, for
the sum of two thousand two hundred dollars
(12,200.00), due and payable In Hve years from
the dale thereof; that there Is now due and
payable on aald note the sum of two thou
sand two hundred dollars (K.200 00), wilh In
terest at tbe rate of ten (10) per cent, per
annum rrotn tne xira any or August, urn.
for which sum, with Interest and costs,
plaintiff prays for a decree that the defend
ants be required to pay tbe same, and that In
default of such payuent,sald premises may
be sold to satisfy the amount found due
plaintiff, and costs of suit, and for such other
anu luruier rener as may be equitable.
on or
PAKK UODW1N, Kxkcctor.
18 ao-4 Hlalutlff.
Special Master Commissioner's Sale
Under and by virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure jf mortgage Issued out
of the district court for Douglas county,
Nebraska, and to me directed, I will, ou
the2xib day of January, A, D. I8tt5, at one
o'clock p.m. of said day, at the east front
dour of tbe county couri-house. In tbe Ulty
of Omaha, Douglaa count f. Nebraska, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder for
cash, the property described In said order of
sale, as follows, to-wlt:
Lot sixteen (10) In block three (3) In Clifton
H 11, an addition to the city of Omaha, Doug
las county, Nebraska.
(aid urtocrt? to be sold to satisfy the
plalntlffshereln thesum of nine hundred and
ninety five and 07-100 dollars (tW"i.U7), to-
.... THE AMERICAN ....
T ORDER to enbI every loyal American in the United States to read a patriotic paper during the most important
political and commercial epoch of our Nation's history, we have decided to send an eight-page weekly two-dollar
paper from now until January 1, 18U7, for tbe ridiculously low price of f0 cents. Cash must accompany the order.
Old subscribers can take advantage of this offer by paying all arrearages to date and paying the sum of 60 coots for
tbe remainder of tbe year 1800.
Orders must be sent direct to this oQloe.
Add 5 cents for each Paper you receive in 1896 up to time you Remit.
We fat 500,000 Subscribers Before Hip Day of Election:
Interest your friends. Talk of It In your Councils. Get up clubs. Let us all work to win this next Presidential eloction.
Now is the time to'strlke! Subscribers who are now paid Into 1808 can take advantage of this offer. Send 50 coots
and get THE AMERICAN for the rest of the year. Send your address in at onoe. The sooner you are In the more
numbers you get for your money. No order for back numbers filled for less than 6c per copy. No samples sent excopt
when request is accompanied by money.
u.'h!i.?oiy.o- Sample Copies to any address in the country at $100 per 100 in one
l alOiuaba. Nebraska, December 1H.18U6. 1 i, , , , . mX r- , T . 1
tuuusauu 101s; qo.ou ior nve nunarea; tpz lor one hundred, and
2c per copy in lots of less than five hundred, post-paid.
Are You with TUs!
Said properly to b sold to satisfy the nlaln-
tiffs herein the sum of elshteen hundred fifty
and 95-100 dollars itl.tiXl.ik"), tOKetber with ten
(10) per rent Interest thereon from September
House Committees.
Speaker Reed sent to the United
States Congress last Saturday the full
list of committees two of the most im
portant chairmanships of which come
to New Eegland, viz., Dingley, ways
and means, and Walker, banking and
currency. Morse is made chairman
on liquor traffic; Bou telle, of Maine, on
naval affairs. The committee on im
migration and naturalization is com
posed of six Republicans and four
Democrats, none of whom are well
known. Romanists are on the follow
ing committees: iTarsney, on ways and
means; Fitzgerald and Crowley, on
marine and fisheries; Connolly, on
judiciary; Mahoney and Murphy, on
DOstoffices; Maguire, on elections; Tars
ney, on military affairs; Noonan, on in
terstate commerce; Murphy, on agri
culture; Flynn, on Indian affairs; Ma
hone, Hurley and Fitzgerald, on war
claims; Flynn, on public lands; Murphy,
on territories; and a few others on the
smaller committees but not one of
them, we believe, has a chairmanship.
Boston Citizen.
An Ex-Policeman in Trouble.
Not belne contented with calling
Mrs. Flora Baxter, a widow living at
419 Cherry street, Kansas City, an A.
P. A., it is asserted that ex-Patrolman
Michael McMinamln, recently dis
charged from the police force for
drunkenness, pitched meat bones and
other missiles through the window of
her abode. It is further claimed that
the ex-officer called Mrs. Baxter other
names and disturbed her peace and
tranquillity with threats. I
OThe transaction was partially aired
To satisfy the costs of this action the sum
of $41.73, togetLer with accruing costs accord
ing to a Judgment rendered by the district
court of said Douglas county, at its Septem
ber term. A. D. 1HDJ. In a certain actios then
and there pending wherein Frank Thompson
et ai. were piaintina, ana Jew nxiey et al
were defendants.
Dated at Ouiaba, Nebraska, December 27, A,
D. I8'J5.
' Special Master Oommisloner.
Doc. 52, No. 317. 12-27-5
Special Master Commissioner's Sale.
Under and by virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage issued out
of the district court for Douglas county, state
oi nuurasKa, anu to meuirecieu, l will, on tne
2th day of January, A. D. 1HU6, atone o'clock
p. m. of said day, at tbe east front door of
the county court house. In the city of
Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder for
cash, the property described In said order of
sale as follows, to-wlt:
Beginning at a point one hundred and
twenty ('20) feetsouth and ninety-six (OH) feet
east of tbe northwest corner of lot four (4)
la block seven (7) of Kirkwood addition to
tbe city of Otnaba. Nebraska, running thence
east parallel with the south line of said lot
four (41 tblrty-two (32) feet, thence north
parallel wlt the east line of said lot four (4)
one hundred and twenty (120) feet, thence
west along the north line of snid lot four (4)
thirty-two (32) feet, thence south to plaoe of
8ald property to be sold to satisfy the plain
tiffs herein tte s. m of nineteen hundred ten
and 32-100 dollars ($1,910 32), trgether with ten
(10) per cent, tntei est thereon fro a. September
23rd, 1895.
To satisfy the costs cf this action the sum
of 142.08, together with accruing costs accord
ing to a judgment rendered by the district
Court of said Douglas county, at Its Septem
ber term, A D. 1895, in a certain action then
and there pending wherein Frank Thompson
et al. were plaintiffs, and Lew I'lxleyetal,
were defendants.
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, December 27, A.
D. 1895.
Special Master Commissioner.
Doc. 52. No, 319. 12-27-5
Special Master Commissioner's Sale.
Under and by virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage issued out
of the district court for Douglas county,
state of Nebraska, and tome directed, 1 will,
on tbe 30th day of January, A. D. 1HHH, at 1
o'clock p. m. of said day, at the east front
door of the county court-house, in the city of
Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder for cash,
the property described in said order of sale
as follows, to-wlt: The west tif ty-slx (50) feet
of lot eight (8) In block seven (7) of Reed's
First addition to tbecity of Omaha, Douglas
county. Nebraska said property to ba sold
to satisfy Nathan O. Ueed, plaintiff herein,
tbe sum of twenty- Ave hundred seventy and
50-100 dollars ($2.570 50), with interest thereon
at rate of ten per cent, per annum from Feb
ruary 4th, lsilfi, to satisfy Fiances K Gannett.
aetennant Herein, tne sum or two thousand
fifty-three dollars (32.053.00). with interest
thereon at the rate of ten per cent, per an
num from February 4th, lsa'i, to satisfy the
cost of this actios, the sum of twenty-six
18-ltO dollars (f26.18l, together with accruing
cost according to a Judgment rendered by
the district court of said Douglas county, at
Its February term, A. D. 1H9., In a certain
action then and there pending, where'n
Nathan 0. Heed was plaintiff, and George W.
Field. Oztavia S. Field and Frances K. Gan
nett were defendants.
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, December 26, A.
D. 1895.
Special Master Commissioner,
Saunders & Macfarland, attorneys for plain
Seed vs. Field et al. Doc. 45, No. 118. 12-27-5
gett er with seven (7) percent Interest thereon
irom September i, inuj.
i n satisry tne csmur mis action tne sum
of $3713, t Keener with accruing costs accord
ing to a judgment rendered by lie district
court of said Douglas county, at Its Septem
ber term, A. D. liUA. In a certain action then
and there pending wbe eln Alonso f. Tukev
and William F. Allen were plaintiffs, and
Charles K. isrd et al. were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska, December 27. 1N05.
Special Master Comniisiloner.
DOC. 52, WO. 323. 12-27-5
Special Master Commissioner's Sale.
Under and by virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out
of tbe district court for Douglas county,
Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the
28th day of January. A. D. 189ft, at one
o'clock p. m. of said day, at the east front
door of the county court house, In the city of
Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder for casta,
the property described In said order of sale
ai follows, to wit:
Beginning at a point one hundred and
twenty (120) fe. t south and one hundred and
wenty eight (12si feet east of the nortnwest
comer of lot four () In block seven (7) of
Kirkwood addition to the city cf Omaha,
Nebraska, run ing then' e east parallel with
the south 1 ne of said lot four (4) thirty-two
(32) feet, thence n rth parall 1 with the east
line of said lot f ur (4) one hundred and
twenty (120) feet, thence west along the north
line of said lot four (41 thirty two (32) feet,
tuence sou nto place or beginning
GENTLEMEN: Enclosed please find $ to pay my subscription to
January i, 1896; cents for papers received since Tanuarv
i, 1896, and FIFTY CENTS to pay to January 1, 1897, being a total of $
Name Street ,
Town state
Pa d property to be sold to satisfy the plain
tiffs herein the sum of sixteen hundred
eighty-four and 58-100 dollars (tl.6H4.5S), to
gether with ten (10) percent. Inteiest thereon
from September 23, 1895
to satisry the costs or this action the sum
of $40.03 together with accruing costs accord
ing to a judgment rendered by the district
court of said Douvlas county, at its Septem
ber term, A. D. 1895, In acertaln action then
and there pending, wherein Frank 1 hompson
et al. wer plaintiffs and Lew Hi ley et al.
were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska December 27, 1895
Special Master Commissioner.
Doc. 52, No. 320. 13 27-5
Special Master tommlssioner'g Sale.
Under and by virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out
of tbe district court for Douglas county, state
of Nebraska, and to nie directed, 1 will, on the
28tn day of January, A. D. 1896, at one o'clock
p. m. of said day, at the east frontdoor of the
county court house. In the city of Omaha,
Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash, the
iroperty described in said order of sale as
follows, to-wlt:
Beginning at a point one hundred and
twenty (120) f et uth and sixty-four (64)
feet enst of the northwest corner of lot four
(4) In block seven (7i of Kirkwood addition to
the city of Owaha. Nebraska, running thence
east parallel with the south line or said lot
lour (4) thirty-two (32) feet, thence north par
allel with tie east line of aald lot four (4) one
hundred and twenty (123) feet, thence west
along the north line if said lot four (4) thlrM
two (32) feet, thence south to place of begin
ning. Said property to be sold to satisfy the plain
tiffs herein the sum of eighteen hundred Hfty
and 95-100 dollars (f 1 850 9."), together with ten
(10 p rcent. Interest thereon from September
23rd, 1895.
To satisfy the costs of this action the sum
of $41.03, together with accruing coste accord
ing to a Judgment rendered by the d strict
court of said Douglas county, at its Septem
ber term. A. D. 1x05. in a certain act kin then
and there pending wherein Fiank Thompson
et al. were plaintllTs, and Lew Plxley et al.
were defendants.
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, December i7, A.
D. 1895.
Special Master Commissioner.
Doc. 52 No. 318. 12-27-5
Office removed from 113 North 16th street te
1618 Chicago Street
Telephone SO. -:- OMAHA, NEB
X I Tl . i the morn-
i na ana a
new set made the same day. Teeth extracted
without pain. DR. WITHERS, Dentist, fourth
floor, Brown Blk 16th & Douglaa, Omaha, Dti.
American Patriotic Papers.
The following is but a partial list
and does not give the particulars,
which the editor had hopnd to give,
but will be more representative In the
American Kansas City, Missouri.
Weekly, $2.00 a year.
American. Omaha, Neb. Weekly,
9i.w a year.
American. Chicago, 111. Weekly,
a year.
American. The. Baker City, Ore,
Weekly, $1 00 a year.
American. Memphis, Tenn, Weekly,
i.uu a year. ,
American, The. 1146 D Street, San
Diego, Cal. Weekly, 82.00 a year.
American Citizen. Boston, Mass.
Weekly, $2 00 a year.
American Eagle. Kansas City, Kas
Weekly, 82.00 a year.
American Patriot. 819 Market, San
Francisco, Cal. Weekly, 82 00 a year.
A. P. A. Magazine. Box 2007, San
Francisco, Cal. Monthly, 83.00 a year.
Banner of Liberty. Cleburn, Texas.
Weekly, 81.50 a year.
Boston Daily Standard. Boston,
Mass. 6 days a week, 86.00 a year.
Denver (Col.) American. Weekly,
$2.00 a year.
Empire Stale American. Buffalo,
N. Y. Weekly, $1.00 a year.
Freedom's Banner. Louisville, Ky.
Weekly, 81.00 a year.
Independent. Kenosha, Wisconsin.
Weekly, $1.00 a year.
Independent Leader. Bridgeport,
Conn. Weekly, $1.50 a year.
Justice. Louisville, Ky. Weekly,
$2 00 a year.
Liberty. Galesburg, 111. Weekly,
$1 50 a year.
Mirror. Brinkley, Ark. Weekly,
$1.00 a year.
Nation, The. Omaha, Neb. Monthlv.
$1.00 a year.
Patriotic American. Detroit, Mich.
Weekly, $2.00 a year.
Portlander. Portland, Ore. Weekly,
$1.00 a year.
Protestant Standard. Philadelphia,
Penn. Weekly, $2.00 a year.
San Francisco (California) American.
Weekly, 1.00 a year.
Spiritof Seventy Six. Seattle, Wash.
Weekly, $1.00 a year.
Tocsin. Los Angeles, Cal. Weekly,
$2.00 a year.
Toledo American. Toledo, Ohio.
Weekly, $1.50 a year.
True American. St. Lcuis, Missouri
Weekly, $1.00 a year.
United American. Washington, D.
C. Weekly, 81.00 a year.
W. A. P. A. Kock Island, Illinois.
Monthly, 50c a year.
Examiner, Butte, Mont. Weekly.
The Jesuit Party in American Polities
Exposed and Expounded,
Being a series of eight letters written by BISHOP A. CLEVE
LAND COXE, of Buffalo, New York, to the Papal Ablegate
This little pamphlet contains 72 pages of
excellent patriotic literature.
Price, 20 Cents per Single Copy, postpaid;
$10 per 100 Copies, F. O. B.
Cash Must Accompany all Orders.
Errors Roman Gatholic Church,
This is the latest and best books published, being compiled
and edited by some of the best known writers and ministers. It
contains nothing of a sensational character, but is a clear and con
cise statement of facts which are matters of history. It points
out the causes which have led to the formation of patriotic organ
izations and their fight against Romanism. It is profusely
Elegantly bound in cloth and printed in good, clear type and on
good paper. In fact it is worth of a place in any library. For
sale by the '