The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, October 25, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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Guard th Courts.
The lMiriupes who profess to ne no
Bdctiity for the present great to!ilicaI
rgaciziUous, anil who deride the M.
plo for th jimlloi'mnoo to party, are m t
ery numerous: and. ttrtunate'y, have
but little iofljeni'. Under our form of
povernmeat jarty organiz tiion area
necessity, and cousittU-nl adheii'tice to
party, ioeWad of bring dfprteatrJ, U
to be commended. Toe political par
ties of th'ts ojuntry ait the bulwark
of freedom gre it organized armU'gof
civilian frvtuieu etandtntf guard on r
their liberties and their right une'e
the coD8tititioo. Wittiout suiih organ
ization;) human liberty would hne no
afeguardu, and government of the peo
ple and by the people would fail.
Great party organizations are not a
menace tj tin rights of any one, bur.
they are a isiumbiing-b'ok in the way
of those who, if they could, would rob
the people of their liberties and their
right of self-governme it. Human na
ture is much the same the world over,
and even in thin country there are
those who, by reason of vicious in
herited instincts, seek such power, and
very naturally one of thefirntof their
cunningly laid plans would be to de
moralize party organizations an J secure
control of a cringing and subservient
judiciary. Tan placing of one such
judge upon the bench would immeasur
ably Increase the power and influence
of an evil-disposed would-be dictator,
and, needless to tay, would be a public
ralamity. The judges of our courts aro
public servant in whose keeping are
entrusted to a great extent the prop
erty, the lives and the rights and
liberties of the people; and tbey should
be selected by the people an 1 not by
ome unscrupulous politician who may
have nefarious designs to cary out.
Judges should be under obligations to
no one but the people win entrust
them with the highest and most sacred
duties; and, above all, they should be
&Vve suspicion of subserviency to any
living man. Only those candidates for
positions on the bench who have bom
nominate! in the usual way and by the
usual methods, without tin interfer
ence of any ambitious dictator, are
worthy of public confidence. It is
well known to tin public that the only
candidates for judges of the district
court so placed in nominati in in this
district were nominated by a Repub
lican convention, and they are the only
ones worthy of the support of the peo
ple at the polls. Under such circum
stances and in so doing, conscientiously
and firmly believing t lat we are voicing
the sentiments o( the masjes of the
people, we sha'l give the U'publioan
candidates for judges of the district
court our earnest support. It is the
duty of every one, irrespective of party,
to sea that our courts shall not be
placed under any debauching and de
moralizing influence. South Omaha
Jhrily Tnhtine (Democratic).
Under our form of government, great
party organizations are a neuessity.
Wise governmental pjlicies and re
forms can be carried out only by organ
ized effort, and without such unity of
purpose as is secure! by party organi
zations made up of the great masses
of the voters, government by the peo
ple in America would prove as igno
minious a failure as it did under the
old republicsof Greece and Hmc. Only
by uniting together in great bodies
can the masses of the people carry out
their will; and the disintegration of
parties and abandonment of all political
organization would result in anarchy.
Under such a state of affairs, history
would repeat itself some ambitious
dictator would seize the reins of govern
ment, intrench himself in power, and
the people would have to content them
selves to live under a galling despo
tism. It is not only the right but it is
the duty of every true, patriotic citizen
of this country to become identified
with some political party; and the mo
ment he does so he becomes a "parti
ian";for that much abused word simply
means, "one who adheres or belongs to
a party." The lawyer, the physician,
the. merchant, the banker, the farmer,
the mechanic, and the railway locomo
tive engineer, arepartizans, in the dis
charge of their duties as citizens and
voters; and there it ends. In the con
duct of their professions, their busi
ness, or their public duties, partizan
ship has no inliuence and no part. A
railway manager who would select so
many Republicans, so many Democrats
and so many Populists for positions as
locomotive engineers, in order to make
them "non-partizans" and secure the
confidence of the public who trust their
lives in their hands, would, rightly
enough, be considered a fool. Upon
questions of form of government the
people of all parties are, practically,
united, and disagrea only in re
gard to minor questions of public
policy. A man who is so lacking in
intell igence that he ha9 no opin
ion in regard to questions and pol
icies upon which political parties
differ is mentally unfit to perform any
important public duties. If he has
opinions, but for any reason dare not
or will not assert them and unite with
the party which represents what he
believes to be the best government
policies then ho is too dishonest or Is
t grent a coward t j be t-uUd In any
position, Oilier public or private.
F.very g kkI citlzea U to a greter
or lo extnt a partisan a a voter, la
the discharge of li dutiei as j nlge or
other public otlkvr No honei-t man U
a p.rtizan, and t Ue credit of our
couru be it said, parti:n!iip has no
place In th n. The tuUi'ig up of niei
of d'tTereut political ja-lle on a bi
partisan or tri partizan tioke'. u id thn
calling sucticndidtet "mm par'.izana''
Is an absurdity aul alt g thor to
transparent a trick t dujeive any
but the must ignorant voters. A citi
zens, all of the candidates for judge
of the JUtriet c m'i on tti 1 C'.liz tns'
Movement Popullst-IVm K-ratlo ticket
arj partizins, just as mu:h so as are
the candidates on tha U publican
ticket. i regards parlizanship a
citizens and voters and noa partizan
shlp as judges tiey are al on an
equal foooting. To secure non par
tizan judges it is only necesta-y to
elect honest men to llm bench, judges
who will not sneez) every ttrao a
tricky, dishonest politician takes snuff.
Beware of Kdwurd K jm? ater's p clous
pie is for a "non partizan judiciary."
It is a mi-lea ling and dishonest argu
m"nt made on!y tocat jh votes. Om iha
It lily Trihune (German).
Judge Hopewell's Position.
A false rumor has been put In circu
lation, to the effect that some of the
tiepublicans of Purtcjunty would voie
for C. T. Dickinson, the Republican
nominee, and M. 11. Hopewell, the
nominee on the K isewator ticket. Mr
Hopewell is not entitled t , neither
will he receive, the support of the Re
publicans of Hurt county. Mr. Dickin
son won the nomination In an honor
able manner at the Tekamah prima
ries the home of both gentlemen
and the Republican county convention
endorsed the action of the Tekamah
Republicans. Mr. II jpe . veil also caused
the following letter to be read to the
Republican county convention:
Tekamah, Neb., Sept. 17, 189").
Capt. Jorcph Hall.
Dear Sir: You are authorized to say
that I am not a candidate for Judge of
the District Court. I desire alt my
friends to support Judge Dickinson.
Yours truly,
How absurd, in the face of the above,
that the Republicans of ihis county
would cut some regular nominee on
their ticket to support tho nominee of
Mr. R )sewater. The rumor was put in
circulation by some of Mr. Hopewell's
friends for the purpose of injuring
Judge Dickinson in Douglas county.
Lyons Mirror.
The Czar or the People!
In the coming election the question
to be decided by the voters is: Shall
we live under the government of a czar
or under a government of the people?
The fact Is well known that every one
of the candidates for judges of the dis
trict court on the Citizens' ticket, the
Populist ticket an t the Democratic
ticket were placed there by orders of
the dictator and would-be czar, Ed
ward Risewater. The people had no
voice in selecting them, and if elected,
instead of being the servants of the
people, as they should be, they will be
t ie cringing servants of their master,
the Dictator. The only candidates for
judges of the district court nominated
by t he people ara those on the Kepub
lican ticket. If e!e3ted, they
will be honest and upright judges, and
will not be under Czar Rosewater. They
will be, as they should be, the servants
of the people for in this country, thank
God, the people are the masters. The
Iklnirke Listy (Bohemian).
What C. A. Potter Says.
Omaha, Neb., Aug. 31, 1895. The
Howard Medicine Company: Gentle
men I desire to say to all who feel the
strength of their manhood slowly slip
ping away, whose ambition is at its
lowest ebb, whose mind is beclouded,
and the senses dulled, when you feel
dyspeptic, and lose your self-respect,
that your blood is out of order, and all
you need is some of Howard's Vegetone
Blood Powdor to tone up your system.
It will act almost instantly upon the
blood; you will feel the renewed life
and vigor coursing through your sys
tem; you will feel the old-time grip in
your hands; your mind will be as active
as ever; your friends will observe the
flag of health flying in your face, and
you will feel like a new being. I have
not felt so well for five years as I do
since taking one package of your Blood
Powder, and 1 feel as strong and active
as ever. I weigh 15 pounds more than
ever in my life. Tbe change is so
marked that it is the subject of com
ment when meeting my friends. I
recommend Howard's Vegetone Blood
Powder to be, as 1 believe, the greatest
blood-purifier on earth.
C. A. Potter.
Priests Violating the Law.
City of Mexico, Oct. 19. Com
plaint is made that t ie parish priests
of Talcatopej, State ot Mexico, after
being duly admonished, are persistent
in organizing nocturnal processions
carrying images through the streets.
The Constitutional Reform Club is pro
curing the prosecution of all infractions
of the reform law. The radical liberal
papers taunt the clericals with having
secured nothing more out of their grand
coronation festivities than an ordinary
result, and its concealed monarchical
purpose turned out a complete fiasco.
t'Aii.uti.E inu iitii.n v.
The I'vpe uf Itomr Krirrx HintM-lf pa
4 hurt h I nit j.
We" don l Ilka you my in.rv,
"W" won't tlv on your cell srdttor.
Minneapolis, M.un., Ottottor H gud. n generally coma n
a collection of animal fir wit nt ; (li
ft mi's or purpose. Tho to.m of lh
! I'niUd Slut.-s have made the luUlakeof
their Iifo in not si-curing the present
pepj a a monstrosity. Hoof tho un
lucky Xill. Is continually keeping his
"chiidren in the faita'1 jumping back
and forth for and against subject of
the day, in a maimer ih U would excite
the envy of a jmnpiiijj-ja .'k. Letters
uimid church unity have been sent to
several muiona in w hich "We, Us A
Co." want to bring arxiut such a rmult.
' We" tir d utio of toe Kiiglit-h, auU
"V shot one at the Greek church,
and "We" hinted at one mat might be
doi.e up in some relio ard iiunucd to
tue faithful citizens ot Uueie Sam's
bousehoid. "Our" love for the hit tor's
welfare has hoen demonstrated in many
speeches to those who havj visited
"us" and rcceivid " our" blessing. Yes,
"Wo" did really think of unity ol Curls
tondom, but "We" suddenly chang d
"Our" infallible minds. "u' have kept posted on the happenings of
the day in the Uuilel Slates, and
"We" view with alarm the tendency ol
Protestant ladies tj draw c.o-er to
gether, and "We" fear ihtt some day
some of tbeir tects may consoli late.
"We" never meant ii, "We" were only
fooling. "We" have learned ihtt In
tho United States oouvenuous are be.d
in which peon io ascuiulu proiuHcuourly
to treat on religious and correct mor
als. "Wo" don't like it one bit. "We"
nave "tolerated" ttieiu with "prudent
silence." Jiut a-t though Americans
held conventions and Hidings by per
in is b of him if the fme religion! A
missal cautioning the papal clergy from wilti Protectant galui ring
looking lotvai d bringing closer relig
ious leeliug was ' given i" Rome,"
slgLCd Leo XIII.
bis action was no doubt a li.tlo pre
mature, but nevertheless sh ws the
intolerant spirit ol the liberal-minded
has been, ilo bad prooably heard ol
the conditions tue Congregalidualists
were willing to consider tin unity ques
tion in which no mention was uiauc of
a pope. Heie are some abstracts de
claiming tue Ho y Scriptures "the suffi
cient and only iufaliiole rule of religi
ous faith and practice": " We recognize
nocreed of human origin to have au
thority over our laith, wni.-h autnority
belongs to the word of God. In any
union contemplates those wuo join toe-ether
have, ajcorJingly, the rigut to
maintain their conscientious varieties
of faith and order." How does that
strike "We" in the Vatican? Freedom
of conscience! Yea, verily, the Jtsuit
exclaims "not me!" and the pope says
Then the Congregational ists seem to
prefer Protestant union. No doubt the
pope heard about it and was sorely
t filleted with pains. Hj would poe as
a veritable Job. And if Job found itout
he would settle Leo quicker than the
Corbetl hm silenced Fitzsimmons with
his tongue.
Among high ecclesiastics it is felt
that "Our" letter urging non-participation
in "promiscuous religious con
gresses" opens up a question as serious
as "Our" attitude did on the secta
rian school system. "We" have
thought all along that "Wo"
might make concessions, but "We"
won't; "We" will be stubborn
from now out. An eminent priest
preached a series of sermons on this
subjtct, snowing that there was but
one plan of unity possible, and that
was the return of all sects to the
church, all us A. P. A.'s included ir
you will. Tin language of "Our" let er
leaves no doubt as to "our" attitude.
Now, you A. P. A. boys who have
been seeking reunion with Home may
judge for yourselves, from "our" own
words, from which the undersigned
heretic has taken his article. You
have bten pronounced as dead by Rome.
What's the use in walking around to
save funeral expenses any longer?
There is no doubt but all of Chris
tendom will give their souls to "Our"
safekeeping. If you want a decent
burial join "Our" church with the rest
and "we" will see you through purga
tory. "We" have an abundance of
candles. "We" will grease the tobog
gan 6lide so you will go quickly to your
"We" have sent many a heretic to
the great beyond before you. "We"
are not in business for "our" health.
"We" always acce,)t "gifts," and in
return issue passes over the Pope,
Purgatory & Perdition Route to the
hereafter. Come one, come all, to
'Our" midwinter carnival. "We"
have an enormous gall, and if "we"
ever drown it will burst and "we" wili
float. Zamhot.
How's This!
We otter One Hundred Dollars reward for
ny case of Catarrh mat cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh (Jure.
F. J.OHtNEY & CO.. Toledo. O.
We. the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last IS years, and be ieve him
perfectly honorable In all busiurss transac
tions and. flnauciulty able, to carry O'Jt any
obligations made by their firm.
Wkst& Tkuax, wholesale druj?Klsts, Toledo,
Walking, K inn an A Marvin, wholesale
druKlsls. Toledo, Ohio.
Hail's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally,
act nit directly upon the blood and mucous
Burface of tne system. Testimonials sent
free. Price ijc pet bottle. Bold by all drug-Klots.
rrS ?! uj i
Imm V
1J -
J3 ,
A tiKN'fH W AN I FH-Miile and F ale. In
i iiunly. tiate irvvloun tx-cupa-t
Inn lo receive i.miMiii propo lion. Su-dy
work: good yuy and advancement.
Ii Ms iii mam I'iiii.ihiiinii Co , Chicago.
WATF.I--CanaeiH for 'America or
Koine, Christ or the I'opeV" the fusli sl
Kelllnit pal riol Ic boon In Anient a. Atuircan,
TlIK I.IIV Al, I'l'lll.lslllNtl Co.. Toledo. .
Vlice to .Non- Itcsitleiil Defendant.
In tint District Court of DoiikIiim couuiy,
Frank Thompson, executor, and Joe It.
I. an, iMlinliitsiiuliir. Willi Hie will anneked
of Jamt'M 1 tioiupson, tit-ceased, plaintillH, its.
Ia I'mley. VI. ma I'lxli-y. J. Ilorlx-rl Van
Closier, Maria Woods. Nebraska Morlitaxe
and Loan company, ( lay Km A . (ialea Da K.
liaH-s, Ct-rlia Ulforman, Joseph U O'lior
man and MaguieJ. Curry, defendanut
To lt w I'uiey. Viona I'mley. J. Herbert
Van t luster. M alia Woods. Nebraska Morl
liace ami Loan comi my. Clayton A (iateii,
Ira K tjaiea. Cecelia triiorinan. Joseph K
(I'll, un. an and Man nit J Curry, nm, resident
You are hereby notlhVd llial on the 1 day
of ll. tolier, ls:i.i, pl.iliililTs herein llbd llitir
prill Ion III the alio.' entitled cause In lint
ulstnct coui-mr Dounlas county, Ne taska,
attains! D'W I'Uley et nl the object and
prayer of winch Is to foreclose a certain
iiiortvaxe exet ilieU on the 1st. day of July,
issii. by I' xley and Vlona Fixit y, Ins
wife, upon the property described as follows:
Ht'CiiiiiiiiK at a point one hundred and
iweuiy il.Hl leet xoulii ami Oil ly linn feel
east of the north west, corner of lot four (41 ill
block seven i?i of Mikwood adilit Ion to the
cily of Omaha, Nebraska, riiuuiuK llience
east parallel iltl tbesoulh line of said lot
four i4i thirty-iwo Ctti left, thence norm par
allel with llieeusl line of Hani lot four iJi one
hundred and twenty il.H) feel, thence west
aioiiK the north line of said lot four 4I
ihlny-l wo Cl-I feet, thence sou ill to place of
bt-Kluninvc. u securo lliu payment of a note
of even Hate for the sum of lifteeu hundred
and ti HMil'W( dollars. Thai llirru Is now
due and payable on said note th ' Mini of llif
len hundred and (m-liio iUW n il dollars, with
Interest, l the rale of i percent per annum
from the 1st tlay of, ISli.1, for wnlcu
sum with Interest plaintiff pray for a (It free
that the defendants pay tne Name, and that
in default of such paymeut said premises
may Of h ld to satisfy tne kitioiiul fouod due
Yuu are rt itllred to answer said petition
on or before t ie -u uay ui noieiiim-r.
Da. ed at Omaha, Nebraska, 1 1 t. iwa.
FKANK HIOMTnuN et a, ,
Hy J. W. Homier, attorney for I'laliitill.
Frank I hompsou et al. vs. Lew I'mley et al.
Docket !i. No. ilir.
Special Master I'oiniiiiHsioiier's Sale.
1,'nder and by virtue of an order of sale on
dcereeof foreclosure of mundane Issued out
of the district court for Dounlas county,
Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the
ftilh day of November. A. D. IMI.'i, lit 1
o clock p. in. or sum uay, aiwie norin ironi
door of the county court house, In thecltv of
Umaha, Douulaa county, Nebraska, sell at
public auction to the bin nest ulilder for cash,
the properly descrlbeu In said order of sale
as follows, to wit: Lot eltrbt IS) In Cain
I'lace, an audition to t lie city of Omaha,
lioie'las counl v. Nebraska: also a tract de-
scribc u as follows: Oommenclnn at. the north
east corner of said lot eifc'hl (hi. ruuiilnit
ineuce north Lib leet; tneiice
west (oriv and on" half i40') fe I: thence
south thirty-t hree (. t feet to ihe norltiwesi
corner of said lot elKhliHi; thence east forty
and one-haif (4U'il feet to the place ot ue
irliiniinf. In said city of On. aha; said lot
eight (Si to ' separately appraised aud
separately sold.
balU property HI oe soul I.O Bruiaij uui m
the nroceeds of the sale of all of the above
described property, Helen M. Ide, plaintill',
iheNumot twenty-one Ii una reu , eighty-two
dollars b ii, with Interest on two thou
sand dollars itU.iHJO W)i thereof at seven (7) per
cent per annum and on one hundred eiglity
iwo dollars cfisii.Wb thereof at ten (, per
cent per annum, all from M'pteiiuer 17. Is:t4.
1 o satlsry out oi tne proceeus oi saiu oi
lot eigut isi, after salislyliiif plaintitl'sclaim,
LitMruu A. Davis, uefeiitlaiil, Hie sum of
twenty-four hundred twenty tlollarsiW i'M W)
witu luteresi thereon at, 7 per cent per an
num ironi vjpieiuber 17, I .,", together with
coals ol suit and accruing costs accorulug to
a judgment rendered uy the district court of
said Douglas county, September term, A. 1).
Ih'.H, In a certain action men and there pend
ing wherein Helen M. Ide was planum aud
Sarah J. Cain el al. were defendant.
Omaha, Neb., October i, ik i.i.
Special Master Oomu lsjioner.
Benjamin F. Thomas, attorney.
Ide vs. Cain. lu-i'i-: Doc. 44; No. It22.
Notice Ut Jion Uesitlciit Difeiitluiit.
In tne district court of Douglas county,
Frank Thompson, exec itor, and Joe It.
l.ane. idiiiinlstrator, with the Will annexed
of James I'hoinpson, deceased, plainlills. vs.
Lew I'mley. Viona I'ixley. J. Uerbert Van
Cluster, Nebraska Mortgage and Loan Co.,
Maria Woods. Clayton A. Oates, ira K.
uates, Ida .M. Morey, Cecelia u'tiorman,
Joseph It. O'Oorman and Maggie J. Curry, ue-
fenUauUs. ....
To Lew I'ixley. lona rixiey. .1. Herbert
Van i;ioster. .Nebraska .Vlortgage Loan i,u.,
Maria Woods. Clay ton A ( Ira K. Uates,
l,i:. M Mnri'V. Lee.ella U'li Josenh K.
U'tiorman nd Maggie J Curry, non resiUeut
You are hereby tiotuieti mat on the jnu
day of October, is'.i.'i. plainlills herein tiled
tbeir petition tn the above entitled caue, in
the Ulstnct court of Douglas county, Ne
braska, against Lew rixiey et al.. the obei:t
and prayi r of which is to foreclose a cer tain
mortgage exeeuieu on t ne ui st uay m ,i my,
lss'.i, t,y Lew I'ixley and Viona I'ixley, ins
wife, upon the property described as follows:
iieginuiiig at a point one hundreu and
twetitv teet i IJoi fi el south of tue uoilliwest
corner of lot four 4' in block seven ill of
mrkwood aduilion to tne city ot I'maba.
Nebraska, running tiieuce east parallel with
the south line of said lot four .4: tiurty-t wo'; thence norib parallel with the east
line of said lot four i4i one hundred and
twenty feet tIJJi; thence west along the north
line of said lot four (4i th(rty-two i i.') feet;
thence south to the place of beginning; to
secure the payment ot a note for the sum of
fifteen honored and no-liio isL.tuiiNit uoliars:
thai there Is now Hue and payable on saiu
note the sum of fifteen hundred auu no-l'Hi
il .MM. mil dollars, with Interest al the r ite of
seven i7,i pf r cent per annum from the 1st day
of January, ls:i.l for which sum. with interest,
plainlills pray for a decree that tne defend
auts pay the same, and that in default of
such payment said premises may be sold to
satisfy the amount found due plaintiffs.
You are retiuired to answer said petition on
or before the 2nd day of December. ts.
Dated at Omaha. Neb., Oe toner 'ii. Isn't.
Hy J. W. Houder, attorney for plaintiff.
Frank Thompson et al. vs. Lew I'ixley et al.
Docket M; No. 31o. . , Jt to-24-4 j
You can suvo from lfi fo U'i ir
flio nevt
You pet .'. '0 Shoes f,r .'..r.O
You pt f.'J.oo Sliocs for
Youths' $.)0
I.Htlies Slioesi in the same proportionate prices.
71S So. N.foeifi St.
107 South Sixteenth Street.
SllOe,S Groat
See our Men's $3.fi0 Culf, lut.or-Too, Ctirk-Sole, 3
I.aeo Shoo, which wo will sell one week, for cash, at 4J,UU
Our liiolies' lino Calf Foxed, Poujrolu Top, Lnee Shoe, 3 flfl
just the Shoe for full anl winter wear, for cash, go ut p3UU
(.'filltlron'ti S1kmh,
lloy'n Sinn's,
Ul: to 1 .rt0
l.i'i to KM
107 Sotitli Sl.xtavuili Stroot.
Tells Us that Gccsc Once Saved the
City of Rome from Destruction
At the hands of the Gauls.
IWit wo can save tho City of Omaha from paying
High Prices for poor (ioods.
The Big Bennett Store
Does not Deal in Bankrupt Wrccks-but we haue every
thing that is New, Fresh and Wholesome.
4'orii rooiI 2-lb. ran for ,rc
Tomatoes -(; xl !MI. 'aii for 7c
I'eas f!(Mi 1MI). can for He
Succotash ii-1 1 . can for 7c
IViK'hex, new, lino Kiap'tetl, per lit. He
Raisins, line new crop, per Hi. 51'
Oil Stoves 4Sc
Itiimer I'uHh !''
Stove Milts 4i:
All Copper Wush lloilers l.4tl
Real 4'liiiia Tens, set of !....
Kine Klnte Tiiiiihleis
I'orcelain 411'anile l'lates
tiooil Trunks, al
Wood Water fails
Out-of-Town Folks Should Obtain Our Large Illustrated
Catalogue. Mailed Free to All.
7502-12 Capitol Avenue,
Merchant Tailor
Suits Made to Order.
(Jnariintoes a pprft'ft fit In nil cases. cloth
Inn clttanfil dyed and rfino(lt:lttU.
2107 C11 1111 off St.
Huccossttr to Drejtel & Maul.
Undertaker and Embalmer
1417 FA KM AM ST.
Tkl. 22.5. OMAHA. NEB.
Hint .Vow Voilr I.I to Ittillilitiic,
Undertaker Embalmer 6
013 South 16th St., OMAHA.
Watchmaker anfl Jeweler,
Fine Watch Repairing a specialty
612 South 16 Street.
American Ladies!
When Needing the assist
attce of a
First-Class Dress Maker
should not forjfft to call on
ifi.'l .Vorfh S.5fh "Sfreof
Shoe Sale
t out on nil rash purtliasfH for
thirty day.
You pt $.4M) Sli.Ks f..r $2.75
You pot $2.4i SIi.h h $1.50
Shoes; for $l..r.l.
1 VVomcn'u KIiook,
I ModV Shoes, -
- !.:.) toll. 00
l.a.i totlOO
4 iliiss .lar Jelly, at he
('an I.yo, at 4c
Itest ISi'cihI, per loaf, at Uc,
SuiokiiiK Tobacco, per Hi. at IHn
4'licwiliu Tiiliacco, pel' 111. lit l'U'
1 Si
('mil I toils
Kim Shovels
4 (iper liottoin Tea Kettles...
;;!ic iold Kami Teas ami l'lates. .. . 10c
:ic Fmt' Knuiiived Tumblers c
.'tc II inch Satchels, at 48c
;t(l Wash Hoard 'Mt
10c llnshel Corn ll.tskels 10fj
Office rcinovfd from 1M North lth Htret't to
1618 Chicago Street
Telephone GO. -:- OMAHA, NEB
D hires U) call the attention of
the nu'ilie to his
as a suitable place in wbich to hold
Picnics, Day and Evjning Pfties,
Dnces, Etc,
IttlWLINti AI.I.E, 1( t HALL,
. . AM) It A K IS (4.MXT10-N.
Little Red School
House Savings Bank,
With Flag. Nothing ever
sold like it.
Agents Wanted Every,
131 Tremont Street,