8 TH- AMERICAN BOYD'S THEATRE OMAHA, NEB.- -ITU aa4 Haraey itteela. aJS? Sunday. Oct. 6th, Cus Heegc's Delude of Fun! "RUSH CITY. With MATTHIWS and BULGE and M th eld tool In the Catt Fale of wain Itow onen at usual lirleer: Kirs Boor. :.V aud 1; balcony, aw aod TV; lallery. SV. 630 Good Reserved Seats l 60c Each. BOYD'S TIIEATEI. ThSt9- Thursday, Oct. 10 First prasantation In this City of ttOVTS A Contented Woman" It will t played by a company if well known aud miiiH-unl arlhtta. Inc. u ling CAROLINE MISKEL HOYT. New Mule by Braham. Scanary by VM(tlin. Heata on sale Wednmday at tli followlrg Rrlrea: Klinl floor, :. ".V and II on; halcuay. X: and ;.V; gallery. iV. The Creighton Theatre Telephone IS.JI. PAXTON Si BURGESS, Mgrs, 3 Kiilils, October 7. 8, 9.1 w"JKT. Monday and 1 Ktlarlii M Itorle's new Komantlo Tua.day I """" E,.n,n..,f "MEXICO." The fayorlle CouiiHlf -IHania, I and Night. Management of Arthur 0. Alston. lrlma: Ural fleer SOo. TSo and 00: balmny Un, Me and 7Se; aallory, Jisi. Sale of ' "I'" Saturday. Coming October I0th-I2th, HUMAN I11SAKTS CITY AND STATE Republican Club Meetings, fifth Ward llepublican Club mcela every Thursday at the Club hall, 1Mb, and Lake at retu. Sixth Ward Republican flub meeU every Saturday ytnlng at the hall, Irtth aud Lake streets. Sword Ward Republican Club meets every Thuiiday evening at !uth and Pierce street Tbe trial of the Ish care Is set be fore Judge Scott for October 14th. Judge Dlckem-on, ( f Burt county, la 1q the city looking after his polltlctil interests. The Clifton Hill Republican club has reorganized and will hereafter' hold regular weekly meetings. Tha American Water "Works Com pany baa nearly 200 men eraplojod in enlarging and Improving their water mains at o;it the city. The people of Clifton Hill and vlcln ity are being annoyed ol lste by a gang of petty thieve, and a move will be made soon to secure better police pro tection. The Republican city caucuses will be held Monday evening next, and the primarioson tbe Friday following. .The city convention will conveco at Wash ington Hall Saturday evening. Carr Ax ford, cfthe Sixth Ward, is a candidate for councllman at-large. He is among the oldest residents of that ward, and ha large property interests. He Is honest and well qualified, and the people would make no mistake by elect ing htm. TheRepubllean.County Central Com mittee has met and organized at fol lows: Jchn Lewis, chairman; T. J. Lun secretarj ; C. E. Yost, treasurer; and Dr. Bljthln. of tho Fifth ward; R P. Dolhn.au, Eighth ward: R. W. Breckenrlde, Seventh ward; Richard Smith, Fourth ward; W. G. Whitmore, Valley; Bruce McCulloch, South Omaha; and H. E. Oslrom, of the Sixth Ward, comprise the executive committee. Ttiey adjourned to meet subject to the call of tie chairmac. Edward Baumley, lor livery, 17th and St. Marys Ave May Result in Blemished. PAN'A, 111., Sept. 28. Walter Lyford, aged 19 jears, was caught under a cable-car in the Sprlngslde Coal Com pany's mine this morning and inter Dally injured. Hedkdthis afternoon. Before he died, Rev. Father Wiegand called at the house and was admitted. Passing his hands over the body of young Lyfoi d, he said a prayer. Ed. S. Lyfoid, father of the boy, ob jected to the proceedings and ordered Father Weigand out of the house Father Weigand left and informed Catholics of the action cf Lyford. Some of the Catholics were greatly excited over the treatment given to their priest, and say, as the dead boy is a member of the Catholic faith, they will take his body and see that he is de cently buried in accordance with the rules of the faith. Lyford's father, who is an A. P. A., called on the order for assistance, and twenty-five members responded, and at present they have charge of the re mains. They affirm that the deceased hall be buried from the Baptist church, while the Catholic ay the hody aha 1 bo burled frvm tha Catholic church. The A. P. A. have charge of the body, and declare that they will land their ground, and If any attempt la made to take it h!o.l will fljw. "Human Hoart" will be at the Creighton Tburitday, Friday and Sat urday evening ( f ertt . k. Sam T. Jack's Extravaganza com pany ap ! J at the iwju opera houao Monday and Tueaday evenines. It contained a number of young ladie who were iel artUla In their lite. Tho dancing and acrobatic feaU be ing particularly well doce. "Mexico" la the attraction at the Crclghloo. text Monday and Tuesday evenings, while Wednesday will wit neat two production of ''Friends." Both play are ur.der the management of Mr. Arthur C. Alston a sufficient guarantee that they are first class In every paitlcular. 'The Cotton King," by all odds the very best attraction which has ap peared at the Creighton so far this sea son, was on the board there the first of this wet k. There have been a num ber of play which were really excel lent produced In the Creighton this year, but not one plia-cd the audldnee so thoroughly as did "The Cotton King." "Too Much Johnson" was the attrac tion ut Boyd' this week, and it was an attraction. Mr. Wm. Gillette's rendi tion of his part was faultless, as were also the roles of Misses Maud Haslara and Kate Meek. Probably no other play has drawn a better house, or a more appreciative audience. The applause and the laughter weie much more pro nounced than usual, and attested the appreciation of the audience. The muslo in Hoyt's latest comedy triumph, "A Contented Woman," was oompofced by Richard Stahl, an operatic computer whose name and ability are quite well known to playgoes. It Is all ness which Is characteristic of the new and strictly up to that point of new- lyrics of all the Hoy t comedies. Mr. Hoyt has supplied the words In several of the vocal numbers of a topical tinge, and has also been careful to engage ar tists capable of giving them the right sort of interpretation. "A Contented Woman" will be seen here next Thurs day, Friday and Saturday nlghu and Saturday matinee at Boyd's theater. The attractions at that popular play house, Boyd's theater, for the remain der of the month of October, after the engagement of "A Contented Woman," will be as follows: Steve Brodie, the renowned bridge jumper, in the up to- date New York roolodrama, "On the Bowery," David Headarson's big American Extravaganza company In "All Bttba;" iTim Murphy in rA Texas Steer;" Tho Old Homestotd;" DjWo f Hopper In "Dr. Syntax;" Tho Black Crook," and ' Old Hoss;" Bill Heoy In "The Globe Trotter." November and December contain several big sur prises for the jatronsof the Boyd's. "Rush City," the rhtting farce-corn eJy, which opens a three nights' en gagement at Boyd's thoatoron to-mor row (Sunday) evening, was written by Gus Ileege, who will le favorably to rremberedfor his Swedish dialect play "Yon Yonson" John J. Rush Is a land boomer, "Rush City" is the boom tawn. The events are manipulated by the for mer to exalt the latter in a way funny and extravagant. There is a rain maker, who wandersabout experiment, ing, and just when Rush and "Rush City" have the fatej of the plot against them, a cyclone is worked in and the denouement Is sutisfuctorlly worked out. Too work, altogether treating of Amer ican features and personages achieves excellent results In offering, plenty of merriment. "Rush City" Is more than a mus'csl f.tree. As done by the enter prising Davis and K sogli management, it Is a spectaoular production as well. Nothing in its way has ex.'ceuea mo realistic cyclone rconc. This is a wou- derful result of tage engineering. How's This.' We otl'er One Hundred Dnllnrs reward for any rase of l!nt;irrh ttiat caiuot bu cured by Uull a l atarrn e ure. K. J.I IIKNEY ft CO.. Toledo. O. Wo, the. umlersk m tl. Have known F. J. (heney for the last l." years, and bo leve him perfectly honorable In all business transac tions and financially able to carry out any ohllnattoes mitde by their tlrm. YVkst& Tku ax. wholesale uruKHlsts, loieao, Ohio Waldino. K inn aw ft Mabvin, wholesale (IriKTulsts, Toledo. Ohio. Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, act njt directly upon the blood aud mucous surface of the system. Testimonials scut free, l'rlce 7 oc pel bottle. Sold by all druK Kl"ts. The Sew Flag. We are to get a new flag in the near future. The new pattern of the official American flag, as ordered by the War Department, has six rows of stars, eight 6tripes In the first, fourth and sixth rows, and seven in each of the other three rows. The forty-five stars represent each of the several states, including Utah, which will be admitted into the Union, in accordance with tho United States revised stat utes, on July 4 next. The dimensions of the flag, and the rule of proportion which must be followed in the manu facture of flags of all eizes, are as fol lows: Length (not including the silk fringe, 2i inches wide around the edges), 5 feet 6 inches; width, 4 feet 4 inches; width of stripe, 4 inches; length of field, 2 feet 6 inches; width of field, 2 feet 4 inches. iMi:KK"iV! Head IhU and Art l'nniptlj innwer Tw-Day. IHi you cValre to eucport Americans In bualneve? If no, kindly till out and re turn to us the following blank Immedi ately. We delre every ersoo who reads this and who can do so conscien tiously, to comply with tb's request .Send the came to this ( nice at once. Buolness men who do not discrimi nate against the patriotic societies of w hich we are members can count upon us to give them our tupp rt. Further, we will patronize tbote business men who are not afraid to advertise in tbe pa per which support Americanism; and we will purchase of firms who advertise la The Amk.uk an, if the said firms sell their good at a reasonable market value. Address Street. Town.. State. The above blank, w hen returned prop erly filled, will tie kept on file in this olliee for tbe Inspection of those only who advertise In this paper. Eat Dyball s delicious cream candies 1518 Douglas street. Murder May be at Ills Door. ELGI.V, 111., Sept. . 28. Minn'e Berndt, aged 14, was found dead on tbe floor of her room this morning by hor mother. Some months ago her stepfather, Francis Xavler Funk, was arretted on a charge of vicious assault preferred by the child. The testimony was most revolting, and the girl's health was then shattered. The ac cused was sent to jail at Geneva, and was one of the leaders In the recent jail delivery there. He was recap tured about two weeks ago at Mil waukee. The physicians say the death of the child is a direct result of his crime, and the authorities will make a closo investigation of the case. SPECIALS. Cut Tins Out. Tho Missouri Pacific Railway will sell round-trip tickets at very low rates for the following: Kansas City, Mo. Halt-rates from September 30th to Oc tober 8th, limited for return October 7. St. Lmi is, Mo. Half rates from October 5th to Octo ber 11th, limited for return October 11th. St. Luu is, Mo. One and one third fare on October in, 3d, 8th, 10th, 15th and 17th, lim ited for return 5 days from date of sale. Atlanta, (iu Very low rates for round-trip tickets on 6ale until December 15th, limited for return January 7th, 18116. For fur ther Information, time-table, etc., ad drtss corar any's offices, N. E. corner 13th and Farnam or depot, 15th and Webster streets, Omaha, Neb. Thos. F. Godfrky, J. O. Phillippi, P. & T. A. A. G. F. & P. A. J. Henderson, 816 N. Six oenthtrett. Umbrellas covered and repaired. Til KOI (ill CAK SERVICE. St. Paul, Minn., to Los Angeles, Cat. Arrangements have just been com pleted whereby the Union Pacific and connecting lines will run a Pullman Tourist Sleeper from St. Paul, Minn., to Los Angeles, Cul., via Sioux City and Columbus. Neb., without change; car to leave St. Paul every Thursday at 8:15 p. m., atd returning, leave Los Angeles at 2:00 p. m. every Thursday. For comfort there is nothing that ex cols tie tourist cars operated by the Union Pacific, and it is an established fact that this line makes faster tima than any other line in the west. This already gives promise of being tbe popular llni for Cilifornla travel, a id applicatlonsfor spuce lu thesleeper should be made early. For information lu regard to this through ear lice, apply to your nearest Union Pacific agent or K. L. LOMAX, Gen'l. Pass, and Ticket Aent, Omaha, Neb. A. r. A. City Ticket Made. Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 23. The A. P. A. lodges of the city hold meet ings last night and telected a ticket for mayor and ten merabars of the city council. They will run their candi dates Indepenieatly and refuse to go into the Democratic primaries called for Sept. 26. This will result in three tickets, Democratic, Republican ana A. P. A. The order is quite strong in this city. A Chance for Women to Make Money! I saw one of your subscribers tell in your columns a few weeks ago how she made money selling Dish-washers. I wrote to the Iron City Dish-washer Co . 145 South High- tana avenue, station i, rtusourK. i u obtained oneof ihir Disb-washors and tried 1 i. IHJIS.-H nisi., x b la jufn iu,. tj, i". - wash and dry the dishes for a family In two minutes, wtbout toui-bii.it your bands to a rliuh ...nnttlnif ihani In Iw.t )!.. I niH.dft the first day fYlu, and everybody wanted a Dish-washer just as soon as they saw me wash thetr dishes. 8lnce then I have made as high asSKMi day- and I believe I can get enough money to Keep my uromer i school next winter and have money in the bank too. Any lady or gentleman can do as well is I am doing. I am sure, as I had no .voK4nAA ll'l.u.i ......rvK.lu u'.nt. tjl tlllV. It Is not hard to sell. Anyone can get Infor mation bv writing the ahove nrm. ana i am glad to add my experience, because 1 think It Is my duty to others to help tliem over tbe i i . : 1 . . Pd A Ntr-Ifl be w a. CCj) tj UJ 2 : O S c r o S N a," 7 Z 2 f( 1 f 13 i j 8i ul OV 1 9 5. K 1 13) II d -a 8 O -3 D - EH t Sherifl's Sale. Ry virtue of an exeeutlon on transcript Is sued out of the district court of Douglas county. Nebraska, and to me directed. 1 have levied upon the following deseilhed property of Henjaniln f. Harker and Anna liar er. commencing on a point cn the east lino of Thlrt. entb street as extended through the northwest quarter ('! of the southeast quarter ('4I of section thirty-four liHI. township tie It-en ilAI range thirteen (1111, east of the lilh prlnelpal ue ldian, Douglas county. Nebraska, live lr nilreu twenty-eight 1 5. 'si fi et north of the sot.th llneof said north west quHrten'4.1 of southeast, qimrter of BHctlou thirty-four (III! running i hence north two hund ed sixty-four i-'i4) feet, east, one hundred aud twenty-eight ilsi feet, south, two hundred sixty four (2m) feet, west, one hundred twenty-eight I lUsil feet to place of beginning, all In Dougias county. State of Nebraska. And 1 will, on the 5th day of November. A. I). ISM, at to o'clock a. m. of said day. at the east frontaoorof the county court-house, in the city of Omaha, Douglas eounty, Nebraska, sell at public auction ihe property above described, to satisfy Wats in Loud, ulainittr, the sum of sixty-nine MJ-lfO ititi sin dollars damages, and four and 7:-HM) iM 7:' dollars costa of suit, which by the Judg ment of Kben K. Long, a justice of the peace In and for said C'iunt.y. on the '-Till day of July, ISII5. (a transcript, of which Judgment was on the 141 h day of August. IS'J5. duly tiled and docketed In the district court within and for said countyl, Watson Loud re covered against the said Kenjuuiin K. Harker, Anna Haiker and the Mutual investment Co. with Interest thereon at the rate of ten (101 per cent, per annum from the 27th day of July. A. D. lstiA, until paid; a d aho the fun her ium of two dollars and 10 cents if.', lot, tbe costs of Increase on said judgment, and the accruing costs herein. Omaha, Nebraska. September 24. IX'.W. JulIN O. DKKXEL, Kherlff of Douglas County, Nebraska. W. 11. Hussell. Attorney. Loud vs. Harker et ill. Docket U. No 10 4-5 Spcciul Master Commissioner's Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the district court for Douglas county, state of Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the 5th day of November, A. D. Is'.i'i. at ten o'clock a. m. of said day, at the north front door of the ci.unly court house. In the city of Omnha, Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at put lie auction to I be highest bidder for cash, the property described In said order of sale as follows to-wli: Lots three (111 and four (4 1 In block oueili of Mayne I'lace. an ad ril ton to the elty of OmahaDouglas county. Nebrsska. Out of the proceeds of tbe sale of said lot tbne (ill to nitl-fy PhlUp L Johnson. plalnlllT. unrein tliesum or three hummu tweniy-to and 48-lou dollars nM2J48i. with interest thereon at the rute of ten ilu) per cent tier annum fron May tit li. ISK'i. Aud out of the procet ds of thesa eof said lot four (4 to satisfy taia rnilip L. Jt.liiison, the sum of time hundred and fortv-tb-eo and fit-lot) dollars lt;i s.li, with Interest I hereon at the rate of ten do) per cent, per annum m m said Mayiith, IMtt. And out of th proceeds of the sale of aald lots three (il) and f ur (4) to sat isfy the defendant, Lewis S. Itced, executor of the last will of Hi nlamln K. Kolson . de ceased, the sum of two thousand eight hun dred aud tighieen and ttl l u dollars ij'j.Hls.lMi, lib Interest thereon from May ! h. ls:i.i, at the rate of seven (7) Her cent, ueruunum. touot her with til rty-one and 03-100 dollars ifil.O ) i Oils herein, together with accruing costs, according to a Judgment rendered by the district court of said Douglas coun y at its May term, A D. Ihii.'i. In a certain action then and there Or ml ing. wberi in 1'h'liu L. Johnson was plain .t If, and James J. Mcin tosh. Mrs. James J Alclntosti, nist nai e un known, his wife. Le vlg 8. Heed, executor of the last will of Henjamiu It. Kolsom, de ceased. Adam Ickes aud Ellen Ickea, nls wife, were defendants. Omaha, Nebraska, Octf ber 4th, 1W5. JOHN L. P1KKCE. Sueclal Master Commissioner. 8AUNDEUS, MACEAKLAND ft DICKEY. A ttorneys. P. L. Johnson vt James J. Mcintosh et al. Doc. 45. No. HS9. 10-4 5 Notice of Amended Articles of Incorpora tion. TO WHOM IT HAY CONCERN: Notice Is hereby given that on the 8th day of Augutt. 1S1I5. at. a regularly called meeting of thesto kbcilders of the Hates rouim in vestment Company, at Its prli clpal otllce In Omaha Nebraska, after due and legal no tltn to all the stockholders thereof, of the time, place and pui pose of said meeting, anu a quorum being prleut, the following was had and done, to-wlt: Article No four (4i of the "Articles of In- Ci rpuration" of th Bates Suill li iuv. stment t Olnpary was anieiiueu io resu as utiniws Hie miioil' t or tee capital mock oi tnis company li(l he One Honored tuousanu IKillars (fioo.oyo.iw. uivwled Into sliarts of One llunilnd Dollars ili0 0 0 e.ich. wtiicb shall be fully puld up and non-atsessable." At the same time and plat-o. Article No. plt.vn ,111 w.ts ameudeit to read as f .liows: "llie slM-kholders of tun company man hold their annual mee Ing for the election of Directors at their principal olliee In Omaha. Nebraska, on the last Tuesday of January of each year." Danikl, II. Smith, l'resldent. F.uoese C. Hates. Secietary. Omaha Nebraska. August 9th, A. D.. 1M6 10-4-4 Special Master Commissioner's Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure jf mortgage Issued out of the district court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me directed. I will, on the 6th day of November, A D. lS'Ai, at 9 o'clock a. ni.of said day. at the north front door of the county cour.-bouse. In the Olty of Omaha. Douglas count?. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described in said order of s-ile, as follows, to-wit : The southwest quar ter of the southwest quarter of section twenty-three iZi), township nfteen (151. range ten (10)' east of the tith H M. Said property to be sold to satisfy William K. Hennett. plaintiff, the sum of one thousand eight hun dred ai.d eighty-one and s;t-lo0 dollars with interest thereon at the rate of len percent, per annum from Mav 8th, 1SM5. To satisfy twenty-nine and "S-100 dollars costs herein, together with accruing costs, according to a judgment rendered by the district court of said l ougiss county, at Its May term, A. D. IssC). in a certain action then and there pend ing, wher. in William K. Bennett is plaintiff, and Ernest S. Husch et al. are defendants. Ou aha, Nebraska. October 1. 10. I'. W. DeLA MATER. Special Master Commissioner. Saunders & Maefar and. Attorneys. Uunnntt V ItllSj-h etlil. Due. 4S. No. Uti W-4-5 WANTED AGENTS. In every town In the United States to sell a sure cure for Cancer, Fever Sore and Milk-Leg. Address C. A. C. Medical Co., C. A. CRCM, Mgr. 1703 Wabash Ave., Chicago, III. GREAT . . DISCOUNT You can save from 15 to 25 per cent, on all cash purchases for the next thirty days. You get 15.00 Shoes for $3.50 I You get $1.00 Shoes for $2.75 You get $3.00 Shoes for $2.25 You get $2.00 Shoes for $1.50 Youths' $2.00 Shoes for $1.50. Ladies' Shoes in the same proportionate prices. G. LANG, 718 So. Sixteenth St. The Better YOU KNOW THE - The rr.ore of your trade we will get. NO BANKRUPT WRECKS on sale here, but everything that is NEW, FRESH and WHOLESOME, At Bargain PriGes. FOR THE 2-lb. Pkg. Breakfast Oats, Oil Sardines, per can, HARDWARE SNAPS: Oil Stoves, each, Dinner Pails, Stove Mats, 48j 19o 4c All-copper Wash BASEMENT Real China Teas, sets of 6, - - 48o Fine Flute Tumblers, - - - 3o Porcelain Granite Plates, - - 5c Good Trunks, at 1 50 Wood Water Pails. - - 10c Bushel Corn BENNETT'S SARSAPARILLA: mi no ! fne .... 59c Hard-Water Toilet Soap, per cake, l$c Good Chewing Twbacco, per lb., - 15c Good Smoking Tobacco, per lb., with pipe, 25c. Out-of-town folks should write for our large illustrated catalogue, mailed free to all. W. R. BENNE 7502-12 Capitol Avenue, WM. N. WHITNEY, 107 South Sixteenth Street- Great Reduction For See our Men's $3.50 Calf, Lace Shoe, which we will sell Our Ladies' line Ualt foxed, uongoia lop, L-ace onoe, 3 rxr just the Shoe for fall and winter wear, for cash, go at 43.UU Children's Shoes, - - - 50j to SI 50 Boy's Shoes, - - - $1.25 to $2.50 WM N. WHITNEY, 107 South Sixteenth Street. THE TICKETS. Below will be found the names of the candidates who have hecn nominated bv the several conventions, togother with those nominated by Mr. Rosowater's citizens' movement. The Democrats have their nominations j et to miikq for District Judges and county cflieers, candidates for District Judge3: Name. Office. MaVinr.nv. T. J Judpe of Supreme Maxwell Judge oi supreme Nnrviil T. L Judffe of Supreme ' ' , . , . Gould, H. L Regent State University Republican Unknown. Morrill, C. H Kegent 6ta-e university ivjpuoncan nmerican Peattie. Ella W Regent State University Silver Democrat Rom. eym Duflie, E. R District Judge Populist-Citizens'. . .American Ferguson, A. N District Judge Populist-Ciiizans'. . . American Hopewell, M. R District Judge Populist-Citizens'. . .American Keysor, W. W District Judge Populist-Citizens'... American Masrney, George A. . District Judge Populitt-CItizens'. . . American Redick, W. A District Judge Populist-Citizens'. . .American Wakeley, Eleazer. . .District Judge Populist Citizens'. . . American Burr, Daniel District Court Clerk Populist American Coe, Charles A District Court Clerk Citizens' Anti-A. P. A. Frank, Albyn District Court Clerk Republican American Heimrod, George. . .County Treasurer Republican German. Lange, F. J County Treasurer Populist Citizens'. . .German. Drexel, John C Sheriff Citizens' American McDonald, John W.. Sheriff Republican American Williams, Aug Sheriff Populist Unknown. Bricham. Samuel P.County Clerk Populist Unknown. Campbell, O. C County Clerk Citizens' Unknown. Redfield, M. H Co nty Clerk Republican American Baxter, I. F County Judge Republican American Points, J.J County Judge Populist-Citizans'. . .American House, J. E Surveyor..: Citizens' Unknown. King, P. J Surveyor Republican American Knight, B. P Surveyor Populist Unknown. Bodwell, E. J County Superintendent Republican. American Wood, H. B County Superintendent Citizens' Ut known. Burkett, H. L Coroner Republican American Larimer, J. F Coroner Citizens' American Jacob-sen, Halfdan.. .Commissioner, 2d District... Republican Dane. Kierstead, W.I Commissioner, 2d District.. .Citizens' Unknown. Knight, B. P Commissioner, 2d District... Populist Unknown. Burr, James P Commissioner, 4th District.. Populist Amerlcaa Walsh, James Commissioner, 4th District.. Republican Irish. Shoe Sale! Bennett Store TABLE: - 6c I 1-lb. Pkg. Corn Starch, 3o I 1-lb. Columbia River Salmon, Fresh Bread, per loaf, 2c. 4c 10c Coal Tlods, .... Fire Shovels, ... Copper-bottom Tea Kettles, 13c 3c 29c Boilers, 11.94. BARGAINS: Gold Band Teas and Plates, Fine Engraved Tumblers, 14 inch Satchels, at Wash Beards, at 10c 4o 48c 9o On Grape Basket, each, Baskets, 10c. I Fir Coi'trh Balsam, . 20c IT CO., OMAHA, NEB. Razor-Toe, Cork-S6le, tfD nr one week, for cash, at LpJaUU Women's btioes, 1 Men's Shoes, - $1.50 to $4.00 $1.35 to $4 00 and the Republicans have yet to choose Politics. Xat'umality. Court. .Goldbusr Democrat. .Irish. a n I ' i . . uouri r-opunsi American Court Republican American Cash!