The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, November 29, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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DfiY ri'wOnc NigntvMcb hMrlulr,d from artjr m.iitj
v I Only. i .-.r vesr to run It, tod Mr.
Vkiav KVKSiti. I. I
The R.nown.1 Oral. and Aiwtc.
R. 6. Incjcrsoll,
WU! deliver hiNwtandi Bwnt Lertnrw,
nre rirst T, 11.00; balcony, 60c
and ?&?,
Konr nuihu and Wedm-idny Matin, bo
ginning Monday, teoMuter 2. the
flimou. and orttftnal
Monday and VeUnelay Matiu,
ho nix noon.
TtlHHdajr and Wmlliemlay
A War Time
Boi Bheet new ojien. Prin
ai floor, 11.60; Brut two row balcony, 11.00;
luKt wTtu rowa balcony, 75; rear balinmy,
60 eenta.
DAY, DEC, 0 and 7.
Amarlra'a Greatest Aotreaa,
Effie Ellsler,
I' rank UWon. Jutin A. lillmlpr
and a ComiwUint Company. Presenting
NOTK-lCirh !..! att.-nilli.a Ml.. F.llala r'a
aiiin-tiH'rf..rniame will be unwented wiih
aouvniirof the uccaatou.
Vrleea Klrat fluon Wo, l.Vand f '; Imloony
Nlc and 75'. Mtlne urlrra Flnt Hour, .VUC
and 5.V-; llalcony i. and MIc.
The Creighton Theatre
Tslephona IS3I.
N1CHTS commencing A
Q Sunday Matinee, DEC. J
Darin & KfOKh'a Superb Coiiiedy-Drama,
Down in Dixie,
With the famous and ordinal PICKANINNY
SAn 1. uriiM"nted ny a eoiiipnnr oi innropoi
1tan artUta. Including tbe popular niUixirel,
Matlnea Wi'dnoailay.
Frtcfla. Iir llixir. ton, i.Vj, f 1.00;
16c MK? ; UUTj,rfl
IIOMINO, December 4th to ?t ti
Mrs. Jacob Sohamol Is v ry sick with
Adverse vour holldsv troods In Thk
American. It is sure to bring you
good returns.
The trial of Morgan, the alleged mur
dererof IJaGakill, Is now being con
ducted before Judge Scott In the crira
inal court.
Jerome Coulter has appliefl for a writ
B wi . mi 1 1 i nil'
w unwaa uurpua. iue appiiuawou win
do argued oeiore judge heott at tno
cose oi me worgan trial.
W. N. Whitnry, the shoe-man, says
business In bis line was never better
than It has been during tbe pa-tt wick.
He advertises In Thf. American,
C. U. Davidson, tbe gonial chief clerk
In I.ViA u aencmp tfieiiarlmnnt nf thft
Burlington, made flying trips to Chi-
cago, Denver and Kansas Ulty last
n1r TTa nrrt rn..llfnl nr.MnonU
for business along the Burlington lines.
Kobert i'rummond, Jr , who has been
Vook keeper for the Drummond Car
riage Company for the past two years,
has returned to his old home in Auit-
bury, Mass. While a resident In this
city Mr. Drummond made many friends
who will regret his departure.
The Chicago & Northwestern Is mak
ing things hum with its new trains
between Omaha and Chicago. You
leave Omaha at 5:45 p. m. and you get
to Chicago for breakfast at 8:45 the
next morning. Other trains are equally
as fast. City ticket t dice, 1401 Farnam
Professor W. Rich, father of Attor
ney Julson Uich, has just returned Irom
a visit to His oia nome m XNemana
County. Frofessor Rich was for many
years prominently identified with edu-
catlonal mterests in JNebrasita, and as
an educator in the public schools he
has no superior.
Mr. Wm. Schamel, living at 2401
Pierce street, who had been sick a few
days with pneumonia, died Thanksglv -
ing morning at the home of his brother,
Mr. Jacob Schamel. The deceased was
well and favorably known in this city.
Mr. Schamel was 40 years 3 months and
28 days old, and had resided in Omaha
fifteen years. He was burled Friday
afternoon in Prospect Hill Cemetery,
from the home of his brother. The
funeral sermon was preached by Rev.
C W. Savidge.
Mr. B. Holbrook, of the Lobeck Mer-
chandise Company, returned from Blair
VeJnr-lay, where be pul la rif
betting spprtu. lie removed the
Uolbrok's judgm.-nt is th-y will oo
paw w.rororUblJ on iweniju i u
ard ill. will bct ery r oi me in-
U-:cto buiUllnf. The new ytsin U
tlvlngtbu htt of aalUfactloo, and has
wel tha entire town of Hlalr igog. TbU
yU'in baa bwn in use In Oruli up-
.... . .11. I I.
aril oi ID rv yearn, anu i kuuhuhvm
t ) tbe embudittient or corapit'tene.,
and iartle bating1 bulldlne to be
htaUd and tt ntilated will find It to
thlr advantage to confer wiln tola
beatlnjr ar.d ventilating enginee r.
Down In Dixio" will fill a four n'gbt
engagement at the Crt lghUm Thuatre,
owning with the Sunday matinee,
December 1. IU appearance here win
be a very Intercutting event. No aouth
ern play baa been more warmly re
ceived wherever aeen. The famous
pickaninny band will be heard here in
the play, the hoya not only rendering
music but alo appearing as jolly plan
tatlon darkeys, and doing a very effect
Ivo wniave drill. "Down In Dixie" la a
play H)iealng many attractive lea
turoa. It i In turn tender, romantic,
excltlnc. laughable. At all ttmea it la
picturesque. Southern life la reallatio-
ally portrayed. An absorblrgly Inter
esting story la told. It la a love-story,
of course, but a highly eventful one,
abounding with plota and perils, e
cani and rescue. Of the many thrill
Ing acem, one of the most stirring la
that of the attempted murder of the
young naval lieutenant by the rat-eally
overseer and the btaok mailer. They
knock him down from behind and place
his senseless body In a big cotton com
press, then set fire to the warehouse
where the compress la, and start the
WWt 1 . , .11..
compress wonting, ine ucvcenumK
Prw Uwlt,,lnan,ncbofhimwhtn he
IS uraggeu IOrm vO saioiy uy mo uro
jne 0f the play, whohasbrokon through
a window from the offlje in which sne
i.. t, ImnriMOned. There are other
Incidents equally exciting. The love
scenes are charming. The comedy of
the piece Is very coll. There are an
old darkey and bis wife, a grumbling
old squire, and other characters that
are full of natural humor. The scenery
Is superb,
The redountablo agnostic Bna rea
soner, (!olonel KobertG. Ingcrsoll. will
deliver his celebrated lecture on "The
Bible" at Boyd's Theatre to-morrow
(Sunday) night. This is one or the
most comprehensive themes which the
colonel has ever treated, and it is said
to be one of the most Interesting. The
sale of Mats opened at 8 o'clock this
America's bright and charming ao
tress, Effle Ellsler, will be at Bojdi
Theatre on Friday and Saturday of
next week. The annual visit of Miss
Ellsler to the city is a dramatic episode
highly valued by our playgoers, ior
more conMlontious and thorough artist
cannot be found on the stage to-day.
and her supporting company never ret-
rt grades from the excellent standard
of that wl lob has ever constituted her
mmnnrt. At this time Miss Ellsler
1 1
will be seen in a magnificent prrduc
iinn nf Rhakesnoare's "As Ycu Like
T. . Alexander Dumas' "Camllle."
. .,.,,. addition to the company
. . . T . n A F,lgle. who wlll ulrect
,rfrn.ances. Mr. Frank Weston
also Bpptar in both bills. "Uomoo
anj Juliet" Is Included in Miss Ellsler's
rnnrtnire At the matinee beautiful
will be Dresented to the la
The Tamous Original Bostonians will
Tuesday, VVeanesUBy BUU xuuiUj
with the following repertoire: "Robin
Hood," Monday evening and Sturday
matinee; "Prince Ananias," Tuesday
and Wednesday; "A War-Time Wed
ding," Thursday. All the old favorites
will appear at each performance, and
In the presentation of the new operas
music lovers are promised some genu
ine surprises. "Prince Ananias" has
found favor with all classes of theatre
goers, with its sparkling numbers, and
"A War-Time Wedding" reveals the
versatile talents of Jessie Bartlett
Davis as no other work has done.
Commencing Sunday evening, De
cember 8, and continuing for three
nights, the patrons of Boyd's Theatre
win hjkV6 the pieagure of seeing the
on, p0y and his excellent com
in i.Llttie Robinson Crusoe,"
wMch hag mado 8Uch a blg nit i Chi
The cast Includes, among others,
the deTer liwltj brette, Miss Alene
Carter, late of the Henderson forces,
1 Who plays the part of Polly Perkins;
Miss Esther Williams, in the part of
1 Ophelia Crusoe; statuesque Adele Far
I rington as little Robinson Crusoe, who
displays all the dash and vim which
I made Pauline Markham such a favorite
hn years gone by. Foy is seen in a
character which suits him better than
anything he has yet done. He plays
the part of an amateur pirate, and is
ably assisted by Mr. Henry Norman in
I the part of Tuffcnuff, a "real" pirate,
I James E. Sullivan, who is directing the
stage, l constantly at work improving
' the performance, as well as his part of
Uwkatttln. As in De Foe'e book, tba
parrot, the goat, Friday and tbe caoul
hals will be seen. Tbeae ar especially
aJaited for the children, and should
please tbe little ones. Tbe engage
menl lasts tor three nights.
Among others in tbe cast are tbe
celebrated dancer, Mile. Madeline Mo
ratdo, Adele VerclllesI, Florence Hul
brot k, D t Carter, Hubert CrroIl, Sig
nor l)e Fililpl, Heor y Carter and others.
IJks' Xemuriat Serrlce.
Tbe annual memorial services of the
Elks will occur at Boyd's Theatre oo
Sunday, Deoembtr 1, at 2:30 p. m. The
tervloe promise to be one of unuxual
note. Several siieakers of national repu
tation are expected to be present and
make short addresses. Omaha L( dge,
No. 39, extends a general invitation to
the public, efpeeially vlaltlng Elks, to
attend. The following is tbe progrun:
1. Vacant Chair.. Ueorgv V. Root
The Omaha Klk guarlvt.
t. Opening (Vrcindiil.n
omoera of Ouiaba Udi;e, No. 3D.
i. Thou Art FaaloK llerce Hulllran
Hro. Vt'tlliaiM McCunu.
1. 1'raynr
Hro. ThomakJ. Mackay (Chaplain),
t. 1 Know that My Kodoenier Mveth. Uandrl
Mlna Lillian Terry.
S. Addrea Ketr. Chaa. II. Uanlnt-r
7. O, KestiB the Iord , . Mondelatohn
Mra. (JeorK MoLeran
S. Kuloiry William K. Gurley
8. I Heard a Voice from Heaven Com
Mian Lillian Terry. Mr. Treat.
Mra. MeLeraa. Mr. Barton.
10. Cloalrg Ceremonies
utile of Omaha Lodxa. No. 39.
II. Hope Beyond White
Hro, A J. Van Kuran, Bro. Jo K. BarUn,
11 Doxology Audlerce Jolnltiu
IX Benediction Bro. Thomaa J. Mackay
The theatre will bo appropriately
decorated -
Our Friends.
It has never been the policy of The
Amkrican to write complimentary
notices of the firms advertising in its
columns, but It will depart from Its
time-honored custom and say a word
In behalf of Dyball's Palace of Sweets
whlcb, without doubt, Is the best place
In the city to buy candles, bonbons,
confections and lee cream. Mr. Dy
ball has been so long In the business at
tbst same old stand that people con
slder him a fixture; besides, he has es
tibllsbed a reputation for making only
the very be:t frult-candtes, chocolates,
butter-scotch, baby-curls, glazed-nuts
chocolate nuggets, cream-wafers; burnt,
salted and cream almonds, marsh-mal-
Jowsand buttorcups which are on the
market to-day. We know, because we
have sampled them. But the lines
above mentioned are not Mr. Dyball's
specialties. Caramels are his special
ties, and bis caramels are simply the
most delicious things you ever placed
In vour mouth. Try some of them
when down town next time. And don
forget them when laying in your stock
for the holiday?. The little folks will
appreciate them Immensely. Out-of-town
readers will find it to their ad van
tage to write him for prices.
The marriage of Mr. Richard Rob
inson and Miss Jane Hanna was cele
brated at the home of the bride on
North Thirty third street, Wedneiday
evening, Rev. C. H. Your.g officiating,
Mr. Simon Robinson, Jr., acted as
groomsman and Mies Helen Robinson
as bridesmaid, and the bride was given
away by Mr. aimon uoomson, or.
Promptly at 10 o'clock the word which
made them one was pronounced by Rev.
Young, which was a signal for the fes
tivities to begin, and every one was
bent on making the most of the oc
casion, and a more enjoyable evening
was never spent at a wedding feast.
Music and dancing wer kept up till an
early hour Thanksgiving morning.
Among those present were Messrs. and
M.edames S. Robinson, Sr., Fobes,
Huston, Rutter, Fisher, Cathrco, Mad
deti, Hogerth, Sutherland, Church,
McNeil, Maher, J. Robinson, Ford,
Cornish; Messrs. Willlsra Robinson,
Andrew Hutton, Boyle, J. L. Glllow,
Hugh Robinson; Misses Lundeen, Lav
erty, Nora Murphy, Edith Robinson,
Maggie Robinson. The presents were
numerous and handsome. The Amer
ican joins with the many friends of the
happy couple in wishing them God
speed. What C A. Potter Navs.
Omaha, Neb., Aug. 81, 1895.-The
Howard Medicine Company: Gentle
men I desire to say to all who feel the
strength of their manhood slowly slip
ping away, whose ambition is at its
lowest ebb, whose mind is beclouded,
and the senses dulled, when you feel
dyspeptic, and lose your self-respect,
that your blood is out of order, and all
you need Is some of Howard's Vegetone
Blood Powder to tone up your system
It will act almost instantly upon the
blood: tou will feel the renewed life
and vigor coursing through your sys
tem: vou will leei tne oia-ume grip in
your hands; your mind wlll be as active
as ever; your friends will observe the
flacof health fifing in your face, and
you will feel like a new being. I have
not felt so well for five years as I do
since tAkinir one package of your Blood
Powder, and I feel as strong and active
as ever. 1 weigh 15 pounds more than
ever in my life. The change is so
marked that it is the subject of com'
ment when meeting my friends. '.
recommend Howard's Vegetone Blood
Powder to be, as I believe, the greatest
blood-purifier on earth.
C A. Potter.
Edward Baumley, tor livery,
and St. Marys Are
Recalle4 Stormj Time.
"Well, that look natural," said the
old soldier, looking at a can of con
denied milk on the breakfast-labile In
place of ordinary milk that failed on
account of the storm. "It's tbe Gall
Borden Eagle Brand we uted during
the war."
Swift, Very SwlfU
Leave Omaha to-day, arrive at Salt
Lake tomorrow, San Francisco next
day and Los Angeles morning of tbe
third day. That is what you can do
via the Union Pacific, but not via any
other line. Buy your ticketa via "The
Overlard Route." A. C DUNN.
City i'ass. & Tkt, Agent.
1302 Farnam St.
Hut ice ef Removal.
Saunders, Macfarland & Dickey have
removed their law offices to 1406 Far
nam street, opposite Paxtoo Hotel, tf
When down town droo in at John
Rudd's and leave vour watch, if it is
out cf repair, to be fixed, 1517 No. 16 St
J. Henderson, 31U N. Slxtoenth tree
Umbrellas covered and repaired.
How's This!
We offer One Hundred Dollara reward tor
any cue of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Ilall'i Catarrh Cure.
F. J.CHfcNEY CO., Toledo, O.
W. the underalirned. hava known F. J,
t:henev for the laxt 15 yenra. and be leve him
perfectly honorable In all bulne impac
tions and Bnancially able o carry out any
nlillantlnna iniule l)v their Hrm.
Wr.sT & Thuax, wboleaaie aruKgiata. roieao.
tihlo, . .
Wai.hiso. Kinnan ft Mabvih, wholesale
druKKlsta, Toledo, OHIO.
nail's Catarrh Cum U taken Internally
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
urface of the system. Testimonial sent
free. 1'rlce 75c pei bottle. Bold by all drug
glut a.
Watcbmahir and Jeweler,
Fine Watch Repairing a specialty
512 South 18 Street.
Office in Drug Store, S. E. Corner Thir
teenth, and Jackson Streets.!
Calls Attended atall hours.
Ids and a
new get made the name dav. TepthfiXtracwd
without pain. DR. WITHERS, Dentist, fourth
floor, frown Rik.. 16th & UoukUs. OMAHA, nil
AGENTS WANTED--a) ale and Female, n
each eountv. Slate previous occupa
tion to receive upeclai proposition. Steady
work; good pay ana advancement.
10-IS-lot Stau Fublinhino Co.. Chlcano.
Special Master Commissioner's Sale.
nr,Fn(i hv Tlrtneof an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out
of the district court for Douglas county, Ne
braska, and to me directed, I will, on the
31st day of December. A. D. 1895. at one
o'clock p. m. of said day, at the nor'h front
dor of the i-ounty Court house ln the city
of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell
public auction to me niKnesi uiuuer ior
nuah th. nrftnprt.v rfHcriuu in sntu unior ui
saie as follows to-wit: Lots three ia) and four
(4) in block one (Dor mayne riace, an auui
tlon to the city of Omaha, Douglas county,
Nebraska. Out of the proceeds of the sale
of said lot three (3), to satisfy I'hilip L. John
son, plaintiff herein, the sum of three hun
dred twenty-two and 4S 108 dollars (MJ.4.
with interest tliereon ai me rm ui icu
percent, per annum from May 6, 1895; and
out of the prnr.eed.iof said lot four (41, to sat
isfy sa a Fhlllp li. JOnnson MB sum m nirco
hundred forty-three and 83-100 M3 83) dol
lars with Interest thereon at the rate of ten
(101 percent, per annum from saia may oin,
1H95; to satisfy defendant. Lewis 8. Keed,
executor of tbe last will of Benjamin K. frol-
soro, deceased, the sum or two inuusnnu
eight hundred eighteen and H3-100 dollars
($2,818.93). with Interest, thereon from May Bth.
1I5. at the rate of seven (") per c nt. per an
num, together with thirty-one aad 03-1C0 dol
lars (S31.03I costs herein, togemer wun sccru-ixi-.uu
iu-ivirfllnff to a Judgment rendered
by the district court of said Douglas county,
at its may terin. A. D. 18H5. In a certain ac
tion then and there pending, wherein Philip
L. Johnson was planum anu jua, .'
tosb, Mrs. James J. Mclntosn. nrsi nameuu
hUnite: Lewis S. Reed, executor of
,ui.. will nf Reniuniln K. Folsom, de
ceased; Adam Ickesaud 1.11a icnes, nis wue,
were defendant.
Omaha, Nebraska. ov.. ,
Special Master Commissioner.
Saunders. Macfarland 4 Dickey, attorneys
i ....... ir a uniniiun i. ui
n.v.i.v No. Iti9. 11-29-5
Gnardlan's Sale of Real Estate.
Nottre Is hereby given' that upon Satur
ruui.mhr2lL 180S. at one o'clock p. m
at the east front door of the county court
house In Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska.
I wlll sell at public auction the following de
scribed real estata of Annie Elsie Paulsen, a
minor, to wit: Lot Ave (5) ln block "O,
Prospect Place, an addition to tbe city or
Omaha. Douglas connty, Nebraska.
nf AnnlA IT.Iale Pnlsan. a Minor.
iim.hi. NoTember 26. 18U6. U-W-4
3 u r
0 j) 1? nj
V J -8 Q
O I i 8 g"
S , - U
o U
D .
3 c.
T.' ' " " L f4rftft
1 1 T YY"Vv'"vi 1 trttCted ln
1 11111 1 J theinorn-
i a
Has Full Line ot
Holiday Goods,
And .is preparing to offer some Rare Bargains.
He makes a specialty of . . .
Watch this snace
next week. lie
will interest you.
317 North Sixteenth Street.
You can save from 15 to 25 per cent, on all cash purchases for
the next thirty days.
You get $5.00 Shoes for $3.50 I You get $4.00 Shoes for $2.75
You get $3.00 Shoes for $2.25 I You get $2.00 Shoes for $1.50
Youths' $2.00 Shoes for $1.50.
Ladies' Shoes in the same proportionate prices.
718 So. Sixteenth St.
Tells Us that Geese Once Saved the
City of Rome from Destruction
At the hands of the Gauls.
But we can save the City of Omaha from paying
High Prices for poor Goods.
The Big Bennett Store
Does not Deal in Bankrupt Wrechs-but we have every
thing that is New, Fresh and Wholesome.
Corn good 2-lb. can for 5c
Tomatoes pond 3-lb. can for 7c
Peas good 2-lb. can for 8c
Succotash 2-lb. can for 7c
reaches, new, line Evap"ted, per lb. 9c
Uaisins, line new crop, per lb. 6c
Oil Stoves 48c
Dinner Pails lite
Stove Mats.. 4c
All Copper Wash Boilers $1.49
Real China Teas, set of 6 39c
Fine Flute Tumblers 3c
Porcelain Granite Plates... ... . ftc
Good Trunks, at 1.50
Wood Water Pails iuc
Out-of-Town Folks Should Obtain Our Large Illustrated
Catalogue. Mailed Free to All.
7502.12 Capitol Avenue, OMAHA, NEB,
Undertaker Embalmer
Telephone 696.
613 South 10th St., i OMAHA.
Merchant Tailor
Suits Made to Order.
Guarantees a '
lerfect fit In all cases. Ototti
1 and remodeled.
lng cleaned dye
504 Ji. 10th St,
Successor to Drexel & Maul.
Undertaker and Embalmer
Tel. 225. OMAHA. NEB.
Office removed from 113 North 16th street U
1618 Chicago Street
Telephone 90. -:- OMAHA, NEB
American Ladies!
Whan Needing ths assist
ance of a
First-Class Dress Maker
Should not forget to call on
213 Iforth Sfftn Street
The Jeweler,
for his Holiday Announcement
will have something to say that
Glass Jar Jelly, at 8c
Can Lye, at 4c
Hest Bread, per loaf, at 2c
Smoking Tobacco, per lb. at 18o
Chewing Tobacco, per lb. at lfic
Coal Hods
Fire Shovels
Copper Bottom Tea Kettles...
Gold Band Teas and Plates. .
Fine Engraved Tumblers.
14-inch Satchels, at 48c
Wash Boards
Bushel Coin Baskets.
To Majorie S. Wallace, non-resident defend
ant: '
I'leasn take notice that on the ilrddavnf
July, !, Philip L. Johnson, plaint! IT herein.
tiled nis petition in me district court of
Douglas county, Nebraska, against Maude
Marti, Benjamin Marti, and Majorie 8. Wal
lace, the object and prayer of which are to two certain tax certificates, dated
November 2Hth. WW. issu'd to E. B. Beer and
by him assigred to the plaintiff, and covering
the south ;K) feet of lots 8 and 9 in block 2 of
A. s. fatrtrK s addition to tne city or Omaha,
Douglas county, Nebraska, upon which there
Is now due the sum of one hundred and
thirty dollars (IIIIO.OD) with interest from Sep
tember 23rd, 1H'."5. at the tate of 10 percent,
per annum, attorney's fees, amounting to 10
per cent, of the decree, and all costa. Plain
tiff prays that the defendants ninv he re.
quired to pay the same or that said premises
may Desoia losniisty tne amount due and
that the defendants be debarred of all right,
title or interest ln said real est tit.
You are remit red to answer said
on or befor the th day of January. 1HH6.
Dated, Omaha, Nebraska. November 2,1H95.
, Plaintiff.
By Saunders & Macfarland, his attorneys.
l)oc. 51, No 172. 11-29-4
ToC. R. Shaw, first and real name unknown.
iinu-restuf lib Ul I UUItllb
Please take notice that on tbe 12t.h rinv nf
July, 1895, Walter E. Keeler. plaintiff herein.
filed his petition In the district court of
Douglas county, Nebraska, against Vlona
Plxley, O. K Shaw, first and real name un
known, and others, the object and prayer of
which are to foreclose certain tax certificates
dated November 25ih. ISMS, and covering lots
105 and to 120, Inclusive, and lots W0 tolas, In
clusive, in North Side, an addition to the city
of Omaha, being situated in the southwest
quarter of section 18 township 16, range 13
east, Douglas county, Nebraska, upon which
there Is now due the sum of ninety-eight
(fSM.OO) dollars, with Interest thereon from
September 23rd, 1H95, at the rate of 10 per
cent, per annum, attorney's fee amounting to
10 per cent, of the decree and all costs.
Plaintiff prays that the defendants may be
required to pay the same, or that said prem
ises may be sold to satisfy the amount found
due, and that the defendants may be de
barred from all right, title or Interest ln said
real estate.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 6th day of January, 1896.
Dated, Omaha, Nebraska. November 29. 1895,
By Saunderi & Macfarland, fall attorneys.
Doc. 61. No. 222. U-29-t