r".rO A INI J i ( J I SpecUl Mtrr OMKuwiMfr'B Sale. Ceder d by virtue of an order of ! o cWree trf foreclosure of torigace Issued out of lb district court fur I Kxig las county. i of NrbrukL and tosue dirw1-l. 1 (rill, on lb feiihdsy of Junu;,A. D. IMA iooo o'clock p. as. of said day. at lb hM front do of lb county court house, la tbe city of Ouiaba. liouglaa county. Kebraska. nrlt at public aurMus) to tbn highest bidder for cub, the property described la said order of aale aa follow to-wll: fcegiaotf'g at a point one hundred aad twenty 3ui feet south aod alty-lirtli fert ant of um rwt corner of lot fount la block trtci Oof Krswood addition to tn city of Ouisha. Nebaka. runali thence east parallel with the aouib line of sa.d lot four (4i ihtrty-lwo ti fret, thence aortb parallel wit I be tut line ef !d lot four i4 on hundred and twenty (lJUl fret, tbeace west alone the aortb Una of sld lot four it) thirty-two (i'l feet, tneucetouia toplaoeof beginning. Paid property to be old to callafy the plain tiffs herein U a tn of nineteen hundred I a and X!-1UU dollar ,l.iu Alt, tr (ether with tea 4 U per rent. Intel eat Ibereoa fro a. 8. pteuiuer 2ird, IK To aatiafy the cost cf thl action the aum of ti uh. together with accruing cost accord ing to a Judgment rendered by th dlatrlcl court of said Irougla county, at Its !epteui ber tern. A I). ISA In a certain action then and there pet din wherein Frank ihompaon et al were plaintiff, aad Lew I'ltley et al. were defendant. liated at Omaha, Nebraska, December XT. A. ttw , , HtlMlI wj. r iBiiut n.. Special Master Couinililooer. aw. 13-27-4 Doe. 51 No. 31. Special Master Commissioner's Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of aale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the district court for Douglas county. Nebraska, and to Die directed, 1 will, on the 'A-th dav of JanuarT A. I. ltf. at one o'clock p. in. of aald day. at the east front door of tbecounty court-noun, in tne city of Omaha. Douglas county, Nebraska, aell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described In said order of aale as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a paint one hundred and twenty IMI feet south of the northwest corner of lot fnur (4) In block even 7) of kirkwood addition to the city of tin-aba. Nebraska, running thence east par allel with the south line of said lot four 4i thirty-two feet (i'; thence north parallel with theeast ineof said lot four(4ione hun dred and twentv feet (120): thence west along the north line of said lot four (4) thirty-two tit!) feet; thence south to the place or begin ning said property to be sold to satisfy the Slalntltfs herein the sum of eighteen hun red fifty and 96-WO dollars, together with ten per cent. Intercut thereon from Septem ber &ird, 1KU6; to satisfy the costs of Ibis ac tion the sum of $42 Ki. together with accruing Croix, according to a judgment rendered by the district court of said Douglas county, at Its September term, A. u. iwe. In a certain actio then and there pending wherein Frank Thompson et al. were plaintiffs and Lew 1'U lcy et al. were defendants. Omaha, Neb., December 27. 1895. JOHN W. LYTLE, Special Master Commissioner. Doc 82; No. 316. LJ-27-5 Special Master Commissioner's Sale. finder and bv virtue of an order of sale on decreeof foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the district court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the Jxth daw nf Junuarv. A. D. 189. at One o'clock p. iu. of said day, at the east front door of the county court house, In the city of Omaha. Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described in said order of sale as follows, to wit: , Beginning at a point one hundred and twenty 1120) feet south and one hundred and twenty-eight (128) feet east of the northwest corner of lot four (4) In block seven (7) of Kirkwood addition to the city of Omaha, Nebraska, rum lng thence east parallel with the south line of said lot four (4) thirty-two 32) feet, thence n rth parallel with the east line of said lot f ur (4) one nunurea ana twenty (120) feet, thence west along the north line of said lot four (41 thirty-two a2) feet, thence south to place or Deginring. Ralll nrnnert tn be sold to satilf T the Plain tiffs herein the sum of slxten hundred eighty-four and R8-100 dollars (lt.08t.S3), to- ? ether with ten (10) percent, lnteiest thereon rom September 23, 1SU5 To satisfy the costs of this action the sum nf ftio.n.1 together with accruing costs accord ing to a Judgment rendered by the district court or saiu uouviaa county, ai iu pw:iu ber term, A. D. 18W5, in a certain action then and there pending, wherein Frank Thompson et at. were piaintirrs ana i-ew rmey et i were defendants. Omaha, Nebraska. December 27, 1895; JOHN W. LYTLE. Special Master Commissioner, Doc. 52, No. -W. 13 27-5 Special Master Commissioner's Sale. TTnder and bv virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the district court tor Douglas county, state of Nebraska, and tome directed, I will. ,n the anth ilv nf January. A. D. 1MM). at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day. at the east front door of the county court-house, in the cltv of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to tnenignest oiaaur tor cusii, lIix nmnert.v described In said order of sale as follows, to-wit: The weet fifty-six (5fl) feet of lot eight (8) in block seven (7) of Keed's First addition to tbecity of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska said property to urn smu to satisfy Nathan O. Keed, plaintiff herein, the sum of twenty- Ave huodred seventy and 80-100 dollars (82,570 ;0, with Interest thereon at rate of ten per cent, per annum from F eb ruary 4th. 195, to satisfy Fi ances K Gannett. rinfnnrUnt. herein, the sum of two thousand fifty-three dollars !,O53 00. with Interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent, per an num from February 4th 18U5, to satisfy the costs or this sctioi tne sum oi vwouij-m 18-1C0 dollars (126.18), together with accruing ent according tn a iudgment rendered by the district court of said DougUs county, at Its February term, A. D. 1895, In a certain action ttien ana mere penuing. wuere u Nathan O. heed was ulairtiff. and George W. Field, Octavla 8. Field and Fiances B. Gan nett were defendants. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, December 29, A D. 1895. GEORGE W. HOLBROOK, Special Master Commissioner, Gaonders & Macfarland, attorneys tor plain tiff. Reed vs. Field et al. Doc. 45, No. 118. 12-27-5 Notice to Non-Besident Defendants. In the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, Park Godwin, Executor of the estate of Fanny Bryant Godwin, deceased, plaintiff, vs. Edward G. Merrill et al., de fendants. To Edward G. Merrill, Elenora Merrill, Max Ryplnskl, Natalia Kyplnskl, non-resident ae fendantil! You are hereby notified that on the 3rd day of December, 1895, Park Godwin. Executor, plaintiff herein, filed hi petition In the above en titled cause. In the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, against Edward G. Merrill, Elenora MerilH, Lowe Avenue Building Association, Max Ryplnskl, Natalia Rypinski, the object and prayer of which Is to foreclose a certain mortgage, executed on the 23rd day of August, 1890, by Edward G. .Merrill and Elenora Merrill, upon the prop erty described as follows, situated In the County of Douglas and State of Nebraska, to-wlt: Lot nineteen (19) in block eleven (11) In Poppleton Park, an addition to tbe city of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, as sur veyed, platted and recorded, to secure tne payment of a certain note or bond In writing, executed and delivered by Edward G. Mer rill and Elenora Merrill to Eugene O. Bates, and by him assigned to Fanny B. Godwin, for the sum of two thousand two hundred dollars (2,200.00), due and payable In nve years from the date thereof ; that there Is now due and payable on said note tae sum or two thou sand two hundred dollars (f2.200 00), with la terest at the rate of ten (10) per cent, per annum from the 23rd day of August, 1894. for which sum, with Interest and coats. plaintiff prays for a decree tnat tne aeiena ants be reaulred to dsv tbe same, and that in default of such payment, said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due plaintiff, and costs of suit, and for such other and further relief as may be equitable. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 27th day of January, 1896. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, December 18,1895. PARK. GODWIN, EXECUTOR, 12-20-4 Plaintiff, One Girl's Story. ALL ABOUT THE CON FESSIONAL. The Richest Book Out. Price, $1.00 E. C, 23 W. Market St., 12-2-3t LOUISVILLE, KY, NVKSTIQATK Two Letters at the Same Stroke Double Durability, s Double Speed . . Latest Improvements, Carriage on Hall-Hearings, Double Kinbon Movement. Key Lock at End of Line. Many Other Gunveaclea, The JBU'ETT la a Slnele Center Type writer with I'NivKKsti, KxTBOABD very prompt and aay In action, with the (upertor mechanism and construction of the Duplex, excepting the double feature.; Liberal Exchange for Othr;Machins. Typewriters Rented. Stenographer' Suppliaa.i II. C. WALL, Tl. 1370. 1215 Farnam Street, OMAHA, NEB. A Visit of Jesus Christ TO 1'Ol'B 11 US IX. One of VICTOB HUGO'S wittiest and most sarcastic poems, transiatea irom tne French by GHA8E ROYS, 631 F Street, WASHINGTON, O. 0 Christ takes a look Into tbe Vatican; con verses with one of the pope's guards and cardinal. Single copy we 10 copies ' " 100 cople 5,00 NOTE New edition, increased by 16 pages. The life of Victor 11 ugo: The Canon Liwi ana their sourcej A. P. A. Principles from auth entic source; Irish Massacre of 1641. related by the-French Koman Catholic bWlorlat., t,amartine, ine marrianw vuunw., hi must be signed by a Protestant to obtain Koman Catholic bride, with cabinet half-tone oleture of the author. GRAND LODGE LOYAL ORANGE INSTITUTION or TBI United States of America. f BAN0I8 C. CAMPBELL, M. W. G. M., Minneapolis, Minn. BOBT. W. JOHNS IV)N, Supreme Secretary, Troy, New YorkJ M.L. ZOOK, 1615 Howard Street, Omaha, Neb., Organiser for departmentof Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Colorado. ORANGE PRINCIPLES. On behalf of the Loyal Orange Lodge of the United State of Amerlca,and with a view of correcting tbe false Impression that enemies are endeavoring to convey to the minds of men who are unacquainted with Orange principle, are these few statement made: The Loyal Orange Institution 1 a brother hood and sisterhood, bound by three tie Justice, Truth and Blghteouanes. It ha no hidden aim It 1 Fraternal and Benevolent assisting and protecting member while living and their widow and orphan when they are re moved by death. It uphold tbe right of private judgment the untrammelled freedom of opinion; be lieves the public ichool are an essential safeguard of the state, and ahould be kept free from ecclesiastical or sectarian control and that person disloyal to the government -who hold a mental allegiance to the pope of Borne should be rigorously excluded from teaching therein. It believe primary allegiance 1 due to the government which protects the live, Ubertle and properties of it cltlsen, and that ecclesiastical authority (hould not' nnder any circumstances, be permitted to meddle In the affair of state, and that coer cion of a cltlsen In the exercise of hi or her right of franchise, under the guise of relig ion or spiritual authority should be pun ished a a crime against the state. That it la the duty of every cltlsen to de fend the lawfully constituted authority and Institution of our country against corrupt and Inimical Influence, aa well a agalnit armed assailant, to the end that onr glori ous freedom be protected and transmitted unimpaired to posterity. It encourage habits of frugality and In dustry among Its members, and is proud to boast that Orangemen seldom become a public charge or accept pauper bread. It believe in the restriction of immigra tion and the extension of time for the natur alisation of cltliena, and that the public ands shall be held for actual American cltl sen who become settler. The Loyal Orange Institution of the United States of America has certain requirement for membership: That a man shall be an actual American Cltlsen, having compiled with tbe laws of the United States with regard to naturalisation, and without a mental reservation. That the applicant shall be a Protestant, and also that hi parent and wife hall be Protestant. That he shall be thrifty and successful In hi business; honorable and truthful In hi dealing with his fellowman, and shall be known a a law-abiding cltlsen. That he will endeavor to give hi children or any children under hi charge at least a food common scnooi eaucation, oeing care' ul to avoid all popish doctrines, and That he shall be In sound health at the time nf making application. It make no difference where a man was born, so long a be meet the foregola requirement. These are the Qualification required o every applicant to the order, and we do not think that any patriotic American order can offer better array or unncipie ana teaching. LODGE DIRECTORY. NEBRASKA. rrtra cor wet t or at 0. ft-W M K- hi N A PH. P o. Boa " A On ah 8. V.C.-H. H HAKTHOI.lt. Plaiumouth 8. V. try.-OEO.C FKMTON, P. O box fit Omaha. H. 1). Treas -C H. AM EN Omaha. Conductor K t). HAHhKR. plaUmooth. WardB-ll. P. tHlLllM.,K. Uavvha'k. rVnttnria P. (i McAl'LKY. bo. Omaha I L KIKhliAM. I'latwnioulh. Kfprrwntatlvw ui National Council M r. KNAPP. U. L. DAY. P l. McAl'LKY. i W HOUI'KK K. P. DOLMAN The next regular meeting will be held on the third Tuewlay la July, liwa, at I'latte nouia. FKANCI S. KEY COUNCIL No ( meet every Friday evening at O. A. K. Hall. Platutuouth. Neb. Visiting brother cor dially Invited. O. hv. JOUNm'N, KacBee WASHINGTON COUNCIL No. I. meet every Tuesday eve. la Idlewlld ball, Mth and Grant street. V tailing brothers always welcome, J. H. lUavT. nec y LINCOLN COUNCIL No. I, meet la Lin coin. Nebraska COLUMBIA COUNCIL No. a meele everv Friday evening In Patterson block, liik aad Farnaia btrwts. W. M. Thomas Councilor. K. L Maiumm, Secretary. fJAKPIKLD COUNCIL No. a, meeu every VI Tuesday night tn South Omaha. Vam HBiS. 11. B. KlKHlH, Councilor. Secretary T IBEKTY COUNCIL No. T meeu every " Tuesday evening. I. O. O. F. Hall, Louis ville. Neb. T. H. Lucas, Uec. Hec'y. COUNCIL No. 10, A. P. A.. Cameron, Mo., meet every second and fourth Monday evening, at Fraternity Temple. Visitors welcome. BLUFF CITY COUNCIL No T meet every Wednesday evening In G. A. H. Hall Council Bluffs, la. Oxford Council. No. 130, of the American Protective Association, of Oxford. Nob.. uiett In tbelr council chamber every Friday nlgbtat":40P. u. Sojourning friends In good standing are alwaya welcome. II. J. Duukln, i. . i j ' i: . I. Vj U..., u p- LINCOLN Commandery Mo. L U. A. M. meeu every Thursday evening In P. O. 8. of A. hall. Council Bluffs. Ia. A. M. Burnham, Recorder. OMAHA COMMANDERY NO. I. U. A. M. meeu on drat and third Wednesday evenlugaof each month, at G. A. U. Hall. lis North FIfLwnLh street. Omaha. Neb. S. R. Hathaway, Commander; U. K. Led yard, Kecoruer. MISSOURI. STATE COUNCIL OP MISSOURI 8. C F. C. Horden, Holden. Mo. 8. V. C.-Rev. 11. A. Slaughter, Bt. Joseph Missouri 8. O. Sec'y Rolla G. Carroll, Warrensburg. Missouri Will meet In Chllllcothe, Mo., February leuo. KANSAS CITY COUNCILS T'AN8A8 CITY COUNCIL NO. 9-MeeU -t- every Friday night at U23 McUee street, Jaa. McNauiara. Sec'y lsuU Eaat 10th St. POLUMB1A COUNCIL NO. IS Meeu every V- Saturday nlgbt at the corner of Twelfth and Cherry streets. W. Y. Sheaver, Record ing Secretary, 1407 Madison street. PATRIOT COUNCIL NO. t-MeeU every Tuesday night at 13 McOee streets, PerceyP. Gumui, Bee Secretary, 2116 Drlpp street. HATE CITY COUNCIL No. 44MeeU every u Monday night, corner 16th and Penn BU., over drug store. CPK1NGF1ELD COUNCIL No. iO-Meets every Thursday night, between Ust and 32nd on Holmes. SHEFFIELD COUNCIL No. aS-MeeU at Sheffield every Thursday night. Thomai Smith, Rec. Sec'y, Sheffield, Mo.. ABE LINCOLN COUNCIL NO. IS, AMERI can Protective Association meeu every sec ond and fourth Wednesday of each month la t. O. O. F. hall, Platumouth, Neb. Visiting member are welcome J. H. Smith. Sec. AURORA COUNCIL No. , W. A. P. A. A Meeu everv Wednesday afternoon at I o'clock, at the A. P. A. Hall, M7 Minnesota avenue, Kansas city, nan. DROSPECT COUNCIL No, CI, A. P. A. meet r every Monday evening at the corner of Twenty-third and Prospect avenue. Kansas City, Mo. Persons desiring to Join may en close their name, street and number, ward, age and occupation, and direct to box 521 Kansas City, Mo,. America Council No. 7, meeu at Wood ward's Hall every Wednesday at 2 p. m sharp, third street and Lafayette avenue, Kansas City, Mo. All visiting friends will be cordially wel- corned. Mrs. C. Abbott, President. Mhs. Ida Phillips. Secretary.) EUREKA COUNCIL No. 1, W. A. P. A. Meets '-' second and fourth Tuesday afternoon at t o'clock in tbe A. P. A. Hall, Southeast cor ner Packard and Osage avenue, Armourdale, Visitors are cordially Invited to attend. WIDE AWAKECOUNCIL No. 10, A. P. A.. meeu every Friday night at 16th and L Road, Grigsby's hall, Kansas City, Kan. pXCELSIOR COUNCIL NO. 8, W. A. P. A. x-4 meeu on the first and third Thursday afternoon of each month, at 2:30 o'clock, at Bell's ball. Southwest Boulevard, near state line. Hosed ale. Kansas. Friends of other councils are cordially Invited to attend Every true American lady Is invited to corns and join us. aod assist In the good work. Inlatlon fee f 1.00 HATE CITY COUNCIL No. 8, A. P. A. u Meeu every Saturday evening at 4H7 Min nesota avenue. Kansas City, Kas. Visitor cordially Invited. POUNOIL No. 7, A. P. A. Meets every Mon v day evening at Chamber of Commerc Hall. Rlvervlew. Visitor cordially Invited POUNCIL No. 11, A. P. A.-Meeu at Wood b ward's Hall every Tuesday evening at 8Jp, m. sharp. Third street and Lafayette avenue, A cordial Invitation la extended to vlaltlng friends. ARGENTINE COUNCIL No. 12, A. P A. Meeu every Monday night In Nokes Hall, Argentine, Kan. All visitors welcomed. TOPEKA COUNCIL No. 14. A. P. A.-MeeH 1 every Monday evening In A. O. U. W. Hall 418 Kansas avenue, Topeka Kansas. All visitor will be cordially welcomed. f . 1. "! II uA or a D . fr.. vuoiujk wu in.ii. u. . n. l , n. ui nu- sas City, Mo., meeu every Friday afternooa at 2:30 o'clock at 1600 Penn St. Address, Pot office box 521, Kansas City, Mo. Sunflower Lodge, L. O. L., No. 264, meet second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 8 p. m., at Claflln' ball, corner of Mil) street and Osage avenue, Kansas City, Kan. Vlsitltg brethren are cordially Invited to at tend. John Davidson, W. M., Wm. Mo Naughton, Secy.. 715 Reynold Ave. Liberty Council, No. 15. Jr. O. U. A. M. meeu every Wednesday night, corner Pack ard and Osage streeu, Armourdale, Kansas, Thos. Rolf, secretary. TANSA8 PURPLE STAR, L. O. L. No. 206 " Meeu first and third Tuesdays of each month at 8 p. m.. In A. O. U. W. Hall, cornel Fourth Btieet and Minnesota avenue, Kansa Cltv, Kan. Samuel Harrison, W. M. Wm, Ballagh, secretary, 537 Northrup avenue. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. R08EDALE COUNCIL No. 13, A. P. A., meet AV every Wednesday night at McGeorge'f hall, Rosedale, Kas. All friends cordially nvlted. VY. A. r. A. Persons desiring Information In regard to the W. A. P. A. should address either the president or secretary. State president of Nebraska. Mrs. Harvey Kemp, 235 E. 11th street, Fremont, Neb. State Secretary of Nebraska, Mrs. J. H. fflinspear, 1707 N. 27th street, Omaha, Neb Success Council No. 3. W. A. P. A. meeU every second and fourth Wednesday nlghu in eacn montn at b o ciock p. m. at tne u. a. K. Hall. 118 North Fifteenth street. Friends of the council are cordially Invited to at tend. Protestants and "true American" la dles are solicited to Join us In this good work. Initiation fee $1.00. Address either Mrs Mary A. Hertimann, p -rsldent, 616 N. 16th St., or miss Alice in. uu an, secretary, zij n 25th St., Omaha. Neb. new set made the ame dav. Teetheitracted without Daln. OR. WITHERS. Dsntist. fourth floor. Brown Blk., Mth Doa las, ouama, iu ia ur a, run aer jfj jVv"wi. '' ?i r,rfl"i JH the morn- Florida Home SECURED OU PflVr.lENT OF TEN DOLLARS, For Patriotic American Citizens. T HE AMERICAN HOME COLONIZATION COMPANY, incorporated, has secured of the best Garden and Fruit Lands in the United States, and is prepared to sell them at prices and on terms the most liberal. These lands are located on the Southeast Coast of Florida, in on of the most healthy regions in the United States no fevers and no malaria. They have never been touched by frost, the temperuture averaging 70 in winter and 809 in the summer, seldom going above or below these figures. This land was secured for the American Home Colonization Company by Hon. W. S. Linton, Member of Congress from the 8th District of Michigan, and bus been thoroughly investigated by him and other members of the Company. SEVEN YEARS' TIME IS GIVEN PURCHASER, if desired, in which to pay for their lands, no payment being demanded until the last Thursday in May, after the first crops are gathered and marketed, except $10.00 to secure an option and to insure good faith of purchaser, which amount will be credited on the first payment in May. Enormous profits are made from these lands and purchasers should be able to pay for a 40 Acre piece from the profits of one year. INDUOEEMEEISJT3 OFFERED. Good, Patriotic Neighbors, Rotation of Crops the year round no dead time, enormous profits on products, good shipping facilities, healthy climate, no big coal or wood bills, plenty ot fish and game, and other things too numerous to mention in space allotted. Write at once and secure an option on the most desirable lands in the United States. The lands will go fast and the first purchasers will get the best. Through excursion trains will start from Chicago, Detroit, Pittsburg, New York and Philadel phia on October 1st, and a one-half fare rate has been assured to Jacksonville, Fla. From Jack sonville south to our lands the rate will be one-half fare, this last amount to be returned to the purchaser by applying amount on the first payment; Address, for full particulars, o Rooms 603-4 Association Building, SUPREME CABINET American Orange Knights, OBJECTS. Thl order Is formed of oeraon whose ob jects 1 to maintain the aupremacy of law order ana constitutional rreeaomi to pre serve Inviolate the cltlsen's franchise): fierpetuate and defend the precepts and fret nstltutlons of civil and religious Ubertv guaranteed by the Const .utlon of the DnlteC tate and established bj our forefather. PRO AR1B IT FOCUS. For Information regarding- the formatlos of new Commandeiie, or auppllea, write W the supreme secretary. M. L. OOK, Hec'y, JilA. Banker, 0. O.. 1015 Howard St.. easanaw. jniun. umana cvet D MI'S Celebrated Female Powders never fail. Mfe tnd tun fanrr tailltit with IVtnr and PennrmTSl Pllli). Dtrtleulr4oai Dr. 8. T. MX, Itack Br, BoMoa, "f f" FSniiTii 79K itiunin DMamS.WrMator.A4SM irAlalHato WANTS. SITUATION WANTEDA ftrnt-clas fire man want a situation. Two aad one balf years in last position. Address E, Chicago American. lOR SALETwo well-bred fox-hound pups, crossed with Kentucky and Pennsylvania famous hunting dogs. Very pretty and well made. Male and female. They are three months old and must be sold. Price, f 18.00. Call and see them If possible and be con vinced, a a reus, jonn tietrica, km duuiq Western avenue, Chicago, 111. AGENTS WANTED Male and Female, In each county. State previous occupa tion to receive special proposition. Steady work; good pay and advancement. 10-18-10t Star Pubmshino On.. Chlcao. PERSONAL Why do you engage private detective agencies when a good Ameri can can be secured to do your work. Shad owing a specialty, secrecy guaranteea. i ne vervTjest of references furnished. Address J. if., Care Chicago American. Chicago 111. SPLENDID NEW PATRIOTIO ENVELOPE8 Some Illustrated with fine engravings of Washington and Lincoln. Fine OarUeld and Prohibition envelopes, printed In colors, illustrated manv stvles 2u fur 10 cents, 40 cents per 100. Fine motto letter paper, Illus trated In colors, beautiful picture, free tracts, etc. Address, the faith ikaut HOUSE. 20 Elm street. Utlca. N. Y. nlCDnCITinill Send me baad-wrltlng In Ul&rUo I lUni natural stvle and I'll send you In return character of writer. Enclose stamped envelope addrecsed to yourself, also a fee of ten cents. V. E. Dillingham, 706 Col orado avenue. Kansas City. Kan Notice of Appointment of Administrator. In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska: I n the matter of the estate of Lena Kraft, deceased: August Kraft. Auguua Hrart, August Kraft, Jr., Frank Kraft, Paul Kraft. John Kraft, Kosa Kraft, and all other persons in terested In said matter, are hereby notified that on the 7th day of December, lriitt, August Kraft tiled a petition In said County Court, alleging among other things that Lena Kraft died on tbe SUlhday of November, lHj, leaving no last will and testament, and pos sessed of personal estate valued at (.,0U0.OU, and that the above named constitute tb persons Interested In the estate of said de ceased; and praying for administration thereof. You are hereby notified that If you fall to appear at said Court on the 9th day of Jan uary, lHSfj. at V o'clock A. si., and contest said petition, the Court will appoint August Kraft, or some other suitable person, admlnlstra tor, and proceed to a settlement of said estate. 1RV1NO F. BAXTER, 13-13-4 County J udga Hotlce of Removal. Saunders, Macfarland & Dickey have removed their law offices to 1406 Far nam street, opposite Paxton Hotel, tf 500,000 T IzzzB E. s Secretary American Home Colonization Company, mmn WORK FOR FALL AND W will s-lve fJOO.OO to anyone who will sell within the nezti three months 2U0 copies of "Talks to Children About Jesus." One of S the moxt popular Ixxjka ever miltllxheu. Over 1M,0U copies already Hold. Airent sell from 10 to 15 conies a day. Ileautlfully Illustrated. Freight paid and credit given. Information ad oenis. S 100.00 BICYCLE GIVEN tn anvnne who will sell 75 copies In two months. We will give an I KKTiCV OlttJAN, retail price copies In three nioulbs, splendid opportunity for a i;nurcnornoclety j to secure an organ. A UOLU WATCH, retell price ttUUO given to anyone who win sen nu copies in nu aays. i ins premium la in nam tlon to the regular commission. Agent who do not secure any o I the prir.es, are given liberal commission for any number sold. I .ant full, we piil'l lo agents over SOOO In commissions. A large number nisde over 100. oo per month. Write us Immediately and secure an agencv. It will pay you. No time to lose, someone will get ahead of you. We also oiler most !lleral Inducements on other books and ltihles for Fall and Holiday Trade. A new book, " Forty Years In China," sells rapidly. Agents often average 10 orders a day. Hams terms and premiums as on "Talks to Children." We give extraordin ary terms lor selling Marion Harland's new book, "Home at the Hlble." rJOO.OO given forselllng ltflcopies tn 3 months, orf 100.00 bicy cle for selling rJOoople In one month. Send 75c for outfit. Write at once. R. H. WOODWARD COMPANY, BALTIMORE, MD. Who Wants a Diamond! We hare beautiful stone known as the South African OS-Color Diamond. It takes an expert to tell the difference, as It stands all known tests of a genuine diamond, excepting the file. $2.00 PER KARAT. A solid gold 14-karat stud, with two (2) karat stone, tO.OO. Ring, 13.50. Scarf Pin, S6 00. We will send these goods by express C. O. D. with privi lege of examination, at our expense. ACENTS WANTED. Please send 4 ceu it or a Cat alogue. Address, THE SEARS JJEWELRY CO., Room 514, 225;Dearborn St., Chicago., 111. tPlease mention this paper. THE PRIEST, THE WOMAN AWO CONFESSIONAL TBS BT BEV. OHAS. CBINIQOT. Thl work deal entirely with the practice of tbe Confessional boi, and snouia oe read by all Protestant as well as by Koman Cath olics themselve. The errors of the Confess ional are clearly pointed out. Price, In cloth 11.00, ent postpaid. Sold by AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO. "Gonvent Life Unveiled.' BT EDITH O'QOEMAN Thl little work relate the bitter experience of a young lady who was Induced through th cunning of the Jesuits aad the Sisters ot Charity to enter a convent. Her story ot tht heartrending scene enacted In those sink ot Iniquity la told In a convincing tyl. Pries IB Clou B1.JD, sent ponpaiu uy AMERICAN PUBLISHING GO OJKM) TTY, CHICAGO, ILL. VU V 1IJ. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. Complete canvassing outfit and full j 1270.00, to anyone who will sell 110 j Go to California in a Tourist Sleeper. It is the RIGHT way. Pay more and you are ex travagant. Pay less and yon are uncomfortable. The newest, brightest, cleanest and easiest Tid ing Tourist Sleepers are used for our Personally Conducted Excursions to California, which leave Omaha every Thursday morning reach ing San Francisco Sunday evening, and Los Angeles Monday noon. You can join them a! any intermediate point. Ask nearest ticket agent for full information, or write to J. Fraxcis, G. I". A, Omaha, Neb. THE WESTERN TRAIL Is published quarterly by the CHICAGO, ROCK ISLASD & PACIFIC RAILWAY. It tells how to get a farm In the West, and It will be sent to you gratis for one year. Send name and address to "Ed itor Western Trail, Chicago," and re oeive it one year free. J0HX SEBASTIAN, 0. P. A. lJ. I