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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1895)
A tVl ER I O AN I'lTTMU Kli 1BIMI:S AMKT. Nat IVminriatl.Mi f U l'riiUi Be troth II. Id la 1W I'lTTSiH Kti. Oct. - Fifty Irishmen in l t r nitht U hear the report of the lit! .burp deVi; lh recent ra tional convention ' Irishmen at Chicken- JWph Holey prtiaUled. Iel pato Humphrey l.ymh, the only one vl the 0. '.. r.n I'ilUtiurg admit ted to th citiveutoti, denounced l'" :t!i riitt for reiu(ni; gonl'anco U lkle;.ito lr. I'-ul M Sa.-dy and h', companion. IV. Sliced y th?n IJrtwul tho meet Int. wnv.rnr the t'hlcatfocouventlon wa rntlro'.y unrejiroscnl alive of the maei oflrishin tlii euuHry. Tlirvo hun dred tlili,-UM hJ boon adwiltoj from Chit-apt and '"' 'almdy aec edited m representative ( varloti ut.. Ho ald the IMinburg delegate had b.-en refused a hearln;; by order of Mr. Ly man. Tluo who raa ths convention, he continued. doMvod tho public by claiming tin- presonoo of prominent Chteutian who in'ftir l f wit In the hall. I ntt -a J, lie said thorp woro prva rnt truck driver and ward heeler, wh were ejventh cardiof btiHlnos men. Dr. said telegrams and cable grams read Nfore the convention were larj.vly purioua. Tha I'ltUburger wort' excluded bo:amm tbey would have cxitosed tb J trickery. The wbolo eon tontlon Dr. Sbeedy diKilared to have been a fiasco and the movement It In augurated a furce. Tha tnectlnk' wound up with the adoption of rrwlutlon de nouncing tho I'hloapo convention a un representative and IU dooision lm -practicable. The leader of tbo move ment, tho resolution said, were In it forthulr finanelul and political advan A. 1'. A. ( AKU1KS lUSilYIIIK. Democrats Lurk Oncaniiatlou and Meet With llefWrt., Tenn., Oct. 10-Nash ville was tba nocne to-day of one of tho hottest municipal elections in its his tory. 'J h i A. I. A. had a tmporbor ganta illon In every ward, while in a number of ward the DomouraU were deficient in this reopoct. The A. I. A. has been laying plana all Hummer for tht election, and the Democratic work era could not bude thilr nieubcra from tleir allegiance to the order. There was a Wt! falling o(T la the voto In a number of atronp Democrat !o wards; nevertheless over 8,IHX) votes were cast out of a total registration of over 1 1,000. It U conceded on all nidus that tin A. P. A. ticket has boon elected. McCar thy's majority for mayor will ba about 800, wlille the counclluiaiiic ticket will have majorities of from 601) to 1,200. Tho A. P. A. Is largely composed of Democrats who are dl'4ilcd with tho management of city, county and lit a to nlTalrs, and who wore deter mi nod to overthrow the present recline,, which they are pleaded to denominate "the rinjr." The proposition for the city to subscribe $100,000 t) tho centennial ex position was carried by a vole of nearly twenty to one. There wa an incipient riot In the Ninth ward to-night. The A. P. A.'s reserved their et-ength until the last hour this afternoon, voting nearly 2,000 tho last hour. Owing to the intense excitement tho big up-town galoons are all closed to night. IGNORANT AS TO HIS I'AKESTS. l'eciiliar Story of a Hoy Sent From Chicago to l'ort Huron.. Port Huron, Mich., Oct. 11. Al bert Shaw, a " year old boy, without friends or relatives io this city, arrived here yesterday alone. Ho says ho was put on the train at Chicago by Sister Fiea, who gave him a half-fare ticket to this city and a luncheon. He can not remember his parents, but was told he would meet his mother when he ar rived here. The lad is bright-looking and refined. The polioe think there is some mystery connected with the case; that In was placed in a convent when a babe and cannot'recall his parents. It is evident the boy has been a member of a Roman Catholic school, for he said that before he came here one of the boys took his scapular. He could not, however, describe either the school or Sister Fisa. Why 1 Cut Loose From the Unman Church. 1 was brought up a Uoman, and lived up to the doctlneof th3 Uoman church until I came west, then I did not get to church very often, for it was in the country and we did not have church but once a month; I had been here two years when I married, but I did not marry a Catholic, neither was I married ; by the priest. After I hid bcea mar ried three months I came to the little city where I now live. I went to tin Catholic church four times In tea years, but a great many times to other churches. When my olde it child was five years old I sent her to the Me'.ho dlst Episcopal Sabbath school, and I had no trouble with any priest until last fall. One day there was a rap at the door. I answered it; there stood a well- dressed man about 30 years of age. I should think it did not take me more than a minute to tell that it was the priest. I asked him to sit down. He did so, and then asked me the following questions: 'I suppose you know who I am?" Tho licentious criminality "Yes, sir, I do; I believe you are the Catholic priest." "Yes. Do you know what I am here for" "No, I do not." "Well, I heard that you were once a Catholic and I camo to see you, and try to have you come to church and do your duty as every Catholic should." "Well, it has been twelve years since I have been to confosslon, or have done my duty as a Catholic. It will be hard work, aftor so long a time, to begin now." "Is your husband a Cathollo?" "No, sir." "Have you any children?" "Yes sir, we have two." "How old are they?" "The oldest one Is eight and the other one year old." "Have they been baptized?" "No, sir." "Why not?" "I can give no other reason than that I have boon careless and did not think anything about it." "Do you know tbat you are living a lifo of sin and your children are illegiti mate?" "My marriage is called legal any- whore in the United States and cannot see why you say that." "Then he said: "No marriuge Is lawful except those contracted by the church, and I want you to talk with your husband bo remarried, and come to church as you ought to." I spoke to my husband about it and he refused. In about two weeks the priest called again. I was not feeling well, and I did not feel very good na tured. The conversation was pretty much the same as the one had during his previons call. Ho said he was go ing to see the bishop and would get a dispensation from him for me, so that I could once more lead a better life. Then he told me to take my child out of the Sabbath school she was attend ing, and send her over to his church, "and th jbaby,"8aid he, "you can bring her over any time and have her bap tized; there is no excuse for you not to bring her over." "Well," said I, "how about the older one?" "We'll think about it and will let you know." "No, sir," said I, "you cannot bap tize one of my children and not the other. One is just as good as the other." Then he left. The next time he ca'led was about the middle of the win ter. He bad been to sea the bishop and was armed with the dispensation and asked: "Will you answer yes to the lot lewing question?" "That depends upon what the question is." Well," said he: "Do you take (name in full) as your lawful husband?" "Yes, sir." He signed the paper and gave it to me and asked me to do the same. He had asked my husband to be remarried by him, but he had tald: "No. Once is enough. I don't sea any need of it." "Well, if you comply with my wishes, your wife can once more be a member of the only true church." of the Priest of Rome, Father confessional to tho street At that time my husband was not at home. How very strange that he had tho power to make my nmrrlago legal, if it had been illegal without the pres ence of Mr. Now that is one way of picking up the lost sheep, and I do not think that the prieH can pull the wool ovor my eyes any more. This is a free country, and if he calls ajaln I am afraid that ho will hear something that will not please him. Think of It one minute: a minister of the gospel If you can caft hlra such, going la a house and insult ing people as that priest did me. Dj you think he reads the Scripture and has ever read these words? "He that is without Bin among you lot him first cat a stone at her." What C. A. Potter Says. Omaha, Neb.,. Aug. 31, 1895.-The Howard Medicine Company: Gentle men I desire to say to all who feel the strength of their manhood slowly slip ping away, whose ambition is at its lowest ebb, whose mind is beclouded, and the senses dulled, when you feel dyspeptic, and loso your self-respect, that your blood is out of order, and all you need is some of Howard's Vegetone Blood Powder to tone up your system. It will act almost instantly upon the blood; you will feel the renewed life and vigor coursing through your sys tem; you will feel the old-time grip in your hands; your mind will be as active as ever; your friends will observe the flag of health flying in your face, and you will feel like a new being. I have not felt so well for five years as I do since taking one package of your Blood Powder, and I feel as strong and active as ever. I weigh 15 pounds more than ever in my lite, xne cnange is so marked that it is the subject of com ment when meeting my friends. I recommend Howard's Vegetone Blood Powder to be, as I believe, the greatest blood-purifier on earth. U. A. x OTTER. AMERICANS! Head This and Act rromptly Answer To Day. Do you desire to support Americans in business? If so, k ind ly fill out and re turn to us the following blank immedi ately. We desire every person who reads this and who can do so conscien tiously, to comply with this request Send the same to this office at once. Business men who do not discrimi nate against the patriotic societies of which we are members can count upon us to give them our supp rt. Further, we will patronize those business men who are not afraid to advertise in the pa pers which support Americanism; and we will purchase of firms who advertise in The Amf.rican, if the said firms sell their goods at a reasonable market value. Address Street. Town. . State. . The above blank, when returned prop erly filled, will be kept on file in this office for the inspection of those only who advertise In this paper. Wagner, will emphasize the - comer is but a step. Special Master Cimimissloucr'ts Sale. tinder and by virtue of an order of Bale on decree of foreclosure o' mortUHKe Issued out of the district court for Douliis county, Nebraska, and to me directed. I will, on the r.'th day of November. A. I. 18115. atone o'clock p. in. of said day. at the north front disir of the county court house. In the city of Omaha. Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described in said order of sale as follows, to-wit: Lot thirteen (111. block seven (Ti. in Central Purk, an addition to the city of Omaha. Douglas county, Nebraska. Sn.d property to be sold to satisfy Milton T. Itoys, plalrtitr herein, the sum of ninety three and S7-HMI dollars il'.W.sT'. with 10 per ceat liiterett thereon front May 7th. HH. Tosat'sfy Isaac Adans, defendant herein, the sum of one hundred eighteen and KMUO iollirs ojllswb. with 8 per cent. Interest thereon from May 7th, ism, To satisfy pro rata, said Isaac Adams. t !.e sum of one hun dred and ti.lrty-tlve dollars iSMallui; Com mercial National Hank, defendant herein, the sum of live hundred thirty dollars (."; Otn; Fred Llndhoist. defendant herein, the sum of forty-turee dollars (JHOOI; and Ahram S Joseph, defendant herein, the sum of ninety-four dollars lil'l X1), with 7 percent. Interest on all said sums from May ith. 18114. To satisfy Isaac Adams the sum os six hun dred sixteen dollars (SillHIO) with 8 per cent. Interest from May 7th. IS'.U, to satisfy if.'7 .481 costs, timet her with accruing costs accord ing to a judgment rendered by the district court of said lU.uglns county, at its Septem ber term, A. 1). Ism, in a certain action then and there pending, wherein Milton F. Hoys was plaintiff and Joseph A. llainea et al. were defendants. Omaha, Nebraska. October inth. lw. WILLIAM T. NKLSON. Special Master Commissioner. Doc. 42. No. 16. 10-11-5 Soticc. To the unknown heirs of Francis It Piatt. deceased: You will tK6 notice that on the "th day of Aumist. IMtt, Walter K. Heeler, plalnulf herein. Hied his petition In the dis trict court of Doutflas county. Nepraska. aKilnst Kphralm 1). I'ratt. Martha W. Pratt, his wlfo, and Louis Shields, and shortly thereafter the pla:ntilf madn additional artles defendant, the unknown heirs or ''rant-Is 11. Pratt, deceased, the object and prayer of said petition are to foreclose a certain tax certltleate dated November 2.1, IMlti, coverlni lot 4, block 13. Meyers. Kich- ards A Til-en's addition to the city of Omaha, Iiouftlaa county. ISebraska. there Is now due upon said tax certltirate and subse quent, taxes puid thereunder, the sum of fciso.uo attorney's fees and costs, for wh'ch sum with Interest from September Sird, lsM. at the rate or to per cent per annum, me plaintiff prays for a decree, and that the de fendant be reuulred to pay the same orthat said premises may he sold to satisfy the amount due, attorney s fees and costs, that all the defendants be debarred and fore closed of all Interest therein. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 18th day of November. Is'.,"). WALTER K. KKKLKlt. Plaintiff. By Saunders, Macfarland A O.ckey. his attorneys. lialeu uctouer mn, ism. iu-u-; Notice of Amended Articles of Incorpora tion. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCKKN: Notice Is hereby given that on the 8th day of August, lsitj. at a regularly called meeting of the stockholders of the Hates Smith In vestment Company, at Us principal oince in Omaha Nebraska, after due and legal no tite to all the stockholders thereof, of the time, place and purpose or said meeting, ana a quorum being present, the following was had and done, to-wlt : Article No. four (4i of the "Articles of In corporation" of the Bates-Hmith Investment Company was amended to read as follows: "The amount of the capital stock of this company shall be Ons Hundred Thousand Hollars if ino.iniu.oo), aivioea into snares oi One Hundred Dollars (100 00) each, which tall be fully paid up and non-assessable. At the same time and nlace. Article No. eleven (11) was amended to read as follows: 1 hp stockholders of tliis comoanv shall hold their annual meeting for the election of Directors at their principal oniee in umatia. Nebraska, on the last Tuesday of January of each year. UAMII. II. fMITH. President. Ecgen C. Bates. Secretary. Omaha. Nebraska. August 9th, A. D.. IMS. 11M-4 Notice to Nou-liesideut Defendant. To Mary A. Lanyon. non-resident defend ant: You are hereby notified that, on the 18th day of October. A. D. 1!. William H. Lan yon tiled a petition against you In the dis trict court of Douglas county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a decree at absolute divorce fro u you, on the grounds of extreme cruelty without just cause or reasonable excuse therefor, upon the part of said defendant towards the plain tiff herein. You are required to answer Bald petition on or before Monday, the 2nd day of Decem ber, A. D. 1105. WILLIAM H. LANYON. Bv Jas. W.Carr. Ill Attorney. 10-18-4 declaration that from the Special Master OninilssloncrV Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage issued out of the district court for Douglas county. State ot Nebraska, and to me directed. I will, on tne 1-th day of November, A. D. 1 ..;. at one o clock p, m. of said day. at the east front door of the County Court-house, in the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska sell at public auction to the highest btddtr for cash, the property described In parcels In said order of sale as follows, to-wlt: First parcel: The undivided one-half i't of Int. one hundred and eleven (111), in Nelson's addition to the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska (being other than that owned by Dana (i. Jones. Mrs. Ellen F. Jones and Patty A. llolton.) Second parcel: The undivided one-half ('jl of lot one hundred and eleven (111), In Nelson's addition to the city of Omaha. Douglas county, Nebraska (being that owned by DsnaU. Jones, F.llen F. Jones and Patty A. llolton). Said property of the "first parcel ' hereinbefore described, tobesoldto satisfy P.L.Johnson, plaintiff herein, thhiuin of one hundred ninety-one and 22-100 dollars 05101 221 with Interest thereon at rate of seven per cent, per annum from September 17th, 1804. To satisfy John W. Gardner, defendant herein, the sum of fourteen hundred nine and ;U-10n dollars ($1,400. ;tl). w th Interest thereon at rito of ten percent, per annum from September 17th, 1804. To satisfy oiie-half tho costs of this action, in the sum of thirteen and 22-10(1 dol lars i13. 22). To satisfy out of the proceeds of the sale of said "se 'ond parcel," hereinbe fore described, one half the costs of this action. In the sum of thirteen nd 21-100 dol lars (S1H.2I). Tosatisfy P. L. Johnson, plain tiff herein, the sum of one hundred ninety Dtte and 22-100 dollars 0101.221. with Interest t hereon at rate of seven per cent, per annum from September 17th. Is04, together with ac cruing costs according ti a judgment, ren dered by the district court of said Douglas county, at Its September term. A. D. 1804, In a certain action then and there pending wherein P. L. Johnson was plaintiff, and Dana U.Jones, Ellen F. Jones, his wife, Patty A. llolton, Frances I. Thomas, Dexter L. Thomas her husoand, John W. Gardner, Charles Ladd Thomas, and Frank E. Moores. were defendants. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, October lot h. A. D. lsoj. GEOUOE W. HOLHIiOOK. Special Master Commissioner. Saunders. Macfarland & Dickey, attorneys for plaintiff. Johnson vs. Jones. Doc. 44. No. 277. 10-11-5 Special Master I'ommisKionfr's Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage issued out of the district court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me directed. 1 will, on the 12th day of November. A. D. 1803. at 1 o'clock p. in. of said day. at the north front door of the county court-bonse.ln the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska sell at nubile auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described In said order of sale as follews to-wlt: Lot fifteen (I5, In block t wo (2). In Grammercy Park, an ad dition to the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy Ellen S. Hooker, executrix of the es tate of Walter C. Hooker, deceased, plaintiff herein, the sum of four hundred eighteen and 25-100 dollars ($41-.23), with seven per cent. Interest thereon from February 6. 180, together with (20 7.1) costs herein, together with accruing costs according to a judgment rendered by ihe district court of said Doug las county at its February term. A. I). 105, In a certain action then and there pending, wherein Eilen S. Hooker, executrix, was plaintiff, Jacob B. Emmlnger et al. were de fendants. Omaha, Nebraska. October 10th. 180.V WILLIAM T. NELSON". Special Master Commissioner. J. W. IIOUDEK. Attorney. Doc. 44. No. 00. 10-11-5 Special Master Commissioner's Sale. L'nder and by virtue of an order of sale on decreeof foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the district court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will on the 20th day of October. A. D. IsO.x at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the north front door of the county court house. In the city of Omaha. Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described in said order of sale as follows, to wit: Lots Ave (51 and six nil, in PennWI's subdivision of lot one ill and two (2) Cleveland Place, an addition to the city oi Omaha, In Douglas county, Nebraska. Said propertv to be sold tosatisfy the Mutual Investment Company, plaintiff, the sum of five hundred ninety five and 80-100 dollars ($505,810, with Interest thereon at 10 per cent, per annum from May 6, 1805, together with costs of suit and accruing costs, according to a judgment rendered by the district court of said Douglas county, Nebraska, at lt May Wrm, A. 1). 1805, In a certain action then and there pending wherein the Mutual In vestment Company was plaintiff, and James Uanschel et al. were defendants. Omaha, Nebraska. September 27th, 1835. BENJAMIN F. THOMAS. Special Master Commissioner. JAMES B. MEIKLE, Attorney. Mutual Investment Company vs. Hanschel. Doc. 43. No.iC7. Notic. To Samuel Cole. li. W. & U. L. Lovell. Wil liam li. Cook and Mm. Cook. rt and roal name ut known, bis wife; Jwdium f. Slow mn and Mrs. Slow man. 8rt and real naiM uukn d. .in wife: Ja.ol M Iming and Mrs Young. ait ana rl nam. uukuowa. his wife. n..n-rtsident defendant. l'eM take notice that on me Snhaaync tugusU !. Jam. L lirowue. plaintiff herein. Bled his petit on In the dUUid court cf Douglas county. .ebrka. against aatd defrnuaula. Omaua& Ho'enc Land Si Trurt Company and others, the object and prayer cf wnicti are U forecloM ceriain lax cerni cales dalvd Noveiiilier l ith. li2, and cover ing lota 1 and X In Mm k Sr. lot 2. In block SO; to i and H, in bkek M; I jt 7. in block n: I i. v a .d 14. la block li.; it t- 1, 5. 14 and In. la tilock 114: lot I in block M7; lot 1 lu block 1, and all o. block 22U all of uld re il rl tl being si i um I'd lathe town of Florence, Doug lascuunty. Nenracka. and there Is nunuin upon mIu ct-riliicatea and taxis paid ihere under the kum ot '7i (i Willi Interest from Seieuioer -lid. Imu, al the rate of lo p. ret nt ter annum, attorney a fit) amounting to i per ceul of the decree aud ail cost. 1'lain I lit! prays that kbid real e ale n ay be Mild to satisfy the amount found due with luter I est and costs, and that tne defe .Oanis ba ! debarred and foreclosed of all lien, title a ad Interest turreln. l ou are rt to answer said pel 't ton om or before the .ilh day of November, lsto. Dated Oct. Is lslCi. JASILs L. HKOWNE, Plaintiff. Ily Suuiiujis, Macfarlaud & D.ckey, Ills Attorneys Hoc. 52. No. 128. 10-18 4 .Notice. Toll. M. Lackey, ttist and real name ua knoau; lleury O. Kiordan and Mrs. Kwr dau. lirst and real name unknown, hia wife: JouuJ. Hall ana Mis. Hull, hrst aud real nama unknown, his wife; and llanuah tL. Kliborn. non-realdent uefduuanis. rieasa take notice that in the 2H. h day of August, loft. Waiter E. Keeler. plaintiff lietelu. Hied his petition In lue district court of Douglas county, Nebraska, agjiusl said defendants, tiauuah E. ilea.ty ifjrmtrly lianuan K. DuPuis) aud others the object and prayt r of which are to foreclose Col lata tax certificate dated (November l."tj IbkJ, aud covt lots 1. a, S ana ti. lu U ock in l lots 1. .1. 5 and In lu block V.'; and lou 12 aud l.l, in block 1" all eltuaud is tne town of Florence, Douglas county, Nebraka, and there Is now due upon said cert.ucaus aud lax s pa d thereuuder the sum oi i I.Vi.OU with interest, from September iUI. d, lsoa, at tne rate of 10 uer ieut prr annum, attorney fee amounting to 10 p, r cent, of the decree aud all Costa. Plaintiff pras that said real entale may be soid lo satisfy the amount found UUd with lutertsl auu costs, aud thai the defendants te uebarred aud fore.l.aed of ail lien, title and inerelu. You aie requ red to answer said petition on or befo.-e the 2.ilh day of November, laJi. Dated oclo er ls.h, IsHj. WALTLU E. lihELEK, rialutlff. Ity Saunders, Macfarlaud Si Dickey, lil Attorneys. Doc 52 No. 131. 10-18 4 Notice. To Hannah K. Kllboru, i nomas Officer and Julia otlUer, his wile; non-resident defend ants: Please take notice that on the 20th day of August, 180.1, I'll. lip L. lohusju, plaiu.llf heielu. tiled his petition in the district court of Douglas comity, Nebraska. agaiuHt said defendants, Hannah E. Henley (formerly Hannah E. Dul'uln) and otuers. tut object aud prayer ot which are to foreclose certain tax tertmcales dated Noveuiucr l.KU, InSl. and covering lot 4, in block bJ; lot 2, in bluck 81; lots , 12. 17, 10, in block 110, lots 7, lo, 13, 15 and 10, lu block l;n; lots 1, 4 and 11, in block 158, all situated lu the twu of Florence. Douglas cuuuty, Nebraska, and mere is now due upon said cert heat s and taxes p. Id thereuuder the sum of l7U0 with lu teres from September 2ird. 18J5, at the rte of It per cent, per annum, attorney's fees amount ing to i0 per cent, or the dtcree and all cost. Plaintiff prays that said real estate maybe sold tosatisty the amount fouud due with Interest and and that the defendant be uebarred aud foreclosed of all Hen, uul and Interest therein. You are required to answer said petition on or before tue 2 tb day of November, lbi. Dated October 18th. lsoft. UllLdP L. JOHNSON. Plaintiff. 11 Saundeis. Ma.farlaud Hi Dickey, HI Attorneys. D.mj. 52. No. i:. M-lg-4 elite. To William Deerlngand iurs.Deerins,fl st and real name unknown, his wife, aud Eliza beth P. Cresswell, non-resident defend ants: Please take notice that on the 14th day of August, 180.1. Philip L. Johnson, plaintiff herein, tiled his petition in the district court of Douglas county, NeUranka, agalust said ui fi'iidiinls and the Patrick Land Comp uj, the objo, t aud prayer of which are to fore close certain tax oeriillcutea dated Novem ber 15th, 1802. aud covering lot 14, in b ock lou, and lot 2, in block 110, Dundee place, an addition to t lie city of Omaha, Douglai county, Nebraska, and there Is now due upon said certilicates and taxes paid there under the sum of tZM) with Interest froia September 2ltd, 1805, at the rate of 10 uer cent, per annum, attorney's fees amounting lo 10 per cent of the decree and all costs. 1'laiuiilf prays that said real estate may be sold to satisfy the amount found due with interest and costs and that tne defendant ne debarred and foreclosed of all lien, title anil Interest therein. You are required to answersald petition oa or before the 25th day of November, 1805. Dated Oclow r lsth. 1805. PHILIP L. JOHNSON, Plaintiff. Ily Saunders. Macfarland & Dickey, Hie Attorneys. Doc. 52. No. SO. 10-1S-4 Notice. To Samuel Co'e. Andrew Gllchrest, John A. Lackey. Tnomas Calder and Mrs. Caldor, first and teal name unknown, his wife; - -- Peterson, first and real n tine u known; William II. Clark and Mis. Clark, first and real name unknown, bis wife; Wils n Brothers & Company, Lewis Goddard. Kiias Krewstcr, Henry Johns and Robert Thou pson. non-resident defendants. Please take notice that oa the 20i h diy of Auirust. 1805. Walter EKeeler, plaintiff here in, tiled his petition In the district court of Douglas county. Nebraska against said de fendants, Omaha A Florence Land & Trust Company and others, the object and prayer of wuich are to foreclose certain tax ceil S cates dated November lfh. 1802, and cover ing lots 1 and 5 In block 14; the south 44 feet ot lot 4. and lots 3, 6 and 7. in blx'K 2.1; lot S, in block 115; lot 4. In blo :k 42; lots 4, 7 and 8. in block 58; lots 1, 2. 3, 4. 5. t), 7 and 8. In bl ck tin; lots t, 8. 0. 12. 14, 10 and 20, In block 00; lot 4. In block Iimi. and lots 4. 5. K. 7. 8. 10 and 11, in block lis all situated In the town of Florence Douglas county, Nebraska, .and t here is now due upon said certilicates and taxes paid thereunder the sum of 1475 00, with interest from September Slrd, 1805, at the rate of 18 percent, per annum, attorney's fee amount ing to lo per cent , of the decree and all costs. Plaintiff prays that said real cstaU" may be sold to satisfy the amount found due with Interest and costs, and that 1 lie defendants may be debarred and foreclosed of all Ilea, title and interrst therein. You are required to answer said petition on or before tho 25th day of November, 1805. Dated October lNi h. 1805. WALT Kit E K E ELF. 11. Plaintiff. Hy Saunders, Macfarland & Dickey. Hi Attorneys. Doc. 62. No. 120. 10-18-4 Notice of Incorporation. Notice Is hereby given that on the 25th day of June. 1805. a corporation was duly formed under the name of "Cyclone Street Cleaner." and the articles of Incorporation were duly filed in the oHice of the County Clerk of Douglas county, Nebrtska. That the prin cipal place of business of said corporation Is in the city of Omaha. Douglas county. Ne braska. The general nature of the business to be transacted by said corporation, shall be to procure and own, hold, sell, assign and convey patent street cleaners, to collect roy alties for useof such patents, to manufacture street cleaners for sale, use or lease of the same, to engage in the business of contract ing for street cleaning, and to sell, asslg and lease such territory in Nebraska or ot her states fjr use of mtcnlms in street clean ing, as n ay be found expedient, to incur ob ligations, and to take and hold and collect contracts of all kindsioconnectlon with said business, and to borrow money If necessary in tne prosecution of said business, and ta execute notes, bonds, mortgages and other obligations which may be necessary la con ducting sush business. I he amount of capital stock authomed Is ftOOono divided in iloo shares of one thousand dollars each, and such stock when Issued shall be fully paid up and non-assessable . The existence of this corporation com menced on the 25th day of June, 1805. and to continue for the term nf 25 years The high est amount of Indebtedness to which this cor poration may at any time subject Itself shall not exceed two-thirds of its Issued captal stock. The business of this corporation shall ba conducted by the board of directors which shall be the President, Secretary .and Treas urer. Fkkd K. Smith, Secretary. Omaha, Neb. Oct lsto, im 10-18-4