The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, November 08, 1895, Image 1

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,Y NEWSPAPER. "AMERICA FOR AM KlUCANS." We hold that kit ni n are A nerican who Swrar Alli'iMamv U) lht Culled Sub without a mental reservation In favor of the P.m-.
The Klci'tioii I'rotc to lt a
Land -Slide in Almost Y.
iry State.
Maryland and Kentucky Re
deemed by the A. P. A.
Omaha, Douglas County and
Nebraska Under A. P. A. In
fluence. The battle hag two fought.
Honesty has prevailed over dishon
esty and boodle;
Decency takes the place of lawless
ness; And Americanism triumphs over Ro
manized foreignisin.
This has been the result in almost
every city outside of New York.
There, Tammany is again enthroned
in all its wickedness.
In many of the States the A. P. A. is
responsible for the result.
It is responsible for the result in
It is responsible for the outcome In
It lead the fight in Omaha and Doug
las county, Nebraska.
It assisted in Massachusetts, New
York, New Jersey and Ohio.
But in no section was the result a
greater surprise to the opposition than
in Omaha.
Here, the paper which had for years
been accepted as the lending Republi
can organ, and whose editor had been
national committeeman and aspired to
be postmaster-general, bolted that
party's nominations months before they
were made, simply because he believed
he would beunable to cope with the
members of the A. P. A., who affiliated
with that party, when the convention
should finally be called. He allied
with himself several disreputable,
shyster attorneys, blacklegs and gum,.,
biers, who dragooned a few respectable
people into line and then published to
the world the most untruthful and pre
posterous charges against the men
whom he had helped elect to oflice in
former years. He circulated petitions,
secured the signatures of boodlers,
bums and deadbeats, together with less
than 50 eminently respectable citizens,
yet telegraphed all over this Union
that hundreds of the best element had
banded together for the purpose of re
deemirg the city and county from mis
rulefrom a tet of incompetent and
dishonest officials.
The campaign in Omaha and Douglas
county has been waged in the name of
Reform. The Democratic party prac
tically abandoned its organization,
and the Romans in the Populist party
worked every known trick, resorted to
every artifice and every subterfuge of
the politician to disfranchise the Popu
lists or to drive them into the Reform
Votes were openly bought by men
high in the Reform party.
The best position on the Reform
ticket was purchased for $2,500.
Money was ep ent like water.
The saloon eleminf, the gamblers,
pluguglies, toughs and rounders were
all for the' Reform party.
The Roman church, through its
priests, instructed the laity to vote for
Thenjthe country, through the lying
representative of the Associated Press,
was regaled almost daily with a libelous
article against the city and an over
whelmingimajority of its citizens.
At first it stated a thousand of the
leading citizens had signed a call for
a Citizens' Reform movement, when in
fact there were less than 400, of which
number more than two-thirds, as pub
lishedjin the organ of the association,
wereiRoman Catholics, and more than
two-thirds of this latter number were
of the very lowest order of beiDgs, be
ing employees in Cudahy's Roman
Catholic packing-house.
Then they sent out the lying state
ments that a crisis was at hand in the
UNCLE SAM 1 told you what it would lend to. llo.sewater, if you continued to dilute this
medicine with those quack drugs. You may live on a bit longer, hut it's dead sure you'll never get
over the paralytic attack of Tuesday night.
city because men duly and legally ap
pointed to office had assumed their po
sitions which the reformers i t fused
to surrender and were holding without
color of title or authority of law.
The first dispatch was followed by
others in rapid succession, all as false
as hell itself.
They continued to manufacture pub
lic sentiment by means of libels and
downright falsehoods, which were pub
lished daily in the columns of their
,-QTgH.n the Omaha Ike.
They refused to recognize the valid
ity of a law passed by the legislature
until the supreme court passed upon
and sustained its constitutionality.
They imported Roman Catholic
priei ts into the city to terrorize rail
road officials and to influence the de
cision of the supreme court.
They maligned every man who dif
fered with them.
They exaggerated the attendance at
their meetings and belittled the meet
ings held by the Republicans.
They held a meeting Friday night,
November 1, in the Coliseum, which
was attended by less than 2,000 people
men, women and children and tele
graphed all over the country that they
had 10,000 present.
The same evening a meeting was
held in Boyd's Theatre the largest
opera-house in the city where stand
ing room was at a premium, yet no
mention was made, in that dispatch, of
the eloquent speech delivered by Hon.
John L. Webster in behalf of the Re
publican ticket.
The Reformers' organ accused the
city council of being parties to a scheme
to override the will of the people at the
ballot-box, when that body dropped
about 100 Roman Catholics from the
list of judges and clerks appointed by
the mayor a Reformer and a tool of
the owner of the Reform movement
and left the places open for the people
to fill the morning of election.
It accused the board of fire and police
commissioners with being parties to a
scheme to intimidate voters by the aid
of an army of special police, yet the
board did not appoint a single special
Vet, aTter all this lying, this misrep
resentation and this slander: afttr all
the boodling, vote-buying, consorting
with the vicious and the depraved,
what has been the result?
The entire Republican ticket has
been elected!
Judge Scott, against whom the most
villainous things were printed by the
champion llbeler and political rene
gade, was elected by the largest ma
Ils5i''wix'rt'- I i j :": jail"? 4 J-isft
If Wm.
jority of any nom'nee on the Rt pub
lican judicial ticket.
Major Brcutch, against whote honor
and integrity thut same pestiferous
lifce'.er exhausted his vocabulary of
billingsgate, was elected by nearly
1,000 plurality.
The result indicates that the people
were weary of Rosewater dictation, cr
that they had become convinced that
he was a moH damnable liar.
Never, probably, has there been a
more complete revulsion of popular
public sentiment than is disclosed by
the Nebraska election.
The day was when the lite was all
powerful in this State.
It has defeated men seeking seats in
Congress; who have sought seats on the
district bench; who have sought to be
governor, and has defeated men Beck
ing county and city officers on the Re
publican ticket.
But to-day its power is broken!
It could not even elect a man to the
office of justice of the peace.
As a consequence, every Nebraskan
is happy and every A. P. A. smiles
quietly at the broken idol of the Roman
Catholic Church; and the membeis of
that church will, in time, desert their
idol and crawl back into the Democratic
party, and resolute against the A. P. A.
But after this, politicians and politi
cal parties in Nebraska will steer clear
of the business end of the great Ameri
can organization which has shown it
self capable of coping successfully with
the most unsconseionable and unscrup
ulous man who ever disgraced the edi
torial tripod, and contaminated the al
ready corrupt political atmosphere
with his polluting presence and dia
bolical methods. To such as he the
A. P. A. will say "rtquicscat in pare."
So much for Nebraska.
Howjwas it elsewhere?
Louisville, Ky., we had been advised,
would be ready to witness an A. P. A.
Dispatches from that city Indicate
that it baa emulated the example of
Nashville, Tenn., and gone American,
and at the same time Republican.
For the first time in the history oi
the State of Kentucky a man designated
as a Republican has been elected to
the high office of governor.
But this has not been due to the con
version of Democrats to the doctrine
and principles of the Republican party.
The high-protective tariff of Wm.
McKinley was not even a small factor
in the election.
Nor did the financial ideas of Sher
man cut any figure.
The tenets of Republicanism were
secondary, those of the A. P. A. the
main consideration, for this unrivaled
and unexpected victory.
For months it has been conceded that
the A. P. A. would not support J.
Watt Hardin, because of his uncalled
for and suicidal utterances when ques
tioned aVout the order.
Our friends In Kentucky have been
claiming the earth for more than a
month, and we were incredulous enough
to believe they were talking "through
ySeir hats" to be a little slangy.
Yet the returns prove conclusively
that they were aware of their ground.
The result in Kentucky, however, was
probably less of a surprise than was
that in Maryland the state to which
the Romanists always "point with
pride" as the first to di elsie for relig
ious liberty. Months ago the A. P. A.
sent out the information that thev
could control the state.
We did not believe it.
Maryland was the home of that able
Jesuitical statesman, Mr. Gorman.
There, also, resided Cardinal Jim
Gibbons, a prince of the papal commu
nity. Could they be dethroned by an or
ganization that had teen introduced
into the state less than two years ago?
The election returns show it was
able to vanquish the agents of a for
eign ecclesiastical despot and enthrone
pure, unadulterated Americanism.
In Massachusetts, also, the power of
the A. I'. A. was felt; and Briee's bar
rel could not induce an endorsement of
his preferred candidates hack in Ohio.
In the City of Chicago the-result has
been what any one would naturally ex
pect. Hardly any of the candidates
were acceptable to the members of the
patriotic orders, which accounts for
the lack of interest in the recent cam
paign. However, all the men endorsed
by the A. P. A. were elected, except
those running on the Peoples' ticket
and against men who were also en
dorsed on ether tickets.
Taken asa'whole, the recent elec
tion is gratifying to loyal Americans.
It shows an increased awakening of
public sentiment in favor of a more
pronounced Americanism. It precludes
any hope of a successful termination of
the fight .heretofore waged against the
A. P. A. by the Roman leaders in the
old partus, and prevents it being car
ried into the national campaign cf
No party which hopes for success
will hereafter intentionally insult the
great body of Protestant Americans
who have discovered that their liber
ties are endangered by the insidious
advances of the Roman church in our
affairs of state.
The fight in Omaha has settled that
q uestion.
It has demonstrated that patriots of
more than ordinary ability stand ready
to defend the principles enunciated by
the A. P. A. whenever any foe dares
assail them becauso those principles
are the principles on which our gov
ernment is founded.
Milwackke, Wis., Nov. 7. Amer
ican, Omaha, Neb.: Dear Friend:
Allow me, on behalf of thousands
of friends of the state of Wisconsin,
to congratulate you upon the magnifi
cent victory the boys of Omaha and of
Nebraska won on Tuesday last. A
noble light was waged all along the
line, and as a result "Mason and Dix
on's Line" has been wiiicd off the map,
never to reappear.
Yours In F. P. A P.,
E. C. Turn,
State Secretary.
There is liable to be a grand jollifi
cation Saturday night. lie on hand.
Bring your Hag and horn to Farnam
and Seventeenth. If the parade oc
curs, got in on the ground floor. Let
Rosey see his friends.
A. 1'. A. Takes Leavenworth.
A dispatch, from Leavenworth, Kan.,
under date November S, says that full
returns from the city show the election
of the entire Republican tickets, except
for state senator, where Hirst, inde
pendent candidate, was several hun
dred votes ahead and defeats the regu
lar Republican nominee. Niehaus,
Democratic candidate, is the only Dem
ocrat who carries the city. Iiotlien
burger, Republican candidate for sher
iff, upon whom the Democrats centered
their opposition, carries the city by 78
majority, and will carry the county by
from 800 to 400 majority. The Ropub
Means are well satisfied with the great
victory they have gained.
The A. P. A.'s were a great factor
in the Leavenworth election, and suc
ceeded in electing their men. Nie
haus, the Democrat elected, was the
A. P. A. candidate. The remainder of
the winners were Republicans, and re
ceived the support of the A. P. A.
Why Priest Ieave the Komati Church.
In answer to the question why so
many priests and intelligent Roman
Catholics leave the papal church and
unite with the various churches of
which our Protestant Christianity is
composed, the reply is, that they found
the Roman Catholic Church corrupt,
and that it had perverted the truth of
God and made it of no effect by its
traditions and superstitions. The Re
man Catholics who inaugurated the
Reformation of the sixteenth century
earnestly desired to purify their church
which had been d filed by p n and
priests. Writing t ) Pope L-t X from
Wlitcnlx rg, Sr-pit inlt-r l, l.YJo, Mar
tin Luther said:
' For many years now nothing else
has overtimed from Rome into the
world-a you are not ignorant than
the Inylng waste of goods, of bodies
aid of souls, m.d the worst example of
all the worst things. tilings are
clearer than the light to all men; and
the Church f Rome, formerly the most
holy of all chun has )m n the most
law'.e-. den of thieves, the mot shame
lesi of all brothels, the very kingdom
of sin, death and hell; so that n il even
Antichrist, if he were t come, could
devise any addition to Its wickedness.
"Meanwhile you, Leo, lire silling
like u lamb in the midst of wolves, like
Daniel In the midst of lions, and, with
Kckiol, you dwell among scorpions.
Whul opHslUon can you alone, makuttf
these monstrous tv Is? Take to your
self three or four of the most learned
and best of the cardinals. What are
these among so many? You would all
perish by poison Is-fore you could un
dertake to decide on a remedy. It is
all over with the court of Rome; the
wrath of God has come upon her to the
uttermost. She hates councils, she
drcitdH to h reformed, she cannot ro
strain the madness of her impiety, she
fills up the txtntonco passed on her
mother, of whom it Is said, 'Wo would
have hcakd Babylon, but she is not
healed; lot us forsake her.' It had
been your duty and that of your cardi
nals to apply a remedy to these evils,
but this gout laughs at the physician's
hand, and the chariot dins not obey tho
reins. Is it not true that there
is nothing under tht vast heavens more
corrupt, more pestilential, more hateful
than tho court of Home? She incom
parably surpasses thj impiety of the
Turks, to that in very truth sho, who
was formerly the gate of heivi n, is now
a sort of oK n mouth of hell, and such a
mouth u, under the urgent wrath of
God, cannot ho blocked up; one course
alone being left to us wretched men, to
call back and save sumo few, if we can,
from the Roman gulf.'"
Luther and the other Human Catho
lics of the sixteenth century could not
bring about reforms in that corrupt
church, which he has depleted in such
strong language. They were compelled
to come out of it to save their souls. It
Is thus that priesu and people lu every
generation since the beginning of tho
Reformation who earnestly deslied tho
salvation of their souls, and experi
encednot merely saw at a distance
toe corruptions of the Roman church,
have beun forced to come out of It.
They longed for the truth, and tho Holy
Spirit taught them in God's Word'
"The just shall live by faith," cried
Luther. "By gruco ye are saved
through faith; it Is the gift of God, not
of works," said Paul. "By taitl in
Christ as our only Mediator and Sav
iour we are save J," exclaim the host
of priests and p-euple who have re
nounced Rom.inisui. Convirletl C('i
olk. I'rlCKt Calls Tor the Police.
Peki:, 111., Oot. 111. Father Sikerski,
of the Polish Catholic Church of this
city, to-day asked the mayor for police
proUction from his parishioners. Sev
eral times have they tried to drive him
from ti e city, but he barricades him
self in the parish lesidence, and thus
far has always ben able to keeo them
ut bay until the police arrived. The
opposing faction, which comprises
nearly every member of the church,
has called a meeting, and serious
trouble is anticipated, as grave threaU
are mude regarding the priest. The
police on duty in the vicinity have or
ders to preserve the peace at all haz
ards This last uprising is tho result
of a difference which Father Sikerski
had with the sisters located hero. They
have, owing to the harsh treatment to
which they were subjected by the
priest, left the city for Milwaukee so
members of the church say.
Not only in America, but in all parts
of the world, the Roman Catholic
Church is compelled to contend with
those who oppose her. Let us rejjice
in that fact. In Rome, the-"holy city,"
we see heretics unveiling a statue to
Garibaldi; at proper times in Germany
the memory of Luther is revived in
the minds of the people; in SouthAtn
erica the "detestable" Free-Masons are
at work, and in North America we have
the "contemptible" A. P. A.'s, which
society is setting the whole world on
fire against the man who wants "the
whole earth." When we stop to think
how many thousands of pages are being
printed every week in ail parts of the
world (and especially in America) at
the present time against the Roman.
Catholic Church, we are not surprised
that the priest said: "The A. P. A.'s
have extended the time before our full
control in the United States to fifty
years." K. P. U.N'UM.