The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, October 25, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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We Represent the Great Western Stove Works, of Leavenworth, Kan.,
and we are now making some Special Prices on
The following are some of
Acknowledges no competitor as a hard
coal Uase-Burner; handsomely orna
mented; Patent Duplex Grate.
No. 120 37.00
No. 140 40.00
No. 100 45.00
A splendid llard-Coal Heater. Duplex
Grate; finely ornamented.
No. 13, Our Trico $25.35
No. 14, " " 23.00
No. 1G, " " 31.35
No. 14, Hard Coal 15aso-Burner, a hand
some Stove $23.05
Til 11 GUIS AT
Is one of the Pest made Soft coal
Heaters and will give entire satis
faction to the' purchaser. Trices
range as follows:
No. 112 A, Great Western Oak $12.95
No. 114 A, " " " JJ-35
No. 116 A, " " " 16.65
No. 118 A, 2025
These aro the finest finished Unka in town.
The Popular Comedian,
Late of Kvans & Hoey, "OM Hoss" in
"Parlor Match," and his ov.1i com
pany of riavets, under the direction
of Arid Hauicv. present intf the latest
comic hit. in three acts, by Loafs Do
Lanpe, entitled
Globe Trotter.
The Plaveis: w M. IIoky. "Old
Hoss and a' Half ", Frederick Bryton,
M. A. Kennedy. Louis DeLaiiRe, Ittir
ton Colever, B D. Abbey, Mrs. Dion
Koucicanlt. Mrs. (Jerome Kdwurdy,
Ada Alexandra.
Sale of seats will open Tuesilay
morning- Prices- First door, oOc, "."ic
and $1: balcony, oiic and Toe.
Nun. Mon. Taps.
OCT. 27. 2S, 2s.
Special Tuesday Matinee
The (Jrand Spectacular Legendiary
. . Urania, .
The . .
Black Crook.
Tons of Magnificent Scenery. V mul
titude of intricate Paraphernalia. 20
European Novelties. Fitst time at
regular Prices. Seats now on sale.
Prices: First Floor. We, T.'e, and
$1.00,- balcony, 50c and TV; pallery,
6c0, Matine prices first floor iOc and
75ry balcony, Vic and 2-ic.
The Greighton Theatre
Telephone 1531.
4 NIGHTS commencing "17
Sunday Matinee, OCTOBER L 1
. . Superba.
Coming Oct. 31 and Nov. 12,
Heating Stoves
the best makes, and will
Miss Mnmlc CiibBiine, a Benutiftil St.
Louis Heiress, Enters a Convent.
Miss Mamie Cabanne, one of the rich
est and most beautiful society young
ladies of St. Louis, Mo., on Oetolier 17
nntenul. as a txintulant. the Visitation
Convent. The Cabanne family ig closely
Identified with the history or St. Louis,
Miss Mamie' trreat-ereat-erandfather
having settled here In the eighteenth
century. Cabanne placo, the most ex
clusive residence quarter of the town,
where the family now reside in a
splendid mansion, formerly belonged to
the naternal estate. The young canui-
date for religious orders made her de
but In society only two years ago, ana,
though very popular, she ha since
shown far more interest in work of
charity than in social functions. She
was educated at tho Loretta Academy
of the Sacred Heart, and ha always,
from a child, been greatly attached to
her religious duties. She will take
with her into tho church a large for
tune. AMt'SE.tlENTS.
DeWolf Hopper and his excellent
company will be the attraction at
Boyd' Theatre this afternoon and eve
ning. The popular comic opera, "Dr.
Syn'ax," will be presented at both
Manager Hayne of the Boyd has
iustclosed a contract with the Dam-
rosch Opera Company, for December
26th, 27th and 28th. This is the largest
operatic organization traveling, num
bering 165 people.
No olav ever produced tells, in such
a vivid manner, the old story of right
and justice prevailing, as doe the
"Black Crook." It i a good sermon
and in it i extolled the virtues of
Stalacta and the bravery of Rudolph.
Hertzog (the Black Crook) sells his
soul for eternal life, and endeavors to
drag into perdition Rudolph, so that
he (Hertzog) may longer live. He Is
foiled by the fairy queen (Stalacta),and
In the end virtue triumphs, and the
wicked are punished. It Is an Impres
sive story, and embellished a It i with
1516 and 1518
Capitol Ave.
give good service:
oak sroris,:
No. 112 H, Great Western Oak $11.65
No. 114 D, Half Nickel Finish 13.35
No. 116 H 15.20
No. 118 B 17.95
No. 120 D, 19 95
No. 12 $9.Cd
No. 14 10.95
No. 16 12.67
THE MODEL OAK Just the thing for a
a moderate-priced Heater.
No. 110 $G.10
No. 112 7.15
No. 114 8.10
No. 116 10.95
All of which are equally reliable and
will do just what we claim for them :
No. 112, Elf $5.35
No. 113, Elf 6.00
No. 10, Imp 4.00
No. 12, Imp .' 5.05
No. 8, Topsy 5.05
No. 8, Zoe 4.80
all It wealth or gorgeous scenery,
beautiful costume and lithesome danc
er, representing fairies), it has ranked
among the high class theatrical attrac
tions for over a quarter of a century.
It will be seen here at Boyd' Theatre
on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday next,
with special matinee Tuesday. The
seats are now on sale.
The great Sandow and the Troca-
dero Vaudeville company will bo the
attraction at Boyd's Theatre on Mon
day, Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 4,
5 and 6.
Welcome a oysters are In the first
cool days if autumn is the Honorable
Bill Hoey. We haven't had a real
hearty laugh in the theatre for weeks,
and If the original Old Hoss cannot
tickle our lonesome ribs, as the rag
gedy man says, who can.' Mr. Iloey
comes to Boyd's Wednesday and Thurs
day, October 30 and SI, with an en
tirely new play and a cast which is old
in snirit hut not in form. The piece is
a comic play, written by Louis DeLange
and called "The Globe Trotter, lioey
will appear in bis familiar tramp at
tire and the fond memories of Old Hoss
will be vividly recalled, doubtless by
what he does. The comedian will
shave off that wonderful beard of his
In Act I and become a deaf and dumb
old woman; later on he will appear as
an English lord. Hoey s rasnlonaoie
gowns are said to be elaborate ana
costly. The other members or the
company are Frederic Bryton, M. A.
Kennedy. Louis DeLance, Burton Col-
ver, R. D. Abbey, Mr. Dion Boucicault
(Louise Thorndyke), Miss Oerome fM-
werdy, Ada Alexandra.
Notice of Henioval.
Saunders. Macfarland & Dickey have
removed their law offices from the
Merchants National Bank Building to
1402 Farnam street, opposite Paxton
We are offering
Six-Hole, complete with high warm
ing Closet and w ater-back f 10.00
I. XL STEEL RANGE, same as above
except it has only four holes f 32.00
No. 820, Famous Banquet Cast Range, 6-hole,
No. S, High Shelf and Reservoir . . .$56.65
No. 820, same as above, without ijj
Shelf and Reservoir 26.25
No. 818, same as 820, but smaller ov n 25.25
No. 820 D, 4-hole, No. 8, High Shelf
with Reservoir 32.25
No. 820 D, 4-hole, No. 8, without High
Shelf and Reservoir 24.25
No. 818 I), 4-hole, No. 8, without High
Shelf, with Reservoir 20.25
We sell all kinds of Cooking Utensils at popular prices. But the cold weather will soon be
here, so we will call your attention to Weather-Strip for your doors and windows, Strap Hinges,
Padlocks. By the way, we have too many Padlocks, so we will make a special Padlock sale this
corning week.
Loberk's 4c I'adlmks
Lobeek's He Padlocks,
LulHH'k'g 1 2c l'mltm k,
Lolieck's l.c Padlocks,
Lobeek's ISc l'adlorks,
LulMck's 22c Padlocks
Wc are headquarters for House-Furnishing Goods, Glassware,
Hardware, Nails, and Builders' Hardware.
Don't You Forget to Come and See Us!
obeck Merchandise
Notice to Non-Resident Defendant
In thedlstrlct court of Dounlas county.Ne
braska: Frank Thompson, executor, una Joe K.
Lane, admin Btrator with the will annexed
of James Thompson, deceased, plaintiffs, vs.
I,ew I'lxley, Vlona I'lxlev. .1. Herbert Van
Closter, Mar' a Woods. Nebraska Mortciipe
& Loan Co., James Sklrvlntf and MaRislo J.
Curry, defendants.
To Lew I'lxley. Vlona IMxlev. J. Herbert
Van Cluster, Maria Weeds. Nebraska Mort
miKe Si Loan Co.. James SklrvtnK and MaKKle
J. Cu ry. non-resident defendants:
You are h reby notified that on the 2nd
day of October, lHk", plaintiffs herein tiled
i heir petition In the above entitled cause, in
(he district, court of Douglas county. Ne
braska against. Lew I'lxley. et al. the object
and pl ayer of which Is to foreclose a certain
mortirase executed on lhe 1st day of July.
lKsa, by lew I'lxley and Vlona ixley, upon
the property described as follows:
Beginning at a point One Hund-ed and
Twenty (I2( feet South and Sixty-four iM)
feet Kant of the Northwest corner of Lot
Four (41. in Block Seven (7, of Kirkwood ad
dition to the city of Omaha, Nebraska, run
ning thence Kast parallel with the South line
of said Lot Hour (4). Thirty-two CKl feet;
thence Nortli parallel with the Kast line of
said Lot Four (4), One Hundred and Twenty
(120) feet; thence West along the North line
of said Lot Four (4) Thirty-two Ci'i) feet;
thence South to place of beginning to secure
the payment of a rote for the sum of 1-if teen
Hundred and no-KKI l.;mt) dollars; that
there Is new due and payable on said note the
sum of Fifteen Hundred and no imitl.vmoom
dollars, with Interest at the rate of peven (i)
per cent per annum from the tlr.t day of
January. IMO. for which sum. with Inte est
plaintiffs uray for a decree that the defend
ant pay Uie same, and that In default of
such payment said premises may be sold to
satisfy the amount found due plaintiffs.
You are n quired to answer said petition
on or before the 2nd day of December, WM.
Dated at Orraha, Nebraska. October 25, 181B.
By J. W. Ilouder. attorney for plaintiff.
Frank Thumps n et al. vs. Lew I'll ley et al.
Docket (52; No. 31S. 10-25
Notice to Non-Resident Defendant.
In the district court of Douglas county.
Nebraska. ,
Frank Thompson, executor, and Joe K.
Lane, administrator, with the will annexed
of Jmes Thompson, deceased, plaintiff, vs.
Lew lMxley. Vlona I'lxley. J. Herbeit Van
Cluster. Nebraska Mortcatfe and Loan Co
in aria Woods. Jauies Skirvlnir. MaaKle .1.
Curry and Nellie O. Shepherd, defendants.
To Lew 1'ixlev. Viona I'lxley. J. Herbert
Van Closter. Nebraska Mortsrase and Loan
Co.. Maria Woods. James SklrvlniS, Mantle J.
Curry and Nellie G. Shepherd, non resident
defendants: .
You are hereby notified that on the 2nd
dav of October. 1S!B. the plaintiffs herein
tiled their petition In the above entitled
cause, in the district court of Doiuflas
county. Nebraska, atrainst Lew Pixley et al..
the object and prayer of which Is to foreclose
a certain montane executed on the hrst uay
of July. 1S. by Lew Fixley and lona
I'lxley upon the property described as fol
lows: Beginnins at a point one hundred and
twenty t I2UI reel soimi am' ""J-"'"
east of lhe northwest corner of lot four 4I
In block seven 7 of Kirkwood addition to
the city of Omaha. Netraska; runninx tht'n''e
east parallel wiui iu-"
''.. Ihlrty-two .l-BJ fcj; theace norrt
Sne Hundred and twenty ;l2m feet; f thence
weM along tne nor .. . .e u. . ,
beeinninit. to secure th pjiyment or a cer-
hundred and no-1110 .Sl.5n0.l dollars: that
. . , .i.... ..n,i ,.urtiU nn sH.itl note
the sum of fifteen hundred and no-100 dollars
ill."" (H, wltn interest a. me rir ...
per cent per annum from the hrst day of
January, is:'... ror n nil num.
, , .!! .... .. unit, ihe riefend-
',""8jr'"".".;'-;i.vr In default of
ant. pay ...o . -- -- .
such uayment said premises may be sold to
You i are required to answer said petition
on or before ti.e inj uay o. r...
Dated at Omaha. Nebraska. Oct 2... ls'.t.
t KAN K THOMSON, t al.
By J. W. Houder, attorney for plaintiff s.
Frank Thompson et al. vs. Lew I'lx ej et. tl
Dcx'ket ftS, No. m. ,, 10--
some splendid bargains
I No. 818 C, 4 holes, No. 8 Range $19.3$
j No. 818 C, 4 holes, No. 8 Range, with
' Reservoir 25.65
No. 820 C, A holes, No. S Range, without
Reservoir 23.25
! No. 820 C, 4 holes, No. 8 Range, with
Reservoir 28.30
, Wonder Range, High Shelf 19.35
Get our Figures on Heating and
Ventilating Public Buildings from
our Mr. Holbrook. He knows how
to Ventilate Public Buildings.
and 1518 Caoitol Avenue,
Opposite Northeast Corner New Postofflce.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendant.'
In the district court of Douglas county.
Frank Thompson executor, and Joe K.
Lane, administrator with the will Bnnexed
of James Thompson. plaintiff, vs. Lew I'lxley.
Vlona I'lxley. J. Herbert Van Closter. Ne
braska Mortgsge and Loan company. Maria
Woods. Nellie (1. Shepherd and Maggie J.
Curry, defendants.
To' Lew I'lxley. Vlona l'lxlev. J. Herbert
Van Closter. Nebraska Mortgage and Loan
company. Maria Woods. Nellie O. Shepherd
and .Maggie J. Curry, non-resident defend-
"you are hereby notified that on the 2d day
of October. 1SH5. the plaintiffs herein filed
their petition in the above entitled cause In
the district court of Douglas county, Ne
braska, against f-al.1 defendants, the object
and prayer of which is to foreclose a certain
mortgage ex ecu lea on .no isi nay ui juij,
1M9. by Ltw I'lxley and Vlona I'lxley upon
the p'op-rty described as follows, situated
In the county of Disugla and state of Ne
braska, to-wit: Beginning at a point one
hundred and twenty (120) feet south and one
hnririrnrf m d t went v-elglit (128) feet esst of
the northwest corner of lot four (4) In block
ven (7) of Kirkwood addition to the city of
Omaha, Nebraska, running thence east par
allel with the soutn line or saiu 101. iouri4j
thirty-two (32) feet, thence north parallel
with the east line of said lot four (4) one
hundred and twenty (12(i) feet, thence west
along the north line of said lot four (4) thirty
two i:c) feet, thence south to place of begin
ning ii secure the Daviuent of a certain note
of even date for the sum of fifteen hund-ed
(llftOd.ooi dollars. That there Is now due and
payable on said note the sum of fifteen hun
dred (JiStlU.mi) dollars with Interest at the
rate of 7 per cent per annum from the 1st
day of January. 1WM. for which sum, with
interest and costs, plaintiffs pray for a de
cree that the defendants be required to pay
the same, and that In aeiaun or sucn pay
ment said premises may be sold to satisfy
the amount found due plaintiffs.
Von nm remilred to answer Bald petition
on or before tne 2nd day of December, 1895.
Dated at On aha. Nebraska, oci. , ism.
Bv J. W. Houder, attorney for piaintnis,
Frank Thompsontl al. vs. rmify ei, ai.
Docktt 52. No. m IU-25 4
Notice to Non-Resident Defendant.
In the district court of Douglas county,
Frank Tfcompson.executor and Joe K.Lane,
administrator, with the will annexed of the
estate of James Thompson, deceased, plain
tiffs vs. Harrison Wirlck, Anna A. wlrick,
Sheridan Wirlck. Oluf Brown. Nels O. Brown.
F.llen Harris. Mtlon s. lanusay. i " ' ci.iru.
Investment Company and J. H. Mlllarc,
1 ToHsrrison Wirlck, Anna A. Wirick. Sher
idan Wiiick, Oluf Brown. Nels O. Brown,
F.llen Harris, Milon S. Lindsay, and The Cen
tal Investment Company, uou-resident de
fendants ... . , .
You are hereby notified that on the 2nd of
October, 16. the plaintiffs herein, tiled the
petition In the above entitled cause,: in; the
diMrlct court of Douglas county. Nebraska,
against said defendants, the object and
prayer of which is to foreclrse a certain
mort gage executed on t he 1st day of Jan. IhsH,
by Harrison Wirlck and Anna A. Wlrick to
the Central Investment Company, upon the
property described as follows situated in the
County of Douglas and State of Nebraska
to-wit: The north twenty-five tt'.i) feet of
lots nineteen 1 and twenty (2tn of block
three (lb. of Union Place, an addition to the
city of South Omaha. Douglas County. Ne
braska, to secure the payment of a certain
note of even date for the sum of One Thous
and ($1000 On) dollars, that there is now due
and payable cn said note the sum of One
Thousand (illKKi.OOl dollars with Interest at
the rate of 7 per cent per annum from the 1st
day of January. IssH. for whk'h sum. wiih in
terest and costs, plaintiffs pray for a decree
that the defendants be required to p&y the
same, and that in default of such payment
said premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount found due plaintiffs.
You are rf quired to answer said pet'tlon
omor Derore tne iaa uay o. iecei.n r. it.
Dated at Omaha. Nebraska. Oct. 25. l!.".
By J. W. Houder, attorney for plaintiffs.
Frank Thompson et al. vs. Harrison Wlrick
etal. Docket 52; No. 1 10 25-4
among, which are
No. 817 II, Wonder No. 8, 4 holes $13.00
No. 819 II, Wonder No. 8, 4 holes, no
Reservoir 14.70
No. 819 II, Wonder No. 8, 4 holes, with
Reservoir 20.65
No. 821 G, Wonder No. 8, 4 holes, no
Reservoir 18.20
No. 821 G, Wonder No. 8, 4 holes, with
Reservoir 22.90
Edward Baumley, tor livery, 17th
and St. Marys Ave
Eat Dyball's delicious cream candles
1513 Douglas street.
J. Henderson, 316 N. Sixteenth etreet.
Umbrellas covered and repaired.
When down town drop in at John
Rudd's and leave your watch, If It is out
of repair, to be fixed. 317 north 16 St.
Success Council No. 3, W. A. I A.,
trave a pleasant social In their hall last
Wednesday evening. About two hun
dred and fifty visitors were present.
Notice of Removal
Saunders, MacFarland & Dickey hava
removed their law offices from the
Merchants' National Bank Building-,
to 1402 Paraam street, opposite Pax
ton Hotel.
In every town in the United States to
Bell a sure cure for Cancer, Fever Sore
and Milk-Leg. Address
C. A. C. Medical Co.,
C. A. Crum, Mgr.
1703 Wabash Ave. Chicago, 111.
Go to
California !
in a Tourist Sleeper.
It is the RIGHT way.
Pay more and you are ex
travngant. Pay less and
you are uncomfortable.
The newest, brightest,
cleanest and easiest rid
ing Tourist Sleepers are
used for our
Personally Conducted
Excursions to
w hich leave Omaha every
Thursday morning reach
ing San Francisco Sunday
evening, and Los Angeles
Monday noon.
You can join them at
any intermediate point.
Ask nearest ticket agent
for full information, or
write to
J. Francis, O. P. A., Omaha, Neb.
new set made the same dav. Teethextrai;td
without pain. DR, WITHERS, Dentist, fourth
floor, frown Blk.. ltilh & Douglas, 0H, net
-A I ii! Il- the morn-