1516 and 1518 Capitol Avenue, Near Sixteenth Street. We are always on the move, and new departments are being added every week. We are now offering Plevna n;,,.. i nousc1()(l Goods "We Have SKATES For the Boys and Girls, rang- HQa f a (M f7E ing in price from - - - utU IU I J "Wo Have SLEDS and SLEIGHS Just the thing to gladden the heart of any boy during this fine skating season. We sell them at all prices. Wft alan havfl an r n A iioys assortment of which you would do well to call and see in making your purchases. Lobeck Merchandise 1516 and 1518 Capitol Avenue, OMAHA, ROME RULES OR RUINS (Continued from Page 2.) Senator Blair, in a speech before the United States senate, February 15, 1888, said : ' 'Twelve years ago I was a mem ber of the house of representatives, and we were undertaking to ecact a consti tutional amendment which was to pre vent the appropriation of public moneys to the support of sectarian schools in this country. A friend of mine pointed out to me nine Jesuits who were log rolling against that amendment." Why? Because their church was re ceiving at that very time between $200, 000 and 8300,000 annually for the sup port of their parochial schools; and even down to the time of President Harrison's term of office the same con ditions substantially prevailed. The Freeman's Journal (Catholic) say s : ' 'Let the school system go to where it came from, the devil." This is the first time that I ever knew that Satan was the champion of a liberal education for the masses. I had always supposed that ignorance was his best friend, and I am inclined to think so yet, the Freeman's (?) Journal to the contrary, neverthe less. " The Catholic World, In its issue of April, 1871, has this to say : 'The best ordered and administered state is that In which the few are well educated and lead, and the many are trained to obedi ence." So ignorance is the mother of order and obedience, and the basis of a well-ordered government? I presume that Spain, during the three hundred The Past Guarantees The Future The fact that Hood's Sarsapa rilla has cured thousands of others is certainly sufficient reason for belief that it will cure you. It makes pure, rich, healthy blood, tones and strengthens the nerves, and builds up the whole system. Remember Hood's X Cures Be Sure to get HOOD'S and Only HUUDb. Hood' Pill ars peolall-prepared to be takea with Hood's SwsaparUl. Ko. per box. STOVES! We have sold a large number of our different kinds of Heating Stoves, which have in every instance given the best of satisfaction. THE MOST COMPLETE IN THE CITY AT rOVUL.AU VUIGBS. There is not a better Stove made than these. F and twenty-seven years, from 1481 to 1808, may be taken as a sample of this Ideal condition, for ignorance certainly was almost universal; yetas was stated before in a quotation from an Italian journal, Rome found it necessary to the peace of Spain, to burn alive more than 150 persons annually and "condemn to other punishments short of death," and probably little short of death, more than 1,000 mora. And this for but the one crime, heresy. Yes! Yesl Ignor ance, thou art the highest virtue where error seeks to reign! Down! Down! ye ignorant dogs, and kiss the feet of the cowled religionists that rest upon your necks! Bless the hands that smite you and bind heavy burdens upon your backs, that will not put forth a little finger to help lift! Follow them! Blindly follow them, until together you tumble into the bottomless plt,and wel come it as a heaven of relief! But again, we quote from the organ of the Jesuits, published at Rome. It says that: "The people do not need to learn to read; all they need Is bread and the Catechism, the latter they can know something of without learning to read." Now we see clearly that Rome is certainly the champion of ignorance. Another of our cherished rights Is that of free religious privileges, the in alienable right to worship God accord ing to the dictates of the worshiper's conscience, without fear of molestation or interference. This right the people of this country have reserved to them selves by the provisions of t!ie constitu tion and protected by adequate national and state laws, for just so long as, in the exercise of this right, the equal rights of others are not infringed. How stands the great "mother of harlots" on this question? Listen to the utterance: of Pope Plus, IX., de livered August 15, 1874: "The absurd and erroneous doctrine or ravings In defense of liberty of conscience are a most pestilential error. A pest, of all others, most to be dreaded in a state." What state? The state where Rome rules. Why? Because Rome can rule only as she can bind the conscience. Again, "Religious liberty is merely endured until the opposite can be car ried Into effect without peril to the Catholic world." The above is from Bishop O'Connor. The words of Arch bishop Kaln, of St. Louis, are equally significant: "Heresy and unbelief are crimes; and in Italy and Spain, where all the people are Catholics, and where the Catholic religion is an essential part of the law of the land, they are punished as other crimes." The Rambler, a Catholic periodical published In London, has this to say: "Religious liberty, in the sense of a liberty possessed by every man to AMERICAN VFNT'LATOB. STOVES GREAT WESTERN OAKS. for heating dwellings, storos and public buildings. See us for estimates. choose his religion, is one of the most wicked delusions ever foisted upon this age by the father of all deceit. No man has a right to choose his re ligion." Concerning tolerance, where Rome has power, the Rambler adds: "Catholicism is the most Intolerant of creeds. It is intolerance itself." The Shepherd of the Valley eohoes the same sentiments: "The Catholio who says that the church is not intolerant be lles the sacred spouse of Christ. We maintain that the Church of Rome Is intolerant. That she uses every means in her power to root out heresy. Her intolerance is the result of her in fallibility. She tolerates heretics where she is obliged to do so, but she hates them with a deadly hatred, and uses all her powers to annihilate them. Our enemies know how the Romish church treated heretics in the 'Middle Ages,' and how she treats them to-day wherever she has tbe power. We no more think of denying these hUtorical facts than we think of blaming the Holy God and the princes of the church for what they have thought good to do." This statement leaves nothing to be desired for clearness. Now Protes tants and unbelievers in this country may know just what to expect at the hands of Home, when she possesses the power to do her will. It is only neces sary to read the history of the "Middle Ages" to understand our fate. I But how does she expect to secure such control of this country as will en able her to carry out her cherished de signs and introduce the stake, the rack, the thumb-screw and her other engines of torture for the correction of heresy, unbelief and liberty? She purposes using three methods: 1. Political supremacy by the ballot box. 2. Immigration. 3. Bullets if necessary. For the time being the cunning hier archy is working silently. She has changed her tactics, but not her pur poses, from methods inquisitorial to methods senatorial, all the time seek ing to achieve one end, Roman Catho lic supremacy in America. Bishop O'Conneli, addressing Catho lics in this country, says: "You should do all in your power to carry out the in tentions of his holiness the pope. Where you have the electoral franchise, give your votes to none but those who assist you in so holy a struggle." It is a fact, now quite generally known, that It is not very long ago since the Catho lics of this country were agitating the organization of a distinctively Catholic party. On that question the Catholic Kcview, in an article headed, "Not bul lets but ballots," has this to say: "There can really be no question con BANQUET LAMPS. Glassware, Water Sets, Tableware, Vases. Rogers' Plated Knives and Forks, Rogers' Tea Spoons, Rogers' Table Spoons. Plated Knives, Forks and Spoons in Sets for the Little Folks. All at the Lowest Prices. The Popularity Of Our . . . Silver Dollar Flour Continues to increase, and after one Sack you will use no cerning the need of a Catholio party in the United States. The suc cess of the German Catholic party has been of a kind to warrant an attempt to initiate in America and elsewhere. If a Catholio party was and is necessary in Germany and Ireland, it Is necessary here. We cannot get along without it, and it is therefore only a matter of time, and a very short time at that, un til that party is safely established. " I only hope that such may be the case. Then the fight will fairly be on. American Protestants against Roman Catholic foreigners. The Freeman's Journal intimates the same possibility in the following words: "The day may not be far distant when we may have again a president in Washington who will protect our rights, and then we will show the people that we mean something more than simply putting resolutions on paper." What will they show us? On the subject of immigration as a means to tbe accomplishment of their designs, bear what the Duke of Rich mond has to say: "The government of the United States ought not to stand; and it will not stand." These are em phatic word 8 ; but how does he propose to overthrow it? Listen: "But it will be destroyed by subversion, and not by conquest. The plan is this: To tend over the surplus papulation of Europe, j They will go over with foreign views and feelings and will form a heterogene ous mass, and in course of time will be prepared to rise and subvert the gov ernment." Now there the plan of cam paign Is declared. On the one hand the organization of a Catholic party in this country, and on the other the dumping on our shores such a hetero geneous mass of foreign material that we cannot assimilate and Americanize, and of a character to strengthen the aforesaid party. We know that a very large percentage of those who have come to our shores from foreign lands are Roman Catholics, and remain so. We also know that It Is a settled policy of Rome to get as many of her subjects into official positions as possible. To this end she has her emissaries (the Jesuits) in all parts of the country, look ing after Rome's interests in this mat ter and forcing Catholics into publio notice and politics. To such an extent has this prevailed that it has been said that the moment an Irish Catholic pur chased a ticket for America he was a prospective alderman, justice of the peace, or policeman. We know that in most of our large cities, and in some counties and states, the Catholics even now hold the balance of power, and taking the country at large, they hold a percentage of the offices far In excess of the ratio of the population that they "Wo Soil HARDVAR you have tried other. Company, NEB. constitute. There is no doubt but that Mr. Satolli is in this country, not so much for the purpose of looking after the religious interests of the church as after the political interests of the old man on the Tiber. Another means that they will not scruple to use Is "force." Their utter ances in this regard are somewhat guarded. Yet Father Capel has said: "The time is not far distant when tbe Roman Catholics, at the pope's com mand, will refuse to pay their school tax, and will send bullets to tbe breasts of the government agents, rather than pay it. The order can come any day from Rome. It will come as quickly as the click of a trigger, and it will be obeyed, of course, as coming from God Almighty Himself." No doubt there is more truth than poetry in the above, and if it does not mean that the Roman Catbolio church in America is ready and waiting orders to begin open hos tilities against our government, then I fail to understand the meaning of words. If such is not their ultimate design, why is it that nearly every Ro man Catholic church in the United States has its company, or more, of soldiers, thoroughly armed, equipped and drilled? Did it ever occur to you, friends, that the day may not be far distant when the sons of our revolutionary fathers may be obliged to grapple with this foe of all that those fathers held dear, and fought and died for to bequeath to us? Shall we prove ourselves worthy of such an ancestry and such a heritage? Remember, we meet a foe with cen turies of experience behind her and whose settled policy is, "Rule or ruin." We know, again, that because of this policy of hers, some of the European nations have, in the interests of self- preservation, found it necessary to ex pel the pope's pets (the Jesuits) from their borders. Just sixty years after the organization of the Society of Jes uits, France found it necessary to ban ish them. That was in the year 1594; but she reinstated them again in 1603, and expelled them again in 1761. Eng land expelled them in the year 1594; Portugal, in 1759, and Spain, in 1767. Pope Clement expelled them from all Catholic countries in 1773, but they were reinstated by Pope Pius VII., In 1814. They were expelled from Portu gal a second time In 1820, from Spain in 1820, and restored in 1825, and for a third time expelled in 1835. They were expelled from Switzerland in 1817; Rus sia, 1817; Italy, 1870, and Germany In 1873. It may be found necessary for the peace and safety of this country to expel them from United States soil. We know that in our late civil war the pore's sympathies were with the Our Stationery Departmnet Is under the management of Miss Esther Fried, and the line offered Is Complete. Books ffi Books Envelopes, Writing Paper, Blank Books, Etc. tlio Celebrated- SHERIDAN COAL Nothing better in the market and delivered to any part of the city. EWE OFFER A LARQE.LINC OP Carpenters' Tools, Builders' Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware and Woodenware. secessionists. This tendency or dis position to steal nations led to serious trouble in Japan in the sixteenth cen tury, resulting In the death of thou sands of Japanese converts to Roman Ism, tbe banishment of all European missionaries and the closing of Japan to the outside world. This was due to tbe discovery of a plot by which Rome was to steal Japan and bring it under the pope's dominion. It Is also a fact, that in the present Cuban struggle for liberty, Rome is against Cuba and for Spain. And so It goes to the end of the chapter. Knowing, then, tbelr past history, and their present derigns upon Amer ica, shall we calmly wait, Inactive, and allow them to carry them out? Shall we meekly submit to receive the mark of the "beast," and kiss the toe that kicks us? Americans! Protestants! Freemen! What say you? Patriots, awake! Open your eyes and look around you, and see how the coils of this serpent are fast tightening about us. Awake, sleepers, and guard your homes and your liber ties. Where is the modern Paul Re vere, who will ride through the land and arouse our slumberlngcountrymen? Awake! Awake! ere you find yourselves in chains and slavery, bewaillcg your lost liberties. Let the deeds of your fathers inspire you. May their painted likenesses break the silence and warn you of your danger. O.that they might break the bands of the tomb and come forth, to once more defend the liberties they furnished at so terrible a cost! I thank God for the patriotic orders that are standing in the breach, May tbelr numbers Increase and their power be felt, so long as the mutterings of a foe are heard In our land. Put ye on "the whole armor of God." Let the weapons of your warfare, for the pres ent, be "the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God," and a solid ballot upon which no foe's name shall appear. Your country's liberties are in your keeping; therefore, relying upon the Almighty's arm, Strike! strike before it is too late to strike, and prove your selves worthy of the sacred trust com mitted to your keeping. Red Ink. The Difference. There is another reason why the United States must just now take up the quarrel of a South American na tion. Those countries are Catholic and England is a Protestant country. There is a presidential campaign com. Ing, and both parties are anxious to placate Rome. It Is true that Cuba Is suffering a thousandfold more than Venezuela, but then she suffers at the bands of Catholic Spain. That makes all the difference in the world. ZYue American.